the theory suggesting that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they were involved during middle age is called


Answer 1

The idea suggesting that success in growing older takes place while human beings preserve the pursuits, activities, and social interactions with which they had been worried for the duration of middle age is referred to as activity theory.

Pastime idea proposes that a hit growing older happens whilst older adults stay active and keep social interactions. The activity theory, also known as the implicit theory of ageing, normal principle of ageing, and lay theory of getting older, proposes that successful ageing happens when older adults stay active and maintain social interactions.

In line with the pastime concept, a hit growing older happens whilst human beings preserve the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they had been concerned during middle age.

Learn more about  activity theory here


Related Questions

Place each exa,ple in the correct category. which activities demonstrate expressed powers, and which demonstrate implied powers? expressed powers implied powers


Expressed  powers-Raising Taxes-Regulating Trade-Coining Money-Declaring War and Implied  powers-Drafting Soldiers-Creating a National Bank.

What is an implied power example?

Congressional and state governments have used their implied authority to adopt minimum wage laws as an example of changing society. Employers are obligated to pay certain covered employees a minimum wage set by minimum wage regulations (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University).

What are Congress's implied powers?

The phrase "implied powers" refers to the powers used by Congress in the federal government of the United States that are not specifically provided to it by the Law but are judged "necessary and suitable" to carry out those legally authorized functions.

To know more about Implied powers visit:


programming exercises that are too advanced or physically demanding can have a lasting effect on which of the client's emotional considerations?


Self-efficacy of the client's emotional considerations.

Important subject. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his or her ability to carry out the behaviors required to achieve specific performance goals (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). Self-efficacy is the belief that one has control over one's own motivation, behavior, and social environment.

A person struggling to manage a chronic illness believes that by working hard and following their doctor's recommendations, they can get back on track and improve their health.

A student who is confident in their ability to learn the material and perform well on a test.

Bandura (1997) proposed four sources of self-efficacy: mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states.

Learn more about  Self-efficacy to visit this link


early urban sociologists based in chicago mainly focused their studies on which types of urban phenomena?


Early Chicago-based urban sociologists concentrated their research on social issues and urban phenomena.

What exactly is an urban phenomenon?

The urban phenomena reflects the same global reality symbolism. Material and spiritual manifestations of the urban phenomena present an urban existence. It resembles: a built frame, people who were once present, cars, and plantations. It is a complicated and visible concretization of a certain urban system. 'Urban Elements' included 'infrastructure' such urban grids and networks, the development of blocks and building plots, the production of built volumes, the distribution of massing and functions, and so on. This menu of generic urban design patterns contains the essential elements for resolving fundamental urban design issues. Urbanization is a rapid and historic development of human life, not just a modern occurrence.

To know more about phenomenon visit:


what condition did dr. kayla boucher discuss in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability?


The condition which Dr. Kayla Boucher discussed in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability is Autism spectrum condition.

What is Autism spectrum disorder?

This is referred to as a medical condition which is characterized by developmental disability caused by the differences in the brain of humans due to different types of factors.

People who have this type of disorder have problems with social communication and interaction, and they have different ways of performing activities such as learning, moving, etc and is often confused with a mental or physical disability.

Read more about Autism here:


according to elijah anderson, what happened to the poor residents in the philadelphia neighborhood he studied that became gentrified?


According to Elijah Anderson, the impoverished residents of the gentrifying neighborhood in Philadelphia that he researched saw short-term benefits in social services countered by increased taxes.

Because municipal programs must be paid for through taxes, wealthier taxpayers are increasingly likely to reside in suburbs. Multiple historical factors, such as the social legacy of the Great Depression, widespread demobilization following the War (and the ensuing "baby boom"), increased government involvement in housing and development, the mass marketing of the automobile, and a significant shift in demographics all contributed to the growth of suburbs.

Long-term gains are frequently taxed at a rate that is much lower than short-term gains, which are typically taxed as regular income. According on the tax bracket you would be in with a short-term gain, as shown above, the overall amount of tax savings will vary. Such a gain is subject to a 15% tax (plus surcharge and cess as applicable). Shares were sold in the aforementioned example after being held for less than a year, through a recognized stock exchange, and the transaction was subject to STT; as a result, the STCG can be referred to as STCG covered by section 111A.

Learn more about residents visit this link :


Psychological disorders consist of emotions, behavior, and cognitive processes that are all of the following except: _________a. maladaptive. b. dysfunctional. c. that they interfere with daily functioning d. immoral .


Psychological disorders consist of emotions, behavior, and cognitive processes that are all of the following except immoral.

A persistent dysfunctional pattern of thinking, emotion and behavior that causes a lot of distress and is viewed as abnormal in the person's culture or society is referred to as a psychological disorder.

It influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also influences how we interact with people, manage stress, and make good decisions. From childhood and youth through maturity, mental health is crucial at every stage of life. Depression, anxiety, stress, psychosis, sleep, and other factors can all be linked to psychological problems. People respond to them differently and they might range in intensity.

To learn more about Psychological disorders visit:


The theory that suggests that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions they pursued during middle age is known as __________.


The theory that suggests that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions they pursued during middle age is known as activity theory.

According to the activity theory, which is also called the implicit theory of aging, the normal theory of aging, and the lay theory of aging, older persons who remain active and keep their social connections age successfully.

It adopts the stance that when older individuals are socially active, the aging process is postponed and life quality is improved. The disengagement idea was met with opposition from the activity theory.

The two main ideas that detailed successful aging in the early 1960s were the activity theory and the disengagement hypothesis. Robert J. Havighurst created the hypothesis in 1961.

Bernice Neugarten stated that maintaining personal ties and pursuits actively was necessary for happiness in old life in 1964.

To know more about activity theory:


the andrea gail is battered by all kinds of severe weather, but what was it that finally sinks the boat?


Tsu-nami. A large wave sa-nk the Perfect storm when And-rea Gail boarded it. According to Flah-erty's hypo-thesis, the Andr-ea Gail might have had low fuel levels or that its fuel had become "mud-died".

In And-rea Gail  the cho-ppy waves. Fla-herty claims that jer-ky boat movement can spill up fuel, brin-ging up si-lt, rust, or alg-ae. The 205-foot USCGC Tam-aroa was su-nk about 26 nautical miles off the coast of Cape May by a joint effort of the New Jer-sey Department of Environmental Protection and the Del-aware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. This launches a brand-new window. On the continental she-lf mud-died Sab-le Is-land.

To learn more about And-rea Gail, click here.


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. if the _______cost for producing a particular good is lower for one producer than another, the former producer has for producing the good.


If the opportunity cost for producing a specific good is lower for one producer than another, the former producer has a comparative advantage for producing the good.

Comparative advantage refers to the ability of an economy to produce a specific good or service at a lower opportunity cost in comparison to its other trading partners. Comparative advantage is used to describe why enterprises, countries, or individuals can benefit from trade. As per the given case when a producer produces a certain good at a lower opportunity cost in comparison to its competitor, the producer has a comparative advantage in the production of the good.


Complete question:

if the _______cost for producing a particular good is lower for one producer than another, the former producer has  _______ for producing the good.

opportunity ; comparative advantage

opportunity ; absolute advantage

economic ; comparative advantage

marginal ;  absolute advantage


You can learn more about comparative advantage at



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Nancy is in her early 60s and nervous about growing old because she doesn't want to be limited in her daily functioning or lose her memory or judgement. How might you reassure Nancy about her fears?


Although 10% of people will get dementia over their lives, less than 50% of persons over the age of 84 will have it.

Dementia is a word used to describe the poor memory, thinking, or decision-making that interferes with performing daily tasks rather than a specific disease. As far as dementia goes, Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent. Despite the fact that dementia primarily affects older persons, it is not a natural aspect of aging.

a collection of social and cognitive symptoms that affect daily functioning.

Dementia is a range of illnesses, not a single disease, that are characterized by the impairment of at least two brain processes, including memory loss and judgment.

Symptoms include amnesia, poor social skills, and seriously compromised mental ability.

To know more about Dementia:


which middle ground conflict handling style is characterized by an individuals desire to get their way but respect others goals


Compromise middle ground conflict handling style is characterized by an individuals desire to get their way but respect others goals.

Managers can benefit from using a compromising conflict approach, especially when working with several partners that have different interests. Comprmissum, a Latin word that implies "a mutual promise," Compromise is the French word for "agreement" .

" Although it facilitates consensus, compromise does not always address the root causes of problems. Compromise is typically a reciprocal concession-based arrangement where both parties give up something in exchange for something else. It may result in a resolution, and everyone may temporarily move on, but over time, the parties might feel unsatisfied.

There are actually five different ways to resolve conflicts, one of which is compromising. The four ways to resolve conflicts are:

Accommodative fashionCompeting approachCollaborative approachEschewing style

To know more about compromise:


technology is self-sustaining in that it acts as a catalyst to spur even faster development. group of answer choices true false


This statement is True: Technology is self-sustaining in that it acts as a catalyst to spur even faster development.

One of the fundamental issues facing human society is reshaping the future in order to achieve economic and social objectives. Technology has proven essential in overcoming this challenge, and it is expected to play a similar role going forward. Regarding the conversion of technical potential into beneficial economic and societal outcomes, there are many uncertainties, though. It is true that for many people, who find themselves out of a job or confused by new, unfamiliar things, technological advancement appears more like a curse than a godsend.

The first conference focused on the opportunities and hazards that may present themselves as technology advances over the next 25 years, as well as its good and negative aspects. In doing so, it examined the reciprocal relationship between technology and the economy and society.

There were three sessions broken up into the conference. The first examined overarching patterns in pervasive technologies, especially in information and biological technologies, with the goal of identifying future application areas that are theoretically possible.

The second session looked at how various economic, social, and political frameworks might affect how fully technological opportunities and hazards are realized. The policy directions that are most likely to increase the contribution of technology to the achievement of sustainable economic, social, and environmental goals were the main topic of discussion in the closing session.

To know more about technology:


dr. sampson works at a mental health facility and treats patients suffering from bipolar disorder. dr. sampson is most likely a(n) psychologist.


Dr. Sampson works at a mental health facility and treats patients suffering from bipolar disorder. Dr. Sampson is most likely a(n) Clinical psychologist.

Clinical psychology is the part of psychology that deals with studying mental disorders and their psychic manifestations. This area includes (prevention, promotion, psychotherapy, counseling, evaluation, diagnosis, referrals, among others).

Psychologists who give clinical or counseling services evaluate and treat mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. They utilize the study of brain research to treat complex human issues and advance change. They additionally advance flexibility and assist individuals with finding their assets.

Examples include cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, developmental therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy.

Know more on Clinical Psychology -


the notion that humans interact in such a way as to minimize costs and maximize rewards to the self is referred to as the:


The notion that humans interact in such a way as to minimize costs and maximize rewards to the self is referred to as the: the social-exchange theory.

A cost-benefit analysis is used by two parties to identify the risks and rewards in the social conduct they exhibit when interacting, according to the sociological and psychological theory known as social exchange theory. The cost-benefit analysis happens when each party has goods that the other parties value when there are economic links involved. According to social exchange theory, these calculations take place in intimate connections, friendships, working partnerships, and transitory relationships as straightforward as speaking with a consumer at the register. According to social exchange theory, a relationship may end or be abandoned if the costs of the relationship are greater than the benefits, such as if a lot of time or money was invested in it without receiving anything in return.

To know more about social exchange theory:


like dwayne and robin in the real-world profile, college student amari perceives that his good health will persist independently of his behaviors. this belief is:


Like Dwayne and robin in the real-world profile, college student Amari perceives that his good health will persist independently of his behaviors. this belief is: A) ​not a problem because it both is accurate and beneficial.

behavior or behavior is the variety of moves and mannerisms made by means of people, organisms, structures or artificial entities in a few surroundings. these structures can encompass different systems or organisms as well as inanimate physical surroundings.

3 essential forms of behavior can be outstanding: the in simple terms practical, theoretical-practical, and the simple terms theoretical. these three varieties of behavior have three one-of-a-kind reasons: the primary is a figuring out reason, the second a motivating cause, and the 1/3 a supporting reason.

A study on human conduct has discovered that 90% of the populace may be categorized into four fundamental character types: optimistic, Pessimistic, Trusting, and envious. but, the latter of the 4 sorts, green with envy, is the maximum not unusual, with 30% as compared to 20% for every one of the opposite organizations.

Learn more about behaviors here:


Disclaimer: The question is incomplete. Please read below to find the missing content.

Like Dwayne and Robin in the Real-World Profile, college student Amari perceives that his good health will persist independently of his behaviors. This belief is:​

A) ​not a problem, because it both is accurate and is beneficial.

B) ​potentially hazardous for inaccuracy and risks of accidents.

C) ​dangerous mainly by raising his short-term risks for illness.

D) ​not accurate but harmless since the perception is beneficial.

assuming dr. hart is a clinical neuropsychologist, in which of the following is she likely to be involved? group of answer choices studying violent dreams to understand the role of unconscious forces affecting an individual's behavior investigating the relationship between family communication patterns and psychological disorders investigating the relation between depressive disorders and the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain studying the effects of long-term stress on an individual's health and physiology


Which of the following, presuming Doctor Hart is a clinician neuropsychologist, is she most likely involved in? A. She is probably involved in researching how depressive disorders relate to one another.

What are the four types of depression?

Depression, bipolar depression, chronic depression, seasonal affective disorder, and other kinds of depression are among them. Counseling, medicine, brain stimulation, and complementary therapies are all available as treatment options.

Are depressive disorders and depression the same thing?

Depressed is a mood illness that can have a negative impact on a person's daily functioning. Major depressive disorder, which is the medical term for what we commonly refer to as depression, is defined by feelings of sadness or disinterest for two weeks or longer in things that you usually find enjoyable.

To know more about depression visit:


what country of southeast asia has the region's lowest total fertility rate with a rate so low (below replacement level) that without immigration, its population will begin to decline?


The country of southeast Asia has the region's lowest total fertility rate with a rate so low that without immigration its population will begin to decline in Singapore.

Singapore has a very low fertility rate and the population could start declining soon. In mainland Southeast Asia rubber is the most common lowland crop. Singapore is highly urbanized and densely populated but is also a regional leader in population control.

Its fertility and population growth rates are among the lowest in Southeast Asia. Land clearing for agriculture is a major cause of deforestation. Driven by rising global demand, oil palm plantations are spreading across formerly forested lands, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia the world's largest producers.

Learn more about The Fertility rate here;-


the apu is on mel. when the dispatcher calls the station to notify them, they say that their air cart is broken. what are our options?


Calling rental or cancelling the flight or borrowing one/swap plane are the options when the air cart is broken.

The most misleadingly named document in the aviation industry may be the Minimum Equipment List (MEL). By reading the title, one could anticipate opening a one-page list of the bare minimum requirements to be operational in order to deploy an aeroplane. Instead, it is a complicated document that, despite its name, outlines which equipment you can have malfunctioning while still being able to fly. To maintain safety, aeroplanes contain numerous redundant systems. Even if one system fails while the aircraft is in flight, the other two still have enough power to move the controls. Even losing the two most important systems shouldn't cause metal to bend. False alarms are significantly reduced by dual-loop fire and bleed air leak systems (though they double the chance of a fault).

To know more about aviation industry:


does self-esteem predict academic success? are conservatives more authoritarian than progressives? do agreeable people have healthier relationships? these kinds of questions are of most interest to...


Stress and self-esteem are intimately linked, according to research on self-esteem, and self-esteem can affect many aspects of life, including academic and professional achievement.

What factor most strongly predicts academic success?

Because behavioral skills have been discovered to be substantial determinants of students' academic achievement, parents and educators must regularly observe and monitor pupils in the early grades to ensure that their social and behavioral skills are developing appropriately. Self-esteem can also have a significant impact on academic success. Low self-esteem might reduce a student's motivation to study, attentiveness, and willingness to take chances. Positive self-esteem, on the other hand, is one of the pillars of academic achievement; it serves as a solid basis for learning. According to research, excellent self-esteem is the byproduct rather than the cause of social success.

To know more about academic success visit:


the famous stanford prison experiment that studied the concept of social roles and scripts has been successfully replicated.


People readily adhere to the social roles they are expected to perform, especially when those roles are as highly stereotyped as those of prison guards, as the Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated.

The guards started acting in ways they wouldn't typically act in their everyday lives since they were given positions of responsibility. The surroundings of the "jail" played a significant role in the brutality of the guards (none of the participants who acted as guards showed sadistic tendencies before the study). As a result, rather than supporting the dispositional explanation of behaviour, the findings support the situational one. The behaviour of the participants, notably the guards, may be explained by deindividuation.

To know more about Stanford Prison Experiment:


which term means using your knowledge and training to perform your responsibilities to the best of your ability at all times?


The phrase "professional development" refers to using your skills and training to always carry out your duties to the best of your abilities.

Professional development is the process of studying and training to better yourself and enhance your profession. Although businesses may provide training programs to help workers learn more, most employees pursue their professional growth on their own.

Professional growth boosts employability and earning potential. Young and seasoned professionals may increase their earning potential and future employability by expanding their knowledge and modernizing their skill sets through professional development and continuing education.

Professional development objectives are targets you create for your group and your own professional advancement. As you work toward long-term objectives, they serve as milestones to gauge your progress. These shorter-term objectives can include learning new skills, improving current ones, or asking your team for feedback.

To learn more about professional development


your supervisor at work is skillful at expressing and responding to the emotions of others. she would be considered to have . group of answer choices good listening skills effective motivational appeals emotional contagion emotional competence


Supervisor at work is skillful at expressing and responding to the emotions of others. She would be considered to have emotional competence.

An essential set of interpersonal and social abilities called emotional competence enables one to recognize, comprehend, and respond to one's own and other people's emotions in a healthy way. The phrase suggests interpersonal comfort and describes one's capacity for effective leadership and good communication. Emotional competence is defined by psychologists as the capacity to keep track of one's own feelings and those of others, and to utilize that knowledge to shape decisions and actions.

Another name for emotional intelligence is emotional competence.

It refers to a person's capacity for unrestrained emotional expression and stems from emotional intelligence, or the capacity to identify emotions. Individual's emotional competence (EC) is believed to be an essential predictor of their capacity to adjust to their surroundings.

To know more about emotional competence visit:

initially, it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about _________ years ago. now, molecular evidence suggests it may have been _______ years ago.


Initially, it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about 16000 years ago. now, molecular evidence suggests it may have been 130000 years ago.

The timing and causes of the domestication of dogs are both uncertain. Genetic evidence suggests that dogs split from their wolf ancestors between 27,000 and 40,000 years ago. The oldest known dog burial is from 14,200 years ago, suggesting dogs were firmly installed as pets by then.

It's easy to understand why early humans domesticated dogs as their new best friends. Tame canines can guard against predators and interlopers, carry supplies, pull sleds and provide warmth during cold nights.

The Domestication Hypothesis asserts that during domestication dogs evolved an inherent sensitivity to human gestures that their non-domesticated counterparts do not share. According to this view, sensitivity to human cues is present in dogs at an early age and shows little evidence of acquisition during ontogeny.

Learn more about domestication of dogs here:-


how can the six steps toward intentionality help as you make decisions about your future?


Intention can help us maintain a positive mindset, achieve goals, experience more clarity, and be more present.

It can also increase our focus and engagement and bring more purpose and meaning to our lives. Intentional communication designed to show a part of oneself for strategic purposes is called: self-presentation

Simply put, self-presentation is the ability of each individual to control how others see him. For example, you can make people think that you always pay attention to details when developing your fashion. Acting with a purpose means acting with a purpose. Being purposeful means acting purposefully according to your time

Learn about intentionality:


many characters in night are transformed into brutal savages due to the inhumane treatment they experience. does elie himself escape this fate? does he remain morally and spiritually in tact or does he become a bestial creature?


Yes, Ellie escaped the fate of changing into an inhumane being. Even after his father's death, he remained morally and spiritually sound.

What is night?

Eliezer Wiesel, a Jewish boy, was sent to a concentration camp in Night.

While Eliezer was completely under control, other prisoners in the concentration camp lost control of their minds and engaged in violent and inhumane behavior.

Hence, Indeed, Ellie himself got away from the destiny of changing into coldhearted. Even after his father's death, he remained morally and spiritually sound.

the period between dusk and dawn when there is no visible sunlight. The shop is open late into the night: a night or evening regarded as an occasion or moment in time. on the first night: an allotted evening for a specific purpose.

To learn more about Eliezer Wiesel here


dsm 5 coverage of personality disorders has been descried as functioning like a light switch, which can be on or off. in other words, one either does or does not quality for a personality disorder diagnosis. some theorists suggest that degree of symptoms, not a symptom absences or presence, is more important and similar to a


Some theorists suggest that degree of symptoms, not a symptom absences or presence, is more important and similar to a dimmer switch, with the adjustable light.

DSM stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is the latest edition of the systems of classification. the DSM describes psychiatric diagnoses which is based on expert consensus and research. Personality disorders described by the DSM-5 include: schizoid, paranoid, antisocial, schizotypal, histrionic, borderline, avoidant, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive and dependent personality disorder. With this diagnostic system, each personality disorder in the above list can be identified easily.

Learn more about psychology


All of the following are necessary conditions for the diagnosis of a personality disorder EXCEPT:
(a) patient feelings of distress
(b) pervasive pattern of behaviour
(c) maladaptive functioning
(d) chronic course of behavior


All of the following are necessary conditions for the diagnosis of a personality disorder EXCEPT:(a) patient feelings of distress

Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a person's unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns. Personality embraces moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people. It includes behavioral characteristics, both inherent and acquired, that distinguish one person from another and that can be observed in people's relations to the environment and to the social group.

Personality development helps you gain recognition and acceptance from society as well as the people around you. Personality development plays an essential role not only in an individual's professional but also personal life. It makes an individual disciplined, punctual, and an asset to his/her organization. The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Learn more about Personality  here:


dr. hamilton is performing surgery on kinsley and is very concerned about how the surgery will affect her ability to form new memories. this is because the surgery is near kinsley's:


'Dr. Hamilton is performing surgery on Kinsley and is very concerned about how the surgery will affect her ability to form new memories. this is because the surgery is near Kinsley's hippocampus.

The hippocampus is a complex brain structure deeply embedded in the temporal lobe. It plays an important role in learning and memory. It is a plastic, fragile structure that is damaged by various stimuli. Studies have shown that it is also involved in various neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The hippocampus is primarily responsible for storing long-term memories and protecting those memories from forgetting. believed to be involved, but this is controversial. It is also believed to play an important role in spatial processing and navigation.

Located in the medial temporal lobe and connected to the amygdala, the hippocampus controls emotional memory retrieval and regulation (Schumacher et al., 2018). Increased functional connectivity with the anterior cingulate gyrus or amygdala during emotional regulation and retrieval of positive memories.

Learn more about hippocampus


Why did the US get involved in Cuba in the late 1890s?


After the USS Maine's internal explosion in Havana Harbor, hostilities broke out, prompting American involvement in the Cuban War of Independence.

The British attempted to impose more control over the colonies and force them to pay back the crown for defending them during the French and Indian War, which led to the American Revolution in large part due to colonial resistance. The American Revolutionary War, commonly referred to as the Revolutionary War or the American War of Independence, was a significant American Revolutionary War conflict. Fighting started on April 19, 1775, and continued until the Lee Resolution on July 2, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which are all widely regarded as the events that guaranteed the United States' independence. This strong uprising had failed for a number of reasons, including the lack of a unifying leader, lack of cohesiveness, and lack of backing from India's rulers and upper classes.

learn more about War of Independence here


americans seem to have much more choice about which media to consume than in the past. why is this choice deceptive?


Americans seem to have more choice about which media to consume compared to the past. This choice is deceptive because many choices are owned by the same company.

Nowadays, there are many more ways to get the news, and as a result, Americans are consuming it more frequently than they were throughout the majority of the last ten years. The use of digital media is becoming increasingly prevalent, and they appear to be more than making up for slight audience decreases on traditional platforms. As a result, Americans now spend as much time each day reading the news as they did in the middle of the 1990s, when audiences for traditional news sources were much greater.

Nearly a third (34%) of the population – on par with radio and a little higher than daily newspapers – claim to have looked for news online. 44% of Americans say they obtained news recently from one or more internet- or mobile-based digital sources when cell phones, email, social networks, and podcasts are included.

Know more about Americans click:


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