the taft-hartley act created a list of unfair labor practices for unions and all of the following are true except: a. the act prohibits labor unions from coercing employees to join b. the act requires unions to bargain in good faith c. the act allows union members to be expelled or fined for filing unfair labor practices d. the act describes procedures for removing a union once it is in existence


Answer 1

The Taft-hartley act created a list of unfair labor practices for unions and all of the following are true except the act describes procedures for removing a union once it is in existence. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a Taft-Hartley Act ?

The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed closed shops, territorial strikes, strike action, support or partisan strikes, secondary bans, secondary in mass picketing, subsidiary including mass boycotts of goods and services, and financial contributions by employers to federal electoral candidates. Additionally, it mandated that union officials declarations of non-communism to the authorities.

In addition to making labor unions accountable for damages resulting from territorial disputes and requiring union officials to swear an oath of noncommunism, the Taft-Hartley Act prohibited an all enterprise. All of the below are true, with the exception of the act's description of how to dissolve a union after it has been formed, which is on the blacklist of unfair employment practices concerning unions introduced by the Taft-Hartley Act.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about Taft-Hartley Act , here:


Related Questions

which one of these accounts is included in net working capital? a. copyright b. manufacturing equipment c. common stock d. long-term debt e. inventory


Inventory is included in net working capital. The correct option is e.

What is net working capital?

Net working capital refers to a financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business, organisation, or other entity, including governmental entities. Along with fixed assets such as plants and equipment, working capital is considered a part of operating capital. Gross working capital is equal to current assets. Working capital is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. If current assets are less than current liabilities, an entity has a working capital deficiency, also called a working capital deficit and negative working capital.

The management of working capital involves managing inventories, accounts receivable and payable, and cash.

Learn more about capital, here:


what best describes the state of south asia and southeast asia at the point at which the various east india companies made transformative inroads into their politics and economy? choose one. group of answer choices environmental crises and famines centralized imperial states managing diverse populations local conflict, competing polities, and environmental disruptions diverse polities managing international access to major trading hubs


Environmental disruptions diverse polities managing international access to major trading hubs. (Option D)

What one governmental system in South or Southeast Asia remained constant between 1750 and 1900?

The fact that Europeans continued to question the authority of indigenous monarchs was one constant in South and Southeast Asian politics. The Mughal emperor continued to rule India as the symbolic head of state until he was overthrown by the British, which was one example of continuity in South Asia.

What carries people from South Asia to Southeast Asia?

In its capacity as the land bridge connecting the two regions, Myanmar is examined in this research with regard to its infrastructure requirements, trade patterns, and trade facilitation difficulties.

To know more about Southeast Asian politics, visit:


what is a status report? group of answer choices difficult to quantify or measure. the measure of the tangible and intangible benefits of an information system. easy to quantify and typically measured to determine the success or failure of a project. a periodic reviews of actual performance versus expected performance.


Actual performance versus expected performance. The underlying factor is the subject's performance.There are both subjective and objective criteria.criterion that incorporates arbitrary components such objective ratings or judgments.

The requirements also include numerical metrics.Tangible advantages are advantages that may be readily be evaluated by a person, such as: money and as opposed to tangible benefits, which are those benefits that are difficult to quantify in units things as safety, comfort, and enjoyment.The SWOT analysis is intended to make based on the strength of the analysis, dangers, opportunities, and vulnerabilities. This implies that it's critical to look into the disparity between internal strength and weakness its exterior possibilities and dangers. It seeks to address both internal and external issues affairs. Strategic planning and decision-making are involved.

To know more about the Performance visit:


if the direct materials price variance is $500 favorable, and the direct materials quantity variance is $250 unfavorable, the journal entry will include a:


Debit to Direct Materials Price Variance for $500 , Credit to Direct Materials Quantity Variance for $250


The journal entry for the direct materials price variance and quantity variance will include a debit to the Cost of Goods Sold account for $250 and a credit to the Cost of Goods Sold account for $500. The journal entry will be structured as follows: Debit: Cost of Goods Sold: $250Credit: Cost of Goods Sold: $500This entry records the direct materials price variance of $500 favorable, and the direct materials quantity variance of $250 unfavorable. The $500 credit to Cost of Goods Sold represents the savings from the favorable price variance, while the $250 debit to Cost of Goods Sold represents the additional cost incurred from the unfavorable quantity variance. The overall result of the two variances is a net savings of $250, which is shown by the difference between the debit and credit entries.

To learn more about the direct materials price variance refer to:


when a company assigns the costs of direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead to products, that company is using group of answer choices operations costing. absorption costing. variable costing. product costing.


The company is using production cost.

All of the direct and indirect expenses firms incur when producing a good or rendering service are referred to as production costs. Various expenditures, including labor, raw materials, consumable manufacturing supplies, and general overhead, might be included in production costs. When a company produces a good or offers a service, it incurs production expenses, which are sometimes referred to as product costs. Numerous charges are included in these fees. For instance, manufacturing expenses for manufacturers include the cost of the labor and raw materials required to make the product.

Production expenses in the service sector are related to the labor needed to implement the service and any material costs associated with providing the service.

Learn more about Production costs here:


frame co. has an 8% note receivable, in the original amount of $150,000, dated june 30, 2003. payments of $50,000 in principal plus accrued interest are due annually on july 1, 2004, 2005, and 2006. in its june 30, 2005, balance sheet, what amount should frame report as a current asset for interest on the note receivable?


In Frame Co.'s June 30, 2005 balance sheet, the amount to be reported as a current asset for interest on the note receivable is $8,000.

The calculation for the current asset for interest on the note receivable is as follows:

Calculate the amount of interest earned on the note receivable.

Interest = Principal Amount x Interest Rate x Time = $150,000 x 8% x (1 year) = $12,000

Calculate the amount of interest paid since the note was issued.

Interest Paid = $50,000 x 8% = $4,000

Calculate the current asset for interest on the note receivable.

Current Asset = Interest Earned - Interest Paid = $12,000 - $4,000 = $8,000

Therefore, in Frame Co.'s June 30, 2005 balance sheet, the amount to be reported as a current asset for interest on the note receivable is $8,000.

For more questions like Notes receivable click the link below:

What is the biggest expense in life?


The cost of having to take care of a child

ronald, the purchasing manager of telly's supermarket in georgia, was asked to purchase the latest video game console, funcase, to be kept in the supermarket. due to a truckers' strike, ronald had to personally make the trip to the funcase warehouse in florida to pick up the console. ronald paid for the trip himself, went to the warehouse, procured the console, and returned. after he got back, telly's supermarket paid ronald for the personal expenses he incurred in making the trip to florida. what duty of the principal did telly's supermarket satisfy when it paid ronald for the trip?


When the Telly's supermarket paid Ronald for the personal expenses he incurred in making the trip to Florida, it satisfied the duty to reimburse as the duty of principal to the agent.

What is the duty of principal?

A principal has contractual obligations to his or her agent. The primary duties of a principal to his/her agent are as follows: to compensate the agent as agreed; and to compensate and protect the agent against claims, liabilities, and expenses incurred in the agent correctly discharging the duties assigned by the principal.

Generally, a principal owes the following duties to the agent:

Duty to Compensate, Duty to Reimburse, and Duty to Indemnify the Agent

As Ronald had paid for the trip to Florida for acquiring Telly's supermarket  it is their duty as the principal to reimburse all expenses incurred for making the trip.

Therefore Telly's supermarket have satisfied the duty to reimburse.

To learn more about the duty of the principal, click here:


target marketing is a business strategy that focuses a firm's marketing efforts toward a potentially profitable segment of a larger market. target marketing is a business strategy that focuses a firm's marketing efforts toward a potentially profitable segment of a larger market. false true


It is appropriate to mention the fact that target marketing is a business strategy that focuses a firm's marketing efforts toward a potentially profitable segment of a larger market. Therefore, the statement given above is true.

Target marketing can be referred to or considered as the practice of marketing the products of an organization in the market to the target audience or the most potential customers. This can be done through advertisements, and surveys. Target marketing is also identified among the most effective practices to improve and increase the profitability in the industry.

Learn more about target marketing here:


unions can take a variety of forms. companies can be required to hire workers who belong to a particular union prior to employment in what is called a(n)


Unions can take a variety of forms. Companies can be required to hire workers who belong to a particular union prior to employment in what is called a Closed Shop

What is employment ?Employment  generally means the state of having a paid job, i.e. being employed. Hiring someone means paying them for their workers. Employers provide employment to their employees. Employment can also refer to the employment of  people, such as  workers to increase the employment of women. There are  eight types of employment: full-time, part-time, temporary employment, labor contract, apprenticeship, internship, fixed-term employment, and probationary period. Employment is the relationship between two parties who manage the performance of their workers for their benefit. Usually, one party, the employer, which may be a corporation, non-profit organization, cooperative, or  other organization, provides labor to the other party under the contract in return for performing assigned workers pay the person.

To learn more about employment  from the given link :


ash company reported sales of $590,000 for year 1, $640,000 for year 2, and $690,000 for year 3. using year 1 as the base year, what is the revenue trend percent for years 2 and 3?


The revenue percentage trend for year 2 and 3 is 108.5% and 116.9%  respectively.

How to calculate the revenue trend percent for year 2 and 3?

The detail calculation is given below,

By using year 1 as the base year:

590,000 + 50,000 = 640,000

640,000 + 50,000 = 690000

To find the percent change, write a proportion using 2 of the years.

To solve for x, cross multiply the numerator with the denominator of each fraction.

640000(100) = 590,000(x)

64000,000 = 590,000x

108.5% = x

Therefore, the revenue percentage trend for year 2 is 108.5% and 116.9% for year 3.

Learn more about revenue, here:


monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have ______________ prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.


Long-term prices for items produced by firms with the monopolistic competition are likely to be the same as those in perfectly competitive markets.

A monopoly is a type of imperfect competition where a seller or producer controls the majority of the market's customers due to the absence of alternatives or rivals. A monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition in which numerous vendors compete to capture market share by distinguishing their goods. When just one company dominates an entire industry or even a sizable portion of it, that company is considered to have a monopoly. Monopolies historically have benefited the firms who own them because they can increase costs and decrease services without repercussions.

To know more about Monopolistic competition visit:


An employer cannot discharge a worker who, in good faith, refuses to work in a high-risk area if bodily harm or death might result.
a. True
b. False


True, An employer cannot fire a worker who refuses to work in a high-risk area in good faith if bodily harm or death could result.

An employer is a company, organization, government entity, agency, company, professional services firm, nonprofit association, small business, store, or individual who employs or employs a person known as an employee or a staff member.

The primary responsibility of an employer is to ensure that the workplace is safe and that no one working or visiting the workplace is exposed to hazards or harmed by the work. The employer must, for example, ensure that work areas, machinery, and equipment are kept in a safe condition.

To know more about an employer, click here.


tox bond 7.55 yields 11%. the bond traded at a low of 71.25 and closed today at 71.625 0.75. the closing price yesterday was:


TOX bond 7.55 yields 11%. The bond traded at a low of 71.25 and closed today at 71.625 + 0.75. The closing price yesterday was today's Price +/- Adjustment 71.625 - 0.75=70.875.

What is a bond?

A bond refers to a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower typically corporate or governmental. A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and borrower which includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations.

Owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

Learn more about bond, here:


the composition of the fingroup fund portfolio is as follows: stock shares price a 370,000 $ 35 b 470,000 40 c 570,000 10 d 770,000 15 required: the fund has not borrowed any funds, but its accrued management fee with the portfolio manager currently totals $30,000. there are 3 million shares outstanding. what is the net asset value of the fund? (round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


The composition of the fingroup fund portfolio net asset value is $10.69.

How is net asset value determined?

A fund's NAV is determined by adding up its assets and deducting its liabilities. A fund's NAV will be $90 million, for instance, if its investments are worth $100 million and it has $10 million in liabilities. Additionally, the NAV per share will be $90 if the fund has one million outstanding shares.

What does "net asset value" mean?

An investing company's "net asset value," or "NAV," is the sum of its assets less the sum of its liabilities. The NAV of an investment business, for instance, will be $90 million if it has securities and other assets worth $100 million and liabilities of $10 million.

To learn more about Net Assets here:


hich statement best describes a capitalistic nation? multiple choice most or all of the factors of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for a profit. the nation-state owns most of the factors of production and distribution, and makes central decisions with respect to the distribution of resources. the nation-state practices state capitalism. it prefers to maintain ownership of certain industries. the political system endorses several hundred entitlement programs. business taxes support these programs that are restricted to the unemployed.


A capitalist economy allows for the private ownership and control of capital assets like mines, factories, and railroads as well as the purchase of labor for monetary wages, accumulation of capital profits for private owners and price-based distribution of resources between competing uses (see "Supply and Demand").

What word best sums up a capitalist?

A capitalist is a person who supports capitalism, a system of privately owned, profit-oriented enterprises. A capitalist may believe in free enterprise and that anyone can become wealthy via hard effort and intelligence.

What quality best defines a capitalist country?

A capitalist society's most essential components include private property, private control of the means of production, capital accumulation, and competition.

To know more about capitalist economy visit:-


the typical consumer of sugar probably does not know which senate committee sets sugar import quotas, but sugar producers probably do. what does this demonstrate about sugar consumers?


To be myopic is to be shortsighted. The average sugar consumer is unlikely to be aware of the Senate committee that determines sugar import quotas, but sugar producers most likely are irrationally illiterate.

Consumers are individuals or groups that do not participate directly in entrepreneurial or business activities and who intend to order or utilise acquired goods, services, or experiences largely for their own social, familial, household, or other purposes. The person who buys things for their personal use is the one who uses the phrase the most frequently. President John F. Kennedy presented the US Congress with his definition of consumers on March 15, 1962. He said, "By definition, consumers encompass all of us." The idea for World Consumer Rights Day, which is now celebrated on March 15, was inspired by this lecture. In his speech, John Fitzgerald Kennedy emphasized the imperative responsibility of any government to support citizens in enjoying their rights, including:

Learn more about Consumers  from


if a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.a. trueb. false


The following statement "If a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable" is false.

An operational cycle is the period of time it takes for a business to purchase items, sell them, and receive payment for those sales. In other words, it refers to the time it takes a business to convert its inventories into cash. The industry determines how long an operational cycle should be.

The operational cycle may be used to calculate the amount of working capital a firm will require to operate or expand. A business can thrive while selling products at very low-profit margins if it has an extraordinarily short operating cycle and requires less capital to sustain operations.

To know more about Operating Cycle here


What factors affect stock market prices?




One of the main factors that influence stock prices is supply and demand. When the supply and demand do not balance each other out, the price of stocks fluctuates. The general rule is that when demand is higher than supply, the prices rise, and if supply is higher than demand, the prices drop.

b. two years from now, the ytm on your bond has increased by 2 percent, and you decide to sell. what price will your bond sell for? (do not round intermediate calculations. round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


The bond will sell for $1,160.17

Face value (FV) = 1000

Coupon rate = 8.00%

Number of compounding periods per year = 1

Interest per period (PMT) = 80.00

Number of years to maturity = 14

Number of compounding periods till maturity (NPER) = 14

The market rate of return/Required rate of return = 6.25%

The market rate of return/Required rate of return per period (RATE) = 6.25%

Bond price = PV(RATE,NPER,PMT,FV)

Bond price = $1,160.17

= PV(6.25%,14,80,1000)*-1

Therefore, the bond will sell for $1,160.17.

To learn more about sales and commerce,


lyndale, incorporated's sales are $513,000 and $360,000 during the current and prior years, respectively. the percentage change is:


The percentage change  Lyndale, Inc.'s with the given sales is 42.5%

How do you calculate sales growth in percentage?

Revenue change during a predetermined time period is gauged by sales growth. A business's positive or negative rate of growth can be seen by comparing its revenue between two fiscal quarters. A stock's price change over time, stated as a percentage, is a common application of percentage change in finance. To determine it, deduct the current period's net sales from the prior period's net sales. Then subtract the outcome from the prior period's net sales. The percent increase in sales is obtained by multiplying the result by 100.


Sales of current year = $513,000

Sales of previous year = $360,000

So percentage change is

=[($513,000 − $360,000) ÷ $360,000] × 100 = 42.5%

To learn more about percentage change, visit:


leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals. t or f


False, Leadership is the capacity to persuade subordinates to actively pursue organizational objectives.

What's a good way to define leadership?

"The process of taking control of a team or organization." The Oxford Dictionary characterizes lead in this way. Simply defined, being a leader entails taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders inspire their followers to take on bigger and more challenging tasks.

Why is leadership crucial?

They are essential attributes to have because a capable leader can motivate his or her company to collaborate toward a shared goal by nurturing talent in each individual IN order to prevent delays, a capable leader maintains the team motivated and engaged.

To know more about leadership visit:


Does rapid growth reduce poverty?


Yes, Rapid growth reduce poverty but in some of the stable situation with respect to GDP and other nation financial aspects.

The Rapid growth occur when there is a rise in the production of goods and services for a certain period as compared with a previous one. It is generally measured in terms of GDP and is an indicator of the economic health of a country.

The poverty reduction can be achieved by sustaining a high level of economic growth. This outcome can also be facilitated by a reduction in inequality of opportunities and a relatively low level of inflation.

To know more about Rapid growth here,


holding other factors constant, the interest-rate risk of a coupon bond is higher when the bond's a. term to maturity is lower. b. coupon rate is higher. c. yield to maturity is lower. d. current yield is higher.


The correct answer to the given question of Coupon bond is option) a, b, c and d. All of the option are the correct answer.

A coupon bond's interest-rate risk is increased by shorter period to maturity, higher coupon rate, lower yield to maturity, and higher current yield.

A rise in the current rates for new debt instruments might result in investment losses, which is what interest rate risk refers to. For instance, if interest rates increase, a bond's or another fixed-income investment's value in the secondary market will decrease. The length of a bond refers to how much its price changes when interest rates vary.

By purchasing bonds with various maturities, interest rate risk can be mitigated. Fixed-income assets can also be hedged via interest rate swaps, options, or other interest rate derivatives.

To learn more about interest rate risk click here


when cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. cory’s strategy is to use


Cory's strategy is to use an algorithm to systematically solve all the logic problems.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is a process used to carry out a computation or solve a problem. In either hardware-based or software-based routines, algorithms function as a detailed sequence of instructions that carry out predetermined operations sequentially.

All aspects of information technology employ algorithms extensively. A simple technique that resolves a recurring issue is typically referred to as an algorithm in mathematics and computer science. Algorithms are essential to automated systems because they serve as specifications for processing data.

Natural languages, programming languages, pseudocode, flowcharts, and control tables can all be used to express algorithms. Expressions in natural languages are uncommon because they are more ambiguous. A computer's algorithms are typically expressed in programming languages.

Learn more on algorithms here


both lloyd and harry are claiming patent protection for the same invention that each independently created. the rights to protection will be awarded to


Lloyd or Harry are separately seeking patent rights for the identical independently developed technology. The first person to finish an innovation will receive the rights to protection.

Describe the patent.

A government-granted property right to an invention is a patent. This grant confers temporary exclusivity on the inventor over the patented invention in consideration for a full disclosure of the invention.

What is a patent example?

Examples are the drought-resistant corn and the Gentle Angel rose. Anyone who develops or discovers "any innovative and useful methodology, instrument, product of industry, or composition of matter, or even a new and valuable adaptation thereof" is eligible to submit a request for a utility patent.

To know more about patent visit:


Task 2: Savings, Investments, and Risk Management for a Middle-Aged Professional
Talk to a 40-year-old business professional with a family that includes a spouse and children.
This person can be a family member, friend, or mentor. List and describe the savings,
investments and risk management strategies for this phase of life. Describe how financial
planning has changed from the earlier phase of life.


The investment might be equities or real estate, and risk management tactics like risk aversion could be used to manage the $500 million in savings.

What is Risk management?

Risk management can be thought of as the process through which people recognize and access risk. Eliminating any processes or activities that could negatively impact any of the aforementioned investments or assets constitutes one of the risk management methods that a man could employ. This is known as risk avoidance.

Risk management is essential for me as a 40-year-old company professional in order to be financially viable. Through these processes—wealth creation, development, protection of wealth, and wealth transfer—financial planning evolves from early stages of life.

To know more about Risk management, visit:


what act requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions?


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions.

To guarantee that federal agencies take the environment into account when making decisions and taking action, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was established in 1969.

In 1986, the law was put into effect. The establishment and operation of any industrial facility may be regulated or prohibited on the basis of environmental considerations, and the central government is given the authority to protect and enhance environmental quality, lessen and control pollution at its sources, and improve environmental quality.

To know more about National Environmental Policy Act here


two countries, highland and lowland, are described by the solow growth model. both countries are identical, except that the rate of labor-augmenting technological progress is higher in highland than in lowland. a. in which country is the steady-state growth rate of output per effective worker higher? b. in which country is the steady-state growth rate of total output higher? c. does the solow growth model predict that the two economies will converge to the same steady state?


Because it is saving enough just to counteract a higher amount of depreciation, the higher-saving nation will have more capital for each worker inside the steady state, and consequently, more production per worker. Ans. B

Where are the lowlands?

According to the Britannica Dictionary, a lowland is a region where the land would be at, close to, or below sea level and where there are typically no mountains or significant hills.

Where are the lowlands?

flat territory that is at or just above sea level This region offers something for everyone, from the lowlands in the south to the untamed peaks in the north. Lowland regions are where these plants are primarily found.

To know more about lowland visit:


What does it mean when an economy is in transition?


Economies in transition are considered countries that are undertaking macroeconomic reforms with the aim of changing the way their economies operate.

This has traditionally involved the country making structural adjustments from a state-run economy to a more market-oriented system. A transition economy is an economy that moves from centrally planned to free market. Since the fall of communism in the late 1980s, the countries of the former Soviet Union and its satellite states, including Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria, have sought to embrace market capitalism. school and abandoned centralized planning. Key aspects of the transition are liberalization, macroeconomic stability, privatization, and legal and institutional reforms.

To learn more about economy, click here.


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