the situation in which the central bank increases the money supply, but the money multiplier falls enough to offset increases in reserves is known as a: multiple choice liquidity trap. reserve trap. interest rate trap.


Answer 1

The liquidity trap is a situation in which the central bank increases the money supply, but the money multiplier falls enough to offset increases in reserves. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A liquidity can be referred to or considered as a phenomenon that represents the ability of a monetary engagement to be easily converted into real money. Liquidity is a controllable aspect by the economic authorities, which can be done with the help of an increase or decrease in the supply of money within the economy.

Learn more about liquidity here:


Related Questions

performance appraisals are used most widely as a basis for a. determining training needs b. discharging decisions c. deciding compensation d. directing performance improvement


Performance appraisals are used most widely as a basis for a. determining training needsAn employee's performance is regularly reviewed in order to assess his level of personal growth and contribution.The correct option is D. directing performance.

To the company's advancement. Companies conduct performance reviews to identify whether employees are deserving of pay increases, compensation reductions, promotions, more training, and, in extreme circumstances, employment termination. The following are some examples of performance appraisals. The 360-degree feedback appraisal, in which the employee's peers, superiors in the company, and subordinates provide feedback on the employee's performance.Peer assessment, in which the employee's peers provide feedback on his performance. A self-evaluation in which the worker expresses his individual assessment of his level of performance.

To know more about performance appraisals visit:


an external governance mechanism that makes a poorly managed company vulnerable to takeover by outside investors is known as .


A market under corporate control is an external governance mechanism that makes a poorly run firm susceptible to acquisition by outside investors.

According to governance experts, a propensity for short-termism is one of the most important problems in a market-based corporate governance structure. Targets for quarterly earnings established by sell-side analysts on Wall Street are handled by public companies. Companies can use a variety of accounting techniques to routinely meet or exceed Wall Street estimates, which will increase the value of their shares.

A quarterly earnings shortfall, however, might result in a dramatic drop in the stock price and send the management of the company looking for a quick fix. Governance specialists advise doing away with profit forecasts as a method to encourage a long-term perspective on a company's objectives and offer businesses more time to achieve them.

To know more about governance  click here,


an example of codes of environmental conduct that have been developed by and for specific industries include:


Examples of environmental conduct rules created by and for certain sectors include: The principles of the equator in industry.

Industry: a collection of profitable businesses or organizations that create or provide products, services, or income sources. The four main categories of industries in economics are primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary; secondary industries are further divided into heavy and light categories. Industries are typically grouped based on the products and services they offer. For instance, all manufacturers who create and sell pizza on the market are included in the pizza industry. It is significant to remember that in order to be considered a member of the pizza industry, a producer must sell the goods they produce on the open market.

Learn more about industry from


You have a net lease. Your rent is $1,000 per month. Taxes and maintenance total $500 per month. What is your total monthly payment?.





1,000 + 500

alpha corporation, an industrial chemical producer, has been very successful in the industrial chemical market. its research and development team is working on products that will be used in farming. it needs $100 million to expand its production and develop its new products. it has agreed to issue written pledges that it will repay a specified amount of money with interest on a particular day. because it is uncertain it will have sufficient funds available if all of the pledges should become due on the same day, none of the pledges will be paid during the first 15 years. after 15 years, 10 percent of the pledges will mature each year until all of them are retired at the end of the 25th year. what are the pledges?


Based on the given information, the pledges are serial bonds. Thus option D is correct.

What is Research?

Research refers to deep investigations of the data and information available to provide credentials with facts and figures to provide results that will utilize for the new research.

In the given case, it is explained that alpha corporation promised to make written promises that it will pay back a certain sum with interest on a specific date. because if all of the promises were to fall due at once, it's uncertain that it would have enough money on hand.

A serial bond is a bond measure in which part of the long-term bonds expire on a regular basis until all of the bonds have been redeemed. Less interest will be paid throughout the course of the bonds' lifetimes, which is advantageous to the issuer of a serial bond.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about research, here:


The missing options are Probably

Term-loan agreements

Registered bonds

Bond indentures

Serial bonds

when the mortgage banker originates a home loan, she actually creates two assets: the loan and the servicing rights. servicing fees typically range from:


Contracts to service financial assets include liabilities and loans. Depending on mortgage the payments paid to the servicer are anticipated to be more or less than adequate recompense for the servicing.

They are either assets or liabilities. They are not considered to be financial assets and liabilities. Servicing Rights refers to the contractual, possessory, or other rights of the Seller or any other Person arising under the Custody Agreement, a Servicing Agreement, or in any other way, to manage or service a Purchased Asset or to possess associated Records. The house that was bought with the money from the mortgage frequently serves as the collateral for loans.

To learn more about mortgage, click here.


At year-end (December 31), Chan Company estimates its bad debts as 1% of its annual credit sales of $487,500. Chan records its Bad Debts Expense for that estimate. On the following February 1, Chan decides that the $580 account of P. Park is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park unexpectedly pays the amount previously written off. Prepare Chan's journal entries for the transactions.


Chan Company calculates that as of year's end (December 31), its bad debts were 1% of its $487,500 in annual credit sales. Chan keeps track of its bad debt costs.

What is fiscal period?

Chan records the cost of bad loans for that estimation. Chan makes the decision to close P's $580 account on February 1st of that year. Let's first define what is meant by "bad debt." When a corporation goes to prepare at the end of the fiscal period, this happens occasionally. Chan reports the estimate as a bad debt expense. Chan determines that P. Park's $580 account is uncollectible on February 1 of the following year and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park pays the sum that had been written off unexpectedly. Create the transactions in Chan's journal entries.

To learn more about bad debt from given link


gordon company has had bonds payable of $15,000 outstanding for several years. on january 1, 2021, when there was an unamortized discount of $2,500 and a remaining life of 5 years, its 80% owned subsidiary, jacobson company, purchased the bonds in the open market for $18,000. the bonds pay 7% interest annually on december 31. the companies use the straight-line method to amortize interest revenue and expense. compute the consolidated gain or loss on a consolidated income statement for 2021. a) $5,500 gain. b) $5,500 loss. c) $3,000 gain. d) $3,000 loss. e) no gain or loss. a. d b. a c. c d. b e. e


B) The 2021 consolidated income statement with a loss of $5,500

On an income statement, how are losses represented?

This is typically depicted in one of two ways on the income statement: either the losses are included in a small section following the expenses or both the gains and losses are included in their own section following the expenses. They both have the same effect on the company's net income.

How does the consolidated income statement get its numbers?

Take the sum of your revenues and the revenues of your subsidiary. Deduct the deals made among you and your auxiliary to decide solidified income. Add $40,000 and $20,000 to the example from the previous step to get $60,000 Consolidated revenue equals $52,000 when $8,000 is subtracted from $60,000.

Learn more about Income statement here:


A financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders' (owner's) equity at a specific date is the:
a. Balance Sheet
b. Income Statement
c. Statement of Cash Flows


A financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders' (owner's) equity at a specific date is the Balance Sheet. Correct answer: letter A.

The balance sheet is a financial statement that gives a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific date. It shows how much of the company's assets are financed by debt, and how much is financed by owners' equity.

Balance sheet benefits

Improved asset liquidity: can provide a detailed view of all assets and liabilities, which can be used to assess the liquidity of a business in order to optimise its asset management.Assessing financial health: can be used to assess a business’s financial health. Having an accurate and up-to-date balance sheet gives financial managers and investors a clear picture of the company’s overall financial health.Identifying areas for improvement: can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness and areas of opportunity for improvement. By assessing the balance sheet in detail, businesses can pinpoint areas that need improvement and prioritize their efforts accordingly.Securing financing: Banks and other financial institutions often use a balance sheet as one of the criteria for evaluating a business’s ability to secure financing. Having an accurate and up-to-date balance sheet can help a business secure financing for growth and development.

Learn more about Balance sheet:


nikki g's corporation's 10-year bonds are currently yielding a return of 9.25 percent. the expected inflation premium is 2.0 percent annually and the real interest rate is expected to be 3.10 percent annually over the next 10 years. the liquidity risk premium on nikki g's bonds is 0.1 percent. the maturity risk premium is 0.10 percent on two-year securities and increases by 0.05 percent for each additional year to maturity. calculate the default risk premium on nikki g's 10-year bonds.


The 10-year bonds issued by nikki g's firm at 3.55% currently have a return of 9.25 percent. Over the following ten years, a 2.0 percent annual inflation premium is anticipated and a 3.10 percent annual real interest rate.

How can I calculate the inflation premium?

I = r + is the Fisher equation, where r stands for real interest rate, I for nominal interest rate, and for inflation rate. The inflation premium appears in the Fisher equation as.

How does the premium for inflation impact interest rates?

Rising inflation means that interest payments lose purchasing power over time, and when the principal is paid back after a number of years, it will buy far less than it did when the investor first bought the bond.

To know more about inflation premium visit:


a firm will increase its spending on advertising until a) the marginal benefit of advertising is zero. b) it has monopolized the market. c) the marginal benefit of advertising equals the marginal cost of advertising. d) it has deterred all future entry.


A firm will increase its spending on advertising until it has monopolized the market.

A monopoly, as described by Irving Fisher, is a market with the "absence of opposition", growing a state of affairs wherein a specific man or woman or business enterprise is the only dealer of a selected issue. This contrasts with a monopsony which relates to a unmarried entity's manage of a marketplace to purchase an amazing or provider, and with oligopoly and duopoly which consists of a few dealers dominating a marketplace.[1] Monopolies are for this reason characterised by using a lack of economic opposition to supply the best or carrier, a lack of possible replacement items, and the opportunity of a high monopoly price well above the vendor's marginal fee that ends in a high monopoly profit.

Learn more about monopolized here


sandy sold 2 acres of land to her daughter, tara. sandy's basis in the land was $800 and she sold the land for $500. after owning the land for a year, tara sold it to an unrelated party for $700. tara's recognized gain on the land is $


Tara's recognized gain on the land is $0 can deduct the gain to the extent of the loss in the original related party transaction. You must recoup your gain from the sale of Section 1245.

Property as ordinary income to the extent that your earlier depreciation deductions on the item were greater than or equal to the gain. Ordinary income tax rates apply to any gain up to the amount of the previously taken transaction. The widget costs $150 to buy from the company. The gain is calculated as the sale price ($150) less the adjusted tax basis ($25), or $125. Of that sum of $125, $75 is a gain subject to ordinary income tax under section 1245 and $50 is a gain subject to capital gains tax under section 1231.

To learn more about transaction, click here.


suppose you are deciding whether to spend your tax rebate check on a new laptop or a new smartphone. you are dealing with the concept of


When calculating a tax rebate, the aforementioned notion considers opportunity costs. Opportunity cost is the benefit that was forfeited because a specific alternative wasn't chosen.

Opportunity cost analysis plays a big role in determining a company's capital structure. A firm must pay expenses when issuing both debt and equity capital to compensate lenders and shareholders for the risk of their investments, but each has an opportunity cost as well.

For instance, funds used to settle debts cannot be used to invest in stocks or bonds that have the potential to yield a profit. The company must decide if growing through debt leverage will produce larger profits than it could get through investing.

To know more about taxes  click here,


a real estate agent signs a contract with a non-licensed individual. in that contract, the real estate licensee agrees to pay the non-licensed individual $50 for every referred person that signs a listing contract. what type of contract is this?


Void is the type of contract. A void contract is a formal agreement that is effectively illegitimate and unenforceable from the moment it is created

A void contract is a contract that is unenforceable from the moment it is formed. Both invalidity treaties and invalidity treaties are invalid, but invalidity treaties cannot be ratified. In a legal sense, a void contract is treated as if it was never made and is unenforceable in court. For example, a contract between a drug dealer and a buyer is void simply because the terms of the contract are illegal. In such cases, neither party will be able to enforce the contract in court.

A void contract means that neither party can enforce the contract at the time it was made because the contract was never made. Therefore, neither party can assert any rights or enforce any obligations under the contract. A void contract is different from a void contract.

To know more about void contract, visit:-


some u.s. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. critics argue that this practice


Some U.S. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. critics argue that this practice penalizes early cash flows too heavily.

Foreign investment refers back to the funding in home organizations and belongings of another united states of america by way of a foreign investor. huge multinational organizations will are searching for new opportunities for monetary increase with the aid of opening branches and increasing their investments in different countries.

FDI creates new jobs and greater opportunities as investors build new organizations in foreign countries. this can result in an boom in earnings and mor shopping electricity to locals, which in flip ends in an standard enhance in targetted economies.

There are three varieties of FDI in India: overseas portfolio investment (FPI), foreign institutional funding (FIIs) and automated approval of programs from overseas organizations under the automated route.

Learn more about foreign investments here :


declining average total cost with increased production is one of the defining characteristics of a natural monopoly question 3 options: true false


True, One of the criteria that distinguishes a natural monopoly is a declining average total cost with greater production. If one company can serve a market more affordably than any combination of two or more enterprises, then that market has a natural monopoly.

A natural monopoly is one in which the largest supplier in the industry, frequently the first supplier in a market, enjoys a significant competitive advantage over potential rivals due to high infrastructure costs and other entry obstacles in relation to the size of the market. A particular industry qualifies as a natural monopoly if the overall cost of one company generating the full output is less than the total cost of two or more companies doing the same. In that situation, it is quite likely that one company (a monopoly) or a small number of businesses (an oligopoly) will emerge and offer all or the majority of the pertinent goods and/or services. This usually happens in sectors where capital costs are high, resulting in significant market-size economies of scale; examples include public utilities like water, electricity, telephones, and mail services. As early as the 19th century, natural monopolies were identified as potential drivers of market failure; John Stuart Mill favored government regulation to make them serve the general welfare.

Learn more about natural monopoly here


flu shots provide a positive externality. suppose that the market for vaccinations is perfectly competitive. without government intervention in the vaccination market, which of the following statements is correct? a. a per-shot tax could turn an inefficient situation into an efficient one. b. the current output level is inefficiently high. c. at the current output level, the marginal social cost exceeds the marginal private cost. d. at the current output level, the marginal social benefit exceeds the marginal private benefit.


The following statements is correct: at the current output level, the marginal social benefit exceeds the marginal private benefit. Therefore, the correct option is D.

When finding the equilibrium output level in a completely competitive market with no government intervention, the market will only examine private costs and benefits. Because positive externalities (benefits to others in society) are not taken into account by individual consumers and producers, vaccination rates are inefficiently low.

To obtain a level of vaccination that is socially efficient, the production should be higher, closer to the point where marginal social benefit equals marginal social cost.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about marginal social benefit here:


gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method.


By employing the indirect method, Gilliam will only need to make the necessary adjustments to account for the change in accounts receivable, which will reduce cash flows from operating operations by $47,000.

An indirect method is what?

Gilliam computes the following using the indirect method:

Record sales totaled $6.4 million.

Balance at the start =$392,000. Balance at the conclusion = $439,000.

=$47,000 must be added to the cash flow to account for the items.

One of two accounting techniques that are used to produce a cash flow statement is referred to as the indirect method. This approach makes use of changes in balance sheet line items. Additionally, it changes the cash method of accounting from the accrual method in the operating section of the cash flow statement.

To know more about  indirect method visit:-


describe the five general cultural factors leading toward growth in global business and the four specific business factors. describe the interconnection among these factors.


The major factors leading toward growth in the global business are Global communication and transportation technologies.

Explain global business.

An company that conducts its business operations globally is known as a global business. On the other hand, global business, according to Inc. Magazine, refers to the trade of products and services globally.

A corporation that conducts business throughout the majority of the world's nations is known as a global business or multinational. Although the business may have its main activities and headquarters in one nation, its goods and services are used all over the world. The Coca-Cola Company and Sony Electronics are two examples of international corporations.

One advantage of a worldwide company is that it can employ more people, which successfully aids the government in combating unemployment.

To study more about global business.


reynoso corporation manufactures titanium and aluminum tennis racquets. reynoso's total overhead costs consist of assembly costs and inspection costs. the following information is available: cost titanium aluminum total cost assembly 500 mach. hours 500 mach. hours $45,000 inspections 350 150 $75,000 2,100 labor hours 1,900 labor hours reynoso is considering switching from one overhead rate based on labor hours to activity-based costing. using activity-based costing, how much inspections cost is assigned to titanium racquets? group of answer choices $30,000. $47,500. $50,000. $52,500.


$52,500 is inspections cost is assigned to titanium racquets.

$75,000 / (350 + 150) = $150; $150 x 350 = $52,500.

How much does project overhead cost?

Office space, utilities, directors and executives, benefits, insurance, taxes, and other costs may be included in the project's overhead costs. These expenses are typically thought of as fixed expenses that apply to all projects across the entire organization.

How are overhead costs calculated?

Divide the indirect costs by the direct costs, then multiply by 100 to get the overhead rate. If your overhead rate is 20%, then means that 20% of your company's income is spent on the creation of products or the provision of services. An efficient business will generate more revenue with a lower overhead rate.

To know more about overhead cost visit:


When all authorized shares of stock have the same rights and characteristics, the stock is called _______ stock.


When all authorized shares of stock have the same rights and characteristics, the stock is called common stock. Common stock is a type of security that denotes ownership in a company.

Common stock holders decide on corporate policies and appoint the board of directors. Long-term rates of return are often higher with this type of stock ownership. The rights of common shareholders to a company's assets in the case of liquidation, however, begin only after preferred shareholders, bondholders, and other debt holders have been fully compensated. In the stockholders' equity section of a firm's balance sheet, common stock is disclosed.

Common stock serves as a residual claim to current and future profits of a corporation. Shareholders are therefore referred to as a company's partial owners. This does not imply that stockholders can enter a firm's offices and assert ownership of some of the chairs, desks, or computers. The firm itself, which is a legal entity, is the owner of these items. Instead, this residual claim belongs to the stockholders. Common stock is traded on securities exchanges and is available for purchase and sale by both investors and traders. Common stock holders may be eligible to earn dividends.

Learn more about Common Stock here:


the analysis, planning, acquisition, handling, and control of the merchandise investments of a retail operation is termed:


The analysis, planning, acquisition, handling, and control of the merchandise investments of a retail operation is termed: merchandise management.

Retail depends on a ton of frameworks to expect and follow through on client interest as well as catch conceivable unconstrained needs too. To do this, the idea of merchandise management is utilized to help meed the requirements of clients as best as could be expected. Merchandise management utilizes an arrangement of classifications and orders to coordinate things available to be purchased in such a manner where organization purchasers and organizers can undoubtedly follow and guess what is well known with clients and what probably won't be.

Sorts of Merchandising

Merchandising is classified into various sorts:

Item - Boosting the acquisition of a solitary item founded on its bundling or show

Retail - Show of items inside an actual store

Advanced - Driving traffic on sites to the items that are wanted

Visual - The general tasteful of a store's presentation as well as how different items will help a customer

Onmichannel - A hybrid of computerized and actual that considers deciding business sector interest

Every one of these kinds has a comparative objective to each other to the extent that selling item, however their procedures can be different in light of the need. In retail merchandising, the need to stress specific items implies that stores should be planned and arranged in a manner where customers will be attracted to specific things in a store. This should be possible by making people walking through, appealing visual shows, and making a need to get going around the item.

to know more about merchandise click here:


lucas is a 25% partner in the lcs partnership. on january 1, lcs distributes $40,000 cash and land with a $32,000 fair value (inside basis $16,000). lcs has no liabilities at the date of the distribution. lucas' basis in lcs is $32,000. what is the amount and character of lucas' gain or loss on the liquidating distribution?


Lucas has a loss of $4,000 on the liquidation. The character of the gain or loss is a capital loss.

Calculate Lucas' Distribution:

Lucas' share of the distribution is 25% of $40,000 cash + 25% of $32,000 land = $20,000 cash + $8,000 land

Calculate Lucas' Basis in LSC:

Lucas' basis in the partnership is $32,000.

Calculate Lucas' Gain or Loss on Liquidation:

Lucas' gain or loss on liquidation is the difference between the amount of the distribution and the basis of the partnership.

Lucas' gain or loss on liquidation = Distribution - Basis

Lucas' gain or loss on liquidation = $20,000 cash + $8,000 land - $32,000 basis

Lucas' gain or loss on liquidation = -$4,000

Therefore, Lucas has a loss of $4,000 on the liquidation. The character of the gain or loss is a capital loss.

For more questions like Liquidation click the link below:


budgeting and saving math quiz question 9 of 10: you set your entertainment budget to $100 per month. eating out costs $35, movies cost $15, and concerts cost $60. can you eat out, go to a movie, and go to a concert in the same month, while staying within your budget?





To find our answer, we need to add all the prices together. So, we need to solve the equation 35 + 15 + 60. This gives us 110, which is 10 dollars over our budget. So the answer to the question is no, you would not be able to do all 3 things and stay in budget.

what bi tool is used to determine the effect of assembly line worker age and experience on the quality of the finished good?


Microsoft, a renowned provider of software, offers Power BI, one of the most well-liked BI solutions.

What is BI tools used for?Business intelligence (BI) tools are classes of software programs that collect and analyze large amounts of unstructured data from internal and external systems, including books, journals, documents, medical records, pictures, files, emails, videos, and other business sources. Even if there are other programs that offer formulae and pivot tables, Excel is one of the most used BI tools. Its simplified learning curve and welcoming interface are major contributors to its success.Intelligence in sales. The point at which your firm interacts with customers is a crucial application of BI.Visualization. A variety of data analytic tools are used by business intelligence software to evaluate and manage data pertaining to your company's activities.

To learn more about Business intelligence refer,


when a union bargains successfully with employers, in that industry, a.both wages and unemployment increase. b.wages increase and unemployment decreases. c.wages decrease and unemployment increases. d.both wages and unemployment decrease.


Union bargains successfully with employer to increase the wages and decrease unemployment.

Through collective bargaining, employees negotiate contracts with their employers to establish their terms of employment, including compensation, benefits, working conditions, hours, leave, workplace health and safety regulations, methods of juggling work and family obligations, and more. Composite bargaining, concessionary bargaining, distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining, and productivity negotiations are the five primary categories of collective bargaining.

Through the process of collective bargaining, the union and employer can discuss proposals, share ideas, work together to address difficulties, and come to a written agreement. The majority of the time, negotiations take place just before a contract is about to end.

learn more about Union here:


New classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government willa. reduce government spending.b. increase consumption. c. reduce future taxes. d. increase savings.


Option D. New classical economists argue that an increase in deficit financing by the government will cause an increase in savings, as households anticipate that taxes will have to be paid in the future to pay off the debt.

The Effects of Deficit Financing on Savings According to New Classical Economics

Option D. Increase savings.

New classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government will increase savings.

This is because households anticipate that taxes will have to be paid in the future to pay off the debt. As a result, households are likely to save more in order to build a buffer for when the taxes come due.

This increased savings then leads to a lower level of aggregate demand, which in turn can lead to a decrease in inflationary pressures. In addition, if the government is able to borrow at a lower rate than would be available in the private market, an increase in deficit financing can lead to a lower cost of capital, which can stimulate investment and economic growth.

Learn more about Economy:


When can elicitation techniques be used?


Elicitation is the process of learning about and gradually elaborating on the needs of our stakeholders and clients. In order to delve deeper into what is unspoken,

Elicitation involves a collection of procedures that go beyond what is said, what the evidence indicates, and what everyone believes. The procedure aids the team in transforming their concepts into specifications that will bring a product or  into compliance with what delights the customer and advances the organizational strategy. Regardless of whether we're trying to fix a bug, comprehend the specifications for an enhancement request, or create a brand-new product, service, or procedure, we elicit.

learn more about Elicitation here:


which of the following financial institutions would be most willing to swap variable-rate payments for fixed-rate payments in order to reduce exposure to interest rate risk? group of answer choices one whose assets and liabilities are equally interest-rate sensitive one whose assets are more interest-rate sensitive than its liabilities one whose liabilities are more interest-rate sensitive than its assets one whose gap ratio is equal to 1.0


Financial institutions that have assets that are more interest rate sensitive than their obligations would be more willing to switch from variable-rate payments to fixed-rate payments in order to lower their exposure to interest rate risk.

If a bank's obligations are more rate-sensitive than its assets are, what happens?

When an institution's interest rate-sensitive assets exceed its interest rate-sensitive liabilities, this is known as a positive gap, or one higher than one. When a bank has a positive gap, rising interest rates are expected to result in higher profits or revenues.

Which investments are vulnerable to changes in interest rates?

Bonds, loans, and leases are the three main types of bank assets that are most susceptible to interest rate changes in terms of value. These assets are either repriced or revalued in response to changes in interest rates.

Learn more about interest rate-sensitive assets:


in the 1990s, the personal computer became more easily available to the average american consumer. which factors played a role in its increased availability?


Microchip technology is one of the main factors that made low-cost personal computers and other devices increasingly accessible to the general people in the 1990s.

The history of the technology industry is one of rapid expansion and decline. Its initial era of rapid expansion covered the years 1990 to 2000, which are commonly referred to as the "dot-com boom" or the "tech bubble."

Over the time, employment in the technology sector sectors soared by 36% nationwide. Over a ten-year period, the average weekly pay for those working in the technology industry quadrupled and increased by 102%. At its height in 2000, slightly over 4% of all private employment was in the technology sector.

Early in 2001, as the tech bubble burst, employment in the industry fell off quickly. For the next four years, there were large net job losses.

Learn more about personal computers in the 1990s here:


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