the simple stretch reflex employs mechanoreceptors known as golgi tendon organs to detect the degree of stretch experienced by a muscle. t or f


Answer 1

The simple stretch reflex employs mechanoreceptors known as golgi tendon organs to detect the degree of stretch experienced by a muscle is true.

Tendon Golgi receptors, which are located inside a tendon close to its connection with a muscle, are the sensory receptors for this reflex. Tendon organs sense and react to changes in muscle tension brought on by muscular contraction, as opposed to passive stretching, which is detected and responded to by muscle spindles.The Golgi tendon reflex functions as a protective feedback system to regulate the tension of an active muscle by inducing relaxation before the tendon tension rises to a level that could harm it. The Golgi tendon organ's afferent neuron first fires into the central nervous system as a load is applied to the muscle. Second, muscle relaxes as a result of an IPSP inhibiting the motor neuron from the spinal cord.

To know more about tendon check the below link:


Related Questions

what visceral sensory stimulus triggers the autonomic reflex causing the reduction of blood pressure?


A visceral sensory signal sets off an autonomic reflex that causes the big vessel walls to expand, lowering blood pressure.

In what ways do autonomic reflexes regulate blood pressure?

The baroreceptors are activated when arterial pressure is raised because the blood vessel wall is stretched. These baroreceptors then provide the autonomic nervous system with feedback. Efferent parasympathetic fibers are then used by the ANS to lower heart rate (vagus nerve). This lowers blood pressure.

Autonomic reflexes are caused by what?

The limbic system sends ANS regulatory input to the hypothalamus, which is located directly above the brain stem, to coordinate autonomic activities.

To know more about blood pressure visit:-


the symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells.


The symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells. The above statement is true.

The diphtheria toxin, also referred to as an A-B toxin, is a single polypeptide chain with 535 amino acids that is made up of two subunits connected by disulfide bridges. The B subunit, the less stable of the two subunits, binds to the cell surface, allowing the A subunit, the more stable portion of the protein, to enter the host cell. The crystal structure of the diphtheria toxin homodimer has been established to 2.5 Ångstrom resolution. Three domains make up the Y-shaped molecule that is revealed by the structure. The catalytic C domain is present in fragment A, while the T and R domains are present in fragment B.

The C domain, which is the amino-terminal catalytic domain, features a unique beta+alpha fold. By transferring ADP-ribose from NAD to a diphthamide residue of eukaryotic elongation factor, the C domain inhibits protein synthesis. The T domain or TM domain, a central translocation domain, lacks the first globin helix homologue but contains two extra helices at the amino terminus and a multi-helical globin-like fold. It is believed that this domain unfolds in the membrane. The transfer of the C domain into the cytoplasm and insertion into the endosomal membrane are both facilitated by a pH-induced conformational shift in the T domain.

To know more about Diphtheria visit:


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and amenorrhea (menstrual disruption)

What impact does the female athlete triad have on bone density?

The trifecta of eating disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, and low bone mineral density was initially used to describe female athletes Menstrual cycle irregularities brought on by malnutrition impacted bone density.

What is the nutrition for female athletes triad quizlet?

The three independent but linked conditions with disordered eating, amenorrhea (menstrual dysfunction), and osteoporosis that are connected to female athletes' training are referred to as the "Female Athlete Triad."

To know more about amenorrhea visit:


a population is in hardy-weinberg equilibrium. the gene of interest has two alleles, with 16% of the population portraying the recessive phenotype. which percentage of the population is heterozygous?


The proportion of the population who will be heterozygous carriers of the recessive allele is 0.48 according to the hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, allele frequencies in a population are consistent and stable throughout generations. The gene pool, or the total number of genes and alleles in a population, does not change over time. We refer to this as genetic equilibrium. The sum of all allelic frequencies equals one.

For instance, specific frequencies can be given names like p, q, etc. P and Q stand for the frequency of allele A and allele an in a diploid.

In a population, p2 is the proportion of AA people. The likelihood that an allele A with a frequency of p exists on both chromosomes of a diploid individual is just the product of the probabilities of p2. This is how it is also known.

Similar to this, aa's is q2 and aa's is 2pq.

Consequently, the binomial expansion of (p+q)2 is p2+2pq+q=1, or 1.

q²= 16

q²= 16/100= 0.16

q= 0.4

p= 1-0.4= 0.6

2pq= 2(0.4)(0.6)= 0.48

To learn more about the Hardy-Weinberg principle:


when collecting data from genetic crosses which gene pair is most likely to show the highest frequency of recombination?


A and G gene pair is most likely to show the highest frequency of recombination.

A genetic cross GCSE: What is it?

Punnett squares are used in genetic crossings to determine the likelihood that children will acquire their parents' traits.Genetics in biology (a single science.

Genotype cross: what is it?

The genetic make-up of an organism is referred to as the genotype, so it reflects every one of the alleles, the gene variants, that the organism carries.To ascertain if a dominant trait was heterozygous or homozygous for just a particular allele, a test cross is useful.

To know more about genetic crosses visit:


Once a substance is separated from the blood by the glomerulus, it is excreted in the urine.
a. True
b. False


Once a substance is separated from the blood by the glomerulus, it is excreted in the urine. The given statement is false as many substances are reabsorbed through tubules.

What is the role of glomerulus?

Blood from the cells enter the kidneys through arteries which branch inside the kidneys into a large number of tiny clusters of looping blood vessels. Each of these clusters is called a glomerulus.

As blood flows into each nephron in the kidney, it enters a cluster of tiny blood vessels called the glomerulus. The thin walls of the glomerulus allow the smaller molecules, wastes, and fluid that is mostly water to pass through it and enters into the tubule. Larger molecules, such as proteins and blood cells, stay in the blood vessel and many particles are reabsorbed on the basis of gradient of osmolarity.

Learn more about Glomerulus here:


natural selection occurs when there is nonrandom elimination of genotypes from a population due to differences in viability or reproductive success. t or f


Is a process by which evolution takes place when a characteristic has heritable variation and individuals with one version of the trait have a higher chance of reproducing than individuals with a different version of the trait.

Gene flow is an outcome of natural selection.

Natural selection eliminates genetic variety to the variants that do not benefit survival and reproduction, whereas gene flow decreases genetic variation to the variants that do. Gene flow and natural selection are two fundamental, and typically antagonistic, evolutionary factors.

What does a nonrandom process in nature entail?

The process of natural selection is not random. This is because, unlike a random process, where all members of a population would have an equal chance of encountering it, it favors one type of creature over another.

To know more about Natural Selection visit;


Thermogenesis has been studied the plants in the genus arum, including skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. in these plants, what hypotheses have been provided to explain the reason behind thermogenesis?


Thermogenesis has been studied the plant life withinside the genus arum, which includes skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. In those plant life, those hypotheses had been furnished to give an explanation for the purpose in the back of thermogenesis safety from frost damage

leaf manufacturing and photosynthesis.

Thermogenesis, which takes area in specialized tissues such brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, is defined because the disposal of strength thru the technology of heat.

All metabolic sports worried in keeping

the organism in a stay circumstance require obligatory thermogenesis, which takes area in all organs.

It additionally consists of the strength used whilst meals is consumed, digested, and processed (thermic impact of meals, or TEF).

Thus, the purpose in the back of thermogenesis are: safety from frost damage, leaf manufacturing and photosynthesis, seed germination.

To learn more about thermogenesis refer to:


Which leukocyte type migrates from the blood into the tissues and becomes a mast cell?


Basophil migrates from the blood into the tissues and becomes a mast cell.

What are basophils?

One variety of white blood cell is the basophil. The least frequent granulocyte, basophils account for 0.5% to 1% of the circulating white blood cells. They are the biggest form of granulocyte, though. In addition to causing inflammatory reactions during immunological responses, they also have a role in the development of both acute and chronic allergic disorders, such as hay fever, asthma, atopic dermatitis, and anaphylaxis. They also generate substances that help regulate immunological responses, such as heparin, which prevents blood clotting, and substances like histamine and serotonin, which cause inflammation. However, these substances are less abundant than those found in mast cell granules. Mast cells were formerly believed to be basophils that moved from the blood into their native tissues (connective tissue), but they are now understood to be different sorts of cells.

To learn ore about basophils visit:


which type of ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential?


Voltage channels  are  ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential.

What is ion channels?

Ion channels are membrane proteins that produce pores in the membrane and permit ions to pass through the pore. In addition to establishing a resting membrane potential, structuring action potentials and other electrical signals by controlling ion flow across cell membranes, secretory and epithelial cell volume, and secretory and epithelial cell ion flow are some of their other activities. The membranes of every cell include ion channels.  Ion transporters and ion channels make up the two types of ionophoric proteins.

Ion channels are holes in the cellular membrane that allow ions to pass through the lipid cell membrane, which is impermeable to ions..

Read more about ion channels:


a dark-red strain and a white strain of wheat are crossed and produce an intermediate, medium-red f1. when the f1 plants are interbred, and f2 generation is produced in a ratio of 1 dark-red: 20 medium-dark-red: 22 medium-red: 20 light-red: 1 white. further crosses reveal that the dark-red and white f2 plants are true breeding. how many genes are involved in the production of color? group of answer choices


Quantitative and polygenic inheritance refers to the contribution of different genes to the expression of a trait, generating phenotypic graduation according to the interaction between the alleles. Option B. Two diallelic genes are involved in the production of color.

What are quantitative and polygenic inheritance?

When the expression of a phenotypic trait depends on the additive effect of a series of genes, we talk about quantitative heritability.

Polygenic inheritance occurs when a trait results from the interaction of more than one gene.

The action of many genes and alleles can cause many different combinations that are the reason for genotypic graduation.

Quantitative traits can be measured, such as longitude, weight, and eggs laid per female, among others.

These characters do not group individuals by any precise and clear categories. Instead, they group individuals into different categories that depend on how the genes intercrossed and distributed during meiosis.

The result depends on the magnitude in which each allele contributes to the final phenotype and genotype.

When they interact, they create a gradation in phenotypes, according to the contribution level.

In the exposed example we have a color gradation, so we can assume we are talking bout quantitative heritability.

Cross 1)

Parentals) dark-red strain  x  white strain

F1) 100% medium-red

Cross 2)

Parentals) medium-red  x  medium-red


1 dark-red (homozygous)

20 medium-dark-red

22 medium-red

20 light-red

1 white (homozygous)

Following the provided data, we know that dark-red and white are homozygous individuals.

From the cross between dark-red and white individuals, we got medium-red individuals, so we will assume the dark-red color is the dominant phenotype.

Medium-red is the heterozygous genotype because most individuals express this phenotype.

Two diallelic genes must be coding for this feature.

Gene 1 (A and a alleles)Gene 2 (B and b alleles)

Phenotypes and Genotypes

dark-red (homozygous) ⇒ four dominant alleles ⇒ AABBmedium-dark-red ⇒ three dominant alleles ⇒ AaBB, AABbmedium-red (heterozygous) ⇒ two dominant alleles ⇒ AaBblight-red ⇒ one dominant allele ⇒ Aabb, aaBbwhite (homozygous) ⇒ zero dominant alleles ⇒ aabb

Option B) Two diallelic genes must be involved in the production of color.

You can learn more about quantitative and polygenic inheritance at


Complete question

A dark-red strain and a white strain of wheat are crossed and produce an intermediate, medium-red f1.

When the f1 plants are interbred, and f2 generation is produced in a ratio of 1 dark-red: 20 medium-dark-red: 22 medium-red: 20 light-red: 1 white.

Further crosses reveal that the dark-red and white f2 plants are true breeding.

How many genes are involved in the production of color?

Group of answer choices

A) 12

B) 2

C) 4

D) 1

E) 3

The alimentary canal is innervated by the and divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
a. True
b. False


The alimentary canal is innervated by the and divisions of the autonomic nervous system. This statement is False.

The GI tract is innervated by enteric nervous system (ENS) neurons as well as axons of extrinsic sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent neurons.

Food that has been swallowed stimulates the pharynx and upper esophagus, eliciting afferent signals that are integrated in the brainstem and then provide efferent signals to enteric neurons in the stomach, causing acid secretion and increased gastric volume in preparation for the arrival of the food.

Intestinal inflammation causes pain and altered motility, at least in part due to effects on the enteric nervous system. While these changes can be reversed with healing, long-term damage can lead to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and post-enteritis irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

To learn more about enteric nervous system, here


We use the sense of ______ to sample our environment for information about the food we will eat, the presence of individuals in the room, or potential


We use the sense of olfaction to sample our environment for information about the food we will eat, and the presence of individuals in the room.

Olfaction is the sensation of odor that effects from the detection of odorous substances aerosolized in the environment. On the side of imaginative and prescient, flavor, hearing, and stability, olfaction is a special sense.

The manner of olfaction involves the conversion of a chemical stimulus, an odorant, into an electrical signal sent to the mind for interpretation. This mechanism begins after olfactory sensory neurons depolarize in reaction to the binding of an odorant molecule to G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR).

Learn more about Olfaction here:-


When should a driver yield the right of way?


A driver should yield the right of way when reaching at intersections with a stop sign and let pedestrians cross the road or walk with safety.

There are other conditions as well:

A motorist must give way to the car that approaches the junction first if there isn't a stop sign or traffic light. The automobile on the right has the right of way if two or more vehicles are approaching the junction at once. Pedestrians have the right-of-way at four-way stops at all times. When merging, a motorist must give way to any oncoming traffic.A motorist must give way to other cars and pedestrians in the main route when crossing the highway or accessing it from a side road.

Learn more about yielding the right of way here:


Why are your muscles forced to use anaerobic respiration to produce atp during exercise?


During exercise, the body's muscles need to produce ATP quickly and in large amounts. Anaerobic respiration is used because it is faster and more efficient than aerobic respiration.

It does not require oxygen, so there is no need to wait for oxygen to be delivered. It also produces a greater yield of ATP in a shorter period of time.

Anaerobic respiration during exercise

Anaerobic respiration during exercise is a type of respiration that occurs when the body is working at a high level and is unable to take in enough oxygen to meet its energy needs.

During anaerobic respiration, carbohydrates such as glucose are broken down and converted into energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) without the use of oxygen. This type of respiration produces lactic acid as a by-product, leading to a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles, resulting in fatigue.

Learn more about  Anaerobic respiration during exercise:


What are reactants short answer?


Chemical compounds that react with one another to create a new material are known as reactants. In a chemical reaction, reactants are always located on the left side of the arrow.

In biology, a reactant is a substance that initiates a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions cause reactants to transform into products. For instance, oxygen and glucose are the reactants during cellular respiration.

The process of converting one chemical substance into another is known as a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction's reactant is the material that initiates it, and its product is the substance that results from the reaction. The reactants of a chemical reaction are consumed in order to produce the products.

To learn more about reactants


When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?


Primary Succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance.

Succession is the order of colonization of species in an environment from a barren or destroyed vicinity of land. Pioneer species, like moss and lichen, are the primary ones to colonize a place.

Succession can show up even in mature or climax communities. As an example, when a tree falls in a mature forest, daylight may also once more be capable of reaching the woodland floor, which might permit new growth to start.

There are 4 degrees of succession-making plans: imposing a software solution, assessing key roles, identifying personnel with the abilities and abilities, and creating and enforcing development plans.

Learn more about Succession here:-


normally, each of your body cells has_______ chromosomes from your mother and ________chromosomes from your father.


Normally, each of your body cells has 23 chromosomes from your mother and the same amount of chromosomes from your father.

What is the cellular process of mitosis?

The cellular process of mitosis is a cell division process by which multicellular organisms like humans produce somatic body cells, which involve the generation of two daughter cells with the same amount of chromosomes as the parental cell.

In humans,  somatic cells contain two sets of homologous chromosomes having 23 chromosomes of each parent.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the cellular process of mitosis generates cells that have 46 chromosomes, i.e 23 chromosomes that derive from the father and other 23 chromosomes that derive from the mother.

Complete question:

Fill in the blank. Normally, each of your body cells has_______ chromosomes from your mother and ________chromosomes from your father.

Learn more about  the cellular process of mitosis here:


how can large quantities of praotein be produced from a bacterial colony containing the gene of interest?


Large quantities of protein can be produced from a bacterial colony containing the gene of interest through a process called recombinant DNA technology. This involves transferring the gene of interest from one organism to a bacterial cell and then using the cell as a protein factory.

Producing Large Quantities of Protein from Bacterial Colonies Using Recombinant DNA Technology

Once the gene has been transferred into the bacterial cell, the cell's machinery can be used to produce large quantities of the desired protein. This process is highly efficient and can be used to produce large amounts of the protein in a short amount of time. The bacteria can be grown in large batches and the desired protein can be extracted from the culture. Recombinant DNA technology is a powerful tool that has revolutionized biotechnology and has enabled scientists to mass-produce proteins for a variety of applications.

Learn more about Proteins:


having two sets of chromosomes, one inherited from the mother and the other set inherited from the father.


Having two sets of chromosomes, one inherited from the mother and the other set inherited from the father occurs in organisms that reproduce by sexual reproduction.

In the field of science, sexual reproduction can be described as a process by which the male and female gamete join in order to produce a fertile offspring.

The daughter cell or the zygote formed after the fertilization process has two sets of chromosomes. One from the father and the other one from the mother. Hence, sexual reproduction is the process by which offspring are produced that have tow sets of chromosomes.

To learn more about chromosomes, click here:


If the density of ethanol is 0.789 g/mL, how many milliliters are produced in this reaction?
C6H12O6 --> 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2


The volume of the ethanol is 6.7 mL

What is the density of the ethanol?

We know that density is defined as the ratio of the mass to the volume of an object. We know that the density is said to be an intrinsic property and this means that we can use the density of the object to be able to obtain the kind of object that we are dealing with.

We have the information that the mass of the carbon dioxide that can be obtained from the reaction is about 10 g. We can now use this to obtain the number of moles by the use of the formula;

Number of moles = mass/ molar mass

= 10 g/44 g/mol

= 0.23 moles

From the reaction equation:

1 mole of ethanol produces 2 moles of carbon dioxide

x moles of ethanol produces 0.23 moles of carbon dioxide

x = 0.23 × 1 /2

= 0.115 moles

Mass of ethanol = 0.115 moles × 46 g/mol

= 5.29 g

Volume of the ethanol = mass/density

volume = 5.29 g/0.789 g/mL

= 6.7 mL

Learn more about ethanol;


Why is it important to monitor environmental parameters when making policy decisions?


The fundamental goal of environmental monitoring is to control and reduce the negative effects that an organization's operations have on the environment.

What makes environmental factors important?

The system's internal status and surrounds are revealed via environmental factors. Transmission rate, SNR, and BER all provide information on the internal status. The channel occupation and channel response are two examples of environmental information for the system.

Why is environmental monitoring crucial? What is it?

Environmental monitoring is a method for evaluating environmental trends and conditions, assisting in the creation of policies and their execution, and gathering data to present to the public, national politicians, and international organizations.

To know more about environmental parameters visit :-


What type of fiber-cable problem is caused when pairing a 50-micron core cable with a 62.5-micron core cable?


A 50-micron core cable and a 62.5-micron core cable paired together will result in a fiber type mismatch issue.

Can you measure length in microns?

Micrometres, sometimes referred to as microns, are units of length in the metric system equal to 0.001 millimeters, or around 0.000039 inch. Its symbol is m. The micrometer is frequently used to gauge the size of minute things, such as bacteria.

1 or 5 microns—which is larger?

The micron number should be as low as possible. Imagine a sieve for microns. The tiny particles will all flow through a 5 micron water filter and into your drinking water, while the larger ones will be sieved out by the filter. A filter with a 1 micron pore size will, in contrast, filter out invisible particles.

To know more about Microns visit:


cells take in food for energy. the part of the cell that aids in digestion of the food is the lysosome. what is the main role of lysosomes in the process of food digestion?


The main role of lysosomes in the process of food digestion is converting energy from one form into another.

The lysosome releases its enzymes when food is consumed or absorbed by the cell, breaking down complex compounds like carbohydrates and proteins into the usable energy the cell needs to thrive. In the absence of food, the lysosome's enzymes break down other cellular organelles to provide the required nutrients.

The lysosome serves these purposes: internally digested: The word "lysosome" is derived from the words "lyso lytic" or "digestive," which aids in digestion.

Getting rid of dead cells, function in metamorphosis, aid in the production of protein, support for fertilization, function in osteogenesis ,failure of the lysosomes, Autolysis of bone and cartilage tissue

For more information on lysosome kindly visit to


Complete question: Cells take in food for energy. The part of the cell that aids in digestion of the food is the lysosome. What is the main role of lysosomes in the process of food digestion?

A. breaking down wastes

B. converting energy from one form into another

C. building proteins

D. controlling the activities of the cell

what gland is not working properly in both cushing syndrome and addison disease?


Primary adrenal insufficiency, also referred to as Addison disease, can be brought on by low cortisol levels. Although uncommon, primary adrenal insufficiency is an autoimmune disorder that damages the adrenal glands.

What do Cushing's and Addison's diseases have in common?

Both are effects of the adrenal glands not functioning properly. The two conditions Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome are diametrically opposed. Both are effects of the adrenal glands not functioning properly.

What gland is a factor in Addison's illness?

Overview. When the body doesn't produce enough of these hormones, it can develop Addison's disease, also known as adrenal insufficiency. In Addison's disease, the adrenal glands frequently produce too little aldosterone and too little cortisol.

To know more about adrenal glands visit:-


what further experiment should be carried out in order to determine the primary structure of the polypeptide?


We have a few reactions we can employ to figure out a polypeptide's sequence. The N-terminal amino acid can be identified using Edman's reagent.

The C-terminal amino acid can then be identified using carboxypeptidase A. The C-side of Met and trypsin, as well as the C-side of Arg and Lys, are both hydrolyzed by cyanogen bromide.

a. There are two alternative sequences for the fragments of polypeptide I: Val-Gly-Asp-Lys-Leu-Glu-Pro-Ala-Arg-Ala-Leu-Gly-Asp and Leu-Glu-Pro-Ala-Arg-Val-Gly-Asp-Lys-Ala-Leu-Gly-Asp. Depending on whether Leu or Val is released, Edman's reagent can reveal the

b. The sequences for the polypeptide II fragments are: Ala-Glu-Pro-Arg-Ala-Met-Gly-Lys-Val-Leu-Gly-Glu and Ala-Met-Gly-Lys-Ala-Glu-Pro-Arg-Ala-Met-Gly-Lys-Val-Leu-Gly-Glu. Cyanogen bromide can be used to determine the actual sequence. The initial segment would be split up into a one into two hexamers, the other into a dimer and decamer.

For more information on polypeptide kindly visit to


complete question : Three peptides were obtained from a trypsin digestion of two different polypeptides. In each case, indicate the possible sequences from the given data and tell what further experiment should be carried out in order to determine the primary structure of the polypeptide. a. polypeptide I: 1. Val-Gly-Asp-Lys 2. Leu-Glu-Pro-Ala-Arg 3. Ala-Leu-Gly-Asp; b. polypeptide II: 1. Val-Leu-Gly-Glu 2. Ala-Glu-Pro-Arg 3. Ala-Met-Gly-Lys

a nonsense mutation typically reduces the length of the polypeptide and thus alters its function. this is due to the fact that the of the protein is terminated prematurely. t or f


A nonsense mutation typically reduces the length of the polypeptide and thus alters its function. this is due to the fact that the of the protein is terminated prematurely is True.

It results in a truncated protein that is either non-functional or destroyed.4This form of substitution variant tells the cell to prematurely stop translating, rather than causing an alteration in the amino acid, as is the case with other types of substitution variants.In other words, this point mutation causes an early stop codon to be added to the mRNA sequence, where a stop codon is created by changing just one nucleotide. When this happens, the translation is stopped before it is finished, which causes the protein to be abnormally truncated.

To know more about mutation check the below link:


the division of the autonomic nervous system that is anatomically known as the thoracolumbar division is the_____division.


The division of the autonomic nervous system that is anatomically known as thoracolumbar division.

The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is additionally referred to as the thoracolumbar division. Because of the preganglionic neurons' physical placement within the spinal cord, this division is also known as the thoracolumar division. The spinal cord contains these neurons in segments from T1 to L2.

The parasympathetic divide is also known as the craniosacral division, hence the answer provided is incorrect. The autonomic nervous system is not divided into the central and interior.The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system are the two functional divisions of the nervous system. The responses that each system generates make clear the significant contrasts between the two systems. Skeletal muscles are contracted by the somatic nervous system. The autonomic nerve system regulates glandular tissue, smooth muscle, and the heart. Although many, like breathing, can occur without conscious awareness, the somatic nervous system is linked to voluntary actions, whereas the autonomic nervous system is linked to involuntary actions, such those involved in homeostasis.

To know more about Autonomic nervous system visit:


according to the genetic data, after anatomically modern humans left africa they migrated first to which geographic area?


The evidence from genetic studies suggests that once anatomically modern people departed Africa, their initial migration destination was Asia.

The account is likely to evolve as more information is discovered, but in broad strokes, the scientists of today think that modern humans originated in Africa and made their initial migration to Asia between 80,000 and 60,000 years ago. This migration took place somewhere during that time period. Around 45,000 years ago, or maybe even earlier, they had already established settlements in Papua New Guinea, Australia, and Indonesia. Around 40,000 years ago, modern humans invaded Europe, most likely traveling along one of two corridors: one leading from Turkey down the Danube corridor into eastern Europe, and the other following the Mediterranean coast.

To learn more about evidence click on the below link:


cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division


The cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division is Meiosis.

Meiosis is a special form of cell division that occurs only in testicles and ovaries. An organ that produces male and female reproductive cells. sperm and egg.

A normal somatic cell has a complete set of chromosomes. When the cells of the mother's and father's bodies fuse to form a baby, the fertilized egg doubles its original number of chromosomes. Meiosis is sometimes called "meiosis" because it reduces the number of chromosomes by half.

So when the sperm and egg fuse, the baby will have the correct number. Therefore, the purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes, sperm and eggs with half the genetic complement of the parent cell. In the image below, pink represents the genetic contribution from the mother and blue represents the genetic contribution from the father.In this example, the diploid somatic cell contains 2n = 4 chromosomes. , two from the mother and two from the father. In humans, 2n = 46 and n = 23.

Learn more about Meiosis here :


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June, 5000. July, between 5000 and 6000. August, 6000. September, just below 6000. October, 5000. November, 3000. December, just above 1000. A stem and leaf plot is entitled Ounces Sold Last Friday. It shows two leaves labeled, Leaf (3 to 4 p.m.) and Leaf (7 to 8 p.m.). Leaf (3 to 4 p.m.): Stem, 0; leaf, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9. Stem, 1; leaf, 0, 0, 1, 2, 5. Stem, 2; leaf, 3. Stem, 3; leaf, blank. Leaf (7 to 8 p.m.): Stem, 0; leaf, 7, 8. Stem, 1; leaf, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8. Stem, 2; leaf, 0, 0, 0, 5. Stem, 3; leaf, 2. Find how many years it takes for money to quadruple when invested at an annual interest rate of 1.8% compounded continuously. Unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs.a. Trueb. False ________ diseases are those that involve the immune system functioning erroneously, such as when the body mistakes its own healthy cells as invaders. please explain the causes and consequences behind manifest destiny during the antebellum period. please explain the compromise of 1850 and its significance of the 1850's political climate. explain the causes and consequences of the kansas-nebraska act and bleeding kansas. in your analysis, please include the genesis of the free-soil movement, the pro-slavery movement, the caning of charles sumner, and the freedom fighter john brown. how did john brown's actions help lead the country into a civil war? Can you match the characteristics with the correct organelle? Sort each structure or function depending on whether it describes a chloroplast or a mitochondrion Reset Help rganelle of photosynthesis produc contains thylakoids organelle of cellular respiration ces Co2 as a waste product found only in plant cells and some algae converts solar energy to chemical found in both animal cells and plant cells harvests chemical energy from foodproduces 02 as a waste product Chloroplast Mitochondrion Identify one trend in political views by major political party as illustrated in the bar graphs.Describe a similarity or difference in political ideologies by major political party, as illustrated in the bar graphs, and draw a conclusion about that similarity or difference.Explain how the political views on U.S. military spending and strength as shown in the bar graphs can impact changes in public policy.Explain how the data in the bar graphs could affect the policy making interactions between the president and Congress.PLEASE HELP!!! In paragraphs 531535, highlight where Mr. Van Daan goes in the dark. The proper temperature for dry storerooms is betweenSelected Answer: Answers: a. 38F and 50Fb. 32F and 41Fc. 50F and 70Fd. 60F and 70F Which statement best completes the diagram? a company's assets that are used or converted into cash within the course of a calendar year are called Using the inclined plane reduces the amount of force needed to lift the block while increasing the A. mass of the wooden block.B. surface area of the block.C. pull of gravity on the block.D. distance the block must move. When evaluating capital investment projects, if the internal rate of return is less than the required rate of return, the project will be accepted.a. Trueb. False What does the opening lines of the poem means? Julia received her credit report and sees that her FICO score is 475. What might that mean? (5 points) a.Multiple Choicesb.She has a high available credit. c.She makes most payments on time. d.She applied for a second small loan in the last five years. e.She had a garnishment of wages last year. expect social interactions with your company. social media is still a part of their everyday lives and they frequently use social media to connect with companies, brands, and products dean has earned $70,000 annually for the past four and a half years working as an architect for mwc. under mwc's defined benefit plan (which uses a five-year cliff vesting schedule) employees earn a benefit equal to 3.5 percent of the average of their three highest annual salaries for every full year of service with mwc. what is dean's vested benefit (or annual benefit he has earned so far)? if a companys operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable. t or f