The root system of a grass plant interacts with the vascular system to increase the ability of the plant to Group of answer choices

a.absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
b.manufacture pigments for protection
c.obtain nutrient molecules
d.carry on gas exchange and absorb inorganic substances


Answer 1
I believe the correct answer is c. obtain nutrient molecules
Answer 2

The root system of a grass plant interacts with the vascular system to increase the ability of the plant to obtain nutrient molecules. That is option C.

Importance of the root system

The plant is made up of the root and the shoot systems which continually communicates for the growth and maintenance of the whole plant.

The root system is part of the plant that grows downwards. It has the following functions:

It holds the plant to the soil.

It absorbs water and nutrients from the soil.

It Conducts absorbed water and nutrients to stem

Therefore, the root system of a grass plant interacts with the vascular system to increase the ability of the plant to obtain nutrient molecules.

Learn more about plant root systems here:

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Anaerobic respiration is also known as _____





fermentation or intramolecular respiration

What does the strength of friction depend on? A. The direction of the forces. B. The types of surfaces and how hard the objects are being pushed. C. The color of surfaces and how hard they push. D. Only how hard the objects are being pushed​


the surface is important, the object being pushed on ice will have less friction than on wood.

I need help please please



the last one.


D, the last answer. . . .

What is NOT a prevention method for the milkweed bug?
O Leave grass clippings on lawn
O Mow at least once a week
O Avoid over-fertilization
O Provide proper amounts of water


Leave grass clippings on law .

Stimulation of the insulin receptor by ligand binding and autophosphorylation eventually leads to the activation of glycogen synthase and the translocation of glucose transporters to the plasma membrane. One strategy for treating diabetes is to develop drugs that act as inhibitors of the phosphatase enzymes that remove phosphate groups from the phosphorylated tyrosines on the insulin receptor. Why might this be an effective treatment for diabetes


By inhibiting the phosphates enzymes, the results of signal transduction will be maintained, even when insulin binding has ceased. The tyrosine of the insulin receptor will remain phosphorylated allowing for continued activation of PDK1, which will continue to phosphorylated and activate protein kinases. These protein kinases will phosphorylation and deactivate glycogen synthase kinase, allowing for continued activation of glycogen synthase. Inhibition of the phosphorylase will also allow continued translocation of glucose transporters to the plasma membrane through the continued activation of protein kinases. These responses will be allowed to occur continuously following a single binding of insulin. This would be an effective treatment for diabetes because it will amplify the cellular response to insulin.

What is the probability that a female offspring of the cross that is shown above would have a recessive allele for Duchenne muscular dystrophy disorder?
0 percent
25 percent
50 percent
100 percent


Is there an image you could attach? This can’t be answered without seeing the cross shown

A female offspring of the cross has a 100% chance of having a recessive allele for Duchenne muscular dystrophy disorder. The correct option is 4.

What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a recessive genetic disease caused by a faulty allele.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked recessive disorder, which means that the gene responsible for the disorder is located on the X chromosome.

This defective allele is found on the X chromosome; females have two X chromosomes, while males have one.

A female with this genetic disorder has a one hundred percent chance of passing on the defective allele to her offspring.

In conclusion, a female offspring of the cross has a 100% chance of having a recessive allele for Duchenne muscular dystrophy disorder.

Thus, the correct option is 4.

For more details regarding muscular dystrophy, visit:


In a food chain, the organism that eats the secondary consumer is the:

B.Second Consumer
C.Primary Consumer D.Producer





Does one disease happen in the circulatory system which can affect homeostasis?



Your circulatory system delivers oxygen-rich blood to your bones. Meanwhile, your bones are busy making new blood cells. Working together, these systems maintain internal stability and balance, otherwise known as homeostasis.



Explanation: yes more than one disease can happen in the circulatory system

Can someone Help me with this please




1> Because meat is more calorically dense than vegetables

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Give an example of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Successions.


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how are each of the rock types created (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) created?



igneous is by heat, sedimentary byayering and metaphoric by heat

____(1)____ are made of two sisters ____(2)____ held together at the center by a ____(3)____.
A. (1) chromosomes; (2) chromatids; (3) centromere

B. (1) chromosomes; (2) centromeres; (3) chromatid



A. (1) chromosomes; (2) chromatids; (3) centromere





Humans contribute to many changes of areas such as beaches, bays, wetlands, the sea floor, and coral reefs. How does the deliberate alteration of the ocean or terrestrial topography negatively impact marine ecosystems?



For many years humans have been putting waste in oceans, wetlands, and lakes without thinking of the consequences. You know that saying “All roads lead to Rome” well most trash will end up in the ocean one way or another. There is a garbage patch in the ocean that is about 2x bigger than Texas. Many coral reefs are dying right now because of the oil and gas from the many boats that are traveling on the waters. A way to help solve these problems is using less or zero plastic. Plastic takes years to completely deteriorate. For example glass even though it's not plastic it still takes years to deteriorate. You know sea glass well that took years and years to get to that point when you find it at the beach.


dont use the exact answer i put. i would change this up a bit or use it as inspiration to use. i just finished the activity on Plato

Which of the following are functions of



The function of an enzyme is to speed up a chemical reaction in a living thing (humans, animals, plants etc.)

Given a parent genotype of AA, what are the possible gametes that they can produce?

Plz someone Help


If both genotypes of the parents are a dominant A then the only possible solution is a the dominant gene. So the answer would be A and C but if it’s a one answer only question, the answer is A.

Which organelles directly help to reduce overpopulation in a deer herd


Yes I am in a good job and I’m so stressed and stressed I need

predators & parasites


Predators (wolf, coyote, humans, etc) hunt the deer and eat their meat.

Parasites (deer ticks) cause disease in deer’s which cause them to die

Hope this helps!!

Which prevention method is used for crown rot?
O Providing adequate soil drainage
O Pruning leaves
O Destroying plant debris
O Irrigating soil regularly


I believe it’s the last option .

Select the correct answer.
Leo is at his son's birthday party. During the party, he keeps responding to unimportant work-related emails and can barely enjoy the party. This
makes his son very upset. What could Leo have done right so that his son would be happy?
OA buying his son an expensive gift
OB. being actively present at the party
OC. promising to throw another party
OD. quitting his job



being actively present at the party


being actively present at the party and celebrating with his son instead of responding to emails that are not very important

this is so difficult pls help



B. It is good solution because people will have sand to walk on along the beach.



I think B makes the most sense


Answer is A! :D


What happens to a renewable resource when
people begin to use it more quickly than it can be
O A. It becomes a sustainable resource.
B. It becomes polluted.
O C. It becomes a nonrenewable resource.
O D. It becomes a natural resource.





How do bacteria respond to their environment? Think back to how viruses mutate. What do you predict can happen to bacterial DNA?



Well they respond pretty well to other environment and they adapt

Mammals are a dominant group in which era?
Music on



In cenozoic era ,mammals are a dominant group.


Mammals are a dominant group in Cenozoic era

hope it is helpful to you

Amino acids: HELP[





Replace thymine (T) with uracil (U)



I don’t have the answer but I would recommend searching up a diagram to get your answer.
3,bronchiole 4,trachea 6, alveoli

I will give brain to the correct answer!

Which statement best explains how sewage systems help fight the spread of disease?

A. They carry antibiotics that kill pathogens

B. They carry human waste to treatment facilities away from cities

C. They kill animals that spread pathogenic bacteria

D. They add chlorine to drinking water before it is transported to homes.​


Answer: D


When living organisms die the dead material decays and is broken down.
The process of decay returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
What type of organism causes decay?​


, decomposers break down dead material from plants and other organisms and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Allowing discharged electricity to flow safely into Earth's bedrock is known as,

Btw 30 pts if u answer this CORRECTLY.


Geothermal energy maybe is their answer choices

Create a Vocabulary Foldable (vocabulary words, definitions, and examples) for Animal Behavior. Refer to ACOS 7.10 Reproduction in Plants and Animals: Animal Behavior for vocabulary terms and notes.

Upon completion, submit your work using the "Submit Assignment" button in Schoology - DO NOT EMAIL THE TEACHER YOUR WORK! You may attach a video recording or picture of your Vocabulary Foldable.
1.) Stimulus

2.) Response

3.) External

4.) Internal

5.) Behavior

6.) Environmental Behavior

7.) Hibernation

8.) Migration

9.) Inherited Behavior

10.) Reflex

11.) Instinct

12.) Learned Behavior

13.) Imprinting

14.) Conditioning

15.) Trial and Error Learning

16.) Insight Learning

17.) Social Behavior

18.) Social Hierarchy

19.) Territorial Behavior


You can download[tex]^{}[/tex] the answer here


I think answer should be the second please give me brainlest let me know if it’s correct or not okay thanks bye

What is the genotype percentage of a blonde haird person and a brown haired homzygous?​



what are the optionnnnnn???

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