The repetition of beginning sounds in words is


Answer 1

Answer: Alliteration

Explanation: because it's The repetition of a beginning consonant sound, usually in a line or verse or in a sentence.

Related Questions

Andrei gauged the level of exposure to his marketing campaign using the percentage of the target population exposed at least once to his advertisement, representing its.


Nathan used the proportion of the target market exposed to his advertisement at least once, which represents its Integrated Market Communication and a marketing plan, to measure the extent of exposure to his marketing campaign.

A marketing plan is a strategy developed by any company to advertise its goods when they are first introduced to the market.

The act of defining what they intend to accomplish through the marketing process through the use of several marketing campaigns and marketing plans is known as Integrated Market Communication.

The AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) model is employed when communicating with the target market.

To learn more about a marketing plan, refer to:


answe questions for just mercy chapter six


Charlie was imprisoned as a result of shooting his mother's lover dead because the man had been abusive to his mother.

The judicial system failed Charlie in the following ways:

He was permitted to continue living in a hostile atmosphere at home.

Despite being a juvenile, he was placed in an adult prison.

He receives no defence from other prisoners while incarcerated. He is once more a victim of dreadful crimes.

The courts did not discuss the effects of George's abuse; instead, they solely blamed Charlie.

He is sent to a location where the adults there view him as prey.

3. The murder victim's unique circumstances, which make Charlie struggle more.

To learn more about Charlie here:


Read the excerpt from "Lewis Hine Helps a Nation See the Light."

One of Hine's photo essays received a lot of attention. It was a study of immigrants entering the United States through Ellis Island. At that time, many Americans had strong anti-immigrant attitudes. However, Hine's photographs portrayed the new arrivals with such respect and dignity that they disproved many of the stereotypes of the day. It was this Ellis Island photo essay that drew the attention of the National Child Labor Committee.

The author's main purpose for including this information in the text is to show that

Hine had already completed one photo essay of immigrants entering the United States.
many Americans had strong negative attitudes about the newly arrived immigrants.
Hine changed his attitude about immigrants after he took their photographs.
Hine had changed an existing cultural mindset with his photographs.


The author's main purpose for including this information in the text is to show that: Hine had changed an existing cultural mindset with his photographs.

What was Hine's main aim in including this information?

The main reason why Hine must have included this piece of information is to show that the Americans had an existing cultural mindset about immigrants at that time. However, the photograph of Ellis Island by Hine was not reflective of that mindset. The point is that through this depiction of the Island, Hine did not capture what the prevalent attitude of Americans was towards the immigrants.

In choosing to portray this piece of information in this manner, Hine was able to divert from the original conception of immigrants in America at that time and that was why his work was also able to draw the attention of the National Child Labor Committee.

Learn more about immigrants here:


Answer: I’m pretty sure it’s c


Is a hot dog a sandwich? Explain your reasoning



Merriam-Webster defines it as “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.” Simple enough. Essentially, anything can be a sandwich so long as it's between two slices of bread or inside a roll or bun. So by a technical definition, yes, hot dogs and are very much sandwiches.


Put this into your own words (: don't risk plagiarism.


YES, it is two bread pieces put together with meat inside it just like a ham sandwich



What figurative language type in present in the following quotes of the book Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson? (Include multiple types if possible)

a. simile, b. Metaphor, c. Symbol, d. Idiom, e. Analogy, f. Personification, g. Allusion, h. Onomatopoeia, I. Hyperbole

“I poked at the logs in the kitchen hearth, trying to summon back the bees so they would chase out the thoughts invading my brainpan.”

“I looked in my bowl. The dried apple bits curled like fresh-hatched maggots.”

“Walking down Broadway I was a fish swimming in the wrong direction.”

“The horses pulling carts and carriages whinnied nervously, bobbing their heads up and down and rolling their eyes in fear of the commotion and noise.”

“The thought washed over me like a river, sweeping away the dead bees that had filled my brainpan with confusion.”

“A gust of wind blew and carried with it the first hit of fall: canoe-shaped chestnut leaves, turned yellow ‘round the edges.”

“I searched for a familiar red hat but did not find it.” (MC is looking for a man who wears a red hat a lot.)

“The ratatatating of the drumsticks rattles through me, setting my teeth to shaking and waking the bees who had lately gone to sleep in my brainpan.”

“If I could cry a river, maybe I could swim away, or slip under the water to freedom.”

“Crack! The gavel cracked on the block of wood. “Next case.””

“A thought slid through me, quick and slimy as a cold eel.”

“Melancholy held me hostage…”

“Lightning danced at its edges like horses at a mad gallop, then the sky turned ink black and the storm crashed over us.”


The correct matching of the figurative language to the sentences is given below:

“I poked at the logs in the kitchen hearth, trying to summon back the bees so they would chase out the thoughts invading my brainpan.”

“I looked in my bowl. The dried apple bits curled like fresh-hatched maggots.” Simile

“Walking down Broadway I was a fish swimming in the wrong direction.” Metaphor

“The horses pulling carts and carriages whinnied nervously, bobbing their heads up and down and rolling their eyes in fear of the commotion and noise.” Onomatopoeia

“The thought washed over me like a river, sweeping away the dead bees that had filled my brainpan with confusion.” Simile

“A gust of wind blew and carried with it the first hit of fall: canoe-shaped chestnut leaves, turned yellow ‘round the edges.”  Allusion

“I searched for a familiar red hat but did not find it.” (MC is looking for a man who wears a red hat a lot.) Symbol

“The ratatatating of the drumsticks rattles through me, setting my teeth to shaking and waking the bees who had lately gone to sleep in my brainpan.” Onomatopoeia

“If I could cry a river, maybe I could swim away, or slip under the water to freedom.”  Idiom

“Crack! The gavel cracked on the block of wood. “Next case.”” Onomatopoeia

“A thought slid through me, quick and slimy as a cold eel.” Personification

“Melancholy held me hostage…” Personification

“Lightning danced at its edges like horses at a mad gallop, then the sky turned ink black and the storm crashed over us.” Simile

What is a Simile?

This refers to the figure of speech that is used in order to show the comparison between dissimilar things using like or as.

Read more about similes here:

The Monkeys Paw

EXPLAIN how the monkey's paw becomes a symbol and how this moves the actions in the plot.


The monkey's paw symbolizes greed and desire for the wealth of the father. When he wishes for the 200 pounds it is foreshadowing what happens at the end of the story. When their son tells them that a creature will be watching them pick through their ill-gotten gains the creature he speaks of represents the lingering consequences to come.

Example: Using an image of the American flag to represent patriotism and a love for
one's country.
Explain why the example is symbolism:


The American flag has historically represented liberty and broadcast the message of freedom (U.S. Government Printing Office, 2008, p. 5).

Men battled to ensure the freedom of the United States and its citizens; the American flag represents this meaning and, when flown, demonstrates patriotism and love of country. For more than 225 years, the American flag has served as a representation of liberty and justice.

The American flag has served as a warning to enemies and a reassuring sign to allies throughout conflicts and times of peace. The American flag is the only symbol that truly symbolizes the strength and glory of the country.

To learn more about American Flag here:


Identify the errors in these sentences and rewrite them in the correct manner.
1. The characters in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series lives in a world that combine
present day with Greek mythology.
2. The members of the volleyball team gets their new uniform today.
3. Neither Edith's parents nor her sister agree with her decision to move away from
4. Both of these pairs of shoes needs polishing.
5. Peppermint Patty and Lucy Van Pelt is characters from the Peanuts comics.
6. Each of the cupcakes need a layer of butter cream icing.
7. The school band play the National Anthem every morning.
8. Measles are a disease that has been eradicated from Brazil.



1. The characters in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series lives in a world that combine present day with Greek mythology.(live)

2. The members of the volleyball team gets their new uniform today.(get)

3. Neither Edith's parents nor her sister agree with her decision to move away from(agrees)

4. Both of these pairs of shoes needs polishing. (need)

5. Peppermint Patty and Lucy Van Pelt is characters from the Peanuts comics.(are)

6. Each of the cupcakes need a layer of butter cream icing.(needs)

7. The school band play the National Anthem every morning. (plays)

8. Measles are a disease that has been eradicated from Brazil.(is)

the words underlined are the incorrect ones and the correct form of them is in the brackets!!

Anthem: The Next Chapter (Would be greatly appreciated)

Here is your chance to create the resolution to Anthem that you think it deserves. Write the final chapter to the novella in a way that answers questions that you may still have.

Write at least 4 paragraphs with 7-10 sentences each.
Include the following:
Name of his country/society and why it is named that Describe family/roles-do women work outside the home? school? Jobs? Etc.
Describe modern conveniences that are invented or rediscovered
Describe their food sources-how do they get it, what is it



Equality 7-2521 says that when, in the course of his reading, he first discovered and understood the meaning of the word "I," he wept — he who had never known tears.

Equality 7-2521 reads many books for many days. When he finally lays aside his studies, he calls the Golden One and tells her what he has learned. Her first words on hearing his discoveries are: "I love you." He tells her that the code of individualism requires each person to have their own name to differentiate them from the rest of humankind. He tells her of a figure about whom he has read. He was a legendary hero who lived far in the past, who took the light of the gods and brought it to humans. In this way, "he taught men to be gods." He suffered for his deeds as all bearers of light must suffer. His name was Prometheus. "It shall be your name," replies the Golden One. Additionally, he tells her of a heroine from the legends of the past. She was a goddess who was the mother of the earth and of all the gods. Her name was Gaea. He requests that the Golden One take this name, for she is to be the mother of a new kind of gods. The Golden One agrees.

Prometheus looks ahead and sees the future clearly before him. Prometheus says that he will continue to live in his own house and learn to grow food by tilling the soil. He will gain much knowledge from his books and use that knowledge in the coming years to re-create the achievements of the past. He is proud of the attainments he can reach, but also saddened by the inability of others to do the same, for their minds are shackled by the collectivist philosophy that keeps them enslaved.

Prometheus learns that the power of the sky was known to the freethinkers of the past; they called it electricity and used it to light their cities, heat their homes, and power their inventions. He has found the engine in the home that produces this power and will learn to repair it. He will study the wires that carry this power, learn how to use them, and then create a network of wires around his house and the paths that lead to his house. In this way, he will make the house impregnable from assault by others, for they have nothing with which to threaten him but their numbers. They use brute force, but he uses his mind.

Prometheus and Gaea will live on their mountaintop in peace and security. He says that she is pregnant with his child, who will be raised as a free man. Their son will be taught the word "I" and will learn reverence for his own spirit. He will learn what pride there is in being a human individual. When Prometheus's work is accomplished — when he has read the books, fortified their home, and tilled the soil — he intends to stealthily venture for the last time into the city of his birth. There he will call to him all those of independent spirit who remain — his friend International 4-8818 and all those like him. He will seek out Fraternity 2-5503, who cries without reason, and Solidarity 9-6347, who screams in the night. He will reach out to any of the men and women whose heads are still unbowed, who retain the slightest spark of autonomy and who yearn in some form for freedom. These individuals will flock to him, and they will return to his fortress. Prometheus says that here, in the uncharted wilderness, they will build their city and write a new chapter in the history of human freedom.


That the hero and heroine take new names is significant for several reasons. They reject the collectivist names that were imposed on them by the slave society in which they were raised. The name Equality 7-2521 stands for a particular aspect of collectivist thinking. The collectivists do not mean by the term "equality" the individualistic principle that all individuals possess the same legal rights and are to be treated identically by the law. The collectivists mean that all are equal in an absolute sense — that no individual is or should be better than the crowd, that no one possesses greater talent than others or greater intelligence or greater virtue. It is the equality of an ant colony, in which all individuals are equally subordinated to and enslaved by the rulers.

High Incomes Don't Bring You Happiness
Based on the information in the article, which of the following would improve the happiness of the median U.S. household.
A. keeping their income below $52,000
B. keeping their income at exactly $52,000
C. increasing their income to no higher than $75,000
D. increasing their incomes to be greater than $75,000


To improve the happiness of the median U.S. household they need to D. increasing their income to no higher than $75,000.

What does the "High Income Don't Bring Happiness" article talk about?

Whether or not you can buy happiness with money is a contentious topic. In a 2010 study, economist Angus Deaton and psychologist Daniel Kahneman looked for a resolution to this controversy.

It depends on your definition of happiness, according to a recent research by Princeton economist Angus Deaton and psychologist Daniel Kahneman. The writers make a distinction between life evaluation, which is a person's opinions about their life (on a longer time scale), and emotional well-being, which is "the quality of a person's everyday experiences such as joy, fascination, anxiety, sadness, rage, and affection."

When researchers looked at data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, they discovered that while "life assessments grow continuously with wealth," emotional wellbeing starts to decline at roughly $75,000 per year.

               Beyond $75,000, money is crucial for evaluating one's life, but it has no impact on pleasure, enjoyment, unhappiness, or tension. Both aspects are critical; while it is beneficial to feel emotionally well, it is also beneficial to believe that your life is going well.

The median household income in the US was $52,000 in 2008, according to the most available census data, with nearly a third of households earning more than $75,000 per year.

To learn more about High Incomes Don't Bring You Happiness from the given link


High Incomes Don't Bring You Happiness

Based on the information in the article, which of the following would improve the happiness of the median U.S. household.

A. keeping their income below $52,000

B. keeping their income at exactly $52,000

C. increasing their income to no higher than $75,000

D. increasing their incomes to be greater than $75,000

10 people that influenced sam in the book the pact ?


I recall that Sam's mother and Reggie, his Kung Fu instructor, were major influences on him.

Read the excerpt.
Everybody needs a boost of energy at times, and
caffeine is an easy way to wake up. Most people in the
United States immediately grab for coffee to get a jolt of
caffeine. While caffeine in coffee can be a tasty way to
energize, caffeine also has drawbacks to healthy living,
such as digestive issues, high blood pressure, and
rapid heart rate. A more health-conscious alternative is
peppermint oil. Peppermint oil provides an energizing
effect that can increase brain oxygen levels and
increase performance. Trying to increase focus by
drinking coffee instead of using peppermint oil
guarantees future health complications.
Which choice best explains the effect of the author's
use of faulty reasoning?


Option C best explains  the effect of the author's use of faulty reasoning. "The audience becomes critical of the argument because the claim and evidence do not correlate."

What are the benefite of coffee?

Coffee is a powerful source of healthy antioxidants.

Caffeine promotes short-term memory.

Coffee may help prevent cognitive decline.

Coffee is good for your mental health.

Coffee may help control certain types of cancer.

Coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, Option C best explains  the effect of the author's use of faulty reasoning. "The audience becomes critical of the argument because the claim and evidence do not correlate."

To know more about health, check out:


Need help hurryy!!!!!!!!!!!


Explanation: independent person more of a certified loner

b.when making choices or spend time alone

c.your personality traits

you can help yourself with the remaining right?

Make some similarities between "I could not stop death" by Emily Dickinson and the book thief


The idea that death is less strong than we believe is fostered by the personification of death. Donne presents a picture of death that is not enigmatic, not in charge, and a lowly slave.

Who was Emily Dickinson ?

American poet Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born. Although she was not well-known when she was alive, she is now acknowledged as one of the most significant individuals in American poetry. Dickinson was born into a well-known family with deep links to the neighborhood in Amherst, Massachusetts.

The people in Emily's hometown thought she was unusual because she frequently wore white clothing and was also very solitary. Eventually, she stopped welcoming guests downstairs and occasionally, she would only speak to them via the bedroom door that was closed.

One of the most prominent American poets of the 19th century, Emily Dickinson is renowned for her daring original verse that is notable for its epigrammatic compression, haunting personal voice, and enigmatic brilliance.

Learn more about Emily Dickinson, here


Reread paragraphs 1-2 of the first
selection, the Monster screenplay. How does Steve distinguish
himself from others in the jail, and why? Cite evidence.


Steve views himself as a kind guy but is unsure of who he really is and the poor choices he's made.

He feels different from how he was previously. He might not be as excellent as he once believed, or he might even be a criminal. Explain Detective Karyl's testimony in brief. Steve starts to question his morals and character as he is serving his sentence.He even worries that his parents no longer regard him as the nice son they once knew because of how other people perceive him. Thus, Steve constantly struggles between his own conviction in his goodness and other people's perceptions of him. He believes he is a morally upright young man.

Thus this is how Steve distinguished himself from others.

Refer here to learn more about Steve:


Make me a recipe using sequence words please help meee


Sequence terms are words that clarify the chronological order of events in a story or text. Words that describe events in a particular order help us understand what occurred initially, what followed, and what unexpected event occurred.

What is Sequence words ?

Sequence words are those that clarify the chronological order of the events in the story. They explain to us things like what occurred first, what followed, and what unforeseen event occurred. Consider them as directional words that point out the beginning and end of a story.

Reading a story would be perplexing without sequence words because we wouldn't be able to mentally visualise the events taking place in the correct order. And it wouldn't be enjoyable!

Time order words indicate the sequence of events. They enable readers to comprehend an order of occurrences. By using time order in our writing, we may make our work clearer and more unified for readers. These phrases are appropriate for academic writing, fiction, business writing, and technical writing. You can advance an essay or fiction by keeping a list of time order words close at hand.

To learn more about Sequence words refer :


What evidence do the authors include to support the central idea that the sugar plantations' cheap labor source changed from enslaved people to indentured Indians?

The sugar plantations depended on cheap labor.
The sugar plantations had a 24-hour cycle.
Gladstone asked the shipping company to provide workers.
Gladstone exhibited the chained body of Quamina.


The correct answer is Gladstone asked the shipping company to provide workers. The instant Gladstone requests that the shipping business send workers to him is the evidence. He expressly requests employees rather than slaves.

The tale "Sugar Changed the World" discusses the role that sugar played in the development of societies, particularly in the European colonies that were dispersed throughout America.

As sugar gained popularity as a spice, its exploitation altered colonial culture, established slave labour, encouraged the exploration of local lands, and positioned Africans and indigenous people in these activities.

The hiring of native labourers to take the place of African slaves in the cane fields was one of the significant effects of sugar's exploitation. In this passage, Gladstone, a plantation owner, requests the shipping company not to take slaves for him, but hired labourers instead. This request is the evidence the authors utilise to demonstrate that this moment occurred.

To know more about 'Gladstone' related questions





edge 2023

Blank verse can be defined as

1. rhymed verses of poetry

2. repeating rhyming couplets

3. unrhymed lines having no fixed pattern

4. unrhymed iambic pentameter


Answer: 3. Unrhymed lines having no fixed pattern

Explanation: I just know we’ve been studying poetry in class lately

Which line from the story reveals Montresor’s true intentions in his dealings with Fortunato?

A)"With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche."
B)"We continued our route in search of the Amontillado."
C)"'Come," I said, with decision, 'we will go back; your health is precious.'"
D)"But to these words I hearkened in vain for a reply. I grew impatient. I called aloud—",


The line from the story that reveals Montresor’s true intentions in his dealings with Fortunato is statement A that is  "With these materials and with the aid of my trowel and I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche."

The author of this tale is Edgar Allan , and it is titled "The Cask of Amontillado." The narrative centres on an elderly guy who killed a man. The answer suggests that Montresor's genuine motivations aren't nice because he wants to kill Fortunato.

Therefore the statement reveals his true objectives.

Despite his clear hatred and disdain  for Fortunato, Montresor understood that he could force him into the tombs by appealing to his vanity . Montresor used flattery, health-related conversation, and tension building techniques  to get him to give up.

To know more about 'Montresor' related questions



Based on what you have read, describe how Elizabeth Partridge makes connections between Woody Guthrie’s life and his music.



Elizabeth Partridge connects Guthrie's life and his music by showing how he brought the events that occurred during his life into his lyrics.


this should help you get an understanding of what your'e asking.

Using your knowledge, experiences, and readings, write a carefully reasoned paragraph(s) in which you defend, challenge or qualify an assertion made by Golding on human nature. This should include an evaluation of Golding’s arguments and specific claims and an assessment of the reasoning. Be sure to identity any false statements and fallacious reasoning and support your claim using relevant and sufficient evidence.

I need 1 paragraph for each of these
A character that shows human beings are not fundamentally evil
An opposing claim paragraph


When people are not constrained by social norms, according to William Golding, human nature leads them away from reason and toward savagery.

William Golding's key claims are that people are brutish by nature and driven by urges to dominate others and act brutally. "The concept is an effort to link the flaws in human nature to the flaws in society. The lesson is that a society's structure must be determined by its ethical nature.

These power dynamics are pervasive on the island and are depicted in various ways throughout the book. The symbols in the book, which focus on two different power structures—a democratic system with Ralph as the head and a dictatorial system with Jack as the head—illustrate these power dynamics.

To learn more about William Golding here:



One character in William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" that suggests that human beings are not fundamentally evil is Ralph. Throughout the novel, Ralph struggles to maintain order and civilization on the island, despite the increasing chaos and savagery of the other boys. He consistently puts the good of the group before his own desires, and his compassion and morality remain intact even as the other boys' humanity deteriorates. Golding's portrayal of Ralph suggests that even in the most dire of circumstances, it is possible for individuals to hold onto their innate sense of morality and goodness, challenging the assertion that humans are fundamentally evil.

On the other hand, another argument from the novel is that human beings are inherently evil. The character of Jack, who gradually transforms from a well-behaved choir boy to a ruthless dictator, exemplifies this idea. As the boys are stranded on the island, Jack's inherent desire for power and control over the other boys becomes more pronounced, eventually leading to the brutal murder of Simon and Piggy. Golding's portrayal of Jack illustrates the idea that without the constraints of society and civilization, the evil within individuals can be unleashed, supporting the assertion that humans are fundamentally evil.

__________ is the distinction of knowing the difference between right and wrong and how one behaves according to that distinction. a. conscience b. obedience c. induction d. morality please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The term that refers to the excellence of knowing the distinction between right and wrong and the way one behaves in line with that distinction is termed Morality.

Morality is “the ability to tell apart right from wrong, to act on this distinction and to expertise pride, once we do the correct things and guilt or shame once we don't.” each psychologist and Kohlberg created important contributions to the current space of study.

A reflective morality marks a progressive society, whereas customary morality marks a stationary one. Moral development helps you with your beliefs due to its potential to believe wrong things. In contrast, growing up, considering, again and again, individuals do not hassle telling you what's wrong or right.

To learn more about morality, visit here


What is a student portfolio?
O an official record of a single student's course grades
O a collection of a single student's best academic work
O a document explaining assignments for a specific course
O a list of necessary courses to graduate with a specific degree


a collection of single student's best academic work.What is a Student Portfolio ?

A student's skills and learning development can be shown in their student portfolio, which is a collection of their work. Although more and more colleges are embracing digital portfolios, the portfolio can be physical or digital/online. They are an obvious choice in many situations due to their practicality and simplicity of use.
Working portfolios, display portfolios, and assessment portfolios are the three main types of portfolios identified by Danielson and Abrutyn (1997).

Aadvantages of student portfolios ?

Student portfolios can be useful for a variety of reasons, both for students and for teachers. Student portfolios assist students in tracking their ongoing skill and knowledge growth. The knowledge that their work will be seen by others can encourage students to produce their best work when using portfolios.
Additionally, student portfolios can give teachers insightful feedback on the subjects in which their students are struggling and where they are doing well.

To know more about Student Portfolio click :


Which sentence below contains an oxymoron?
A. The experiment was conducted following strict procedures to ensure unbiased results.
B. It was the unbiased opinion of the curator that this painting was the best work of the 18th century.
C. it was her firmly held opinion that the 18th century produced some great works of art





Too much logging in the Oyamel fir forests could lead to the eastern monarch butterfly going extinct because _______.
the entire population of the species spends winter in Oyamel
the winters are too cold in Oyamel
the butterflies breed in the Oyamel fir trees
the butterflies feed on the Oyamel fir trees


The Eastern Monarch Butterflies are going extinct because, "the entire population of the species spends winter in Oyamel".

Extreme climatic conditions make it impossible for monarch butterflies to thrive. These butterflies spend the colder months in Mexico's Oyamel Fir Forest. An suitable atmosphere for their survival is provided by the Oyamel forest, which is located in high slopes. In this location, the temperature is between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius.

The monarch butterflies utilize their fat reserves when the temperature is low. In the Oyamel Fir Forest, the dense tree canopy traps heat from the ground at night and shields the butterflies from rain, wind, and snow. The availability of too much water, particularly in a situation of water logging, can render trees more vulnerable to pests and diseases. The bulk of monarch butterflies congregate in the same area of the Oyamel fir forest during the winter. Conditions like this will cause the forest to become unfit.

To learn more about Monarch Butterflies here:


Definition of foreshadowing is
O statement that appears illogical or self contradictory but might actually make sense.
An author indirectly hints what's coming later on in the story
use of an object, figure, event, situation or other idea to represent something else
O Series of words or phrases that start with the same sound



Definition of foreshadowing is literally be a warning or indication of (a future event).

That technique generally used by authors in novels etc.

So the answer is B

good luck!


An author indirectly hints at what's coming later on in the story


the definition of foreshadow: be a warning or indication of (a future event)

For example, ' It seemed silly at first to carry an umbrella on such a sunny day ' which indirectly hints that it might rain later on. Hope this is helpful!

how do other characters respond to beneatha exploring her identity and heritage ?



Her other suitor, George Murchison, embodies the assimilationist mindset and sees no reason to explore his rich African culture. Perhaps, these two men represent the internal conflict that rages inside Beneatha between conforming to society or accepting her roots- deciding the identity she wants for herself.

Read the excerpt from "Annabel Lee," by Edgar Allan Poe.

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

How does the rhythm of the excerpt support the theme of the poem?
The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the predictability of history.
The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the simplicity of young love.
The rhythm is unpredictable, and Poe warns readers to guard their hearts.
The rhythm is unpredictable, and Poe warns readers of nature’s strength.




The rhythm of the excerpt support the theme of the poem as the rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the predictability of history. Thus, option first is correct.

What is rhythm?

Rhythm is defined as "a regular succession of strong and weak components, or of opposite or contrasting situations."

"Annabel Lee" is American poet Edgar Allan Poe's final full poem. It, like many of Poe's works, deals with the loss of a lovely woman. The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee while they were young, has a crush on her that even angels covet.

The rhythm of the extract supports the topic of the poem since it is consistent, and Poe appreciates history's predictability. As a result, option one is correct.

Learn more about rhythm here;


Which excerpt from the passage best states the authors'
O "Why were the English the first to build factories to
mill cloth?"
O"Because of the wealth they gained, the trade
connections they made, and the banking systems
they developed in the slave and sugar trade."
O "Indeed, the cheap cloth from the factories was used
to clothe the slaves."
O "English factories, you might say, were built, run, and
paid for by sugar."


"English factories, you might say, were built, run, and paid for by sugar" best states the author's claim.

Why were the English the first to develop facilities to mill cloth? is the question the author poses in the opening sentence. The author's claim is the response to the question; the question itself cannot constitute the author's claim. In this instance, the sugar industry provided the funding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the English facilities. The author's major argument, which is supported by the other phrases, is that everything, even the slaves' clothing, was paid for by the sugar.The slaves were, in fact, clothed with inexpensive material from the factories. You could say that sugar was used to build, operate, and finance English factories.

Thus the correct option is D.

Refer here to learn more about author's claim:


What i a poitive end reult for buine operation when a company build a culture of compaionate directne?

Select an anwer:
Recruitment become eaier. Reward are unneceary. Feedback can be avoided. Attrition increae


When a business creates a culture of compassionate directness, one of the benefits is that people pay more attention to it (option d).

Empowering workers to speak out, provide feedback, dispute, and identify issues in real time is the goal of compassionate directness. However, it must be done with kindness, sensitivity, and comprehension. It's what enables us to make course corrections, progress, and overcome obstacles while also forming teams that work together and have one another's backs. We can be confident that someone has our best interests in mind when they provide comments. The criticism isn't a personal jab; rather, it's a form of encouragement because it's given with the intention of making us better. Feedback can be a trigger for stress and self-doubt if there isn't a culture of trust present. One of the most important — most undervalued — measures of a company's performance is the manner in which feedback is given. People crave criticism that will help them develop and get better.

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Complete question:

What is a positive end result for business operation when a company builds a culture of compassionate directness? Select an answer:

a. Recruitment becomes easier.

b. Rewards are unnecessary.

c. Feedback can be avoided.

d. Attention increases.

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