The ratio of the cat's weight to the rabbit's weight is 7 to 4. Together, they weigh 22 pounds. How much does the rabbit weigh?


Answer 1

cat's weight: rabbit's weight



Related Questions

Estimate 71.91-56.423 by first rounding each number to the nearest whole number.​




Step-by-step explanation:

71.91 ~ 72

56.423 ~ 56


The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 6 meters long, and one leg is 2 meters long. How long is the other leg?


To find the leg, we have to use the Pythagorean's Theorem


Where c = 6, a = 2.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6^2=2^2+b^2 \\ b^2=6^2-2^2 \\ b=\sqrt[]{36-4} \\ b=\sqrt[]{32} \\ b\approx5.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]Hence, the other leg is 5.7 meters long.

Two observation posts A and B are 12 km apart. A third observation post C is located 15 km from A such that CBA is 67º. Find the measure of CÂB


Using the law of sines:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{AB}{\sin(C)}=\frac{AC}{\sin (B)} \\ so\colon \\ \sin (C)=\frac{AB\cdot\sin (B)}{AC} \\ \sin (C)=\frac{12\cdot\sin (67)}{15} \\ C=\sin ^{-1}(\frac{12\cdot\sin(67)}{15}) \\ C\approx47.43^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Using the triangle sum theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\angle A+m\angle B+m\angle C=180 \\ so\colon \\ x+47.43+67=180 \\ x=180-67-47.43 \\ x=m\angle C=m\angle CAB=65.57^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Original price of a camera: $799.95Discount: 17%What's the selling price





Given the following:

Original price of a camera: $799.95

Discount: 17%

Discounted price = 17% of original price of the camera

Discounted price = 0.17*$799.95

Discounted price = $135.99

Selling price = Original Price - Discounted price

Selling Price = $799.95 - $135.99

Selling price = $663.96

Hence the selling price is $663.95

A firm uses trend projection and seasonal factors to simulate sales for a given time period.
It assigns "0" if sales fall, "1" if sales are steady, "2" if sales rise moderately, and "3" if sales
rise a lot. The simulator generates the following output.
Estimate the probability that sales will rise at least moderately.




Step-by-step explanation:


Suppose y varies directly with x when x is -2 y is 10 write the equation that relates x and y


The form of the equation of the direct proportional is


k is the constant of variation

We can find it from the initial values of x and y

Since at x = -2 y = 10, then

Substitute x by -2 and y by 10 to find k

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=-2,y=10 \\ 10=k(-2) \\ 10=-2k \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by -2 to find k

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{10}{(-2)}=\frac{-2k}{(-2)} \\ -5=k \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of k is -5

Then the equation is


Kaylee has a bag of candy full of 15 strawberry chews and 5 cherry chews that she eatsone at a time. Which word or phrase describes the probability that she reaches inwithout looking and pulls out an orange chew?impossiblelikelySubmit Answeran equal chance or 50-50O unlikely


Given that:

- There are 15 strawberry chews in the bag.

- There are 5 cherry chews in the bag.

You know that there is no orange chew in Kaylee's bag. Therefore, knowing this, you can determine that the probability that Kaylee reaches in without looking and pulls out an orange chew is:


By definition, the probability is zero when it is impossible for the events to happen.

Since there is no orange chew in her bag, it is impossible that she reaches in

without looking and pulls out an orange chew.

Hence, the answer is: Impossible.

Long divide 4x^4-3x^3+1 / x-5


We have the following division:

for this, we have to divide each remainder by x, and use the law of signs in reverse order. The division will look like this:

Therefore, the result of the division is:


5) Solve for x:X - 7.5 = 186) Solve for x:45x = 14.5


We have the following:



solving for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{let's add 7.5 on each side} \\ x-7.5+7.5=18+7.5 \\ x=25.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 45x=14.5 \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

solving for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ divide on each side by 45} \\ x=\frac{14.5}{45} \\ x=0.32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Telephone numbers are in the form NYZ-ABC-XXXX. the following restrictions were placed; N can only be numbers: 2-9; Y can only be numbers 0-7 and A&C cannot be 2. how many phone numbers are there?



The answer = 5,184,000,000

There are 5,184,000,000 possible phone numbers.


The question told us that telephone numbers are in the form NYZ-ABC-XXXX, then proceeds to give us the restrictions on some of the positions available.

- N can only be numbers: 2-9;

- Y can only be numbers 0-7

- and A&C cannot be 2

We are then told to calculate the number of phone numbers possible.

This question is a special type of permutation and combination.

To solve it, it will be a multiplication of the possible numbers that can take up each position.

N, can only be numbers 2 to 9. Number of possible digits = 8

Y, can only be numbers 0 to 7. Number of possible digits = 8

Z, no restriction, can have numbers 0 to 9. Number of possible digits = 10

A, number cannot be 2. Number of possible digits = 9

B, no restriction, can have numbers 0 to 9. Number of possible digits = 10

C, number cannot be 2. Number of possible digits = 9

X, no restriction, can have numbers 0 to 9. Number of possible digits = 10

X, no restriction, can have numbers 0 to 9. Number of possible digits = 10

X, no restriction, can have numbers 0 to 9. Number of possible digits = 10

X, no restriction, can have numbers 0 to 9. Number of possible digits = 10

Total number of possible phone numbers

= 8 × 8 × 10 × 9 × 10 × 9 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10

= 5,184,000,000

Hope this Helps!!!

Find the area of the isosceles triangle.


Check the picture below.

well, we know the triangle is an isosceles, so it has twin sides coming from the "vertex" down to the "base", running an angle bisector from the "vertex" will give us a perpendicular to the "base", let's find its height.

[tex]\textit{using the pythagorean theorem} \\\\ c^2=a^2+b^2\implies \sqrt{c^2 - a^2}=b \qquad \begin{cases} c=\stackrel{hypotenuse}{13}\\ a=\stackrel{adjacent}{5}\\ b=\stackrel{opposite}{h}\\ \end{cases} \\\\\\ \sqrt{13^2 - 5^2}=h\implies 12=h[/tex]

so we simply need to get the area of a triangle whose base is 10 and height is 12.

[tex]A=\cfrac{1}{2}(\underset{b}{10})(\underset{h}{12})\implies \boxed{A=60}[/tex]

Question 15.I need help with this question to make sure that I have the right answer was number 2


Given the graph that shows the results of the survey, you know that it shows the results of 3 price surveys conducted at 4 area supermarkets in 3 months.

Notice that the white bar represents the results of September, the dashed bar represents the results in November and the black bar represents the results in March.

You can identify that on the x-axis are written the 4 area supermarkets and, on the y-axis are represented the prices in dollars.

Therefore, in order to identify the supermarket that lowered the price of the frozen beef dinners by the greatest dollar amount between September and November, you need to identify the supermarket that has the shortest dashed bars and white bars.

In this case, you can identify that the lowest price in September and November is:

[tex]\text{ \$}1.50[/tex]

And it corresponds to Warehouse.

Hence, the answer is: Option (2).

6. The budget for a new house can only afford 1/4 of the floor area to be done inceramic tile. The rest of the floor area will be carpeted. The size of the kitchen areahas not yet been determined. Not including the kitchen, the architect has alreadydesigned 2200 square feet of floor area, 15% of which has tile floors specified.What area, in square feet, can be planned for the kitchen if its entire floor area is tohave ceramic tile? Assume all values are ex


The budget of a new house can only afford 1/4 of the floor area

the total area of the floor is designed to be 2200 square feet

15% of the floor is tiled

let the budget be x

area to be done in ceramic tile is 1/4 x the total budget

1/4 * 2200 = 550

550 square feet area of the floor will be use for ceramic tiles alone

8Σ-(-2): -1-i=1Evaluate each geometric series described. (Find the total sum)


The given expression is

[tex]\sum ^8_{i\mathop=1}-(-2)^{i-1}[/tex]

To solve this, we just have to replace each value of the sum in the expression, then we sum. Let's do it

[tex]\begin{gathered} -(-2)^{1-1}=-1 \\ -(-2)^{2-1}=-(-2)^1=2 \\ -(-2)^{3-1}=-(-2)^2=-4 \\ -(-2)^{4-1}=-(-2)^3=8 \\ -(-2)^{5-1}=-(-2)^4=-16 \\ -(-2)^{6-1}=-(-2)^5=-(-32)=32 \\ -(-2)^{7-1}=-(-2)^6=-64 \\ -(-2)^{8-1}=-(-2)^7=-(-128)=128 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we sum all these items

[tex]-1+2-4+8-16+32-64+128=85[/tex]Therefore, the total sum is 85.

Two students, 100 meters apart on the same path, arewalking towards one other. Student A has a speed of 2meters each second; Student B has a speed of 3 meterseach second. Let's suppose they start to walk to eachother when t=0. How many seconds will it take for thestudents to bump into one another? Give your answer tothe nearest whole number


D = RT


D is distance

R is speed

T is time

Distance of student 1:


Distance of student 2:



When they meet, their distance would total 100, so we can write:


We can also write:


QuestionGetting selected as class secretary is A and having pizza for lunch is B. If these events are independent events, usingP(A) = 0.70, and P(B) = 0.67, what is P(AB)?


From the question, we have two events that do not affect each other. They seem independent events. The probability of occurring the two events at the same time is given by the formula:

[tex]P(A\cap B)=P(A)\cdot P(B)[/tex]

Then, since we have that P(A) = 0.70 and P(B) = 0.67, then, we have:

[tex]P(A\cap B)=0.70\cdot0.67=0.469[/tex]

Then, P(AB) = 0.469.

Kimberly and Clay leaves a concert hall at the same time, traveling in buses going opposite directions, Kimberly's bus tra els at 40mph and Clay's bus travels at 60mph. In how many hours will Kimberly and Clay be 350 miles apart?


let s1 and s2 be the distance covered by the two buses

s1 + s2 = 350 ................................eqn I

velocity (v) = distance (s)/time (t) .........................eqn II

from eqn II the velocity of the first bus, v1 = s1/t1

s1 = v1t1 .................................eqn III

velocity of the second bus, v2 = s2/t2

s2 = v2t2 ...........................eqn IV

substitute eqn III and eqn IV into eqn I

v1t1 + v2t2 = 350

the time taken for any two moving objects to simultaneously cover any distance is equal. Thus,

t1 = t2 = t

eqn V becomes

v1t + v2t = 350

t(v1 + v2) = 350

v1 = 40

v2 = 60

t(40 + 60) = 350

100t = 350

divide both sides by 100

100t/100 = 350/100

t = 3.5 hours

need help with this problem


First option describes line e: Each point is less than 4 units from the y-axis.

The second option describes line f:

Stephanie and two friends want to Vancouver for a winter weekend Stephanie May 7 cups of apple cider everyone includes Stephanie wants an equal amount of all the the apple cider how much apple cider should each person get


Number of persons = 3

Number of cups of apple made is =7

Then the number of equal cider, everyone must have is:

[tex]\frac{7}{3}\text{ = 2}\frac{1}{3}\text{ cups of apple cider.}[/tex]

The parent function of the function g(x) = (x-h)² + k is f(x) = x2. The vertex of the function g(x) is located at (9,-8).
What are the values of h and k?
g(x) = (x-



The values of h and k are 9 and -8, respectively

Step-by-step explanation:

This is how to determine the values of h and k

The vertex of the function g(x) is located at (9, –8)

The vertex of a function is represented as:

Vertex = (h,k)

This means that:

(h,k) = (9,-8)

By comparison, we have:

h = 9 and k = -8

So, the values of h and k are 9 and -8, respectively

Diego bought a new car for 26,525 he was surprised at the dealer than attitude thousand $387.25 what was the sales tax rate for this purchase do not include the percentage sign in your answer


2387.25 is the amount of tax

Take the original price and multiply by x to get the tax added

26525 * x = 2387.25

Divide each side by 26525

x = 2387.25/26525

x =.09

Change this to a percent form

.09 * 100%

x = 9 %

The sales tax percent 9 %

Will give brainlist PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!! If it says college math, that's false.
The graph below represents the money collected at the skating rink on Friday. Find the domain when the maximum number of people allowed in the skating rink is 75 people.
A=0 ≤ x ≤ 75
B= 20 ≤ y ≤ 320
C= 0 ≤ y ≤ 75
D= 20 ≤ x ≤ 320



A is correct.

0 < x < 75 represents the correct domain.

A printer prints 5 photos each minute. Let P be the number of photos printed in M minutes. Write an equation relating P to M. Then graph your equation using the axes below.



The equation is:

P = 5M

The graph is shown in the explanation


Given that a printer prints 5 photos per minute.

Since P represents the number of photos printed in M minutes, we have:


The graph of this is shown below:

How to convert 9.4 degrees has feet and inches



[tex]9.4\text{degree --> inches}[/tex]

To convert degrees to inches you must multiply the width of the control surface in inches by the sine of the angle.

How to convert degrees to inches?

First, determine the control surface width.

Measure the control surface width in inches.

Next, determine the angle.

Measure the angle in degrees.

Finally, calculate the deflection.

Calculate the linear deflection in inches using the formula above.


Graph the line with the slope -3/4 passing through the point (5,2)


We need to first determine the expression of the line, for that we will use the point slope form, which is given below:


Where m is the slope and (x1, y1) are the coordinates of a known point on the line.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-2=-\frac{3}{4}(x-5) \\ y=-\frac{3}{4}(x-5)+2 \\ y=-\frac{3}{4}x+\frac{15}{4}+2 \\ y=-\frac{3}{4}x+\frac{15+8}{4} \\ y=-\frac{3}{4}x+\frac{23}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we need to graph it, for that we need two points. We already know the coordinates of one of them (5,2), now we need another, we can use the point for which x is equal to 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{3}{4}\cdot0+\frac{23}{4} \\ y=\frac{23}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we have (0, 23/4). We need to draw a line that passes

What Values of x make two expressions below equal?(X+3)(x+8) = x+3————— —— 5(x+8) 5



Step 1:

In this question, we are given the following:

Step 2:

The details of the solution are as follows:


The final answer is:


Transform 12 + 3y = 9 into an equivalent equation that is in slope-intercept form.A. y=3/4x - 1/4B. y=-4x+3C. y=4x-3D. y=-1/4x+3/4




Find: Slope - intercept form.


Slope - intercept form:

[tex]y=mx+c[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 12x+3y=9 \\ 3y=-12x+9 \\ y=\frac{-12}{3}x+\frac{9}{3} \\ y=-4x+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Slope intercept form of equation is:


____+3/10=3/15 option 3/5



First we can simplify the result


in order to know the missing fraction, we will call x

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{1}{5}-\frac{3}{10} \\ x=-\frac{1}{10} \end{gathered}[/tex]

we can check it


Enter the digit that can replace (blank box) 526 < 5 _ 5 < 541 The digit that fits in the gray box is ?



1) The number to be found, is a multiple of 5 and also greater than 526 but also lesser than 541.

2) So we have, the next number whose last digit is 5 immediately greater than 526 and lesser than 541 is 535

3) So 3 is the missing digit

Find the amount and the percent increase. Fill in the chart



Amount of increase = 60

Percent of increase = 40%


The amount of increase is equal to the difference between the new amount and the original amount. So, it is equal to:

New amount - Original amount = 210 - 150 = 60

Then, the percent of the increase is equal to the amount of increase divided by the original amount, so:

Amount of increase/Original amount = 60/150 = 0.4

Therefore, the answers are:

Amount of increase = 60

Percent of increase = 0.4 = 40%

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