The purpose of this excerpt is to appeal to readers’

logos and reason.
ethos and credibility.
pathos and ethos.
logos and pathos.

The Purpose Of This Excerpt Is To Appeal To Readerslogos And Reason.ethos And Credibility.pathos And


Answer 1

The purpose of this excerpt is to appeal to readers D. logos and pathos.

What is ethos?

A speaker's ethos is their claim to be an authority on the subject, their logos is their justification for their position, and their pathos is their attempt to influence the audience emotionally. The rhetorical triangle is made up of the persuasive strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Ethos is a term for legitimacy and authority. It emphasizes your argument's trustworthiness and credibility, which can help you persuade your audience.

Ethos refers to the act of making the author doubt his own credibility and moral character. The word "ethos" means to derive credibility in Greek. The speaker would persuade the audience that he is someone who deserves to be heard.

Pathos indicates that the author is appealing to the reader's emotions. Through emotional manipulation, the author uses pathos to try to persuade them. By logically persuading the audience, logos means to persuade. The author will persuade readers using logic and reason. In this situation, logos and pathos were used.

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50 points!!! No spam answer or I WILL find you...unless your into that, then nvm.

Long before weight machines, stationary bikes, and step aerobics became tools in any weight-management plan, people practiced yoga for spiritual and physical health. The origins of yoga predates written history. Archeologists have uncovered stone carvings depicting figures in yoga positions in the Indus Valley dating back 5,000 years or more! While it might not produce the rapid results that fast-paced aerobic exercises or high-tech weight machines do, yoga still has plenty to contribute to your weight loss program in the 21st century.

What can you infer from this paragraph?
The author is an aerobics teacher.
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Answer: D.


The author says that yoga still has plenty to contribute to your weight loss program exposing their positive feelings towards it.

gather problem-related data, including who, what, where, why, and how. be sure to gather facts not rumors or opinions about the problem.


Gather problem-related data, including:

Who: The people affected by the problemWhat: The problem itselfWhere: The location of the problemWhy: The causes of the problemHow: The steps necessary to address the problem

Addressing the Causes of the Problem

The problem affects a number of people and is located in a particular area. The underlying causes of the problem are varied, but some of the main contributing factors are poverty, lack of access to resources, and poor education. In order to address the problem, it is necessary to create more opportunities for those affected, provide better access to resources, and invest in educational programs.

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even if the audience already knows your speech topic, you should usually restate it clearly and concisely at some point in the introduction.


True. Even if the audience already knows your speech topic, you should usually restate it clearly and concisely at some point in the introduction.

This helps to set the tone for the rest of the speech, and it allows the audience to focus and remember the main point. Additionally, it shows the audience that the speaker is organized and prepared.

The Benefits of Restating the Speech Topic in the Introduction

Starting the speech off with a clear and concise restatement of the topic helps to create a sense of anticipation and focus in the audience. It is also a demonstration of the speaker’s professionalism and preparation. Restating the topic also allows the audience to keep the main point of the speech in mind as they listen, even if they already knew the topic beforehand. By doing so, the speaker is able to create a better connection with the audience and ensure that their message is heard.

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What's the main difference between reading a play and reading a short story?



A play has separated lines for everybody and everyone has a certain line but in a short story the lines are not separated and people aren't assigned a certain line


i tried my best i hope this helps

Write an essay that argues your position on the advisability of the 48-hour cell phone ban.
In your response you should do the following:
Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position.
Provide evidence to support your line of reasoning.
Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.


There should be a cell phone ban as reducing screen time gives people more time to spend with their loved ones. Also, connecting with others can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety symptoms. Because of screens, we frequently miss out on the beauty and fun that are happening all around us.

Why phones should be banned for 48 hours?

It will lead to a decline in bullying incidents. Fir example, the grade point average of middle school students in Norway increased significantly after phone use was banned. Additionally, it made attending an academic high school more likely for students than selecting a vocational institution. Additionally, it reduced bullying.

In some public spaces, like hospitals, the signal can be a problem because it can interfere with sensitive tools or equipment. Phones can be annoying and ruin the experience for others in some public places, such as libraries, music venues, or galleries. Reducing screen time helps your brain relax and concentrate on tasks without being interrupted. Over time, this improves your capacity to concentrate, control your emotions, and organize your thoughts and tasks.

Learn more about phone on:


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