The purpose of Huey Long's "Share Our Wealth Plan' was most similar to the purpose of which of these?

A. Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal program "

B. Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream" speech

C. Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative

D. Eleanor Roosevelt's Declaration of Human Rights​


Answer 1
It should be d hopefully but make sure
Answer 2

The purpose of Long's "Share Our Wealth Plan' was similar to the purpose of Eleanor Roosevelt's Declaration of Human Rights​. The appropriate response is option D.

What is Eleanor Roosevelt's Declaration of Human Rights​?

Eleanor Roosevelt actively supported social activism and civil rights. She was chosen as the UN Commission on Human Rights' chair during the writing of the UDHR. Where Do Human Rights Begin? was the title of Eleanor's speech she delivered before the UN on the tenth anniversary of the UDHR.

By daring to assert that all people are free and equal, regardless of race, creed, or religion, the UDHR signaled a significant paradigm change. A worldwide agreement placed people, not power politics, at the center of its agenda for the first time.

Long made his "Share Our Wealth" concept public in February 1934 via a national radio broadcast. His strategy involved using federal tax and spending policies to reduce wealth disparity. The right to wealth of an individual would be limited to the following: a maximum INHERITANCE of $5 million.

Hence, the appropriate response is option D.

To learn more about Share Our Wealth Plan


Related Questions

How did the Crusaders change the balance of power in Europe?
The population of towns fell.
Trade was interrupted.
Persecution of Jews grew worse
Kings lost power.


Trade was interrupted
Trade was interrupted

Which of the folloing colonies did not rebel againstist the british
J. virgina
K. new hampshire
L washington dc



the answer is virginia

J because virgins didn’t rebeal against the British

According to the map, which part of the Iberian Peninsula was under Christian control in the 8th century?
A) A small area in the northern part of the peninsula.
B) The entire peninsula from the Pyrenees to Cadiz.
C) Granada, Seville, Cadiz, Castile, and Aragon.
D) The part that became the country of Portugal.




i took the test

All of the following are characteristics of a plantation except

operated like a small farm

work was done by enslaved laborers

Produced one to two cash crops

operated like a small self-sufficient community



its the third one


it’s the third one! produced one to two cash crops :)

How are The Nun Shogun, Zen Buddhism, Mongol Invasions, and Kamikaze related to the Kamakura period related?



Here you go!


The Kamakura period saw the introduction of the Amidist Pure Land schools of Buddhism, which emphasized salvation through faith in Amitabha . The Kamakura period favored more realistic and naturalistic art, a style exemplified by the sculpture of the Kei School. The Mongol invasions of Japan (元寇, Genkō), which took place in 1274 and 1281, were major ... Japan was then ruled by the Shikken (shogunate regents) of the Hōjō clan, who had ... with and wrested control from Minamoto no Yoriie, shōgun of the Kamakura shogunate, ... Our relation is feudatory like a father and son . Kamakura period, in Japanese history, the period from 1192 to 1333 during which the basis of feudalism was firmly established. It was named for the city where Minamoto Yoritomo set up the headquarters of his military government, commonly known as the Kamakura shogunate.

Please help i will give brainlesit





These are all part of the way guilt is established

Answer: B i think


what is something that you wish that you could do in 2020 before the rona



Go to Florida and visit my family


I love them


hang out more with my friends I guess I have strict parents

Multiple Select Question
Select all that apply
A Frankish king named Charles, later called Charlemagne, expanded the kingdom of the Franks to include parts of modern-day

1. Germany.

2. England.

3. France.

4. Spain.

5. Italy.


The answer js England.

how does the carving show that narmer was a powerful leader



He is represented as the main, centered part of the carvings and the size compared to the other carvings is bigger implying he has a higher status and a major power

He is in the center and the other person is on their knees meaning that narmer was dominant or a powerful and influential leader.

Which of the following were not one of the major cash crops for plantations?












Prominent crops included cotton, rubber, corn, sugar cane, tobacco, figs, rice, kapok, sisal, and species in the genus Indigofera, used to produce indigo dye.


Corn and Hemp were not one of the major cash crops for plantations.


I hope this helps.

Place the major developments in ancient Egypt in the order in which they occurred.
the rise in the belief of life after death
the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza
the settlement of the Neolithic farmers
the building of the Step Pyramid
the unification of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt



C. the settlement of the Neolithic farmers

A. the rise in the belief of life after death

E. the unification of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt​

D. the building of the step pyramid

B. the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza



We can’t see the time line but I think it’s the 4th one first 3rd one last

2 and then 1


Why does the article state that "the people" establish a state university, rather than "the government"?
F. because the state derives its power from the people
G. because the university system is a public service
H. because public universities benefit the people
I. because the state universities are intended only for Florida's citizens


The answer is either h or g

9.2 NOTES Challenges to the New Government

Northwest Territory & Southeastern US
Native Americans in these regions were resistant to settlers coming into their areas.
The strongest resistance came from tribes in the Northwest Territory.
Washington sent troops into the ________ ________.
Tribes such as the __________, ___________, & ___________ joined together to fight the white men.
On ________ ____, 1794, a group of 2,000 Native Americans clashed with US troops led by Anthony Wayne in what is called the _________ ___ _________ ___________.
Treaty of ___________ (1795) the Native Americans surrendered their lands in Ohio and Indiana.

Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
US government put a tax on whiskey to raise revenue.
Whiskey product was important to farmers because customers would pay much more for whiskey than they would for _______ or _______.
Farmers also used whiskey to trade for ______, ________, and other goods.
Urged by Hamilton, George Washington sent General __________ ______ to put down the rebellion and enforce the tax.

French Revolution (1792) grew violent.
France soon declared war on ___________, ____________, & ____________.
The U.S. was caught in the middle of its allies.

April 1793, George Washington declared that the United States would remain ____________.


Jay’s Treaty

Pinckney’s Treaty


If you look up 9.2 challenges to the new government quizlet it tells you the answers!!
Hi i need help can some on help me

What is one reason Florida set up the state university system?
A. to replace private colleges
B. to employ workers
C. to benefit Florida's citizens and economy
D. to benefit surrounding states





I think so

Answer: C
I believe so

I NEED HELP FAST (question(S) in the picture


For the second question the one that is incorrect is Choctaw

Explain what happened during the Battle of New Orleans. Why did it occur after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed?


Sorry I don’t speak English maybe if you translate the question to me in Spanish I could help sorry I couldn’t help I feel really bad I am I’ll try to translate it on my own hopefully it works I’ll be back if it does :).
Battle of New Orleans the spa on January 8, 1815 between British troops led by General Edward packing ham and American forces led by General Andrew Jackson because the Treaty of Ghent had reached America shortly after the battle many Americans believe that the battle won the war

“Alexander made a reconnaissance in person of the enemy’s strength and dispositions and, despite the eagerness of most of his generals, he decided against a night attack. Instead, he retired to his tent to devise his strategy. He ordered his troops to be well fed and then to rest. Darius, on the other hand, mindful of Alexander’s unpredictable manoeuvres, ordered his army to stand to throughout the night in readiness for a surprise attack. It is certain that the alertness of one side and the fatigue of the other played at least some part in the outcome of the battle next day.” —Anthony Livesey, Great Commanders and Their Battles

What did Alexander’s generals want him to do? a. stage a morning attack b. stage a night attack c. determine the enemy’s strength d. devise a strateg





It CLEARLY STATES "He decided against a night attack"

The answer would be B :)

Reasons the barons were angry with King John. PLEASE DON'T SEARCH IT UP!


Answer:In France John was desperate to win back his lands,baron did not trust john when he asked for an army.

Explanation: sorry its not much dis was the only reason that i remembered when i had the exact assignment u have

What similarities do you think existed between the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America and those of Africa and Asia? Check all that apply.

They farmed crops for food.
They built temples and tombs.
They lived near rivers or other waterways.
They made art, tools, weapons, and other goods.
They raised animals for food, milk, and other need


Your answer is A C D

A, C, D is the correct answers xx

4. In a short paragraph, describe the transition of Rome from a republic to an empire. What was the republic like, and what caused it to become an empire?



Over a period of nearly 200 years, however, the plebeians fought for and gained power within the government.

At the heart of the Roman Republic was the Senate. The Senate advised on matters pertaining to rules governing the city and population. In the republic, members of the patrician class served as advisers to the other governing bodies of the republic. Although the Senate did not formally make laws, the prestige of its members gave the Senate great influence over Rome’s law-making bodies.

The Senate lasted as a sole governing body for the republic for only a brief time, lasting from the republic’s founding in 509 B.C.E. until 494 B.C.E., when a strike orchestrated by the plebeians resulted in the establishment of the Concilium Plebis, or the Councilof the Plebs. This gave the plebeians a voice in the government. As a result, new legislative, or law-making, bodies of the Roman Republic were formed. Called assemblies, these legislative bodies shared power in the following ways:

           Comitia Centuriata — This body decided about war, passed laws, elected magistrates (consuls, praetors, and censors), considered appeals of capital convictions, and conducted foreign relations.

           Concilium Plebis — This body elected its own officials and formulated decrees for observance by the plebeian class; in 287 B.C.E., it gained the power to make all decrees binding for the entire Roman community.

           Comitia Tributa — The tribal assemblies, open to all citizens (who only could be free, adult males), elected minor officials, approved legislative decisions often on local matters, and could wield judicial powers but could only levy fines rather than administer punishment.

Leading the republic were two consuls who were elected by legislative assemblies. They served for one year, presided over the Roman Senate, and commanded the Roman military. Though their power was somewhat limited by the establishment of other magistrate positions, the consuls were effectively the heads of state.


Purchasing stock on credit is called



Margin trading


it’s called margin training

Heres da answer to the question: Which statement correctly summarizes this passage?

Jemison inspired the boycotters to play on the emotions of city residents.
Jemison urged black citizens to be patient and to help maintain the peace.
Jemison called for marches and rallies to spread the message of the boycott.
Jemison implied that segregation on city buses probably would never change.





because that is the only one that made sense

Give an example of when it is beneficial to use the scientific name of an organism.>??????


Answer:Every recognized species on earth (at least in theory) is given a two-part scientific name. This system is called "binomial nomenclature." These names are important because they allow people throughout the world to communicate unambiguously about animal species.



when explaining the organism





1. 1865 2. reconstruction era

3.  with malice towards none 4. southern 5. black codes 6. klu klux clan 7. former slaves

8. the right to vote 9. citizenship 10. 1877

hope this helped :)



Tricky! My opinion is below :)


The American Civil War was fought from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865 between the Union forces and the 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. Ultimately won by the Union forces, it remains the deadliest battle for the country with estimated deaths between 600,000 and 800,000. The Civil War is one of the most important events in the history of the United States. It had many important repercussions which went on to have a deep and long lasting impact on the nation. Among these were the Emancipation Proclamation; the Assassination of President Lincoln; the Reconstruction of Southern America; and the Jim Crow Laws. Know more about the impact of the American Civil War through its 10 major effects on the North and the South, on slavery, on politics, on economy and on society.

What does it mean to be a “Renaissance man”?



It means a person who has wide interests and is expert in several ideas.

To be a Renaissance man OR FEMALE
you have to be good at a multiple things

So the answer is a very useful person

Why did Washington think it was important to secure the Northwest Territory?

Why did Washington decide to send troops to the Ohio Valley to fight the force led by Little Turtle?

What were the results of the Battle of Fallen Timbers for the Native Americans?

What were the results of the Battle of Fallen Timbers for the United States?

Why did the British refuse to help the native Americans?


Answer: whch wasingtone can u elaborate a little more on that



The Battle of Timbers, on August 20, 1794, was the last major conflict of the Northwest Territory Indian War between Native Americans and the United States. At the battle, near present-day Toledo, Ohio, General Anthony Wayne (1745-96) led U.S. troops to victory over a confederation of Indian warriors whose leaders included Chief Blue Jacket of the Shawnees and Chief Little Turtle of the Miamis. The Treaty of Greenville, signed the following year, opened up much of present-day Ohio to white settlers.

Battle of Fallen Timbers: Background

Although the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), ceded control of the Northwest Territory (the land northwest of the Ohio River) to the United States, the British failed to abandon their forts in the region and continued to support their Indian allies in skirmishes with American settlers.

Did you know? A number of American towns, cities and counties were named for General Anthony Wayne, including Fort Wayne, Indiana; Wayne, New Jersey; and Waynesboro, Georgia.

Prior to the Battle of Timbers, two earlier American military expeditions into the Northwest Territory by generals Josiah Harmar and Arthur St. Clair in 1790 and 1791, respectively, failed to end the unrest. In fact, St. Clair’s effort at the Battle of the Wabash concluded with an Indian victory and heavy U.S. troop losses. In 1792, President George Washington (1732-99) appointed General Anthony Wayne commander of the Legion of the United States, a new professional army.

During the Revolutionary War, Wayne, a Pennsylvania native, had earned the moniker “Mad Anthony” for his bold and successful storming of a British fort at the Battle of Stony Point, New York, in 1779. Much of Wayne’s subsequent career involved divesting Native Americans of their land. After helping lead the Americans to victory at the 1781 Battle of Yorktown, Virginia, the last major conflict of the Revolutionary War, Wayne traveled to Georgia, where he negotiated treaties with the Creeks and Cherokees. They paid dearly in land for their decision to side with the British during the Revolutionary War, and Georgia officials paid Wayne in land, giving him a large plantation, for his efforts on their behalf.

Battle of Fallen Timbers: August 20, 1794

At the Battle of Fallen Timbers, on August 20, 1794, Wayne led American troops to a decisive victory against a confederation of Native Americans whose leaders included Chief Little Turtle (Miami), Chief Blue Jacket (Shawnee) and Chief Buckongahelas (Lenape). The fighting took place on the Maumee River, near present-day Toledo.

With the Treaty of Greenville, signed in present-day Greenville, Ohio, in August 1795, the Indians ceded much of present-day Ohio, which, in 1803, became America’s 17th state. By the terms of the treaty, the Indians also ceded parts of Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.

Explanation:same test just read

Education Persuasion Assignment

Pretend that you are a Roman teenager. What is something that you'd like to ask your parents for, but you think they'll need some convincing to say yes? Perhaps you want to have a friend spend the night on Friday or you'd like to go to the Forum for the first time. Let's practice your rhetorical skills. In a letter to your parents, outline the pros and cons of letting you have your way, and be sure to conclude with why they should be persuaded to support your choice.


Something you can say is that you will clean the temple and make sure to wash the stables like Heracles did

plz plz hury plz plz hury plz



Like the 2020 census in the US
In my personal opinion “Census” would be the best way to describe the official count of people living in one place. Have a good day:)

Help me, please????????



the thired one is martin luther king

the forth one is martin luther  king

the fith one it Malcolm x

and the last one is malcome

i hope this helps



How did the large wave of Irish and German immigration impact life in the United States?


German and Irish immigration gave effect on manufacturing in the United States by increased competition for jobs


The American party welcomed the immigrants from Germany and Ireland. They offered them refuge and at the same time, allowed them to work in America. The immigrants were a strong workforce during the middle of 1800's. They built canals and railroads.


Hope this answered your question!

Other Questions
If f(x)=3x^2+x-2, then f(-2)= You are out shopping and lost track of time. It is 11:50, and you are supposed to pick up your dog at the vet by noon. You know its going to take at least 20 minutes to get there. A cook prepares a solution for boiling by adding 12.5 g of NaCl to a pot holding 0.750 L of water. At what temperature should the solution in the pot boil? {Normal boiling point is 100oC and Kb = 0.512 oC kg/mol and density of water is 1 kg/L} Thanks!! What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (4, 12) and has a y-intercept of -2?A y = 12 x - 2B. y = {x-2C y = 2x - 2D. y = 6x - 2 I need help on 14 please Help me with this yes im lazy 2 pages thats it. 3.2Based on economic theory, if a person wants to purchase a large stereo system, what must necessary occur?Creation of resourcesanalysis of resourcesLocation of resourcesproduction of resources If f(x)=(x+1)(x-2)(x-3) represents a student's displacement from school inkilometers, where x is measured in minutes, which of the following is anaccurate interpretation of the student's trip?a) The student starts 6 km from school, walks to school and arrives at schoolafter 2 minutes, continues walking to the playground, turns around, walksback to the school and arrives after 3 minutes.b) The student starts 6 km from school, walks to school and arrives at schoolafter 2 minutes, waits there for 1 minute, then returns home.c) The student starts 6 km from school, walks to school and arrives at schoolafter 2 minutes, turns back to their house to the playground, turns around,walks back to the school and arrives after 3 minutes.d) The student starts 6 km from school, walks to school and arrives 1 minutelater, sits by the school, returns home, arrives after 2 minutes, and then turnsaround and arrives back at school for a second time at 3 minutes.e) None of the above are correctIt given: EC=3AE, DB=3ADprove: ABC- ADE How many total atoms are in one molecule of Pb(C2H2O2)2?A) 9B) 14C) 3D) 15 Which of the following resources might you find at your library?1. DVDsII. periodicalsIII. microficheIV. CD-ROMsO A. II and III onlyB. I onlyC. I, II, and IIIO D. I, II, III, and IV can you please show me how you do this problem im having trouble with it thanks! A researcher wants to study the impact of mutations on health. She focuses her workon mutations associated with cancer. What would many of the mutations she studieshave in common?A. They occur only in sex-cells.B. They have no impact on cell function.C. They cause the cell cycle to be unregulated.D. The cause no change in amino acid sequence. are there any artists out here that help draw this for me. (only A) Use the pedigree chart below to answer the question. What do the circles that are half shaded represent. A a male that is a carrier of a trait. but does not show the trait.B a female that is a carries of a trait, but does not show the traitC a male that has the trait and shows the traitD a female that has the trait and shows the trait. Question 20When they went to the fields together, Gary's mother reminded him not to lose hisknifeO pantsO balanceO jug of waterKnife URGENT PLEASE HELP How would a book written by a historian about the Navajo, an indigenous group of people living in the Southwestern United States, be different from an autobiography of one of the Navajo elders? Which graph shows a linear function? Can someone plz help me!? I've asked a lot of ppl so now its time for brainly.I have a petition I'm starting for the government with a fundraiser included. Does anybody know where I would send the funds to? For Indiana government?Plz help!I NEEED THE ACTUAL PLACE PLZ Mrs. Williams finds that she has two options for investing $32,000.02 for fifteen years. The first option is to deposit the $32,000.02 into a fund earning a nominal rate of discount d(4) payable quarterly. The second option is to purchase an annuity-immediate with 15 level annual payments, the annuity payments computed using an annual effective rate of 7%, and then when she gets an annuity payment, to immediately invest it into a fund earning an annual effective rate of 5%. Mrs. Williams calculates that the second option produces an accumulated value that is $1,500 more than the accumulated value yielded by the first option. Calculate d(4).