the public wants to hold some of its wealth as____to make purchases with it and to hold it as an asset.


Answer 1

The public wants to hold some of its wealth as cash to make purchases with it and to hold it as an asset.

What is an asset?

Any resource that a company or other economic organization owns or controls is considered an asset in financial accounting. Anything that has the potential to provide positive economic value qualifies. Assets indicate ownership value that may be sold for money.

In essence, assets for businesses are any things that are under the company's control and ownership and are either currently valuable or have the potential to be profitable in the future. Examples include investments, equipment, and patents.

Read more on assets here:


Answer 2


wealth as cash t


Related Questions

pete is a salesperson at the local honda dealership. he frequently offers buyers $50 if they refer someone else to him who buys a new car. pete is attempting to get these people to act as his:


These individuals are being recruited by Pete , a salesperson to serve as his Spiffs (Sales Program Incentive Funds), whom he frequently offers buyers $50 in return of getting new deals.

It is an incentive program that corporations and companies employ to increase sales. The business launches a campaign when inventory has to be cleared or when products aren't selling well. Or, when a sales sprint is implemented on a sales team and the organization or corporation implements a fancy program to boost sales over the course of a certain length of time.

Instead of focusing on the goods, this cool program strategy aims to crush the competition by making a lot of sales. Depending on how much inventory needs to be sold or the desired income level, these campaigns may last for days, weeks, or even months.

To know more about salesperson click here,


Bonds that require payment of the full principal at a single maturity date are known as term bonds.
a. True
b. False


Bonds that require payment of the full principal at a single maturity date are known as term bonds. This statement is true.

How do bonds work?

A bond is a long- or short-term financial instrument (a loan) issued by businesses and governmental organizations at the local, state, and federal levels. An IOU, a bond is a contract. Primary, Face, Maturity, and Par Value. the sum of money that the business borrows with a commitment to pay it back at a later time, usually on the maturity date.

Term bonds are bonds that must have the entire amount paid at one maturity date. The majority of bonds call for payment of the entire amount at one maturity date. In general, the probability of bankruptcy increases with a bigger debt to equity ratio.

To know more about  term bonds, refer:


if the wage rate is constant, the marginal resource cost associated with hiring one additional worker is:


If the wage rate is constant, the marginal resource cost associated with hiring one additional worker is: A horizontal line at the wage.

The increased expense incurred by using one more unit of the input is known as the marginal resource cost. It is calculated by dividing the variation in the total cost by the variation in the number of inputs. We suppose that the company is a modest employer in the market in a resource or input sector that is competitive. In other words, regardless of the quantity of inputs used, the firm will not be able to influence the price of the input. This is quite similar to a firm in a cutthroat output market that is too tiny to influence prices and is instead a price-taker. Since the additional cost of hiring an additional unit of the input is just the input's price, the marginal resource cost under these market conditions is the input's price, let's say wages (w).

To know more about marginal resource cost:


kinnamont company manufactures farming equipment that includes navigational systems as part of the standard equipment package and offers optional training on any navigational systems for an additional fee. smith company enters into a contract with kinnamont that includes a combine, a navigational system, and training. identify the performance obligations to which smith should allocate the transaction price:


kinnamont company manufactures farming equipment that includes navigational systems as part of the standard equipment package and offers optional training on any navigational systems for an additional fee. smith company enters into a contract with kinnamont that includes a combine, a navigational system, and training. the performance obligations that smith should allocate the transaction price is the combine including the navigational system and the training as two separate performance obligations. The correct answer is B.

A navigation system must be provided, and training must also be provided, according to the contract between Kinnamont and Smith. Both commitments must be fulfilled jointly and collectively. Transaction price should be allocated separately for each obligation that needs to be fulfilled in the accounting for the contract that contains numerous performance requirements.

Therefore, the navigational system and training must each receive a distinct allocation of the transaction pricing in this case. The cost must be determined based on the job completed rather than being divided among the commitments.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Kinnamont Company manufactures farming equipment that includes navigational systems as part of the standard equipment package and offers optional training on any navigational systems for an additional fee. Smith Company enters into a contract with Kinnamont that includes a combine, a navigational system, and training. Identify the performance obligations to which Smith should allocate the transaction price:

A. The combine, the navigational system, and the training as three separate performance obligations.

B. The combine including the navigational system and the training as two separate performance obligations.

C. The combine, the navigational system, and the training account for one performance obligation because they are all part of the same contract.

D. No performance obligations exist because the work on the contract, including the training, has not begun.

Learn more about performance obligations at


no infringement occurs when the alleged infringing invention lacks an essential element of the patent holder's claims in the patent application. this is known as the rule of


Under the rule of omission, infringement happens even if the alleged infringing invention lacks an important detail of the patent holder's claims withinside the patent application.

The required details about infringement is mentioned in below paragraph.

An infringement is a contravention, a breach, or an unauthorized act. Infringement happens in diverse situations. A damage to one's proper is an infringement. A violation of a statute is likewise an infringement.

Infringement process, a European Court of Justice process to decide whether or not a Member State has fulfilled its responsibilities beneathneath Union law.

Intellectual assets infringement, violating an proprietor's distinctive rights to intangible belongings including musical, literary, or creative works

Copyright infringement, the usage of works beneathneath copyright, such as reproducing, distributing, displaying, or appearing the copyrighted paintings with out permission

Patent infringement, the usage of or promoting a patented invention with out permission from the patent holder, commonly for industrial purposes

Trademark infringement, a contravention of the distinctive rights attaching to a hallmark with out the authorization of the trademark proprietor or licensees

To learn about infringement visit here.


which one of the following statements is false? multiple choice even the best portfolio managers sometimes make mistakes. professional fund managers work for an investment company. investors purchase mutual funds for diversification. investors who purchase mutual funds are guaranteed a higher rate of return than if they were to purchase comparable stocks and bonds directly. investors purchase mutual funds because of their professional management.


This announcement is false investors who buy mutual funds are assured a greater price of return than if they had been to purchase related stocks and bonds directly.

How do you compare shares to buy?

A sure-shot way to consider a inventory is to compare it to its peers. The approach is simple- pick out one monetary ratio (P/E, D/E, RoE, amongst others). It would assist if you found the ratio for the agency in which you are interested. Then you could prepare a list of all the groups in the identical house in that sector.

What is the nice stock evaluation website?

That makes Trading View our pick out as the first-rate stock screener for international investing. As a stock screener, Trading View has it all, such as a solid imparting of fundamental, monetary and financial screening criteria and big charting functionalities built on superior HTML5 technology.

Learn more about  compare stocks here:

dentify whether each of the following goods is usually excludable or nonexcludable. a. am/fm radio: excludable . b. a round of golf on a course: excludable . c. street art: nonexcludable . d. a museum exhibition


The following goods that are excludable are a round of golf on a course and a museum exhibition. Nonexcludable goods are AM/FM radio and street art.

Excludable goods refer to private goods or goods accessed by only a few people. Excludable goods often have a single owner as it legally and rightfully belongs to the single owner. For instance, a car or a sandwich brought by a person will be owned and consumed by that person only.

No one can claim a right over excludable goods without the consent of the owner. Therefore, a round of golf on a course and a museum exhibition is excludable as the visitors must have a membership or a ticket to visit these places.

Non-excludable goods cannot exclude any person in particular. It is equally accessible to everyone. For instance, a road or a hospital are non-excludable goods. It is almost impossible to restrict a person from using non-excludable goods. Therefore, AM/FM radio and street art are non-excludable goods as they are meant for public information and use.

Learn more about type of goods here


sally has a sum of $20000 that she invests at 5% compounded monthly. what equal monthly payments can she receive over a period of a) 10 years?


The equal monthly payments can she receives over a period of 10 years is for the sum of $20,000 that she invests at 5% compounded monthly.

What is an Investment?

An asset or object purchased with the intention of generating income or appreciation is referred to as an investment. When an asset's value rises over time, this is referred to as appreciation. When someone buys something as an investment, they don't intend to utilize it right now to make money; instead, they plan to use it later to do so.

Investment always involves the expenditure of some resource today, such as time, effort, money, or an item, with the expectation of a larger return than what was first invested. An investor might, for instance, buy a financial expenditure right away with the hope that it will provide income down the road or that it can be sold for more money later on.

P = $20,000

r = 5 % monthly = 5/1200

T = 120 months

P =R{1+ (1-r)⁻ⁿ /r}

R = Pr / 1+ (1-r)⁻ⁿ

R =  $20,000 × (5/1200) / 1 - (1205/1200)⁻¹²⁰

R =  $20,000 × (5/1200) / 0.36177

R = $230.34

To learn more about Investment from the given link


The choice of the probability distribution for a random variable can be guided byan objective function.historical data.forecasting.likelihood factors.A __________ analysis involves considering alternative values for the random variables and computing the resulting value for the output.randomwhat-ifclusterrisk


The complete statement "The choice of the probability distribution for a random variable can be guided by historical data." Option B

A what-if analysis involves considering alternative values for the random variables and computing the resulting value for the output. Option B

What is historical data.?

Generally, In its broadest sense, the term "historical data" refers to information gathered about previous occurrences and conditions that are relevant to a certain topic.

According to the definition, historical data encompasses the majority of data created either manually or mechanically inside an organization.

The use of historical data has become a standard tool in economics, serving three main purposes: to examine the influence of the past on current economic outcomes; to use historical data's unique natural experiments to test contemporary economic theories; and to use contemporary economic theories to refine our understanding of important historical events.

Read more about historical data.


Use the following data from Mayonnaise Manufacturing Co. to identify the revenues from sales of finished goods for the year. Manufacturing Finished Goods Raw Materials Ovherhead WIP Inventory Inventory Cost of Goods Sold 10,000 125,000 5,000 80,000 120,000 150,000 150,000 130,000 130,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 35,000 110,000 20,000 130,000 O Cannot be determined from the information provided a. $150,000 b. $150,000 c. $130,000 d. $25,000


The revenue from sales of finished goods a. Cannot be determined from the information provided.

Revenue is the amount of money a company receives in exchange for its goods and services, or, put another way, the cost a customer pays for a company's goods or services.

The revenue of a corporation is often shown as revenue, sales, net sales, or net revenue on the first line of the income statement.

Calculating revenue is as simple as multiplying the total number of units sold by the selling price.

We are unable to determine the revenue for Mayonnaise Manufacturing Co. because neither the price nor the number of units sold are provided. Revenue could be estimated if the gross profit and the cost of products sold were also accessible, but neither are.

To know more about revenue:


4. mary owns a vacation home in the poconos. she used the vacation home for 12 days and rented it for 48 days in 2022. total rents received were $5,200. expenses for the rental amounted to $5,200 mortgage interest expense, $600 property taxes, $1,225 utilities, $420 repairs, and $2,400 depreciation (based on the total cost of home). calculate the amount of net rental income or loss and calculate the amount of expenses that are deductible for personal usage.


48 + 12 = 48 days Determine the amount of expenditures that are taxable for personal use and divide it by the net rental income (5200 5200 600 1225 410 2400).

How is the net revenue on a rental income determined?

The annual NOI is calculated by adding up cash flow received each month and deducting it from the total expenses incurred. For instance, if your monthly rental income was $900 and your monthly expenses were $300, then annual net operating revenues would be $7,200.

Comparing gross rent with net effective rent

The rent that is advertised as the lowered rent on the rental posting is the net effective rent. Since the landlord normally offers one or more free lease months, it is typically less than the gross rent. Lower rents tend to draw tenants, however this may be deceptive because the majority of the time tenants are expected to pay their gross rent.

to know more about net income visit:


when it comes to social media... a. companies currently only use it to connect with customers b. it is easy to get rid of posts you have made so that they will never be seen again c. it is used to connect with employees and suppliers, including logistics providers d. all of the above e. only b and c


Option a is correct. When it comes to social media companies currently only use it to connect with customers.

Because supply chain technology and automation use real or nearly real-time data, businesses have greater visibility and can better track activities. By managing vendor contracts effectively, it improves collaboration and communication with important vendors and lowers costs. We only need to consider the major disruptions of the past few years to realize that our world has changed. Supply chain management is already a difficult task, but trade conflicts, tariffs, COVID-19, crowded ports, and labor shortages have made it even more difficult.

The issue for companies now automating supply chain management is how much and how quickly. Some procedures might have been automated, while others might still be done in silos and with a lag in accuracy because of outdated information and expired data. Others continue to manage their supply networks using spreadsheets.

Know more about communication here:


an investor purchases a mutual fund for $50. the fund pays dividends of $.50, distributes a capital gain of $1, and charges a fee of $1 when the fund is sold one year later for $50.50. what is the net rate of return from this investment?



mutual fund purchased for $50fund pays dividends of $.50distributes a capital gain of $1charges a fee of $1the fund is sold one year later for $50.50

We need to calculate the net rate of return from this investment. It can be calculated in the following manner.

The net gain or loss of an investment over a given time period stated as a percentage of the investment's starting cost is known as a rate of return (RoR).

ROI= (Cost of Investment/ Net Return on Investment)  ×100%

      = (50.5/ 50.5) ×100%

      = 100%

Learn more about rate of return here


What is requirements elicitation in project management?


Given that the terms "requirements collection" and "requirements elicitation" are frequently used interchangeably, you might be wondering how the two processes vary.

It is a valid query, and you are free to casually switch them. When addressing the mechanics of the requirements elicitation procedure, it is important to note that there is a small distinction between gathering requirements and requirements elicitation. The act of "eliciting" information from a source is known as "b," whereas the act of "gathering" is known as the act of gathering from dispersed sources. Both actions demand knowledge to carry out correctly and are crucial to the whole requirements elicitation process.

learn more about  elicitation  here:


a debt issued by a company as a negotiable instrument with a term of 9 months or less is a security that is exempt from registration and is called:


A debt issued with the aid of using a business enterprise as a negotiable tool with a time period of nine months or much less is a protection this is exempt from registration and is called: short-time period industrial paper.

The required details for Commercial paper in given paragraph

Commercial paper is an unsecured, short-time period debt tool issued with the aid of using corporations. It's normally used to the finance short-time period liabilities consisting of payroll, bills payable, and inventories. Commercial paper entails a particular amount of cash this is to be repaid with the aid of using a particular date. Minimum denominations are $100,000. Terms to adulthood enlarge from one to 270 days. They common 30 days. It displays triumphing marketplace hobby rates.

Commercial paper became first added over a hundred and fifty years in the past while New York traders started to promote their short-time period responsibilities to sellers with a purpose to get right of entry to capital had to cowl near-time period responsibilities.

To know about Commercial paper click here


organizations save money and operate more efficiently if their organizational structure features what characteristic?


Span of Control, the more expansive the areas under management of an organization, the more effective it will be. more important that wider control arcs result in cost savings.

What traits define a successful organizational structure?

Clear responsibilities of authority, thorough job descriptions, objective benchmarks, and excellent two-way communication across departments and between management and personnel are all traits of an effective organizational structure.

Which organizational structure is the most successful and efficient?

The classic line and functional organizational structures are both complemented by the project-based structure, which is straightforward and has the initial layers reporting solely to a direct supervisor.

To know more about span of control visit:-


while the distribution of media products has spread out across the globe, the ownership and control of media production are largely centralized in a few large conglomerates. question 20 options: true false


The distribution of media products has spread out across the globe, the ownership and control of media production are largely centralized in a few large conglomerates. Hence, answer is True.

Many large media conglomerates have acquired smaller media companies and now control much of the production of media products.

This has resulted in the concentration of ownership and control of media production in the hands of a few large companies.

Media ownership concentration, sometimes referred to as media consolidation or media convergence, is the process by which a smaller number of people or organisations come to control a larger portion of the mainstream media.

According to recent study, there is an increasing amount of consolidation in the media sectors, which are already highly concentrated and controlled by a very limited number of companies.

To know more about centralisation here


ron landscaping's income statement reports net income of $74,900, which includes deductions for interest expense of $11,300 and income taxes of $34,500. its times interest earned is:


Answer: 10.7 times


Times interest earned = Earnings before interest and taxes / Interest expense=


= 10.7 times

inventory is such an expensive asset that it may account for as much as 50 percent of a firm's invested capital. group of answer choices true false


Inventory is such an expensive asset that it may account for as much as 50 percent of a firm's invested capital. The statement is true.

what is Inventory?
is a crucial asset for every business. It is described as the assortment of raw materials or completed products that a firm maintains throughout the usual course of operations. Raw materials, also known as any resources, required to manufacture completed items, work-in-progress (WIP), and finished goods, or those that are prepared for sale, are the three main types of inventories.

As was already said, inventory acts as a stopgap between order fulfilment and production and is recorded as a current asset on a company's balance sheet. When an item in inventory is sold, its carrying cost is transferred to the income statement's cost of goods sold (COGS) category.

To study more about Inventory


steven inverness's weekly gross earnings for the week ended april 22 were $1,302, and his federal income tax withholding was $234.36. assuming that the social security rate is 6% and medicare is 1.5% of all earnings, what is steven's net pay? round your answer to two decimal places. $fill in the blank 1


(1,302- 234.36) x (1 - 0.06 - 0.015) = X, 1067.64 x 0.925 = 987.567, 987.567 = steven's net pay

After all withholdings have been made, an employee's earnings are known as net pay. Automatic deductions are made from an employee's pay for mandatory deductions like the FICA-mandated Social Security tax and Medicare.

Pay that is earned before deductions is referred to as gross pay. Jobs stating a salary of $40,000 refer to gross compensation. It could include salaries, overtime pay, commissions, tips, bonuses, and so on.

To learn more about net pay refer here:


Maxwell and his spouse anticipate earning around $110,000 in combined income during 2020. Given how he has completed this W-4 form, how many children do Maxwell and his spouse share?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4


Maxwell and his spouse plan to make a combined income of about $110,000. Maxwell and his spouse are parents to two children.

Income – what is it?

The difference between a company's revenue and costs or expenses for a specific accounting period is known as net income. It is referred to as a company's profit at times.A corporation's asset values increase as a result of revenue.

Can Income Ever Exceed Revenue?

In general, because income is produced from revenue after deducting all expenditures, it can never be larger than revenue. Income is the goal, whereas revenue is the beginning point. In situations where income exceeds sales, the company will have received income from a non-operating source from the outside, such as a particular transaction or investment.

To know more about Income visit:


one existing government program that works much like a negative income tax is the earned income tax credit. true false


The statement is true: One existing government program that works much like a negative income tax is the earned income tax credit.

What is The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) ?

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax credit that could lessen your federal tax liability or give you money back at tax time. No matter if you're single, married, or have kids, you are still eligible for the credit. The primary prerequisite is that you must have a job that pays money.

You must have worked and earned less than $57,414 in order to be eligible for the EITC. One must have investment income that is less than $10,000 in 2021. Possess a valid Social Security number by the time your 2021 tax return is due (including extensions). If you want to see whether you've claimed one or both of the credits, check your 1040 form. The EIC line 27a and ACTC line 28 will carry it.

To know more about income tax:


a newly practicing surgeon, who will soon finish paying off his college loans, might want to set up a(n):


A disclaimer trust is a type of trust that has provisions that are usually included voluntarily that allow the surviving Surgeon to place certain assets under trust by relinquishing ownership of a portion of the inheritance. Disclaimed property benefits are transferred to the trust without tax.

A type of trust that surgeon use to reduce estate taxes is referred to as a "disclaimer trust." In their wills, surgeon can agree to transfer assets to an irrevocable trust from which the other surgeon will inherit. This only takes place if the surgeon decides not to receive the assets in full. A surgeon can either receive the assets directly and pay the subsequent estate taxes, or they can disclaim the assets, which are placed in a disclaimer trust by the will of the deceased surgeon and help the surviving surgeon avoid estate taxes. The assets will still be available to the surviving surgeon , but only in accordance with the trust's terms. A surgeon may also choose to use a disclaimer trust to protect assets from creditors, future surgeon in the event of a college loans , or ensure that children receive the trust's assets upon death.

Although completing medical school is a significant accomplishment, student loan debt may feel like a significant constraint. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), graduates of medical school who took out loans in 2019 had a median debt of $200,000. Additionally, many students owe even more from their undergraduate studies.

Find out if you are eligible for these medical school loan repayment options and loan forgiveness for doctors if you have the median amount of debt from medical school or even more.

To know about disclaimer trust visit


the fact that people in a market research lab setting may scrutinize ads much more closely than they would at home is an example of a(n):


Testing bias is one example of how consumers may examine advertisements far more carefully in a market research lab setting than they would at home.

The practice of evaluating the viability of a new service or product through study done directly with potential customers is known as market research, often known as "marketing research." Market research enables a business to identify the target market and obtain consumer comments and other input regarding their interest in the good or service.

This kind of research can be carried out internally, by the business itself, or by an outside market research firm. Surveys, product testing, and focus groups are all viable methods. Typically, test subjects receive free product samples or a small stipend in exchange for their time. The development of a new product or service requires extensive research and development (R&D).

To know more about market research click here,


forced to lay off a number of its employees, including larry kurzyniec. larry, who had been logging for over eighteen years, suffers from heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. his wife is worried that the family’s health insurance coverage, which is through superior logging, will be cancelled. larry learns that he has a right to extend his insurance benefits, however, if he pays the premiums under
a. hipaa.
b. futa.
c. fica.
d. cobra.


COBRA- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, is the name of the federal law that guarantees employees who have lost their jobs continuing access to health insurance.

What is Federal COBRA?

When your employment terminates or your hours are reduced, federal COBRA is a law that enables you to preserve your group health coverage. All insured employees, their spouses, ex-spouses, and dependent children must be provided with continuous coverage under federal COBRA. Employers and group health plans with 20 or more members are subject to the federal COBRA.

How does COBRA work?

Under certain conditions, including voluntary or involuntary job loss, a reduction in hours worked, a change in employment, death, divorce, and other life events, the COBRA allows employees and their families who lose their health benefits to choose to continue receiving group health benefits from their group health plan for a finite amount of time. The full price for coverage up to 102% of the plan's cost may be demanded of qualified persons.

To know more about Federal laws visit:                                                


during the holiday season, a decision is made by the retailers in a local mall to share the costs of holiday advertising. when retailers engage in this type of activity, it is called:


The merchants at a neighbourhood mall decide to split the expense of holiday advertising throughout the holiday season. This kind of action is referred to as free home delivery or after-sale services when retailers engage in it.

The Christmas season, often known as the festive season, is a time of year that is celebrated in many Western and non-Western nations. It is typically thought to last from late November to early January. It must include at least Christmas Day, New Year's Day, and occasionally additional holidays and festivals. It is also connected to a time when people buy, which includes the busiest shopping season of the year—Christmas—and a period of seasonal bargains. Many places have Christmas window displays and Christmas tree lighting events, which involve the illumination of holiday decked with ornaments and lights. The holiday season in Western Christianity is linked with Christmastide, which lasts from December 25 to January 5.

Learn more about holiday from


Jean-jacques rousseau shared many beliefs with other great thinkers of the age of reason and of the enlightenment era. However, on one point he differed from most of them. Which point was that?.


Jean- Jacques Rousseau disagreed with many of the great thinkers of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment Era in one important respect: he thought that equality was impossible, even in a perfect world.

Cornerstones of contemporary political and social thought are his Discourse and beliefs on Inequality and The Social Contract. Pre-romanticism and romanticism in fiction both owe their growth to Rousseau's emotional novel Julie, or the New Heloise (1761), which is full of sentiment.

Along with elements of the French Revolution and the advancement of cutting-edge political, economic, and academic ideas, his political theory promoted the spread of the Enlightenment throughout Europe.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is renowned for reinventing the social contract as an agreement between the individual and a group of people who share a "universal will" that is represented in the rules of an ideal state and is intended to serve the common good.

To learn more about Jean-Jacques Rousseau, follow the below link:


After spending $3,450 for tables and $3,950 for chairs, a convention center manager finds that the total is 4% more than he spent on tables and chairs last year. To the nearest dollar, find the amount that he spent last year. A. $296 c. $7115 b. $4115 d. $7,708.


A convention center manager who spent $3,450 on tables and $3,950 on chairs found the total to be 4% more than he spent on tables and chairs last year. He spent $7,115 last year.

What does center manager mean?

Center Managers provide leadership and oversee the day-to-day operations of facilities and offices. They are responsible for implementing health and safety policies and ensuring that personnel and facilities comply with all applicable local, federal, or industry regulations.

What does convention center do?

A convention center (American English or British English conference center) is a large building designed for individuals and groups to meet and hold conventions to promote and share common interests. Convention centers typically provide ample floor space for thousands of attendees.

To learn more about convention management visit:


a 25 percent decrease in the price of breakfast cereal leads to a 20 percent increase in the quantity of cereal demanded. as a result:


The amount of breakfast cereal demanded increases by 20% when the price is reduced by 25%. Consequently, overall revenue will drop.

Suppose, for instance, that a commodity's price rises by 20% while its supply rises by 40%. Since the percentage change in the quantity supplied of the item is twice as great as the percentage change in its price, its supply is extremely elastic in this situation. Economists would describe the demand for a good as unit elastic if the percent change in the price of the good is compensated by an equivalent percent change in the quantity requested. Consequently, if a good's price rises by 20% but the amount required drops by 20%, the demand.   Revenue, which is determined as the total of all sales for a specific time period, is a metric that demonstrates demand for a company's products. All revenue and spending activity is moved from nominal accounts on the income statement and into real accounts on the balance sheet since the income statement "resets" each year.

Learn more about  revenue from


harris corporation, a retailer, had cost of goods sold of $290,000 last year. the beginning inventory balance was $26,000 and the ending inventory balance was $24,000. the corporation's inventory turnover was closest to:


The inventory turnover ratio of Harris Corporation is closest to 11.60 times

Inventory turnover is a financial ratio that demonstrates how frequently a firm turns over its stock in relation to its cost of goods sold (COGS) over the course of a specific time period. The number of days in the period—typically a fiscal year—can then be divided by the inventory turnover ratio to get the average number of days it takes for a firm to sell its inventory.

Businesses may improve their decisions on pricing, manufacturing, marketing, and purchasing by using the inventory turnover ratio. It is one of the efficiency ratios used to gauge how well a business uses its resources.

Average inventory = (Beginning inventory + Ending inventory)/2

= (26000+24000)/2

= 25000

Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold / Average inventory

= 290,000 / 25,000

= 11.60 times

Learn more about inventory turnover ratio:


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Use the list to answer the following question.- Utilized a labor tax system- Flourished in the 15th Century- Located near the Andes Mountains- Emperors considered descendants of the sunWhich of the following cultures is being described? a florida professional engineer, who is an independent consultant, prepares the design and drawings for prefabricated wood trusses for the roof of a structure pursuant to the engineering requirements prescribe by the engineer of record. the p.e. for the roof trusses is known as: 2,158 divide by 26. A.80 B.83 C.86 D.89 Water has several properties that allow life on Earth to exist. Which description identifies a characteristic of water that makes water useful for living organisms?A. water is polar, which allows it to dissolve many substancesB. water is made of one hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms making it nonpolarC. water is able to bond with O2 allowing water to easily exchange with the atmosphereD. Water contains strong bonds, making it difficult to break apart into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. if the magnitude of the magnetic field is now decreased at a rate of -0.16 t/s , what force (magnitude and direction) will act on q ? illustrate the first three levels of the apriori algorithm (set sizes 1, 2 and 3) for support threshold of 3 transactions, by identifying candidate sets and calculating their support. what are the maximal frequent sets discovered in the first 3 levels? PLWASE HELP ILL GIVE BRAINLG day 4 50 pts From Georgia OKeeffe by Joan Didion 6 Some women fight and others do not. Like so many successful guerrillas in the war between the sexes, Georgia OKeeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it. On the surface her upbringing was conventional. 7 She was a child on the Wisconsin prairie who played with china dolls and painted watercolors with cloudy skies because sunlight was too hard to paint and, with her brother and sisters, listened every night to her mother read stories of the Wild West, of Texas, of Kit Carson and Billy the Kid. She told adults that she wanted to be an artist and was embarrassed when they asked what kind of artist she wanted to be: she had no idea what kind. She had no idea what artists did. She had never seen a picture that interested her, other than a pen-and-ink Maid of Athens in one of her mothers books, some Mother Goose illustrations printed on cloth, a tablet cover that showed a little girl with pink roses, and the painting of Arabs on horseback that hung in her grandmothers parlor. At thirteen, in a Dominican convent, she was mortified when the sister corrected her drawing. At Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia she painted lilacs and sneaked time alone to walk out to where she could see the line of the Blue Ridge Mountains on the horizon. At the Art Institute in Chicago she was shocked by the presence of live models and wanted to abandon anatomy lessons. At the Art Students League in New York one of her fellow students advised her that, since he would be a great painter and she would end up teaching painting in a girls school, any work of hers was less important than modeling for him. Another painted over her work to show her how the Impressionists did trees. She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care. The sentence Georgia OKeeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it develops the authors purpose by: A. providing an additional example of what life was like for her growing up B. showing that she doubted herself at times when she was challenged by men C. revealing that she always pushed forward because she was afraid of failure D. reinforcing the idea that she was a passionate and defiant person Biographical information in paragraph 7 reinforces the idea that the authors purpose is A. to persuade. B. to entertain. C. to inform. D. none of the above. Which evidence from paragraph 7 best supports the authors perspective that Georgia OKeeffe was not affected by the opinions of others? A. She was a child on the Wisconsin prairie who played with china dolls and painted watercolors with cloudy skies . . . B. She had never seen a picture that interested her, other than a pen-and-ink Maid of Athens in one of her mothers books . . . C. At Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia she painted lilacs and sneaked time alone to walk out to where she could see the line of the Blue Ridge Mountains . . . D. She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care. Graph a triangle ABC and perform a translation of (x + 4, y - 3) to create triangle A'B'C'.1. Describe the transformation using words. Make sure you refer to the characteristicsand the coordinates.2. Draw a line through points A and A' and through points B and B'. What do younotice about the lines you drew? Do you think you would notice the samecharacteristics if you drew another line through points C and C'? How do you know? When the spring is stretched and the distanced from point A to point B is 5.2 feet, what is the valuue of 0 to the nearest tenth of a degree? which of the following are remedies for the public goods problem? pigouvian tax. public provision through taxation. establishing a well-functioning market. patent protection. Do orcas prefer warm or cold water? How is propaganda a form of censorship? How does it block out or remove information according to this article? ASAP HELPPP!!Before he started washing windows on weekends, Rob had $20. He earned $60 over each of the first three weekends that he spent washing windows. So far, Rob has not spent any of his money. If n represents a whole number less than or equal to 3, which function shows the total amount of money Rob had after n weekends of washing windows? A. t(n) = 20 + 60n B. t(n) = 60 + 20n C. t(n) = 200n D. t(n) = 200 George bush says that owning a ______is a part of the American dream The length of a clothe is 9m, it was increased to 12m, what is the percent of change. which mass extinction event occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species? If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 3, the fraction becomes 3/4. If the denominator is decreased by 7, thefraction becomes 1.What is the numerator of the fraction?01602 harris corporation, a retailer, had cost of goods sold of $290,000 last year. the beginning inventory balance was $26,000 and the ending inventory balance was $24,000. the corporation's inventory turnover was closest to: Is Linux a proprietary operating system?