The proportion of passengers who miss a flight for which they have a reservation is0.0995. Suppose a flight 290 reservations. Find the standard deviation of the sampleproportion, ºf, rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth (4 decimal places).


Answer 1


Standard deviation of the sample proportion = 0.0176


For a distribution with proportion, p, the standard deviation of the sample proportion is given as



p = sample proportion = 0.0995

n = sample size = 290

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sigma_x=\sqrt[]{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}} \\ \sigma_x=\sqrt[]{\frac{0.0995(1-0.0995)}{290}} \\ \sigma_x=\sqrt[]{\frac{0.0995(0.9005)}{290}} \\ \sigma_x=\sqrt[]{\frac{0.08959975}{290}} \\ \sigma_x=\sqrt[]{0.0003089647} \\ \sigma_x=0.0176 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hope this Helps!!!

Related Questions

4. Ash is three years older than ShawnCrystal is four times as old as Shawn. Oscaris twice as old as Ash. Altogether their agestotal 49. Find each person's age.



Shawn's age = 5 years

Ash's age = 8 years

Crystal's age = 20 years

Oscar's age = 16 years


Let Ash's age be represented by A

Let the Shawn's age be represented as S

Let the Crystal's age be represented as C

Let Oscar's age be represented as O

Ash is three years older than Shawn

A = S + 3.....................(1)

Crystal is 4 times as old as Shawn

C = 4S................................(2)

Oscar is twice as old as Ash

O = 2A.................................(3)

Altogether, their ages total 49

A + S + C + O = 49 ...............(4)

First, to get Oscar's age in terms of Shawn's age, substitute equation (1) into equation (3)

O = 2 ( S + 3)

O = 2S + 6..................(5)

Substitute equations (1), (2), and (5) into equation (4)

(S + 3) + S + (4S) + (2S + 6) = 49

S + S + 4S + 2S + 3 + 6 = 49

8S + 9 = 49

8S = 49 - 9

8S = 40

S = 40 / 8

S = 5

Shawn's age = 5 years

To get Ash's age, substitute the value of S into equation (1)

A = S + 3

A = 5 + 3

A = 8

Ash's age = 8 years

To get Crystal's age, substitute the value of S into equation (2)

C = 4S

C = 4(5)

C = 20

Crystal's age = 20 years

To get Oscar's age, substitute the value of A into equation (3)

O = 2A

O = 2(8)

O = 16

Oscar's age = 16 years

A circle has a radius of 20 inches. Find the length of the arc intercepted by a central angle of 45°. Leave answers in terms of π.A. 5π/2 inchesB. 5π inchesC. 5 inchesD. 4π inches


[tex]5\pi\text{ inches (option B)}[/tex]


radius = 20 inches

angle = θ= 45°

We would apply length of an arc:

[tex]length\text{ of an arc = }\frac{\theta}{360\text{ }}\text{ }\times2\pi r[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{length of the arc = }\frac{45}{360}\times2\times\pi\times20 \\ =\text{ }\frac{1}{8}\times\text{ 40}\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the options is in terms of π, the answer will be in that form

[tex]\text{length of }arc\text{ = 5}\pi\text{ inches (option B)}[/tex]

What is an equation of the line that passes through the point (3,1) and is parallelto the line 4x + 3y=15




two lines are parallel when their slopes are equal,

Step 1

convert the equation to the form

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ \text{where m is the slope} \end{gathered}[/tex]

to easily find m

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4x+3y=15 \\ \text{subtract 4x in both sides} \\ 4x+3y-4x=15-4x \\ 3y=15-4x \\ \text{divide both sides by 3} \\ \frac{3y}{3}=\frac{15}{3}-4x \\ y=-4x+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-4x+5\Rightarrow y=mx+b \\ m=\text{slope}=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

Now we have this info to find the equation of the line

[tex]\begin{gathered} P1(3,1) \\ m_1=m_2=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

apply the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ \text{replacing} \\ y-1=-4(x-3) \\ y-1=-4x+12 \\ \text{add 1 in both sides} \\ y-1+1=-4x+12+1 \\ y=-4x+13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

Choose the greatest multiple of 10 you can multiply by 30 to get close to,
but not go over, 750. Then, write the product.



20, 600

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]20 \times 30=600 \\ \\ 30 \times 30=900[/tex]

Answer 250 cause 250 is a multiple of 10 times that by 30 is 750

What type of sequence and how to write the explicit rule.


The Solution:

Given the sequence below:


We are required to identify the type of sequence and to find the explicit rule for the given sequence.

Step 1:

To determine the type of sequence, we shall run the following check:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_2-a_1=a_3-a_2\text{ then it is an Arithmetic sequence} \\ \text{ but if} \\ \frac{a_2}{a_1}=\frac{a_3}{a_2}\text{ then it is a Geometric sequence.} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 18-26=10-18 \\ -8=-8 \\ \text{ Then it follows that the sequence is an Arithmetic sequence.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the sequence is an arithmetic sequence.

Step 2:

To find the explicit rule, we shall use the formula below:


In this case,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=\text{ first term=26} \\ n=\text{ number of terms=?} \\ d=\text{ co}mmon\text{ difference=18-26=-8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting these values in the formula, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=26+(n-1)(-8) \\ a_n=26-8(n-1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the explicit rule of the sequence is :


3. Identify the zeros of the equation below: 2x^2 + 23 = 14x


Simplify the equation.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x^2+23=14x \\ 2x^2-14x+23=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the zeros of the equation by using quadratic formula.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt[]{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\ =\frac{14\pm\sqrt[\square]{(-14)^2-4\cdot2\cdot23}}{2\cdot2} \\ =\frac{14\pm\sqrt[]{12}}{4} \\ =\frac{2(7\pm\sqrt[]{3})}{4} \\ =\frac{7}{2}\pm\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

THus zeros of the equation is,




A desk is on sale for $380, which is 20% off the original price. Which equation can be used to determine theamount of money saved, s, in dollars, when purchasing this desk on sale?A s= 0.2(380)BS = (380 = 0.8) - 380Cs= (380 = 0.5) – 380D8 = (380 = 0.8)


Since the desk was 20% off, the price of $380 represents 80% of the original price.

Step 1. Define an expression to find the original price.

To find this original price, we divide the discounted price of 380 by the percentage it represents: 0.8 (we represent 80% in decimal form as 0.8)


That expression represents the original price.

Step 2. To find the amount saved, we subtract the sale price to the original price:


This expression will give as a result the amount saved s.



Find the area of a regular nonagon (9-sided polygon) if the apothem is 4 cm long, and each side is14 cm.



[tex]252\text{ cm}^2[/tex]


Here, we want to find the area of the polygon

Mathematically, we have that calculated as:

[tex]A\text{ = }\frac{n\times b\times a}{2}[/tex]


n is the number of sides of the polygon which is 9

b is the length of a side which is 14 cm

a is the length of the apothem which is 4 cm

Substituting the values, we have it that:

[tex]A\text{ = }\frac{9\times14\times4}{2}\text{ = 252 cm}^2[/tex]

11. 9 Reason Abstractly Explain why astudent who runs 3/4 mile in 6 minutes isfaster than a student who runs 1/2 mile in5 minutes.



to solve this question, need to calculate their speeds and compare

student A ran 3/4 miles in 6 mins

[tex]\text{speed}=\frac{dis\tan ce}{time}[/tex]

now we can substitute the values into the equatio

What fraction is represented in the picture below?


1 5/16

Your answer should be above.



Step-by-step explanation:

The points ​(2​,​11) and ​(6,​33) form a proportional relationship. Find the slope of the line through the points. Then use the slope to graph the line.


The slope (m) of the line using the given coordinates is 11/2 and the equation of the slope is plotted on the graph.

What do we mean by slope?The value of the steepness or the direction of a line in a coordinate plane is referred to as the slope of a line, also known as the gradient. Given the equation of a line or the coordinates of points situated on a straight line, a slope can be determined using a variety of approaches.A line's steepness can be determined by looking at its slope. The slope is calculated mathematically as "rise over run" (change in y divided by change in x).

So, the slope formula is:

m = y₂ - y₁/x₂ - x₁

Now, put the values and calculate as follows:

m = 33 - 11/6 - 2m = 22/4m = 11/2

So, the slope equation will be:

y = mx + by = 11/2x + b

Now, plot the graph of the equation, taking b = 1.

(Refer to the graph attached below)

Therefore, the slope (m) of the line using the given coordinates is 11/2 and the equation of the slope is plotted on the graph.

Know more about slopes here:


Hi, I am having trouble with this. Could you help? This month a band plays 3 private parties, each of which pays them the same amount. However, the band also has $200 in travel expenses. Taking those expenses into account, they make a total of $2500. The following month, the band has 5 bar gigs and 2 private parties, plus they make an additional $800 (total) by selling merch, and have a total of $350 in travel expenses. With all expenses factored in, they make a total of $4125. How much, on average, is the band payed per bar gig? (assume they are paid the same amount per party this month as they were last month). Write 2 algebra equations then solve.


We have two cases. The first month, they played in 3 private parties that payed the same. They had a cost of $200 in travel and, in the end, they made $2500. Let "p" be the paid amount of each party. Since there were 3, they were payed 3*p. If we then substract their expenses of $200, we get the final amount, that should be equal to $2500.

In an equation, this is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3p-200=2500 \\ 3p=2500+200 \\ 3p=2700 \\ p=\frac{2700}{3} \\ p=900 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, each party payed $900.

In the second month, they worked on 5 bar gigs and 2 private parties. We already know that each private party pays $900, so, if "b" is the average amount they made in each bar gig, then "5b" will be the total they made in bar gigs and, adding the party amount, we have, in the second month:


The had $350 travel expenses, so we need to substract this and we should end up with the total they made, that was $4125:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5b+1800-350=4125 \\ 5b+1450=4125 \\ 5b=4125-1450 \\ 5b=2675 \\ b=\frac{2675}{5} \\ b=535 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, on average, they were payed $535 per bar gig.

1. What is the unit price for each detergent? Brand Size (oz) Price ($) Brand A: $ per ounce A 32 4.80 Brand B: $ per ounce B 48 5.76 Brand C: $ per ounce C с 128 17.92 2. Which detergent is the best buy?


To determine the unit price for each detergent, i.e. the price per ounce, you have to divide the cost of the detergent by the number of ounces the container has.

Detergent A

Has 32 ounces

Costs $4.80

The unit price can be calculated as:


Detergent A costs $0.15/ounce

Detergent B

Has 48 ounces

Costs $5.76

The unit price can be calculated as the quotient between the price and the amount of detergent:


Detergent B costs $0.12/ounce

Detergent C

Has 128ounces

Costs $17.90

Calculate the unit price by dividing the price by the number of ounces of the container:


Detergent C costs $0.14/ounce.

The best detergent to buy is the one that has the lower unit price, so to determine which one is it you have to compare their price per ounce.

In this case, detergent B has the lower price per ounce and thus it is the best detergent to buy.

25÷2 3/8 please help


25÷2 3/8

Let's remember how to convert

[tex]a\frac{b}{c}=\frac{(a\cdot c)+b}{c}[/tex]

Step 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\frac{3}{8}=\frac{(2\cdot8)+3}{8} \\ 2\frac{3}{8}=\frac{19}{8} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

now , we have 25 divided by 19/8

[tex]\begin{gathered} 25\text{ divide by 19/8=}\frac{\frac{25}{1}}{\frac{19}{8}} \\ 25\text{ divide by 2 3/8=}\frac{25\cdot8}{19\cdot1}=\frac{200}{19} \\ 25\text{divide by 2 3/8=}\frac{200}{19} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is 200/19

8. Find the volume of a cone with a diameter of 10 meters and a height of 5.1 metersUse - (π = 3.14)



133.45 m^3



Diameter of the cone (d) = 10 meters

Then the radius(r) of the cone will be d/2 = 10/2 = 5 meters

Height of the cone (h) = 5.1 meters

Pi = 3.14

We'll go ahead and use the below formula to determine the volume of the cone(V);

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h \\ =\frac{1}{3}*3.14*5^2*5.1 \\ =\frac{1}{3}*3.14*25*5.1 \\ =133.45\text{ m}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the volume of the cone is 133.45 m^3

If the ratio of m to nis 7 to 6which of the following could be true?


m = 7/3, n = 2​ could be true if the m/n ratio is 7:6. Option-E is correct.

Given that,

Which of the following could be true if the m/n ratio is 7:6.

Option are

A. m = 8, n = 7

B. m = 12,n= 14

C. m=14, n=0

D. m = 42, n = 42

E. m = 7/3, n = 2​

Comparing two amounts of the same units and determining the ratio tells us how much of one quantity is in the other.

Consider each of the m and n values that are provided.


m:n = 8:7 ≠ 7 : 6


m:n = 12:14 = 6:7 ≠ 7 : 6


m:n  = 14:0 ≠ 7 : 6


m:n = 42:42 = 1:1 ≠ 7 : 6


m:n  = 7/3 : 2 = 7 : 6

Thus E is the only true ratio

Therefore, m = 7/3, n = 2​ could be true if the m/n ratio is 7:6.

To learn more about ratio visit:


Excluding hydropower, U.S. power plants used renewable energy sources to generate 105 million megawatthours of electricity in 2007. By 2012, the amount of electricity generated had increased to 219 million megawatthours. Let x represent the time (in years) since 2007 and let y represent the number of megawatt hours (inmillions).Because time x is defined in years since 2007, 2007 corresponds to x = 0 and 2012 corresponds to x = 5. Fnd therate of change (slope) of the use of renewable energy sources between 2007 and 2012.


In order to calculate the rate of change, we just need to divide the difference in megawatt hours generated between 2007 and 2012 by the period of 5 years.

So we have that:


So the rate of change is 22.8 millions of megawatt hours generated per year.

Westin Trading normally nets $6 million per month. The table shows the variance from the average for five months.Sales Above/Below Average (Millions)AprilMayJuneJulyAug.–2.5Negative 2 and one-half3.1–1.62 and two-thirdsWhich comparison is true? Use the number line to help.A number line going from negative 6 to positive 6 in increments of 1. June < AugustApril = MayMay > JulyMay = August


We have:

April --> -2.5

May --> Negative 2 and one-half = - 2 + 1/2 = -2.5

June --> 3.1

July --> - 1.6

Aug --> 2 and two-thirds = 2 + 2/3 = 2.67

We place them on the number line


June > August

April = May

May < July

May ≠ August

Answer: The true comparison is April = May

2y = 14xDirect variationk =Not direct variation


2y = 14x

divide both sides by 2


y = 7x

direct variation and k = 7

Find the equation for the line that passes through the point (-4,1), and that is perpendicular to the line with the equation





Point ( - 4, 1)

⇒x = -4 and y = 1

Perpendicular equation

3/4 x + y = -5/4

We need to re-write the above equation in the form y = mx + b

y = -3/4 x -5/4

Compare the above with y=mx + b where m is the slope and b is the intercept.

slope(m) = -3/4

Slope of vertical lines are inverse of one another.

This implies that the slpe of our new equation is:


Next, is to find the intercept of the new equation.

We can find this by substituting m = 4/3 , x = -4 and y = 1 into y=mx + b and then solve for b.

That is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1=\frac{4}{3}(-4)+b \\ \\ 1=-\frac{16}{3}+b \\ \\ 1+\frac{16}{3}=b \\ \\ b=\frac{3+16}{3} \\ \\ b=\frac{19}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can proceed to form the new equation by simply substituting the values of m and b into y=mx + b

Hence, the equation is:


which e q u a t i o n s the correct


The given statement is Four less than a number is nine.

Remember that "less than" refers to subtraction. "A number" refers to a variable x. "is" refers to equality. So, the expression would be

[tex]x-4=9[/tex]C is the answer.

What is the answer 5 +5



(2 pts)9. Arielle took a cash advance of $1500. Her new credit card charges a periodic (daily)interest rate of 0.07%.a) How much interest will Arielle pay for the statement for the month of May whichhas 31 days(2 pts)b) What is the balance that she owes?


Exercise data

$ 1500

Interest rate = 0.07%= 0.07/ 100 = 0.0007

a) How much interest will Arielle pay for the statement for the month of May which

has 31 days?

Simple Interest=P×I×N



I=daily interest rate

N=number of days between payments

Interest= 1500 x (0.07/100) x 31 = $ 32.55

another way to write

Interest= 1500 x (0.0007) x 31 = $ 32.55

b)What is the balance that she owes?

Balance = P x ( 1 + I*t) where t= time.

Balance = 1500 x (1 + 0.0007*31)

Balance = 1500 x (1 + 0.217)

Balance = 1500 x (1 .217)

Balance = 1532.55

another way to solve

Balance = P + Interest

Balance = 1500 + 32.55

Balance = 1532.55

-99G =2 7-759 -6-5 3-4 -9C4 -1-10 013 -7-8 104[G] + 2[C]



we are given the following matrices

To compute


We will simply multiply the entries of G by 4 and C by 2

Thus, we will have

The final step will be to add the terms together

Thus, we will have

Jose Is cooking a roast. The table below gives the temperature (1) of the roast (In degrees Celsius), at a few timest (In minutes) after he removed it from theoven.Timet Temperature R (1)(minutes)(c)010305070226.6205.6157.6119.661.6(a) Find the average rate of change for the temperaturefrom 0 minutes to 10 minutes.0 °C per minute(b) Find the average rate of change for the temperaturefrom 30 minutes to 50 minutes.[ °C per minute


(a). From the given table,



The average rate of change for the temperature from 0 minutes to 10 minutes is

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{R(10)-R(0)}{10-0} \\ =\frac{205.6-226.6}{10} \\ =-2.1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

(a) The average rate of change for the temperature from 0 minutes to 10 minutes is -2.1 (in degree centrigrade)

Minus sign implies that the temperature is deacreasing with increasing time

(b). Again,



The average rate of change for the temperature from 30 minutes to 50 minutes is

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{R(50)-R(30)}{50-30} \\ =\frac{119.6-157.6}{20} \\ =-1.9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

(b) The average rate of change for the temperature from 30 minutes to 50 minutes is -1.9 (in degree centrigrade)

Minus sign implies that the temperature is deacreasing with increasing time

A baseball league has ten teams. How many different end-of-the-season ranking first, second, and third place are there.


Find out the permutation 10P3

[tex]10P3=\frac{10!}{(10-3)!}=720[/tex]The answer is 720

For the function, determine whether y varies directly with x. If so, find the constant of variation and write the function rule.Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in the answer box within your choice.O A. Yes, y varies directly with x. The constant of variation is k = and the function rule is(Simplify your answers. Use integers or fractions for any numbers in the expression)No, y does not vary directly with x.


Answer: No, y does not vary directly with x


y varies directly with x when y divided by x is always the same constant. In this case, we get:

x y y/x

2 6 6/2 = 3

4 14 14/4 = 3.5

5 17 17/5 = 3.4

Since 3, 3.5, and 3.4 are distinct, the answer is No, y does not vary directly with x.

the graph of the functiony=f(x)+34can be obtained from the graph ofy=f(x)by which following action?shifting the graph f(x) to the left 34 unitsshifting the graph f(x) to the right 34 unitsshifting the graph f(x) downwards 34 units shifting the graph of f(x) upwards 34 units


Given data:

The given expression is f(x)+34.

The given graph can be obtained by shifting f(x) in the positive direction of y by 34 units.


Thus, the last option is correct.

1.3(2y-7)2.-(x+4)3.2/3 (1/4x-6)4. 6(x+1) -5 (x+2)


In this expression, we can solve it by applying the distributive property



So, factor 3 multiplies each term inside the parentheses.


The minus outside the bracket works like a -1 multiplying it



3) For this one, remember the rule for multiplying fractions and then simplifying:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2}{3}(\frac{1}{4}x-6) \\ \frac{2}{12}x\text{ -}\frac{12}{3} \\ \frac{1}{6}x-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

4) 6( x+1) -5(x+2)

6x+6 -5x-10



two trains leave the same city at the same time, one going east and the other going west. If one train is traveling at 65 miles per hour and the other at 72 miles per hour, how many hours will it take for them to be 822 miles apart


The effect of both trains moving in opposite directions is the same that if one of them was stationary and the other one was moving at 65 + 72 = 137 mph.

Now, we know that distance = speed x time. Let's call the distance d and the time y

We would have:


Using the distance we're given,


Solving for t :

[tex]\begin{gathered} 822=137t \\ \rightarrow\frac{822}{137}=t \\ \Rightarrow t=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

It would take 6 hours for them to be 822 miles apart .

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