the process of evolutionary changes that result in formation of new species and groups of species is called


Answer 1



people r great

Answer 2

The process of evolutionary changes that result in formation of new species and groups of species is called speciation .

What are evolutionary change?

Evolutionary change are defined as the gradual heritable alteration of populations and species brought on by processes including sexual selection, random genetic drift, and natural selection. A population, a collection of interacting individuals of a single species, exhibits a change in allele frequency from one generation to the next due to five main processes.

Through speciation, a new plant or animal species is created. Speciation occurs when a group within a species separates from other members of its species and develops its own unique traits. The process by which new species emerge is known as speciation. Groups in a species experience it when they grow reproductively separated and diverge.

Thus, the process of evolutionary changes that result in formation of new species and groups of species is called speciation .  

To learn more about evolutionary change, refer to the link below:


Related Questions

Place the following digestive tract structures in the order they would be encountered by an ingested food molecule:


The placement of digestive tract structures in the order they would be encountered by an ingested food molecule would be Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Cecum, Ascending colon, Transverse colon and Descending colon.

The pharynx is the part of respiratory system which carries air, food and fluid down from the nose and mouth. It connects to the esophagus, which is a long tube like structure that ends in the stomach. Stomach is a muscular bag like structure where food is broken down and passed into intestine as small pieces. The main role of the duodenum is to complete the first phase of digestion. The primary function of the jejunum and ileum is to absorb sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. Cecum is the fermentation  chamber. The colon has the function of reabsorption of water and some nutrients and electrolytes from partially digested food and removal of waste.

Learn more about Digestive tract as:


Tn response to falling blood glucose levels, which pancreatic islet cell releases glucagon?


The pancreatic beta islet cells react to a drop in blood sugar levels by releasing glucagon.

What is glucagon?

Glucagon is a synthetic hormone that is used to treat very low blood sugar levels in diabetics who are taking insulin. This drug can also be used to help facilitate radiological examination of the digestive tract.

Beta cells (β Cells) are a type of cell found in the islets of the pancreas that synthesize and secrete insulin. Beta cells account for about 50-70% of the cells in the islets of the pancreas in the human body. The insulin hormone functions to lower blood sugar levels.

Learn more about the function of the pancreas here :


What is the relationship between protein structure and nucleic acids?


The nucleic acids deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) coordinate and carry out a complicated process that builds proteins (RNA)  is the relationship between protein structure and nucleic acids.

The process, known as protein biosynthesis, entails building protein chains out of individual amino acids in a certain order. Nucleic acids have been suggested to act as templates for the creation of proteins and to control the order of amino acids in protein molecules. This involvement has been confirmed by statistical evidence.

Assembled proteins are polymers of amino acids that carry genetic information in nucleic acids. It transports the proper amino acid to the location where proteins are made, and base pairing between the mRNA and tRNA enables the proper amino acid to be placed into the polypeptide chain.

Learn to know more about Protein on


which statement describes the way in which phosphorylation directly contributes to signal transduction?


Proteins can connect with new binding partners thanks to phosphorylation, which modifies the structure of the protein.

Phosphorylation sites are created by protein kinases (also known as "writers"), frequently have an impact after being recognized by phospho-binding proteins (also known as "readers"), and are afterwards eliminated by protein phosphatases (also known as "erasers").

This writer-reader-eraser toolbox has been crucial in the evolution of new functionalities necessary for the development of multicellular organisms and enables phosphorylation events to control a wide range of regulatory activities. Typically modular in organization, the proteins that make up this system of protein kinases, phospho-binding targets, and phosphatases are made up of several globular domains and smaller peptide motifs having binding or catalytic capabilities.

Through genetic recombination, the linking of these binding and catalytic modules in novel ways, as well as the choice of certain domain combinations, have aided in the emergence of new, physiologically advantageous processes. Conversely,

Learn more about " phosphorylation " to visit here;


what kinds of cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize?


Phagocytic cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize.

What exactly are phagocytic cells?

A particular immune cell type that can encircle and eliminate pathogens, consume foreign objects, and eliminate dead cells. Additionally, it can strengthen immunological responses. Phagocytes include neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. A specific class of white blood cell is called a phagocyte.

Which three phagocytic cell kinds are there?

They play a significant role in the innate immune system. Monocytes and macrophages, granulocytes, and dendritic cells are the three primary types of phagocytes, and each has a unique role to play in the body.

To know more about phagocytic cell:


given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of dna per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes?


40,000 Base Pair approximate average length of DNA per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a polymer composed of polynucleotide chains that coil spherically each one-of-a-kind to form a double helix. The polymer includes genetic instructions for the development, functioning, boom, and replica of all seemed organisms and lots of viruses.

In all dwelling things, DNA is vital for an inheritance, coding for proteins, and offering instructions for life and its tactics. Human cells commonly consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a complete forty-six chromosomes in every cell.

Most DNA is positioned within the cell nucleus. Mitochondria are structures within cells that convert the power from meals right into a shape that cells can use.

Learn more about DNA here:-


which team member typically prepares and stains sections of body tissue so that other team members can study its cellular composition?


Cytotechnologist (CT) The preparation and examination of samples of cells from body tissue is the responsibility of cytotechnologists, trained laboratory technologists.

To look for signs of malignant cells, precancerous cells, and infectious disorders, cytotechnologists (CTs) study tissue samples in lab settings. CT scans search for cellular anomalies and aid medical professionals and pathologists in making a microscopic pathology diagnosis. The cytotechnologist examines the cytoplasm and nucleus of dye-stained cells for indications of illness.

learn more about Cytotechnologist here


a woman whose father is a hemophiliac marries a man with normal clotting ability.b what is the probability that her first child will have hemophilia


The probability of having a son with hemophilia is 25% (or one in four). a 25% possibility of having a son that clots normally. a 25% possibility of having a carrier daughter. having a daughter with hemophilia has a 25% risk.

Should the father have hemophilia: As a result of receiving their mother's healthy X chromosome, none of his sons will be affected by hemophilia, but his daughters have a 50/50 chance of carrying the condition.

Overall, each pregnancy has a 1 in 4 (25%) chance of producing a male with hemophilia and a 1 in 4 (25%) chance of producing a daughter who is heterozygous.

Learn more about to  hemophiliac visit here;


the origin of a new plant species by hybridizing two existing species, coupled with accidents during cell division, is an example of _____.


The origin of a new plant species by hybridizing two existing species, coupled with accidents during cell division, is an example of hybrid speciation.

Hybrid speciation occurs when two existing species hybridize and a new species forms through the accidental alterations that can occur during cell division.

Hybrid Speciation: The Evolution of a New Species Through Accidental Alterations in Cell Division

Hybrid speciation is a process of natural evolution which occurs when two existing species hybridize and a new species forms through the accidental alterations that can occur during cell division. These alterations can lead to new characteristics and traits that may give the new species an advantage over existing species in the same environment.

This process is often driven by a variety of factors, such as changes in the environment, competition for resources, and even the presence of different predators. Hybridization between two species is an unpredictable event, and the new species created may be better adapted for survival. Over time, this new species may become distinct enough to be considered a separate species from its parent species, allowing it to thrive and reproduce in its own environment.

Learn more about Hybrid species:


The scenario shows a distribution of plant height from genetically identical individuals plotted as a function of temperature. Check all that apply.

a. Temperature influences the growth of plants.
b. The genotype of the plant is likely altered by the environment.
c. The environment likely impacts the expression of genes important to plant height.
d. Plants grow well at 40oC.
e. Despite having the identical genetics the phenotype of organisms show continuous variation with respect to the environment.


Scenarios showing the distribution of plant heights of genetically identical individuals are plotted as a function of temperature.

a. Temperature influences the growth of plants.c. The environment likely impacts the expression of genes important to plant height.e. Despite having identical genetics, the phenotype of organisms shows continuous variation with respect to the environment.

If the minimum ambient temperature then the plant will not grow. The optimum temperature will cause the growth rate to be high, while the temperature above the maximum will result in the plant not experiencing growth and the plant will die if it cannot adapt to stress.

An environment that affects genes is an environment that is not good for overall health, such as pollutants that are too high, temperatures that are too high, or nutrients that can affect gene formation.

Learn more about an environment that affects genes at


if there are 50 flowers, 30 red (rr), 15 pink (rr) and 5 white (r), how many recessive alleles is in the population?


About 25 recessive alleles are there in the flower population.

The genetic diversity of a population at equilibrium can be determined using the Hardy-Weinberg equation. This equation is given by, p²+2pq+q² = 1.

Where is the frequency of homozygous dominant, is the frequency of homozygous recessive, 2pq is the frequency of heterozygous, p is the frequency of the dominant allele, and q is the recessive allele frequency.

Given,  p² is 30, 2pq is 15, and q is 5. We have to find the frequency of homozygous recessive.

q² = 5² = 25

Therefore, the answer is 25.  The correct option is option d.

The complete question is -

If there are 50 flowers, 30 red (RR), 15 pink (Rr) and 5 white (r), how many recessive alleles is in the population?

a)5 b)10 c)20 d)25

To know more about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:


What are accommodation reflexes, and how do they support seeing objects that are near and far

Why do rods not function effectively in bright light while cones do not function effectively in dim lights?


The accommodation reflex, also known as the close reaction, is a three-part reflex that thickens the lens, constricts the pupil, and rotates the eyes inward, or converges the eyes.

What accommodation reflexes and rods relations?

When a person examines a close object, the medial rectus muscle becomes more toned and the pupil constrictes (the papillae constrictor muscle contracts), which together result in accommodation and convergence of the eyes.

Therefore, The accommodation reflex's job is to coordinate the visual focus of attention on nearby things. Diplopia is avoided by proper convergence. The depth of field is increased by pupil constriction.

Learn more about accommodation reflexes here:


how would a researcher differentiate between two different cells in the same organism that look similar to each other?


Check the cell's proteome- There are numerous approaches of studying proteins in proteomics. Proteins can typically be found via mass spectrometry, electrophoresis, or antibodies (immunoassays).

The total set of proteins that an organism expresses is known as its proteome. The phrase can also be used to refer to the variety of proteins made at a certain period in a specific type of cell or tissue. Proteomics is the comprehensive analysis of the structure and function of proteins to comprehend the makeup of an organism.

The crucial tool of mass spectrometry is utilized to profile proteins in the cell. However, due to their complexity and dynamic nature, biomarker discovery continues to be the primary issue in proteomics.

Learn more about " proteome " to visit here;


by studying the chemicals in rare plants that grow only in rainforests, scientists hope to discover new life-saving medicines. chances of finding such new medicines are reduced by


Researchers are looking at the compounds in rare plants that only grow in rain forests in the hopes of finding new, life-saving medications. Because of Haman's actions, there are fewer opportunities to discover such novel medication.

A medication is a drug that is used to identify, treat, or prevent disease. It is also referred to as a medicament, medicine, pharmaceutical drug, or simply a drug. A significant area of medicine is drug therapy, or pharmacotherapy, which depends on the science of pharmacology for ongoing development and on pharmacy for effective management. There are many different categories for drugs. One of the important divides is by level of control, which separates prescription pharmaceuticals from over-the-counter medicines (prescription drugs are those that a pharmacist can only give on the advice of a doctor, physician assistant, or licensed nurse) (those that consumers can order for themselves). Traditional small molecule drugs, which are typically made through chemical synthesis, and biopharmaceuticals, which include recombinant proteins, vaccines, blood products used for therapeutic purposes (like IVIG), gene therapy, monoclonal antibodies, and cell therapy, are another important distinction (for instance, stem cell therapies). Biological systems impacted, delivery method, mode of action, and therapeutic outcomes are further classification categories for medications. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System is a complex and frequently used classification scheme. The list of necessary medications is maintained by the World Health Organization.

To learn more about medication here


a hematocrit of 56% would be an indication of: group of answer choices leukocytosis. anemia. leukemia. polycythemia.


A hematocrit of 56% would be an indication of Polycythemia.

So the correct answer is option B.

The relationship between familial hemochromatosis and polycythemia has been studied . It is believed that in this instance, polycythemia results from an increase in iron absorption by erythroid precursor cells as a result of greater transferrin saturation levels.

The bone marrow cells frequently produce an abnormally high number of red blood cells as a result of a JAK2 gene mutation. People with PV may also have unusually high numbers of platelets and white blood cells because the damaged bone marrow cells may be able to grow into other blood cells.

Obesity, smoking, binge drinking, and the use of certain drugs, including diuretics, are typical causes of apparent polycythaemia.

Learn more about hemochromatosis at


m protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of:________


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of streptococcus.

Virulence is the ability of an organism to infect a host and cause disease. Virulence factors are the cellular structures that enable microbial pathogens to achieve that as well as several things, such as:

Evading the host's immune response.Immunosuppression.Obtain nutritions from its host.Colonization of a niche in its host.Gain entry and exit out of cells.

These factors can be used to either assist and promote colonization or bring damage to the bost.

Virulence factors can appear in many forms. Some pathogens are chromosomally encoded, while others obtain their factors from mobile genetic elements like bacteriophages.

Learn more about virulence at


in lake tanganyika in africa, many species of cichilds evolved from a common ancestor. what process has occured


The process that occurred among cichlids in this lake is Sympatric speciation. The correct option is C.

Sympatric speciation happens when all members of a species are located close to one another and there are no physical obstacles prohibiting any of them from mating with one another. A brand-new species, perhaps based on a distinct food supply or physical characteristic. Three different gene types—habitat preference genes, assortative mating genes, and habitat-based fitness genes—have been hypothesized to support sympatric speciation. Sympatric speciation is the theory that some animals and plants diverged while coexisting. A common ancestor of several cichlid species lived in Lake Tanganyika in Africa. There was sympatric speciation among the cichlids in this lake. According to the sympatric speciation theory, population mutations enable individuals to take advantage of various circumstances while still existing in the same environment.

The complete question is:

In lake Tanganyika in Africa, many species of cichlids evolved from a common ancestor. what process has occurred:

a. Genetic drift

b. Mass extinction

c. Sympatric speciation

d. Allopatric speciation

For more details regarding sympatric speciation, please click on the given link:


which labeled structure is in charge of editing and sorting incoming sensory stimuli, and controlling information entry into the cerebral cortex?


Thalamus is  in charge of editing and sorting incoming sensory stimuli, and controlling information entry into the cerebral cortex.

What is thalamus?

The brain's primary relay center is the thalamus. This central structure is traversed by motor pathways, limbic pathways, and sensory pathways other than olfaction.

s of the world's top ten percent of the world'ss of the world's greatest or to' the Each nucleus has distinct input routes and a variety of output projections, the majority of which communicate with the cerebral cortex.

The thalamus, a pair of egg-shaped structures located beneath the brain, has evolved to become larger and more complicated (like the cerebral cortex), and as mammals broke away from reptiles, its wiring grew considerably more complex.

Read more about thalamus:


the flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the of the pump proteins, which causes them to transport protons across the membrane.


The flow of the highly energetic electrons through electron transport chain will change the shape of the pump.

As the high-energy electrons are transported along the chain, some of their energy is trapped. This energy is used to drive hydrogen ions (from NADH and FADH2) from the matrix across the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space.

In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed from one molecule to another and the energy released in these electron transfers is used to form an electrochemical gradient.

Chemiosmosis uses the energy stored in the gradient to produce ATP. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, energy is absorbed by the atom.

Therefore, the flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the Electron transport chain of the pump proteins, which causes them to transport protons across the membrane.

To know more about the electron transport chain, refer:


If you were given a bacterial strain with a mutation in the promoter region of the trp operon the most likely effect would be?




The trp operon would be expressed at maximum levels in the absence of tryptophan, since the trp repressor would be unbound and the mutant leader region would allow full expression. b) A lacI-lacZ fusion gene has been identified that produces a chimeric protein with both repressor and ß-gal function.

many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons.


Afferent somatic neurons. Sensational physical neurons, which we relate to as" proprioceptors," are the specific neurons that communicate with the brain about the stir of the joints.

What about neurons?The introductory structure blocks of the brain and nervous system are neurons( also known as neurons or whim-whams cells).Neurons are the cells that admit sensitive information from the outside world, give motor orders to our muscles, and convert and bear electrical impulses at each stage along the way.The bulk of neurons in invertebrates are set up in the central nervous system, still some are set up in supplemental ganglia and numerous sensitive neurons are set up in sensitive organs like the retina and observance.The brain and spinal cord, which are CNS organs, contain neurons.The PNS contains neurons as well as the rest of the body.Information is transported throughout the mortal body via neurons.They aid in coordinating all conditioning by transferring electrical and chemical signals.In this composition, we define neurons and describe how they serve.Neurons are nervous system cells that communicate information to other whim-whams, muscle, and gland cells.Axons, dendrites, and a cell body make up the maturity of neurons.The nexus and cytoplasm are set up inside the cell body.

Learn more about neurons here:


Laboratory rats were breed to produce large populations of black mice. Black is the dominant allele; white is the recessive allele. If four pairs of lab rats, with the genotypes seen here, breed and reproduce, producing 624 offspring, how many are predicted to be black? Explain your answer using the law of dominance.


According to the scenario, there are 468 rats that are predicted to be black in color due to the law of dominance.

What is the law of dominance?

The law of dominance states that when two alternative forms of a trait or character are present in an organism, only one factor expresses itself in the F1 progeny and is called dominant while the other that remains masked is called recessive.

According to the question, the genotypes of the initial parents are found to be BB and bb. They produce the F1 offspring with the genotype Bb and have a phenotypic expression of black. Now, if these heterozygotes rats were selfed with each other. Out of 624, about 25% of them are white in color and the rest, i.e. 468 have black color.

Therefore, there are 468 rats that are predicted to be black in color due to the law of dominance.

To learn more about the Law of dominance, refer to the link:


The chitin in the walls of the tracheae has a similar chemical bonding and function as cellulose in plant cell walls. Explain how the chemical bonding in chitin enables it to carry out this function in insects. [3]​


i think it’s the first answer choice

Using the structural classification, what type of joint is the epiphyseal plate? a. fibrous joint b. synarthrotic joint c. cartilaginous joint d. amphiarthrotic joint


Using the structural classification, cartilaginous joint type of joint is the epiphyseal plate.

There is a chance that we will be able to do so with the fact that we will be able to compete with them. Synarthrosis (immovable), amphiarthrosis (slightly moveable), and diarthrosis are the three functional types of joints (freely moveable). Synarthroses are fibrous, amphiarthroses are cartilaginous, and diarthroses are synovial, according to the two classification schemes.

Other joints, such as sutures between skull bones, allow very little movement (only during birth) to protect the brain and sense organs. A joint is the connection between a tooth and the jawbone, and it is described as a fibrous joint known as a gomphosis. Joints are classified structurally as well as functionally.

To learn more about types of joints, here


what is being measured in this investigation to determine the rate at which photosynthesis is occurring? what conclusions can you make as the lamp intensity was increased? (use specific values from the investigation to support your answer.) what conclusions can you make as the temperature was increased? (use specific values from the investigation to support your answer.)


Measurement of CO2 uptake by plants: Since CO2 is required for photosynthesis, determining how much of it is taken up by plants can tell us how much photosynthesis is taking place.

What occurs when the brightness of the light is increased?

The rate of photosynthesis increases as light intensity rises, but only until another factor—a limiting factor—becomes scarce. Until another factor becomes limiting, the rate of photosynthesis is directly proportional to the amount of light.

What occurs when the temperature rises?

The kinetic energy of molecules increases with temperature. The likelihood of the reaction happening is raised by the molecules' increased movement and frequency of collisions. The reaction rate is accelerated by this.

To know more about photosynthesis visit:-


are tandemlv repeated sequences of dna also called short tandem repeats. a) vntrs b) microsatellites c) minisatellites d) telomeres e) centromere


Microsatellites and simple sequence repeats are other names for short tandem repeats (STRs),

consists of tandemly repeated DNA sequences having a repeating unit of 1-6 bp that can build series up to 100 nucleotides long (nt). Prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including humans, frequently include STRs.

On a chromosome, a tandem repeat is a sequence of two or more DNA bases that is repeated frequently head-to-tail. Non-coding DNA frequently contains tandem repeats. Tandem repeats can occasionally be used as genetic markers to trace family ancestry.

Short tandem repeats (STRs), which make up around 3% of the human genome, are brief repeating DNA sequences (2–6 bp) (Lander et al., 2001). When evaluated for identifying purposes, the amount of repeat units is extremely variable between individuals, providing a high power of discriminating.

Learn  more about " Short tandem repeats (STRs) " is visit here;


an adult elephant is much larger than a baby elephant Because it's cells are much larger?


Answer:-So beacuse the size of the cells in different organisms does not vary an elephant won't have larger cells than a rat. It has more number of cells as compared to the number of cells in a rat. But the size of the cells are same..!

The question of whether cells are bigger in larger mammals than in smaller ones — think of an elephant's liver cell compared with a liver cell from a mouse — is usually answered by saying that larger mammals don't typically have bigger cells, they just have more of them.

Animals can vary enormously in size, but they're alike in at least one way. The individual cells that compose all of their bodies--from shrews to people to dinosaurs--are roughly the same size. Big animals just have many more cells than little animals.

Cell is the basic unit of life. Yes, the cells of ant and elephant are same. All organisms are made up of cells and they are of different sizes and shapes. Size of cell does not make any difference between the ant and elephant but its the number of cells which makes such differences in their body sizes.

Classify each description as a characteristic of nondisjunction in meiosis I or nondisjunction in meiosis II.
a. homologous chromosomes fail to separate
b. results in one cell that is n+1, one cell that is n-1, and 2 normal cells
c. sister chromatids fail to separate
d. results in 4 abnormal cells


Meiosis 1 characteristics include d. results in 4 abnormal cells and a. homologous chromosomes fail to separate, while Meiosis 2 features include  b. results in one cell that is n+1, one cell that is n-1, and 2 normal cells and c. sister chromatids fail to separate.

What is the process of meiosis?

The process of meiosis is a type of cell division characterized to form gametes germinal cells which are based on producing four cells each one having half genetic material and this process has two successive cell divisions called meiosis I and meiosis II in which non disjunction problems may change the amount of genetic material on daughter cells.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the process of meiosis is able to generate four cells that have the half genetic material which may be altered due to non disjunction problems.

Learn more about the process of meiosis here:


how do allopatric and sympatric speciation differ? allopatric speciation involves a physical separation of groups as they form new species; sympatric speciation does not. allopatric speciation involves loss of gene flow between groups; sympatric speciation does not. allopatric speciation involves loss of reproductive compatibility between groups as they form new species; sympatric speciation does not. allopatric speciation involves genetic changes as groups form new species; sympatric speciation does not.


Allopatric speciation involves loss of reproductive compatibility between groups as they form new species; sympatric speciation does not.

How do allopatric and sympatric speciation differ?

In allopatric speciation, groups become reproductively isolated and diverge due to a geographical barrier. In sympatric speciation, reproductive isolation and divergence occur without geographical barriers—for example, by polyploidy.

How does Allopatric differ from sympatry?

The primary difference between the two types of speciation is that allopatric speciation occurs in geographically separated populations while sympatric speciation occurs in populations that could share a geographical area within the range of the ancestral population.

To know more about Allopatric visit :-


Ocean fish live in an extremely salty environment where there is a higher concentration of salts in their surroundings than inside their cells. This means that salt wants to enter the cells of ocean fishes.

How do ocean fish maintain homeostasis within their cells with regards to salt concentrations?


Chloride cells in the gills of marine fish produce an "enzyme", called gill Na+/K+ ATPase, that enables them to rid their plasma of excess salt, which builds up when they drink sea water. They use the enzyme to pump sodium out of their gills at the cost of energy.

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