The poster is an example of propaganda produced
during World War I
weare sans you
How did the American public respond to the issue
raised in the poster?
Families planted victory gardens and bought less
meat and other staples
Citizens bought liberty bonds to lend money to the
American government
O Women workers took on jobs that had been done
mostly by men in the past.
O Residents reduced the use of electricity and coal for
heating to save supplies.
Wefied Soldiers

The Poster Is An Example Of Propaganda Producedduring World War Iweare Sans YouYOU Save FOODHow Did The


Answer 1



Related Questions

how did the expansion of railroad lines affects the steamboat industry



It made commerce possible on a vast scale.

In addition to transporting western food crops and raw materials to East Coast markets and manufactured goods from East Coast cities to the West Coast, the railroad also facilitated international trade.




It made commerce possible on a vast scale.


The source of individual rights in the United States is
A. administrative law.
C. constitutional law.
B. case law.
D. precedent.



c. constitutional law


The source of your individual rights in the United States is the Constitution.

Briefly explain how ONE example from the period 1880 to 1920 not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Wiebe's argument.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not attach further references, a text, an excerpt, or something else in order to know Wiebe's argument.

However, trying to help you, we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

Historian Robert H. Weibe published the "Search for Order" in which he commented on the scope of the Progressivist movement and its main reformers. He said that the heart of the progressivist movement relied on the ambition of the middle class to pursue its goals.

One example from the period 1880 to 1920 that could be used to support Wiebe's argument could be the reformer's goal to "clean" the government of corruption reported by muckraker journalists, the modernization of the American education system, and the support of the right of women to vote.

After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, what major American island possession did they attack next?






1. Japan made invasions to Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore.

2. Japan invaded Tulagi.

3. Japan attack a third time in the battle of Midway.


3. How have our views of what is "beautiful" changed and evolved over time?



We tend to think electronics is the beauty of life instead of beaches. thats what has became 2021.


The beauty standards changed, especially for women. The ideal Renaissance woman had a curvier and fuller figure, with pale skin and light hair. ... Women longed for some youthful plumpness, but wore corsets to show smaller waists. This also a big time for makeup (though no one could know you were wearing any)

Which of the following resources was originally used to create aspirin?

iron ore

willow bark

cow hide

tree root


Answer: willow bark...................................


Willow bark


Where was Washington's Farewell Address delivered?



he wrote it near the end of his second term of presidency before retiring to his home at Mount vernon in Virginia. presented on newspaper article September 17 (1796)

How does the state of the Cherokee then differ from that of a "foreign state," and why is this distinction important? What does the status of "domestic dependent nation" mean?


Answer and Explanation:

The Cherokee state differs from a "foreign state" in that it does not have a different jurisdiction than the jurisdiction used in the USA. In addition, to be considered a "foreign state" the Cherokee state must be a state outside the USA, but recognized by the American government.

The term "domestic dependent nation" refers to an indigenous tribe that has a political structure independent of that used in the USA, but was considered by the American government to be valid and a relationship was established between the two governments.

Describe the ways Hitler stereotypes the Jewish community.



He said all Jews were "Jews always acting with unforgiving hostility towards Christians, Jews' religious rituals which have specifically undermined the Christian Church and state, and Jews' habitual assassinations of Christians as their most extreme deeds." And he said Jews ate babies so


it was thought that they killed Jesus

Which of the following describes an effect of World War II on the United States economy?

A. Many factories had to expand to produce military equipment.

B. The airplane industry suffered as the Allies began using airplanes in combat.

C. Cities with shipyards declined because so many ships had been sent overseas.



WWII had a number of effects on the American home front. One of the biggest was increased work opportunities. The draft meant men were unavailable for a massive number of wartime production jobs that were available, so millions of women, students, unemployed and retired people moved into employment.

22. What kind of stories taught children how to behave?
A. proverbs
B. poetry
C. songs





What did Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agree to at the Yalta Conference?

They called for a conference to discuss forming a new international organization, the United Nations.

They decided the best way to defeat Japan was to launch an invasion rather than drop an atomic bomb.

They approved a plan for the Soviet Union to occupy Germany, Italy, and Japan after the war.

They approved a negotiated peace with Germany that would allow Hitler to remain in office.





"At Yalta, Stalin agreed to Soviet participation in the United Nations, the international peacekeeping organization that Roosevelt and Churchill had agreed to"

Which of the following were railroad industrialists?
(multiple choice)
a. Morgan
b. Vanderbilt
c. Hill
d. Harriman
e. Rockefeller



The answer to this question is Vanderbilt. Cornelius Vanderbilt was an American businessman who made immense business in railroads.

One of the richest Americans of the 19th century was self-made multimillionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877), a railroad and shipping magnate.

What is a century?

When stating a date, a century is a time frame of 100 years. For instance, the 19th century covered the years 1801 to 1900. Since the late eighteenth century, the Church's material standing had been deteriorating. Any period of 100 years is referred to as a century.

The American business tycoon known as "the Commodore" amassed his money through railroads and shipping. After working for his father's company, Vanderbilt rose through the ranks to assume leadership roles.

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the century here:


pls pls pls answer this asap



A, West Germany. B, Berlin. C, East Germany


Answer is Berlin. And just for future reference, C is East Germany and A is West Germany

Study the political cartoon. Which best describes the tone of this image?






C. Disapproving


because King Andrew the First (The man in the picture) is holding a slip of paper that reads "Veto".


C. Disapproving


In the 1800s, the notion of manifest destiny was the belief that

Who did the United States fight in World War II?



On December 7, 1941, the U.S. was thrust into World War II when Japan launched a surprise attack on the American naval fleet at Pearl Harbor. The following day, America and Great Britain declared war on Japan. On December 10, Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S


Manifest destiny a phrase coined in 1845 is the idea that United States is destined—by God,it’s advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North America continent
Hope this Helps :)

What role did slavery play in the South in the mid-1800s?


Answer:Slavery was so profitable, it sprouted more millionaires per capita in the Mississippi River valley than anywhere in the nation. With cash crops of tobacco, cotton and sugar cane, America's southern states became the economic engine of the burgeoning nation.


How are the effects of the Haitian Revolution still felt today?



During the slave revolts that gradually morphed into a full-blown revolution, most participants in the Haitian Revolution had fairly limited goals: to destroy slavery and bring about a more free society on the island of Saint-Dominique, a French colony in the Caribbean. Beyond these goals, most of the slave forces had few long-term plans for what would come after emancipation.

Some of the leaders in the Haitian Revolution were steeped in Enlightenment philosophy and hoped to model Haiti on the principals of the French and American Revolutions. Unfortunately, many of the most educated and democratically minded of these leaders (most significantly, Toussaint L'Ouverture) died before the revolution found its end. Those that were left ruled the new nation single-handedly, with military might and sometimes cruelly.

who were the business owners of pullman railroad cars 1860-1920?


George Washington 18283737373883384848484848838384884848484747278

why does the constitution stop people from lying?



I did a bit of research, and basically its in the power of the goverment.



Constitution stop people from lying because when regular people lie, sometimes their lies are detected, sometimes they’re not. Legally speaking, sometimes they’re protected by the First Amendment – and sometimes not, like when they commit fraud or perjury. Research found that lies by government officials can violate the Constitution in several different ways, especially when those lies deprive people of their rights.


On a Word document, please submit a short answer (1 or 2 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each) for the following prompt: What were some similarities between the American and French Revolutions? What were some differences? How would you rate the success of each Revolution in achieving its goals?​



no word document here but heres some info


Both want a change from being ruled by an absolute ruler, both have economic instability from war debt, both have social inequality. And also, both started because of enlightenment ideas.


The French Revolution and American Revolution had some similar aspects; however, there are a lot of differences between these two wars. A main difference is the context of the war. The American Revolution was caused by a majority of the America population becoming unhappy because of how the British were ruling them.

Both the American and French Revolutions were focused around liberty and equality. Both countries were trying to gain freedom. America was trying to gain freedom from the rules and taxes put upon them by Great Britain. Whereas the French wanted to abolish the French monarchy and create a better government in which the people could have more of a say in society. Although the revolutions of both started for very similar reasons, and both countries fought for the same thing, the outcomes of the two were very different.

The American Revolution was mainly focused on gaining independence. After the British victory during the Seven Year War, America was tied down from the British rules. America was obligated to pay off the war, and to pay the high taxes that British Parliament assigned. The British enforced the Stamp Act on the Americans. The stamp tax levied taxes on commercial and legal documents, such as, diplomas, pamphlets, newspapers, almanacs, dice, and playing cards. A stamp glued to each article indicated that the tax had been paid. What also angered the Americans was the lack of representation from the British Parliament, Americans had to no way to speak their mind to the British, other than rebellion. The British had crossed the line when they allowed the East India Tea Company to ship their products directly to the colonies, rather than sending it through the middlemen in London. In order to show the public's opinion, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, this book ridiculed the idea of a small island ruling a large continent, this was a call for freedom and republican government. After much fighting, the Americans finally found a way to make things fair. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson. By 1783, Britain allowed the 13 colonies of North America to have independence.

The common people of France wanted to get rid of the French monarchy, the lower classes wanted to enforce equality rather than having the nobles and the king overpower them. Like the Americans, the French were also in debt from war, they enterd the Seven Years War by using borrowed money. In order to pay the it off, the king, Louis XIV, levied a large tax, however the people refused to pay. To resolve this issue, Louis went to converse...

The French Revolution and American Revolution had some similar aspects; however, there are a lot of differences between these two wars. A main difference is the context of the war. The American Revolution was caused by a majority of the America population becoming unhappy because of how the British were ruling them. They believed they deserved more freedom from the British. The French Revolution was started by French’s lower class because they were unhappy with how they were being treated. Although both of the wars were caused by similar reasons, they were started by completely different kinds of people. One started by all different classes of people, but led by the upper class, and the other started by the lower class of a country. Another difference is who got involved after these Revolutions started. The American Revolution pretty much stayed between the Americans and the British except when the French joined. The French Revolution started between the French lower class and the French government. It then evolved into the French fighting against other monarchies in Europe such as Austria and Prussia. Another smaller difference is that the French Revolution was more violent and bloody. The revolutionaries in the French Revolution would kill anyone who they heard were supporters of the king. The revolutionaries in the American Revolution never really killed supporters of the British and weren’t very violent to British people unless they were in battle. These are just a few of the many difference between the French and American Revolutions.

There are twelve countries and one "overseas district" in South America, what is the name of the overseas district?​


I also didn't know and it's called French Guiana :D

Why was the United Nations
headquarters placed in New York City?
A. Everyone in the world believes it is the best city on
B. It is a city where the entire world has
C. It is the capital of the United States.


b . It is a city where entire world has representation

What was the name of the group Hitler eventually led?



Nazi Party


Answer:Adolf Hitler became involved with the fledgling German Workers Party – which he would later transform into the Nazi Party


Cited from Wikipedia.

Document 1
Powers of the king. The King, Louis XVI, was absolute. He ruled by the divine right theory which held that he had
received his power to govern from God and was therefore responsible to God alone. He appointed all civil officials and
military officers. He made and enforced the laws. He could declare war and make peace. He levied taxes and spent
the people's money as he saw fit. He controlled the expression of thought by a strict censorship of speech and press.
By means of lettres de cachet (sealed letters which were really blank warrants for arrest) he could arbitrarily imprison
anyone without trial for an indefinite period. He lived in his magnificent palace at Versailles, completely oblivious to
the rising tide of popular discontent. ...
Source: Friedman & Foner, A Genetic Approach to Modern European History, College Entrance Book Co., 1938 from the NYS
Global History and Geography Regents Exam, January 2007
Historical Context-refers to the historical circumstances that led to this event/idea/historical development
1. Explain the historical circumstances that led to Louis XVI consolidation of power. [1]


Right is coming from the bottom

What kinds of environments did the gold seekers work in?​



very harsh unfair environments

During the gold rush, gold seekers worked in a variety of environments, including riverbeds, mountains, and underground mines. They often endured harsh weather conditions, dangerous working conditions, and environmental hazards in their quest for gold.

What was the gold rush?

The Gold Rush was a significant period in American history that began in 1848 when gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in California. News of the discovery sparked a massive influx of people from all over the world, who came in search of gold and the prospect of wealth.

Gold seekers, also known as "forty-niners," endured harsh conditions and faced many challenges, including difficult travel, harsh weather, and dangerous working conditions.

Despite the risks, the Gold Rush led to significant economic growth and development in California and helped fuel the growth of the American West.

The legacy of the Gold Rush continues to be felt today, both in the physical artifacts left behind and in the cultural impact on American society.

Learn more about gold rush here:


During WWII, many governments forced Jews to live in urban ghettos which often had walls to keep the occupants inside. What are these ghettos an example of?

ethnic distribution

regional concentration

forced segregation

affinity segregation





your answer would be forced segregation

How did media affected Emmet Till case?



"Emmett Till and his photograph become the catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement in America and forced African Americans of that time to realize the culture of racism, deference and racial violence in the South would never die out peacefully as many hoped it would. Till’s death embodies the vision of the Civil Rights Movement"


Use the pyramid diagram of the social classes in feudal Japan to answer the
following question:
Political leader
Wamior Class
Paid Soldiers
90% of the
Farmers and
Public Domain
How were the ranks in feudal Europe unlike the ranks in the Japanese pyramid?
(1 point)
1) In Europe, merchants ranked above peasants.
2) In Europe, women held the lowest rank.
3) In Europe, there were few artisans.
oners were at one level.


Answer: Honestly I think it is A

In Europe, merchants ranked above peasants.

Explanation: And I don't what the hell the other person try to put to answer this question.

In Europe, merchants ranked above peasants were the ranks of feudal Europe unlike the ranks in the Japanese pyramid. The correct option is A. In Japanese feudal society, merchants were at the bottom of the social ladder rather than the peasants or serfs who were in European feudal society.

Why did Japan not like merchants?

The lowest caste under the Tokugawa shogunate was the "Shomin," which included merchants. They were derided as parasites of society for their financial dealings. Following the abolition of the samurai class in the 1870s, many illustrious families entered the merchant class.

Due to their lack of production, merchants were positioned at the very bottom of the official system and were compelled to hustle trade local and regional goods as a result of their low status. Similar to artisans, merchants frequently resided in separate neighborhoods within cities.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Japan here:


people were
trained at
university, but
were very





Early medical school development in the United States was considerably more robust than is usually appreciated. Most histories

include only that portion of medicine known as regular or allopathic medicine. To fully understand developments in the country, it

is necessary to include the various medical sects that developed in the country in the early 19th century. It is also important to

realize that the impetus for medical school development came not from established academic institutions but from the medical

community itself. Medical schools in the United States developed at a time and place that hospitals, as we know them, did not

exist. The melding together of the preceptorship (apprenticeship), didactic lectures, demonstrations, and clinical/hospital

experience evolved slowly. The move from heroic medicine occurred somewhat reluctantly as in Europe. In the United States, in

contrast to the situation in Europe, the majority of medical practitioners were called ‘‘doctor.’’ The development of medicine and

medical education is usually discussed as a progression of knowledge. It has been fashionable to ignore the development of the

various medical sects. Even within regular medicine, no uniformity of thought existed by this time. The American Medical

Association was born of this. Change within a segment of society always reflects, and is reflected by, change in society at large.

The rapid increases in geographic area and the huge population growth must be understood. Times changed as the character of

the population changed. Perception of gender and freedom were important aspects of this change. A number of prominent African

American physicians also emerged. Hope this helped :)

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Use the table and graph to show what the fine will be, and how much Ali will have saved, after each month. How long will it take to pay off the ticket, and how much will it end up costing in total? Information : Ali makes $50 in savings a month. Also i need the months of the fee and ali to go up to 12 months. thank youuu What is your opinion on the recent voter bill? Do you believe Washington D.C. should be a state? Do you think anyone including those without identification be able to vote. Select the correct answer.Which verb form correctly completes the sentence?La prochaine visite guide 11h.O A.vas commencerOBva commencerallons commencerOD.allez commencerNeed help There is no infantthis time,only my own life swaddledin bandages[5]and handed back to meto hold in my two armslike any new thing,to hold to my bruised breastsand promise[10]to cherish.The smell of cutflowers encloses this room,insistent as anesthetic.It is spring.[15]Outside the hospital windowthe first leaves have openedtheir shiny blades,and a dozen new accidentsturn over in their sleep,[20]waiting to happen.Please explain how she feeling and how this affected her view of the future