The perimeter of a rectangle is 40 inches. Find the length and width if the length is an integer and the width is 2 times the next consecutive integer. Length = Width =


Answer 1

The values are;

Length = 6 inches

Width = 14 inches

How to determine the values

The formula for determining the perimeter of a rectangle is expressed as

P = 2( l + w)


P is the perimeterl is the lengthw is the width

From the information given, we have;

Length = x

Width = 2(x + 1) = 2x + 2

Now, substitute the values

40 = 2( x + 2x + 2)

expand the bracket

40 = 2(3x + 2)

40 = 6x + 4

collect like terms

6x = 40 - 4

6x = 36

x = 36/6

Divide the values

x = 6 inches

Length = 6 inches

Width = 2( 6 + 1) = 2(7) = 14 inches

Hence, the values are 6 and 14 inches

Learn more about rectangles here:


Answer 2

The values are;

Length = 6 inches

Width = 14 inches

How to determine the values

The formula for determining the perimeter of a rectangle is expressed as

P = 2( l + w)


P is the perimeter

l is the length

w is the width

From the information given, we have;

Length = x

Width = 2(x + 1) = 2x + 2

Now, substitute the values

40 = 2( x + 2x + 2)

expand the bracket

40 = 2(3x + 2)

40 = 6x + 4

collect like terms

6x = 40 - 4

6x = 36

x = 36/6

Divide the values

x = 6 inches

Length = 6 inches

Width = 2( 6 + 1) = 2(7) = 14 inches

Hence, the values are 6 and 14 inches

Learn more about rectangles here:


Related Questions

A milkman had 3 1 litres of milk in the can. He sold 1 1 litres to a customer and 2 litres 423
to a hotel. How much milk is left in the can?


The amount of milk remaining after the milk is sold to the customer and hotel is 18 liters.

What is a mathematical equation and expression?A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions.

Given is that a milkman had 31 liters of milk in the can. He sold 11 liters to a customer and 2 liters to a hotel.

Assume that the remaining milk in the container is denoted by [x]. Then, we can write -

[x] = Total milk - {milk sold to customer + milk sold to can}

[x] = 31 - {11 + 2}

[x] = 31 - 13

[x] = 18

Therefore, the amount of milk remaining in the can is 18 liters.

To solve more questions on equations, expressions and polynomials, visit the link below -


Solve the problem. A company determines that if x thousand dollars are spent on advertising a certain product, then S(x) units of the product will be sold, where S(x) = -2x^3 + 12x^2 + 192x + 268 for 0 ≤ x ≤ s 11 How much should be spent on advertising to maximize sales? What is the maximum sales level?


By using the concept of maxima of a function, it can be calculated that-

He must spent $8000 to maximize sales

Maximum sales is 1548000 units

What is maxima of a function?

Maxima of a function gives the maximum value of the function within a given domain or within an interval.


S(x) = [tex]-2x^3 + 12x^2 + 192x + 268[/tex]

S'(x) = [tex]-6x^2+24x+192[/tex]

S'(x) = 0

[tex]-6x^2+24x+192=0\\-6(x^2-4x-32)=0\\x^2-4x-32=0\\x^2-8x+4x-32=0\\x(x-8)+4(x-8)=0\\(x-8)(x+4) = 0\\[/tex]

x - 8 = 0 or x + 4 = 0

x = 8 or x = -4

But x = -4 is not possible

So he must spent $8000 to maximize sales

S''(x) = -12x + 24

S''(8) = -12(8) + 24 = -72<0

Hence sales is maximum

Maximum sales = S(8) = [tex]-2(8)^3+12(8)^2+192(8)+268[/tex]

                                     = 1548

Maximum sales is 1548000 units

To learn more about maxima, refer to the link-


Write an equation whose solution is the number of months, x it takes for the account
balance to reach $2000.


An equation whose solution is the number of months, m, it takes for the account balance to reach $2000 would be the initial balance minus the monthly rent times the number of months equals $2000.



initial balance : $4800

removed from the account each month for rent : $400

Since the account starts with $4,800 and decreases by $400 each month, there will be 4800−400m dollars left in the account after m months have passed.

The question asks us to set up an equation representing the number of months that pass before this quantity equals 2,000, and so the desired equation is


Learn more about equation formation at :


Find the Area of the figure below, composed of an isosceles trapezoid and one semicircle. Rounded to the nearest tenths place


The Area of given figure is 48.28 unit² (Approx.)

How to calculate the surface area of a composite figure?

Surface area are derived for some standard shapes like circle, triangle, parallelogram, rectangle, trapezoid, etc.

When some shape comes which isn't standard figure, then we find its area by slicing it (virtually, like by drawing lines) in standard shapes. Then we calculate those composing shapes' area and sum them all.

We are Given Length of parallel lines are 13 , 6 respectively

Diameter of semi-circle = 6

Height of parallelogram = 8

Area of given figure

Radius of semi-circle = Diameter of semi-circle / 2

Radius of semi-circle = 6 / 2

Radius of semi-circle = 3

Area of given figure = [1/2][Sum of parallel line][Height] + [πr² / 2]

Area of given figure = [1/2][13 + 6][8] + [(3.14)(3)² / 2]

Area of given figure = 42 + 6.28

Area of given figure = 48.28 unit² (Approx.)

Learn more about area of a composite figure here:


A clothing manufacturer made a batch of pants with a 43 inch waist. A sampling of the pants found the error factor to be 5%.
What is the smallest and largest size one can expect to find in the group.
Round the answer to two decimal places.
Smallest size= ______
Largest size= ______


Using percentage error, the error factor is ± 2.15 inches and the smallest size is 40.85 inches and largest size is 45.15 inches.

Percentage Error

Percent error is the difference between estimated value and the actual value in comparison to the actual value and is expressed as a percentage. In other words, the percent error is the relative error multiplied by 100.

The formula of percentage error is given as

P.E = [(actual value - estimated value) / actual value] × 100

Since we know the percentage error and actual value, we can find the difference or actual error by;

5 / 100 = x / 43

0.05 = x / 43

x = 2.15

The increase of decrease in size is by a factor of ± 2.15

The smallest size = 43 - 2.15 = 40.85 in

The largest size = 43 + 2.15 =  45.15 in

The smallest and largest size are 45.15 and 40.85 inches respectively

Learn more on percentage error here;


question in the photo


The compositions of the functions are given as follows:

(f ∘ g)(0) = 0.(g ∘ f)(1) = -2.

The domain and the range of the functions are given as follows:

Domain of g(x) = {-4, -3, 0, 1}.Range of f(x) = {0, 1, 2}.

How to obtain the composite functions?

The representation of the composite function is that the output of the inner function works as the input to the outer function, as follows:

(f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x)).

Hence, at x = 0, the composite function is given as follows:

(f ∘ g)(0) = f(g(0)) = f(1) = 0.

At x = 1, the composite function is given as follows:

(g ∘ f)(0) = g(f(0)) = g(1) = -2.

How to obtain the domain and the range?

The definitions of the domain and of the range of a function are given as follows:

Domain: input values.Range: output values.

More can be learned about composite functions at


Math hw part 3
The graph shows the number of servings in different amounts of yogurt. Write an equation that gives the number of servings, y, in x pints of frozen yogurt. You answer must be written in the form: y=1x. NO SPACES BETWEEN EACH CHARACTER!


The equation that represents the graph that gives the number of servings, y, in x pints of frozen yogurt is: y = 3x.

How to Write the Equation that Represents a Proportional Relationship?

A proportional relationship graph is a straight line graph that passes through the point of origin, (0, 0), which has an equation that can be expressed in the slope-intercept form as y = kx.

"k" is the constant of proportionality, which is the ratio of y to x. k = y/x.

Given the graph above, we need to find the constant of proportionality, k. To do this, use the coordinates of one point on the graph, say (1, 3):

Constant of proportionality, k = y/x = 3/1

k = 3

To write the equation that gives the number of servings, y, in x pints of frozen yogurt, substitute k = 3 into y = kx:

y = 3x

The equation is: y = 3x.

Learn more about the equation of a graph on:


A bicycle store cost 2750 per month to operate. The store pays an average of $45 per bike. The average selling price of each bicycle is $95. How many bicycles must store sell each month to break even? 


The must sell 55 bikes to break even

AreaABC Corp bought a production machine on January 1, 2019 for $31,250. The company did not elect Section 179 expensing and elected out of claiming bonus depreciation in 2019, and is depreciating the machine using the MACRS accelerated depreciation tables for 5-year property, half-year convention. What is the 2021 depreciation (Year 3) deduction for the machine?


2018 depreciation (year 3) deduction for the machine is $6000 when ABC Corp spent $31,250 on a production machine on January 1, 2019.

Given that,

ABC Corp spent $31,250 on a production machine on January 1, 2019. The corporation is depreciating the equipment using the MACRS accelerated depreciation tables for 5-year property, half-year convention, and has chosen not to exercise Section 179 expensing or to claim bonus depreciation in 2019.

We have to find what is the machine's Year 3 depreciation deduction for 2021.

We know that,

Computation of 2018 depreciation (year 3) deduction for the machine using MACRS accelerated depreciation table for 5 year property.

Name of the asset is production machine

Basis of machine is $31,250

MACRS Percentage from MACRS Percentage Table A-1 by IRS Publication 946 for 5 year property using half year convention for 3rd year is 19.20%

2018 depreciation (year 3) deduction for the machine  is


Therefore, 2018 depreciation (year 3) deduction for the machine is $6000 when ABC Corp spent $31,250 on a production machine on January 1, 2019.

To learn more about machine visit:


If tan t = 4/3 in quadrant 3, find the remaining trig functions.

sin t:

cos t:

csc t:

sec t:

cot t:




Step-by-step explanation:

edited:  FOR QIII   (I didn't see that part)

Remember for a right triangle  S-O-H-C-A-H-T-O-A


   make the right triangle with legs 3 and 4  ( in quadrant III)

      then the hypotenuse is 5

         sin = opp/ hyp =  - 3/5

            cos = -  4/5

                csc = 1/sin = - 5/3

                   sec = 1/cos = - 5/4

                       cot = 1/tan = 3/4

Evaluate the following expression when x = 28 and y = 25. -> 11(x-y)³ +
OA. 574
OB. -15,040
OC., 241,749
OD. 376


Refer to the photo taken.

Samuel wants to deposit $4,000 and keep that money in the bank without deposits or withdrawals for three years. He compares two different options. Option 1 will
pay 1.8% interest, compounded quarterly. Option 2 will pay 1.5% interest, compounded continuously.
How much interest does Option pay?
b. How much interest does Option 2 pay


Part (a)

The compound interest formula is

A = P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)


A = account balance after t yearsP = deposit amountr = annual interest rate in decimal formn = number of times the money is compounded per yeart = number of years

For option 1, we have these values:

P = 4000r = 0.018n = 4t = 3

Plug them into the formula to get:

A = P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)

A = 4000*(1+0.018/4)^(4*3)

A = 4221.4270078004

A = 4221.43

The account balance after three years is $4221.43

Then subtract off the deposit to find the interest made.

i = A - P

i = 4221.43 - 4000

i = 221.43

Answer: Option 1 pays $221.43 in interest.


Part (b)

If n heads to infinity, then the compound interest formula is replaced with the continuously compounded interest formula.

That formula is

A = P*e^(r*t)

where the new item 'e' is a special constant.

e = 2.718...

It's similar to how pi = 3.14...

Most calculators have an "e" button, so it's best to let the calculator handle the decimal digits of "e".

For option 2, we have:

P = 4000r = 0.015t = 3


A = P*e^(r*t)

A = 4000*e^(0.015*3)

A = 4184.11143963493

A = 4184.11


i = A - P

i = 4184.11 - 4000

i = 184.11

Answer: Option 2 pays $184.11 in interest.

Option 1 is the better choice.

Wilson bought a bus ticket to travel 22 miles to his friend's house. The ticket price was $5.00 for the first 10 miles and $0.50 for each additional 1/2 mile.

How much did Wilson pay for his bus ticket?




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the cost of Wilson's bus ticket, we first need to determine how many additional miles he traveled beyond the first 10 miles. Since the ticket price was $0.50 per 1/2 mile, we can divide the number of additional miles by 0.5 to find the number of additional 1/2 miles. For example, if Wilson traveled 12 miles, he would have traveled 2 miles beyond the first 10 miles. Dividing 2 by 0.5, we get 4, so he would have traveled an additional 4 1/2 miles.

Once we know the number of additional 1/2 miles, we can multiply that number by the ticket price per 1/2 mile to find the cost of the additional portion of the ticket. For example, if the ticket price was $0.50 per 1/2 mile and Wilson traveled an additional 4 1/2 miles, the cost of the additional portion of the ticket would be 4.5 * $0.50 = $2.25.

Finally, we can add the cost of the initial portion of the ticket, which was $5.00 for the first 10 miles, to the cost of the additional portion to find the total cost of the ticket. For example, if the initial portion of the ticket was $5.00 and the additional portion was $2.25, the total cost of the ticket would be $5.00 + $2.25 = $7.25.

In conclusion, to find the cost of Wilson's bus ticket, we need to divide the number of additional miles he traveled beyond the first 10 miles by 0.5 to find the number of additional 1/2 miles, multiply that number by the ticket price per 1/2 mile to find the cost of the additional portion of the ticket, and then add that amount to the cost of the initial portion of the ticket to find the total cost.






additional 2 miles




Pls i need this answered fast pls anyone


The value of x in the parallel lines is 102 degrees.

How to find angles when parallel lines are cut by a transversal?

When parallel lines are cut by a transversal line, angle relationships are formed such as corresponding angle, linear angles, alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles, vertically opposite angles etc.

Therefore, let's find the value of x using the angle relationships.

Alternate exterior angles are the pair of angles on the outer side of the two parallel lines but on the opposite side of the transversal.


x = 102 degrees(alternate exterior angles)

Alternate exterior angles are congruent.

learn more on angles here:


A salesperson's weekly paycheck is 15% less than a second salesperson's paycheck. The two paychecks total $1675. Find the amount of each paycheck. (Round your answers to the nearest cent.)


The amount of paycheck of Salesperson 1 and Salesperson 2 is $770 and $905 respectively.

What is Percentage?

The percentage is one of the most used methods to portray statistics. Percentage simply means "per hundred," and the sign for percentage is%. One percent (or 1%) is one hundredth of a total or whole number and is computed by dividing the whole or entire number by 100.


Given: Paycheck of Salesperson 1 = 85% of Salesperson 2

Let, Paycheck of Salesperson 2 = x

So, paycheck of Salesperson 1 = 85/100 x

According to the question,

85/100 x + x = 1675

185/100x = 1675

x = 167500 / 185

x = 905.4$ = 905$

Salesperson 1 = 770$

To learn more about Percentage from the given link


A rectangular garden is 20 meters wide.the perimeter of the garden is 110 meters. What is the length


Answer: the length of the garden is 35 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for perimeter is 2W+2L=perimeter

With the given information you can plug in the values and use them to solve for the length, L.

W=20 and p=110 so now plug them in and solve for L

2(20)+2L=110      multiply the 20 by 2

40+2L=110      subtract 40 from both sides

2L=70    divide both sides by 2

L= 35 meters

You can check to see if you got the right answer by plugging the L in and find p.

2(20)+2(35)=40+70=110 by getting 110 it means it is the correct value for L

Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
B.Mean deviation
C.Quartile deviation


The metrics of dispersion are mean deviation and range. While quartile deviation is a measure of dispersion, quartiles themselves are not.

Which four quartiles are there?

25% from the lowest to the highest number in the first quartile. 25.1% to 50% in the second quartile (till median) Three-quarter range: 51% to 75% (above the median) 25% of the highest values are in the fourth quartile.

What do the three quartiles go by?

When presented in ascending order, the value that 75% of data points fall within is known as the higher quartile, or third quartile (Q3). As the second quartile, the median is used (Q2). The distance between the upper and lower quartiles is known as the interquartile range.

To know more about quartiles visit:


Y varies directly as x. If x=6 when y=36 find x when y=72



x= 12

Step-by-step explanation:

Y[tex]\alpha[/tex] X

Let the constant be k

For the proportionality sign to be gone,a constant has to be introduced.

Since y varies directly,the constant ( k) will multiply x

Y= kx

Substitute for x=6 and y=36 to find k


x = 36/6 = 6

To find the value of x,substitute for k = 6 and y = 72

72= 6x

x = 72/6


how do you solve -20 = 4(13x - 2)



here's how you will do it hope it helps you-


Split the variable by dividing each side by the factors that do not contain the variable.

Dạng chính xác:





Dạng thập phân:






Bryan was selling tickets for a school play. Adult tickets cost $10 and children's tickets cost $5. If Bryan madea total of $310 in one day of sales write an equation that could represent the number of adult's
(a) tickets and children's tickets sold.



Step-by-step explanation:


a= number of adult

c= number children

Help !! Pls :3:’dnmdnsnms


The reason for the similarity of the triangles FGH and JHK is given as follows:


What are the similarity theorems?

The similarity theorems are listed as follows:

SAS: If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent by the SAS theorem.ASA: If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent by the ASA theorem.SSS: If all the three sides of one triangle are equivalent to the corresponding three sides of the second triangle, then the two triangles are congruent by the SSS theorem.SSA: If two sides and an angle not include between them are respectively equal to two sides and an angle of the other then the two triangles are congruent by the SSA theorem.

The similarities between the triangles FGH and JHK are given as follows:

Angles G and H are equal -> right angles.Sides GH and HK are congruent.Sides FH and JK are congruent.

As they are right triangles, the remaining side should also be equal, according to the trigonometric ratios, hence the theorem is the SSS theorem, also called HL theorem.

More can be learned about similarity theorems at


find the area of q triangle with a base of 10m and a height of 4m.​



Step-by-step explanation:

The formula to find the area of a triangle is [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]bh.

b is the base value

h is the value of the height.

1/2b is 5 and 5 times 4 is 20 :)

Find the circumference and the area of a circle with radius 8 cm.
Use the value 3.14 for TT, and do
not round your answers. Be sure to include the correct units in your answers.



Area: 200.96

Circumference: 50.24

Step-by-step explanation:

Area: π* r²

Circumference: 2* π*r

2) Explain how graphing these equations can help find the solution to the system.


Graphing these equations can help find the solution to the system by unique solution, no solution and infinite number of solution.

Define equation.

A mathematical statement known as an equation is made up of two expressions joined together by the equal sign. A formula would be 3x - 5 = 16, for instance. When this equation is solved, we discover that the value of the variable x is 7.


Graphing these equations can help find the solution to the system by,

There are three possible outcomes when two equations with two variables are considered in a two-dimensional plane.

1.Unique solution: A point will be where the graphs of the two lines connect.

The One equation's coefficient of variation and constant will not be proportionate to another equation's coefficient of variation and constant.

2. No Solution: The two lines run parallel to one another.

While constants are not proportional, the coefficient of variables of one equation will be related to the coefficient of variables of another equation.

3, Infinite number of Solution: The two lines will coincide.

One equation's coefficient of variation and constant will be proportional to another equation's coefficient of variation and constant.

To learn more about equation, visit:



Which algebraic rule describes the translation of LM to L'M'?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

What is an algebraic expression for 16 more than the product of 43 and a number? 16 − 43y 43y(16) 43y − 16 43y + 16


The algebraic expression for the statement, "16 more than the product of 43y", is : 43y + y.

What is an Algebraic Expression?

An algebraic expression can be described as an expression that consists of terms and algebraic operations.

The terms could be variables and constants, while the algebraic operations could be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

For example,  3x² − 2xy + 5 is an algebraic expression that consists of three terms.

How to Write an Algebraic Expression?

To write an algebraic expression for the statement given above, we have the following:

The variable that represents the unknown number is y.

Product means multiplication.

The product of 43 and a is: 43 × y = 43y.

Therefore, "16 more than the product of 43y" would be translated as: 43y + y.

Learn more about algebraic expression on:


evaluate x 3 + (5x + y)2 if x= -1 and y=4




Step-by-step explanation



-1 x -1 x -1 = -1




(-1)2 = -2

Bring -1 down from -1^3


You answer is -3

The answer is 19. Hope it helps

can someone explain how that's possible ​



Step-by-step explanation:



=> 6.33 + 3.5   /   5.5 + 4.33  = 1

I need help with this question



the correct answer is 3

hope it is right

The answer to the expression is 3

12. The point of intersection of the two lines creating a V in an absolute value graph is called the
a Center
b Origin
c Vertex
d None of the above


When two lines intersect with each other then point of intersection formed by two intersecting lines create V in an absolute value graph is known as Vertex.

As given in the question,

Given : Two lines intersect with each other .

Point of intersection of two lines formed V shape in a absolute value of the graph is known as Vertex.For example: When two rays BA and BC intersect with each other and formed V shape in an absolute value graph.Point of intersection is at point B.Here ∠ABC get formed and B is known as vertex.

Therefore, point of intersection of two lines created V shape on the graph is called vertex.

learn more about intersection here


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