The ___ of the constellation Ursa Major is like a bear or a dipper.
A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
C. Circumference
D. Orbit
E. Orb
F. Configuration
G. Figurative
H. Cyclic
I. Encyclopedic


Answer 1
i believe the answer is D

Related Questions

Read Part One of Article B on sea otters.

If you have ever watched sea otters swim and play at your local zoo, you know they are extraordinary animals. But did you know they are under threat of extinction? That means no more sea otters in the wild and fewer in captivity. Sea otters have been on the Endangered Species List for over 45 years, but there are actions humans can take to protect them.

The Fur Trade

In the 1800s, sea otters were hunted for their fur. The fur trade between North America and Europe was booming, and sea otter fur was a popular option because of its thickness. By the mid-20th century, sea otters had been hunted to near extinction. Only 1,000−2,000 sea otters were believed to be living in the wild in 1929. Many people thought the species would soon become extinct. However, due to conservation efforts during the second half of the 20th century, sea otter populations recovered. The strengthening of the numbers of sea otters in the wild is often considered to be one of the greatest successes in marine conservation.

Despite their comeback, sea otters are sadly still an endangered species. This is due to predators and human impact on the sea otter's habitat.


Sea otters are threatened by other animals in the water and on land. Killer whales are one of the sea otter's main predators now that the seal and sea lion populations are declining. Sharks, sea lions, and eagles also pluck sea otters from the water while bears and coyotes will hunt them on land. Sea otters use their intelligence to outsmart some of their predators. They also use their sharp teeth to protect themselves.

What is the author's point of view on the reason the sea otter population recovered?

Laws were passed to shorten the number of months in sea otter hunting season.

Sea otters learned to eat a more varied diet, saving themselves from extinction.

Conservation efforts in the last half of the twentieth century saved sea otters.

More people started owning sea otters as pets, which increased their number.



the answer is c Conservation efforts in the last half of the twenthith century saved sea otters


the reason that the author states in the passage is that conservation efforts by humans during the last half of the 20th century allowed the sea otters to bounce back

eligious or devout *



It should be devout if those 4 are to describe one of them
Devout I think but I’m not too sure if that’s what ur asking

Will give brainliest
And please, no links
Is what I highlighted correct?






yes I believe that would be correct


Because the bats are shown going to certain speakers and therefore can tell the difference between frogs.

Have a wonderful day!

Why did Maggie join Thirrin at Frostmarris before the war started?




maggie from american horror story ?? i love her what

Pls help I will mark brainliest
( write one sentence using the word uncanny and one sentence using the word solicitously)
Pls don;'t copy on g00gle



he had an uncanny feeling about the man

Robinson had an uncanny feeling that there was something following him.

Read these lines from “To Autumn.”

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

How do these lines develop the theme that autumn is a beautiful time of year?

A. They focus on the animals who have grown strong and frolic during autumn.

B. They describe the behaviors of people as the crisp evenings of autumn return.

C. They describe the season as a period characterized by abundance.

D. They suggest autumn is a season when the world is just coming to life.


This is a refrain extricated from To Autumn by John Keats They describe the season as a period characterized by abundance.

What is context of  poem To Autumn?

It is exceptionally wealthy in symbolism and produces an outcome that brings out the faculties to cause you to feel the portrayal.

The pictures address Autumn box the representation of the time, it additionally portrays the gather and its magnificence.

The two lines that mirror the subject of development and development in this portion are time of fogs and smooth productivity, Close chest companion of the developing sun.

A juice press, with patient look, Thou watchest the last oozings, step by step. The principal line communicated the subject by two key expressions smooth productivity and developing sun, as productivity is in many cases use as a topic for otherworldly development.

The subsequent line fill us in about with patient look and watching the last oozings step by step, those are qualities of old individuals that calmly look how their general surroundings moves, while they live they last days discreetly.

For more information about Autumn, refer the following link:


Answer: The answer is C.

They describe the season as a period characterized by abundance.


I really need help with this
These were my last points
Please no links :)


Honestly,just take the students notes such as where they lived and incorporate it into a paragraph. The hook/start of your paragraph can be “The Real Galielio.” And then include the places he lived,their family,where he studied,basically all of the notes:)

What three main qualities does a really good teacher have?


Encouraging, thoughtful, and professional our the best qualities that I personally believe in for a teacher. This helps :-)






"The indirect object of a verb receives the direct object. In effect, the action moves from the subject, through the verb, to the direct object and then the indirect object."

Here's some examples:

Sue passed Ann the ball.

The teacher gave the class some homework.

I read her the letter.

John bought Mary a ring.

John brought Mary some flowers.


Answer: c they gave him the award last night

Imagine a historian finds the hand written draft of a novel in the personal papers of a famous writer who is long deceased; this would be considered a
A: Secondary Source
B: Primary Source



Primary source


the answer would be B because this is directly from the famous writer..hope this helps! :)

i dont know the answer to this


Answer: B


i think it would definitely be b

What do all oceans have in common?

A. They are the same temperature.
B. They have warm currents.
C. They are the same depth.
D. They are reservoirs for water.


The answer is most likely D


all oceans are reservoirs for water

Which sentence describes a feature of science fiction?
It teaches essential facts about a scientific topic.
It provides some facts about a historical event or character.
It includes mythical characters such as dragons and fairies.
It is set in another world, such as a distant planet.


It teaches essential facts about a scientific topic

Answer: It teaches essential facts about a scientific topic.


What purpose does context, or background information, serve in a reflective essay?
A) it remind readers of similar stories they may have read

B) to help readers understand what happens next

C) to explain why the event’s details matter to you

D) to provide clues about how the narrative will end


The answer is C. In order to understand the events and why they’re important, you need contex
C cuz yuh the other person said it and I’m tryna get points

monsters due on maple street cause and effect.
please answer asap.
answer choices and questions below.



I hope this helps! Let me know if its right! Have a nice day!


1: There is a roar and flash of light and something enters the atmosphere

2: Everyone becomes suspicious and accuse hm of being the monster

3: Steven tries to convince everyone to listen to reason

4: Charlie without seing the person shoots and he kills Peter Van Horn

5: Lights in Charlie's house come on

6: Charlie tries to make Tommy a scapegoat by calling him "one of them"

can someone write me a paper on why physical education should be required in school



Physical education should be required in a school so you can learned of health of your body or the muscular strenght and stuff like that.


Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. Supporting schools to establish physical education daily can provide students with the ability and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.

Help me with this question, please
I think it's in the future, but I'm not 100% sure


D- makes the most sense out of the other answers

If you got famous tomorrow, what would it be for?


it would probably be for my dancing.
If I was famous tomorrow it would be because I do dances on tiktok

If you were Dean for a day at a school, what would you do?


Answer: well in that case I would probably allow recess days and allow make it to where pets are aloowed to go to school because that sounds like fun


I would make a bunch of rules that would benefit the students. Maybe make school only 4 days a week

On this day the first all-electronic television image was transmitted. Philo T. Farnsworth’s invention made it possible to build televisions with no moving parts. What type of influence do you think television has had on our world? What have been some of the advantages? Have there also been some disadvantages? Please write your response in a 7 sentence paragraph.



Philo Farnsworth, in full Philo Taylor Farnsworth II, (born August 19, 1906, Beaver, Utah, U.S.—died March 11, 1971, Salt Lake City, Utah), American inventor who developed the first all-electronic television system.

Farnsworth was a technical prodigy from an early age. An avid reader of science magazines as a teenager, he became interested in the problem of television and was convinced that mechanical systems that used, for example, a spinning disc would be too slow to scan and assemble images many times a second. Only an electronic system could scan and assemble an image fast enough, and by 1922 he had worked out the basic outlines of electronic television.

In 1923, while still in high school, Farnsworth also entered Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, as a special student. However, his father’s death in January 1924 meant that he had to leave Brigham Young and work to support his family while finishing high school.

Farnsworth had to postpone his dream of developing television. In 1926 he went to work for charity fund-raisers George Everson and Leslie Gorrell. He convinced them to go into a partnership to produce his television system. Farnsworth moved to Los Angeles with his new wife, Pem Gardner, and began work. He quickly spent the original $6,000 put up by Everson and Gorrell, but Everson procured $25,000 and laboratory space from the Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco. Farnsworth made his first successful electronic television transmission on September 7, 1927, and filed a patent for his system that same year.


Farnsworth continued to perfect his system and gave the first demonstration to the press in September 1928. His backers at the Crocker First National Bank were eager to be bought out by a much larger company and in 1930 made overtures to the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), which sent the head of their electronic television project, Vladimir Zworykin, to evaluate Farnsworth’s work. Zworykin’s receiver, the kinescope, was superior to that of Farnsworth, but Farnsworth’s camera tube, the image dissector, was superior to that of Zworykin. Zworykin was enthusiastic about the image dissector, and RCA offered Farnsworth $100,000 for his work. He rejected the offer.

Television being invented has had a humongous impact on our world, that being entertainment pleasures. Although, as much as people love to watch tv in their free time, it has takin a toll on our well being. The term “couch potato” wasn’t just a saying. It is a real thing. Some people even get addicted to watching tv, because of a favorite show or movie. Furthermore, even thought television isn’t the healthiest option, it defanitly has a creative advantage to this world. Making this world seem more adventurous.

Hope this helped!!




Hello! Your answer should be, BELOW!


Tone: In literature, the tone of a literary work expresses the writer's attitude toward or feelings about the subject matter and audience.

Mood: a state or quality of feeling at a particular time:

Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Hope I helped! Brainiest plz. Hope you make a 100% and have a nice day! -Amelia♥

please help me thank you!! <3



1. Panicked 2. Reassuring 3. Warning 4. Accusing 5. Defensive


If you look closely at what it says, you can imagine the tone.


Hope it helps!


1- Panicked

2- Reassuring

3- Defensive

4- Accusing

5- Warning

Hello, people of Brainly! I need an answer ASAP! I'm sure it's annoying when people ask for long things, but hear me out. I'll give a ton of points, and the best answer gets Brainliest. If someone answers just for points, it'll be reported.

Chapter 1

"You know, hardly anyone ever needs to do a three-point turn anymore," said Justin, trying to help Becky calm down.

"Oh, so it's not a useful skill AND I am probably going to fail the driving test because I can't do it anyway," Becky said, raising her voice for emphasis. "That should make me feel like a million bucks when I flunk."

Justin was riding with Becky so she could take her driving test. He had volunteered for the job because he thought she would be less nervous with him than with their mom, but so far, he wasn't sure he was making any difference.

"Slow down, your turn is coming up here," he said, looking ahead.

"I know, I know," she replied, "I've been here before remember—the last time I flunked."

Justin was pretty sure if he had let her miss the turn, things would only have deteriorated further, but he wasn't sure he was fond of being the scapegoat for Becky's anxiety.

"Listen, you need to take a few deep breaths," he said, hoping he could help her at least relax a bit. "Being nervous won't help you with the three-point turn or anything else you have to do. Hey, did you just take that turn without your turn signal on?" This was going to be harder than he thought.

"Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate."

"Look, you need to stop and get yourself together here," Justin started. "It is not just about passing the driving test. I don't want to get in an accident, so pull into that parking lot."

Becky drove into the office building's parking lot where Justin was pointing. Justin knew they were less than a mile from the licensing office, and if she continued in this condition, he'd be having this same discussion three months from now when she tried the test again for the third time.

"You need to get a grip," he started after she put the car in park, "because you have studied and practiced driving all year. You know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards. What are you so nervous about?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Becky wailed, resting her head on the steering wheel. "I just get so tired of failing."

Listening quietly as Becky sobbed, Justin realized this was about much more than a driving test. He also knew if he didn't find a way to help Becky things would just get worse.

Chapter 2

Justin took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Becky was an unbelievably consistent straight-A student. It was Justin who got the bad grades in school, and Justin who had to repeat every math class he'd ever taken. It was Justin who wished he could get the grades Becky got. Some things came easier for Justin: He was athletic, handy with tools, and good at making the best of whatever life threw at him. Mom called him her "lemons into lemonade" kid. But for the most part, Becky succeeded easily, whereas Justin had to work and work to just get a passing grade.

Rather than having Becky catalogue all the things she supposedly "failed" at, Justin decided to try an alternative approach, one that wouldn't remind him of all the ways he had failed.

"Okay, Becky, let's assume for a moment you fail this test again. What is the worst thing that could happen?" he asked.

"I would be the oldest kid at school without a license and be humiliated," she replied. Justin thought he heard a bit of panic in her voice but continued with his plan.

"Yes, but won't we still have to drive to school together for at least one more year anyway?" he asked.

"Yes, but..." she started.

"And who will know, if you don't tell anyone except your friends, that you don't have your license? You know Mom can't afford another car just for you, right?"

"Yes," she said quietly.

"So what difference does it make, really," he said. "Another three months to wait in the grand scheme of your life doesn't seem like all that long, right?"

"I suppose not," she said.

Justin could tell she was breathing more slowly now. "Besides," he said, "I would miss all the practice driving with you," and for good measure he reached over and pinched her arm.

"Ow," she said, hitting back at him, "that hurt."

"So let's go do this, okay?

"Okay," she said. Becky cranked up the car, backed slowly out of the parking spot and drove up to the parking lot's exit. Justin noticed, as they waited for the traffic to clear, that she had remembered the turn signal.

Using both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "The Three-Point Turn," write a short essay explaining how Justin is able to convince Becky that flunking the driving test will not be all that bad.



By engaging in communication based acceptance, he reiterates the importance of driving, but also the importance of not giving up even if she were to do bad.



Justin changed Becky's point of view and helped her see that it wasn't a big deal.


Justin was able to convince Becky that flunking the driving test would not be that bad by making Becky instead of focusing on what could happen on what would actually happen. Becky was probably already making scenarios of her own thinking how she could be humiliated for not passing the driving test. Justin made her calm down by making her look at the facts. The reality was that nothing much could change if she didn't or did get her drivers license. Justin made her look at it from a different angle. At first even though Justin was just trying to help, Becky was panicking because she was so worried about flunking the driving test that she was messing up and getting all worked up. Justin could have just kept correcting her and pointing out her mistakes which is most likely another reason Becky was frustrated. Justin was able to keep calm and help Becky notice that it wasn't a big deal she thought it was. He simply changed her point of view.

who is this please answer


Answer: i just know he's in naruto


It’s Kakashi Hatake from Naruto lol

is this good? i dont know i tried


Answer: yes its amazing your amazing



It's really good would be helpful for a 5th grader.


Outsider questions...
If you can answer them all ill give brainly.





Read the excerpt from the play The King of Sharks:

Scene 3

Young man with a birthmark in the shape of shark teeth on his back is hiding behind some trees, listening to fishermen talk.

Narrator: The shark prince grew up. He became a strong young man who looked just like the other young men of the village, except for the strange birthmark on his back.

Fisherman 1: I hear there is good fishing out at the cove. I will head there tomorrow morning at first light.

Fisherman 2: I will join you! Be sure you don't mention where you are going to anyone else. It will mean more fish for us!

Fisherman 1: I won't tell a soul. You must have said something last time. There were hardly any fish left.

Narrator: The prince often listened to where the village fishermen planned to go, and he would always get there first to eat his fill of the delicious fish. With his father's cloak around his shoulders, the prince could transform into a shark whenever he chose. The fishermen were becoming suspicious.

What is different about the appearances of the shark prince and the other villagers?

A. Only the other villagers enjoy catching and eating fish.
B. Only the other villagers have tanned skin from working outside.
C. Only the shark prince has a birthmark in the shape of shark teeth.
D. Only the shark prince is strong enough to lift baskets.



C (if I'm correct sorry if I'm wrong)


it does not say another person has the birth mark shaped like a shark tooth it only says the prince has it

The difference about the appearances of the shark prince and the other villagers is (C) Only the shark prince has a birthmark in the shape of shark teeth.

What does the dialogue tell us?

The given excerpt has been taken from the play 'The King of Sharks'. The scene 3 is described by beginning that there is a prince with a birthmark in the shape of shark teeth on his back.

The prince looked like other villagers except his strange birthmark. He could change himself into a shark and eat up all delicious fishes before the fishermen.

Therefore, the difference about the appearances of the shark prince and the other villagers is (C) Only the shark prince has a birthmark in the shape of shark teeth.

Learn more about The King of Sharks on


pls help

Part A: According the Giver, the receiver needed certain character traits to receive memories. What traits did Jonas possess?

Group of answer choices

Loving and giving

Friendly and accepting

Bravery and courage

Bold and forthcoming

Part B: Which excerpts justify your answer to Part A?

Group of answer choices

“They reached the building and braked their bikes.” And “I’m feeling apprehensive,” he confessed, glad that the appropriate word came to him.”

“Thank you for your dream, Lily” Jonas said the standard phrase automatically.” And “But today we honor your differences. They have determined your futures.”

“But he began, suddenly, to feel happy. He began to recall happy times with his parents, his sister, and his friends.” And “I certainly liked that memory, though. I can see why it’s your favorite.”

“He felt, surprisingly, no fear, nor any regret at leaving the community behind.” And “He had enough strength of his own, and had not needed what the Giver might have provided. He knew they were search planes, so he hid from the planes, while keeping Gabriel quiet.”



Part A)  Bravery and courage

Part B) the last choice


Use bronchus in a sentence ( Please make sure it's easy to understand :> )


Each bronchus divides into tubes of smaller and smaller diameter, finally ending in the terminal bronchioles.

hope this was easy to understand OwO

The bronchus is a major air passage of the lungs which separate from the windpipe into the lungs (the lungs itself)

What is a "Most likely to..." question you would like



Most likely to get married first.

Who is most likely to climb over a glass wall to see the other side
Other Questions
Elements of Art Vocab:_______________- One point moving around in space.____________- The way things feel, or look as if they might feel, if touched.____________- The lightness or darkness of colors.A __________ that looks flat, or two-dimensional.___________- Something that appears to be three-dimensional.____________-Made of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.____________-When something has a sense of depth.What is the wheel with the colors called _______________What are the primary colors___________________What are the secondary colors__________________What is another name for color________________Name 2 warm colors________________________Name 2 cool colors_______________________What are analogous colors? Name one set __________________________What are complementary colors? Name one set.______________________The line where the sky meets the earth is called?___________________Tints are lighter colors that are created by mixing _________ with a color.Shades are darker that are created by mixing a ___________ with a color.A self portrait is a picture of ______________. HELP!!!WHO EVER HELPS ME FIRST GETS BRAINLEST!!!!How can decomposing a parallelogram and composing it asanother shape help in understanding the formula for the area ofa parallelogram? 7. What produces water vapor from plants? In the essay entitled, "Nature's Entrepreneurs" Professor Terry Anderson points out that private businesses have every incentive to enhance environmental quality on their own property (under the right rules). He uses the example of International Paper Corporation. Explain their actions as outlined in Anderson's essay. (approximately 8 sentences). Plz help! Due tonight!In one paragraph, describe what your think is the single largest accomplishment of the Civil Rights Movement and one area in which the United States struggled with race issues during and beyond the 1960s.Plz actually answer! (Not heres the link) Identify : 1. Falling Action: 2. Resolution: 3. Climax: 4. Exposition: 5. Rising Action: An 18.0 g sample of unidentified metal was heated from 21.5C to 89.0C.292 J of heat energy was absorbed by the metal in the heating process.Calculate the specific heat of the metal to determine its identity.(need work show, or how you got the answer)A.calciumB.ironC.copperD.silver HELP HELP 6th grade help Grocery Mart has cookies on sale for $3 for 12 cookies. Food Shoppe has cookies on sale for $5.70 for 19 cookies. Which store has a better deal on cookies. Write the cheaper cost per cookie in dollars. ($_.__) Carrying capacity is Group of answer choices seldom reached by marine producers and consumers because of the vast resources of the ocean. the maximum population size that a particular environment can support. fixed for most species over most of their range most of the time. the term used to describe the stress a population undergoes due to limited resources. Passage AOne way to enjoy a healthier lifestyle is to grow your own vegetables. That way, you know they are free from harmful chemicals. Where do you start if you want to grow your own healthy food? Start with the soil.If this is your first adventure in gardening, start small. Choose plants that are easy to tend and that will grow well in the soil you have. Deciding what to grow is the first step and it will help decide how big of a garden you want. Not all plants grow in the same way. You have to consider which plants prefer sunlight and which prefer shade. This will help with picking the best spot for your garden.Once you have decided where you will plant your garden, you can move on to planning your garden's layout. You don't want your tall plants growing next to the shorter ones and blocking out the sun. You also want to make sure there is enough room between the rows to allow for weeding. Proper planning makes planting a breeze.Passage BIt is more expensive to build a green roof than it is to lay asphalt or shingles on a roof, but the trend is growing. The basic green roof requires a frame, waterproof membrane, gravel for drainage, fibrous material to retain moisture, soil for planting, and a barrier that prevents roots from penetrating the building.Green roofs started in Europe and are now gaining a strong foothold in the United States. The largest green roof in New York City is built on the roof of a processing and distribution facility. It is actually the biggest green roof in the country. Being in New York, it has faced snow, rain, freezing, and thawing. It has survived it all.The city of Chicago, Illinois, now has more green roofs than any other U.S. city. There are 7 million square feet of green roofs planted across the city. Toronto, Canada, is the first city in the western hemisphere to mandate green roofs on all new tall buildings. Green roofs are beneficial, not only to the environment, but also to the cities that build them. A recent study in Toronto suggested that if 75 percent of the flat roofs were greened, the city could save $37 million a year on storm water management and energy bills.Explain why people are building green roofs to live healthier lives. Use information from both texts in your answer. Consider the series 7/9+7/27+7/81+1/243 Which expression defines Sn? HELP ME PLEASE I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Christa went shopping for back-to-school clothes. Before the tax was added on, her total was $176. If the sales tax is 6%, what was the total amount she paid? A) $10.56 B) $105.60 C) $126.56 D) $186.56 What role do human genes play in a persons chances of contracting a genetic disease? Discuss at least one ethical issue related to genetic testing when it comes to privacy and/or reproduction. of you would Write a decimal that represents the value of one $1 bill and 5 quarters how would you write that? Find and interpret the range of the data.The range is___. The prices vary by no more than ___ $ 1. Normalmente, las personas se lavan el pelo en la duchaLgicoIlgico2. Los chicos siempre se afeitan con pastillas.LgicoIlgico3. Si tienes una silla, te sientes. Si tienes dolor, te sientas mal.LgicoIlgico4. Cuando las chicas estn en la juventud nunca se maquillan.LgicoIlgico5. Me visto antes de desayunar. Si hace fro, antes de salir, me pongo un abrigo.LgicoIlgico Segments AB and CD coincide. Vinay concluded: "Segments AB and CD have no angles with the same measurement, so they are not congruent." What error did Vinay make in his conclusion? Choose 1 answer:A. These segments are mapped onto each other, so they are congruent B. The segments are not congruent, because no transformations were usedC. There is no error. This is a correct conclusion What is this sonnet by William Shakespeare about?O LifeFlowersO A beautiful womanThe summer At the end of scene 4, Amanda pleads with Tom tojoin the Merchant Marines to help better support the family.find a suitable co-worker to become Laura's "gentleman caller."stop reading D.H. Lawrence's novels. write a letter to his father explaining their predicament.Amanda believes that Tom's craze for adventure can be foundin Tom's booksat the moviesin his careerthrough travelIn scene 4, when Laura leaves to go get buttershe stumbles on the fire escape, her fall symbolizing her inability to cope with the world outside the tiny apartmentshe is accosted by a mugger, the attack symbolizing her vulnerability to predatory menshe forgets the way home, indicating that she is experiencing the first symptoms of insanityshe has a horrible nervous breakdown, showing how incapable she is of coping with other peopleThe motif of Reality vs. Illusion/Escape can attach itself to all of the following events except:Tom's incessant need to go to the movies.Laura's reoccurring nightmares about her typing instructor.The memories Amanda shares about her seventeen "gentleman callers."Laura's focus on her collection of glass animals and worn out records.