the norumbega villa resort sold investments that originally cost it $300,000 for $200,000. how would this transaction affect the investing activities section of its statement of cash flows?


Answer 1

As a $200,000 cash inflow this transaction affect the investing activities section of its statement of cash flows.

An investment is an asset or item purchased for income or capital appreciation. Valuation refers to the increase in value of an asset over time. When a person purchases a good as an investment, the intention is not to consume the good, but to use it to generate wealth in the future.

This is how an investment works when you put money into an account or fund to earn a profit. An investment has the potential to yield greater returns (and possibly greater risk) over time. For this reason, some people use investments to achieve long-term goals such as retirement.

Why Investing Matters. Investing is an effective way to put money to good use and potentially build wealth. With smart investments, money can outperform inflation and increase in value. The huge growth potential of an investment is largely due to the power of compound interest and the risk/return trade-off.

To know more about investment , visit:-


Related Questions

what does the process of controlling costs primarily involve? group of answer choices managing changes to the project budget finalising the procedures for project costs determining the policies for project costs determining a basis for estimates


The correct option for this question is managing changes to the project budget.

Controlling costs includes controlling changes to the task budget. The primary results of the cost control process are work execution data, cost conjectures, change demands, project the board plan refreshes, project reports refreshes, and authoritative cycle resources refreshes.

Here is a more critical glance at the kinds of task costs you'll have to remember for your budget:

Labor cost: compensations and wages, advantages, and finance charges

Materials: gear, programming, and different supplies

Transportation: travel costs and other planned operations

Exploration and advisors: specialists or specific groups like lawful or improvement

Preparing: courses, meetings, or facilitators for project-related abilities and apparatuses

Only one out of every odd venture budget will involve these classifications similarly. For instance, a development project is probably going to zero in undeniably a larger number of materials than a consolidation or securing project. An innovation execution task could designate more budget assets to prepare the labor force than on unadulterated labor costs.

to know more about labor cost click here:


The quantity of a good or service that producers are able and willing to offer for sale at a specified price in a given period of time is known as?


The quantity of a good or service that producers are able and willing to offer for sale at a specified price in a given period of time is known as supply.

Supply is the quantity of a resource that businesses, manufacturers, workers, suppliers of financial assets, or other economic actors are willing and able to offer to the market or to a single person. Supply can refer to manufactured items, labour hours, raw resources, or any other limited-supply or high-value item.

In the market for products, supply refers to the quantity of a good per unit of time that producers are willing to sell at different set prices while all other variables are held constant. The supply of labor in the labor market is the number of hours per week, month, or year that people are willing to work as a function of the wage rate.

To know more about Supply here


the funding texas legislators receive for staff salaries and office expenses is set by ______.


The funding Texas legislators receive for staff salaries and office expenses is set by the senators and representatives at the beginning of each session.

What does "senators" mean?

One who works for the government is a senator. In the US, senators are chosen by the people to serve as their representatives in state or federal senates. Two senators from each state are chosen to represent them in Washington, DC, for six years, where they vote on legislation and pass it.

We have two senators—why?

Two senators each state were unanimously approved by the Convention. The delegates also abolished the norm followed in Congress during the Articles of Confederation and throughout the Constitutional Convention, establishing that senators would cast individual votes rather than one vote per state.

To know more about Senators visit:


who designed the new york, new haven, and hartford railroad trademark in 1954? the design included a geometric slab-serif capital n above an h, and a red, black, and white color scheme.


The New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad's logo was created by Herbert Matter in 1954.

The State of New York, sometimes known as New York, is a state in the northeastern region of the United States. To distinguish it from its main city, New York City, it is frequently referred to as New York State. New York is the 27th-largest state in terms of total size in the United States, covering 54,556 square miles. With 20.2 million residents, it is the fourth-most populous state in the union as of 2021. Approximately 44% of the state's residents reside in New York City, with 25% of them living in Brooklyn and Queens and the remaining 15% on Long Island, the country's most populous island. The state has a marine climate and is bordered to the south by New Jersey and Pennsylvania and to the east by Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

Learn more about New York from


g a corporation sold 15,000 shares of its $10 par value common stock at a cash price of $15 per share. the entry to record this transaction would include:


g a firm exchanged 15,000 shares of its common stock with a $10 par value for cash at a price of $15 per share. A credit to Common Stock for 15,000*10 =$150,000 would be the entry needed to document this transaction.

Owning stock in a company is called common stock. Regular meetings of common stockholders are held to elect the board of directors, which hires the management of the company. Cash received, stock value at par, and any additional paid-in capital are the three main elements of common stock accounting. Your price per share times the number of shares sold will equal the amount of money you will receive. This is your debit because money is entering the company through this transaction. The par value of common stock is recorded. You will multiply the total number of shares sold by the corporation by their par value. This is a credit because it increases the owner's equity column of your balance sheet.

Learn more about common stock from


the monopolist's outcome in the long run differs from that of the perfectly competitive firm in that it: select one: a. has zero profits in the long run. b. charges a price above average total costs. c. charges a price where marginal costs equal average revenue. d. charges a price equal to mc.


The Correct answer is C. The monopolist's outcome, in the long run, differs from that of the perfectly competitive firm in that it charges a price where marginal costs equal average revenue.

A monopolist refers to a man or woman, group, or organization that dominates and controls the marketplace for a selected accuracy or provider. With this loss of competition and lack of alternative items or offerings method, the monopolist wields sufficient power inside the marketplace to price excessive prices.

A monopoly is a situation where there's a single supplier within the market. In traditional economic evaluation, the monopoly case is taken because of the polar opposite of perfect opposition. by definition, the demand curve going through the monopolist is the industry call for the curve which is downward sloping.

A monopolist is a person, organization, or business enterprise that controls all the markets for a specific tree or service. A monopolist in all likelihood also believes in regulations that desire monopolies because it gives them extra electricity. A monopolist has little incentive to improve its product due to the fact customers don't have any options. as an alternative, their motivation is centered on protecting the monopoly.

To learn more about monopolists visit here:


Which cheque has to be deposited into bank account and payment is made only through the bank?


Self Cheque has to be deposited into bank account and payment is made only through the bank.

A self-cheque is drawn when the drawer needs to withdraw cash from the bank for personal use. This check may only be cashed at the bank of the drawer or the account holder. When utilizing this check, use cautious because if it is lost, someone else could immediately cash it by visiting the drawer's bank. The safest and simplest way to write a check to oneself is to put your name on the "Pay to the order of" line and fill out the date, amount, and signature lines as usual. At your bank, sign the check in the space provided on the back, then show the teller your ID.

Learn more about Self Cheque from


Most stores offer rotating promotions that provide discounts on various products. however, at many of them, you must become a rewards member to take advantage of the deals. the price of the membership is free. you are probably familiar with this process at grocery stores, pharmacies, and even pet supply chains. Identify each hurdle that shoppers must typically clear to obtain these promotional deals. a. remembering to bring the discount card to the store or providing the clerk with your phone numberb. divulging personal information, such as one's age and e-mail addressc. taking time to fill out a form


The hurdle that shoppers must typically clear to obtain these promotional deals is remembering to bring the discount card to the store or provide the clerk with your phone number.

An advertising plan aims to educate, persuade, or remind the target markets about the items. The promotional mix, which is used to promote a product, consists of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, social media, and e-commerce.

Shoppers engage in a variety of promotional activities to draw in and keep customers. To take advantage of the bargains, they offer discounts, incentives, and other things. Many obstacles, nevertheless, they believe would limit their ability to function, therefore they work to overcome them. To get promotional deals, a customer must overcome obstacles including remembering to bring their discount card to the store and giving the salesperson their phone number.

To know more about promotional Strategy, refer to this link:


The management of Kunkel Company is considering the purchase of a $27,000 machine that would reduce operating costs by $7,000 per year. At the end of the machine�s five-year useful life, it will have zero scrap value. The company�s required rate of return is 12%.
Click here to view Exhibit 13B-1 and Exhibit 13B-2, to determine the appropriate discount factor(s) using table.
1. Determine the net present value of the investment in the machine. (Any cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign. Use the appropriate table to determine the discount factor(s).)
2. What is the difference between the total, undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows over the entire life of the machine? (Any cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign.)


The net present value of the investment in the machine is therefore $4,023.48.The company will have a net cash outflow of $20,000 over the life of the machine.

Present value is the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a specified rate of return. In other words, it is the value of money in the present, taking into account the time value of money and the potential for the money to grow or depreciate over time.

1) To determine the net present value of the investment in the machine, we need to determine the present value of the annual operating cost savings. This can be done using the formula for present value, which is:

PV = F / (1 + r)^n

Where PV is the present value, F is the future value, r is the required rate of return, and n is the number of years. In this case, the future value is $7,000, the required rate of return is 12%, and the number of years is 5. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

PV = $7,000 / (1 + 0.12)^5

= $7,000 / 1.7415

= $4,023.48

The net present value of the investment in the machine is therefore $4,023.48.

2) The difference between the total, undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows over the entire life of the machine is:

$7,000 - $27,000 = -$20,000.

This means that the company will have a net cash outflow of $20,000 over the life of the machine.

Learn more about Present value, here


jane is conducting a threat assessment using threat modeling techniques as she develops security requirements for a software package her team is developing. which business function is she engaging in under the software assurance maturity model (samm)?


jane is conducting a threat assessment using threat modeling techniques as she develops security requirements for a software package her team is developing. which business function is she engaging in under the software assurance maturity model (samm) Design.

Business capabilities are the sports performed through an organisation; they may be divided into center capabilities and aid capabilities. Core enterprise capabilities are sports of an organization yielding income: the manufacturing of very last items or offerings meant for the marketplace or for 0.33 parties.

She has been workout frequently to broaden her lower back muscles. The tale became later evolved right into a novel. The island has evolved its financial system round tourism. The direction is designed to broaden your writing skills.Generally, all danger detection falls into 4 most important categories: Configuration, Modeling, Indicator, and Threat Behavior. There isn't anyt any pleasant kind of danger detection. Each class can aid exclusive necessities and tactics relying at the enterprise requirement.

Learn more about enterprise here:


the certification process (pmi-acp) from scrum alliance requires no experience. group of answer choices true false


The certification process (pmi-acp) from scrum alliance requires no experience is true.

What is certification process?A formal attestation or affirmation of certain features of a thing, a person, or a group of people. Although it's not always the case, external reviews, training, assessments, or audits frequently offer this validation. The procedure for certifying a particular business is called accreditation.The three main categories of certification are as follows. They are listed in the following order: corporate (internal), product-specific, and profession-wide. Corporate certificates, sometimes known as "internal" certifications, are issued by businesses or low-stakes organizations for internal use.The certification process (pmi-acp) from scrum alliance requires no experience is true.

To learn more about certification process refer to:


. what is the mean sales price? what is the median sales price? (round your answers to the nearest whole dollar amount.)


The median sales price and the average sales price are frequently used to describe housing market pricing.

Median sales price:

Although the phrases may appear to be equivalent, each approach might have substantial distinctions. When computing these sales statistics, there are certain similarities and variances. In this post, we compare average and median sales prices and go through their benefits and differences.

The price at which half of the stated prices are higher and the other half are lower is known as the median sales price. The median price, for a group of 15 property prices, would be the price that has seven values above and below it. The median price may be easily determined. Make a list of the prices first, either from highest to lowest or from lowest to highest. Next, locate the medium price.

Mode sales price:

A persistent increase in a neighborhood's most popular sale price may indicate a general upward trend in property prices. Due to the fact that sales prices frequently vary by tiny dollar amounts, it is crucial to keep in mind that rounding values to the nearest thousand or ten thousand provides more accurate results when determining the modal price.

Learn more about Mean, Median, Mode:


Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal.a. Trueb. False


With all else being equal, investments with longer payback periods are more desirable. this statement is false.

What is a Desirable Investment?

The reason that the statement in the question is false is that investments with longer payback periods are not desirable because investors need a long period of time to benefit from these investment activities. Conversely, investments with shorter payback periods are more desirable because investors do not need a long time to get profits from their investment activities. This is also related to the main objective of investment activities, which is to gain profit from the investment that has been made.

Learn more about short-term investments at


what caribbean two-island republic is the largest supplier of liquefied natural gas (lng) to the united states?


Trinidad and Tobago are the two Caribbean Island republics that supply the largest amount of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the United States.

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which used data from CEDIGAZ, the United States overtook other LNG exporters in the first half of 2022 as the country increased supply to Europe in the midst of the Ukraine conflict.

In comparison to the second half of 2021, U.S. LNG exports increased 12% to an average of 11.2 billion cubic feet per day (BCFD) in the first half of the year, according to the EIA. Exports were aided by increased LNG export capacity, greater pricing, and demand, notably from Europe.

To know more about Caribbean Island click here,


2. describe an agency problem within the firm and discuss what you think is causing the problem and how the problem might be better controlled.


When agents don't properly represent the best interests of principals, a conflict of interest known as the agency problem arises.

Corporation-related issues are more likely to affect agencies. The issue of conflicting interests between two parties in a corporation is known as agency problems. They have the authority to enact, overturn, organize, and dissolve any law in the state of corporations. The Model Business Corporation Act is used by many states.

With planned working the problems can be dealt with and the work will go on without agents having conflict.

To learn more about agency problem refer here:


inequality of income is caused by part 2 a. labor productivity and the productivity of capital owned. b. technological change and the extent of international trade. c. taxes and changes in tax laws. d. both a and b. e. all of the above.


Inequality of income is caused by : A.labor productivity and the productivity of capital owned. B. technological change and the extent of international trade.

What is inequality of income?

Inequality of income can be defined as the unequal distribution  of income in a society and  this tend to occur when  a person in a society earn more income  than another person in the same society.

One of the disadvantage of inequality of income is that it can tend to lead high rate of crimes based on the fact those that earn low income may find it hard to enjoy a good standard of living which can tend to lead to low quality of life. They may tend to involve in crimes so as to be able to afford all the goods things of life just like the high income earner.

Inequality of income is caused by :

Labor productivity and the productivity of capital owned.Technological change and the extent of international trade.

Therefore the correct option is A, B.

Learn more about Inequality of income here:


a major technological innovation that increases structural unemployment for an extended period would correspond to what on the phillips curve?


A major technological innovation that increases structural unemployment for an extended period would correspond to a shift of both the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC) and the long-run Phillips curve (LRPC) to the right. Thus, option D is the correct option.

This shift indicates an increase in the natural rate of unemployment, which is the level of unemployment that exists when the economy is at its potential output in the long run.

Technological innovation leads to a persistent increase in structural unemployment, which affects both the short-run and long-run relationships between unemployment and inflation represented by the Phillips curve.

Thus, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about Phillips curve here:


Probably the full options are:

a. Movement along the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC) to the right

b. Movement along the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC) to the left

c. A shift of the long-run Phillips curve (LRPC) to the right only

d. A shift of both the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC) and the long-run Phillips curve (LRPC) to the right

e. A shift of both the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC) and the long-run Phillips curve (LRPC) to the left

Which of the following is a common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries?


Common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries. Many customers require face-to-face negotiations on their home turf.

Goods are tangible items offered to clients, even as offerings are obligations carried out for the advantage of the recipients. Examples of goods are automobiles, home equipment, and apparel.

In global trade, exporting is the process by which companies from one country sell their goods and services to companies or consumers in a different country.

Learn more about exporting here :-


Currently, information technology replaced the term ______ ______ with its role being to change business methods.


Currently, information technology replaced the term business and intelligence with its role being to change business methods.

Information technology (IT) is the practise of creating, processing, storing, protecting, and exchanging all types of electronic data through the use of computers, storage, networking, and other physical hardware, software, infrastructure, and procedures. IT is typically employed in the context of commercial operations as opposed to personal or recreational use of technology. Both computer technology and telecommunications are included in the business usage of IT.

Information technology involves creating communication networks for a business, protecting data and information, managing databases, assisting staff in troubleshooting computer or mobile device issues, and performing a variety of other tasks to guarantee the effectiveness and security of business information.

To know more about Information technology visit:


during 2019, patty's pizza reported net income of $4,212 million, interest expense of $167 million and income tax expense of $1,372 million. during 2018, patty's reported net income of $3,568 million, interest expense of $163 million and income tax expense of $1,424 million. the times interest earned ratios for 2019 and 2018, respectively, are closest to:


2019: 30.9, while 2018: 28.3

Year Net Income Interest Expenditures Taxes on income

2019 $3,212 $187 $2,372

2018 $2,568 $183 $2,424

Interest expense divided by earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) is the times interest earned ratio.

Net income plus interest and tax expenses for 2019 equal EBIT.

2019 EBIT = $3,212 + $187 + $2,372

2019 EBIT = $5,771

2018 EBIT = $5,175

What is intrest?

The Times Interest Earned Ratios can now be calculated (TIER)

2019 TIER = $5,771 / $187

2019 TIER = 30.9

2018 TIER = $5,175 /$183

2018 TIER = 28.3

2019: 30.9, while 2018: 28.3


Year Net Income Interest Expenditures Taxes on income

2019 $3,212 $187 $2,372

2018 $2,568 $183 $2,424

Interest expense divided by earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) is the times interest earned ratio.

Net income plus interest and tax expenses for 2019 equal EBIT.

To know more about income visit :


Tyler has a 24 percent marginal tax rate. His employer is willing to provide health insurance coverage for tyler if he will agree to a salary reduction. The insurance will cost the employer $5,040. If tyler pays that same amount for health insurance premiums, he will need $7,000 in order to pay the premiums and the taxes on the compensation. How much of a cash flow savings is available to the company if it pays $5,040 for tyler's health insurance, rather than $7,000 in compensation assuming the company has a 21 percent tax rate?


Free Cash Flow=[tex]9511.6[/tex] is accessible to the business if Tyler's health insurance costs $5,040 rather than $7,000 in wages, assuming the business pays a 21 percent tax rate.

Free Cash Flow = Net income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure.


While savings is the term used to refer to a portion of income that is set aside and accumulates in a bank account, cash flow refers to the influx and outflow of a company's money over a given period of time. Salaries, earnings from side jobs, interest on savings accounts, rental property income, dividends from investments, and capital gains from the sale of financial instruments like stocks and bonds are all examples of cash inflows.

Learn more about Cash Flow from


Which investment would generally be inappropriate for a 25 year old with a traditional ira invested for his/her retirement?a. A substantial and permanent investment in a variety of equity mutual funds.b. A substantial and permanent investment in money market mutual funds.c. A substantial and permanent investment in an S&P index mutual fund.d. A substantial and permanent investment in a variety of international mutual funds.


The investment that would generally be inappropriate for a 25 year old is A substantial and permanent investment in money market mutual funds.

Money market mutual funds (MMMFs) were the second largest type of mutual funds in the United States until 2011. MMMFs represent for approximately 18% of total net assets (TNA) held by mutual funds in the United States, with $2.7 trillion in TNA as of December 2013.

Individual investors see MMMFs as a significant investment vehicle, and financial intermediaries rely on them for liquidity. MMMFs are regarded by investors as secure money market instrument investments that give returns higher than bank deposits.

The primary distinction between bank deposits and MMMFs is that MMMFs are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). As proven by the 2008 Lehman Brothers collapse and the 2011 European banking crisis, MMMFs may endanger the financial system's stability.

learn more about money market mutual funds (MMMFs) at


What factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction?answer choices- landowners had no cash, but needed land worked- the redistribution of private farmland to former slaves- the passage of a new minimum wage by state leaders- provisions attached to federal loans provided to landowners


The factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction landowners had no cash, but needed land worked.

The Reconstruction technology turned into the duration after the American Civil conflict from 1865 to 1877, throughout which America grappled with the demanding situations of reintegrating into the Union the states that had seceded and figuring out the prison fame of African Americans.

The Reconstruction generation lasted from the quit of the Civil conflict in 1865 to 1877. Its predominant attention turned into on bringing the southern states again into full political participation inside the Union, making sure rights to former slaves and defining new relationships between African individuals and whites.

The Reconstruction technology redefined U.S. citizenship and extended the franchise, modified the connection between the federal government and the governments of the states, and highlighted the variations between political and monetary democracy.

Learn more about Reconstruction here :


effective implementation of a strategy is achieved through action plans. this is called . proactive implementation installation deployment strategic implementation


Effective implementation of a strategy is achieved through action plans. This is called Deployment.

What is Deployment strategy?

The process of "deploying" a strategy involves developing a high-level plan for organisational change in the face of uncertainty and having personnel use that plan on purpose.

It is a management procedure that lines up an organization's activities and functions both vertically and horizontally with its strategic goals. A particular plan is created, usually on an annual basis, with clear objectives, steps, deadlines, roles, and metrics.

You may develop precise metrics, cascade accountabilities, and identify bottlenecks with the aid of strategy deployment. There are countless tools, methods, and templates for deploying strategies.

To know more about deployment, click here-


Does growth cause inequality?


Rising labor productivity has been found to contribute to rising growth market income inequality, which has been partially mitigated by government redistribution on average over the past 30 years in OECD countries. rice field.

This curve represents a U-shaped relationship between inequality and growth. In the process of economic development, inequality first increases and then decreases. Kuznets explained this in Shifting the economy from the rural/agricultural sector to the urban/industrial sector. Growth has a causal relationship with declining inequality, and increasingly slower growth with increasing inequality. The inevitable link between growth and inequality lies in the key role of innovation in driving economic growth in technologically advanced countries.

To learn more about inequality, click here.


the need for safety stocks can be reduced by an operations strategy which: multiple choice increases lead time. increases lead time variability. decreases ordering costs. increases lot sizes. decreases lead time variability.


The need for safety stocks can be reduced by an operations strategy which decreases lead time variability.

Lead time measures the total amount of time needed to finish a process.The time it takes to produce a product and deliver it to a customer is frequently referred to as lead time in manufacturing.The number of days it takes to obtain supplies, produce things, and deliver finished goods is added to determine lead time.Lead times may be impacted by a scarcity of raw materials, a transportation breakdown, a personnel shortage, a natural calamity, or human error.In some situations, businesses can reduce lead times by putting just-in-time (JIT) and automated stock replenishment techniques into place.Sales, client happiness, and the bottom line of the business can all improve with faster production.

Learn more about Lead time, here


A common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries is that?


Many clients prefer face-to-face discussions on their home turf is a frequent challenge that business people have when exporting goods or services to other nations.

A trader is someone who buys and sells financial assets on any financial market, whether they are doing it for themselves or on behalf of another person or entity. The main contrast between a trader and an investor is how long a person has owned an asset.

The process of transporting things to another nation in order to sell them there: exporting of something Grain and agricultural exports are the port's main sources of revenue.

To learn more about exporting goods


according to alan greenspan the world is governed by market forces. do you afree? what role did alan greenspan plkay in creating the market forces/


The "Greenspan put" was a monetary policy strategy popular during the 1990s and 2000s under Greenspan.

Throughout his reign, he attempted to help support the U.S. economy by actively using the federal funds rate to aggressively lower interest rates to fight the deflation of asset price bubbles.

American economist Alan Greenspan presided over the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors from 1987 to 2006, serving as the country's central bank. He also held the position of chair of the Federal Open Market Group (FOMC), the Fed's main committee for formulating monetary policy and controlling the nation's money supply.

Greenspan is most remembered for overseeing the Great Moderation, which spanned from the middle of the 1980s to the financial crisis in 2007 and was characterized by relatively stable inflation and macroeconomic development.

To know more about Alan Greenspan :


Kevin's savings account balance changed from $1140 in january to $1450 in april. Find the average rate of change per month. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


Kevin's savings account balance increased by an average of $65 per month over the course of four months, from January to April.

It's not unusual for one's savings account balance to fluctuate over time, especially when there are unexpected expenses or perhaps money coming in from an unexpected source. Such is the case for Kevin, whose savings account balance changed from $1140 in January to $1450 in April.

At first glance, it might appear that Kevin's account balance increased by $310 in a span of four months. However, to get a better understanding of Kevin's rate of savings growth, we must look at the average rate of change per month.

The formula for calculating the average rate of change per month is (final balance - initial balance) / (number of months). In this case, the formula would be ($1450 - $1140) / 4 months = $65/month.

Therefore, we can conclude that Kevin's savings account balance increased by an average of $65 per month over the course of four months, from January to April. This is a great rate of savings growth and is sure to help Kevin reach his financial goals.

Learn more about the savings bank account:


a company that specializes in planning parties for children had $7,000 worth of inventory on january 1, 2018, and it had $5,000 worth of inventory on december 31, 2018. if its cost of goods sold for that period was $3,000, and its net profit was $9,000, what was its inventory to turnover ratio?


The inventory to turnover ratio for the company will be 2 times the value for the conditions provided above.

The computation of inventory to turnover ratio can be done using the provided information, and putting the values of the same into the generalized formula as below,

Inventory Turnover Ratio = (Initial+Final inventory)/ Sales Costs x 2

Inventory Turnover Ratio = (7000+5000)/3000 x 2

Inventory Turnover Ratio = (12000)/6000

Inventory Turnover Ratio = 2

Therefore, the inventory to turnover ratio will be 2 times.

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