The MOST important destructive force that can be seen in this picture is

The MOST Important Destructive Force That Can Be Seen In This Picture Is


Answer 1

Answer: Erosion by the action of water


Related Questions

definition of age of enlightenment



According to Wikipedia,

the Age of Enlightenment, or simply the Enlightenment, was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries with global influences and effects.


According to the British Library,

The great Age of Reason is also defined as the period of rigorous scientific, political and philosophical discourse that characterized European society during the 'long' 18th century: from the late 17th century to the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815.

Hope this helps! Have a good rest of your day/night!

Which Three contributions were made by the safavid and mughal empires


With great success, the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires combined the use of gunpowder weapons with more traditional cavalry armed with composite bows.

The Ottomans conquered most of Anatolia in the early 1300s before quickly moving into Europe and securing the Balkans within a century.

The gunpowder empires, or Islamic gunpowder empires, were three Turco-Persianate Muslim empires that flourished from the 16th to the 18th centuries: the Ottoman Empire, Safavid Iran, and the Mughal Empire.

These three empires had among the strongest and most stable economies of the early modern period, resulting in commercial expansion and increased cultural patronage. They were Important dynasties.

To know more The gunpowder empires here




Answer: C

Explanation: East of the Himalayan

What were the characteristic features of poetry during the Romantic movement?


The Romantic literature is characterized by six main traits a love of nature, an emphasis on the individual and spirituality, a celebration of solitude and sadness, an interest in the common man, an idealization of women, and a pathetic fallacy and personification.

What do understand by the Romanticism?

Romanticism was fascinated on nature as a primal force and promoted the idea that solitude is essential for the growth of the soul and the creative spirit.

A literary era known as romanticism lasted roughly between 1790 and 1850. Famous Romantic authors include Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley, William Wordsworth, and John Keats.

The movement was characterized by an idealization of women, a celebration of nature and the average man, an emphasis on personal experience, and an acceptance of loneliness and melancholy.

Therefore, the Romantic literature is characterized by six main traits a love of nature, an emphasis on the individual and spirituality, a celebration of solitude and sadness, an interest in the common man, an idealization of women, and a pathetic fallacy and personification.

To know more about the Romanticism, visit:


Examine the key events and peoples in Florida History as they relate to the U.S. history.


The important thing occasions and peoples in Florida History as they relate to the U.S. records are Rosewood, FL, Land Boom, End of Land Boom, James Weldon Johnson etc.

The required details for Florida land boom in given paragraph

The Florida land increase of the 1920s was Florida's first actual property bubble. This pioneering technology of Florida land hypothesis lasted from 1924 to 1926 and attracted traders from all around the nation. The land increase left in the back of absolutely new, deliberate traits integrated into cities and towns. Major traders and speculators such as Carl G. Fisher additionally left in the back of a brand new records of racially deed limited homes that segregated towns for many years. It additionally left in the back of the stays of failed improvement tasks such as Aladdin City in south Miami-Dade County, Fulford-by-the-Sea in what's now North Miami Beach, Miami's Isola di Lolando in north Biscayne Bay, Boca Raton, because it had firstly been deliberate, Okeelanta in western Palm Beach County, and Palm Beach Ocean simply north of the Town of Palm Beach.

The land increase fashioned Florida's destiny for many years and created complete new towns out of the Everglades land that continue to be today.

To know about Florida land boom click here


under the eighth amendment a person charged with a crime


Answer:  prohibits excessive bail and fines, as well as cruel and unusual punishments.

Explanation: Eighth Amendment Protections Against Cruel Punishments, Excessive Bail, and Excessive Fines. The Eighth Amendment provides three essential protections for those accused of a crime, on top of those found in the Fifth and Sixth Amendments: It prohibits excessive bail and fines, as well as cruel and unusual punishments.

Shall be given no excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel or unusual punishment

Which conclusion can you draw from this passage about hoover's attitude toward direct federal aid?.


President Herbert Hoover's attitude towards a direct federal aid was that it would cause people to lose incentives to work hard towards financial success and that it will lead the US to its downfall.

Herbert Hoover, the 31st president of the United States is a firm believer of classical economy and American individualism. Hoover was strongly against government intervention especially when it comes to providing a direct financial aid to the unemployed despite the extraordinary economic circumstances which placed the United States in the middle of a great depression with widespread unemployment and poverty. Herbert Hoover was also a strong opposition to the federal government intervention in fixing prices, controlling business, or currency manipulation which he believed is a move towards socialism which he was strongly against. President Herbert Hoover preferred indirect aids to banking industries, corporation, or public works projects which he believed would jumpstart the sluggish economy, rather than using direct federal aid to provide for the unemployed and the poor, believing that it will ruin people's morale. Being a believer of American individualism, Hoover instead encouraged the value of individual volunteerism to raise money for the needy.

To learn more about Herbert Hoover visit:


some reasons of downfall?



-Lack of persistence. More people fail not because they lack knowledge or talent but because they just quit.

-Lack of conviction.


-Dismissal of past mistakes.

-Lack of discipline.

-Poor self-esteem.

-Fatalistic attitude.


List all the first civilizations and the rivers in which they originated.



The Mesopotamians in the Fertile Crescent, who were based on the Tigris/Euphrates rivers

The Ancient Chinese, who were based on the Yellow River

The Ancient Indians, who were based on the Indus


The first societies emerged around riverbanks were the Mesopotamians, the Ancient Chinese, and the Ancient Indians.

The Neolithic Revolution marks the beginning of the formation of these ancient civilizations (12000 BCE).

The first civilizations were drawn to areas near rivers because they offered a consistent supply of drinkable water and made the soil fertile for raising agriculture.

Additionally, transportation of goods and people was simple, and the inhabitants of these civilizations could hunt and fish the animals that came to drink from the water.

Hope this helps! :)

What celtic festival was Halloween influenced by?
What Christian holiday is connected to Halloween?
Why do people wear costumes on Halloween?
Why do people carve pumpkins?
What are the origins of “trick or treating”?



1. Samhain

2. All Hallows Eve

3. The tradition originated with the Celtic festival of Samhain, where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts and spirits.

4.  Reminders of death and were also used to ward off the ghostly presence of Stingy Jack who wandered the earth once a year.

5. Originated in Scotland and Ireland, from the tradition of guising. Children would go house to house at Halloween and put on a small performance to be rewarded with food or treats.

Select all that apply:
which of the following are aspects of culture?
A. building stone temples
B. groups of huts
C. the cultivation of crops
D. the worship of a rain god
E. small animal figurines



E. Small animal figurines

Why did Alexander Hamilton think a national bank would strengthen the central

A) The bank would help provide stability for the U.S. economy.

B) The bank would create a monopoly that would eliminate state banks.

C) The bank would encourage foreign competition for manufactured goods.

D) The bank would have the power to regulate interstate commerce.





I studied this in the fifth grade and I'm in middle school

Many immigrants came to the United States in search of the American dream–a better life for themselves and their families. What were some of the impediments and opportunities presented to immigrants in search of the American Dream?



Job opportunities


not like other country america have a lot of job to offer

why was the byzantine empire stronger than the roman empire?


Answer: This is a really interesting question- one pondered by Roman historians for 500 years. The Byzantine Empire is actually just the Eastern Roman Empire by a modern name. They called themselves Roman and were the unbroken continuation of the Roman Empire.


"The expansion of the South [from 1800 to 1850] across the Appalachians and the Mississippi River to the fringes of the high plains was one of the great American folk wanderings. Motivated by the longing for fresh and cheap land, . . . Southerners completed their occupation of a region as large as western Europe. Despite the variety of the land, . . . the settlers of the Southwest had certain broad similarities. They might be farmers large or small, but most farmed or lived by serving the needs of farmers. . . . Not all owned or ever would own slaves, but most accepted slavery as a mode of holding and creating wealth."
Albert E. Cowdrey, historian, This Land, This South: An Environmental History, 1983
Which of the following contributed most directly to the population movement described in the excerpt?


Conflict over the future of slavery contributed most directly to the population movement of the South described in the excerpt.

Despite being extremely profitable, slavery had a detrimental effect on the southern economy. It hindered the growth of towns and industries and was a factor in high debt levels, soil depletion, and a dearth of technical innovation. The development of the cotton gin and its quick distribution among the population were two of the main factors that contributed to the resurgence of slavery.

Both the territories taken from Mexico in the Mexican-American War in 1848 and the Louisiana Territory in 1803 were areas where the South fervently wished to introduce slavery. This expansion was obstructed by the North, who resisted it just as vehemently.

Know more about southern economy here


What gift did Minerva give the city?


Answer: the world's first olive tree


Minerva struck the ground with her spear and the world's first olive tree came into existence, offering the city food. The citizens liked Minerva's gift better, and so Athens was named after Minerva (Athena).

The Crusade that had the greatest impact on the Byzantine Empire was the




it was the fourth


The knights of the Fourth Crusade had found many familiar elements of feudalism in the social structure of the Byzantine provinces. By the end of the 13th century the development had gone much further.

The Fourth Crusade that had the greatest impact on the Byzantine Empire. The Fourth Crusade (1202–1204) was a Latin Christian.

What was the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire was a vast and powerful civilization with origins that can be traced to 330 A.D., when the Roman emperor Constantine I dedicated a “New Rome” on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium.

Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived for a thousand years after the western half had crumbled into various feudal kingdoms and which finally fell to Ottoman Turkish onslaughts in 1453.

The empire had rich tradition in  art, literature and learning and serving as a military buffer .

The Byzantine Empire finally fell in 1453, after an Ottoman army stormed Constantinople during the reign of Constantine XI.

Learn more about Byzantine Empire here:


If you were alive in 1792 would you be a Hamiltonian Federalist or a Jeffersonian Republican? why?


It would most likely be best if you responded to this regarding what you have learned and your own opinion. What I personally found helpful was to read over the question, go back and review your studies, then come back and answer the question. That way, you are as sharp as a tack and ready to answer at the best of your ability. Plus, this particular question is asking you whether you would be on Hamilton's side of Jefferson's side, then expand further in your reasoning. This seems like it will be pretty fun to do, just make sure you have a complete understanding on the topic and are ready to response appropriately.

I wish you the best of luck!

A map titled Products and Inventions on Medieval Trade Routes. Iron is from Europe. Gold, Salt, and Ivory are from Africa. Perfumes and Dates are from the Arabian Peninsula, Textiles and Cotton are from India. Silk, Paper,and Gunpowder are from China. Spices and Citrus are from Southeast Asia.
Study the map. Then, use the drop-down menus to answer each question.

Which region would Chinese merchants trade with to obtain salt?

What could Chinese merchants offer in exchange for the salt?


Chinese merchants would trade with Africa to obtain salt. They can offer silk, paper and gunpowder in exchange for the salt.

Trade resulted in sharing of goods and ideas with different cultures and people across the world. Medieval period had many trade routes but one of the most important was the Silk Road. It connected East Asia and Southeast Asia with Persia, South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula.

Different trade routes were specialized in different products and they used to exchange their specialized products to get other products. Like Europe had iron; Africa had gold, salt and ivory; Arabian Peninsula specialized in perfumes and dates; textiles and cotton were from India and China was famous for silk, paper and gunpowder.

To know more about trade here


why was The Constitution a better reflection of checks and balances then the Articles of Confederation?


The Constitution reflected the notion of checks and balances far better than the Articles of Confederation. Because the Founding Fathers were concerned about a single monarch having entire control of the government, the Articles of Confederation were designed to be weak.

What is the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were an agreement reached by the thirteen founding states of the United States of America that served as the country's initial framework of governance.

On November 15, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed it after much debate and submitted it to the states for ratification.

Learn more about  the Articles of Confederation:


ow did the harvest of purple dye by the Phoenicians from sea snails influence the Mediterranean world?

A. Purple garments became status symbols throughout the Mediterranean.
B. Conflicts arose as other civilizations attempted to do the same.
C. Tyrian dye lost its value because it became too common.
D. The Phoenicians no longer needed to engage in trade to support their economy.



The answer is A pls make it brainlest answer


this was in cafe in a bit

President ___ paced the halls of the white house, trying to decide whether the us should join world war i.


President Thomas Woodrow Wilson paced the halls of the White House, trying to decide whether the United States should Join World War 1.

President Wilson was the 28th president of the United States of America from 1913-1921. He was an American academic, politician, and member of the Democratic party.

Before being the president of the United States, Wilson was the governor of New Jersey and president of Princeton University. Wilson tried to keep the United States out of War but declared war only when American merchant ships due to Germany's submarine warfare.

Wilson is also popular as the central architect of the League of Nations. His policies are also popular as Wilsonianism.

Learn more about Thomas Wilson here


What are liberals and conservatives 



Liberals are the democratic party and conservatives are the republican party.

The liberals believe in liberty and equality

The conservatives believe in free-market and freedom, less laws, and anything that means less government control

Immigration is a complex foreign policy issue in the United States today. The United States wants to
A.slow the rate of immagration
B. secure the nations borders
C. limit the countrys population
but it also wants to preserve relationships with other countries and
A. allow immagrants form nations where cities are in danger
B. make it easier for people to immagrant legally
C. protect the human rights of immagrants


C limit the country’s population because of the foreign policy issued in the united staes today

1. Why is it so important for us to be able to amend our Constitution? What would be a possible consequence if we weren't able to?
2. Summarize the constitutional amendment process.


It is important for us to be able to amend our constitution since some laws might be age old and need to be changed in order to feet the present society. If we weren't able to do it was not possible to continue a democratic process along side in a modern world.

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or by a convention called for that purpose if two-thirds of the states request it. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions called in each state.

To know more about  the constitutional amendment process here


What prevented the British from being rescued by the British Navy during the Battle of Yorktown?


The combined forces of the French and American troops prevented a British retreat.


The combined forces of the French and American troops.

How did the Spanish gain possession of Louisiana?



The area had originally been claimed and controlled by France, which had named it La Louisiane in honor of King Louis XIV in 1682. Spain secretly acquired the territory from France near the end of the Seven Years' War by the terms of the Treaty of Fontainebleau (1762).


I hope this helps u

Answer: they fought the French for the land


Identify two ways in which the American's could alter the closing of New Orleans


Being a port city, New Orleans had supplies that might be taken. The British would have had the advantage in the conflict if they had been able to control the Mississippi River. They would have had control over the ports of New Orleans and access to the Gulf of Mexico, as well as all of the rivers in the Louisiana Territory.

American's could alter the closing of New Orleans:

On the east side of the Mississippi River at Chalmette Plantation, the British bet and lost on a forward attack over American forces into a reinforced mud and cotton bale earthworks. American casualties were greatly outweighed by British ones.

In addition to depriving Confederate forces of a significant hub of commerce and industry, the loss of New Orleans, the Confederacy's most populated metropolitan, also handed Union forces control of the lower Mississippi River basin, which they swiftly exploited. Because they did not acknowledge any land deals made by Napoleon, including the 1800 transmission of Louisiana from Spain to France and the 1803–1804 transfer of Louisiana from France to the United States, there was significant concern that the British and their Spanish allies would seek to reclaim the territories of the Louisiana Purchase.

Rural residents feared being compelled to relocate to the west. The likelihood of a Spanish invasion was increased by the Louisiana Purchase. According to many lawmakers, such a purchase was prohibited by the US Constitution. Military leaders thought it would be difficult to defend the new region. By forming an alliance with the Shoshone Indians and acquiring the Louisiana Territory, the United States almost doubled in size.

Learn more about New Orleans:


The us constitution limits the power of the executive branch trough


Answer: Through the House, Senate, and Supreme Court. Congress can override a presidential veto if both the House of Representatives and the Senate have a two-thirds majority vote to do so. The Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional.


Can I please get some help


The population was reduced bc of disease
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