The more a speaker focuses on _____ the more relaxed he will be.
the environment
the message


Answer 1
The answer is himself
Answer 2





Related Questions

Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam-l-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-l-am.


why the answers are weird

HELPPPPPPPP what is the main idea of this paragraph​



The main idea of this paragrph is the concept of medium of exchange.


Brainlist me if u like the response :>


people began using shells as a medium of exchange

What does Proctor not have to do to confess?



if your talking about john proctor then..

John Proctor refuses to sign a confession that he served the devil by practicing witchcraft because it is a lie. ... Having an honorable name means more to him than living under a lie. When he says that he is "not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang," he means it.


Why does Macbeth call the day foul and fair? Has this phrase been used before? By whom?


‘The day is foul and fair’ represents Macbeth’s mixed emotions to the war. It is foul because he has lost so many of his friends and men, but it is fair because he survived and fought valiantly. The phrase is first said by the witches in the beginning of the play.

PLEASE HELP WE WRITE THIS ESSAY !! IT IS PART OF A TEST SOO PLZZ HELP!!!In at least 150 words, discuss the impact of point of view in "Two kinds." How would the story have been different If told from Amy's mother's point of view?​



    The impact of point of view in "Two Kinds" carries great weight in its current state. The short story "Two Kinds" was written by the author Amy Tan and this story could be seen as a close representation of her childhood. The main characters of the story are the mother and the daughter. The story itself is told from the first person perspective from the daughter. We learn about how miserable she is with her mother's expectations of her. If the story were to be told from the mother's perspective, that would drastically change up how the story is told. I would expect a story more focused on hope, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness. The mother of the story came from a very terrible place in China and only wanted the best for her child even if she didn't quite see it yet. The whole tone of the story would be changed.



The story would have been different because we would be able to understand the reasons behind the actions on why the mother had kept trying to push her daughter to become a prodigy at something. We would also be able to understand the feelings of the mother as well. If we had the mother's point of view we would be able to understand why she had wanted to her daughter to become a famous musical prodigy. Maybe it was because she wanted her daughter to have been known and loved by everybody. Maybe it was because she wanted her daughter to  have been successful and for her to have everything to she wasn't able to have.


help me for this page please <3​



on countable side put meat,apple,cake, fish,orange, tomatoes, chips,popcorn,donuts,potato,peas,cookies,chocolate, pickles, pie,pizza then on uncountable you put the left over words.because u can't count liquid and the bottom just make a sentence

Write in your own words what you understand by “……..She left us something that cannot be lost in stone”​


She left something that cannot be occupied; She left us something that couldn’t be found.

I’m not the best at this so I may not even be right but I may have helped?

Question 4 of 20 If you have 90 hours to complete 10 tasks, how much time do you need to set aside for each task? A. 9 hours B. 90 - 100 hours O C. 15 - 20 hours O D. 2 - 3 hours SI​



A. 2-3 hours


cause you can do it fast fast fast fast


9 hours


Which statement best reflects the theme expressed in this excerpt?

Fear, combined with crowd mentality, leads people to make poor decisions.
People should not be blamed for decisions they make in the heat of the moment.
A crowd is always more powerful in intense situations than a single person.
A group of people is responsible for the actions of each of its members.




Explanation: I got it right on the test!!

Children must
have chores in the
home yes or no ?

Can some please give me a introduction and a hook for this...


I’ve done a hook before but I don’t know how to start one off

But here my opinion: Children should help out when it comes to doing chores but when they don’t want to do it, the parents should be more understanding.

Exercise IV. Directions: Fill-in the pyramid with your ideas and suggestions that
will help eliminate biases and prejudices.



1.Travel (somewhere that challenges your worldview)

2.Take a course on prejudice

3.If you value egalitarianism, recognize that unconscious bias is no more “the real you” than your conscious values

4.Do your part to save the planet


The best way to fill-in the pyramid with your ideas and suggestions that

will help eliminate biases and prejudices are:

Travel to a different place to get a different perspectiveMeet a social worker who can help you work out your prejudiceUnderstand that everyone is unique and special in their own wayTry and preserve the environment and planet

What is Bias?

This refers to the prejudice which a person has about a particular view which affects his way of thinking and actions.

With this in mind, if a person wants to change the bias or prejudice of a person about something, it would be recommended that he travels to a different location to learn a new culture and get a different perspective.

Read more about bias here:

How should a reader find the central idea of a piece of writing?

A) Write to the author for clarification.
B) Identify and organize the key points.
C) Read other authors' works on the topic.
D) Take time off from reading to do other things.



Identify and organize the key points.

is the majority of the piece and the support that backs up the thesis.

the data
The claim
The evidence​


Answer: the evidence


3. What is the simple subject and simple predicate in the following sentence:
Reptiles eat and digest big meals.
A. Reptiles; meals
B. Reptiles; eat
C. Reptiles; eat and digest
D. eat; digest


umm i’m thinking it answer choice “C”

Write a letter to your mom who lives in abroad asking her three important thing you need and explain why


Dear Mom,

How have you been in the Bahamas ?I have been missing you for years.Wishing you would stop by at my house in San Francisco.If are stopping by ;Can you get me somethings please?I’ll pay you back don’t worry about it.So,first I need a bed frame .Did I tell you I bought a new house? I moved in a beautiful neighborhood they were so kind with their homemade welcome to the neighborhood gifts.So,yeah I have a mattress already that’s why I need a bed frame.Second,I need some nails so, I can put together a couple of wood furnitures I already have.Third,I need a fridge cause all my dairy products are about to go bad before you get here.So,please can you stop by?

Love,your dearest son Halokai Maui.

I need Help ASAP!!!!!!!!!
I am writing an argument essay that schools should or should not open, (I think they should).
can anyone give me tips for writing, your opinion, and why do you think that?



If your saying that they shouldnt open I would recomend focusing on the risks because they play a big part in this virus. Also mention some precentage of the students that want to go back and dont, and the fact that many teachers are older and worry about their safety. Say that kids are often carless and dont understand the high risk of this virus and could possibly be superspreaders. hope this helps!


always try to pick the side that is easiest to write not your own opinion, for example if another side has more evidence pick that one so its easier to write

According to paragraphs 8-10 how did the events surrounding Chang-bo’s experience with the state security agents begin to change his wife’s ideas about the government? Highlight specific evidence from the text and make annotations to support any inferences you make.

Chang-bo’s experience changed his wife’s ideas about the government because _______. This means _____________. For example, “ ______________________________”

8. When he returned home, he got a tongue-lashing from his wife that was almost harsher than the interrogation. It was the worst fight of their marriage. For Mrs. Song, it was not merely that her husband had been disrespectful of the government; for the first time in her life, she felt the stirrings of fear. Her conduct had always been so impeccable and her devotion so genuine that it never occurred to her that she might be vulnerable.

9. “Why did you say such nonsense when there were neighbors in the apartment? Didn’t you realize you could have jeopardized everything we have?” she railed at him.

10. In fact, they both realized how lucky they were. If not for Chang-bo’s excellent class background and his party membership, he would not have been let off so lightly. It helped, too, that Mrs. Song had at various times been head of the inminban in the building and commanded some respect from the state security officers. Chang-bo’s offhand remark was precisely the kind of thing that could result in deportation to a prison camp in the mountains if the offender didn’t have a solid position in the community. They had heard of a man who cracked a joke about Kim Jong-iI’s height and was sent away for life. Mrs. Song personally knew a woman from her factory who was taken away for something she wrote in her diary. At the time, Mrs. Song hadn’t felt any pity for the woman. “The traitor probably deserved what she got,” she’d said to herself. Now she felt embarrassed for having thought such a thing.


Can you summarize please


Question: According to paragraphs 8-10, how did the events surrounding Chang-bo’s experience with the state security agents begin to change his wife’s ideas about the government? Highlight specific evidence from the text and make annotations to support any inferences you make.

Chang-bo’s experience changed his wife’s ideas about the government because of how close he was to deportation. This means that because Chang-bo was lucky and got away with taking things lightly for once, his wife showed her fearful and vulnerable side now that they had to watch out for everything they said. For example, “for the first time in her life, she felt the stirrings of fear. Her conduct had always been so impeccable and her devotion so genuine that it never occurred to her that she might be vulnerable.  “Why did you say such nonsense when there were neighbors in the apartment? Didn’t you realize you could have jeopardized everything we have?” she railed at him." This proves that because of Chang-bo's carelessness, she felt even more fearful, and let that part of her slip.


Which of the following is one way that drama does not reveal the plot?





will be marked brainliest ​



Honesty and forgiveness are important

Tomas and Ms Guzman became friends

The window gets fixed

Ms Guzman forgives Tomas.


Ms. Guzman forgives Tomas.
The window gets fixed.
Tomás and Ms. Guzman become friends.
Honesty and forgiveness are important.

which idea exists in both the poem and the painting


Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" and Auden's poem "Musée des Beaux Arts" focus on the same part of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. However, the painting and the poem are not

In Brueghel's painting, the fall of Icarus is happening in the back; no one is even noticing it. Brueghel's painting shows that how a tragedy may not even be noticed by those who are not directly affected by it.

Auden translates Brueghel's painting a little differently, however. To Auden, the fall of Icarus IS being noticed by the plowman and the sailor; Auden says that they are too busy to deal with the disaster and get on with their work. Auden says that Icarus falling is "not an important failure" to them.

Auden's interpretation of the painting is therefore much more negative than Brueghel's initial work

Answer: The speaker suggests that both poetry and paintings create images that are brought to life in the imaginations of the poet/painter and the audience. The most striking aspects of Hesketh’s poem are her use of imagery, metaphor and comparison to emphasise the similarities between poetry and painting.

Hope this help's

Hesketh's peom: Hesketh's deeply felt conviction that modern man, his life "caged with steel" and "moulded into rods by the machine," has betrayed and desecrated his natural heritage is conveyed with telling impact through poems like "Born between the Wheels," "The Invading Spring," and "No Pause for Death," and her bleak vision of the future in "The Dark Side of the Moon."

Which sentence would be most appropriate for an application for a summer job as a park employee?



what is the answer to question 3



I think it is a


hope this help!,

Question 3 of 5
Which of the following is NOT mentioned when researching campus security measures?
look out for safetly installations
read about security measures
talk to other students
Walk the campus alone at night



D. Walk the campus alone at night

NEED HELP FAST 20 POINTS AND I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!! Which type of basic approach is important to apply no matter what type of note-taking system a person uses?

Notes should come from as many different sources as possible.
Notes should honor the original source by including direct quotations.
Notes should correctly capture the key ideas of a text in the note-taker’s own words.
Notes should be written as lists, short phrases, or other abbreviated styles of text.





It's the most accurate one in my opinion

Hope it was helpful!


The correct answer is C.


Thanks to the other guy i got it right. Full credit to him guys!!<3

What does the presence of teeth, a vestigial structure in whale sharks, tell you about the
whale shark's ancestor?



The whale shark forages for food at or near the surface of the ocean. Its large mouth is well adapted to filter feeding and contains more than 300 rows of small, pointed teeth in each jaw. Ichthyologists consider these teeth to be vestigial structures, and they do not play a role in feeding.


What is the best correction for the confusing pronoun in this passage?
Annabelle got off her bike and grabbed hold of the dog. There was a
baseball in its mouth. Oh, how she wanted to keep it!
A. Change "Annabelle" to "She."
B. Change "it" to "the dog."
C. Change "its" to "her."
D. Change "her" to "hers."



I think a


it has the best way to put it

the answer is A

have a hood day

What does Capulet's Wife want to discuss with
Juliet? How does Juliet's response develop her



Capulet's Wife wants to discuss Juliet's “dispositions” thoughts about getting married.

It shows that Juliet is an obedient daughter who will do what her mother wishes, like marrying Paris, even if that is an honor she "dreams not of" She only says she will follow her mother's "consent"

Read this exchange between Creon and Antigone from Scene IV of Antigone.
Antigone: Ah! That voice is like the voice of death!
Creon: I can give you no reason to think you are mistaken.
How does this exchange move the plot forward toward Antigone's death sentence?
O Creon causes Haimon to hate his father.
O Creon changes his mind and shows mercy to Antigone.
O Creon makes Antigone reconsider her own fate.
O Creon gives up his last chance to show mercy to Antigone.



Creon gives up his last chance to show mercy to Antigone.


I took the test




19. “Dove feathered raven! Wolfish-ravening lamb!" are examples of
A. similes
B. hyperboles
C. puns
D. oxymorons



D). Oxymorons


Oxymoron is characterized as the figure of speech in which two words or phrases with opposing meanings are employed together intentionally for creating a specific effect. In the given examples from Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet,' the juxtaposing descriptions 'dove feathered raven' and 'wolfish ravening lamb' helps in outlining the conflict and offer a dramatic effect that compels the readers to think about polarity of Juliet's mind and Romeo's actual character.

what is the phrasal verb of asked out​



Grammar Points

Ask someone out → “He finally asked Maria out.”

Commonly used with for → “She asked me out for a coffee.”

Commonly used with to → “She asked me out to a coffee shop.”

Common Collocations

To/for dinner, to/for lunch, for coffee, for a drink, to the movies (US), to the cinema (UK)


Explanation:   TO ASK OUT

Hope it will help you! Please give brainiest if its correct!!!!

Other Questions
PLZZ HELPPP FRLLL IM GONNA GET MY LIFE ENDED Why is nepal regarded as landlock country What's true about a regular polygon? Explain the digestion of food in the body system please Reflexin del miedo a partir de la cita de Mary Curie: Nada en la vida debe ser temido, solamente comprendido. Ahora es el momento de comprender ms, para temer menos. Plasma can be found naturally inO water and ice.O stars and lightning.O wood and metal.O comets and asteroids. Speech on the factors causing internal and external conflicts and how to overcome them At a high school there was a survey to find out how many people used different forms of transportation. The study found that 1/4 of the students were taken by car to school, 42% took the bus and the rest walked or took public transportation. There was a total of 600 students. How many students were taken by car?150170200225 which one ^ due in 5 minutes pls help PLS HELP FOR ALL MY POINTS ILL GIVE BREAINLEST TO WHO EVER IS RIGHT 1. The temperature on a winter night in Kansas is - 6 Celsius. Thetemperature decreases by 8 Celsius. What is the new temperature, indegrees Celsius? * 1. Using pollen grains placed in water,explain how their motion supports theidea that matter is not continuous. A pen stand costs 120. How many pen stand can be bought for 1440 I think its perpendicular but I want to be sure. Will mark brainliest! The ratio of french fries to packets of ketchup in Philip's bag is 8:1. What does this mean Pareil which of the following best describes the tone of the article:A. Sympathetic and firmB.curious and philosophicalC.excited and inspirational D.frustrated and critical QUESTION IN THE PICTUREHALPPPPP Which symbol represents a hybrid?AadEBBcc 15 points really need the right answer :( can someone help me with this