The "miranda rule" involves law enforcement officials advising suspects of their fifth and sixth amendment rights as they are being arrested or interrogated. the supreme court ruled that the only exception to this rule occurs when question 7 options: there is a threat to public safety. the federal government is involved. the suspect is accused of a violent crime. there are outstanding warrants for the suspect's arrest.


Answer 1

The only time this rule is broken, according to the Supreme Court, is when there are active warrants for the suspect's arrest. As a result, choice (D) is the proper reaction.

What is Miranda rule?

The Miranda rule stipulates that if a suspect's statements are going to be used against them in court, they must be made aware of their Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights "prior to interrogation." The Supreme Court upheld the Miranda rule as a constitutional right in the Miranda v. Arizona case from 1966.

In the case of New York v. Quarles, the Supreme Court established an exception to the Miranda warning in 1984, holding that if there is an immediate threat to public safety, suspects may be questioned about the danger before being informed of their rights and their statements may still be used against them.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about the Miranda rule, from:


Related Questions

Carlos is a leader who has led his company by closely evaluating performance. Carlos can be best described as.


Carlos is a manager who has successfully guided his organisation by carefully measuring performance. Thus Carlos can be described as transactional leader.

The aspect of one leadership style that prioritises organisation, performance, and supervision is known as transactional leadership or transactional management.

Transactional leaders  feel successful in achieving their clearly stated goals and objectives as a consequence. When collective performance counts, this results in successful leadership.

Results-driven, compliant with an organization's current structure, and measuring performance in accordance with that organization's system of rewards and punishments are all characteristics of transactional leadership. In an organisation, transactional leaders hold formal positions of authority and accountability.

To learn more about transactional leader, refer


carolyn believes that she is worthy and well liked. according to attachment theorists, what is the most likely reason for this? carolyn


The most reasonable reason is that Carolyn has a strong bond with her mother.

Who was attachment theorists?

John Bowlby, a British psychotherapist who lived from 1907 to 1990, established the notion of attachment in an effort to comprehend the severe distress that newborns who had been separated from their parents went through. Bowlby noted that to avoid separation from their parents or to regain contact with a missing parent, separated newborns will go to remarkable lengths (such as sobbing, clinging, or feverishly searching).

Bowlby recognized that these expressions are similar to a wide variety of mammalian species. At the time of Bowlby's initial articles, psychoanalytic writers believed that these expressions were symptoms of immature protective factors that were working to repress emotional suffering.

To learn more about attachment theorists, use the link below.


If a number live birth for country b is 76000and 3,800,000 was mid totalpopulation then find birth rate


The birth rate of the country with live birth 76000 and a mid-total population of 3,800,000 is 20

The birth rate is calculated by dividing the number of live birth and the total population in mid-year multiplied by a thousand. The formula for the birth rate is given below:

Birth rate = (live birth) / (mid-total population) * 1000

By substituting given values we get,

Birth rate = (76000) / (3800000) * 1000

∴ Birth rate = 20

The birth rate also known as the crude birth rate gives us the number of live births per thousand population in a year which is used for the estimation of population growth.

To learn more about the birth rate,

Which characterization best reinforces the theme of the importance of being prepared?.


Which characteristic best emphasizes the theme of the importance of preparation by The hero spends a great deal of time training to defeat a villain.

A theme is an important idea that runs through a story. It's not a synopsis or synopsis, it's something deeper. Themes combine big ideas and text stories about our world. Readers sometimes have trouble expressing their ideas about what the subject of the story is. One reason, he says, is that understanding the subject matter of a story requires interpretation on the part of the reader. Another reason could be the fact that a story can contain multiple messages. An idea or topic developed in discourse, debate, etc. (of literature, music, art, etc.). A unified idea, image, or motif that is repeated or developed in a work.

To know more about  synopsis visit:


what does the reporter mean when he says that texas child protective services has effectively an impossible job choose the best answer


When the reporter says that Texas Child Protective Services he means that the obligation to safeguard children and the rights of parents must be carefully balanced by CPS employees.

What is Texas Child Protective Services?

The duties of the Child Protective Services department include helping children and families in their own homes, putting kids in foster care, providing services to aid young people in foster care in making a smooth transition to adulthood and assisting in kid adoption.

When the DFPS Investigations section, which looks into claims of child abuse and neglect, refers children and families to Child Protective Services (CPS), CPS becomes involved.

CPS offers a range of services to families in order to support them and enable children to remain safe at home with their parents: Spanish Family Group Decision Making (FGDM), Parenting Classes and Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS)

To learn more about Texas Child Protective Services from the given link


what does the reporter mean when he says that texas child protective services has effectively an impossible job choose the best answer

Lionel is visiting a new church for the first time. Because he has been to other churches, he understands the appropriate sequence of events that he should follow, also known as a ________. He greets a few people around him before sitting quietly for the service.


When Lionel visits a church, he understands the sequence of events which are to be followed. These events are called as scripts.

In the Catholic Church, rules are often called Canons. These rules are very important as they determine the decorum of the church and maintains its dignity by not violating its holy spirit. Scripts refers to the events that are to be followed by any person visiting a church. By following church norms, Lionel showcases in him sense of intelligence and disciplined behavior. Since he regularly makes a visit to churches, he is well aware of the major rules that must be complied with. Lionel definitely resembles good example of a person.

Learn more about church norms at:


What is the speakers attitude toward his identity as an african american?


the voice of the African-American community and describes that community's common experience with discrimination segregation

how does the cognitive perspective of classical conditioning differ from the traditional behavioral perspective?


The cognitive view holds that learning, including classical conditioning, cannot take place in the absence of reinforcement.

Creating a link between a naturally occurring stimulus and a previously neutral stimulus is a technique known as classical conditioning. A previously neutral stimulus (like the sound of a bell) and an unconditioned stimulus are combined in the classical conditioning process (the taste of food).

The word "classical conditioning" refers to a learning strategy, but it also explains how numerous behaviors develop that may have an influence on your health. Think about the development of bad habits. Even though you've been exercising and eating well, your attempts to lose weight keep failing because of midnight overeating. Associating an automatic reaction with a stimulus is a key component of classical conditioning.

To know more about classical conditioning refer:


Which responses demonstrate good refusal strategies in this situation? check all that apply. "no, that doesn’t sound good to me." "how about we just drink one?" "let’s just play basketball at the park instead." "i think i am just going to go home." "all right, if you think it’s okay."


"No, that doesn't sound good to me." Let's just play basketball at the park instead." I think I am just going to go home the responses demonstrate good refusal strategies in this situation.

What are the techniques for refusing situations?

With a few modifications, these techniques can also be applied to fend off peer pressure to participate in bullying!

Respond no thanks. The simplest, but some people never give it a shot.power in numbers.Apply humor.Provide an explanation, supporting evidence, or justification.Ignore or give a cold shoulder.Change the topic.Move away.Broken record or persistent rejection.

A person who lacks refusal skills may find it difficult to say "no" to peer pressure. Saying "no" to risky behaviors like using drugs or alcohol can be made easier with aid of refusal skills.

Therefore, The ability to resist social peer pressure is another reason why refusal strategies abilities are crucial.

Learn more about refusal strategies from the given link.


Answer:  “No, that doesn’t sound good to me.”

“Let’s just play basketball at the park instead.”

“I think I am just going to go home.”


On its municipal website, the city of tulsa states that the rate it charges per ccf of residential water is. How do the residential water rates of other u. S. Public utilities compare to tulsa's rate? the file residentialwater contains the rate per ccf of residential water for randomly selected u. S. Cities.


The charge at which some thing occurs is the velocity with which it occurs is referred to as suggest charge.

The required details for mean rate in given paragraph

(a) H0: µ = 21.62

Ha: µ ≠ 21.62

(b) t = -1.231

p-value = 0.2253

(c) Do now no longer reject H0. The suggest charge according to five CCF of residential water for the duration of the USA does now no longer range substantially from the charge according to five CCF of residential water in Tulsa.

(d) H0: µ = 21.62

Ha: µ ≠ 21.62

t = -1.231

check statistic ≥ 2.020

Do now no longer reject H0. The suggest charge according to five CCF of residential water for the duration of the USA does now no longer range substantially from the charge according to five CCF of residential water in Tulsa.

To know about mean rate click here


Unemployment insurance, welfare, medicare, medicaid, and social security are key components of.


Unemployment insurance, welfare, medicare, medicaid, and social security are key components of Fiscal policy.

What is Fiscal policy?

The use of taxation and expenditure by the government to affect the economy is known as fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is often used by governments to encourage robust, long-term growth and to lower poverty. During the recent global economic crisis, when governments intervened to stabilize financial institutions, spur growth, and lessen the impact of the crisis on vulnerable individuals, the function and goals of fiscal policy rose to prominence.

Tax reductions and greater public spending are the two main elements of expansionary fiscal policy. Both of these measures aim to boost overall demand while reducing budget surpluses or adding to deficits.

To know more about fiscal policy refer:




The correctly punctuated sentence is Option C which states: "Take out the trash", my mother said.

What is punctuation and why is it important?

Punctuation adds a quiet accent to our work. We employ a comma, a period, an exclamation point, or a question mark to halt, stop, emphasize, or query.

Correct punctuation improves the clarity and precision of writing by allowing the writer to halt, pause, or emphasize certain areas of the text.

Punctuation that matches the rhythms of speech instructs the reader to pause at the appropriate places and arrange the information in the paper that he or she is reading. It minimizes misconceptions and clarifies the writing.

Learn more about punctuation:

Kohlberg believed that children place an emphasis on the implications for social order in the __________ stage in the conventional level of moral development. a. obedience and punishment b. marketplace morality c. law and order d. what is ethical please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Kohlberg believed that children place an emphasis on the implications for social order in the Law and order stage in the conventional level of moral development.

The "American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg" advanced the concept of ranges of ethical improvement. consistent with this idea, there are 3 primary degrees of ethical improvement: Pre-conventional, traditional, and post-conventional.

In the conventional stage, Kohlberg has stated that the adolescents, in addition to adults, have to be capable of follow the policies and rules based on ethical values and have the ability to be morally accountable for their acts in the society to keep law and order.

Learn more about Law and Order here :


Answer: C

Explanation: trust

What does social democracy mean?


a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means.
"there was a growth of social democracy through an extension of the rights of citizens"


a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means


karen, 68 years old, has been experiencing spotty vision where she is unable to make out all the letters of words when reading a book. she went to an eye specialist who determined that she has a deterioration of the retina in her right eye. karen is likely suffering from:


Karen most likely has macular degeneration, according to an eye doctor.

What causes macular degeneration primarily?

The precise cause of dry macular degeneration is unknown. However, evidence indicates that a combination of inherited and environmental factors, including smoking, obesity, and diet, may have an impact. As the eye matures, the issue gets worse.

What are the macular degeneration warning signs?

Age-related macular degeneration may be the cause if you detect a blurry or dark spot in the center of your vision. A clear sign of ARMD is the presence of shadowy areas in the center of your focus region. In some cases, the condition can also produce a whited-out area in your vision.

To know more about macular degeneration visit:-


A __________ is a multilevel way of grouping items based on common properties among them. a. memory b. conceptual hierarchy c. schema d. semantic network


You would be correct if you said conceptual hierarchy. This is a multi-level method of grouping things based on characteristics they share.

What memory benefits does conceptual hierarchy provide?

A concept hierarchy can be learned or changed through experience by cognitively chunking relations between concepts. Additionally, by using the weights on the links that connect the concepts, fuzzy relationships between them can now be represented.

A set of things, occasions, or other things arranged in a multilevel structure that share some common characteristics. Higher-level concepts have more general definitions than lower-level concepts, which have more detailed meanings.

Therefore, various organizational techniques, including conceptual hierarchies, semantic networks, and schema.

Learn more about conceptual hierarchy from the given link.


which type of love, according to sternberg, consists of passion and intimacy (with no commitment) and generally refers to the statement, "i'm in love"?


infatuated love. Passion exists, but there is no closeness or commitment.

What kind of love is characterized by ardor and closeness but not by commitment?

The characteristics of romantic love are passion, closeness, and lack of commitment. Last but not least, fatuous love is characterized by passion and devotion but lack of intimacy, such as a protracted sexual relationship.

According to Sternberg's theory of love, what are the three varieties of love?

According to the view of psychologist Robert Sternberg, there are three different levels of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. It is critical to understand that a relationship built on one aspect has a lower chance of success than one built on two or more.

To know more about infatuated love visit:-


which is not one of the things a mediator should do to help instill trust? group of answer choices emphasize a desire to help. schedule meetings that are longer rather than shorter. assure parties that all conversations are held in strict confidence. be respectful and express only positive opinions of the parties involved. listen with an open mind and say little.


One of the things a mediator would not do to help instill trust is schedule meetings that are longer rather than shorter.

In order to build trust, a mediator has to perform all those actions that will cause the other person to trust and like him. A positive vibe should be given by the mediator in order to instill trust.

Most people want shorter meetings rather than longer ones in order to stay focused and instill a feeling of belief. In today's world, nobody has the time to go for longer meetings.

Hence, in order for a mediator to build trust, shorter meetings rather than longer ones should be handled.

To learn more about meetings, click here:


Why was leo frank's 1913 murder conviction called into question? responses a there was conflicting evidence as to his guilt.there was conflicting evidence as to his guilt. b not enough dna evidence was used in the trial.not enough dna evidence was used in the trial. c the prosecution fabricated much of the evidence against frank.the prosecution fabricated much of the evidence against frank. d frank was in new york when the murder took place.frank was in new york when the murder took place.


d. frank was in new York when the murder took place. frank was in new York when the murder took place was Leo frank's 1913 murder conviction called into question.

One of the most infamous and widely reported incidents in Georgia's legal history is the Leo Frank case. A thirteen-year-old girl who worked for the National Pencil Company, which he controlled, was raped and murdered by a Jewish man in Atlanta, who was tried for the crime and found guilty. Before Frank was lynched two years later, the case spread across the country. Jews and other people across the nation protested the conviction of an innocent man due to the level of anti-Semitism present in Frank's conviction and subsequent lynching.

To know more about Leo Frank case, refer


Write a writing promt about the physical geography of South asia
(giving brainliest)
-tips and directions are the linked pic


Based on the geographical information available, the physical geography of South Asia can be described to be characterized by three mountain ranges, three major river systems, and one vast desert.

Where is South Asia

South Asia is the term used to describe the southern or lower part or region of the Asian continent. South consists of countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

Physical Characteristics of South Asia

The major things to find physically in South Asia are :

physical regionsmountain systemsplateausplainssteppes, and desertsfreshwater environmentssaltwater environments.

Also, the common physical features include mountains like the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush, and the Karakoram.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the physical geography of South Asia is exemplified by three mountain ranges, three major river systems, and one vast desert.

Learn more about South Asia here:


there are two perspectives in assessing the attractiveness of each segment in terms of its potential for our targeting, and it is extremely important to consider only one of these. true false


Targeting:the process of deciding which market segments to enter and how attractive each one is.Differentiation:As a matter of fact separating the market proposing to make prevalent client esteem.

When determining the segment's attractiveness, what is it?

When determining the segment's attractiveness, we refer to it as "responsive" if the segment is anticipated to respond favorably to the company's offering.

How is the possibility of segmentation determined?

By looking at the number of potential customers, their income, and the number of people in the segment who require the kind of product you offer, you can determine a segment's market potential.

Learn more about segment here:


how regular do you attend classes


It is absolutely necessary for you to regularly attend class. Missing a class ought to be uncommon; something that takes place hardly ever, if at all. If you miss more than this, your performance and grade will suffer as a result of the disruption to your learning.

Why should we regularly attend classes?

You will receive the direction and guidance you need to succeed in class. Attending every class will not only ensure that you do not miss important information, but it will also help you better prepare for tests and think more clearly about the topics covered in the course.

Do we have to routinely go to school?

Yes, as stated by the government, in order to take your semester exams, you must maintain a 75% attendance rate. and many colleges followed suit. You can take notes and refer to them during the exam if you attend class every day.

To learn more about attend class here


dr. liu participates in a police ride-along program in order to examine the day-to-day activities of police officers. this method of gathering information may best be described as a(n) .


The term "secondary analysis" refers to the process of answering a question that was not addressed in the original work by utilizing previously collected research data.Large-scale surveys or personal research data are examples of secondary data.

Which methodological issue refers to the possibility that the observed person's behavior will be affected by the observer's presence?

When people know they are being watched, they behave differently, and this is called the Hawthorne effect.It can influence a wide range of ways of behaving like dietary propensities, or cleanliness rehearses in light of the fact that these have impressive chance for prompt change.

According to Elms (1994), "a psycho biography is a type of case study in which a researcher applies psychological theory to explain the life of an individual, usually an important historical figure".

Learn more about secondary analysis here:


Which of the following bodies of water does arrow 1 point to in the map above?
the Persian Gulf
the Mediterranean Sea
the Red Sea
the Indian Ocean

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


I belive c the Red Sea it the only logical answer

Answer: The correct answer is A. Arrow 2 points to the Persian Gulf.

Explanation: The Persian Gulf is a bay between Iran and Arabian peninsula, connected by the Strait of Hormuz with the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The coastal countries of the Persian Gulf are Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran. The Shatt al-Arab River flows into the Persian Gulf, formed from the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates.  

The Persian Gulf region is extremely geopolitically important due to its rich oil reserves.

Last month, brayton lost his job at the local auto parts factory when the factory relocated. Brayton has subsequently looked for a similar job but has found no openings. Brayton is best classified as:.


Brayton is best classified as:. Structurally unemployed

The required details about Structurally unemployed is mentioned in below paragraph.

Structural unemployment is while people revel in unemployment for an extended time period due to structural modifications in an economic system and its exertions force. Structural unemployment may be because of huge modifications inside an enterprise, which include the producing enterprise shifting jobs overseas.Structural unemployment is a shape of involuntary unemployment because of a mismatch among the abilities that people withinside the economic system can offer, and the abilities demanded of people with the aid of using employers. Structural unemployment is regularly delivered approximately with the aid of using technological modifications that make the activity abilities of many people obsolete.The structurally unemployed are people who've no jobs due to the fact they lack abilities valued with the aid of using the exertions market, both due to the fact call for has shifted farfar from the abilities they do have, or due to the fact they by no means discovered any abilities.

To learn about Structurally unemployed visit here.


Based on information in the article, which of these statements is TRUE? Newela article The History of the War on Terror

The war on terror was begun in response to the civil war overseas.
The U.S. allowed more people to be watched closely during the war on terror.
One downfall of the war on terror was that more training camps were opened.
There were few people in America against the war on terror.


Answer: A the war of terror begun in response to the civil war that took place over seas


a member of congress chosen to aid the majority or minority party leader in the house or senate is called:


A member of congress chosen to resource most people or minority party chief in the residence or senate is known as the  Majority and Minority Leader

The ground leaders and whips of each birthday celebration are elected by a majority vote of all of the senators in their party assembled in a convention or, as it every now and then is called, a caucus. The practice has been to select the chief for a two-year time period at the start of every Congress.

The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders (also referred to as Senate floor Leaders) are the 2 Senators of the Philippines who're elected by using their respective parties or coalitions as their legit leaders. They serve as the leading spokesmen of their birthday celebration with regard to their commercial enterprise in the Senate.

Learn more about the congress  here


Mozarabic style combines christian forms with the artistic style of what culture?.


Mozarabic style combines christian forms with the artistic style of islamic culture.

Culture refers to a group's shared characteristics, which include birthplace, religion, language, cuisine, social behaviors, art, literature, and music. Some cultures are widespread, with a large number of people identifying with their specific values, beliefs, and origins.

Our culture has an impact on how we think about ourselves and other people, as well as how we work and play. It has an impact on our values—what we consider to be right and wrong. This is how our society influences our choices.

To know more about the Culture, click here.


What does communism mean? Please use your own words


Communism is a political and economic system known as communism that advocates for a classless society in which the means of production are owned collectively. Private property is nonexistent or severely restricted. Communism puts itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created the communist doctrine, which is the antithesis of capitalism, which depends on democracy and the development of capital to create a society.

China and the Soviet Union were two prominent examples of communism. The former's economic system collapsed in 1991, whilst the latter significantly altered it to incorporate features of capitalism.

The Book of Acts describes first-century Christian communities holding property in common under a system known as koinonia, which encouraged later religious groups like the 17th-century English "diggers" to reject private ownership. The concept, however, was hardly novel even at that time.

To know more about Communist refer to:

"What are traditions? Wite an argument about why it is or is it important to know where traditions come from.




Traditions can be any activity you repeat to mark an occasion or event. Family traditions create closeness between people…a sense of belonging and identity.

7 Reasons Why Traditions Are So Important

Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and belonging. It brings

families together and enables people to reconnect with friends.

Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good

education, personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of

being selfless.

Tradition provides a forum to showcase role models and celebrate the

things that really matter in life.

Tradition offers a chance to say “thank you” for the contribution that

someone has made.

Tradition enables us to showcase the principles of our Founding

Fathers, celebrate diversity, and unite as a country.

Tradition serves as an avenue for creating lasting memories for our

families and friends.

Tradition offers an excellent context for meaningful pause and


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