The May 1, 2009, issue of a certain publication reported the following home sale amounts for a sample of homes in Alameda, CA that were sold the previous month (1,000s of $). 591 820 575 607 349 1,288 412 543 557 676 A button hyperlink to the SALT program that reads: Use SALT. (a) Calculate and interpret the sample mean and median. The sample mean is x


Answer 1

The sample mean is $641.80 thousand and the sample median is $583 thousand.

This means that the average sale price for a home in this sample was $641.80 thousand and that half the sales were for less than the median price and  price and half the sales were more than the median price.

Mean is the average of a set of numbers. It is determined by adding the numbers together and dividing it by the total number

Mean = sum of the numbers / total number

sum of the numbers = $ (591 + 820 + 575 + 607 + 349 + 1,288 + 412 +  543 + 557+  676) = 6418

total number = 10

Mean = $6418 / 10 = $641.80

= $641.80 thousand

Median can be described as the number that occurs in the middle of a set of numbers that are arranged either in ascending or descending order

Arranging the prices in ascending order : 349, 412, 543, 557, 575, 591, 607, 676, 820, 1288

The two numbers in the middle of the set of numbers are 575 and 591

Median = (575 + 591) / 2 = $583

$583 thousand

To learn more about median, please check :

Related Questions

A box is full of thousands of numbered tickets. We want to estimate the unknown average of all the numbers in the box. To do this, we draw 250 tickets at random. The numbers on these 250 tickets average out to 118 with a standard deviation of 53. Round your values to three decimal places. We estimate the average of all the tickets in the box to be . Attach a give-or-take value to this estimate. (That is, estimate the standard error.) For an 85% confidence interval, about how many standard errors should be added to and subtracted from the estimate


When I try to type the right answer it says incorrect answer

how to find the volume of this cube


The answer is b because volume=length x width x height

Explain how your process for solving life’s problems is similar or different from solving math problems.



in life problem I solve in my head and not on paper. I enter life's problems calmly and carefully know I can solve them but in math I erase and cry and almost tear my paper apart. someone else can solve your math problem but not your life problem.

somone pls help me



14800 sq yd

Step-by-step explanation:




A culture of bacteria grows in a lab according to the model B = 600e^(kt) where t is the measured in hours. The culture reaches a size of 750 after 6 hours. Find the value of k.
NO LINKS!!!!!!


9514 1404 393


  k ≈ 0.03719

Step-by-step explanation:

Fill in the given numbers and solve for k.

  750 = 600e^(6k)

  1.25 = e^(6k)

  ln(1.25) = 6k . . . . . take the natural log

  k = ln(1.25)/6 . . . . . divide by 6

  k ≈ 0.03719

La cantidad de automóviles que pasaron por hora por una estación de peaje en una muestra de 8 hs es
Muestra 1: 95 98 102 105 120 130 150 200

Si en la muestra 2 el número medio de autos es 130 con una varianza de 625, calcular las medidas necesarias e indicar qué muestra es más homogénea.

necesito saber como hacerlo




Step-by-step explanation:

A student drops a penny of a house that is 16 feet tall if the equation of height as a function is h(t)= -16t2 + initial height where t is time in seconds and h(t) is height in feet, how many seconds will it take for the penny to hit the ground



Step-by-step explanation:

the correct answer is 1 second

The time it will take for the penny to hit the ground is 1 second.

What is a linear equation?

A linear equation has one or two variables.No variable in a linear equation is raised to a power greater than 1.No variable is used as the denominator of a fraction.

A linear equation is defined as an equation that is written in the form of ax+by=c. When solving the system of linear equations, we will get the values of the variable, which is called the solution of a linear equation.

solving this we will get the valve of Y if x is given.


Given initial feight= 16 feet

h(t)= -16t2 + initial height

for 1 second

⇒ h(1)= -16(1)2 +16

⇒ h = -32 +16

⇒ h = -16 ( 16 feet downward i.e penny will tough the ground)

Learn more about linear equations here:-




split it into two rectangles
area = length x width
7 x 6 = 42
3 x 11 = 33
42 + 33 = 75 cm^2

Single Factor ANOVA is a method we use when we want to compare a quantitative variable among more than two categories.

a. True
b. False



The given statement is "True".

Step-by-step explanation:

A statistical analytical technique that divides the perceived aggregate unpredictability present throughout an information source even further into 2 components.

Systemic components Random components

If relevant information yet another category independent variable, as well as another quantifiable variable of interest, has been obtained, are using a single-way ANOVA.

Thus the above is the true answer.

what explicit formula describes the pattern of this table



y - 6.28 = 3.14( x - 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Notice that 6.28 is twice the approximate value of pi:  2(3.14), and that

9.42  is three times pi.  We can deduce immediately that the slope of the line passing through (2, 6.28) and (3, 9.42) is 3.14.

Using the point-slope formula for the equation of a straight line, we get:

y - 6.28 = 3.14( x - 2 )

I need help can someone help



yes i can but will have to get back to you in about half a hour just doing maths atm with the teacher

Step-by-step explanation:

SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!! Dawn was driving at a steady speed of 67 mph for 10 minutes. How far did she travel in that time?​



distance = 11.1666 miles  (round to 11.1667)

11.1667 mi

How I solved it:

Well, I knew that in one hour, she would go 67 miles.

I then divided the hour into 6 sections (10 min, 20 min, 30, 40, 50 and 60)

So, we divide 67/6

and our answer is 11.1666 (round to 11.1667)

Consider the function f(x)=x−5ln(x), 1/5≤x≤10.
The absolute maximum value is =

and this occurs at x equals =

The absolute minimum value is =

and this occurs at x equals =


f(x) = x - 5 ln(x)

Get the derivative:

f'(x) = 1 - 5/x

Find the critical points:

• f'(x) = 1 - 5/x = 0   ->   5/x = 1   ->   x = 5

• f'(x) is undefined for x = 0, but that's outside the domain of f(x)

Get the second derivative:

f''(x) = 5/x ^2

Check the sign of the second derivative at the critical point x = 5:

f'' (5) = 5/5^2 = 5/25 = 1/5 > 0

Since the second derivative is positive at this point, this means x = 5 is a local minimum.

Check the value of f(x) at the critical point as well as the endpoints of the given domain:

f (5) = 5 - 5 ln(5) ≈ -3.407

f (1/5) = 1/5 - 5 ln(1/5) ≈ 1.809

f (10) = 10 - 5 ln(10) ≈ -1.513

So we have

• absolute maximum = 1/5 - 5 ln(1/5) at x = 1/5

• absolute minimum = 5 - 5 ln(5) at x = 5

The absolute maximum value is  f(5)=5−5ln(5), and this occurs at x equals 5

The absolute minimum value is  f(1/5)= 1/5−5ln(1/5), and this occurs at x equals 1/5

Given the function f(x)=x−5ln(x),

We are to find the absolute minimum and maximum value of the function

At the turning point f'(x) = x - 5ln(x)

f'(x) = 1 - 5/x

0 = 1 - 5/x

-5/x = -1

-x = -5

x = 5

Find the second derivative of the function;

f''(x) = -5/x²

Substitute the value of x = 5 into the second derivative function to have:

f''(5) = -5/5² = 1/5

Since f''(5) = 1/5 < 0, this is the local maximum and the point x = 5 is the absolute minimum

The absolute maximum value is  f(5)=5−5ln(5), and this occurs at x equals 5

The absolute minimum value is  f(1/5)= 1/5−5ln(1/5), and this occurs at x equals 1/5

Learn more here:




Step-by-step explanation:

I will not give the answer but the rules are:

90 Degree Rotation. When rotating a point 90 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x,y) becomes A'(-y,x). ...

180 Degree Rotation. When rotating a point 180 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x,y) becomes A'(-x,-y). ...

270 Degree Rotation.

Hope at least that helps.

is 2/5 greater than 3/7



3/7 is greater than 2/5

Step-by-step explanation:

If you convert the fractions into decimals:



0.42 is greater than 0.4

A helicopter pad has a circumference of 47.5 yards. Find the approximate diameter of the helicopter pad. Use 3.14 for π.



15.1 yd

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the circumference formula is C = πd, d = C/π

and in this case d = (47.5 yd) / 3.14 = 15.1 yd

The approximate diameter of the pad is 15.1 yd.

The approximate diameter of the helicopter pad is,

⇒ d = 15.12 yards

What is mean by Circle?

The circle is a closed two dimensional figure , in which the set of all points is equidistance from the center.

Given that;

A helicopter pad has a circumference of 47.5 yards.


We know that;

Circumference of circle = 2πr

Hence, We get;

⇒ 47.5 = 2 × 3.14 × r

⇒ 47.5 = 6.28r

⇒ r = 47.5 / 6.28

⇒ r = 7.56

Thus, the approximate diameter of the helicopter pad is,

⇒ d = 2r

⇒ d = 2 × 17.56

⇒ d = 15.12 yards

Learn more about the circle visit:


A farmer would like to estimate the mean amount of

milk produced per day by his 300 cows. He selects a

random sample of 15 cows and records the amount of

milk produced in gallons) by those cows. The dotplot

shows the data. Given that all of the recorded values are integers, what is the value of the standard error of the mean?








Step-by-step explanation:

The dot plot shows the data

x= 20,21,22,23,24,24,25,25,25,26,26,27,28,29,31

The mean x`= ∑x/n =20+21,+22,+23,+24,+24,+25,+25,+25+,26+,26+,27+,28+,29+,31/15= 376/15


where n is the sample size= 15

The standard deviation is σ=2.96

( using calculator)

The standard error is calculated as

SE= σ/√n

SE= 2.96/√15

SE= 0.765

the product of a number and 5 is increased by 12 the result is 32 find the number​




Step-by-step explanation:

First, to get just the multiplication equation, we need to do,

32-12 = 20

20/5 = 4

The number is 4.

Now let's check our work.


The answer is 4.

The required number is 4.

Let the number be x.

Given, the product of x and 5 increased by 12 gives 32.

So in equation form,


Subtracting 12 from both the sides,




Or, [tex]x=4[/tex]

Hence the required number is 4.

For more details follow the link:

Start at the origin, shift up 3 units


The answer would be (0, 3) or 0 x-axis and 3 y-axis. The origin is the middle of the graph or the 0 so if you go up it will be (0, 3) and since the x-axis goes first in a perpendicular line

In her first basketball game, Charlotte scored 21 points. In the next game, she scored 15
points. By what percent did her score decrease?




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the percent decrease by dividing the change in the number of points by the original number of points, then multiplying it by 100:

((21 - 15) / 21) x 100

(6 / 21) x 100

= 28.57

So, her score decreased by approximately 28.57%

A roll of tissue paper towels has the given dimensions. Determine, to the nearest hundred, the volume of the roll


*see attachement for the diagram of the tissue paper


Volume of the roll = 3,817.04 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

The diagram of the roll of the tissue paper given is a model of two cylinders:

✔️Bigger cylinder with diameter (d) of 14 cm and height of 27 cm

✔️ Smaller/inner cylinder with diameter (d) of 4 cm and height of 27 cm


The Volume of the roll = volume of bigger cylinder - volume of smaller cylinder

✔️Volume of bigger cylinder = πr²h

r = ½(14) = 7 cm

h = 27 cm

Volume of bigger cylinder = π*7²*27

= 4156.33 cm³

✔️Volume of smaller/inner cylinder = πr²h

r = ½(4) = 2 cm

h = 27 cm

Volume of smaller/inner cylinder = π*2²*27

= 339.29 cm³

✅The Volume of the roll = 4156.33 - 339.29 = 3,817.04 cm³

Solve the following system of equations using an inverse matrix. You must also indicate the inverse matrix, A^{-1},A
−1, that was used to solve the system. You may optionally write the inverse matrix with a scalar coefficient.


A1=[ ? ] x= ? y=?
















Step-by-step explanation:

The x-intercepts are (83, 0), and the y-intercepts are (0, 4). Matrixes, like numbers, have reciprocals. In the world of matrices, this reciprocal is known as a "inverse matrix."

What is the inverse matrix?

The concept of a matrix's inverse is a multidimensional generalization of the concept of a number's reciprocal: just as the product of a number and its inverse equals one, the product of an identity matrix and a square matrix equals one.

A A-1 = A-1 A = I because the identity matrix I is the inverse of a matrix. An invertible matrix is one that has a non-zero determinant and can have its inverse determined. Finding the inverse of a 2x3 matrix is impossible because it is not a square matrix.

Response: (8 3, 0) are the x-intercepts.

(0, 4 ) are the y-intercepts.


-3 x-2 y=-8

Add 2 y to both sides

-3 x-2 y+2 y = -8+2 y


[tex]$$-3 x=-8+2 y$$[/tex]

Divide both sides by -3

[tex]$$\frac{-3 x}{-3}=-\frac{8}{-3}+\frac{2 y}{-3}$$[/tex]


[tex]$$x=-\frac{-8+2 y}{3}$$[/tex]

Response: (8 3, 0) are the x-intercepts.

(0, 4 ) are the y-intercepts.

To learn more about inverse matrix refer to:


Write 0.0000000000048 as a multiple of a power of 10.



Step-by-step explanation:



4.8 x 10^-12

hope this helps

have a good day :)

Step-by-step explanation:

Tala drives 8 miles to work each day. how many miles does she drive to work in 83 days?


Answer: 664

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the amount of days, and multiply it by the miles per day


8 x 83 = 664 miles

Hope this helps!! (^_^)

What is the value of the expression below when x=3



There is no image

Step-by-step explanation:

Try isolating the variable in the equation

Solve for <1.
« 1 = [?]



[tex] \displaystyle \angle1 = {73}^{ \circ} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

remember that,

the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180°

Thus our equation is

[tex] \displaystyle \angle1 + {72}^{ \circ} + {35}^{ \circ} = {180}^{ \circ} [/tex]

simplify addition:

[tex] \displaystyle \angle1 + {107}^{ \circ} = {180}^{ \circ} [/tex]

cancel 107° from both sides:

[tex] \displaystyle \angle1 = {73}^{ \circ} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Solution given:

<1+72+35°=180°[ interior angle of a triangle is 180]


<1=73 °

Data on the weights​ (lb) of the contents of cans of diet soda versus the contents of cans of the regular version of the soda is summarized to the right. Assume that the two samples are independent simple random samples selected from normally distributed​ populations, and do not assume that the population standard deviations are equal.

Diet  Regular
u u1 u2
n 36 36
x overbar 0.78616 lb 0.81111 lb
s 0.00444 lb 0.00752 lb 

a. The test​ statistic, t:________
b. P-Value: ________
c. Conclusion of test
d. Construct a confidence interveral appropriate for the hypothesis test.
e. Does the confidence interval support conclusion of hypothesis test?



Test = 17.143 ;

Pvalue = 0 ;

Reject the Null ;

(-0.028 ; - 0.022) ;

We conclude that content are different.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that:

μ1 = μ

n1 = 36 ; n2 = 36

x1 = 0.78616 ; x2 = 0.81111

s1 = 0.04444 ; s2 = 0.00752

Test statistic :

(x1 - x2) / √(s1²/n1 + s2²/n2)

(0.78616 - 0.81111) / √(0.00444²/36 + 0.00752²/36)

- 0.02495 / 0.0014554

= 17.143

Pvalue :

Z < 17.143

Pvalue = 0

Since Pvalue < α ; Reject the Null

The confidence interval using a confidence interval calculator is (-0.028 ; - 0.022)

Since the interval does not contain Zero ; then we reject the Null and conclude that the content are different.

What is the equation for the axis of symmetry of your quadratic ?



[tex]y = {x}^{2} - 4x \\ y = x(x - 4)[/tex]

1. Jake is filling up the fish tank below completely with water. How many
cubic feet of water will he need?


Multiply them all together to get the answer 0.875 ft cubed please mark me brainliest

What is 147% as a simplified fraction



= 1 47/100

100 is the percent out of

and 147 is the percent.



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the GCD (or HCF) of numerator and denominator

GCD of 147 and 100 is 1

Divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD

147 ÷ 1

100 ÷ 1

Reduced fraction:  

147/ 100

147/100 simplified to lowest terms is 147/100.

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