The _____ market includes food, clothing, transportation, banking services, credit services, and entertainment.


Answer 1

The consumer market includes the food, clothing, transportation, banking services, credit services, and entertainment.

What is a consumer market?

In a consumer market, buyers purchase goods and services to use themselves or to share with others as opposed to reselling them. In this sector, consumer necessities for daily life make up the majority of the products. It is possible for people to buy goods and services in the consumer market. Customers have a lot of purchasing power because they typically buy goods for their own consumption in this market. Products used by people every day make up the majority of it. An individual enters the consumer market and joins it when they buy a product for their own usage. Both goods and services are sold in a consumer market. By paying for a massage, car wash, sporting event, or sports trainer, a consumer might take part in the context of services.

To learn more about consumer market, visit:


Related Questions

rolfes company purchased merchandise on account from a supplier for $13,000, terms 1/10, n/30. rolfes company returned $2,100 of the merchandise and received full credit. a. if rolfes company pays the invoice within the discount period, what is the amount of cash required for the payment? $fill in the blank 1 b. what account is credited by rolfes company to record the return?


If Rolfes company pays the invoice within the discount period, the amount of cash required for the payment is $10,791.

a. 1/10, n/30 indicates that if a company pays within 10 days, they will

   receive a cash discount of 1%; otherwise, payment is due in full within

   30 days with no discounts.

   In this case, the company paid $13,000 for the goods, returned them  

   for a credit of $2,100, and now the remaining balance is due.

   13,000 - 2,100 = $10,900

   Upon payment within the promotional period, the company will receive

   a 1% discount, making the discount

   10,900 × 1%= $109

   The following payment is necessary:

   10,900 - 109 = $10,791

b. Such a journal entry would be:

   Creditors Acc. Dr. 2,100 To Acquire Returns Acc. 2,100

   Credit would therefore go to the Purchase Return Account.

Note: If you have a purchase return account in your list, choose that instead of purchasing an account since some businesses don't create them and instead credit returns to purchase accounts.

Learn more about Discount, here


true or false: based on the basic strategy paradigm, in order to maximize its profitability, a firm can invest in any of the positions found on the efficiency frontier.



A firm cannot invest in any of the positions found on the efficiency frontier based on the basic strategy paradigm to maximize its profitability.

What is strategy paradigm?

The basic strategy paradigm holds that to maximize profitability, a company must do three things: (1) select a position on the efficiency frontier that is viable, meaning that there is enough demand to support that choice; (2) set up its internal operations, such as manufacturing, marketing, logistics, information systems, human resources, and so on, to support that position; and (3) ensure that the company has the appropriate organizational structure. If a company is to gain a competitive edge and generate higher profitability, its strategy, operations, and organizational structure must be in harmony with one another. The various value-creation activities a corporation engages in are referred to as operations in our terminology.

To learn more about the strategy paradigm click on the given link:


If an employee will be locking and tagging, then it is required for them to participate in the lockout/tagout training provided by their employer.


If an employee will be locking and tagging, then it is required for them to participate in the lockout/tagout training provided by their employer is true.

What is lockout/Tagout?

Specific techniques and procedures to protect all workers against the unanticipated restart of machinery and equipment or the release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance are referred to as lockout/tagout. The fundamental idea behind lockout/tagout (LOTO) is straightforward: make sure that machinery, equipment, or vehicles are secure enough to be serviced or maintained by locking energy-isolating devices on them (or attaching tags if locking is impossible).

Employees who are authorized, affected, and others must undergo special instruction and training. Only the authorized staff who are performing the servicing or maintenance may lockout or tagout. the warning to workers When lockout or tagout devices are used or removed, the employer or a designated employee must notify the affected employees.

To learn more about lockout/tagout, visit:


The complete question is:

If an employee will be locking and tagging, then it is required for them to participate in the lockout/tagout training provided by their employer.

State whether True/False.

karen, a real estate agent, wants to create simple podcasts that will allow her clients to take virtual tours of available properties. what should she focus on first? a. providing quality content with an authentic voice b. increasing sales and maximizing her commissions c. choosing the most expensive properties d. making sure all of her clients have smartphones


Karen, a real estate agent, wants to create simple podcasts that will allow her clients to take virtual tours of available properties. She should focus on first Providing quality content with an authentic voice.

An estate agent is a person or enterprise that arranges the promoting, renting, or control of properties and other buildings. An agent that specialises in renting is frequently called a letting or management agent.

A Realtor is a certified actual estate agent or broker (or other real property professional) who is a member of the national association of Realtors (NAR).

Being an estate agent is not an easy job; it requires quite a few difficult paintings, expertise of the markets, and pinnacle-notch sales and people competencies. becoming an carried out estate agent takes years of enjoy, but in case you put inside the tough paintings and willpower, there are some critical rewards.

Learn more about estate agent here :


1. which of the following is a security measure/s to safeguard inventory? storing inventory in areas that are restricted only to authorized employees locking high-priced inventory in cabinets using two-way mirrors, cameras, security tags, and guards all of these are correct. 2. a physical inventory or count of inventory should be taken around the to make sure that the quantity of inventory reported in the financial statements is accurate. end of the year beginning of the year middle of the year none of these are correct.


All of these are correct for  the following is a security measure to safeguard inventory. Consistent counting is the only way to obtain accurate inventory numbers. If possible, we recommend performing a physical count every two weeks.

What is examples of Safeguarding Inventory ?Technology can be used to safeguard inventory against both internal and external threats. In the event of a break-in, security alarms on doors and windows can notify local police authorities. Internal theft and break-ins can be reduced by installing advanced locks on storage doors.Inventory is one of the most valuable assets of a small business, making inventory security critical in a variety of industries. Inventory can be safeguarded in a variety of ways and with a variety of tools, including technology, manpower, and plain old common sense.Technology can be used to safeguard inventory against both internal and external threats. In the event of a break-in, security alarms on doors and windows can notify local police authorities. Internal theft and break-ins can be reduced by installing advanced locks on storage doors. Security cameras can record thefts in progress, assisting local authorities in identifying thieves. Employees may be discouraged from attempting to steal inventory in the first place if cameras are installed.

To learn more about safeguard inventory refer :


which of the following factors, if any, is a characteristic of independent contractor status? a.forms 1099-nec received from business customers who paid $600 or more during the year. are performed for more than one business. c.workplace fringe benefits are not available. d.all of these choices are characteristic of independent contractor status.


All the given options are characteristics of Independent Contractors Status (Option D).

Who is an Independent Contractor?

A person, company, or corporation that renders goods or services pursuant to a written contract or an oral agreement is known as an independent contractor. In contrast to employees, independent contractors labor as needed for an employer, sometimes being subject to the law of agency.

In conclusion, Independent contractors are not entitled to employment benefits, such as health insurance and employer-sponsored retirement funds, that the corporation may normally provide to its workers if it uses their services.

Learn more about Independent Contractors here:


digital wizards, inc., a franchisor of computer technicians, wishes to standardize the pricing practices of its franchisees because they have engaged in price-cutting to increase their respective shares of the market. the most prudent action might be for digital wizards to


The best course of action might be for Digital Wizards to recommend the prices for the services that its franchisees offer.

Can franchise owners regulate franchise costs?

Franchisees cannot be forced to abide by proposed pricing, even if franchisors are permitted to "suggest" retail prices. Unlawful Unilateral Refusal to Deal - Refusing to sell goods to a franchisee who will not resell them for more than a predetermined minimum price may be considered unilateral pricing.

What are the three terms of a franchise contract?

The following are typically the main components of a franchise agreement:

Territory rights. minimum requirements for performance. franchisees' needs for services.

What does a franchise agreement serve as its primary purpose?

The rights and responsibilities of the franchisor and the franchisee should be described in the franchise agreement. The primary goal of this agreement is to safeguard the franchisor's intellectual property.

Learn more about franchise agreement:


joe has the same qualifications (education and experience) as chelsea, and they work for the same company. joe finds out that chelsea is earning a higher salary than him, even though they both do the same job. based on equity theory, what is joe most likely to experience?


Joe learns that despite doing the same job as him, Chelsea is paid more than he is. Joe is most likely to face negative injustice, according to equity theory.

Describe equity theory.

According to the equity theory of motivation, how employees feel about justice affects what motivates them to provide their best effort at work. Employees maintain a mental ledger of the inputs and outputs of their work, which they use to compare their inputs and outputs against those of others.

An example of a possible input is effort, followed by performance, skill, education, and experience. Examples of common results include compensation, benefits, and promotions. If workers feel their input-to-outcome ratio is unequal to that of their peers, they may lose motivation and become dissatisfied with their work.

Learn more about equity theory with the help of the given link:


management has been found involved in many fraudulent schemes; a common one is channel stuffing. what does channel stuffing involve


"Channel stuffing" involve a. Shipment of products now no longer ordered.

The required details for Channel stuffing in given paragraph

Channel stuffing is a misleading enterprise exercise utilized by a corporation to inflate its income and profits figures with the aid of using intentionally sending outlets alongside its distribution channel greater merchandise than they're capable of promote to the public. Channel stuffing usually could take area without delay previous to a reporting duration together with quarter-give up or year-give up, in order that management, afraid of horrific effects to their compensation, can "make their numbers." Channel stuffing refers back to the exercise of a corporation transport greater items to vendors and outlets alongside the distribution channel than give up-customers are possibly to shop for in an inexpensive time duration.

This is typically performed with the aid of using imparting beneficial incentives, consisting of deep discounts, rebates, and prolonged price terms, to influence vendors and outlets to shop for portions in extra in their contemporary needs.

To know about Channel stuffing click here


Complete question

7. Management has been found involved in many fraudulent schemes; a common one is "channel stuffing." What does "channel stuffing" involve?

a. Shipment of goods not ordered.

b. Overly complex transactions.

c. Growth through stock acquisitions.

d. Management compensation schemes.

Which of the following is NOT a discussed example of a threat which causes a conflict?
O A threat to one's position
O A threat to one's income
O A threat to one's family
O A threat to one's power in the organization



A threat to one's family


Antonio is an artisan. The country he lives in allows him to sell his goods to people in other countries without any quotas or tariffs. Likewise, he is free to buy materials he needs for his craft from other countries without any restrictions. The country in which antonio lives practices.


The country in which Antonio lives practices free trade.

What is free trade?

Import and export restrictions are absent under a free trade system of trade. It is also conceivable to think of it as the free market concept implemented in global commerce. Economic nationalism and left-wing political parties tend to embrace protectionism, which is the antithesis of free trade, whereas political parties that support free trade are mostly those that hold viewpoints that are considered to be liberal from an economic standpoint. The majority of countries are currently parties to multilateral trade agreements through the World Trade Organization. The unilateral policy of Great Britain, which between the middle of the 19th century and the 1920s abolished import and export rules and taxes, best embodied free trade. The majority of governments still use protectionist measures like levying taxes on imports or providing export subsidies in an effort to support local jobs.

To learn more about free trade, visit:


a company handles an apartment building with 70 units. experience has shown that if the rent for each of the units is $1320 per month, all the units will be filled, but 1 unit will become vacant for each $30 increase in the monthly rate. what rent should be charged to maximize the total revenue from the building if the upper limit on the rent is $1800 per month?


The money a business makes is called revenue, and it is calculated by multiplying the average selling price by the number of units sold. It is also known as "sales turnover."

Given facts: There are 70 units in each apartment building, and the maximum rent for each building is $1240.

Let's say that there are x units that are unoccupied;

The following factors account for the apartment complex's total revenue:

R(x) = (70-x) (1240+20x)

The money a business makes is called revenue, and it is calculated by multiplying the average selling price by the number of units sold. It is also known as "sales turnover."

Given facts: There are 70 units in each apartment building, and the maximum rent for each building is $1240.

Let's say that there are x units that are unoccupied;

The following factors account for the apartment complex's total revenue:

R(x) = (70-x) (1240+20x)

A company's total revenue over the course of the calculation period is its sales turnover. The idea is useful for detecting significant shifts in activity levels by following sales levels on a trend line over multiple measurement periods.

What is an example of sales turnover?

For instance, a company with $1 million worth of inventory and a cost of goods sold of $3 million per year has a three-fold turnover rate in either sales or inventory.

Learn more about sales turnover here:


assuming you wanted to compare earnings separately from the influence of the financial leverage to the assets of the company. which profitability ratio would you use?


Assuming you wanted to compare earnings separately from the influence of the financial leverage on the assets of the company. I would use basic earning power.

Finance is the observe and discipline of cash, forex and capital assets. It's far related to, but not synonymous with economics, the have a look at of production, distribution, and intake of cash, assets, items and services (the area of financial economics bridges the 2). Finance sports take place in financial structures at numerous scopes, as a consequence, the sphere may be kind of divided into private, company, and public finance. In a monetary system, assets are bought, sold, or traded as financial units, consisting of currencies, loans, bonds, stocks, stocks, options, futures, and many others. Property can also be banked, invested, and insured to maximize cost and decrease loss. In practice, risks are continually found in any economic motion and entities.

Learn more about financial here


global products plans to issue long-term bonds to raise funds to finance its growth. the company has existing bonds outstanding that are similar to the new bonds it expects to issue. the existing bonds, which have a face value equal to $1,000 and a coupon rate of interest equal to 7 percent (semiannual payments), mature in 20 years. these bonds are currently selling for $949 each. global's marginal tax rate is 40 percent.


Effective yeild on the current bond = 60/1077 = 5.57%

To illustrate, consider the case of XYZ Corporation. XYZ wishes to borrow $1 million to finance the construction of a new factory but is unable to obtain this financing from a bank. Instead, XYZ decides to raise the money by selling $1 million worth of bonds to investors. Under the terms of the bond, XYZ promises to pay its bondholders 5% interest per year for five years, with interest paid semiannually. Each of the bonds has a face value of $1,000, meaning XYZ is selling a total of 1,000 bonds.

The formula for the coupon rate is as follows:

C = i / p


C = coupon rate

i = annualized interest (or coupon)

p = par value of a bond

The coupon rate for the new issues should be 6%

the after-tax cost would be 6% * ( 1-40%)

= 3.6%

Learn more about bonds here


tango company uses the allowance method and estimates that 3% of its $12,000 accounts receivable are uncollectable. the entry to record this adjustment would be:


The adjusting entry to record this allowance method for uncollectible accounts would be:

Debit Bad Debt Expenses $360Credit Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts $360.

What is the allowance method?

The allowance method is one of the two methods for recording adjustments for uncollectible accounts.

The allowance method provides an estimated allowance without waiting for bad debts to occur.

The other method is known as the direct write-off method.  With this method, the entity does not make any allowance for bad debts until they occur.

Thus, using the allowance method, Tango Company debits the Bad Debts Expense account and credits the Allowance for Uncollectible accounts with $360, respectively.

Learn more about the allowance method for uncollectible accounts at


at the equilibrium price, the quantity of the good that buyers are willing and able to buy group of answer choices more information is needed to answer the question. exactly equals the quantity that sellers are willing and able to sell. is less than the quantity that sellers are willing and able to sell. is greater than the quantity that sellers are willing and able to sell.


At the equilibrium price, the quantity of the good that buyers are willing and able to buy exactly equals the quantity that sellers are willing and able to sell.

When supply and demand are balanced, a market is said to have reached equilibrium.Three features of a market in equilibrium can be seen: agents' behavior is predictable, there are no incentives for agents to alter their behavior, and equilibrium priceresults are determined by a dynamic process.In economics, a variety of equilibria are used.Disequilibrium, which is the opposite of equilibrium, is characterized by modifications in the external factors that influence market equilibrium.Although prices do tend in that direction, markets are never truly in perfect equilibrium price.It can be said that the forces of supply and demand are comparatively equal and the market is in an equilibrium when a major index goes through a period of consolidation or sideways momentum.

Learn more about Equilibrium price, here


as someone seeking a project management role, you occasionally meet people in a professional setting to share knowledge and create new business connections. this is an example of what strategy to get a job?


As someone looking for a project management position, you may meet people in a professional setting on occasion to share information and make new business contacts. This is an illustration of Attend networking events in your area or online.

What is networking means?

Networking is the exchange of information or services among individuals, corporations, or organizations. It is also a tool for people to build relationships for their careers or business. As a result, connections or a network may be established, which can be beneficial to individuals in their professional or personal life. Networking assists in the development of meaningful connections that benefit all parties involved in the flow of information and services. Networking meetings, social media, personal networking, and professional networking may all be used to make new key business contacts.

To learn more about online networking, click


farley inc. has perpetual preferred stock outstanding that sells for $34 a share and pays a dividend of $2.00 at the end of each year. what is the required rate of return? round your answer to two decimal places.


The required rate of return for Farley Inc.'s perpetual preferred stock, which trades for $34 per share and pays a $2 dividend at the end of each year, is 5.88%.

The term "perpetual stock management," which is also used to refer to systems of inventory where information on inventory quantity and availability is updated continuously/real-time as a function of conducting business, also refers to perpetual stock taking, perpetual inventory systems, and continuous inventory systems.

A corporation's payout of profits to its shareholders is known as a dividend. A corporation is able to distribute a portion of its profit as a dividend to shareholders when it generates a profit or surplus. Any remaining funds are withdrawn and reinvested back into the company.

Given that the stock is perpetual and dividends are always paid annually,:

the required rate of return = dividend / market price,

Returns =  (2/34)*100 = 5.88%.

Therefore, the required rate of returns = 5.88%

To know more about Dividends, refer to this link:


focus strategy can be defined as the strategy: group of answer choices of closing down one or more business units in order to minimize the losses. of merging with an established company in order to gain monopoly over the market. a company uses when it decides to serve a limited number of segments, or just one segment of the market. a company uses when it decides to allocate the company resources equally among all the marketing segments. a company uses when it decides to ignore the different needs of different market segments, and produce one standardized product for all the customers.


The focus strategy can be defined as the strategy a company uses when it decides to serve a limited number of segments, or just one segment of the market.

The focus strategy:

The focus strategy is a company's decision to serve a limited number of segments, or just one segment of the market. The focus strategy is often used by companies that have a unique offering that appeals to a specific group of customers. The focus strategy can be an effective way to gain market share and build a loyal customer base. However, the focus strategy can also be risky, as it can lead to a company becoming too reliant on a single customer group or market segment.

Learn more about The focus Strategy:


a traditional section 401(k) plan is most appropriate when: i. employees are relatively older. ii. an employer wants to encourage employees to save for their own retirement. iii. an employer wants an attractive, savings supplement to its existing qualified retirement plan. iv. an employer wants to provide a qualified retirement plan for employees but needs to keep costs down.


Section 401(k) plan elective deferrals are immediately 100% vested and cannot be forfeited.

In a company-sponsored retirement account known as a 401(k), employees can make financial contributions and employers may match those contributions.The main distinction between the traditional and Roth 401(k)s is how taxes are treated.In a conventional 401(k), employee contributions are pre-tax, which lowers taxable income, but withdrawals are taxed.Employer Roth 401(k) contributions are made with after-tax income; there is no tax deduction for the contribution year, but withdrawals are tax free.Both traditional and Roth 401(k) plans accept employer contributions.The purpose of the 401(k) plan, which was created by the US Congress, is to encourage Americans to save money for their retirement. Tax savings are one of their advantages.

Learn more about 401(k) plan, here


jb knows that he can help people simply by dialing 9-1-1 on his cell phone if an emergency arises. at which step in the decision process for helping would jb be?


Since JB knows that he can help people simply by dialing 9-1-1 on his cell phone if an emergency arises, the step in the decision process for helping that JB would be is: C) planning a course of action.

What is the decision making process?

The decision making process is a cognitive process that involves obtaining information, analyzing them, and then evaluating alternatives, in order to enable the proper selection of an optimum and higher-quality solution to a particular problem.

The steps of the decision making process.

Generally speaking, there are seven (7) main steps in the decision making process and these include the following:

Identify the decision. Gather relevant information.Identify the alternatives.Weigh the evidence.Choose among alternatives.Take action.Review the decision and its consequences.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that JB is at the planning a course of action stage of the decision making process because he knows what to do in helping people during an emergency.

Read more on decision here:


Complete Question:

JB knows that he can help people simply by dialing 9-1-1 on his cell phone if an emergency arises. At which step in the decision process for helping would JB be?

A) noticing

B) taking action

C) planning a course of action

D) taking responsibility

under cobra, the employer must permit qualified beneficiaries to elect to continue their health insurance under their current plan, depending on the qualifying event, for how long? a. 18, 20, 26 months b. 18, 26, 48 months c. 12, 16, 20 months d. 18, 29, 36 months


Under cobra, the employer must permit qualified beneficiaries to elect to continue their health insurance under their current plan, depending on the qualifying event, for 18, 29, 36 months.

You (or a person to your behalf) should make the preliminary top rate charge inside forty five days after the date of your COBRA election; the charge typically should cowl the length from the insurance loss date via the month wherein the preliminary charge is made.

Your institution fitness plan can require you to pay for COBRA continuation insurance. The most quantity charged to certified beneficiaries cannot exceed 102 percentage of the price to the plan for in addition located people included below the plan who've now no longer incurred a qualifying event.

Learn more about employer here:


the method that reports the cash effect of each operating activity explicitly on the statement of cash flows is referred to as the method. multiple choice question. indirect comparative comprehensive direct


The direct method is the method that explicitly includes the financial effect of each operating activity on the cash flow statement.

One of the two accounting treatments that are used to create a cash flow statement is the direct approach. The statement of cash flows direct method does not convert the operational section from accrual accounting to a cash basis; rather, it uses real cash inflows and outflows from the company's activities.

When income is earned rather than when a customer pays, it is recorded using accrual accounting. Only the cash that has been received, which is often from customers, and the cash payments or outflows, such as to suppliers, are measured by the cash flow direct approach.

To learn more about cash flow statements, visit the link below:


What is the structure of Public corporation


Public corporate structures are managed by a board of directors. The members of the board are from all walks of industry and commerce. The chairmen of these corporations are appointed by the government. The entire capital is financed by the government.

What position would be the highest in a company's hierarchy?

A). director of finance
B). finance manager
C). accountant
D). finance administrative assistant


Answer: D. Finance administrative assistant

Explanation: search all the answers up to see if it matches CEO or is closet to the CEO job

suppose there is a decrease in the price of swimsuits and no change in the market demand curve for swimsuits. who receives the resulting increase in consumer surplus?


If the price ceiling falls and it was no longer the end result of a call for lowering, then it can have been from a boom in delivery or an effective price ceiling. because the problem is mentioning that purchaser surplus multiplied, then delivery should have improved. The folks who advantage of more purchaser surplus are buyers who are who did no longer buy swimsuits at the authentic price however as an alternative the new lower rate.

For example, in the huge apple city, regulators set rate ceilings, or maximum hire amounts, on each housing unit primarily based totally on its protection and operating fees. The owner can boom their lease with the aid of 7.5% every 12 months to cowl prices till they reap that limit.

Price ceilings and charge ceilings are government-imposed minimums and maximums on the rate of sure goods or offerings. it is usually done to shield customers and providers or manage scarce resources at some stage in difficult financial times.

Learn more about the price ceiling here


Brian just completed a client needs assessment and his client confirmed that she will require profitability tracking, and needs to create budgets and purchase orders in her accounting solution. What is the minimum quickbooks online version suitable for brian's client?.


For Brian's client, "Online Plus and Advanced" are the minimum QuickBooks online versions to use.

Define the term quickbooks?

QuickBooks is really an accounting program created by Intuit whose products offer desktop, internet, and cloud-based accounting programs that can process invoices and business payments.

The most widely used small business accounting program for keeping track of finances and managing income and expenses is QuickBooks. You can create reports, pay bills, produce invoices for clients, and file taxes.

Advantages of Quickbooks;

Monitor your earnings and spending.On the fly, send an unlimited number of estimates and bills.Download activity from your credit card and bank accounts.Utilize a PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone to access your data online.There is a payroll subscription service.Bill management and payment.You have access to what users can access.

Thus, the "Online Plus and Advanced" versions of QuickBooks Online are the very minimum that would be ideal for Brian's client.

To know more about the quickbooks, here


which of the following statements about expansionary fiscal policy is true? a.) it is used to curb inflation. b.) it tends to increase the unemployment rate. c.) it is when government expenditures exceeds tax revenues. d.) it decreases the purchase of goods and services.


It is when government expenditures exceed tax revenue that is true. Expansionary fiscal policy means government increases the expenditure and Decreases taxes.

Financial policy is the policy followed by the financial authority of a kingdom to control both the hobby charge payable for extremely short-term borrowing (borrowing by using banks from each different to meet their short-time period desires) or the cash supply, frequently as a try and reduce inflation or the interest rate, to make sure fee balance and trendy trust of the price and stability of the kingdom's forex. Economic policy is an amendment of the delivery of cash, i.E. "printing" more money, or lowering the cash supply via converting interest quotes or putting off excess reserves. That is in contrast to fiscal coverage, which relies on taxation, government spending, and authorities borrowing[4] as methods for a government to manipulate business cycle phenomena consisting of recessions.

Learn more about Expansionary here


in an fra, the buyer agrees to pay the seller group of answer choices the increased interest cost on a notional amount if interest rates rise above an agreement rate. the increased interest cost on a notional amount if interest rates fall below an agreement rate. the increased interest cost if interest rates increase above the agreement rate. none of the options


In FRA, the buyer agrees to pay the seller if the increased interest cost is on a notional amount if interest rates fall below an agreement rate. Option B

What does the interest cost?

Generally, The total amount of interest that a borrower will pay for the duration of the loan is referred to as the interest cost. When calculating interest charges, negative points and rebates should be removed from those totals.

An examination of a loan takes into account a number of factors in addition to interest expenses; some of these other factors include opportunity costs, tax advantages, and closing fees, among others.

In conclusion, In a FRA, the buyer makes a commitment to pay the seller an agreed-upon sum in the event that interest rates drop below the agreement rate, resulting in a higher cost of interest on a notional amount. Alternative B

Read more about interest cost


true or false? approximately half of the 1.458 million personal bankruptcies filed in 2001 were related to medical bills caused by injury and illness.


Approximately. 1.458 million personal bankruptcies filed in 2001 were related to medical bills caused by injury and illness.

This statement is true.

Bankruptcy is a prison method via which human beings or different entities who can not pay off debts to creditors may are seeking comfort from a few or all of their money owed. In maximum jurisdictions, financial disaster is imposed by using a court order, often initiated via the debtor.

Bankrupt isn't the best legal fame that an insolvent character can also have, and the term bankruptcy is therefore now not a synonym for insolvency.

The phrase bankruptcy is derived from the Italian Banca rotta, actually, which means "damaged financial institution". The term is frequently described as having originated in renaissance Italy,

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use the functions f () and g () to complete the comparison statements using ,or =.F(x)= --5 This is non graded algebra 1 I need help on question 10 Use the Distributive Property solve the equation.- 6(x + 3) = 30 Assume that the random variable X is normally distributed , with mean = 80 and standard deviation = 15. Compute the probability P(X > 92) . Convert 57F to degrees Celsius. If necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth of a degree. Here are the formulas.C=5/9 (F-32)F= 9/5 C+32 solve for C -3 (C + 5)- (c-3)=32 An open box is made from a 30cm by 40cm piece of tin by cutting There is an elephant shaped weather vane at the top of a corn dryer tower that is 45 m high. If the weather vane weighs 190 N, what is the Potential Energy that the weather vane has?Potential Energy = Weight x HeightWeight = Potential Energy / HeightHeight = Potential Energy / WeightWeight = Mass x 10Mass = Weight / 10 Persuade Mr. Zion whether the numbers 12,16,and 20 make a right triangle or not. Make sure to state reasons for and against your belief write a 1400 word essay about how nature is descpicted in this two text the call of wild and captain fantastic. How much interest is earned on an initial investment of $700 with a 5% annual rate for 2 years? A $700B $350C $70D $35 Number of Hours13.5Total Cost$2.00$6.50$7.00$9.00$12.507.59Identify the domain and range. Select the two correct answers.Domain: {1, 2.00}BDomain: (1.3.5, 5, 7.5,9)CDomain: 2. 6.50, 7.9. 12.50)DRange: 19. 12.50)ERange: (1,3,5,5, 7.5.9}F.Range: (2,6 50, 7, 9, 12.50) classical conditioning is a type of stimulus-response learning theory. recall ivan pavlov's well-known studies on the salivation of dogs when presented with food powder. in his famous experiments with dogs, the conditioned stimulus was What is an example of people changing the way water flows 11. What are the zeros for the following quadratic relation: *y = 5x - 1125O x = 0O x = 5,15O x= -15,5O x=-15, 15 which one the following phrases best describes slavery in Greece I need help just a understanding. And show how to get the answer. Contrast Syrita's neighborhood with X's ighborhood. Why does this distinction between them matter? how does gravity affect the range of a projectile? Fibonacci, Pythagoras and Descartes went out for breakfast. The total bill was $38.50. The tax rate was 7% and they left a 20% tip. Determine the total bill. Round to the nearest how much will each person pay if the bill was equally divided?