The map shows territories held by countries in 1914. Which imperial nation appears to have the most dominance in africa? turkey united kingdom france germany.


Answer 1

The United Kingdom appears to have the most dominance in Africa.

What is dominance?
is indeed the phenomenon in genetics where one allele (variant) of a gene on one copy of a chromosome obscures or overrides the impact of another allele (variant) of the same gene on either copy of a chromosome. Dominant refers to the first variant, and recessive to the second. A mutation in one of the genes, either new (de novo) as well as inherited, is what initially causes this condition of having two distinct variants of a single gene on each chromosome. Gene variants on non-sex chromosomes (having the capacity) as well as their associated traits are referred to as autosomal dominant as well as autosomal recessive, while those who are on sex chromosomes (allosomes) are referred to as X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, or Y-linked; these have an inheritance as well as presentation pattern which depends on the sex of the child's parent.

To learn more about dominance

Answer 2

Answer: UK

Explanation:  It's correct!

Related Questions

Which of the following statements about the Nile River is true?
a. The Nile is considered to be the longest river in the world.
b. The Nile is considered to be the deepest river in the world.
c. The Nile is considered to be the widest river in the world.
d. All of the above



a. the Nile is the longest in the world

Why do many scientists support the land bridge theory of migration? Check all of the boxes that apply.


Some scientists believed the land bridge contained uniformed vegetation similar to the current arctic plain vegetation. Hopkins and several other scientists were convinced the land bridge had supported a more diverse vegetation, with plants growing in response to elevation variations and the amount of surface water.

3. Why were they called that?


My guy, you gotta give more to your question like “who” was called “what”!

how did edmund carpenter describe the reactions of the people of telefolip upon seeing their photograph for the first time?


Edmund Carpenter reacted to the people of telefolip upon seeing their photograph for the first time as "The terror of self-awareness."

Who is Edmund Carpenter?

Edmund Snow Carpenter, a renowned visual anthropologist best known for his work with Papua New Guinean and Canadian Arctic indigenous peoples as well as for being a pioneer in the creation of media theory, was born in Rochester, New York, in 1922. In addition, he was a filmmaker, a Paleo-Eskimo art collector, and a Siberian archaeologist.

He served in the US Marines during World War II before becoming an anthropology professor at the University of Toronto and a radio programmer for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).

To learn more about Edmund Carpenter, click on the link given:


Timeline 1400-1800 / Early Modern Europe (Changing World and Worldview)



what do you want me to do it about war,cloths please make it pacific

Which of the following leaders ordered the construction of a ten-mile dam around his capital?

Pacal the Great
Moctezuma I
Moctezuma II
Huayna Capac


Moctezuma I  ordered the construction of a ten-mile dam around his capital. Moctezuma I, the fifth emperor of the Aztecs, rose to power in 1440 CE and ruled for 28 years.

Moctezuma I increased the quantity of sacrifices of human beings. He even expanded his conquests to obtain more victims for sacrifice. A plague of locusts, a flood, and a severe winter all struck the Aztecs shortly after he ascended to the king. As a result, the empire was ravaged by a horrific famine that claimed thousands of lives.

Moctezuma I also understood that his nation had neglected to aid the Aztecs during the famine. He constructed a ten-mile dam around Tenochtitlan to stop floods. Additionally, he supported the building of an aqueduct that gave Tenochtitlan's metropolis a steady supply of fresh water.

Learn more about Aztecs here:


11. Check all that apply: What event(s) led to an economic depression after
the American Revolution?
Closed Ports
French Revolution
1 point



The movement for independence arose in the colonies following a series of critical decisions made by the British government after the end of the war with France


what was the similarity and difference for women roles in north america and central america from 1450-1700


Regardless of the colony in which they lived, white women in colonial America both North and Central had many responsibilities.

What was the role of Women ?

They oversaw many things ranging from  household, including baking, sewing, educating the children, producing soap and candles. The first European women who came to the Southern colonies were indentured servants. The women worked in many arenas including herding, agriculture , farming and factories.

The negative features involved that they could not vote, and they lost all their property in marriage .Childbearing in colonial times was dangerous, and women and children often died during childbirth.

These factors contributed in the role of women which was quite similar in both the Central America as well as the North Americas.

To know more about Women from the given link


The western part of East Asia region is dominated by what geographical feature?
A. fertile plains
B. peninsulas
C. lakes
D. mountains


The western part of the East Asia region is dominated by mountains.

China is the largest country in East Asia, which is a vast continent. China's neighbors include Japan, North and South Korea, Mongolia, and Korea. Taiwan, an island off the coast of China, has a separate government from the rest of the country since shortly after World War II. Hong Kong, a former British colony with one of Asia's best ports, is located on China's southern coast. In 1997, Hong Kong and its harbor were handed over to China under an autonomy agreement. The former Portuguese colony of Macau, which is located directly to the west of Hong Kong, has also been handed back to Chinese rule. The autonomous region of Western China.

Approximately one-fifth of all people live in East Asia. The realm has access to the world economy because of its location on the Pacific Rim. The proximity of Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan to China's mainland coast creates an industrial setting that has sparked the world's entrepreneurial spirit.

Learn more about the East Asia region here:


Explain the two benefits of federalism that Madison describes.



The benefits of federalism are that it can encourage political participation, give states an incentive to engage in policy innovation, and accommodate diverse viewpoints across the country.The Federalist Papers was a collection of essays written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton in 1788. The essays urged the ratification of the United States Constitution, which had been debated and drafted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.So, our federalist form of government has several advantages, such as protecting us from tyranny, dispersing power, increasing citizen participation, and increasing effectiveness, and disadvantages, such as supposedly protecting slavery and segregation, increasing inequalities between states, states blocking national ...

only colony that ever sold the stamps following the Stamp Act?





Georgia was the only colony that gathered revenue from selling stamps.

Before the pendleton civil service reform act of 1883, government appointments were made.


Before the Pendleton civil service reform act of 1883, government appointments were made is Appointments were made on the basis of merit.

The civil provider is a collective term for an area of presidency composed specifically of career civil servants employed on professional merit instead of appointed or elected, whose institutional tenure commonly survives transitions of political management. A civil servant, also called a public servant, is someone hired inside the public quarter through a government department or company for public sector undertakings. Civil servants work for critical and state governments, and the answer to the government is no longer a political birthday celebration.

A worldwide civil servant or international team of workers member is a civilian employee who is hired by an intergovernmental organization. those global civil servants do now not motel underneath any national law (from which they have the immunity of jurisdiction) but are governed by internal personnel guidelines. All disputes associated with the worldwide civil providers are brought before special tribunals created via these international companies together with, as an example, the executive Tribunal of the ILO.

The civil carrier is a region of the authorities that includes skilled experts who are employed to assist carry out policies efficiently.

To know more about civil service visit here:


Can you briefly describe what happened in the two revolutions?


There were two revolutions in 1917 known as the Russian Revolution, the first of which occurred in February (March, New Style).

What two forms of revolutions are there?

Political revolutions can be of two types: swift and violent revolutions that aim to not only establish a new political order but also reshape the entire society, and long-lasting, sluggish revolutions that take several generations to complete (such as changes in religion).

During the Russian Revolution, what took place?

The Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the czarist tradition during the Russian Revolution. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union would eventually emerge from the Bolsheviks.

To know more about two revolutions visit:-


Place these events in the correct chronological order

French and Indian War

Declaration of Independence

End of Revolutionary War

Washington becomes President

Mayflower Compact


Mayflower Compact- 1620

French and Indian War- 1754

Declaration of Independence- 1776

End of Revolutionary War- 1783

Washington becomes President- 1789

The Mayflower Compact was an agreement that united colonists. Back in England, the Separatists had agreed to establish a colony near the Hudson River, which was then part of Virginia, with the Virginia Company.

The French and Indian War began over the question of whether the upper Ohio River valley was part of the British Empire and thus open to trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or whether it was part of the French Empire. These are important events.

To know more about The Mayflower Compact here


probable cause protects peoples rights by making sure that


The probable cause protects people's rights by preventing governments, whether federal or local, from searching or sabotaging private property or making arrests without just cause.

Ex. Blood Evidence on Suspect's Porch is Probable Reason for Police Officer to Obtain Search Warrant to Search Person's HomeUnder the United State Constitution, Presumed Cause is Law Enforcement refers to the criteria for obtaining a search warrant seeking the arrest of a criminal suspect or the issuance of a search warrant.

It is important to note that there is no universally accepted definition or phrase for probable cause, as the cause of an arrest or search warrant has not been 100% proven.US citizens are protected in this regard under the Ninth Amendment, which gives citizens the right to privacy.

Learn more about the Ninth Amendment at


Why did Louverture force a return to the sugar fields?

Watch the documentary on the Haitian Revolution titled: PBS Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution (2009)
While watching the documentary, complete the viewing guide above


He disobeyed French Revolutionary rules and permitted a large number of émigré planters to return while using military discipline to make the former slaves work. He believed that since individuals were naturally corrupt, force was required to keep them from being idle.

What led Toussaint L. Ouverture back to the French?

In the wake of the new Republican government's abolition of slavery, Louverture, who had earlier sided with the Spaniards of nearby Santo Domingo, changed his allegiance to the French. Louverture utilized his military prowess and political clout to subjugate his competitors as he progressively took over the entire island.

To know more about Toussaint Louverture visit:


Where were most Civil War battles fought?
A. in border states
B. in Northern states
C. in Southern states
D. in the western territories



Most Civil Wars were fought in C. in Southern states


Where was the Civil War fought? The Civil War was fought in thousands of different places, from southern Pennsylvania to Texas; from New Mexico to the Florida coast. The majority of the fighting took place in the states of Virginia and Tennessee.

Im here LIly.So you know.


What is the most important communication tool for a political
O Propaganda
O Television


It should be television , because it allows for the essential brainwashing of people. It can’t be PACS because they cannot involve the candidate and it can’t be television because it is less biased. Also propaganda can be sent through the television, but it is not a communication tool.


It should be television because it allows for the essential brainwashing of people. It can’t be PACS because they cannot involve the candidate, and it can’t be television because it is less biased. Also, propaganda can be sent through television, but it is not a communication tool.


What is a possible legal consequence for people who violate the Open Housing Act?


They can have a criminal charge brought against them.

What were the steps used by Shang artists to create bronze objects?



1. made clay molds

2. carved designs into clay

3. joined parts of mold together and poured in melted bronze

4. when bronze cooled, the bronze was removed

How similar do you think is the plight of today's immigrants to the U.S, to that of the Irish immigrants? Explain.


Irish immigrants worked as educators, first responders, police officers, union organisers, farmers, and more. Irish Americans made significant contributions to the American labour movement along the way, battling for children's rights, safe working conditions, and the elimination of racism and discrimination as well as wealth disparity.

Immigrants  made the decision to leave their homeland and come to the United States in the late 1800s. Many people fled crop failure, land and employment shortages, rising taxes, starvation, and other problems because they believed the United States to be the country of economic opportunity.

The evolution of the performing arts in the United States has been disproportionately influenced by immigrants, particularly the children and grandchildren of immigrants. Additionally, they have contributed significantly to a wide range of other fields of artistic, cultural, gastronomic, athletic, and scientific effort.

To learn more about Irish immigrants, refer


The Age of Enlightenment occurred in the 18th century in which of the following nations?


The Age of Enlightenment occurred in the 18th century in England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe.  

The Age of Enlightenment brought about a vast change in the fields of intellect, philosophy, culture and the social movement during the 1700s. This was fueled by the Scientific Revolution which began the Renaissance Movement. This era marked a stark difference and portrayed the transition from the Middle Ages to the new era.

The Scientific Revolution coupled with the Enlightenment opened the door towards the various branches of science - mathematics, physics, politics, economics, philosophy, astronomy and most importantly, medicine. The knowledge grew so much that people opened 'intellectual salons' to discuss matters of science and discovery with zeal and wonder.

The Enlightenment Era eventually paved the way for the Industrial Revolution that was resulted from the technological advancement of science.

To know more about the age of enlightenment, go to

What is the processed by which Congress creates and passes laws called?


The legislative process refers to the procedure through which Congress draughts and approves laws.

A bill is delivered to the president for signature after being approved by the Senate and the House in exactly the same form. The law is enacted if the president signs it. Acts of Congress are another name for laws. Another term that is synonymous with the law is a statute.

The same law must have a majority vote in both the House and the Senate in order to be approved and sent to the President for signature. If a law is vetoed by the president, it can be overridden by passing it again in each house with at least two-thirds of the members present voting in favor.

To learn more about the legislative process


Why did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan think that education was very important for Muslims?


According to Sir Syed, Muslims must adopt a positive attitude toward the British and accept their educational methods. He wanted Muslims to benefit from British rule. To accomplish this task, he needed to bring Muslims and British together.

Sir Syed believed that education was a means of nurturing and cultivating the child's inherent potential. He agreed that any method of teaching that encourages the learner to be creative and constructive should be used.

He stated that Sir Syed recognized the importance of modern education and believed that education alone could help achieve the masses' long-cherished goals of development, peace, harmony, and political stability.

To know more about Sir Syed here


List and briefly describe the three common features of early state constitutions, which were written and adopted in the late 1770s.


They advocate for limited government, power separation, and public sovereignty.

What was the State Constitution ?

The creation of state constitutions; the traits of state constitutions, such as their written nature, higher legal standards, frameworks for government, rejection of parliamentary sovereignty, popular sovereignty, strong legislatures, agreements between a sovereign people and their government, and distinctions in who is allowed to hold public office.

The state constitutions each included a bill of rights that guaranteed fundamental liberties that the government could not violate, including the freedom of the press, the right to practice one's religion, and the right to a jury trial. This was done to prevent state governments from abusing their authority. Furthermore, the new state constitutions limited executive authority.

Learn more about state constitution here

# SPJ 1

How are the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War similar? (4 points)

Napoleon Bonaparte fought in both wars.

Both wars were fought around the Great Lakes territories.

Both wars were fought primarily in the New England territories.

Both wars involved European countries fighting for control of North America.


D) because they both had European countries fighting for control. In the french and indian it was Great Britain and France and in the revolutionary it was Great Britain

Who was the british prime minister who led europe when it was the last european nation standing against the nazi threat?.



Winston Churchill


describe the process you would use to make connections between events across different locations an times


The process used to arrange connected events, across different locations and over different periods of time is Chronology. A chronological sequence of events helps one to picturise clearly and precisely, how the event started, unfolded and concluded.

This is equal to the number of representatives and senators from the
states, plus three votes from Washington, D.C.
O Cross- Pressure Vote
O Poll Tax
Soft Money
Electoral Votes


It’s electoral votes. Poll taxes are unconstitutional. Soft money is not equal to anything it’s a concept.


It’s electoral votes. Poll taxes are unconstitutional. Soft money is not equal to anything. It’s a concept.


Producing all postage stamps, currency, and coinage
Managing government accounts and the United States public debt
Enforcing Federal finance and tax laws
All of these are duties of what Executive Department of the U.S. Government?
A State
B commerce
C Justice
D Treasury


The treasury executive department of the US government is in charge of producing all postage stamps, currency, and coins, managing government accounts, enforcing the US public debt, as well as federal finance and tax laws.

The Department of the Treasury operates and maintains systems essential to the nation's financial infrastructure, such as coin and currency creation, payment disbursement to the American public, revenue collecting, and federal government borrowing.

Treasury's purpose emphasizes its role as steward of the United States' economic and financial institutions and an influential participant in the global economy. The Treasury Department is the governmental agency in charge of fostering economic growth and preserving the United States' financial security.

To learn more about the treasury department


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Managers of a sports arenas parking garage keep track of the duration of time customers park their cars there. Shown in the stem and - leaf display below is a sample of 15 such parking duration (in minutes). Use the display to answer the questions that follow. For the following reaction, how many grams of H2O will be produced if you react 3.7 grams of B2H6?B2H6 + 3 O2 2 HBO2 + 2 H2O Explain how the assembly line increased specialization at the Ford Motor Company Expand 4(y + 5).4(y+5)= 1 8. What is the solution to the following equation? (1 point)x - 10x + 24 = 0Ox= 3 or x = 8Ox= -3 or x = -8Ox=4 or x =Ox=-4 or x = -69. Ms. Ortiz sells tomatoes wholesale. The function p(x) = -80x + 320x In some states, the amount of sales tax on an item is found by multiplying the cost of the item by 0.07. Find the sales tax of a DVD that costs $23.99. O $1.67 $1.68 $16.79 O $0.17 The lighthouse flashes every 10 seconds. how many times does it flash in one hour Experiments were done on a certain pure substance X to determine some of its properties. There's a description of each experiment in the table below.In each case, decide whether the property measured was a chemical or physical property of X, if you can. If you don't have enough information to decide, choose can't decide in the third column.QA sample of solid X is carefully weighed and put inside a sealed flask. Pure hydrogen gas is added to the flask, and the mixture heated until the hydrogen starts being consumed. After hydrogen stops being consumed, the contents of the flask are removed and weighed, and from the increase in weight the value of may be calculated.physicalchemical(can't decide)MA small sample of X is put on the pan of a sensitive balance and its weight measured. Next, a magnet is brought near the pan, and the weight is measured again. From the difference of weights in and out of the magnetic field, the value of M may be calculated.physicalchemical(can't decide)CA sample of X is carefully weighed and put inside a sealed calorimeter. Pure oxygen gas is injected into the calorimeter, and the mixture ignited. After all of X has reacted with the oxygen gas, the temperature rise of the calorimeter is measured. From this change in temperature the value of C may be calculated.physicalchemical(can't decide) a firefighter on the ground sees fire break through a window near the top of a building. The angle of elevation to the window seal is 28 degrees. The angle of elevation to the top of the building is 42 degrees. The firefighter is 75 ft from the building and her eyes are 5 feet above the ground. What Ruth window seal distance guess you report by radio to Firefighters on the roof If you start with 500g of water in your pot, and after it boils away, the steam takes up 2 m3 of space, what is the density of the steam in g/m3? 2. A right prism has a square base of edge a and altitude h, write the formula for the total surface area if m=24 and v=4 p=mv In which case is the energy involved farthest from being kinetic energy?A.random molecular movement B.light C.heat D.the energy in chemical bonds E.sound What is the probability that a customer selected at random was male and purchased a SUV? Blood plasma (at 37.0C) is to be supplied to a patient at the rate of 2.80 106 m3/s. If the tube connecting the plasma to the patients vein has a radius of 2.00 mm and a length of 52.5 cm, what is the pressure difference between the plasma and the patients vein? Viscosity of blood plasma is 1.30 103 Pas. 2727. Boat Y and boat Z start traveling toward each other from 600 mile apart. Y istraveling at 35 mph, Z at 40 mph. How many hours will pass before theymeet?a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 102828. Refer to problem 27. Y and Z start traveling toward each other from 600miles apart. Y is traveling at 35 mph, Z at 40 mph. How many miles will Ytravel before they meet?a. 400 b. 320 c. 350 d. 280 the sum of 10 and 15 divide by the difference 8 and 3 how to translate What is the average annual value of the big 12s new six-year media rights deal with espn and fox that starts in 2025-2026?. One-fourth of the seventh-grade studentsmade honor roll in the first quarter. Thenumber of honor roll students increased by18 in the second quarter. If 105 studentsmade honor roll in the second quarter, howmany total seventh graders are there? Hi, can you help me with this problem?A manufacturer has a monthly fixed cost of $42,500 and a production cost of $6 for each unit produced. The product sells for $11/unit.(a) What is the cost function?C(x)= (b) What is the revenue function?R(x)=(c) What is the profit function?P(x)= (d) Compute the profit (loss) corresponding to production levels of 6,000 and 11,000 units.P(6,000)=P(11,000)=