The list above contains provisions of the

A. Declaration of Independence.
B. U.S. Constitution.
C. Articles of Confederation.
D. Northwest Ordinance.​

The List Above Contains Provisions Of The A. Declaration Of Independence. B. U.S. Constitution.C. Articles


Answer 1


C. Articles of Confederation


Related Questions

What are the traditional Chinese languages? What are they? represents what?



China's traditional culture includes cultural ideologies such as Confucianism, Buddhism, Zajia, Strategists, Taoism, Mohism, Legalism, Military School, Famous School, and Yin-Yang School, including: ancient prose, poems, words, songs, Fu, folk music, ethnic Drama, folk art, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, couplets, lantern riddles, Shefu, Jiuling, Xiehouyu, as well as national costumes, living customs, and classical poetry.


Answer: The official dialect of China is Mandarin, also call “Putonghua”. More than 70% of the Chinese population speaks Mandarin, but there are also several other major dialects in use in China: Yue (Cantonese), Xiang (Hunanese), Min dialect, Gan dialect, Wu dialect, and Kejia or Hakka dialect.


_____was a runaway slave from Colossae.



Philemon was a runaway slave from Colossae.

Who is Philemon to Colossae?

The Epistle to Philemon is one of the books of the Christian New Testament. The book of Philemon is a prison letter, co-written by Timothy and Paul the Apostle to Philemon, a leader in the Colossian church. It concerns with the themes of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Philemon was a Christian, a bishop of the house church that met in his home in Colossae. This epistle is popularly known as one of the undisputed works of Paul. It is the shortest of Paul's extant letters, consisting of only 335 words in the Greek.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Philemon:


______(1)______ is an application of commercial photography used to sell a service or product, where as ______(2)______ is an application of commercial photography to communicate or establish trends. Both are important components to advertising and the world of fashion.
(1) Fashion; (2) Surrealism
(1) Advertising; (2) fashion
(1) Rayograph; (2) cibachrome
(1) Commercial photography; (2) advertising


Based on business analysis as the available options, Advertising is an application of commercial photography used to sell a service or product. Also, Fashion is an application of commercial photography to communicate or establish trends.

What is Advertising

Advertising is a term that is used to describe the process or activities of producing advertisements for commercial products or services to sell those products to consumers.

On another hand, Fashion is a term that is used to describe the form of self-expression and communicate trends at a particular period and place and in a specific context, such as clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body posture.

Types of AdvertisingDisplay AdvertisingVideo AdvertisingMobile AdvertisingNative Advertising

Types of FashionClassic fashionRelaxed fashionDramatic fashion Creative fashionRebellious fashionFeminine fashionElegant Chic Fashion

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option B Advertising; (2) fashion

Learn more about Advertisement and Fashion here:


The earliest Civil War skirmishes in northwestern Virginia resulted in:
A. Virginia becoming the capital city of the Confederacy.
OB. West Virginia joining the Union as a new state.
C. Union forces stopping their attempt to invade Virginia.
D. Confederate armies scattering to many other states.


Answer: The earliest Civil War skirmishes in northwestern Virginia resulted in:

B. West Virginia joining the Union as a new state.

Explanation: During the American Civil War, the region of present-day West Virginia was part of the state of Virginia. However, there was significant division within the state regarding support for the Confederacy or the Union. In the northwestern part of Virginia, which included areas like Wheeling, there was a strong Unionist sentiment.

As the conflict escalated, the Union forces established control over northwestern Virginia, and this led to the creation of a separate state. In 1861, the Restored Government of Virginia, consisting of Unionists, called for the formation of a new state. In 1863, West Virginia was officially admitted to the Union as the 35th state.

Learn more about the Civil War here:

audiences in ireland have unanimously approved the revival of irish step dance ignited by the show riverdance.


Performers stand while they play. Ireland's viewers have uniformly endorsed the resurgence of irish step dancing that was sparked by the television program Riverdance.

What exactly do you meant by universally?

The term "unanimous" refers to a group's vote or agreement on a particular matter, while "group judgment" refers to the group's consensus on a certain choice or judgment: The jury reached a verdict of unanimous conviction for the defendant following a brief time of deliberation.

Is it a unanimous decision or a unanimous vote?

unanimously Share Add to list. Unanimous decision-making in a group denotes complete agreement among all participants. Nobody raises an objection to a vote that is unanimously approved. Each member of Congress concurs that a bill should be passed if it receives unanimous support.

To know more about unanimously visit:


chief failure of the American political system with respect to the phenomenon of free trade which, up until recently, it has so ardently supported?


The chief failure of the American political system with respect to the phenomenon of free trade is that:

One potential chief failure of the American political system with respect to free trade is the lack of support for measures that would mitigate the negative impacts of free trade on certain segments of the population.

What is the American political system about?

While free trade can bring economic benefits such as lower prices for consumers and increased efficiency, it can also lead to job losses and wage stagnation for some workers, particularly those in industries that are exposed to foreign competition.

Some people argue that the political system in the United States has not done enough to address the negative impacts of free trade on certain groups, such as by providing adequate support for workers who have lost their jobs or by implementing policies that would help to redistribute the benefits of free trade more fairly.

Therefore, This lack of action may have contributed to a decline in public support for free trade and a rise in protectionist sentiment in recent years.

Learn more about American political system from

Wich group made up most of the merchants on the Indian Ocean trade routes A.Arabs B. Greeks C. Chinese





b) Viking expansion tended to occur in areas with few large urban centers, while the Arab expansion occurred in areas with comparatively large urban centers.

ANSWER ASAPP DUE IN 30 MINSSS Was Oskar still guilty in your mind of committing war crimes, by profiteering off of Jewish work, and should he be punished for his actions?


Oskar was yet to be punished for his actions.

What were the controversies in Okar's punishment?Your advanced age.His peacefulness in the midst of the holocaust.The lack of evidence that he tortured or murdered Jews.

Oskar Groening was an elderly German who worked as an accountant in a Nazi concentration camp.

He was one of the last defendants to be tried for the crimes of the Jewish holocaust. At that time he was 94 years old and was sentenced to 4 years in prison, even though he did not kill or torture any Jews while working as an accountant.

In a way, Groening should be punished for participating in the Nazi system, but his advanced age and the peacefulness of his activity in the concentration camps could promote a milder sentence than imprisonment that would be more consistent with the seriousness of the acts he commented during the second war.

Learn more about the Jewish holocaust:


With what statement would the artist most likely disagree?

John Brown took drastic action to achieve just ends.

John Brown’s violence undermined constitutional law.

John Brown demonstrated little respect for fellow Americans.

John Brown’s raid reflected deep divisions growing in the nation.


The artist would most certainly disagree with the allegation that his brutality violated constitutional law. Hence, the correct option is (B) John Brown’s violence undermined constitutional law.

Who is John Brown?

The last set of events that led to the American Civil War in the 1800s was John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry.

In retribution for the storming of Lawrence by pro-slavery troops, John Brown and his boys massacred more than three slave sympathizers in the Pottawatomie massacre. However, he moved frequently between states, working as a tanner, sheep drover, wool dealer, farmer, and so on.

In conclusion, Option B will be correct because his violence does not undermine constitutional law.

To learn more about John Brown, click


Explain how the global spatial pattern of Buddhism differs from the global spatial pattern of ethnic religions such as Judaism.
Explain a likely economic effect of pilgrimages on the location shown in Image 2. * *MAHABODHI TEMPLE COMPLEX, BODH GAYA, INDIA

Explain the degree to which religion may contribute to devolutionary pressures within the location shown in Image 1. *



In general, Buddhism is a major world religion with a global spatial distribution. It originated in India and has spread to many parts of Asia, Europe, and the Americas. In contrast, Judaism is an ethnic religion that is associated with the Jewish people and has a smaller global distribution. It originated in the Middle East and is primarily practiced in Israel and other parts of the region.


i don't see the image that you locating to shown in image. but ill try to answer below and explain it

Regarding the federal court system, which of the following statements is false


The Supreme Court hears most of the cases brought to it on appeal is false.

What is the structure of the federal court system?

District courts, which act as the trial court, circuit courts, which act as the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, which acts as the last level of appeal, are the three primary levels of the federal court system.

State courts and federal courts work in many different ways. The type of issues that can be handled in the federal system is the main difference between civil lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Due to their restricted jurisdiction, federal courts can only review matters that are expressly allowed by the US Constitution or federal law. If a case is based on a federal legislation, the Constitution, or a treaty, it must be filed in federal district court.

to learn more about federal system click:


Complete Question :

Regarding the federal court system, which of the following statements is false?

A. The U.S. Tax Court is a special federal court.

B. Each of the 12 regional circuits has a court of appeals.

C. The Supreme Court hears most of the cases brought to it on appeal.

D. Federal court districts never cross state lines.

When the Supreme Court reviewed whether the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was legal under the constitution which power was the court using



Judicial Review


One of the Supreme Court's major powers is the power to review laws to determine their legality under the Constitution. This power is called judicial review. This an increasingly controversial power, as it becomes more often used. Their is a great deal of subjectivity involved in this process, and since the Supreme Court consists of only 9 justices, it gives a small, unelected group the ability to strike down virtually any law.

Many argue that this gives the judicial branch power beyond its intended scope, especially with regard the legislative branch. Indirectly, this also gives the executive branch a great deal of power, since the President has the power to nominate new justices.

Question 4 of 10
Which opinion would a Republican most likely hold about entitlement
OA. They should be administered entirely by the federal government,
not the states.
OB. They are a central responsibility of government.
C. They cost the government too much money.
O D. They should be made more robust through better funding.


They cost the government too much money opinion would a Republican most likely hold about entitlement programs

What is government?

The term "government" refers to the framework within which a state or nation is in charge. As we can see, different governments exist in various nations; these governments are created by and serve the interests of their constituents. A system is being created, and it governs how the government is run.

The Republican Party is well recognized for promoting right-leaning beliefs such as libertarianism, social conservatism, and economic conservatism. Republicans therefore typically embrace government traditional values, little government meddling, and strong private sector support.

Democratic Party. To resist the growth of slavery in the west, a political party was founded in the 1850s. well-liked eighty. the notion that political power belongs to the people, primarily to those who cast ballots.government

Therefore, option (C) is correct.

Learn more about the government here:



What impact did United States imperialism after the Spanish American war have on Cuba economically ?


the United States declared war on Spain, invaded Cuba, and began a military occupation that remained until 1902. Early U.S. histories of the intervention and occupation portrayed the Americans as altruistic, magnanimous

How did Obama appeal to the young population during his presidential campaign?

by promising change

by promising to be tough on illegal immigrants

by promising more unionization to workers

by opposing the war in Iraq

by joining the sexual revolution movement



Obama appealed to the young population during his presidential campaign by promising change, by opposing the war in Iraq, and by joining the sexual revolution movement.

During his campaign, Obama emphasized the need for change and presented himself as a candidate who would bring fresh ideas and a new approach to politics. This message resonated with many young people who were disillusioned with the political establishment and wanted a leader who would address their concerns and represent their interests.

In addition, Obama's opposition to the war in Iraq was a key factor in his appeal to the young population. Many young people were against the war and saw Obama as a candidate who would end the conflict and bring the troops home.

Finally, Obama's support for issues related to the sexual revolution, such as same-sex marriage and women's rights, also helped him appeal to young voters who were more liberal on social issues. By taking these positions, Obama was able to connect with young people who shared his views and wanted a leader who would represent their interests.



by promising more unionization to workers


by promising more unionization to workers

Mexican revolution 1810 three important individuals associated



A few prominent individuals that were involved in the 1810 Mexican revolution were Vincente Guerrero, Mariano Matamoros, and José María Morelos y Pavón. All three of them helped lead the armies of racially mixed people and natives of Mexico while opposing the royalists and the Spanish. Another prominent person involved in the revolution was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. He also assisted in leading the fight for the following 11 years.

Reasons for the decline of Rome DO NOT include:

war-based economy
strong farming economy
the plague
love of work


The reasons for the decline of Rome do not include strong farming economy and love of work.

What are the reasons for the decline of Rome?

The simplest explanation for Western Rome's demise is a run of military defeats at the hands of hostile powers. Long-standing conflicts between Rome and Germanic tribes had ended in the 300s, when "barbarian" peoples like the Goths began to advance outside the boundaries of the Empire.

Rome was not only being attacked from beyond, but it was also disintegrating from inside due to a serious financial crisis. Imperial finances have been substantially lightened by ongoing conflicts and excessive expenditure.

To learn more about Rome


use the image below to answer the following question: black-and-white photograph of many people gathered in a field at night. three bright fires blaze in the darkness. mountaintops can be seen in the distance. public domain the above photograph shows backyard furnaces being used to produce inferior-quality steel in china. based on the photograph, which of the following statements accurately describes early communist china? china attempted to innovate in the area of steel production. the chinese people prospered from industrial advances. the chinese government failed to invest in industrialization. china experienced a renewed sense of nationalism.


A statement that accurately describes early communist China: the Chinese government failed to invest in industrialization. Thus, option C is the correct option.

Early communist China faced challenges in investing adequately in industrialization. Despite advocating for a socialist economy, the Chinese government struggled to mobilize resources efficiently to support industrial growth. Instead, policies like the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s resulted in economic setbacks and widespread famine.

It was only later, under Deng Xiaoping's leadership in the late 1970s, that China initiated significant economic reforms, promoting industrialization and opening up to foreign investments, leading to its transformation into a global economic powerhouse.

Thus, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about communist China here:


Probably the image is:

In your own words, describe how the Federal Government was to work according to the
Virginia Plan. How did the smaller states react?



According to the Virginia Plan, the Federal Government was to be composed of three branches: a legislative branch, an executive branch, and a judicial branch. The legislative branch would be made up of two houses, with representation in each house based on the size of the state. The larger states would have more representatives in the legislature, giving them more power and influence over the government.

The smaller states reacted negatively to this proposal, arguing that it would give too much power to the larger states and leave the smaller states with little influence over the government. They believed that this would be unfair and would undermine the principles of democracy and equality. As a result, they proposed the New Jersey Plan, which would create a unicameral legislature with equal representation for all states, regardless of size. This proposal was ultimately rejected in favor of the Great Compromise, which created a bicameral legislature with representation in both houses based on the size of the state.


You’ve researched and analyzed. Now it’s time to present your findings! Compose a three-paragraph newspaper article about the development. Include and expand upon your responses to the questions in questions 1 and 2. Be sure to use quotes from your sources and cite them properly. Make sure your article uses correct spelling and grammar, topic statements, an introduction, a conclusion, and smooth transitions.

Use an Internet search engine to find a development in any area of science during the past 10 years.


Answer:In a groundbreaking development, scientists have discovered a new method for creating artificial intelligence that is capable of learning and adapting in a way that is similar to the human brain. This discovery has the potential to revolutionize the field of AI research and lead to the creation of more advanced and capable artificial intelligence systems.

According to Dr. Maria Rodriguez, a leading researcher on the project, the new method involves the use of a "neural network" that is capable of adapting and changing its structure in response to new information. "This is a significant breakthrough," Dr. Rodriguez said. "By giving our AI system the ability to learn and adapt in a way that is similar to the human brain, we are opening up new possibilities for the development of more advanced AI systems that can tackle complex tasks and adapt to changing environments."

The potential applications of this technology are numerous and wide-ranging. It could be used to improve the performance of self-driving cars, enhance the capabilities of medical diagnostic systems, and even help to develop new treatments for diseases. Overall, this development represents a major step forward in the field of AI research and has the potential to change the way we think about artificial intelligence.

Guys please help me I’m in 4th grade and really need help with this question.

What did Paul revere shout on his midnight ride?

Where did Paul revere start his midnight ride?



1.“The British are coming!”



The abolition movement, which included many women, argued that _____ a social injustice.

OA. child labor
OB. drinking alcohol
OC. industrialization
OD. slavery


The abolition movement, which included many women, argued that slavery a social injustice. therefore option D is correct

The movement started within the overdue 18th century and won momentum within the united states of america within the mid-19th century, with many ladies gambling a key function.

Abolitionists believed that slavery become morally wrong and violated the standards of liberty and equality upon which the us changed into based. They argued that slavery dehumanized enslaved humans & violated their basic human rights, along with their right to freedom and dignity.

Abolitionists labored tirelessly to end the practice of slavery, the use of a variety of tactics, including political motion, education, and direct movement, together with the Underground Railroad. The efforts of abolitionists helped to result in the eventual end of slavery within the america.

Learn more about  abolition movement:-


2. Why is it historically significant that Mesoamerica produced a "world city" on a scale that matched world cities in Eurasia?


It is historically significant that Mesoamerica produced a "world city" on a scale that matched world cities in Eurasia because it allows comparsion and competition among the civilization of these continents.

What is the term known as Mesoamerica?

Geographically, the Mesoamerica is a historical region and cultural area in southern North America and most of Central America. Its extends from the central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica.

The historic region of Mesoamerica comprises the modern day countries. For thousands of years, these area was populated by historica groups such as the Olmec, Zapotec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec peoples.

Read more about Mesoamerica


impact of economic reforms in China and India.



China :

During the pre-reform period, Chinese agricultural performance was extremely poor and food shortages were common. After Deng Xiaoping implemented the household responsibility system, agricultural output increased by 8.2% a year, compared with 2.7% in the pre-reform period, despite a decrease in the area of land used.


The GDP of India increased significantly with the new reforms. Economic reforms led to an increase in competitiveness in the banking sector that allowed entry of private operators. Inflation rates were reduced.

hope that helps


Economic Reforms and Their Impact In both China and India, recent reforms have included both economic stabili- zation and longer-term structural adjustments essential for growth and for meeting the challenges of international competition.

Solve the equation

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27


The solution of the equation 3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27 will be 3.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

The equation is given below.

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27

Simplify the equation,  then we have

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/3³

3⁶⁻³ˣ = 3⁻³

Compare the powers, then we have

6 - 3x = - 3

3x = 6 + 3

3x = 9

x = 9 / 3

x = 3

The solution of the equation 3⁶⁻³ˣ = 1/27 will be 3.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.


new mexico history HURRY
What activities and advertising served to increase tourism in the southwest?


The Bunion Derby was a foot race that raised awareness of Route. 66. The Harvey Company had tours by car to Santa Fe from Albuquerque. The Chamber of Commerce created brochures and placed ads for people to visit the sights in New Mexico.

were spiritual men needed for the reformation





Spiritual men helped dor the reformation. This is because Martin Luther, a 16th Century monk and theologian, was one of the most significant fugures in Christian History. Luther's beliefs helped hive bierth to the Reformation, which gave ruse to protestantism as the third major force within Christianity, the ither two being Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy!

I need help with this asap!! I have to classify the pictures as four galaxies, either peculiar, irregular, elliptical, or spiral!!


Answer:4,7,8,14 are peculiar galaxy's.6,3,5,11,12 are elliptical....1 15,13,and 9 are spiral.....2 and 10 are irregular.


What wsas Confederate General Robert E. Lee's startegy for fighting the civil War? Why? How did the batle of gettysburg fit into this stratgy? What wwas the result of the Battle of Gettysburg?


Confederate General Robert E. Lee's strategy for fighting the civil War was that location was important and he wanted to Use it to his own advantage.

What was the Battle of Gettysburg?

The battle of Gettysburg was probably the most important battle during the American Civil war. The battle occurred from  July 1 to July 3, 1863. The importance of the battle was anchored on the fact that it prevented the Northward invasion of the confederate army commanded by General Robert E. Lee.

He believed that If he remained in Vir.ginia, the Union army led by Abraham Lincoln would have the advantage, but if he  crossed the Potomac upriver he would have the advantage. This was because, crossing the Potomac upriver from Washington would make it easier to march the Army of Northern Vir.ginia through Maryland.

The battle of Gettysburg saw the  Union forces halting the northern invasion of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army.

The Outcome of the battle was that the Union army gained victory and effectively stopped the upward invasion of the confederate forces headed by General Robert E. Lee.

Learn more about the Battle of Gettysburg at


Most middle class Americans in the 19th century believed people should live their life as they pleased.
Select one:



it explains both but I think it is false

Answer: Most middle class Americans in the 19th century believed people should live their life as they pleased.


Explanation: In the 19th century, most middle class Americans did not believe that people should live their lives as they pleased. During this time period, there were strict social and cultural expectations that governed people's behavior, particularly within the middle class. These expectations were influenced by religious beliefs and moral codes that emphasized self-discipline, hard work, and adherence to societal norms.

Middle class Americans in the 19th century believed in the concept of "Victorian morality," which emphasized proper behavior, modesty, and respectability. People were expected to conform to these ideals in order to maintain their social status and reputation. This meant following strict gender roles, practicing self-restraint, and adhering to societal expectations.

For example, women were expected to be virtuous, modest, and focused on domestic duties, while men were expected to be the breadwinners and leaders of the household. Engaging in activities deemed improper or deviant, such as premarital sex, excessive drinking, or gambling, was strongly discouraged and could lead to social ostracism.

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