The laissez-faire economic policies of the United States during the nineteenth century
led to -
F. a system of protective tariffs
G. the creation of a national bank
H. a largely unregulated market for industry
J. a decline in immigration to western states


Answer 1



One of the most influential ideas of the Gilded Age was laissez-faire (pronounced LAY-zay FAIR). From the French for “let them do [what they will],” proponents of laissez-faire policies, known as liberals, believed that the free market would naturally produce the best and most efficient solutions to economic and social problems. In other words, it was best to allow businesses to do what they wanted: trade freely, set their own prices, and determine workers’ wages and working conditions.

Liberalism, as it was known in the late nineteenth century, had a very different definition than it does today: instead of advocating for government intervention to solve social problems as today’s liberals do, liberals in the Gilded Age opposed most government intervention in the economy or labor relations. Libertarians are the closest equivalent to Gilded Age liberals in US politics today.

Laissez-faire combined the principles of limited government and the free market with some of the ideas of Social Darwinism. Applying Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to human institutions, liberals believed that competition was necessary for progress. Any measures that interfered with complete freedom—defined as the freedom to buy and sell your labor and property any way you chose—were contrary to natural selection and impeded the march of civilization.

During the Gilded Age, this belief that laissez-faire capitalism produced optimal results for society came into conflict with the efforts of reformers and labor unions to rein in the influence of big businesses.

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Can somebody help me?


The right to marry if u studies u wil know it

Geneva believes she is allergic to cats. She has always avoided them and feels ill when she notices one is around. Katarina does not believe that Geneva is actually allergic to cats, since Geneva seems to have no reaction to the kitten Katarina has secretly been hiding in her room in their shared apartment. Maybe Geneva is remembering the times when she did not feel well and there were cats present and is forgetting the times she has been around cats and felt fine. This phenomenon is also known as:


psychosomatic symptoms, she’s is attaching a time she didn’t feel well to whenever she’s aware she’s near cats, but does not actually have an allergy to them.

How was society in Athens similar to and different from society in Sparta?



One of the main ways they were similar was in their form of government. Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually.


A constitutional
amendment is
passed by
two-thirds of
the House and
The amendment
is approved by
of the states.
The amendment
is added to
the U.S.
What was the process illustrated in the diagram designed to do?
O A. Make the process of changing the Constitution as easy as
B. Ensure that state governments submit to federal authority under
the Constitution
C. Prevent small political groups from blocking changes to the
O D. Allow the Constitution to be updated to suit changing times


I think the answer is B. Ensure that state governments submit to federal authority under

The process illustrated in the diagram is designed to Allow the Constitution to be updated to suit changing times. Option D is the correct answer.

The process of passing a constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate. This ensures that any proposed amendment has significant support from both chambers of Congress. It is a deliberate and rigorous process that reflects the importance of amending the Constitution. Option D is the correct answer.

Once the amendment is passed by Congress, it must be approved by three-fourths of the states. This requirement ensures that the amendment has broad support across the country and is not simply imposed by the federal government without the consent of the states. The ultimate goal of this process is to allow the Constitution to be updated and adapted to changing times. The Founding Fathers understood that the Constitution should be a living document that can be amended as necessary to address new challenges, reflect societal changes, and protect the rights and freedoms of the American people.

Learn more about Constitution here:


Whose responsibility is it to proviWhat should your first action be upon finding a safety hazard in your workplace?de a safe and healthy workplace?





no one



Economics is the study of producing and ______ goods and services.

a. consuming
b. creating
c. developing
d. revising

answer is A. "consuming"





the answer is a consuming

This person led a fight against state income taxes and initiated the North American Indian Unity Caravan.

Select the best answer choice.
John Trudell
Ada Deer
Charles Eastman
Wallace Anderson


I think it is Charles Eastman
I believe it’s C. Charles Eastman

How do legislators see their job?​


Answer:They do policy research, draft bills, write legal opinions, evaluate programs and assess how legislation will affect the state's budget. They have other roles, too, including helping constituents, handling public relations, providing building security and information technology support.


International trade is a trade that takes place within a state's borders.

True or False?


False international trade is when it takes place internationally
False lol needs more words lol

ANS FAST Predict any new development in the field of transport in India. WHO WILL GIVE THE WRITE ANS I WILL MARK HIM AS BRAINLIEST​



Passenger Mobility Enhancement


Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) Government of India Invites Expressions of Interest (E0I) from eligible firms for providing Consulting services to undertake a `Passenger Mobility Enhancement (PME)' Study No.7980-IN Reference No. WB TA - 27 for MORTH.

Does a 700% increase in the number of prisoners (over the last 40 years in the US) sound like a lot? Why or why not?



It sounds like a lot


A 700% increase in the number of prisoners (over the last 40 years in the US) sounds like a lot.

This is because forty years ago which is 1981, the population of the United States was 231,636,058 and in 2021 the population is considered to be 332,915,073. This shows about a 44 percent increase in population.

However, a 700 percent increase in the number of prisoners within that period shows the number of crime rates has increased significantly, and it is well over the percentage of population increase. Therefore, it sounds like a lot.

What portion of Africa lies outside of the tropics?



Africa has the largest tropical footprint among the continents and is, therefore, severely threatened by expanding tropics. Over 80% of the continent lies within the band 30 degrees either side of the equator.

One of the advantages of a home equity loan is that you can borrow money any time, up to the approved amount. true or false








HELOC is borrow upto

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i would tell her that you have a big passion to serve your country by helping reduce the number of people killed by fires and tell her you really want to do your part to help serve


how can a lack of socialization hurt a child's physical development?​



As argued, socially isolated children are at increased risk of health problems in adulthood. Furthermore, studies on social isolation have demonstrated that a lack of social relationships negatively impacts the development of the brain's structure.


Need help ASAP,,,about social studies.
Note: confuse between a) and d)....The book said. the legislative branch of government create the laws...(not write the law).....I think answer is d) .What do you think, give opinion...Thank you.


From the web...

Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)
Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)
Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

someone is retiring next year. what would be an appropriate amount of risk to take with their investments
A. Highest Risk, Highest Growth
B. Medium risk, medium growth
C. lower risk, lower growth
D. no risk just savings account


A. Highest Risk, Highest growth

How does democracy protect minority rights?



Explanation:democracy is made by people for people and their all round development so democracy protects minority rights.


To protect and uphold cultural identity, social practice, and religious.

What does nbt stands for



National Benchmark Tests

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

The full meaning that can be associated to NBT is  National Bank Trust .

What is National Bank Trust ?

National Bank Trust can be explained as a bank which serves as  a provider of various financial solutions across the country.

This bank is well known as a result of their stable operation, It offers to the public investment banking.

Some of other serves that this bank offers are:

risk management retail banking other services.

Therefore, National Bank Trust gives financial solutions to their customers the country.

Learn more about National Bank Trust at;

Use the list below to complete the sentence.
• A new international trade agreement is established.
• Foreign manufacturers plan to increase exports to the United States.
• U.S. manufacturers face more competition in the domestic marketplace.

The developments in this list would MOST likely lead U.S. manufacturers to
A. expand the output of products
B. increase the prices of products
C. improve the quality of products.
D. widen the variety of products


Answer: C. improve the quality of products.


From the list given, we are informed that a new international trade agreement is established which ultimately led to the plan by the foreign manufacturers to increase exports to the United States.

We should note that the above scenario will lead to the U.S manufacturers facing more competition in the domestic marketplace and for them to be able to compete with their foreign counterparts, they'll need to improve the quality of their products.

what is the importance of advertising in a media industry​



Advertising helps to sustain the press and other media by providing an important source of income to the press, radio and television network. The customers are also benefited because of increased circulation of their publications. It also encourages commercial art.

answer if your 7th grade
Ode to enchanted light": In Neruda's poem, "drifting down like clean / white sand" compares the light dropping through the trees to butterflies flying in the air
white sand being poured from above
a woman's beautiful hair.



In Neruda's poem, light is compared to:

white sand being poured from above.


Under the trees light

has dropped from the top of the sky,


like a green

latticework of branches,


on every leaf,

drifting down like clean

white sand.

In "Ode to Enchanted Light," by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, light is described as something dropping from the sky. The word choice by the poet is quite interesting, since the speaker first speaks of dropping but then, immediately afterward, compares light to white sand that is drifting. There is something heavy and light at the same time in this description. The verb "drop" describes a more abrupt action, while "drift" conveys a softer sensation. As a matter of fact, the poem revolves around duality - good and bad, for instance - as well as change.

Why might someone living in an area that is densely populated want to move west? Is that a push factor or a pull factor?





At a world conference to be conducted in Tokyo, representatives from nearly every country in the world will gather to discuss issues related to international trade. Representative A is from a authoritarian state. Representative B is from a socialist nation. Representative C hails from a democratic society.


Answer: B) Zimbabwe


Here's the remainder of the question:

Which of the following countries would Representative A most likely be from?

A) Denmark

B) Zimbabwe

C) Sweden

D) Australia

An authoritarian state is simply referred to as a country whereby there's separation of power. These countries typically lack freedom of religion. In such countries, the power is usually with the leader and doesn't really care about the people.

From the options given, the answer is Zimbabwe.

< >
Based on Source 1, the main trend shown in the graph is most directly
associated with which of the following processes occurring in Louisiana
at the time?
Active encouragement of migration by the Louisiana
B The emergence of a plantation-based economy in Louisiana.
Incentives offered by Louisiana companies looking to hire
skilled immigrants.
D Adoptions of free trade policies by the Louisiana government.


Answer: b

Explanation: i am smart thats why

The emergence of a plantation-based economy in Louisiana  is most directly associated with which of the following processes occurring in Louisiana at the time. Hence, option B is correct.

Why did Louisiana develop a plantation economy?

Louisiana was a major producer of cotton, sugar, and other agricultural items. Louisiana, like many other southern states, had a climate that was favorable for growing crops like sugar cane and cotton, both of which were traded internally and exported to other countries.

In the 1700s and 1800s, Louisiana's economy was mostly built on agriculture, with cotton serving as the state's main crop in the north and sugarcane in the south. From the late 1800s until the early 2000s, the state's economy was heavily reliant on the lumber industry.

An economy focused on agricultural mass production, typically of a few commodity crops, cultivated on huge farms tended by laborers or slaves is known as a plantation economy.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Louisiana develop a plantation economy, click here:


Can someone help me thanks❤️



sure, whats the problem???


The largest threat created by hurricanes usually comes from __________.

storm surges


Answer: its c


The answer is storm surges

what long-term effects did social isolation have on the rhesus monkeys in the Harlows' experiments?


Social isolation of rhesus monkeys for the first 6 to 12 months of life produces severe and persistent behavioral effects including social withdrawal, rocking, huddling, self-clasping, stereotyped behaviors, and inappropriate heterosexual and maternal behaviors as adults.

Which of the following regions is labeled with the number 5 on the map above?
the eastern mountains
the western mountains
the Interior Plains
the lowlands



C.The Interior Plains


The interior plains is a large region that is expanded on the territories of the Northern American continent.

This region consists of central parts of two countries, and it is dominated by grasslands.  

It has been marked on number 5 on the vast region, shown on the map on the Green lakes area.


Interior plains


Correct on edge 2021 hope this helps

How do the Congress and President compete for power?


Answer:im pretty sure


i dont knwo for sure but try looking it up and clicking every website link

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