the ideaof cooperatives in the socialist movements


Answer 1


The concept of cooperatives, developed by some European Socialists, were enterprises owned by associations of people where goods were produced collectively by members and the returns were shared equitably i.e. according to the work done by the members

Related Questions

Who ruled after Akbar?

help me


Akbar was succeeded as emperor by his son, Prince Salim, later known as Jahangir.

Who was Jahangir?

The fourth Mughal Emperor, Nur-ud-Din Muhammad Salim, also referred to by his imperial name Jahangir, ruled from 1605 until his demise in 1627. Salim Chishti, an Indian Sufi saint, is the inspiration for his name.The fourth Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, reigned from 1605 until his demise in 1627. His "golden chain of justice" is well known. Agra's Shahburj fort and a pillar made of stone that was erected on the banks of the Jamuna River were connected by a golden chain with 60 bells that weighed several "maunds."Building on his father's legacy of exceptional leadership, Jahangir's reign was marked by political stability, a robust economy, and outstanding cultural accomplishments. Lahore, Delhi, Agra, and Ahmadabad rose to prominence as global cities.

To know more about Jahangir here


briefly explain one example of how either the jefferson or madison administration responded to these british actions prior to the war of 1812


Jefferson responded with a trade embargo against France and Britain that did nothing to stop the pirates and hurt the American economy more than Britain's. By the time Jefferson left office, trade with France and Britain had all but stopped, and trade with other nations was threatened by pirates and the British.

Which architectural contribution of Islam is illustrated above?

Vaulted ceiling


I believe there are two architectural contributions of Islam one being the dome and the other being the Minaret.
But if it’s just one answer I would go with Dome.

Minaret architectural contribution of Islam is illustrated above option(D) is correct.

What is architecture?

Architectural design is a schematic that shows how a building will look. The principles and concepts of a building are therefore illustrated by a diagrammatic representation. It will display how the project will seem once the components are put together.

The idea of architectural design centers on the parts or constituents of a structure. The person in charge of architectural design is typically an architect. To build a logical and practical structure, they manipulate both space and natural elements.

Muslims have commissioned a wide variety of different architectural styles, from modest mosques for daily prayer, like the Shaykh Lutfallah Mosque in Isfahan, to madrasas, or religious schools, and monuments, like the Taj Mahal in Agra and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

Therefore,  option (D) is correct.

Learn more about architecture here:


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Some people are concerned that when interest groups pay for
may not have a say in which laws get passed in Congress.
to communicate their ideas to


Some people are concerned that when interest groups may not have a say in which laws get passed in Congress is true.

What are the functions of interest groups for the political system?

Additionally, interest groups enable people to work actively on a problem in an effort to influence public policy. Helping the public become more informed is another duty of interest groups. Interest groups also contribute to the framing of issues, typically in a way that best advances their cause. A variety of government programs are monitored by interest groups, who also work to put topics on the agenda.

Interest groups do this by assembling a sizable number of people who have a position on a particular subject in order to attract the attention of a national institution to fix or create a policy to go with their needs. Since businesses and corporations are the primary source of funding, critics contend that special interests manipulate the laws passed in Congress by "buying" influence. The government is now more accessible to interest groups thanks to this than it is to the general public.

To learn more about interest groups, visit:


The correct question is:

Some people are concerned that when interest groups may not have a say in which laws get passed in Congress


b) False

provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands.


CCC involves provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands.

What is natural resource conservation, and why is it important?

Air, water, soil, minerals, energy, plants, and animals are examples of natural resources on Earth. Conservation is the process of caring for these resources so all living creatures can benefit from them now and in the future. Natural resources provide us with everything we need to survive, including food, water, air, and shelter. Sustainable natural resource conservation is the prudent use, management, and preservation of the natural environment and all of its resources. Integrated environmental education can provide information that can be used to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner. Saving resources is what conservation entails. Follow the three "R"s to save natural resources: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

To know more about natural resource visit:


how did the crusades affect the world economically, culturally, and educationally?


The Crusades also opened up many new trade possibilities with goods that Europeans never had access to before.

The Europeans learned about new concepts in math as well as a new numbering system, called Hindu Arabic Numerals, that we still use today. They gained access to new medical knowledge and other ideas as well. The Crusades also opened up many new trade possibilities with goods that Europeans never had access to before.

One of the most important effects of the Crusades was the increased trade and economy. During the Crusades, many Crusaders were fascinated by the luxury goods they found in the Middle East and took them back home as soon as the Crusades ended.

The Crusades slowed the advance of Islamic power and may have prevented western Europe from falling under Muslim suzerainty. The Crusader states extended trade with the Muslim world, bringing new tastes and foods to Europe.

Learn more about crusades affect the world here:-


Which of the following was not one of the ways that slaves were mistreated in the South?

A) They worked all day with little time for themselves.

B) They were beaten if they did not follow orders.

C) They were never given food.

D) They were not given money for their work.



The correct answer is C. They were never given food.

Slaves in the South were mistreated in many ways, but they were generally not starved or denied food. In fact, slave owners typically provided their slaves with food and other basic necessities as part of their overall investment in their labor. This included not only providing them with meals, but also with clothing, shelter, and medical care when necessary.

The other answer choices (A, B, and D) accurately describe ways in which slaves were mistreated in the South. They were often forced to work long hours with little time for themselves (A), and they were frequently beaten or punished if they did not follow orders (B). Additionally, they were not paid for their labor (D), and all the profits from their work went to their owners. Despite these mistreatments, however, slaves in the South were generally not denied food.


C is the correct answer, because they never given food.

Why did the Japanese attack the Pearl Harbor



Below 4 explanations


1. The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 was one of the most devastating surprise attacks in history. The attack was carried out by Imperial Japan, and was a major part of their plan to expand their empire in the Pacific.

2. The attack was a direct response to the United States’ increasing economic sanctions against Japan. The US had been trying to limit Japan’s expansion in the Pacific, but Japan was determined to continue its aggressive actions throughout the region. The attack on Pearl Harbor was designed to prevent the US from interfering with Japan’s plans.

3. The Japanese believed that a successful surprise attack on Pearl Harbor would cripple the US Pacific Fleet and buy them time to complete their expansion plans. However, the results of the attack were not as successful as the Japanese had hoped.

4. The attack on Pearl Harbor united the US and brought the country into World War II. The US was determined to avenge the attack, and the attack had the unintended effect of galvanizing the US into action and eventual victory in the war. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a turning point in World War II and changed the course of history.

What was the main purpose of the three Neutrality Acts?


Between 1935 and 1937 Congress passed three "Neutrality Acts" that tried to keep the United States out of war, by making it illegal for Americans to sell or transport arms, or other war materials to belligerent nations.

What key points did Wilson make in this speech ?


Indian national sovereignty was promoted in President Wilson's speech on the "14 Points" for former colonies of Europe's waning empires.

In his address to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson articulated his goals for a stable, protracted peace in Europe, the Americas, and the rest of the globe following World War I in his "Fourteen Points" speech.President Woodrow Wilson requested a war declaration against Germany from Congress on April 2, 1917, stating that "the globe must be made secure for democracy." Congress overwhelmingly approved a war declaration four days later. It inspired Indian nationalists, like Mahatma Gandhi, to speak out and engage in nonviolent resistance to the British Empire.

To learn more on President Wilson Speech:


supporting question 1: which ideas from the french revolution would most resonate with the enslaved peoples of haiti?


The French Revolution left behind the most significant legacy: ideas of liberty and democratic rights. People in the Third Estate desired an open society with opportunities for everyone. The National Assembly was established in 1791 with the goal of restricting the monarch's authority.

The best translation of the revolutionary phrase fraternité is "brotherhood." Fraternity implied that the people of the country were united in a common cause. It integrated patriotism with compassion and care for one's fellow citizens. The revolutionary ideal of fraternity was the most nebulous, idealistic, and unreachable of all. The well-known scholars and philosophers like Rousseau and Montesquieu spread and advocated the revolutionary ideas throughout France. They supported the elimination of a societal structure that encouraged discrimination and political, social, and economic inequality.

To learn more about French Revolution please click on below link


I’m working on an assignment for government and my teacher wants me to write my own executive order, but I have no ideas. Does anyone have any good ideas to give me? I need a response by tomorrow.




Why did the majority of Native American tribes side with the French during the French and Indian War?
to collect on a payment promised by French officials
to learn the best military techniques for future battles
to prevent the British from expanding and taking more land
to help the French hunt and trap furs for survival


Answer: C


Compare the humanist viewpoint in the 14th century with that of the viewpoint of humanists in the 15th century. Explain how adopting the later viewpoint might alter a scholar's life.


The humanist viewpoint in the 14th and 15th centuries emphasized different aspects of classical learning and personal development. Adopting the humanist view of the 15th century could lead to a greater focus on individual growth and social activism.

What is a Humanist View Point?

Humanism emphasizes the significance of human values and dignity, which is why the Humanist Point of View is crucial. It suggests that humans can solve issues using science and logic. Humanism, rather than religious traditions, focuses on assisting individuals to live well, accomplish personal progress, and make the world a better place.

The humanist viewpoint in the 14th century emphasized the study of classical texts, particularly those of Ancient Greece and Rome, in order to gain a better understanding of human nature and society. This emphasis on classical learning was often seen as a means of achieving moral and intellectual improvement.

In contrast, the humanist viewpoint in the 15th century placed a greater emphasis on the individual and their potential for personal and societal progress.

Learn more about Humanist View Point:

What is the significance of the Taj Mahal?


The Taj Mahal is the crowning achievement of Muslim art in India and one of the most celebrated works of art in human history.

The Taj Mahal is situated in the Agra District of Uttar Pradesh on the right bank of the Yamuna River in a huge Mughal garden that spans almost 17 hectares. Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor, erected it in remembrance of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Construction on the mosque, guest house, and main entrance began in 1632 and was finished in 1648. The outer courtyard and its cloisters were later constructed and finished in 1653. A number of historical and Quranic inscriptions in Arabic script have made it easier to determine the Taj Mahal's chronology. Masons, stonecutters, inlayers, carvers, painters, calligraphers, dome builders, and other artisans from across the empire were compelled to work on its construction.

learn more about Taj Mahal here


which of the following was associated with the second great awakening? group of answer choices the popularity of camp meetings declining literacy rates the belief that only a small minority could attain salvation the growing appeal of catholicism popular new translations of the bible


bible was present in the British Isles as early as the second century, according to historical evidence. For the next 1,000 years, missionaries and educators translated little passages of the Bible

The first person to oversee an English translation of the entire Bible was John Wycliffe (1329–1384). (NT in 1380, OT in 1382). Wycliffe attended Oxford for his education and worked as a lecturer there. He saw the need of allowing people to read the Bible in their own language because he was both a scholar and a pastor. Additionally, he spoke out against church corruption, which angered Rome and led to his removal from office. He translated the Latin Vulgate, the church's canonical Bible, into Middle English.

learn more about Bible here:


What social and economic system was put in place by Charlemagne to help control his territory?
A. Capitalism
B. Monarchial system
C. Commercial system
D. Feudalism


Charlemagne used Feudalism

B. There are fifteen Cabinet level Departments. How does the Cabinet assist thePresident in seeing that the laws are faithfully executed? Help please answer this and I will rate you and like it. Please please please. At least write one paragraph. Thanks



Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President. The President also appoints the heads of more than 50 independent federal commissions, such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the immediate staff to the President, along with entities such as the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

what was the virgina plan



The Virginia Plan was a proposal to the United States Constitutional Convention for the creation of a supreme national government with three branches ( legislative, executive, and judicial) and a bicameral legislature


The plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorum to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

What were German Americans accused of during the war?


Because Germany was one of America’s adversaries in the war, many Anglo-Americans began to fear that German Americans were still loyal to the Kaiser, or German emperor. Suddenly, German Americans became “hyphenated Americans” who suspiciously practiced their own traditions instead of “assimilating” into Anglo-American culture.

Which concern resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations?
a. Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.
b. Conflicts in other countries would lead to U.S. involvement in another war.
c. Dictatorial governments would have increased influence on U.S. politics. d. U.S. companies would hurt the economy by outsourcing labor.


Conflicts in other countries would lead to US involvement in another war  resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations.

What objection led the US Congress to vote against US membership in the League of Nations?

Congressmen who feared that the United States would become involved in European conflicts opposed joining the League, but the collective security clause ultimately prevented the United States from joining.

Following the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, an international institution called the League of Nations was established. The League's objectives included disarmament, preventing war through global security, resolving international conflicts by diplomatic discussion, and enhancing human welfare.

Lodge spearheaded the League opposition because Republicans were worried that joining the League would bind the US to an expensive group that would make it harder for the US to protect its own interests.

To know more about U.S. congress, refer:


is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.


true Between Turkey and Greece, the aegean Sea is a part of the Mediterranean.

Between what does the Aegean Sea lie?

It occupies a region of around 215,000 square kilometers and is situated between the Balkans and Anatolia. The straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus connect the Aegean to the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the north.

Greece resides in the Aegean Sea.

Between Greece's and Asia Minor's coasts is the Aegean Sea (modern-day Turkey). It has about 2,000 islands that were occupied by the ancient Greeks, the greatest of which being Crete (Kriti), as well as the most popular and frequently captured island, Santorini (Thera or Thira).

To know more about aegean sea visit:-


habakkuk prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people. True/False


The above statement was False. Because Habakkuk expresses concern about the fact that God will use the Babylonian kingdom to judge Judah's sins.

Who warned the people of Judah?

Jeremiah was imprisoned overnight for prophesying against Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah (Jeremiah 19-20). This was a punishment for openly despising and ridiculing criminals.

According to Isaiah 7:4, it was Isaiah who advised King Ahaz during the Dark Ages when Pekah, king of Israel, and Rezin, king of Syria, invaded Judah.

Hence, habakkuk does not prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and does not warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people.

To learn more about Habakkuk here:


Which major political party is typically just left of center when it comes to political Ideology?



Social democracy, social liberism, progressivism and green politics


Which of the following was a conservative movement of the 1920s?

Red Scare


Klu Klux Klan

All of these answers are correct.



All of these answers are correct. The Red Scare was a movement in the 1920s in which fear of communist influence led to widespread persecution of alleged radicals. Prohibition was a movement in the 1920s in which the sale and consumption of alcohol was banned in the United States. The Klu Klux Klan was a white supremacist group that was active in the 1920s.


how would the earth be if there were no humans? ​


Answer: Clean


There wouldn't be any humans to dirty it.


it would be much more cleaner and a lot more animals

Explanation: with humans we tend to put trash everywhere and a lot of chemicals that kill off animal. Plant keep growing and there would be a water shortage for more then another 100 thousand years.

Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about how far in South America:


Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about before 5,000 years ago in South America. The correct answer is B.

Egypt, China, and India are the oldest civilizations in the world, and Mesopotamia is better known. Their culture was not less developed than that of ancient America. This is evident in the architectural remnants of structures like pyramids, plazas, temples, and apartment buildings.

Norte Chico near Supe, Peru, is where this South American civilization was first established. The Holy City of Caral, which had developed into a city around 5000 years prior, served as their capital.

German archaeologist Max Uhle made the first archaeological find in 1905. Additionally, new sites kept turning up until the 1970 discovery of the pyramids.

The inhabitants of Caral also constructed plazas, amphitheaters, temples, and residential zones in addition to the pyramids.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about how far in South America:

a. 2,650 years ago

b. before 5,000 years ago

c. 3,250 years ago

d. about 4,000 years ago

Learn more about pyramids:


What are the 2 bridges in New York called?


The Two bridges in New York are called Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge.

Located on the East River waterfront at the southern tip of the Lower East Side and Chinatown, close to the footings of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge, is the Manhattan borough's Two Bridges district. The area has been regarded as a component of the Lower East Side for a significant portion of its history.

Two Bridges has historically been an immigrant area, with residents originally from Europe and more recently from China and Latin America. In September 2003, the Two Bridges Historic District was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

To learn more about Bridges, visit the link below:


the north shore beach of oahu is known as one of the world premier locations for what sport/activity, which was even practiced by the native hawaii'ans before the coming of the europeans?


The north shore beach of Oahu is kno-wn as one of the world premier loca-tions for surfing, which was even prac-ticed by the native Hawai'ians before the com-ing of the Europeans.

What is surfing?

Surfing is a surface water sport in which an indivi-dual, a surfer, uses a board to ride on the for-ward section, or face, of a mov-ing wave of water, which usu-ally carries the surfer tow-ards the shore.

The laid-back North Shore is a stretch of coast kno-wn for big waves and profess-ional surfing con-tests at Waimea Bay and Sun-set Beach.

Located in Ehukai Beach Park, Ban-zai Pipeline Hawaii is fam-ous for its legend-arily danger-ous waves and off-ers some of the best surf-ing in Hawaii for experi-enced surfers.

To know more about surfing click below:


Which tatement explain why the Fifteenth Amendment wa propoed by the Radical Republican during Recontruction?


African American men were denied the ability to vote until the fifteenth amendment was adopted during the reconstruction era.

The law recommended that it be against the law for the federal and state governments to deny a citizen the right to vote due to their skin color, race, or prior slavery.

The suggestion to require 80% of Southerners to swear loyalty to the Union would be the appropriate reaction, given that this number was reduced to 10%, presuming that this is referring to the same list of possibilities that was previously offered with this question.

The Radical Republicans held that black people had a right to the same political chances and rights as white people. Additionally, they thought that the Confederate generals should be held accountable for their actions during the Civil war.

To learn more on Reconstrution:


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