The greatest amount of genetic variation is produced in offspring that reproduce -
A. sexually through fission B. asexually through budding C. sexually through meiosis D. asexually through mitosis

The Greatest Amount Of Genetic Variation Is Produced In Offspring That Reproduce - A. Sexually Through


Answer 1

In meiosis, the greatest amount of genetic variation is produced in offspring that reproduce sexually, hence option C is correct.

How do organisms reproduce sexually through meiosis?

Because the environment is continually changing, sexual reproduction often has an advantage over asexual reproduction.

Increased phenotypic variation, or the physical variety of the organisms, results from higher genetic diversity.

Each gamete has a unique DNA set because of recombination and independent assortment during meiosis. The resultant zygote has a special set of genes as a result.

Genetic variety can be increased by new genes and alleles being created as a result of gene duplication, mutation, or other events.

Therefore, it is possible for novel gene combinations to arise during sexual reproduction.

Learn more about meiosis, here:


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Can depletion of the ozone cause a rise in skin cancer among humans? Explain

Please help


Yes because when the ozone layer gets ruined and it causes more sunlight and UV rays to hit the surface of the earth, so if you are out in the sun it causes you to have more light and UV rays that will effect your skin especially if you are not wearing sunscreen. Over a period of time if you are still in the sun there is a possibility that you will get skin cancer due to the higher UV levels and sunlight

scientific and common name for this?



The common name for this is Moss

Scientific name is Bryophyta


The study of fossil succession allows
O matching of similarly-aged rocks from different outcrops
O the study of habits of extinct mammals
O recognition of the kings of the beasts in past times
O absolute dating of fossil-bearing strata


The law of faunal succession allows geologists to date the rocks they are studying. The fossils present in a rock unit may provide very useful tools for precise dating. Some species only existed for short, well-known periods in Earth history--their fossils, called index fossils, are especially helpful.

Select ALL of the following that are directly involved with making a protein


Cell Membrane




Cell Membranes,Ribosome, Cytoplasm are used to make protein


Proteins are formed in a condensation reaction when amino acid molecules join together and a water molecule is removed. The new bond formed in protein molecules where amino acids have joined (-CONH) is called an amide link or a peptide link.

hope it will help you

Urgent! question is attached, thankyou so much



C; Oxygen concentration


Oxygen is product, not a reactant in photosynthesis. Light and carbon dioxide are reactants, and extreme temperatures can denature the plant.

(50 Points)
Select the correct location on the image.
In pea plants, white seed coat is a recessive trait and gray seed coat is a dominant trait. Which offspring have a white seed coat?
The highlighted ones are the answers to chose from (There is only one)





Not 50 pts but... recessive usually means it's the tiny letters.

Dominant traits have capital letter GG or Gg, so the dominant trait is going to show as the phenotype.

What evidence is there that Joule had an exceptional education?


The evidences that show that Joule have an exceptional education is that; since he was a sickly child, he was entirely self-educated; taking from his books only the information that interested him where he quickly gained a working knowledge of physics and chemistry.

What are two of the reasons cited for the snail population on society being devastated?



snails move slow



A ray of light is passing through a medium making an angle of 45°. If the
refractive index of the medium is 1.4, calculate the angle of refraction. [Ans: 30°)​


Answer: By Snell's law, we can see that the angle of refraction is 30.34°


Snell's law says that:

If a ray in a medium of refractive index n₁, insides with an angle θ₁ in another medium with refractive index n₂, then the angle of refraction θ₂ is given by:

n₁*sin(θ₁) = n₂*sin(θ₂)

We know that:

The incidence angle is 45°, then: θ₁ = 45°

We can assume that the first medium is air, then n₁ = 1

The refractive index of the other medium is 1.4, then n₂ = 1.4

Replacing these in the Snell's law equation we get:

1*sin(45°) = 1.4*sin(θ₂)

Now we can solve this for the angle of refraction:

sin(45°)/1.4 = sin(θ₂)

Asin(sin(45°)/1.4 ) = Asin( sin(θ₂)) =  θ₂ = 30.34°

So the angle of refraction is 30.34°

What should be the goals of managing forests?


Protect existing undeveloped forests and greenspaces from further development. Enhance the health, condition and function of existing tree and forest fragments to provide such things as air quality and temperature regulation, hydrologic function and habitat.

I hope this helps

Which is NOT an influencing factor for weather?

Natural features - oceans, land, mountains, etc.


The answer is to the question is gravity

The food web illustrated here exists in Yellowstone National Park,
Raven (detritivore)
Gray wolf
Red fox
Red squirrel

Balsam Fir Cottonwood Aquatic plants
If gray wolves were to go extinct, what would be the two most likely effects
on the ecosystem?


When the gray wolves go extinct, the biodiversity in the ecosystem is decreased and the red fox population is also decreased.

What is the food web?

The food web shows all the possible feeding relationships in the ecosystem. The long web shows interrelationships between living things. We can see that the chain where the gray wolves also includes the beover and the red fox.

Hence, when the gray wolves go extinct, the biodiversity in the ecosystem is decreased and the red fox population is also decreased.

Learn more about food web:




option D



bacteria do not interact with organisms, so they do not maintain or disrupt their health.

Is d


What is the main difference in
the movement of molecules
during simple diffusion and
facilitated diffusion?
A. Simple diffusion moves large
B. Facilitated diffusion requires energy.
C. Facilitated diffusion uses protein


The answr is c. Facilitated diffusion

Answer: C

Explanation: facilitated diffusion uses proteins channels. It can’t be be because it does not use energy and it can’t be a because somebody fusion does not move large molecules.

What is the function of the hydrogen bonds?


Hydrogen bonding is important in many chemical processes. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for water's unique solvent capabilities. Hydrogen bonds hold complementary strands of DNA together, and they are responsible for determining the three-dimensional structure of folded proteins including enzymes and antibodies.




pag answer ug imo kay wla ko kabalo

Which are true about changes in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere since 1860? Select the two correct answers.

A. The increases in carbon dioxide are caused by human activity.
B. The increases in carbon dioxide can be explained by the Milankovitch cycle.
C. The rate of change in carbon dioxide is exponential.
D. The changes are triggered by a new interglacial period.


The true statements about changes in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere include:

The rate of change in carbon dioxide is exponential. The increases in carbon dioxide are caused by human activity.

What is Carbon dioxide?

This is a gas which is found in the atmosphere and it is what we exhale when breathing and used by plants during photosynthesis.

The changes in the gas in the Earth's atmosphere since 1860 is as a result of the factors mentioned above.

Read more about Carbon dioxide here

What would happen to the geosphere if there was no hydrosphere? Think of weathering and erosion



Without oceans and land (hydrosphere and geosphere), there would be no wind (as winds are produced by differences of air temperature between the land and oceans). This rock cutting shows the rocks that have formed on the surface of the Earth. Last of all, without the geosphere, there would be no world to live on!


T or F _ Cytosine, guanine, thymine and adenine are referred to as phosphates.

T or F DNA is in the shape of a helix.

A nucleotide is made up of a suqar, phosphate and two nitrogen bases.

Replication is performed prior to cell division.

Adenine always pairs with quanine.

Complementary base pairing matches up complementary sugars.

T or F _The sides of the DNA molecule are made up of repeating nitroqen bases and suqars.

The letters that make up the DNA molecule code for qenes.

T or F _ Replication results in two strands of DNA, each of which has half of the oriqinal strand.

T or F Covalent bonds hold nitrogen bases together, forming the rings of the DNA ladder.



f t f t t t f ? t f


Cytosine, guanine, thymine and adenine are NOT referred to as phosphates (they are nitrogen bases), whereas DNA is in the shape of a double helix'.

A nucleotide is made up of sugar, phosphate and a nitrogen base.

The replication is performed after cell division.

Adenine always pairs with thymine, whereas cytosine pairs with guanine.

Complementary base pairing matches up nitrogen bases.

The letters that make up the DNA molecule code for genes.

Replication results in two strands of DNA, each of which has half of the original strand.

Hydrogen bonds hold nitrogen bases together, forming the rings of the DNA ladder.

In conclusion, Cytosine, guanine, thymine and adenine are NOT referred to as phosphates (they are nitrogen bases), whereas DNA is in the shape of a double helix.

Learn more in:

AHHHH PLS HELPP Which method is better for the environment: the controlled burn (burning oil off of the water) or using the naturally-occuring bacteria?



using the naturally_occuring bacteria


go trying and helping wich with

What are the qualities of greenhouse gas? Select the two correct answers.

A. transparent to infrared radiation
B. three or more atoms in a molecule
C. produced by human activity
D. absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation
E. composed of single atoms, not molecules



produced by human activity

absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation


produced by human activity

absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation

1) Which term describes the circular or bowl-shaped marks in surfaces caused by the impact of a celestial object?
a) Marias
b) Asteroids
c) Craters
d) Orbits


craters. pretty sure haha
C: craters

Hope it’s right :)

is being left handed dominant or recessive





Some scientists have reported that handedness is due to a single gene with right handedness dominant and left handedness recessive.

I hope that this helped you :D

How can humans best limit the negative impact that farming has on soil quality?



rasenshuriken jk f these resources, soil and water have provided humans with the ability to ... to fertile soils; 3) the impacts of intensive agriculture on soil degradation; and 4) the ... in a severe limitation of crop yield — an example of the principle of limiting factors. ... to generate new soil, it is imperative that agricultural practices utilize best ...


I’ll mark u brainly!


1. Phytoplankton, krill, fish, penguin

2.  Baleen whale, smaller toothed whale

3. krill

4. the phytoplankton are the producers, they make their own food from the sunlight just as plants do.

5. herbivorous zooplankton, phytoplankton

6.  One type is a herbivore it snacks on plants. The other type is a carnivorous type of zooplankton it eats smaller animals.

7. Draw a pyramid with several layers. at the bottom write phytoplankton. above that layer write zooplankton, not the carnivorous type. above that write 1st level carnivorous consumers, such as the fish, krill, other birds, and small squid. above that write 2nd level carnivores like the leopard seal, penguin, and elephant seal. Then above that write Baleen whale, smaller toothed whale, and a sperm whale.

Give 3 examples of convection currents in nature
Mechanism of Energy Transfer Requires direct contact? Requires a medium?
Conduction yes







2.Steaming cup of hot tea

3.Ice melting


1.Puts warm air out at the top and draws in cooler air at the bottom.

2.The steam is showing heat being transfered into the air.

3.Heat moves to the ice from the air. This causes the melting from a solid to liquid.


Which function of the integumentary system is illustrated in the release of sweat?
Sensory Reception
Both regulation and secretion





Not completely sure tho, good luck

Through which blood vessel does blood flow back into the heart


[tex] \huge \sf \colorbox{aqua}{Answer}[/tex]

The arteries (red) carry oxygen and nutrients away from your heart, to your body's tissues. The veins (blue) take oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. Arteries begin with the aorta, the large artery leaving the heart.

Explain the unique information trace fossils and coprolites can help scientists infer about an organism


Fossils form on the under ground......

They're trace fossils, not animal bodies. This coprolite can reveal an animal's diet. Scientists can determine what animal dropped coprolites based on its shape, size, and location.

What are coprolites?

Fossilized feces are known as coprolites. Because coprolites provide information for the animal's behavior rather than its shape, rather than being considered body fossils, they are instead categorized as trace fossils.

 A coprolite  can provide researchers with information about an animal's nutrition. Scientists are able to determine the species of animal that may have been responsible for the droppings by analyzing the shape and size of the coprolites as well as the location where they were discovered.

Because coprolites have a propensity to deteriorate so quickly, we only find them very infrequently. They are the marine species that are found the most frequently. The presence of coprolites in fish and reptiles is very common.

Learn more about coprolites, here:


Archie Carr helped save turtles from extinction. What did he do during Operation Green Turtle?
A.) He made laws against hunting turtles.
B.) He took turtle eggs to safe beaches.
C.) He cleaned the turtles after an oil spill.
D.) He planted grasses that turtles eat.



Explanation:The project distributed green turtle eggs and hatchlings to various nesting beaches around the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico in an effort to encourage the growth of their dwindling populations. His conservation efforts also led him to lead campaigns against ocean pollution.

Are frogs and birds OR frogs and horses more closely related?

A.Frogs and birds because they have the most specific taxonomic level in common.

B.Frogs and horses because they have the most specific taxonomic level in common.

C.Frogs and birds because they are both small.

D.They are all in the same taxonomic level, so they are equally related.


A. frogs and birds because they have the most specific taxonomic level in common
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