The graph of an inequality has a closed circle at 4.3, and the ray moves to the right. What inequality is graphed?x > 4.3x ≥ 4.3x ≤ 4.3x < 4.3


Answer 1

From the question, we were told that the graph of an inequality has a closed circle at 4.3 and the ray moves to the right also.

We are to determined the inequality that is graphed from the options.

From what is seen, we want x to be greater than or equal to 4.3.

The closed circle tells us that it can be equal to 4.3. The ray to the right tells us that we are looking for numbers larger than 4.3.

So the inequality graphed is that of x is greater than or equal to 4.3

So the correct option is the second option which is x ≥ 4.3.

Related Questions

Arthur has 20/8 cups of dishwashing detergent. He uses 1/4 cup of detergent for each load of dishes. what is the greatest number of loads of dishes Arthur was with this amount of detergent


Total = 20/8 cups of dishwashing detergent.

he has 20/8 = 5/2 = 2 1/2 cups of dishwashing detergent, per load he uses 1/4

per load

2 1/2 - 1/4


The general formula

x= number of loads

20/8 - x* 1/4= 0

20/ 8 = x 1/4

x 1/4 = 20/ 8

x= 4* (20/8 )

x= 10

The greatest number of loads of dishes Arthur was with this amount of detergent​ is 10


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the total amount of flour in a bakery after receiving new stock equal to 3/10 of its current stock (x)Find the expression that represents the scenario





The expression that represents the scenario is an expression that we can use to calculate the total amount of flour, so the correct expression is:


Because the amount of flour is 3/10 of x ( the current stock)

My teacher gave the answer on the right but I want know how he did it


the given number is 6^4

here is the calculation.


multiply the number 6 by the times of 4

now by multiplication, the answer is


so, the answer is 1296.

Hello. I need help with this practice problem. I will include a picture. Thank you soo much


Firstly, we need to compare the information ew have from both sides of the equation, the denominators.

The different between the denominator is that the right side has the factor (w + 6), while the lest side does not.

So, sstarting from the expression on the left side, we can introduce the factor (w + 6) into the denominator by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by this factor:


The order of the factor dont change the result, so we can switch the factors on the denominator to get:


Now, by comparison, we can see that the blank part is the following:


twice a number decreased by 4 Is atleast 12



The appropiate relationship is:

2x - 4 = 12

Adding +4 to both sides:

2x = 12 + 4

Adding numbers:

2x = 16

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 16/2


x = 8

The solution is 8

use the function f(x)=-3(x+1)2+18what is the y intercept ?does it have a max or min



First of all, we must remember that a first degree function must be in the formula f (x) = ax + b, so, lets use this form:


If a = 6, which of the following is equal to a 2?1o-36O O-122



The question given is a negative exponent.

To solve this, we apply the law of indices for negative exponents.

Negative exponent law is indicated below;


Thus, applying this law to the question;



a = 6

Substituting a = 6 into the expression, we have;


Therefore, the correct answer is;


May you help me with this


Given the function


Set x=-3 and solve for h(-3) as shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=-3 \\ \Rightarrow h(-3)=2(-3)^2-3(-3)+5=18+9+5=32 \\ \Rightarrow h(-3)=32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is 32

Samson buys a newcomputer for class. Thecomputer costs $550, aswell as an additional tax of10.2%.How much does he pay forthe computer?


The cost of the computer is: $550

The additional tax is: 10.2%

To find the final cost of the computer, first, we need to find how much is the tax of 10.2%.

Step 1. Calculate how much is 10.2% of $550.

In general, to calculate a percentage we divide the quantity by 100 and then multiply by the percentage we need. In this case:


Solving the operations:


The tax is $56.1

Step 2. Add the cost of the computer and the tax to find how much he paid for the computer:


Answer: $606.1

In ABC, A = 68°, a = 14 and c = 17. Which of these statements best describes the triangle?


Given for the triangle ABC:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle A=68\degree \\ a=14,c=17 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Using the sine rule, we will solve the triangle by finding the missing angles


[tex]\frac{a}{\sin A}=\frac{c}{\sin C}[/tex]

substitute with the given data:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{14}{\sin68}=\frac{17}{\sin C} \\ \\ \sin C=\frac{17}{14}\cdot\sin 68=1.125866 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of (sin C) must be 1 or less than 1

So, the triangle ABC cannot be constructed

The answer will be the last option

solve the system. given your answer as (x, y, z)-4x -y - 3z = -5-6x + y - 3z = -172x + 2y - z = - 10



(1, -5 ,2)


Given the system of equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -4x-y-3z=-5\ldots(1) \\ -6x+y-3z=-17\ldots(2) \\ 2x+2y-z=-10\ldots(3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Make z the subject in the third equation:


Substitute z=2x+2y+10 into the first and second equations:

First Equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} -4x-y-3z=-5 \\ -4x-y-3(2x+2y+10)=-5 \\ -4x-y-6x-6y-30=-5 \\ -4x-6x-y-6y=-5+30 \\ -10x-7y=25\ldots(4) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Second Equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6x+y-3z=-17 \\ -6x+y-3(2x+2y+10)=-17 \\ -6x+y-6x-6y-30=-17 \\ -6x-6x+y-6y=-17+30 \\ -12x-5y=13\ldots(5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, solve equations 4 and 5 simultaneously:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -10x-7y=25\ldots(4) \\ -12x-5y=13\ldots(5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Multiply equation (4) by 5 and equation (5) by 7.

[tex]\begin{gathered} -50x-35y=125 \\ -84x-35y=91 \\ \text{Subtract same sign} \\ 34x=34 \\ x=\frac{34}{34} \\ x=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute x=1 into equation (4):

[tex]\begin{gathered} -10x-7y=25\ldots(4) \\ -10(1)-7y=25 \\ -7y=25+10 \\ -7y=35 \\ y=\frac{35}{-7} \\ y=-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Recall: z=2x+2y+10

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=2x+2y+10 \\ =2(1)+2(-5)+10 \\ =2-10+10 \\ z=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solution of the system is:


Given the Exponential Equation, determine the Initial Value and Rate of Change as a Percent for each of the following.


The formula for calculating exponential growth is expressed as

y = a(1 + r)^n


a is the initial value

y is the final value

n is the time

r is the growth rate

The formula for calculating exponential decay is expressed as

y = a(1 - r)^n

For y = 1010(1.05)^x,

initial value = 1010

1 + r = 1.05

r = 1.05 - 1 = 0.05

Since it is positive, it is exponential growth

Growth percent = 0.05 x 100 = 5%

For y = 4932(1.26)^x,

initial value = 4932

1 + r = 1.26

r = 1.26 - 1 = 0.26

Growth percent = 0.26 x 100 = 26%

For y = 2835(1.065)^x,

initial value = 2835

1 + r = 1.065

r = 1.065 - 1 = 0.065

Since it is positive, it is exponential growth

Growth percent = 0.065 x 100 = 6.5%

For y = (0.96)^t,

initial value = 1

1 - r = 0.96

r = 1 - 0.96 = 0.04

decay percent = 0.04 x 100 = 4%

For y = 4660(0.89)^x,

initial value = 4660

1 - r = 0.89

r = 1 - 0.89 = 0.11

decay percent = 0.11 x 100 = 11%

For y = 3078(1.09)^t,

initial value =3078

1 + r = 1.09

r = 1.09 - 1 = 0.09

Growth percent = 0.09 x 100 = 9%

an office administrator has an office supply budget $150. The office administrator will purchase folders, which are $2.15 each and notebooks, which are $4.60 each. which inequality represent the constrain on the number of folders f and notebook n the office administrator can purchase


If the price of each folder is $2.15, and the amount of folders is f, the total price paid for folders is the product of the unitary price by the amount bought.


Similarly, the price paid for notebooks is the unitary price of one notebook ($4.60) multiplied by the amount of notebooks (n).


Finally, the total cost of both products together is the sum of these products.


The supply budget is $150, so the total cost needs to be lesser than or equal this value.

Therefore, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{cost}\le150 \\ 2.15f+4.6n\le150 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the correct option is B.

question is in image


The function f(x) is given by,


The function g(x) is given by,


If f(x) becomes -kf(x), where 0Comparing the above functions, we get


So, k=2/3. Hence, 0 < 2/3 < 1.

Therefore, the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x) compressed vertically and reflected across the x axis.

Hence, option D is correct.

Michael earns a weekly salary of $365 plus a 6% commission of sales for the week. Last week, Michael's sales totaled $3200. How much did he make in commission? What was Michael's total pay?


Michael's sales are $3200, then the comission is


$192 in comission.

Then the total pay is



1 11a.) A sign in a bakery gives the following options. Find each unit price to the nearest cent, and show your reasoning. You can get 3 mini-cakes for $32. What is the cost of ONE mini-cake? * O $10.66 O $10.65 O $10.67 O $10.59


Since we can get 3 mini-cakes for $32, we can find the price of each mini-cake by taking the ratio of price to number of mini-cakes, like this:

unit price = 32/3 = 10.67

Then, the cost of ONE mini-cake is $10.67

metro atlanta home prices are rising rapidly, and much of its a soaring demand from deep-pocketed investors,as reported in the AJC March 21st of this year. In March2022, the median sale price of a home in the Metro area was $401,500. Before the the pandemic hit, in january2020, the median sale price was $279,000 Find the rate increase of the average cost of a home in Atlanta from january2020 before the pandemic hit Atlanta to the present


We are asked to determine the rate of increase in the value of a home,

We need to have into account that at the beginning of the considered period the cost was 279000 and after two years the cost is 401500, therefore, we can use the following formula:

[tex]r=\frac{\Delta C}{\Delta t}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \Delta C=\text{ difference in cost} \\ \Delta t=\text{ difference in time} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we substitute the values:


Solving the operations:


Therefore, the rate is an increase of $61250 per year.

A metal plate has the form of a quarter circle with a radius of R = 106cm . Two 3 cm holes are to be drilled in the plater r = 95cm from the corner at 30 degrees and 60as shown above. To use a computer controlled milling machine you must know the Cartesian coordinates of the holes. Assuming the origin is at the corner what are the coordinates of the holes (x_{1}, y_{1}) and (x_{2}, y_{2}) ? Round your answer to 3 decimal places


[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,y_1)--\gt(0.866,0.500) \\ (x_2,y_2)--\gt(0.500,0.866) \end{gathered}[/tex]

1) Considering that this quarter circle is one sector of the unit circle and that


2) Let's sketch this out to better grasp the idea:

Note that the first coordinate will be given by its cos(theta), and the second one by its sine(theta)

3) Based on that principle, we can tell the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,y_1)--->(cos(30^{\circ}),\sin(30^{\circ}))=(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2},\frac{1}{2}) \\ \\ (x_{2,}y_2)-->(\cos(60),\sin(60))=(\frac{1}{2},\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

As the holes need to be drilled by the machine, so we need to find approximations to those coordinates:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,\:y_1)-->(0.866,0.500) \\ (x_2,y_2)-->(0.500,0.866) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, these are the coordinates to be put into the computer.

The table shows x- and y-values for the equation y = 3x -1 Which number is missing in the table? 23 15 20 37


y = 3x-1

When x = 8

y = 3(8) -1

y = 24-1

y = 23

-Convert the following into given base units of measurement. (Refer to slide 21 &27 on uploaded ppt).

1. 3.65 mg =______ dg

2. 9.987 g =______ hg

3. 12.203 km =______ mm


The conversion of the given base units of measurements are

Part 1

3.65 mg = 0.0365 dg

Part 2

9.987 g = 0.09987 hg

Part 3

12.203 km = 12203072.2 mm

Part 1

The given quantity is 3.65 mg

mg is the milligram and dg is the decigram

We know

1 mg = 0.01 dg


3.65 mg = 3.65×0.01

Multiply the terms

3.65 mg = 0.0365 dg

Part 2

The given quantity is 9.987 g

g is the gram and hg is the hectogram

1 g = 0.01 hg


9.987 g = 0.09987 hg

Part 3

The given quantity is 12.203 km

km is the kilometer and mm is the millimeter

1 km = 1000000 mm

12.203 km = 12203072.2 mm

Hence, the conversion of the given base units of measurements are

Part 1

3.65 mg = 0.0365 dg

Part 2

9.987 g = 0.09987 hg

Part 3

12.203 km = 12203072.2 mm

Learn more about conversion here


the base of the pyramid is a square. the volume is ___ cubic cm. measurements:l = 6 cmw = 10 h = 15(unable to send pictures of question without app crashing. my apologies.)



300 cubic meters.


The volume of any pyramid is obtained using the formula below:

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}\times\text{Base Area}\times Height[/tex]

Substitute the given values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{1}{3}\times(6\times10)\times15 \\ =\frac{1}{3}\times60\times15 \\ =300\operatorname{cm}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The volume of the pyramid is 300 cubic meters.

taliyah 1. If Mrs. Wozniak runs 8 miles a day. How many miles will she run in 4 weeks? Your answer 2. Fach fourth trade class at a local elementan answered 1 209 multiplication fact problems last


Use the given rate to find how many miles will Mrs. Wozniak run in 4 weeks. Remember that 1 week is equal to 7 days, then 4 weeks is 28 days.


She will run 224 miles in 4 weeks.

Determine whether the relation is a function.13) {(-6, -5), (-3, -7), (4, 6), (4,8)}A) Not a functionB) Function


A) Not a function


A function is a relation which describes that there should be only one output for each input

Step 1

let's check the given ordered pair

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,y),\text{ x is the input, y is the output} \\ (-6,5)\text{ , -6}\Rightarrow5 \\ (-3,-7),\text{ -3}\Rightarrow-7 \\ (4,6),\text{ 4}\Rightarrow6 \\ (4,8).\text{ 4}\Rightarrow8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we can see that

the input 4 has 2 outputs 6 and 8, so

this is not a function, hence the answer is

A) Not a function

I hope this helps you

Over the weekend, Devon baked 12 muffins. She divided them evenly among 3 plates to giveto neighbors.The letter m stands for the number of muffins on each plate. Which equation can you use tofind m?12 x 3 = m12 : 3 = m


The information given is listed below:

number of muffins (m) = 12, number of plates = 3

number of muffin on each plate = number of muffins /

The number of compounding periods is equal to what: what is the formuls



When compound interest is discussed, the time rate for the compound interest is usually mentioned. For example, they would say that

- a certain amount of money has its interest compounded at 5% annually,

- a certain amount of money has its interest compounded at 7% every 3 months,

- a certain amount of money has its interest compounded at 2% every 6 months,

In each of the examples given above, the compounding period is 1 year, 3 months and 6 months respectively.

If one is now asked to calculate the compound interst on a particular amount of money after time, T, we usually express this time T in terms of the number of time periods, t, that exist inside the given time T.

Hence, the time T is expressed in terms of time period t, as

T = nt

Such that the number of compounding periods in T is given as

n = (T/t)


How do I find the sum of this equation and express it in simplest form [tex]( {n}^{3} - 5n - 2) + (4 {n}^{3} + n - 4)[/tex]


[tex](n^{3\text{ }}-5n-2)+(4n^3+n-4\text{)}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{collect like terms} \\ n^3-5n-2+4n^3\text{ + n - 4} \\ n^3+4n^3\text{ - 5n + n - 2 - 4} \\ 5n^{3\text{ }}-\text{ 4n - 6} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

A variable needs to be eliminated to solve the system of equations. Choose the correct first step: -3x+8y=-294x-8y=28A. Add to eliminate xB.Subtract to eliminate yC.Add to eliminate yD. Subtract to eliminate x


From the given equations, we can note that coeffcients of variable y are opposite. This means that, in order to eliminate y, we can add both equations. Then, the answer is C

Micha starts riding his bike at 12:05pm Her rides for 35 minutes What time does he stop riding his bike?


If Micha rides for 35 minutes, she'll stop riding her bike at 12:40pm

Let f(x)=3x - 4. Write a function gwhose graph is a reflection of the graphoff.



the function given is

Keisha has four favorite shirts one blue, one green, one red, one yellow and two favorite pairs of pants one black and one brown she decides to randomly choose a pair of pants and a shirt to wear for the day. What is the probability that Keisha chooses and outfit that is yellow and black or red and brown round your answer to the nearest whole percent?





First, let's calculated the total number of outfits that Keisha can choose. So, we will use the rule of multiplication as:

4 * 2 = 8

Shirts Pants

Because she has 4 options for shirts and 2 options for pants. So, there 8 possible outfits.

Then, from those outfits, there is 1 that is yellow and black, and 1 that is red and brown. So, the probability that Keisha chooses an outfit that is yellow and black or red and brown is:

[tex]P=\frac{1+1}{8}=\frac{2}{8}=0.25=25\text{ \%}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is 25%

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WORTH 100 POINTS!!!! the book is called of beetles and angels and I need you to answer the questions about the book.Unit 2 Journey to Identity Text AnalysisTitle: Of Beetles and Angels Author: Selamawi Asgedom Publication Date: Nov 15, 2000Discussion Questions1. Use the text and your analysis to prepare two interpretive or evaluative discussion questions, then identify the type of question you have created.Question Is your question interpretive or evaluative?1. 2. Identity Development Identify the protagonists stage of identity development throughout the story. Complete the chart with the correct stage and two instances of support from the text. Recall the different stages: Identify Diffusion occurs when an adolescent does not make a commitment to any particular roles, values, or goals. Identify Foreclosure occurs when someone makes a commitment without considering other possibilities. Identity Moratorium occurs when an individual is in the midst of a crisis over a particular role or value and tries out alternatives in order to make a commitment. Identity Achievement occurs when someone makes a personal decision or commitment after going through a crisis and exploring his or her option. 2. Stage of Identity Development Text Support provide two instances of textual support for each stage.Beginning Middle End 3. ConflictIdentify and describe two conflicts in the story. Explain how the protagonist responds throughout the story and what his or her response reveals about him or her. Write in complete sentences.ConflictProtagonists ResponseWhat does this reveal about the character?4. PlotWhat narrative structure (episodic plot, parallel plot, etc.) does the author use to tell the story? __________________________________________________________________5. Summarize the story using the elements of plot. Include details to demonstrate your reading.Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution 6. Looking BackAnswer the following questions in complete sentences.1. How does the trailer compare to the book? Is it an accurate representation of the story you read? Why or why not?2. What changes would you make to the book trailer? If you would not make any changes, please explain why.7. ThemeWhat is the message the author communicates through key events in the story?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Complete the following chart with details and a thoughtful analysis of how the events in the story influence the theme.Key Events - What happens? What do we learn about the character in this event? Or how does the event change the character? What is the authors message in each set of events you have identified? 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The novel gives more details about the character than the show.OD. Drawing out the climax really ramped up the tension in the story.SUBMIT Which of the following BEST Dont completes the above analogy? What is the radius and diameter of the following circle?18 cmRadius =cmDiameter =cm