The Founding Fathers chose to establish a federal system in order to -
A. create a government with divided power
concentrate government power at the national level
experiment with a new system of government
model the government after the one in Britain


Answer 1

The Founding Fathers, who drafted the Constitution, wanted to design a structure that did not give one person excessive power or influence. The appropriate response is choice (A).

Define a federal system.

The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government are respectively vested with authority by the U.S. Constitution in Congress, the President, and the Federal courts.

George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton all backed the federal government. The desire to prevent tyranny and establish a balance between order and liberty was one of the reasons the Founders gave for creating a federalist government.

The country's founders wanted to make it hard for one person, party, or group to take control. To accomplish these goals, the Founding Fathers proposed a federal government with three separate branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial.

To know more about the federal system, visit:


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How did the russian provisional government contribute to the outbreak of the october revolution?


The Russian provisional government contribute to the outbreak of the October revolution as the Provisional Government ordered an armed attack against the demonstrators, killing hundreds.

The October Revolution, formally called the Great October Socialist Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution, was a revolution in Russia which was led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin which was a key moment in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917–1923. It occur through an armed insurrection in Petrograd on 7 November 1917 and was a precipitating event of the Russian Civil War. In its background, the Russian provisional government, with the support of Socialist-Revolutionary Party-Menshevik leaders of the All-Russian Executive Committee of the Soviets, ordered an armed attack against the demonstrators, killing hundreds. It contributed to the outbreak of the October Revolution.

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how do economic factors most influence internet use in the untied states?


Economic factors most influence internet use in the United States as higher earners are more likely to utilise the internet.

What is the Internet's impact on the economy?

Significant increase in GDP. The Internet has a significant impact on economic growth rates in a variety of large, industrialised economies. According to our analysis, the average GDP share of the Internet across the major economies—which together account for 70% of the global GDP—is 3.4%.

What effects does the Internet have on our socioeconomic lives?

The population's economic situation improves as a result of increased access to technology, which also lowers the rate of poverty and raises the quality of education and healthcare.

To know more about economic factors, click here-


Economic factors most influence internet use in the United States as higher earners are more likely to utilise the internet.

What is the economic impact of the Internet?

a substantial rise in GDP. In a number of large, industrialized economies, the Internet has a considerable impact on economic growth rates. Our data shows that the largest economies, which together account for 70% of the global GDP, have an average Internet GDP contribution of 3.4%.

Which socioeconomic effects does the Internet have on us?

Increased access to technology enhances the economic standing of the populace, lowers the rate of poverty, and boosts the standard of healthcare and education. The population's economic situation improves as a result of increased access to technology, which also lowers the rate of poverty and raises the quality of education and healthcare.

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Identify the statements that describe the rights revolution at the end of the twentieth century.Conservatives sought to get government out of economic regulation and environmental regulations.Moral conservatives, or those who sought to have the government set the moral standard for the country, were in the minority at the time.Personal liberty became the dominant point of view, as individuals sought greater freedom in how they chose to live their life.


All the given statements  describe the rights to revolution at the end of the twentieth century

The concept of the "right to revolution" refers to the idea that people have the right to overthrow a government that is oppressive, unjust, or otherwise illegitimate. At the end of the twentieth century, the concept of the right to revolution was still being discussed and debated by political theorists, but it was not widely recognized as a legal or moral right by most governments. The right to revolution is often associated with theories of popular sovereignty, holding that political power ultimately resides with the people and that the people have the right to resist or overthrow a government that fails to respect their rights or serve their interests.

During this time, the conservatives wanted the government to stop regulating the economy and the environment. The minority at the time included moral conservatives or those who wanted the government to establish the moral code for the nation. As people sought more independence in their life choices, the idea of personal liberty began to dominate society.

Read more about the twentieth century on:


12. True or False. One of the main goals of the Fascist governments of Germany, Italy, and Japan
was to expand its territory, acquire more resources, and gain more territory for its people to


Answer: True
Germany invaded Soviet Union for All of those
Italy wanted Africa
Japan attacked China

What encouraged settlements to move west to the Great Plains ?


The homestead act helped encourage settlers to settle in the Great Plains. This gave settlers land that was said to be theirs after living in that area for five years.

What was the Homestead Act?

The United States had various statutes known as the "Homestead Acts" that allowed applicants to obtain ownership of public or government land, often known as a "homestead."

The Homestead Act, passed in 1862 during the Civil War, allowed any adult citizen or intending citizen who had never engaged in armed conflict with the American government to claim 160 acres of surveyed public land. Claimants had to occupy the property, maintain it by farming, and otherwise "improve" it.

Therefore, the settler were attracted to the cheap lands, that they used this land for farming.

To learn more about the Homestead Act, click here:


where in europe do the flagellanta originate from


Answer: Northern Italia (Italy)

Explanation: The Italians invented this because they whipped each other when they had to atone for their sins, counting on the people living in the region to repent for the bad things (sins) they have done/committed. Since the Black Death, they have gained many new followers.

It originated from northern Italy. Hope this helps

Select all the correct answers.
What are three important guidelines to keep in mind when studying a historical document?
Check the document for grammatical errors.
Analyze whether the document provides valid evidence.
Isolate the document's historical merit.
Check the writer's use of poetic language.
X Analyze-whether the document-provides support to answer the question at hand;


Three important guidelines to keep in mind when studying a historical document is

Analyze whether the document provides valid evidence.X Analyze-whether the document-provides support to answer the question at hand;Isolate the document's historical merit.

What is the importance of historical documents?

The significance of historical documents is in their ability to assist the researcher, understand what truly unfolded during a historical period. It enhances historical learning and provides persons with a greater understanding of the environment.

They may depict what the author observed or believed to have occurred in an attempt to provide specific proof regarding an event. The first thing to keep in mind is the variety of formats in that historical documents can be found.

Learn more about Historical documents, here:


place the following events in the life of osama bin laden into chronological order.


These are the following events in the life of Osama Bin Laden in chronological order:

wars against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistancalls for "war" against the USAAmerican embassies in Africa are targeted by terrorists with ties to Al Qaeda.The attacks on September 11, 2001, were carried out by terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda was formed by Saudi national Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (10 March 1957 – 2 May 2011). The United Nations Security Council, NATO, the European Union, and a number of individual countries have all labeled the organization as a terrorist organization.

Al-Qaeda, led by bin Laden, was responsible for the September 11 attacks in the United States and numerous other strikes around the world that resulted in numerous casualties. U.S. special operations forces assassinated him on May 2, 2011, in his Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound.

To know more about Osama Bin Laden:


Which state refused to ratify the articles of Confederation until all states gave up claims to the western lands?





Maryland refused to ratify the Articles until every state had ceded its western land claims.

C. The use of the budget is a major component of American domestic policy.War powers is a major component of American foreign policy. Use the
following concepts to offer insight into both American foreign and domestic
policy: fiscal policy and AUMF.
Please please answer this question and I will rate you and like it please try to write at least 2 paragraph. Thanks



Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy. Governments typically use fiscal policy to promote strong and sustainable growth and reduce poverty. The role and objectives of fiscal policy gained prominence during the recent global economic crisis, when governments stepped in to support financial systems, jump-start growth, and mitigate the impact of the crisis on vulnerable groups. In the communiqué following their London summit in April 2009, leaders of the Group of 20 industrial and emerging market countries stated that they were undertaking “unprecedented and concerted fiscal expansion.” What did they mean by fiscal expansion? And, more generally, how can fiscal tools provide a boost to the world economy?

The Authorization for Use of Military Force is a joint resolution of the United States Congress which became law on September 18, 2001, authorizing the use of the United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the September 11 attacks.

what was the main purpose of the u.s. government selling war bonds during world war i?


Answer: to finance the United States government's participation in World War I


Hope this helps!

how is society today organized to day in the United States


All societies are organized around an unequal division of labor and decision-making. Modern societies are expected to provide protection, law and order, economic security, and a sense of belonging to their members.

According to Alexander Hamilton, the proper role of the government was:

A. To promote economic enterprise
B. To redistribute personal wealth
C. To provide for the public welfare
D. To extend democratic principles.



A. To promote economic enterprise.



Promote economic enterprise


when nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


Nixon attempted to prevail over the Republican group of electors through his mission.

- Nixon utilized this idea of traditionalism to prevail over the quiet greater part. Children of Vietnam War veterans and individuals from the rising working class made up the quite greater part. The quiet larger part felt that the public authority was getting too participated with an end goal to revoke a great deal of it. They need to stop the monstrous extension.

- Afterward, during the official missions of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, the expression "quiet larger part" — used to depict Moderate electors who keep away from the public talk — returned.

Learn more about nixon:


what architectural elements (located on the southern and northern corners of the enclosure) of the great mosque in damascus are the earliest in the islamic world?


This investment produced a masterpiece of architecture with marble and mosaic accents that genuinely inspired awe. One of the world's oldest still-standing congregational mosques is the Great Mosque of Damascus.

One of the world's oldest still-standing congregational mosques is the Great Mosque of Damascus. After being influenced by the model of the pre-existing Byzantine domes in the Ottoman architecture, Islamic architecture adopted the dome as one of its fundamental elements. Onion domes, Beehive domes, Braced domes, Coved domes, Compound domes, Crossed-Arch domes, Ellipsoidal domes, Geodesic dome, etc. are a few examples of different types of domes.

To learn more about Great Mosque of Damascus please click on below link


In the late 1800s, the social gospel movement was based on the belief that

a ) less fortunate individuals were weak and unfit to survive.
b ) it was a person's moral duty to help less fortunate people.
c )drinking alcohol was the cause of many problems in society.
d ) it was the government's duty to provide services for people.



b ) it was a person's moral duty to help less fortunate people.


The social gospel movement was a religious movement in the late 1800s which emphasized the importance of pursuing social justice and helping those who were less fortunate in society. Its main premise was that it was a moral duty for individuals to help those who were suffering or in need, and that such acts were just as important as religious worship.

What does Supremacy Clause do Brainly?


The Constitution is declared to be the supreme law of the land and the cornerstone of governance by the Supremacy Clause.

The Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution declares that all other laws, including those passed by states, are subordinate to the US Constitution. The Constitution of the country must be followed by all other laws and government activities.

The Constitution's Article VI's second clause is known as the Supremacy Clause. This is what is said:

The supreme law of the land shall be this Constitution, the laws of the United States made pursuant to it, all Treaties made or to be concluded with the consent of the United States, and the judges in each State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

To learn more on Supremacy Clause:


according to the smithsonian institution, the national museum of african american history and culture, juneteenth commemorates


He informed the enslaved African Americans of their freedom and that the Civil War had ended.

Describe the Civil War.

A civil war, often known as an intrastate conflict, is a conflict between organized parties within a single state (or country). One side may seek to overthrow the government, seize control of an area, grant a region independence, or alter public policy.

Why is it known as a "civil war"?

Originally used to characterize the Roman civil wars of the first century BCE, the term "civil war" derives from the Latin phrase bellum civile, which means "war of or related to people."

To know more about Civil War visit:


what factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in georgia during reconstruction?


A factor that played a key role in the growth of peasant and leasehold farming in Georgia during Reconstruction was large amounts of worthless Confederate money.

After the American Civil War (1861-1865) in general until he Compromise in 1877, the Reconstruction Era was a period of American history.

The abundance of worthless Confederate currency contributed greatly to his growth of peasants and tenement farms in Georgia during Reconstruction.

After the bloody Civil War, efforts were made to rebuild the country, restore the former Confederacy, and address the political, social, and economic effects of slavery.

To learn more about Reconstruction here:


What happened to Furman after Furman v. Georgia?


(1976) Georgia (1976). Furman was given release in April 1984. He received a 20-year prison sentence after admitting guilt to a 2004 burglary conviction in Bibb County Superior Court.

The death penalty is illegal under the Eighth Amendment's prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment when it is imposed arbitrarily and capriciously and results in discriminatory outcomes.

In Gregg v. Georgia in 1976, the death sentence was maintained as constitutional, but only if juries were given guidelines to follow when determining sentencing. The Furman v. Georgia decision ultimately led to the complete abolition of the death sentence in some jurisdictions. The Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty's imposition was unconstitutional because it went against the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

To learn more on Furman v. Georgia:


28. The Portuguese access to trading regions in the Indian Ocean was most connected to
A. The Pope granted access to trade in the Eastern Hemisphere with the Treaty of Tordesillas.
B. The superior military forces of the Portuguese navy conquered Muslim empires in the Indian Ocean.
C. Vasco da Gama reached undiscovered and unoccupied regions on the Indian subcontinent.
D. An alliance between the Portuguese and Chinese military brought about a quick collapse of the Muslim empires.​


This right one is B. The superior military yeah that one

Your friend kelly knows all about egyptian history and art. She shares some information with you about egyptian history and art. Which is most likely something she shared about egyptian art and history?.



not d


What was the purpose of the speech I Have a Dream ?



The original intent behind Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech was an appeal to end economic and employment inequalities. King believed the market operation of the American economy propagated unemployment, discrimination, and economic injustice.

How successful were the various Civil Rights Movements



Overall, the Civil Rights Movement was successful in achieving its goals of desegregation.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Congress did not create a civilian government in the first 17 years, because.......
O the local populations didn't want a government
O the military asserted power and wouldn't allow it
O the development of Alaska was not a pressing issue for Congress
O the pre-existing civilian laws were too strong



3rd one


from what you know about the missouri compromise and the controversy that preceded it, do you think the new spirit of nationalism in the united states was strong or fragile? support your opinion.


Missouri Compromise, an agreement reached between the North and the South and approved by the U.S. Congress in 1820, allowing for Missouri's admittance as the country's 24th state (1821).  

The protracted inter-sectional fight over the expansion of slavery that eventually resulted in the American Civil War began at that time. In 1817, Missouri Compromise its initial application for statehood, and by the start of 1819, Congress was debating enabling legislation that would allow Missouri to draught its own state constitution. On February 13, 1819, however, Rep. James Tallmadge of New York attempted to add an antislavery amendment to that law, and a nasty and combative argument about slavery and the government's right to limit slavery followed. The Tallmadge amendment forbade the further importation of slaves into Missouri and stipulated that those who were already there would be freed at the age of 25. The more populous North dominated the House of Representatives, which approved the amendment. However, the Senate, which was equally split between slave and free states, rejected it.

To learn more about Missouri Compromise please click on below link


What does Brooklyn stand for?


Brooklyn stands for Breukelen, the Dutch village in the Netherlands.

The Brooklyn Bridge, which connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, towers majestically over New York City's East River. Millions of commuters, visitors, trains, bicycles, pushcarts, and cars have enjoyed the safe and beautiful passageway its granite towers and steel cables have provided since 1883.

John Augustus Roebling, a major forerunner in steel suspension bridges, built the Brooklyn Bridge. He was born in Germany in 1806, studied industrial engineering in Berlin, and came to western Pennsylvania at the age of 25. There, he made an unsuccessful attempt to become a farmer.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


Select which of the following examples would be considered a federal power
of Congress or what we refer to as an implied power:
Build and maintain nuclear weapons
Launch a website with information about how to obtain a copyright
Punish crimes committed by boaters in lakes and rivers
O Determine the unit of measure for electricity solf as fuel for electric cars
Print and sell postage stamps
Establish Rules abut who is allowed to drive
Build a system of public transportation for a metropolitan area
Print Paper Money


I'm not exactly sure about about this answer, so please forgive me if I'm wrong, and again I'm sorry but I hope this helps you.

The example that would be considered a federal power of Congress would probably be 'Print Paper Money' or 'Build and maintain nuclear weapons' because both of these answers need to have government supervision.

How did Wilson's policies compared to Roosevelt's policies?


With a number of significant regulatory measures, both Wilson and Roosevelt incited the wrath of big industry.

One of the two presidents' shared dedication to achieving significant social reforms was one of their most notable commonalities. The National Park Service was founded by Roosevelt, who is credited with many notable accomplishments. The website for the organization claims that Roosevelt fought for the creation of the park service because he believed that all Americans should have access to open spaces and natural wonders as a right. Wilson reportedly concentrated on implementing educational reforms for similar reasons, according to the Heritage Foundation. He believed that everyone in America had the right to an education, and he used his position of power to give millions of people access to schools.

learn more about Roosevelt here


What support the bridge at both sides?


Abutments are the rudiments at the ends of a bridge that support it.

They absorb numerous of the forces placed on the bridge and act as retaining walls that help the earth under the approach to the bridge from moving.

The bridge members have divided into two major orders the superstructure and the substructure.

Is a bridge erected from both sides?

The arch-style bridge is one of the most ancient, used in the courses of Rome and in designs from the present day. erecting these islands has come more effective with ultramodern technology, but the original design is still so generally reckoned on because of its natural strength. still, it must be erected from both sides.

To learn more about the bridge, click here:


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