The following table represents the highest educational attainment of all adultresidents in a certain town. If a resident who has a master's degree is chosen atrandom, what is the probability that they are aged 40 or over? Round your answer tothe nearest thousandth.

The Following Table Represents The Highest Educational Attainment Of All Adultresidents In A Certain


Answer 1

The answer is: 0.0362

The total number of Master's degree holders = 2848 (from the question)

In order to choose people 40 and above from this Master's degree holder subset,

You choose:

People 40-49 AND People 50 and over.

Number of people 40-49 = 475

Number of people 50 and over = 699

But we also need to take into consideration, the probability of picking a person 40-49 years old OR 50 and over

total Number of people 40 - 49 are 3518

The total Number of people 50 and above are 6518

Thus, we can write the probability as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(\text{choosing 40-49)=}\frac{475}{3518} \\ P(\text{choosing 50 and above)=}\frac{699}{6518} \\ P(choo\sin g\text{ Master's degre}e)=\frac{2848}{19076} \\ \\ \text{Thus, for choosing 40-49 AND Master's degre}e\colon \\ P(\text{choosing 40-49 AND Master's degr}ee)=\frac{475}{3518}\times\frac{2848}{19076}=0.0202 \\ \\ \text{For choosing 50 and above AND Master's degre}e\colon \\ P(\text{choosing 50 and above AND Master's degree)=}\frac{699}{6518}\times\frac{2848}{19076}=0.016 \\ \\ \text{Thus choosing Master's degree holder, 40 or over:} \\ P(\text{choosing 40-49 AND Master's degr}ee)+ \\ P(\text{choosing 50 and above AND Master's degree)} \\ =0.0202+0.016=0.0362 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer is: 0.0362

Related Questions

Which of the following determines the range of spectral lines produced during electron transition?

the total number of energy levels the electron can jump to

the lower energy level to which the electron returns

the higher energy level to which the electron jumps

the number of electrons under electron transition at the same time


The range of spectral lines produced during electron transition is determined by the total number of energy levels the electron can jump to.

Spectral lines are bright or dark lines over continuous spectrum which occur due to emission or absorption of energy.

When an electron jumps to or from one energy level to another energy level, spectral lines are produced. The range of spectral lines depends on the number of energy levels available to which the electron can jump. This depends the amount of energy gained/lost by the electron.

Thus, the range of spectral lines produced during electron transition is determined by the total number of energy levels the electron can jump to.

To learn more about the spectral lines refer here


solve -5(3n+4)=40 I need help


Simplify the expression to obtain the value of n.

[tex]\begin{gathered} -5(3n+4)=40 \\ 3n+4=\frac{40}{-5} \\ 3n+4=-8 \\ 3n=-8-4 \\ n=-\frac{12}{3} \\ =-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus value of n is -4.

3 (3+4k)=45 can you help me with this one


Given 3 ( 3 + 4k ) = 45

So, divide both sides by 3

3 + 4k = 45/3

3 + 4k = 15

subtract 3 from both sides

3 + 4k - 3 = 15 - 3

4k = 12

divide both sides by 4

k = 12/4 = 3

So, the value of k = 3

The radius of the front wheel of Terry's bike is 61cm.
Terry goes for a cycle and travels 60.32km.
How many full revolutions did Terry's front wheel complete?


In linear equation, 157 did Terry's front wheel complete.

What is a linear equation example?

Ax+By=C is the typical form for linear equations involving two variables. A linear equation in standard form is, for instance, 2x+3y=5.Finding both intercepts of an equation in this format is rather simple (x and y).

Terry goes for a cycle and travels 60.32km.

 so, 60.32 * 1000 ÷ ( 2 * 3.14 * 61 )

   = 60320 ÷ 2 * 3.14 * 61

   = 60320 ÷ 6.28  * 61

    = 60320 ÷ 383.08

     = 6032000/ 38308

     = 1508000/9577

    = 157

Learn more about linear equation


6(3n+10) whats the answer


Problem: 6(3n+10)


Applying the distributive law of natural or real numbers, we obtain:

[tex]6(3n+10)\text{ = 6.3n+ 10.6 = }18n+60[/tex]

then, the correct answer is:

[tex]6(3n+10)\text{ =}18n+60[/tex]

three times the measure of an angle is equal to twice the measure of the angle's supplement. what is the measure of the angle



The angle has measure 72°.

Step-by-step explanation:


Two angles are supplementary angles if the sum of their measures equals 180°.

Let x and y be the supplementary angles.

According to the definition above, then,

x + y = 180

We can the above equation for y:

x + y = 180

y = 180 - x

The two angles have measures:


180 - x

Now we look carefully at this statement:

"three times the measure of an angle is equal to twice the measure of the angle's supplement"

We translate the above statement into an equation, using x for one angle, and 180 - x for the supplement.

3x = 2(180 - x)

Solve the equation for x.

Distribute 2 on the right side.

3x = 360 - 2x

Add 2x to both sides.

5x = 360

Divide both sides by 5.

x = 360/5

x = 72

The angle has measure 72°.

According to a survey, 62% of Americans go on vacation each year. Two Americans are chosen from a group of 100 Americans what is the probability that one or both of the people chosen does not go on vacation each year?





Let the first American = A

• P(A goes) = 0.62


• P(A does not) = 0.38

Let the second American = B

• P(B goes) = 0.62


• P(B does not) = 0.38

The probability that one or both of the people chosen does not go on vacation each year

=P(A goes and B does not) or P(A does not and B does) or P(both do not)

[tex]\begin{gathered} =P(AB^{\prime})+P(A^{\prime}B)+P(A^{\prime}B^{\prime}) \\ =(0.62\times0.38)+(0.38\times0.62)+(0.38\times0.38) \\ =0.2356+0.2356+0.1444 \\ =0.6156 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the probability that one or both of the people chosen does not go on vacation each year is 61.56%.

many wholes are in 21 / 5


Divide the numbers:

21/5 = 4.2

Sandra and Peter share a packet of 30 marshmallow eggs in the ratio of 2:3


Using the given ratio, we will see that we can define the proportions to find that:

Sandra gets 12 marshmallows.

Peter gets 18 marshmallows.

How many marshmallow eggs will get each one?

We know that Sandra and Peter share a packet of 30 marshmallow eggs in the ratio of 2:3.

We can find the fractions for each person by doing the following steps:

So if we add the two values in the ratio we get 2 + 3 = 5

The ratio is:

Sandra:Peter = 2:3

Then we can write the fractions as:

The fraction of the total number of eggs that Sandra gets is 2/5

The fraction of the total number of eggs that Peter gets is 3/5

Now remember that the total number of marshmallow eggs is 30, then the number that Sandra gets is:

S = (2/5)*30 = 12

And the number that Peter gets is:

S = (3/5)*30 = 18

Learn more about ratios at:


The table shows the rational approximation of several irrational numbers.
Which is the approximate value of √3?


The approximate value of √3 is 1.732 which is an irrational number.

Given that,

We have to find the value of root3.

√3 is an irrational number.

Real numbers that cannot be represented as a ratio are referred to as irrational numbers. Or to put it another way, irrational numbers are actual numbers that defy logic.

Irrational numbers are real numbers that cannot be represented by a straightforward fraction. These can't be stated as ratios, like p/q, where p and q are both integers, q≠0. In terms of statistics, it defies reason.

The approximate value of √3 is 1.732.

Therefore, The approximate value of √3 is 1.732 which is an irrational number.

To learn more about irrational visit:


help with this one please


The graph of g(X) = -(x+3)⁴ compares to the parent function of f(x) = x⁴ got shifted 3 units to left and reflected over x-axis.

Translation means shifting , rescaling and reflecting parents function.

Shifting the graph means to move the graph to new location

Scaling means changing it shape

and Reflecting means a mirror image of parent function across either x-axis or y-axis.

here, If we draw graph of both the function you'll see

The parent function f(x) = x⁴ have center as (0,0)

where as Center of function g(x) = -(x+3)⁴ is (-3,0)

means g(x) = -(x+3)⁴ is moves towards the left by 3 units

and also the graph is in downwards which means it has also reflected across x-axis

Hence , the g(x) = -(x+3)⁴ is shifted 3 units to the left and reflected over the x-axis compare to parent function.

To know more about Translation here ,


The following box plot represents the average heights of the students in Mr. Taylor's fourth grade math class.


[tex]\begin{gathered} Median:140 \\ IQR=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

1) In this question, we need to remember that in any boxplot the line in the middle of the box indicates the median.

Based on that, we can tell the Median is 140

2) In the Interquartile Range, we need to find the range between the lower quartile and the upper one, based on that boxplot. We can tell the IQR is:


Note that the boundaries of the box show us the lower and the upper quartile:

The slope of a soil line is quarter inch per foot if this drainage line is 50 feet long the difference in elevation from one end to the other is most nearly?


Since the slope of the soil line is a quarter of an inch per foot and the drainage line is 50 feet long, then the difference in elevation is:


Simplifying the above expression we get:


Recall that:

[tex]1\text{ in=}\frac{1}{12}feet.[/tex]



Answer: 12.5 inches= 1.04 feet.

Help me pleaseee i need help fasttt



5(−2)−3 y = 5 (- 2) - 3

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 5x − 3 y = 5 x - 3 Substitute −2 - 2 for x x and find the result for y y. y = 5(−2)−3 y = 5 (- 2) - 3

Tell me dawg what’s your problem

Here is an equation that is true for all values of x: 6(x + 3) = 6x + 18. Londyn saw this equation and says she can tell 18( x + 3) + 32 = 3(6x + 18) + 32 is also true for any value of x. How can she tell? Explain your reasoning.


We need to decide whether the given equations are always or never true for values of x .The given equations are ,

[tex]x - 12 = x + 1[/tex]

solve out for x,

[tex]\longrightarrow x -x =12+1\\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 0 =13\\ [/tex]

This can never be true. Hence the equation is never true for any values of x.

[tex]x + \frac{3}{4} = x - \frac{3}{4} [/tex]

solve out for x,

[tex]\longrightarrow x -x =\dfrac{3}{4}+\dfrac{3}{4}\\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 0=\dfrac{3}{2}[/tex]

This can never be true. hence the equation is never true for any values of x.

[tex]4(x + 3) = 8x + 12 - 4x[/tex]

solve out for x,

[tex]\longrightarrow 4x +12=8x+12-4x\\[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 4x -8x +4x =12-12\\[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 0=0[/tex]

hence this equation is true for all values of x.

[tex]2x - 8 - x = x - 8[/tex]

solve out for x,

[tex]\longrightarrow 2x -x -x =8+8\\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 0=0 [/tex]

hence the equation is true for all values of x.

[tex]2(x + 5) + 3x = 5(x - 5)[/tex]

solve out for x,

[tex]\longrightarrow 2x +10+3x =5x-25\\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 5x -5x =-25-10\\[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow 0 =-35[/tex]

This can never be true. hence the equation is never true for any values of x.

and we are done!

what is the value of the expression y - x?​




Step-by-step explanation:

In any trapezoid, the sum of all angles is 360°. Additionally, the sum of both angles on the same side of the trapezoid is 180°. Therefore, we know that:



To solve for [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]y[/tex], we must set up a system of equations and solve by substitution, elimination, or graphing.

To start, simplify the first formula, then isolate the [tex]x[/tex] variable:







Next, simplify the second formula, then substitute the value above for [tex]x[/tex]:




[tex]-4(\frac{72}{7}+\frac{6}{7}y)+17y+194=180[/tex]  (substituted for [tex]x[/tex] here)







Finally, substitute 2 for [tex]y[/tex] in the first formula as simplified:







[tex]x=12[/tex]  and  [tex]y=2[/tex]

And the expression [tex]y-x[/tex] equals:


What is the equation of the horizontal asymptote for the following exponential graph? Please help I need it​




Step-by-step explanation:

The curve stops at the y value of 6. And we need a horizontal line for the asymptote, so we don't need an x value only a y-value. So the y-value is 5 on the y-axis, which means your equation will be y=5.

-Hope this helped

A 170-foot tall antenna has 4 guy-wires connected to the top of the antenna, and each guy-wire is anchored to the ground. A side-view of this scenario is shown.One of the guy-wires forms an angle of α=0.33 radians with the antenna and the opposing guy-wire forms an angle of β=0.43 radians with the antenna.What is the horizontal distance between anchor 1 and the base of the antenna? ____feet   What is the horizontal distance between anchor 2 and the base of the antenna?_____ feet   What is the distance between anchor 1 and anchor 2? ____feet   


Let's label the diagram with the information provided. The diagram would look like:

What is the horizontal distance between anchor 1 and the base of the antenna?

This is labeled as x.

With respect to angle alpha, the side x is opposite and the antenna is the side adjacent.

Thus, we need the trig ratio tan to solve for "x". Shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \alpha=\frac{x}{170} \\ \tan (0.33)=\frac{x}{170} \\ x=170\times\tan (0.33) \\ x=58.23 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 58.23 feet

What is the horizontal distance between anchor 2 and the base of the antenna?

This is labeled as y.

With respect to angle beta, the side y is opposite and the antenna is the side adjacent.

Thus, we need the trig ratio tan to solve for "y". Shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \beta=\frac{y}{170} \\ \tan (0.43)=\frac{y}{170} \\ y=170\times\tan (0.43) \\ y=77.97 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 77.97 feet

What is the distance between anchor 1 and anchor 2?

The distance between Anchor 1 and Anchor 2 is "x + y". We already found x and y. Let's do the sum:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y \\ =58.23+77.97 \\ =136.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 136.2 feet

Mia had a board that was 15 1/2 feet long. He cut three pieces off the board that are each 3 7/8 feet long. How much of the board is left?



The remaining board piece will be 3 (7/8) feet long


Mia's board is 15 (1/2) feet long.

He cut three pieces off the board with each board measuring 3 (7/8) feet long.

The key to this is to first convert the values given in mixed fractions as improper fractions.

3 (7/8) = (31/8)

15 (1/2) = (31/2)

Then, the three pieces each had a length of 3 (7/8)

1 piece = 3 (7/8) feet = (31/8) feet

3 pieces = 3 × (31/8) = (93/8) feet

So, taking this out of 15 (1/2) long board will leave

[15 (1/2)] - (93/8)

= (31/2) - (93/8)

To do that, we need to take the LCM of these two denominators

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{31}{2}-\frac{93}{8} \\ =\frac{124-93}{8} \\ =\frac{31}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The remaining board piece will be

(31/8) = 3 (7/8) feet long

Hope this Helps!!!

Zeke wants to build a fence around his backyard with the 200 feet (ft) of fencing he bought at Lowe's. Zeke wants to use all of the fencing he bought. he also wants the length of the fencing to be 10 times the width. the equation A=200w-10w^2 can be used to find the area of the garden, where w is the width of the garden, in ft​


Considering the vertex of the quadratic equation, the width that will maximize the area of the garden, and the maximum area, are as follows:

Width: 10 ft.Maximum area: 1000 ft².

What is the vertex of a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is defined as follows:

y = ax² + bx + c.

The vertex can be either a maximum point or a minimum point, depending on the coefficient a, as follows:

Maximum: a < 0.Minimum: a > 0.

The coordinates of the vertex are given as follows:

x = -b/2a.y = -(b² - 4ac)/4a.

For this problem, the equation is:

A(w) = -10w² + 200w.

Hence the coefficients are:

a = -10, b = 200, c = 0.

The width that will maximize the area is:

w = -200/(2(-10)) = 200/20 = 10 ft.

The maximum area is of:

A = -(200)²/(4(-10)) = 1000 ft².

Missing Information

The problem is incomplete and could not be found on any search engine, hence we suppose that it asks for the width that will maximize the area of the garden, and the maximum area.

More can be learned about the vertex of the quadratic equation at


choose all that correctly estimate where the function is increasing or decreasing.


Notice that the all estimations for each graph are correct.

9-6 Worksheet: Dilations
Graph the polygon and its image after a dilation with the given scale factor
1. J(2, 4), K(4, 4), P(3, 2); r = 2



Step-by-step explanation:

it ty



First write all the points on the graph


multiply 2 in all the numbers and write them again

Write a rule to describe a transformation when a triangle hasbeen reflected over the x-axis.(x,y) →Using (-x,-y)


For a transformation that involves a reflection over the x-axis, it means the pre-image is reflected across the horizontal line.

For a reflection over the x-axis, the x coordinate remains the same while the y coordinate changes.

The rule that describes a transformation when an image has been reflected over the x-axis is:

(x, y) ==> (x, -y)

Using the pre-image (-x, -y), we have:

(-x, -y) ==> (-x, y)

For a triangle, we have:

A(-x, -y) ==> A'(-x, y)

B(-x, -y) ==> B'(-x, y)

C(-x, -y) ==> C'(-x, y)

Three functions are shown.
Which of the following statements is true?


The correct statement C. Exponential growth will always exceed linear growth.

What is termed as the Exponential growth?Exponential growth is a data pattern that exhibit good increases over time, resulting in the curve of such an exponential function.Whereas exponential growth is frequently used in corporate finance, the actuality is frequently more complex. In the case of a savings account, the implementation of exponential growth did work well because the rate of interest is assured and does not change over time. This isn't the case with the majority of investments.

For the given question;

In the end, a "exponential growth function" would always outperform a "linear growth function" because "x-values" tend to increase in continuation, and as such the change rate affiliated with the "exponential function" as well increases in continuation, whereas the "linear function's" change rate is considered constant.

Thus, Exponential growth will always exceed linear growth.

To know more about the Exponential growth, here


The complete question is-

Three functions are shown.

A. Linear growth will always exceed exponential growth.

B. Quadratic growth will always exceed exponential growth.

C. Exponential growth will always exceed linear growth.

What is the image point of (-8,-5) after a translation right 1 unit and down 5 units?



(- 7, - 10 )

Step-by-step explanation:

a translation of 1 unit right means add 1 to the x- coordinate

a translation of 5 units down means subtract 5 from the y- coordinate.

(- 8, - 5 ) → (- 8 + 1, - 5 - 5 ) → (- 7, - 10 )

Clarissa and Koko solve 3x + 5 = 2x + 4 by graphing the related function. Is either of them correct? Explain your reasoning.




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the following inequality, 6 < 3r-45 < 36 Which graph shows the correct solution?


Inequality solution

We know that:

6 < 3r-45 < 36

We want to re arrange the inequations:

Step 1: all terms with an unkown value on one side.

We want to let 3r "be alone" in the middle side:

6 < 3r-45 < 36

6 + 45 < 3r < 36 + 45 [adding 45 in each part]

51 < 3r < 81 [6 + 45 = 51 and 36 + 45 = 81]

Step 2: we want to clear r

51 < 3r < 81

51/3 < r < 81/3 [dividing by 3 all sides]

17 < r < 27 [51/3 = 17 and 81 /3 = 27]

Answer: 17 < r < 27GRAPH

Write the equation of the linear relationship in slope-intercept form, using decimals as needed.

x 25 35 45 55
y 85 77 69 61

The equation that represents this relationship is y =


The equation of the linear relationship in slope-intercept form is y = (-4/5)x + 105.


x 25 35 45 55

y 85 77 69 61

slope between (25,85) and (35,77) is m = 77-85/35-25

= -8/10

m= -4/5

y=mx+c passes though (25,85)

85 = -4/5*25 + c

85 = -4*5+c

85 + 20 = c

c = 105.

y = mx + c

y = (-4/5)x + 105

Therefore the equation of the linear relationship in slope-intercept form is y = (-4/5)x + 105.

Learn more about the slope intercept form here:


If point A(-5, -7) lies on the terminal arm of an angle, determine the exact value for the
primary trigonometric ratios of the angle.



[tex]sin(a)=\frac{y}{r}=-\frac{7\sqrt{74} }{74}[/tex]

[tex]cos(a)=\frac{x}{r} =-\frac{5\sqrt{74} }{74}[/tex]

[tex]tan(a)=\frac{y}{x} =\frac{7}{5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the terminal side of an angle we can calculate the distance between the point given and the origin:




y = opposite side

x = adjacent side

r = hypotenuse

Now we have




[tex]sin(a)=\frac{y}{r}=-\frac{7\sqrt{74} }{74}[/tex]

[tex]cos(a)=\frac{x}{r} =-\frac{5\sqrt{74} }{74}[/tex]

[tex]tan(a)=\frac{y}{x} =\frac{7}{5}[/tex]

what is .2323... as a fraction



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