The family sized can of orange juice is 9 inches tall and has a diameter of 5 inches. If there areapproximately 58 cubic inches in a quart, how many 8 fluid ounce servings are in the can?


Answer 1

Volume of the can =

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ }\pir^2h \\ \text{ = (3.14)(5)}^2(9) \\ =706.5in^3 \\ \text{ 58 in}^3\text{ --------------------- 1 quart} \\ 706.5in^3\text{ -------------------- x} \\ \text{ x = (706.5 x 1) / 58} \\ x=12.18\text{ quarts} \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 1 ounce ---------------- 0.03 quarts} \\ \text{ x ---------------- 12.18 quarts} \\ \text{ x = (12.18 x 1)(0.03} \\ \text{ x = 406 ounces} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

What is the LCM needed to find a common denominator for 5/6 + 3/8 quick



Step-by-step explanation:

The lowest common denominator of 38 and 56 is 24. This allows us to convert the two fractions into 924 and 2024 for the purpose of adding and subtracting them.

The LCM is 24

Reason: 6*8/2 = 48/2 = 24

We multiply the denominators 6 and 8, then divide by 2 which is the GCF of the denominators.

Then we can use this to add the fractions

5/6 + 3/8

(5/6)*(4/4) + (3/8)*(3/3)

20/24 + 9/24



Therefore, 5/6 + 3/8 = 29/24

What are all the zeros of the function f(x)= x^2 −x−56=0


The Solution.

The given function is


Solving quadratically using the factorization method, we get

[tex]f(x)=x^2-8x+7x-56=0[/tex][tex]f(x)=x(x-8)+7(x-8)=0[/tex][tex](x+7)(x-8)=0[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} x+7=0,\text{ or x -8 =0} \\ x=-7,\text{ or x = 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the zeros of the function are -7 or 8

(b)A sight-seeing ship is stopped in the water for an hour, miles from the shore. Then the captain heads the ship back to the shore at a constant rate. The ship docks at the shore for a while and then returns to the open sea.Choose the graph that gives the best representation.


We have the following information from the question:

• A sight-seeing ship is stopped in the water for an hour, miles from the shore.


• Then the captain heads the ship back to the shore at a constant rate.


• The ship docks at the shore for a while and then return to the open sea.

Then we have to choose the graph that best represents the situation.

To do this, we need to analyze the three situations separately by knowing that on the y-axis we have graphed a distance relative to the shore (dependent variable), and on the x-axis, we have the time as an independent variable:

1. A sight-seeing ship is stopped in the water for an hour, miles from the shore:

If we see this situation, we have to check a distance larger than zero at x = 0. Then we have to see a horizontal line for an hour since the ship is stopped in the water for an hour, and this is because the ship is stopped, and the ship remains in the same place for an hour.

2. Then the captain heads the ship back to the shore at a constant rate:

It means that the ship will shorten the distance with respect to the shore, and this will be verified at a constant rate. Then we need to check in the graph a segment with a negative slope.

3. The ship docks at the shore for a while and then return to the open sea:

We need to check on the graph that the distance from the shore will be zero, and then we will have a horizontal line since the ship will remain for a while in the shore. Then the ship will return to the open sea, and we will check that the distance to shore will increase constantly.

Therefore, the graph that gives the best representation is the second graph from the left, that is:

Therefore, in summary, the

The cost of a pound of nails increased from $2.40 to $2.53. What is the percent of increase to the nearest whole-number percent?


The formula to find the percent increase of two values is:

[tex]\text{ Percent Increase }=\frac{\text{ New price - Old price}}{\text{ Old price}}\cdot100[/tex]

In this case, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Old price }=\text{ 2.40} \\ \text{ New price }=\text{ 2.53} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Percent Increase }=\frac{2.53-2.4}{2.4}\cdot100 \\ \text{ Percent Increase }=\frac{0.13}{2.4}\cdot100 \\ \text{ Percent Increase }\approx0.054\cdot100\Rightarrow\text{ The symbol }\approx\text{ is read 'approximately'} \\ \text{ Percent Increase }\approx5\% \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the percent of increase to the nearest whole-number percent is 5%.

Isabelle is designing a sandbox for her backyard. the sandbox will be a regular pentagon 3 ft each side. how much wood does she need to enclose the entire sandbox? how many square ft will the sandbox take up?


Area of rectangular Pentagon = 5 * s^2 / (4tan(36°)) =5 × (3)^2 / (4*tan(36) ) = 17.73

the sides of the box are squares. their sides are 3 ft long. So the area of each square is 25 ft^2

Now, there are 5 sides, so if we mutiply 5 * 25 ft^ = 125 ft^2

So the answers are:

She needs 125 ft^2 to enclose the entire sandbox

and it would take up 142.73 ft^2

what is the experimental probability of selecting the name Alex?


We can calculate the probability as the ratio between the positive outcomes (selecting Alex, in this case) and the total possible outcomes.

In one draw, Alex has a chance of 1 in 4, as only one of the four papers has his name on it.

The probability is 1/4 or 0.25.

write an equation of the circle


Take into account that the general equation of a circle is given by:

(x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²

where h and k are the values of the coordinates of the point (h,k), which is the center of the circle in the coordinate system.

You can notice in the given image, that the center of the circle is the point (5,4), then, the values of k and h are:

h = 5

k = 4

moreover, you can notice that the radius of the circle is 4, then

r = 4

replace the values of h, k and r in the equation of a circle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-5)^{2}+(y-4)^{2}=4^{2} \\ (x-5)^{2}+(y-4)^{2}=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The last equation is the required expression for the equation of the given circle.

Determine the equation in slope intercept form


The slope of the y is x in the y-axis

What is the m stand for in -3 = m-14


Step 1:

Write the equation

- 3 = m - 14

Step 2: Collect similar terms

- 3 = m - 14

m = -3 + 14

m = 11

Final answer

m = 11

Rashad is having a picnic for 62 guests. He plans to serve each guest at least one hamburger. Ifeach package, p, contains eight hamburgers, wirte the inequality that could be used to determinehow many packages of hamburgers Rashad will need to buy.a. What are the key words and information needed to solve this problem? (2 points)b. Write the inequality that describes this situation. (2 points)C. How many packages of hamburgers will Rashad need to purchase to feed his guests? Work outthe problem, showing all of your work, including computation and explanation. (4 points)


a. What are the keywords and information needed to solve this problem?

The keywords are the words that allow us to solve the problem, So they are:

The picnic is for 62 guests

Each guest will receive at least 1 hamburger

Every package contains 8 hamburgers

b. Write the inequality that describes this situation.

Now, we can formulate an equation for the number of hamburgers H that each guest is going to receive if Radash buys p packages:

H = 8p/62

Because 8p is the number of total hamburgers and there are 62 guests.

Then, we know that H needs to be at least 1, so:

H ≥ 1

8p/62 ≥ 1

c. How many packages of hamburgers will Rashad need to purchase to feed his guests?

Then, we need to solve for p as:

Multiplying by 62 on both sides:

(8p/62)*62 ≥ 1 * 62

8p ≥ 62

Dividing by 8:

8p/8 ≥ 62/8

p ≥ 7.75

Therefore, Radash needs to buy at least 8 packages of hamburgers.


a. The picnic is for 62 guests

Each guest will receive at least 1 hamburger

Every package contains 8 hamburgers

b. 8p/62 ≥ 1

c. At least 8 packages

What is the amplitude of the sine funtion y=2 sin(4x)

A. 4
B. 2
C. r/2
D. r/4



it´s C

Step-by-step explanation: Just took the test trust

Find the slope and y-intercept write y-intercept as order pair


The slope and y-intercept of a line.

The equation of a line can be expressed as:

y = mx + b

Where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. The slope of a line that passes through the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is calculated as:


The figure shows a horizontal red line. We only need two points (or ordered pairs) to calculate the slope. Let's get them from the graph: (0,-5) and (2,-5).

Calculate the slope:


The slope is 0.

The y-intercept, as shown in the equation of the line, is the value of y when x=0.

Looking at the graph, we can identify the value of y=-5 when x=0. In fact, y=-5 for any value of x.

Thus, the y-intercept as an ordered pair is (0,-5)

The price of a toy is increased by 20%. The resulting price is later decreased by $40.00. If the original price of the toy is $60.00, what is the final price of the toy ?



Final price of the toy = $32.00


The price of a toy is increased by 20%

The resulting price is then decreased by $40.00

Original Price = $60.00

The price of a toy is increased by 20%

Resulting price after this increase = 1.2 (60) = $72

The resulting price is then decreased by $40.00

Final Price = 72 - 40 = $32.00

Hope this Helps!!!

Thompson and Thompson is a steel bolts manufacturing company. Their current steel bolts have a mean diameter of 137 millimeters, and a standard deviation of 8 millimeters.If a random sample of 31 steel bolts is selected, what is the probability that the sample mean would be greater than 133.5 millimeters? Round your answer to four decimal places.



The probability that the sample mean would be greater than 133.5 is 0.9926



Mean = 137

Standard deviation = 8

Sample = 31

To find the probability that the sample mean would be greater than 133.5, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=\frac{X-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}} \\ \\ =\frac{133.5-137}{\frac{8}{\sqrt{31}}}=-2.4359 \\ \\ P(X>133.5)=1-P(z<-2.4359) \\ =1-0.0074274 \\ \approx0.9926 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If x = 11 and y=5, what is the value of the following expression?X-9 + 2y




To find the value of x-9+2y.

So now we substitute the known values. we get,


So the required solution is 12.

you plug it it-
your answer is 12

Which of the following exponential functions is represented by the data in the table?Question 12 options:A) ƒ(x) = x3B) ƒ(x) = 3xC) ƒ(x) = (1∕3)xD) ƒ(x) = x1∕3







To find:

The exponential function represented by the data in the given table

Let's go ahead and check each of the given functions to determine the right function;

*For the first function;

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x^3 \\ f(-3)=(-3)^3=-27 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can see that the first function is not the right function

*For the second function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=3^x \\ f(-3)=3^{-3}=\frac{1}{27} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can see that the first function is not the right function

*For the third function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=(\frac{1}{3})^x \\ f(-3)=(\frac{1}{3})^{-3}=27 \\ f(-2)=(\frac{1}{3})^{-2}=9 \\ f(-1)=(\frac{1}{3})^{-1}=3 \\ f(0)=(\frac{1}{3})^0=1 \\ f(1)=(\frac{1}{3})^1=\frac{1}{3} \\ f(2)=(\frac{1}{3})^2=\frac{1}{9} \\ f(3)=(\frac{1}{3})^3=\frac{1}{27} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can see that the third function is the right function

area of the square is 81 square inches. length of one side is represented by X. what is the value of x?


The area of a square is given by:



l = length of one of its sides:

Since the area is 81, and the length of one of its sides is x, then:


Take the square root of both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{81}=\sqrt[]{x^2} \\ 9=x \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given that events A and B are independent with P(A)=0.55 and P(B)=0.72P determine the value of P(A|Brounding to the nearest thousandth



ā has an initial point, at (4,-8) and a terminal point at (5,2). Write ā in component form


Ok, here we have this data:

I: Initial point (4,-8)

T: Terminal Point (5,2)

IT==<5-4, 2-(-8)>=<1, 10>

The component form is <1,10>

What is the midpoint of the segment shown below?
(-7,-8) -10-
OA (-15-15)
O B. (-15,-15)
O C. (-15, -15)
OD. (-15, -15)


Remember that the formula to calculate the midpoint between two points is given by


substitute given coordinates

[tex]\begin{gathered} M(\frac{-8-7}{2},\frac{-7-8}{2}) \\ \\ M(-\frac{15}{2},-\frac{15}{2}) \end{gathered}[/tex]The answer is option B

Find the mass of a cylinder with a volume of 157.08 ft^3 and a density of 0.900 g/cm^3. Final answer should be in kilograms (kg).


Okay, here we have this:

Considering the provided information, we are going to calculate the requested mass, so we obtain the following:

Then we will substitute in the following formula:


0.9 g/cm^3=mass/157.08 ft^3

mass=0.9 g/cm^3*157.08 ft^3

Then we will convert the volume from cubic feet to cubic centimeters in order to operate:

mass=0.9 g/cm^3*(157.08 ft^3*(28317 cm^3/1 ft^3)

mass=0.9 g/cm^3*4448034.36cm^3

mass=4003230.924 g

Finally let's convert the mass to kilograms:

mass=4003230.924 g*(1kg/1000g)

mass=4003.230924 kg

Finally we obtain that the mass of the cylinder is approximately 4003.230924 kg.

Multiply the following polynomials: i) (3x-8)•(4x+7)= ii) (4x + 7)² = iii) (3x –8)•(3x+8)=


Multiply the following polynomials;


[tex]\begin{gathered} (3x-8)\times(4x+7) \\ =(3x\times4x)+(3x\times7)-(8\times4x)-(8\times7) \\ =12x^2+21x-32x-56 \\ =12x^2-11x-56 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} (4x+7)^2 \\ =(4x+7)(4x+7) \\ =(16x^2+28x+28x+49) \\ =16x^2+56x+49 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} (3x-8)(3x+8) \\ =9x^2+24x-24x-64 \\ =9x^2+0-64 \\ 9x^2-64 \end{gathered}[/tex]

this is the question


Kelly, this is the solution:

We have the following system of equations:

y = 1/4x + 4

x + y = - 1


Solving it algebraically:

x + (1/4x + 4) = -1

5/4x + 4 = -1

5/4x = -1 - 4

5/4x = -5

x = -4

-4 + y = -1

y = -1 + 4

y = 3

Solving it graphically:

I need help with a algebra 1 testThe graph of linear f passes through the point (1,-9) and has a slope of -3what is the zero of fanswers are24-6-2



to solve this question, we can simply use the equation of a slope on this

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ m=\text{slope} \\ y=y-\text{coordinate} \\ x=x-\text{coordinate} \end{gathered}[/tex]

now we can simply bring out our data and then proceed to input in and solve for c

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ y=-9 \\ x=1 \\ m=-3 \\ y=mx+c \\ -9=-3(1)+c \\ -9+3=c \\ c=-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

from the calculations above, the answer to this question is -6 which corresponds to option c.

NB; the point at which is referred as the zero of a graph is known as the intercept. This is the point at which graph crosses the x-axis

1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 Write 3 and 2 fifths as an improper fraction and as a mixed number. 17 3 2 b. 15 2 3 5 13 3. 3 5. 2 5. 5. a. d. 17 5 Please select the best answer from the choices provided A С . D


To write three and two fifths


Three is a whole number and two-fifths is a proper fraction

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Thr}ee\text{ = 3} \\ Two-fifths=\frac{2}{5} \\ \text{Thr}ee\text{ and two-fifths = 3}\frac{2}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, three and two-fifths as a mixed number is;


As an improper fraction,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\frac{2}{5}=\frac{(5\times3)+2}{5} \\ =\frac{15+2}{5} \\ =\frac{17}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, three and two-fifths as an improper fraction is 17/5.


Watch help video Find the length of the third side. If necessary, write in simplest radical form. 7 4√2



1) In this right triangle we can find the missing leg by using the Pythagorean Theorem.


a² = b² + c² Note that the hypotenuse is unknown so far

a² = 7² + (4√2)²

a² = 49 +(16 x2)

a² = 49 +32

a² =81 Take the square root on both sides

√a² = √81

a = -9, 9 Negative numbers for dimensions are not convenient.

a = 9

3) Hence, the answer is 9

There are 39 fewer 2nd graders than 3rd graders. There are 67 2nd graders. How many 3rd graders are there?



106 3rd graders


Let the number of 2nd graders be x.

Let the number of 3rd graders be y.

We have that there are 39 fewer 2nd graders than 3rd graders. This means that:

x = y - 39

There are 67 2nd graders. This means that:

x = 67

This means that:

67 = y - 39

y = 67 + 39

y = 106

Therefore, there are 106 3rd graders.

For the data shown, answer the questions. Round to 2 decimal places. 5.2 18.8 5.7 5 14.9 4.4 Find the mean : Find the median : Find the standard deviation :



1. Order the data from less to greater:







2. As it is a even number of data you take the average of the two data in the middle to find the median:

[tex]\frac{5.2+5.7}{2}=5.45[/tex]The median is 5.45

Standard deviation formula (for a sample):


To find the standard deviation of the given data:

1. Find the difference between each data and the mean:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_i-\bar{x}) \\ \\ 5.2-9=-3.8 \\ 18.8-9=9.8 \\ 5.7-9=-3.3 \\ 5-9=-4 \\ 14.9-9=5.9 \\ 4.4-9=-4.6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Find the square of each difference:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_i-\bar{x})\placeholder{⬚}^2 \\ \\ (-3.8)\placeholder{⬚}^2=14.44 \\ (9.8)\placeholder{⬚}^2=96.04 \\ (-3.3)\placeholder{⬚}^2=10.89 \\ (-4)\placeholder{⬚}^2=16 \\ (5.9)\placeholder{⬚}^2=34.81 \\ (-4.6)\placeholder{⬚}^2=21.16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

3. Find the sum of the squares:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Sigma(x_i-\bar{x})\placeholder{⬚}^2 \\ \\ 14.44+96.04+10.89+16+34.81+21.16=193.34 \end{gathered}[/tex]

4. Use the formula of the standard deviation for n=6:

[tex]s=\sqrt{\frac{193.34}{6-1}}=\sqrt{\frac{193.34}{5}}=\sqrt{38.668}\approx6.22[/tex]Then, the standard deviation is 6.22

The graph of the function()=1/ has origin symmetry as well as which of the following symmetries?A. y-axisB. x-axisC. y=x


[tex]\begin{gathered} \mleft(\mright)=\frac{1}{x} \\ x=-5 \\ \mleft(\mright)=-\frac{1}{5}=-0.2 \\ x=-1 \\ ()=-\frac{1}{1}=-1 \\ x=2 \\ ()=\frac{1}{2}=0.5 \\ x=5 \\ ()=\frac{1}{5}=0.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We will graph a plot of this expression, we have:


The graph is neither symmetric to the x-axis nor the y-axis. Hence, y = x

I need help with my math


Let's evaluate the point into the equation in order to check if it satisfies it.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=4x+2;_{\text{ }}(2,10) \\ x=2,y=10 \\ so\colon \\ 10=4(2)+2=8+2=10 \\ 10=10 \\ This_{\text{ }}is_{\text{ }}true \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the ordered pair is a solution to the equation

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