The extended warranty on a ceiling fan is 18% of the purchase price. if the price of the fan is $140, how much is the warranty?
a. $7.78
b. $25.20
c. $18.72
d. $12.86


Answer 1

An extended ceiling fan warranty costs 18% of the original purchase price. The warranty is $25.20 if the fan costs $140.

Cost and purchase prices are they equivalent?

Cost is typically the outlay made for producing a good or providing a service that is offered by a business. The cost of a product or service is determined by the customer's willingness to pay. The price of a product as well as the profit made from its sale are directly impacted by the cost of manufacturing it.

What is the cost of buying a business?

The acquisition price is the gross value of the company, which may be exaggerated if the buyer needs operating capital and may also include debt that needs to be repaid.

To learn more about purchase price here:


Related Questions

Which racing organization saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers?


The racing organization which saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers is Formula One.

The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) recognises Formula One as the top division of open-wheel single-seater international racing. Since its first season in 1950, the World Drivers' Championship, which later changed its name to the FIA Formula One World Championship, has been one of the most prestigious racing series in the world. The name's use of the word "formula" alludes to the set of requirements that all participants' automobiles must meet. Grands Prix, a collection of events that make up a Formula One season, are held all over the world on both closed public roads and purpose-built racing tracks. Due to extremely high turning speeds made possible by the evolution of Formula One cars, these vehicles are the fastest controlled road-course racing vehicles in the world.

To read more about Formula One refer:


We have you organized with 15 packing tips specific to cold-season wanderings. to combat dry winter air on planes, we recommend including all of the following except ___________ in your carry-on.


We have you organized with 15 packing tips specific to cold-season wanderings. to combat dry winter air on planes, we recommend including all of the following except in your carry-on.

A few not unusual synonyms of prepare are set up, marshal, methodize, order, and systematize. even as these types of phrases imply "to put humans or things into their right locations with regards to each different," prepare implies arranging so that the whole aggregate works as a unit with every element having a proper function.

An prepared personality is a person who is certainly neat, punctual and targeted. Their conduct and behaviors in existence and at work are ordered, deliberate and efficient. they have herbal organizational abilities that different persona types might ought to work to develop.

Organizational capabilities imply you have got the ability to use your time and assets effectively and efficaciously. you are able to manipulate some time, electricity, and bodily workspace so you can accomplish duties efficiently.

Learn more about Organizational  here:


g your client had his wallet stolen that had three(3) credit cards in it. before he reported it stolen several charges had been made: discover card $30 amex $1,200 visa $600 what is your client's total liability for these fraudulent charges?


The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) of 1974 created chargebacks. It established that consumers are not obligated to pay for billing errors, unauthorized transactions, defective or missing goods, or fraudulent charges.

A chargeback is when a transaction's payer receives their money back, particularly when using a credit card. The payer is most frequently a customer. A consumer's bank account, credit line, or credit card transaction is reversed by a chargeback.

The bank that issued the customer's payment card issuing the chargeback. A chargeback happens in the distribution sector when a supplier sells a product to a distributor for more money than they agreed upon with the end user. In order to get back the money they lost during the transaction, the distributor applies a chargeback to the supplier.

To know more about Chargebacks here-


when a payroll accountant transfers information from the general journal to the general ledger, the action is called .


When a payroll accountant transfers information from the general journal to the general ledger, the action is called posting.

A payroll ledger is a tool that businesses of all sizes use globally as a standard procedure for recording. It records payment details for each worker, independent contractor, or company that receives money from a payroll department of a company.

The act of posting involves moving the entries from the original entry books (journal) to the ledger. In order to provide a meaningful conclusion and advance the accounting process, posting is the act of gathering all transactions pertaining to a specific account in one location.

To know more about payroll click here,


if the company wants to lower the amount of income taxes paid this year, which method will it choose? state the reason. g


Make large contributions to retirement savings schemes. Participate in a healthcare and child care savings plan offered by your work. Pay attention to lower taxable income including the credit for contributions to retirement savings and the credit for dependents. investments that harvest tax losses.

Depending on your age and filing status, a minimum income is necessary. The needed minimum income in 2021 for single filers under 65 is $12,550. If your income falls below that threshold, you normally do not have to file a federal tax return. See the table below for a complete list of filing ages and statuses. Your tax burden for a specific tax year is calculated using the portion of your gross income known as "taxable income." Adjusted gross income (AGI) less allowed standard or itemized deductions can be used to broadly describe it. Taxable income includes investment income, other unearned income sources, as well as wages, salaries, bonuses, and gratuities.

Learn more about taxable income from


your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. it is currently in transit to the next facility.


Your package will arrive later than planned. It is currently on its way to the next facility. Generally, it means that there will be some unforeseen problems with logistics and it will take a little longer to arrive at a certain location.

What are Unforeseen circumstances?

A Unforeseen circumstances is a change in situations affecting the species or geographic area covered by a conservation plan or agreement, not reasonably foreseen by the developer of the plan or agreement, and Services at the time the agreement is negotiated and developed. Example: Accidents are usually unexpected events. The odds of winning the lottery are extremely low and unexpected.

How do you deal with unforeseen problems?

Accept that the unexpected will happen. Think twice before you act. Have a positive attitude. Expect and plan for great results. Talk to someone you trust. Make it a learning opportunity.

To learn more about unforeseen problems visit:


when the price ceiling applies in this market and the supply curve for gasoline shifts from s1 to s2,


When the price ceiling applies in this market and the supply curve for gasoline shifts from S₁ to S₂ a shortage will occur at the new market price of P₂.

Gasoline will be in limited supply at the new market price of P₂ when the price ceiling takes effect in this market and the supply curve moves from S₁  to S₂ produce a labor shortage, increase unemployment, and have a significant impact on the teenage labor market.

Price ceilings stop a price from increasing above a specific threshold and amount required will exceed the quantity provided when a price ceiling is set below the equilibrium price, leading to excess demand or shortages.

There is less need for gasoline because more vehicles are fuel-efficient. As a result, the demand for oil and gasoline shifts to the left and the equilibrium price and quantity decrease as a result of the supply curve changing downward as the demand curve does.

To know more about 'supply curve' related questions



The length of time for which a business summarizes financial information and reports its financial performance is called :__________


A fiscal term is the duration of time for which a company analyzes its financial information and reports its financial performance.

What exactly is the distinction between a financial statement and a financial performance?

The balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows are financial statements that are used to evaluate overall financial performance. Financial performance indicators are quantitative measurements used to assess how well a company is performing. The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are all needed financial statements. These three statements are instructive tools that traders can use to examine a company's financial soundness and provide a fast picture of a company's financial health and underlying worth. Financial performance is a comprehensive assessment of a company's entire position in areas such as assets, liabilities, equity, expenses, revenue, and overall profitability.

To know more about financial performance visit:


productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time.

What is productivity?

It corresponds to the amount that is produced in relation to the means that are used for it. This relationship is measured by time, that is, the shorter the time to reach a result, the more efficient the company's production system will be.

Therefore, the inputs correspond to the specific time, while the output corresponds to the goods and services produced in that same period.

Find out more about productivity on:


fiscal policy is increased in its effectiveness through: the multiplier effect. monetary policy. administrative lags. crowding out.


The fiscal policy is increased in its effectiveness through the multiplier effect. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

What is a fiscal policy?

The use of taxation and expenditure by the government to affect the economy is known as fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is often used by governments to encourage robust, long-term growth and to lower poverty.

To partially raise the amount of money flowing into the system, a government may reduce taxes or boost spending. Such fiscal policy have an multiplier effect. In other words, it is reasonable to anticipate that every $1 spent will result in an increase in the GDP of more than one dollar.

Thus, multiplier effect helps to increase the effectiveness of the fiscal policy.

To learn more about fiscal policy, click here:


When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


Higher prices have a tendency to slow lending and the economic system, even as decrease charges generally tend to spur lending and monetary growth.

If the Fed raises prices too excessive and too quick, it can cool demand so much that the economy tips right into a recession. higher hobby charges make debt costlier and borrowing harder — for both purchasers and companies.

The Fed, as the state's monetary policy authority, influences the availability and cost of cash and credit to sell a wholesome economic system. Congress has given the Fed  coequal goals for financial policy: first, maximum employment; and, 2d, solid costs, that means low, stable inflation.

Learn more about federal reserve here:-


How do you define key terms in research?


Before you start a debate about any essential terms in your article, define them all. Readers want to know how you comprehend the terms before they continue reading, even if you believe your audience is familiar with their definitions. If a definition is disputed, which means that other authors have used alternative definitions of the term, be sure to mention these variations and explain why you prefer one over the others.

Cite your sources when discussing crucial phrases and concepts

The primary terminologies used in a research are called key terms. For instance, the important terms in a thesis on how branding, loyalty, and contentment affect consumers' purchasing decisions could be branding, loyalty, satisfaction, and consumers' buying habits.

Before continuing, a reviewer who is unfamiliar with these terms because they don't pertain to the marketing industry will want to know what they signify.

To know more about key terms here


jane works in the maintenance department, which supports the production department and the research department. jane's wages are an example of which type expenses? (check all that apply.)


Jane is employed by the maintenance division, which assists the production division and the research division. Jane's salary is an illustration of what kind of expenses Straight to the maintenance division indirect support for the production unit.

One of the four fundamental arithmetic operations, or how numbers are combined to create new numbers, is division. The other operations are multiplication, addition, and subtraction. On a fundamental level, counting the instances in which one number is included within another is one interpretation of the division of two natural numbers. It's not necessary for this number to be an integer. For instance, if 20 apples are distributed equally among 4 persons, each person will get 5 apples. When two natural numbers are divided with a remainder or in accordance with Euclidean geometry, the result is an integer quotient, or the number of times the second number is entirely included in the first, and a remainder, or the portion of the first number that is left over.

Learn more about division from


corporate governance is a system of . multiple choice question. related and unrelated diversification legal and ethical issues inputs and outputs checks and balances


Corporate governance is a system of checks and balances.

Corporate governance is the framework for managing and directing businesses. The governance of companies is the responsibility of the boards of directors. The shareholders' responsibility in corporate governance is to select the directors and auditors, as well as to ensure that a suitable governance framework is in place.

Therefore, corporate governance has to be distinguished from the day-to-day operational management of the firm by full-time executives. Corporate governance is about what the board of a company does and how it determines the values of the company.

Corporate governance refers to the relationships between a company's management, board, shareholders, and other relevant parties as well as the strategy employed to accomplish a company's goals, the organization of its bodies, and the way in which its operations are managed.

Learn more about corporate governance here


Identify whether the given items are examples of imports, exports, or neither. assume the united states is considered the domestic country.
a. Heath lives in the United States and purchases a video game produced in Japan.
b. Veronica lives in Tennessee and buys an orange grown in Florida.


a) Heath lives in the United States and purchases a video game produced in Japan is an import.

b) Veronica lives in Tennessee and buys an orange grown in Florida is also an import.

In the field of business, such products that are brought from another country are referred to as imports. On the other hand, such products that are sold to another country are referred to as exports. Imports are made for providing better living standards to the people of a country.

In the case a) as Heath belongs to the United States but is purchasing a video game that is made in Japan, hence the video game is an import.

In the case b) As Veronica lives in a place called Tennesse but buys oranges that come from Florida hence this is also an import.

To learn more about import, click here:


which government agency, established during the great depression, still protects consumer savings today?


President Roosevelt collaborated with Congress (NIMH) to create the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in June 1933. We still rely on the insurance of bank savings that was established by that statute and later legislation. One of the Great Depression's greatest persistent effects, in my opinion, has been the FDIC. Option (a) is Correct.

For 50 years, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been a crucial component of the country's financial system. Its immediate contribution was the restoration of public faith in banks. The Banking Act of 1933 was passed at the height of the nation's worst banking crisis. The National Industrial Recovery Act (June 1933), which gave the president the power to enact industry-wide rules designed to prohibit unfair trade practices, lower unemployment, set minimum salaries and maximum hours, and protect workers' rights to collectively negotiate, was not complete without the NRA.

Numerous unemployed Americans were given jobs by the FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration) in various building and artistic endeavors around the nation. Although their coalition has since disintegrated, many of the New Deal initiatives that kept them united—such as Social Security, unemployment benefits, and government agriculture subsidies, for example—remain in place today.

Learn more about depression visit this link :


Correct Question:

Which government agency, established during the great depression, still protects consumer savings today?

1. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)

3. American Psychological Association (APA)

4. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

a well-diversified portfolio has negligible: multiple choice expected return. systematic risk. unsystematic risk. variance. both unsystematic risk; and variance


A well-diversified portfolio has negligible unsystematic risk. Unsystematic risk is risk that is only connected to a particular business or sector. The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by the unsystematic risk?

Hazards that are not shared with a larger market or sector are referred to as unsystematic risks.

Unsystematic risks frequently apply only to a single organization because of its management, financial commitments, or geographic location.

Contrary to systematic hazards, unsystematic risks can be minimized through investment diversification.

By incorporating more diversification into your portfolio, you can lower unsystematic risk. Business and financial risk are two sources of unsystematic risk.

Therefore, a well-diversified portfolio has negligible unsystematic risk. Unsystematic risk is risk that is only connected to a particular business or sector.

To know more about the unsystematic risk, visit:


__________- is the policy of reducing or eliminating regulatory constraints on the conduct of individuals or private institutions.


DEREGULATION is the policy of reducing or eliminating regulatory constraints on the conduct of individuals or private institutions.

What are the administrative arrangements of the public authority?

Notwithstanding financial and money related strategies, an administration influences the economy through administrative strategy, which expects to restrict what should be possible in the commercial center. Most legislatures have a few guidelines covering various regions, including: Banking, protection, and other monetary organizations.

What's the significance here to diminish unofficial law?

Liberation is the decrease or disposal of government power in a specific industry, typically established to make more rivalry inside the business. Throughout the long term, the battle between advocates of guideline and defenders of government strategic distances has moved economic situations.

What are the 3 sorts of guideline?

Three fundamental ways to deal with guideline are "order and control," execution based, and the executives based.

Learn more about DEREGULATION here:


the beginning balance of total assets was $170,000 and the ending balance was $166,500. the return on total assets is closest to:


Total assets had a starting balance of $170,000 and an ending balance of $166,500. The closest match for the return on total assets is =336500

Total Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity

=$170,000+ $166,500=336500

Total assets refers to all of a small business's assets, or valuable possessions. Cash, accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, tools, etc. are all included in total assets. The value of all a person or company has is represented by their total assets, which may be calculated by adding their liabilities to their owner's equity. Liabilities are the debts the firm has, and equity is the value of the business, or its capital. Assets include tangible goods like machinery, real estate, raw materials, and inventories as well as intangible items like intellectual property rights, royalties, and other patents. The term "assets" simply refers to a company's total capital. The entire assets of the corporation consist of everything of value it owns.

Learn more about Total Assets from


An outline can help you organize your message by making sure that all of your main points are well developed.
a. True
b. False


True, an outline can help you organize your message by making sure that all of your main points are well developed.

An outline is a general description of the information that will be presented in a speech or paper. The framework shows the hierarchy of the different subjects, their respective importance, and the connections between them. You can organise your thoughts rationally and progressively by creating an outline. This gives authors a solid foundation and structure by allowing you to choose important material or quotes from sources before the writing process even gets started. If you want outlining to be successful, its guiding principles should be consistency, unity, coherence, and emphasis. An outline's coordinate points are equally important to the speech's thesis or the main notion of the major point.

To learn more about outline:


implementing broad bands increases the opportunities for promoting employees. group startstrue or false


The given statement is False.

The advancement of a worker to higher positions is referred to as employee promotion. It entails an improvement in pay, status, obligations, and benefits. Employees are most motivated by this part of their work, which serves as the final reward for their devotion and dedication to the company.

New duties that come with employee promotion frequently engender a sense of management. Employee happiness is greatly influenced by this notion of management because it fosters their development. A thorough study revealed that 45% of millennials are enthusiastic about managing people.

To know more about promotion


what is the difference between markup on cost and markup on retail? select one: a. markups on retail are subject to sales tax, markups on cost are not. b. markup on cost divides the gross margin by the retail, markup on retail divides the gross margin by the cost. c. as a percentage, for a given item, markup on retail is typically a higher percentage than markup on cost. d. retailers usually calculate markup on cost, manufacturers calculate markup on retail. e. markup on cost divides the gross margin by the cost, markup on retail divides the gross margin by the retail.


Divide the gross profit by cost and by retail for markups before dividing the profit by cost. Option e would be the proper response.

What distinguishes markup on cost from markup on retail?

"Markup is the difference between the selling price of a product and its cost," the Corporate Finance Institute states. The amount that is added to the cost of a good or service to determine the selling price is known as the markup on cost. The cost markup is stated as a percentage. Markup on retail is the amount of profit that will be made on the overall cost, while markup on cost is just the amount that is increased in retail as a percentage of cost.

To know more about Corporate Finance visit:


What do you think is the importance of applying the communicative strategies in your everyday lives?


Through internal and external communication, communication strategies make sure that crucial information is communicated to the appropriate parties. All workers need to be on the same page in order to boost labor productivity.

With the aid of these techniques, learners and students can carry on a conversation even when they are unable to understand the words or sentence structures, gain speaking confidence, improve their fluency, show that they are engaged in communicating, and foster a sense of independence. Communicative strategies (CS) can promote automatization, facilitate the development of hypotheses, and maintain an open line of communication.

The most efficient method for conveying information to and obtaining it from both speakers and listeners is communication strategy. Based on prior references, this is utilized to effectively offer helpful thoughts and give quality contact in communication.

Read more about communicative everyday lives at


an internal cause of disruption in the supply chain is: group of answer choices forecast error. underfilled shipments. volume changes. late deliveries.


An internal cause of disruption in the supply chain is forecast error. So option a. is correct.

Forecast error is the difference between the forecast demand and the actual demand. A lot of calculations go into the forecast error, but the bottom line is that the greater the difference between actual demand and forecast demand, the greater the impact on a distributor's bottom line.

As forecast error goes up, the risks go up. Overstocking inventory in a distribution center or a customer's location significantly increases carrying costs.

Learn more about the supply chain here:


coronado industries is contemplating the production and sale of a new widget. projected sales are $288000 (or 72000 units) and desired profits is $56160. what is the target unit cost


The target unit cost is $231,840


Target Cost = Selling Price – Profit Margin



What is the target unit cost?Target Cost is the sum of the product's costs after a specified amount of profit is subtracted from the selling price. It can be represented mathematically as the projected selling price minus the desired profit needed to stay in company. In this cost category, the business accepts prices rather than setting them for the market. In management accounting, target costing is a helpful technique for managing both product costs and the desired profits needed to sustain a company over the long term. Companies can use the approach of "target costing" to plan the costs of their new items before they are produced.

To learn more about target unit cost refer to:


on the basis of the information below we: * 1 point captionless image a) can say that the firm's labor supply curve is upsloping. b) cannot say whether the firm's product market is purely or imperfectly competitive. c) can say that the firm is selling its product in a purely competitive market. d) can say that the firm is selling its product in an imperfectly competitive market.


On basis of the information below we cannot say whether firm's product market is purely or imperfectly competitive.

What is a product market?

The product market in economics is the market where finished products or services are offered for sale to the private and public sectors. It excludes dealing in raw materials or any other intermediate materials in favor of selling finished goods. The practice of imposing limitations on how the product market operates is known as product market regulation. Product marketing, a branch of marketing, is in charge of developing message, managing the go-to-market process, and promoting a product. Along with other business stakeholders like business development and sales as well as technical roles like product management, product marketing managers can be involved in identifying and sizing target markets. Product marketing is the practice of promoting a product to prospects, customers, and other audiences.

To learn more about product market, visit:


what is the management principle in which each member is assigned a specific rank that reflects his or her level of decision-making authority within the organization?


The principle in question is called hierarchical management. It is a system in which each member of the organization is assigned a specific rank that reflects their level of decision-making authority.

This rank is usually reflected on an organizational chart, which illustrates the order of authority within the organization.

The higher the rank, the higher the authority, and the more significant the decisions that can be made.

This system of management allows for a certain level of specialization within the organization and also allows for greater efficiency in decision-making. It can also be used to create a sense of order and structure within the organization.

To know more about principle here


the price of coffe beans use to make coffee has decreased. at the same time, the price of cream (a compliment good) has increased. given these two effects, what will happen to the current equilibrium quantity and price of coffee?


Equilibrium quantity is when there is no shortage or excess in the market. Overlapping supply and demand means that the quantity of an item a consumer is willing to purchase is equal to the quantity supplied by its producer.

The equilibrium price is the only price where the consumer's plan matches the producer's plan. In other words, the quantity that the consumer wants to buy the product (quantity requested) equals the quantity that the producer wants to sell (quantity offered). This total amount is called the equilibrium amount.

A decrease in demand leads to a decrease in the equilibrium price. Less quantity to deliver. An increase in supply leads to a decrease in the equilibrium price, all other things being equal. Demand increases. If the supply decreases, the equilibrium price will rise. demand will decrease.

Learn more about Equilibrium quantity  here:


the government orders every factory to adopt a new technology, which reduces carbon-dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.


The government finances a tree-planting effort by paying $400 to any person who plants a tree since trees remove carbon dioxide from the air & convert it to oxygen.

What the body experiences from carbon dioxide?

Exposure to CO2 may have a number of negative effects on one's health.. These symptoms can include a coma, hypoxia, convulsions, sweating, a tingling or pins-and-needles sensation, headaches, disorientation, restlessness, the tingling or pins-and-needles feeling, and difficulty breathing.

Is carbon dioxide harmful to people?

It is believed that breathing in CO2 only slightly hurts.The fundamental health impacts of CO2 are a result of its simple asphyxiant nature. A gas that decreases or replaces the natural oxygen for breathing air is referred to as a simple asphyxiant. signs of a mild

To know more about carbon-dioxide visit:


suppose that both firms start off by deciding not to advertise. if the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing?


Let's say neither company runs any advertisements at first. What methods would businesses ultimately select if they act independently (option B) - Both businesses will market)

What exactly do you meant by marketing?

Purchasing property to display a good, terrible, or abstract notion is a commercial tactic called as advertising. What are commonly referred as the advertisements are the actual advertising messages. The purpose of advertising is to reach the groups of people who are most likely to be inclined to purchase a company's products or services.

What does advertising's primary purpose?

The primary objective of campaign is to make the number of consumers who purchase your goods. To do this, you can utilize advertising to persuade consumers that your service is excellent, practical, or attractive.

To know more about advertising visit:


Full Question:

Suppose that both firms start off not advertising. If firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing?

A) fizzo will choose not to advertise and Pop Hop will choose to advertise.

B) Both firms will advertise

C) Both firms will choose NOT to advertise

D) Fizzo will chose to advertise and Pop will choosenot to advertise.

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