The equation ^2 − 4 − 4^2 + 13 = 0 will produce a hyperbola. How can we tell by simply observing the equation?In what directions do the branches of this hyperbola open? How do you know? Explain. Sketch a graph of this hyperbola, clearly indicating how you have determined thekey characteristics (center, vertices, eccentricity, foci). Give the domain and range of this hyperbola.


Answer 1

we have the equation


Group similar terms and move the constant to the right side


Complete the square

[tex]\begin{gathered} (y^2-4y+2^2-2^2)-4x^2=-13 \\ (y^2-4y+2^2)-4x^2=-13+2^2 \\ (y^2-4y+2^2)-4x^2=-9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Rewrite as a perfect square


Divide both sides by -9

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{(y-2)^2}{-9}-\frac{4x^2}{-9}=\frac{-9}{-9} \\ \\ -\frac{(y-2)^2}{9}+\frac{x^2}{\frac{9}{4}}=1 \\ \\ \frac{x^{2}}{\frac{9}{4}}-\frac{(y-2)^{2}}{9}=1 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinates of the center are (0,2)

The transverse axis is on the x-axis

a^2=9/4 -----------> a=3/2

b^2=9 -----------> b=3

The vertices are --------> (0+1.5,2) and (0-1.5,2)


Vertices at (1.5,2) and (-1.5,2)

Find out the value of c





Find out the coordinates of the foci

(0+√5,2) and (0-√5,2)

using a graphing tool

The domain is the interval (-infinite, -1.5) U (1.5, infinite)

The range is the interval (-infinite, infinite)

The Equation ^2 4 4^2 + 13 = 0 Will Produce A Hyperbola. How Can We Tell By Simply Observing The Equation?In

Related Questions

Reasoning Krishan wants his quiz average to be at least90 so that he can get an A in the class. His current quiz scoresare: 80, 100, 85. What does he have to get on his 2052next quiz to have an average of 90?A 85B 90C 92D 95


Average = total of all test scores/number of tests

90 = ( 80 + 100 + 85 + x ) / 4

Solve for x

90 (4) = 80 + 100 +85 + x

360 = 265 + x

360-265 = x

95 = x

Where in the xy-plane are the points with x < 0 and y is greater than or equal to 0?*O Quadrant IO Quadrant IIO Quadrant IIIO Quadrant IV



Quadrant II


In the xy-plane:

• The value of x is less than 0 in Quadrant II and Quadrant III.


• The value of y is greater than or equal to 0 in Quadrant I and Quadrant II.

Therefore, the quadrant with points x < 0 and y≥0 is Quadrant II.

Question 9 Which equation would generate the arithmetic sequence: -5,- 14,- 23,-32,-41, A an = -5+9(n-1) B an = -5-9(n-1) C None of the other answers are correct D an = 9+5(n-1) E a = 9-5(n-1)



1) Examining the Arithmetic Sequence:

(-5,-14, -23,-32,-41,..)

We have the following information:

a_1 = -5

Common ratio:-9

2) From these data, we have the Explicit formula:


3) Looking at the options we have some formulas, so we can state that the equation that would generate the Arithmetic Sequence is described in option B

Help on any of these problems would be appreciated. Thanks! Question 1


Theorem: The measure of the angle at the center is equal to the measure of the angle at the circumference.

Hence, the answer is


Solve Each System by Elimination:-3x-5y=14-5x+7y=8


(-3, -1)

1) Solving this system by Elimination method:

Let's eliminate the x variables firstly:

-3x-5y=14 x -5 Multiply by the factor that yields the LCM (3,5) =15

-5x+7y=8 x 3 Multiply by the factor that yields the LCM (3,5) =15

15x +25y =-70

-15x +21y =24 Add both equations simultaneously


46y= -46 Divide both sides by 46

y= -1

2) Plug y=-1, into the smaller coefficients equation, just for convenience

-3x -5y = 14

-3x -5(-1) = 14

-3x +5=14 Subtract 5 from both sides

-3x = 9

x= -3

3) So the answer to this Linear System is (-3, -1)

Jessica is a professional baker. She bakes 113 cupcakes in 2 hours How many cupcakes will she make in 6 hours? Jessica can make cupcakes in 6 hours How long will it take her to make 791 cupcakes? It will take Jessica 791 cupcakes hours to make The equation that represents this situation is y Time (hour) Cupcakes 113 2 791


You know that Jessica can bake 113 cupcakes in 2hours, using this relationship you can calculate the number of cupcakes she can bake in 6 hours using cross multiplication:



[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{113}{2}=\frac{x}{6} \\ (\frac{113}{2})\cdot6=x \\ 339=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

She can bake 339 cupcakes in 6 hours.


To determine how much time it will take to make 791 cupcakes you can also apply cross multiplication, this time you know the amounts of cupcakes and neet to calculate the time:

So if the can make 113 cupcakes in 2 hours,

Then she will make 791 cupcakes in x hours:

113 cupcakes_____2hours

791 cupcakes_____xhours

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2}{113}=\frac{x}{791} \\ (\frac{2}{113})\cdot791=x \\ 14=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

It will take her 14 hours to make 791 cupcakes.


To determine an equation that represents this situation, first determine the variables.

In this case:

y → will represent the number of cupcakes made

x → will represent the time she spent coocking the cupcakes

Next is to determine how many cupcakes she makes in one hour:

If she makes 113 cupcakes in 2hours, in half the time she will make half the cupcakes, that is


She makes 56.5 cupcakes per hour, since each passing hour se adds 56.5 cupcakes then this number will represent the coefficient of variation (or slope) of the equation and must multiply x.

Then the equation that represents this relationship is


Y is inversely proportional to the cube of x. If Y = 5 when x = 2, then k = 20.





Y is inversely proportional to the cube of x. Mathematically, this means


If we now introduce a proportionality constant k, then we get


Now if y = 5 when x = 2, then


Multiplying both sides by 8 gives


Hence, the value of k is NOT 20.

Therefore, the statement that "If Y = 5 when x = 2, then k = 20." is false.

4. I The coordinates of ΔLMN are L(0,-3), M(2,1) and N(7,0). Right the coordinates of L’,M’, and N’ when ΔLMN is under a translation 2 units to the left and 4 units up


Given: The coordinate of triangle LMN as

[tex]\begin{gathered} L(0,-3) \\ M(2,1) \\ N(7,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

To Determine: The coordinates of the image, L'M'N' under the translation 2 units to the left and 4 units up

The translation rule for a translation of of a units to the left is


The translation rule for translation of b units up is


Therefore, the translation rule of a units to the left and b units up is


Applying the rule to given translation of 2 units to the left and 4 units up would be


Now, we apply the rule to get the coordinates of the image as shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} L(0,-3)\rightarrow L^{\prime}(0+2,-3+4)=L^{\prime}(2,1) \\ M(2,1)\rightarrow M^{\prime}(2+2,1+4)=M^{\prime}(4,5) \\ N(7,0)\rightarrow N^{\prime}(7+2,0+4)=N^{\prime}(9,4) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the coordinate of the image is


M' (4,5)

N' (9,4)

f(x) = 6x^4 + 6Use the limit process to find the slope of the line tangent to the graph of f at x = 2. Slope at x= 2:__Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of f at x = 2:__


The given function is

f(x) = 6x^4 + 6

The formula for the limit is shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} f^{\prime}(x)\text{ = }\lim _{h\to0}\text{ }\frac{f(x\text{ + h) - f(x)}}{h} \\ \text{Substituting x = x + h into the function, we have} \\ f^{\prime}(x)\text{ = }\lim _{h\to0}\text{ }\frac{6(x+h)^4+6-(6x^4+6)}{h} \\ f^{\prime}(x)\text{ = }\lim _{h\to0}\text{ }\frac{6(h^4+4h^3x+6h^2x^2+4hx^3+x^4)+6-6x^4-6}{h} \\ f^{\prime}(x)\text{ = }\lim _{h\to0}\text{ }\frac{6h^4+24h^3x+36h^2x^2+24hx^3+6x^{4\text{ }}-6x^4\text{ + 6 - 6}}{h} \\ f^{\prime}(x)\text{ = }\lim _{h\to0}\text{ }\frac{h(6h^3+24h^2x+36hx^2+24x^3)}{h} \\ h\text{ cancels out} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Evaluating the limit at h = 0, we would substitute h = 0 into 6h^3 + 24h^2x + 36hx^2 + 24x^3

It becomes

6(0)^3 + 24(0)^2x + 36(0)x^2 + 24x^3

The derivative is 24x^3

f'(x) = 24x^3

This is the slope of the tangent line is at x = 2

By substituting x = 2 into f'(x) = 24x^3, it becomes

f'(2) = 24(2)^3 = 192

To find the y coordinate of the point, we would substitute x = 2 into

f(x) = 6x^4 + 6

y = 6(2)^4 + 6 = 102

Thus, the x and y coordinates are (2, 102) and the slope is 192

The equation of the line in the point slope form is

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Thus, the equation of the tangent is

y - 102 = 192(x - 2)

The diagonals of a parallelogram are 56 in and 34 in and intersect at angle of 120° find the length of the shorter side


Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

The opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel and equal.

In a triangle, the larger angle has a longer opposite side and a smaller angle has a shorter opposite side.

Law of cosine: If a, b, c are three sides of a triangle and A is the angle opposite to the side a, then

[tex]a^2=b^2+c^2-2bc\cos A[/tex]

The diagonals of a parallelogram are 56 inches and 34 inches. They bisect each other and form 4 triangles.

Let ABCD is a parallelogram and the diagonals AC and BD intersect each other at point O.

AB parallel to CD , AB=CD.

BC parallel to AD , BC=AD.

Diagonals intersect at an angle of 130 degrees.

m∠AOD=120 degree.

BD is a straight line. So,

m∠AOD+m∠AOB=180 degree

120+m∠AOB=180 degree

∠AOB =180-120=60 degree.

The opposite side of 130∘, (AD and BC) are the longer sides and the opposite side of 60∘, (AB and CD) are the shorter sides.

Use the law of cosine in triangle AOB,

[tex]AB^2=OA^2+OB^2+2(OA)(OB)\cos 60^{\circ}[/tex][tex]AB^2=28^2+17^2+2\times28\times17\cos 60^{\circ}[/tex][tex]AB^2=784+289+476[/tex][tex]AB^2=1549[/tex][tex]AB=39.35\text{ in}[/tex]

The length of shorter side is AB =39.35 in.

which of the following statements correctly compares the tow functions f(x) and g(x)?.


We have two functions and we have to find which statements are true.

They both have a maximum value of 1.

f(x) has a minimum and not a maximum, so this statement is not true.

The graphs of both functions cross the x-axis at 0.

f(x) does not cross the x-axis, so this statement is not true.

The graphs of both functions cross the y-axis at 1.

This is true for f(x).

For g(x), we have to calculate g(0) to find at which value of y the function cross the y-axis:


This statement is true.

Function f(x) has a minimum value of 1 and function g(x) has a maximum value of 1.

This is true for f(x).

For g(x), the maximum value happens when x=0, because for all other values of x, the quadratic term becomes more negative.

In the previous statement we calculate g(0)=1, so 1 is the maximum value of g(x).

This statement is true.

They both have a minimum value of 1.

g(x) does not have a minimum value. This statement is not true.

Answer: The statement that are true:

- The graphs of both functions cross the y-axis at 1.

- Function f(x) has a minimum value of 1 and function g(x) has a maximum value of 1.

a man filled his car's 16 galllon gas tank. he took a trip and used 1/2 of the gas. how many gallons of gas were used?



The capacity of the gas tank = 16 gallon

He filled the gas tank and used half of it for a trip i.e

fraction of gallon used = 1/2


The gallon of gas used can be calculated using the formula:

[tex]\text{gallon of gas used = fraction of gallon used }\times\text{ gallon of gas filled}[/tex]

Substituting, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{gallon of gas used = }\frac{1}{2}\text{ }\times\text{ 16} \\ =\text{ 8 gallons} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 8 gallo

Circle describe and correct each error Graph y=x-4 using slop-intercept form.M= -4y-int=1



Given that a graph of the function

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=x-4 \\ m=-4 \\ y-int=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


To find error in the given question.


The standard equation of the line is


Where m slope and c is y-intercept.

Consider the given equation


Here the slope is 1 and y-intercept is at -4.

And the graph of the equation is,

Final Answer:

The error is :

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=-4 \\ y-int=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

11. Using the diagram below, classify the angle pairs as corresponding. alternate interior, alternate exterior, consecutive interior, consecutive exterior, or none.a. < 6 and < 7


The corresponding angles are

• 1 and 3.


• 9 and 11.


• 2 and 4.


• 10 and 12.


• 5 and 7.


• 13 and 15.


• 6 and 8.


• 14 and 16.


• 1 and 5.


• 2 and 6.


• 9 and 13.


• 10 and 14.


• 3 and 7.


• 4 and 8.


• 11 and 15.


• 12 and 16.

The alternate interior angles are

• 9 and 4.


• 10 and 3.


• 13 and 8.


• 14 and 7.


• 2 and 13.


• 10 and 5.


• 4 and 15.


• 12 and 7.

The alternate exterior angles are

• 1 and 12.


• 2 and 11.


• 5 and 16.


• 6 and 15.


• 1 and 14.


• 9 and 6.


• 3 and 16.


• 11 and 8.

The consecutive interior angles are

• 9 and 3.


• 10 and 4.


• 13 and 7.


• 14 and 8.


• 2 and 5.


• 10 and 13.


• 4 and 7.


• 12 and 15.

The consecutive exterior angles are

• 1 and 11.


• 2 and 12.


• 5 and 15.


• 6 and 16.


• 1 and 6.


• 11 and 16.


• 9 and 14.


• 11 and 16.

Therefore, angles 6 and 7 are none of the choices.

Solutions to EquationsDetermine which of the following are true statements. Check all that apply


First question.

We must subtitute w=-13 into the given equation:


then, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} (65-6)-(52+7)=14 \\ 59-59=14 \\ 0=14\text{ its an absurd !!} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is false.

Second question.

We must substitute c=-3 into the given equation:


which gives

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3-3=6-6 \\ 0=0\text{ thats correct !!} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is true.

Third question.

We must substitute z=12 into the given equation:


which gives

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4(72+7)=2(60+98) \\ 4(79)=2(158) \\ 316=316\text{ thats correct!!} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is true.

Fourth question.

We must substitute y=-5 into the given equation:


which gives

[tex]\begin{gathered} -15+2=-20+7 \\ -13=-13\text{ thats correct !!} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is true.

Suppose that y varies directly with x and y = 2 when x =16 write a direct variation equation that relates x and y


The equation of the direct variation is expressed as: y = 1/8x.

How to Write a Direct Variation Equation?

The equation of a direct variation between two variables, say x and y, is expressed as y = kx, where k is the constant of proportionality, if y varies directly as x.

Therefore, substitute y = 2 and x = 16 into y = kx to find the value of k:

2 = k(16)

Divide both sides by 16

2/16 = k

1/8 = k

k = 1/8.

To write the equation of the direct variation, substitute k = 1/8 into y = kx:

y = 1/8x.

Learn more about equation of direct variation on:


Noah has a coupon for 30% off at his favorite clothing store can you use it to buy a hoodie and a pair of jeans I paid $28 for the jeans after using the coupon what is the regular price



Coupon = 30%

Amount paid after using the coupon = $28

Let's find the regular price.

The coupon is a form of voucher that enables someone to get a discount off a product.

This means after a discount of 30%, the new price of the jeans is $28

Thus, to find the regular price, we have:


Where P represents the regular price.

From the equation above, let's solve for P.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 28=P(0.7) \\ \\ 28=0.7P \\ \\ \text{Divide both sides by 0.7:} \\ \frac{28}{0.7}=\frac{0.7P}{0.7} \\ \\ 40=P \\ \\ P=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the regular price for the Jeans is $40



The half-life is blank years. Round to one decimal place as needed



The formula to apply is

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=A_oe^{-\lambda t} \\ Where\text{ A = amount of substance remaining = 0.5, after half decayed} \\ A_o=1 \\ \lambda=0.051 \\ t=\text{ time in years } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Putting in the values into the formula, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.5=1\times e^{-0.051t} \\ 0.5=e^{-0.051t} \\ Taking\text{ ln of both sides, we have} \\ ln0.5=-0.05t \\ t=\frac{ln0.5}{-0.051} \\ t=13.59112 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the answer is 13.6 years to 1 d.p

answer in standard form and contain only positive(x+2) (2x^2-x-9)


(x+2) (2x^2-x-9)​

Apply distributive property:

x(2x^2)+x (-x) + x (-9) + 2 (2x^2) + 2 (-x) + 2 (-9)

2x^3 - x^2 - 9x + 4x^2 - 2x - 18

Combine like terms:

2x^3 -x ^2 + 4x^2 - 9x -2x -18

2x^3 + 3x^2 - 11x - 18

Find the area of the figure. Use 3.14 for .18 in9 inO A. 97.2 in2O B. 122.24 in2O C. 61.12 in2D. 86.24 in2



We want to solve the question below

The figure consists of a semi-circle and a triangle. So the area of the figure becomes

Area of semi-circle + area of triangle

The semi-circle has a diameter of 8 in. So the radius becomes


Area of the semi-circle is given as

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}\times\pi r^2 \\ \frac{1}{2}\times3.14\times4^2 \\ \frac{1}{2}\times3.14\times16 \\ =25.12\text{ in}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of the triangle is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}\times base\times height \\ \frac{1}{2}\times9\times8 \\ 9\times4 \\ =36\text{ in}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So Area of the figure becomes

[tex]\begin{gathered} 25.12+36 \\ =61.12\text{ in}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the answer is option C

at the time of the weather forecast on Evening News, the temperature was 4 degrees below zero. The temperature continue to fall at a rate of 5 degrees each hour or due to a winter storm. Which equation represents the relationship between the temperature t, in degrees after h hours


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{rate is the slope m, hence} \\ m=-5 \\ \text{therefore, the linear equation for the weather is} \\ t=-5h+4 \\ \text{where 4 is the initial value at h=0} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Write an equation in standard form of the line passing through the points (12, 6) and (-4, 10).The equation is . (Type your answer in standard form.)



The equation, in the standard form is: x + 4y = 36

Step-by-step explanation:

The standard form of the equation of a line has the following format:

Ax + By = C.

First, I will place the equation of the line in slope-intercept formula, which is:

y = ax + b. Then, I pass to the standard.

Passes through the point (12,6):

This means that when x = 12, y = 6.


y = ax + b

6 = 12a + b

b = 6 - 12a

Passes through the point (-4,10):

This means that when x = -4, y = 10. SO

10 = -4a + b

Since b = 6 - 12a

10 = -4a + (6 - 12a)

10 = -4a + 6 - 12a

10 - 6 = -4a - 12a

-16a = 4

16a = -4

a = -4/16

Simplifying by 4

a = -1/4

b = 6 - 12a = 6 - 12*(-1/4) = 6 + 3 = 9


y = ax + b

y = -(x/4) + 9

(x/4) + y = 9

Multiplying everything by 4

x + 4y = 36

The equation, in the standard form is: x + 4y = 36

Consider the linear equation 2y - 3x = 5.Are (-1, 1) and (4, 1) solutions to the inequality 2y - 3x < 5? Explain how you know.



For this case we have the following inequality:

2y-3x< 5

And we can solve for y like this:

2y < 3x+5

y < 1/2 (3x+5)

We can replace the points and we can verify:

x=-1 y=1/2*(3*-1 +5) = 1/2(-3+5)= 1 then y is not <1

x=4 y=1/2*(3*4 +5) = 1/2(12+5)= 17/2 then y is not <1

Find the area between the graph of y= -12x^3 and the x-axis on the interval [-1, 1]. Write the exact answer. Do not round.


Recall that the integral of the area between the graph of two functions, in an interval [a,b] is:

[tex]\int ^b_a|f(x)-h(x)|dx\text{.}[/tex]

Now, if f(x) is an odd function, we can use the following property:

[tex]\int ^a_{-a}|f(x)|dx=2\int ^a_0|f(x)|dx\text{.}[/tex]

Now, notice that the function y=-12x³ is an odd function, therefore:

[tex]\int ^1_{-1}|y-0|dx=2\int ^1_0|-12x^3|dx=2\int ^1_012x^3dx\text{.}[/tex]

Applying the linearity of the integral we get:

[tex]24\int ^1_0x^3dx=24\frac{x^4}{4}|^1_0=24(\frac{1}{4}-0)=\frac{24}{4}=6.[/tex]

Answer: 6.

Lori has purple and red flowers in groups of 6. She has x groups of purple flowers and y groups of red flowers. Select an expression that shows the total number of flowers that Lori has?



the number of group of purple as x

the number of group of red as y

The sum total of the flowers in group of 1 will be x+y

Since we are to find the total number of flowers she will have in group of 6, we will multiply the sum of the flower by 6 as shown;


Open the parenthesis

= 6(x)+6(y)

= 6x+6y

The correct option is B

How many degrees would this octagon need to be rotated clockwise around its center to get point K to point G


In the image below you can observe that we have to rotate four times.

Where each rotation is 45 degrees. So,

[tex]45\times4=180[/tex]Hence, the right answer is A. 180°.

Problem 2: Find mZH. H 89° 5.r-7 Exterior angle: D and Remote angles: Equation:


The exterior angle is

Remote angles are ; 70° and 50°

Exterior angle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior angles


What is the exact value of cosine of the quantity pi over 3 question mark


We are required to find the value of the cosine of pi over 3.

The cosine of an angle is a ratio of the side adjacent to the angle to the hypothenuse side

Our approach is to first plot a triangle that will help us give values to this side and get our ratio.

Fortunately, pi over 3 is a special angle as we will see.

We can convert it to degrees via the formula:


Recall that the sum of angles in an equilateral triangle of sides' ratio 2:2:2 is 180 degrees and each angle is 60 degrees.

We can find side o through Pythagoras Theorem as:


The cosine of the angle is a ratio of the adjacent side, o and hypothenuse, 2.

[tex]\cos 60^o=\cos \frac{\pi}{3}=\frac{\text{adj}}{\text{hyp}}=\frac{1}{2}[/tex]


By the congruent supplements theorem, what can youconclude?CBG = _DBGO_FBC = _DBG_CBG is supplementary to _DBF._FBC is supplementary to DBG.


The congruent supplements theorem basically states that if we have two pairs of supplementary angles, say A and B are supplementary and C and D are supplementary and one of angle of each pair are congruent, say A congruent to C, then the other two are also congruent (say B congruent to D)

In our case, the angle A is the angle FBC, B is the angle CBG. C is the angle DBG and D is the angle DBF. Since B is congruent to D then A is congruent to C. So angle FBC is congruent to angle DBG, which is option 2

A farmer has 1776 feet of fencing available to enclose a rectangular area bordering a river. If no fencing is required along the river, find the dimensions of the fenced area that will maximize the area. What is the maximum area?


As per the given perimeter of the rectangular area, the maximum area without fencing is 788544 square feet.

Perimeter of rectangle

Perimeter of the rectangle is defined as the total length or distance around the boundary of a rectangle.

And the formula that is used to measure the perimeter of the rectangle is

P = L x B


L refers the length

B refers the breadth


A farmer has 1776 feet of fencing available to enclose a rectangular area bordering a river.

Here we need to find if  no fencing is required along the river, then what will be the dimensions of the fenced area that will maximize the area.

Let us consider L and W be the length and width of the rectangular respectively.

And also, let the river run along L.

So, the perimeter to be covered by fence is written as,

=> P = L + 2W.

Therefore, when we apply the value of perimeter in it, then we get,

=> 1776 =L + 2W

Here we need the value of L, so, the equation is rewritten as,

=> L = 1776 - 2W

Now, we have to apply these value on the area formula, then we get,

A = (1776-2W) x W

When we simplify it, then we get,

=> A = 2700W-2W²

This is in the form of quadratic equation.

So, let us assume that the vertex of the rectangular at maximum area will give maximum width.

Then it can be obtained as, (W,A),

where the value of

W = -b/2a

Here the value of b = 1776 and a = -2

By applying these values on the formula, then we get the value of W as,

=> W = -1776/2*(-2)

=> W = -1776/-4

=> W = 444ft.

Therefore, the length is

=> L = 1776 - 2(444)

=> L = 1776 - 888

=> L = 888

Maximum area, A=888*888 = 788544 square feet.

To know more about Perimeter of the rectangle here.


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how do i find out if a table is a linear function? i know the formula i just dont know how to figure out if its linear, thanks! 4 g = 16 g= please solve A skating rink attendant monitored the number of injuries at the rink over the past year. He tracked the ages of those injured and the kinds of skates worn during injury. In-line skates Roller skates Age 8 11 10 Age 10 4 9 Age 12 3 16 What is the probability that a randomly selected injured skater was not age 12 and was not wearing roller skates? Simplify any fractions. T-Mobile charges a flat fee of $20 plus $10 per Gig of data used per month. AT&T charges $60 for an unlimiteddata use. How many Gigs of data would you have to use so that the cost will be the same for both companies? HELPPPP MEEEEEE PLEASEEEEhey tutor how you doing doing I struggle with math so much. diana and her classmates are reading the same book.on Monday, diana started to write down the number of pages she has left to read at the end of each day from Monday through Thursday, which person is reading the same number of pages per day as diana. Select the correct answer. What is the difference of the values of the two variables in this system of equations? y= 2x + 1 x + 3y = 10 O A. 0 B. 1 KD C. 2 KD D. 3 A homeowner has decided to fill in his pool. The pool is rectangular and measures 20ft wide, 40ft long, and 5.5ft deep throughout. Each cubic yard of fill dirt cost $12. How much will it cost to fill the pool? What is ambiguity?when a word or phrase creates a certain feelingwhen a word is the same as the sound it defineswhen an object or idea is used to represent something elsewhen a word or phrase can be interpreted in multiple waysOh, no no no, it was too cold always(Still the dead one lay moaning)I was much too far out all my lifeAnd not waving but drowning.What does the cold most likely symbolize?the inevitability of deaththe deep ocean watersthe mans adversities in lifethe attitude of the mans friends Jennifer uses a coupon that gives you20% off your order. If the total was$18, how much money did she save? Which of the following describes a conflict which happens between a supervisor and a subordinate?O Intrapersonal conflictGroup conflictO Intergroup conflictO Interpersonal conflict A $150,000 loan is to be amortized over 7 years, with annual end-of-year payments. Which of these statements is correct?. Be Precise Of the number of sixth grade students at a middle school, 120 prefer online magazines over print magazines. Of the number of seventh grade students, 140 prefer online magazines. A student said that this means a greater percent of seventh grade students prefer online magazines than sixth grade students. Is the student correct? Choose the correct statement that uses precise mathematical language to explain. Multiple choice question. cross out A) no; A percent compares the part to the whole. In this case, the only known value is the part. To compare percents, the whole, the total number of sixth grade students and the total number of seventh grade students, must be known. cross out B) yes; A percent compares the part to the part. In this case, both parts are known. The number of sixth grade students who prefer online magazines, 120, can be compared to the number of seventh grade students who prefer online magazines, 140. So, a greater percent of seventh grade students prefer online magazines than sixth grade students. cross out C) no; A percent must always be less than 100. There are 120 sixth grade students who prefer online magazines and 140 seventh grade students who prefer online magazines, and both of these values are greater than 100. So, they cannot be compared as percents. cross out D) yes; A percent compares the part to the whole. In this case, the known values are 120, which is the part, and 140, which is the whole. Because 140 is greater than 120, a greater percent of seventh grade students prefer online magazines than sixth grade students. Need help with this question? Tools are not currently accessible 2022 McGraw Hill. All Rights Reserved. Privacy CenterOpens in a new window Terms of UseOpens in a new window Minimum Requirements what year does the book " Even if we Break" take place in? This is for a book reveiw and it's past due so please help me ASAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Sc. 1, Lines 1-13: Explain the characters' play onthe word move by discussing which definitioneach speaker uses.How does this dialogue affect the mood of thisscene? Suppose chang places $7000 and an account that pays 2% interest compounded each year. Assume that no withdraws are made from the account.Follow the instructions below. Do not do any rounding what type of function is this? (quadratic or exponential) Figure 1 and Figure 2 below are congruent. Which angle corresponds to angle L? If G(x) is the inverse of G(x), what is the value of G(G(x))? A. xOB. xO C. 1OD. OSUBMIT Solve each systems of the equations by elimination. 1* x-y=-13 x+y=-52* 2x-9y=17 2x+3y=-19