The electron configuration of an element is 1s22s22p6. Will a bond form if an atom of this element moves towards an atom having seven valence electrons? Why or why not?


Answer 1


No it mostly likely would not because the first element(Neon) is already stable as it's outermost shell is completely filled


I'm not 100% sure about this because I know that some weird bonds do form in real life especially with the dative covalent

Related Questions

what is the most important reason why ordering the elements by increasing atomic mass does not result in an effective periodic tabe


The most important reason why ordering the elements by increasing atomic mass does not result in an effective periodic table is that the atomic mass does not increase in a regular manner in going from one element to next.

What is a Atomic mass ?

An atom's mass is its atomic mass. Although the kilogram is the SI measure of mass, the unified atomic mass unit, or dalton, is a common way to express atomic mass. An unbound carbon-12 atom in its ground state has a mass of 112 of a Da.

14.0067 u is the atomic mass of nitrogen.

Hence, the most important reason why ordering the elements by increasing atomic mass does not result in an effective periodic table is that the atomic mass does not increase in a regular manner in going from one element to next.

To know more about  atomic mass visit


What happened to the pressure as we traveled down?

What rocks make up most of the Earth’s crust?
Why do you think the ocean crust contains rocks that are denser than the rocks found on land?

What makes up the lithosphere?

The plates of the lithosphere move slowly because they float on top of the asthenosphere. Describe how the molten material in the mantle causes this movement of the lithospheric plates.


As we move to the interior of the Earth the pressure rises steadily.

The pressure increases deeper into the Earth's interior, from the lithosphere, the mantle, and the inner and outer core.

The high pressure present in the interior also affects the composition of the inner core which is solid.

The oceanic crust is made of Basaltic rocks, making the oceanic crust a bit denser than the continental crust.

The continental crust is considerably thicker in comparison to the oceanic crust. Still, it is made up mostly of various types of granite, which causes it to be a bit lighter than the oceanic crust.

Another reason for this disparity is the difference in the composition of magma that creates the continental and oceanic crust. The magma responsible for the creation of oceanic crust is richer in Mg and Ca while it lacks Al and Si, continental crust on the other hand is composed of magma which has higher concentrations of Al and Si.

The lithosphere extends from the topmost rocky exterior of the Earth's surface to the top part of the upper mantle.

The tectonic plates of the Lithosphere move at a very very slow pace so much so that they move about a few centimeters in a year. The reason behind this is that these are very heavy solid plates, solids have high viscosity and thus they are very hard to move. Along with this the plates also face resistance from the upper mantle.

Learn more about Lithosphere and crust at:

what is a polysaccharide? select the correct answer below: a polymer of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds is known as a polysaccharide. a polysaccharide is formed by the hydrolyzation of glycosidic bonds with acid. polysaccharides are simple sugars, the most common of which is glucose. a polysaccharide is the sugar formed when two monosaccharides (simple sugars) are joined by glycosidic linkage.


A  polymer of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds is known as a polysaccharide.

What is a polysaccharide?

We know that there are different kinds of sugars that we have. This would depend on the way that the atoms of the sugar are joined together. The various kinds of sugars are found to be;

Monosaccharides: These are composed of simple sugar units

Disaccharides: These are composed of two sugar units that are joined together.

Polysaccharides : These are composed of more than two sugar units that are joined together.

Now we have to note that in talking about poly saccharides the idea that they are sugars that are composed of many units have to be at the back of our minds in the discussion. The many units have to be joined by a kind of bond that is called the  glycosidic bonds

Learn more about polysaccharide:


What is the difference between pcr and sanger sequencing with regard to the materials needed to perform these reactions?.


Sanger sequencing requires dideoxynucleotides, although PCR does not.

What is DNA sequencing?

A DNA molecule's exact nucleotide or base sequence can be found using a general laboratory procedure known as DNA sequencing. The bases' order encodes the biological information that cells utilize to grow and function (commonly referred to by the initial letters of their chemical names: A, T, C, and G).

Polymerase chain reaction (abbreviated PCR) is a laboratory technique for rapidly producing (amplifying) millions to billions of copies of a specific segment of DNA, which can then be studied in greater detail. PCR involves using short synthetic DNA fragments called primers to select a segment of the genome to be amplified, and then multiple rounds of DNA synthesis to amplify that segment.Sanger sequencing is a technique for DNA analysis that uses electrophoresis and is based on DNA polymerase's haphazard incorporation of chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides during in vitro DNA replication. It was the most extensively used sequencing technique for over 40 years after Frederick Sanger and colleagues initially developed it in 1977. In 1986, Applied Biosystems launched the first commercialization of it. For large-scale, automated genome analysis, next-generation sequencing techniques have lately displaced greater volume Sanger sequencing. For smaller-scale initiatives and the verification of deep sequencing results, the Sanger method is still widely used.

Hence, Sanger sequencing requires dideoxynucleotides, although PCR does not.

To know more about Sanger sequencing from the given link


does a reaction occur when aqueous solutions of nickel(ii) nitrate and sodium chloride are combined? yesno if a reaction does occur, write the net ionic equation. use the solubility rules provided in the owl preparation page to determine the solubility of compounds. be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s). if a box is not needed leave it blank. Does reaction occur when aqueous solutions of potasium hydroxide and copper(II) chloride are combined?


When Nickle chloride reacts with lead nitrate then lead chloride precipitate formed NiCl2(aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → Ni(NO3)2(aq) + PbCl2(s).

Solubility is the capacity of a substance, the solute, to shape a solution with any other substance, the solvent. Insolubility is the opposite property, the incapability of the solute to shape the sort of solution.

Solubility is defined because the most quantity of a substance in an effort to dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a unique temperature. Solubility is a characteristic property of a particular solute–solvent combination, and unique substances have significantly differing solubilities.

The reaction is between sodium sulfide and zinc sulfate formed precipitate of zinc sulphide

ZnSO4 (aq) +NaS(aq) - - - - > Na2SO4 (aq) +ZnS(s)

When silver sulphate reacts with lead nitrate then lead dulphate precipitate formed.

Ag2SO4(aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → PbSO4(s) + 2AgNO3(aq)

Learn more about solubility here:-


A solution has a concentration of 0. 6 mol/dm3. If a container of this solution holds 3 moles of solute, what volume of solution is in the container?.


The volume of the solution is 50 dm3. We can use the below formula:

Concentration = [tex]\frac{moles}{volume}[/tex]

But, if we shift the positions of concentration and volume, then:

volume = [tex]\frac{moles}{concentration}[/tex]

Now, just by substituting the corresponding values, we can obtain the volume of solution in the container.

Volume = [tex]\frac{3 moles}{0.06 moles / dm3}[/tex] = 50 dm3.

To learn more about the relation between mole and concentration:

List three things that use light energy, and explain how they use it.



Pick from many options.  Suggested are:

Plant metabolism for storing light energy as carbohydrates

Heating and drying



There are many choices:

Light energy is used for:

Plant metabolism:  the sun's light energy is absorbed by the chlorphyll where it eventually gets stored as carbohydrates and other plant biological building blocks.ElectricitySolar panels convert light energy into electricityInformation. Light transmits information that is used used for seeing and for communicating with sattelites and the KlingonsHeatingSunbathingDrying.  Foods are died in the sun to drive off water.

how to predict melting points


The melting point of a substance can be predicted by comparing the relative strength of their intermolecular forces.

What is Melting point?

This is referred to as the temperature in which a substance changes state from solid to liquid and an example is the temperature in which ice turns to liquid water. Temperature on the other hand is the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance or body.

Intermolecular forces are the forces which mediates interaction between molecules and studies has shown that the stronger the intermolecular bonds the greater the melting temperature of the substance and vice versa thereby making ways to predict it.

Read more about Melting point here


how many grams of cacl2 are needed to make 785.7 g of a solution that is 31.5 % (m/m) cacl2 in water? note that mass is not technically the same thing as weight, but % (m/m) has the same meaning as % (w/w).


The amount of calcium chloride in the supplied solution weighs 247.49 g is needed to make 785.7 g of a solution that is 31.5% cacl2 in water.

We receive:

Solution mass: 785.7 grams

Water contains 31.5% (m/m) calcium chloride as well.

This indicates that there are 31.5 g of calcium chloride in a 100 g solution.

We employ the unitary technique to determine the mass of calcium chloride in the specified volume of solution:

The mass of calcium chloride present in 100 g of solution is 31.5 g.

Therefore, in 785.7 g of solution, there are 785.7 g of calcium chloride.


= 247.49 g

Consequently,247.49 g  of calcium chloride are present in the given amount of solution.

For more information percentage weight by weight kindly visit to


What type of radiation is emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom drops from energy level 6 to 2?.


When the electron falls from energy level 6 to energy level 2, it will irradiate Balmer  series that lies in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum.

A hydrogen atom has six spectral lines. Spectral emissions occurs when an electron transitions jumps from a higher energy state to a lower energy state. The spectral lines are grouped into series according to the lower energy level of atomic hydrogen is divided into a number of spectral series, with wavelengths.

Wavelength of these spectral lines can be calculated by the Rydberg formula and these spectral lines are formed due to the electron that undergoes transitions between two energy levels in an atom.

Spectral emissions occurs when an electron transitions jumps from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

The spectral lines are generally grouped into series according to the lower energy level.

To know more about Hydrogen Spectral:


a 20.0 ml solution of naoh is neutralized with 24.2 ml of 0.200 m hbr. what is the concentration of the original naoh solution?


Answer:The  concentration of the original NAOH solution is 0.242 M.


We know that for neutralization reaction   the no. of mole of H+ ions from the acid must be equal to that of those of OH- ions released from base.

Since both HBR and NAOH are monobasic and monoacidic respectively  we can use the formula

No. of milimoles of H+ = No. of milimoles of OH-   ( Note – as both the volumes are given in ml so take milimoles)



Or; Molarity =0.242M.

Learn more about concentration here


equimolar samples of n2 and o2 are both at standard conditions (1 atm, 273k). a) which sample has more kinetic energy? why?


The gas that has more kinetic energy is nitrogen.

Which sample has a greater kinetic energy?

We know that from the ideal gas equation, the molecules that compose a gas are in constant random motion. The implication of this is that, the kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas would depend on the velocity of the molecules of the gas.

Since we can not measure the individual velocities of the molecules of a gas but we can be able to measure the root mean square speed of the molecules of the gas as we can see.

This root mean square velocity is going to depend on the molar mass of the gas as well as the temperature of the system. Where the system is at the same temperature, the greater the molar mass, the lesser the kinetic energy of the gas.

Nitrogen ([tex]N_{2}[/tex]) has a molar mass of 28 g/mol while oxygen ([tex]O_{2}[/tex]) has a molar mass of 32 g/mol.

Learn more about kinetic energy of a gas:


solar and wind power are ____ and safe forms that are renewable and don't pollute


Clean energy are those types which do not release pollutants into the air, and renewable energy comes from sources that are constantly being replenished, such as hydropower, wind power or solar energy. Renewable energy is often seen as being the same, but there is still some debate around this.

Firework Spectacular - Newton’s Law
Use your knowledge of Newton’s Laws to complete the calculations.


Newton’s Law .Use your knowledge of Newton’s Laws to complete the calculations. 1) F = 0.98 N 2) F = 3.9 N 3) F = 6.86 N 4) F = 10.78 N 5) F = 24.5 N 6) F = 49 N 7) F = 80.36 N.

Newton's law : F = ma

where, F = force

m = mass

a = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

1) mass = 0.10 kg ,

F = ma

F = 0.10 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 0.98 N

2) mass = 0.40 kg

F = ma

F = 0.40 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 3.9 N

3) mass = 0.70 kg

F = ma

F =  0.70 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 6.86 N

4) mass = 1.1 kg

F = ma

F = 1.1 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 10.78 N

5) mass = 2.5 kg

F = ma

F = 2.5 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 24.5 N

6) mass = 5.0 kg

F = ma

F = 5.0 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 49 N

7) mass = 8.2 kg

F = ma

F = 8.2 kg ×  9.8 m/s²

F = 80.36 N

Thus, Newton’s Law .Use your knowledge of Newton’s Laws to complete the calculations. 1) F = 0.98 N 2) F = 3.9 N 3) F = 6.86 N 4) F = 10.78 N 5) F = 24.5 N 6) F = 49 N 7) F = 80.36 N.

To learn more about Newton's law here


will mark brainliest question in the picture



The correct answer is, D. growing in size

(LAB 9: SPECTROSCOPY: ABSORPTION & EMISSION)What is the difference between absorption and emission? Transmission and reflection?



• Absorption changes the state of a particle from its original state to a higher state.

• Emission makes a particle go from a high energy state to a lower one.


• In the Transmission the wave passes from one medium to another.


• In the Reflection the wave changes direction when it collides with a different medium.


- Difference between absorption and emission:

Absorption and emission are related to electromagnetic radiation. The difference is that the Absorption of electromagnetic radiation changes the state of a particle (for example, an atom), from its original state to a higher state. While the Emission of electromagnetic radiation makes a particle with high energy content go from a high energy state to a lower one, in this case, the particle releases energy in the form of a photon.

- Difference between transmission and reflection:

Transmission and reflection are ways in which a wave moves. The difference is that in the Transmission the wave passes from one medium to another and in the Reflection the wave changes direction when it collides with a different medium.

Objective: Quantify titration equivalence points. Apply the concepts of mole and stoichiometry.
Represent solutes and reactions in aqueous solutions.
Question: In our Analysis of Antacid lab, we started with a known concentration and volume of
hydrochloric acid that was partially neutralized by the active ingredient of an antacid tablet according to
the following equation:
2 HCI (aq) + CaCO, (s)→ CaCl₂ (aq) + CO₂ (g) + H₂O (1)
The remaining acid was then titrated with a known concentration of NaOH.
Use this student's lab data to calculate the moles of acid neutralized by the antacid tablet and the
mass of the active ingredient required:
Concentration of HCI
Volume of HCI added
Mass of antacid tablet.
Concentration of NaOH
Volume of NaOH
1.0755 M
25.00 mL
1.503 g
1.0031 M
16.80 mL
Include definitions, explanations, discussion of your problem-solving process.


The number of moles of moles of acid neutralized by the antacid tablet and the mass of the active ingredient required are,0.252055 moles and  25.2 g respectively.

First, we need to calculate the moles of HCI that were added. This is simple to do, we just need to use the formula  


where M is the molarity (concentration) of the acid and V is the volume in liters. Since we have the concentration in molarity and the volume in mL, we need to convert the volume to liters. We can do this by dividing the volume in mL by 1000. This gives us the following equation:  


Plugging in our values, we get  



Now that we know the moles of HCI that were added, we can calculate the moles of acid that were neutralized by the antacid tablet. To do this, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.  

2HCI (aq) + CaCO₃ (s)→ CaCl₂ (aq) + CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)

We can see from the equation that for every mole of HCI that is neutralized, one mole of CaCO₃ is used up. This means that the number of moles of HCI that were neutralized is equal to the number of moles of CaCO₃ that were used up.

Since we know the number of moles of HCI that were added (from the previous calculation), we can just subtract this from the number of moles of HCI that were left after the reaction (which is equal to the number of moles of NaOH that were used in the titration).

To calculate the number of moles of NaOH that were used, we just need to use the formula  


where M is the molarity (concentration) of the NaOH and V is the volume in liters. Since we have the concentration in molarity and the volume in mL, we need to convert the volume to liters. We can do this by dividing the volume in mL by 1000. This gives us the following equation:  moles=Mx(V/1000)  

Plugging in our values, we get  



Now that we know the number of moles of HCI that were added and the number of moles of NaOH that were used, we can calculate the number of moles of HCI that were neutralized by the antacid tablet.

We do this by subtracting the number of moles of NaOH from the number of moles of HCI. This gives us the following equation:  

moles of HCI neutralized= moles HCI added− moles NaOH used  

Plugging in our values, we get  

moles HCI neutralized= (0.26889)−(0.0168352)  

moles HCI neutralized= 0.252055  

This means that the antacid tablet neutralized 0.252055 moles of HCI.

Now that we know the number of moles of HCI that were neutralized, we can calculate the mass of the active ingredient required.

To do this, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.  

2 HCI (aq) + CaCO₃, (s)→ CaCl₂ (aq) + CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)  

We can see from the equation that for every mole of HCI that is neutralized, one mole of CaCO₂ is used up.

This means that the mass of the active ingredient required is equal to the number of moles of HCI that were neutralized multiplied by the molar mass of CaCO₃.

The molar mass of CaCO₃ is 100.09 g/mol. This gives us the following equation:  

mass = moles x molar mass  

where mass is the mass of the active ingredient required, moles is the number of moles of HCI that were neutralized, and molar mass is the molar mass of CaCO₃. Plugging in our values, we get  


mass=25.2 g

This means that the active ingredient in the antacid tablet must have a mass of at least 25.2 g in order to completely neutralize the acid.

To know more about neutralization, click below:


can oxidation reaction be useful in terms of energy


Answer:Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions are important because they are the principal sources of energy on this planet, both natural or biological and artificial. Oxidation of molecules by removal of hydrogen or combination with oxygen normally liberates large quantities of energy.

thu: yes

Write 1 fact about Alkali Metals.


they are soft enough to cut with a knife.

Answer: they are shiny metals with low melting points

Rank the following from MOST soluble in water to LEAST soluble in water.


Propanol, ethylene glycol, then butane this is the solubility in water of these molecules. Ethylene glycol is miscible in water. Solubility of butane is 61 mg/l. And propanol is totally soluble in water.

What is solubility ?

The capacity of a material, the solute, to combine with another substance, the solvent, is known as solubility. Insolubility, or the solute's inability to create such a solution, is the opposite attribute.

Hydrogen bonds as well as dipole-dipole forces can be used by 1-propanol to interact with water. By neither method can butane interact with water. Therefore, 1-propanol has a substantially higher solubility.

The most soluble form of ethylene glycol is water. because it may create a H bond with water because to its two -OH groups. Therefore, more H bonding increases solubility in water.

Thus, most soluble in water to least soluble in water is option A, option B and then option C.

To learn more about solubility follow the link;


How does the presence of an impurity affect the melting point range of a compound?.


Answer: the presence of impurities in a compound lowers the melting point and broadens the range.

Explanation: this is because the impurities cause defects in the crystalline lattice of the compounds, it is easier to break down the intermolecular interactions between the compounds.

thus, when the compounds with impurities are given heat, it has less melting point than the purest form because of breakage of intermolecular interactions faster.

to know more about melting point,

How many moles of the compound are in 16.0 g of CHCl3?Express your answer in moles.


To determine the moles of a compound from the mass in grams, we must use the molecular mass. The molecular mass is calculated by adding the atomic weights of the elements multiplied by the atoms of the element present in the molecule. To make it easier we can make the following table:

We have that the molar mass of CHCl3 is: 119.377g/mol.

The number of moles will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mol CHCl3}=GivengCHCl_3\times\frac{1molCHCl_3}{MolarMass,gCHCl_3} \\ \text{Mol CHCl3}=16.0gCHCl_3\times\frac{1molCHCl_3}{119.377gCHCl_3}=0.134molCHCl_3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 16.0g pf CHCl3 there are 0.134 moles

An acid and base will combine to form a new substance with new properties in a??



Acids and bases, when brought together, form salt and water through a process known as neutralization process. Since NaCl, the salt, is of majority use in the body, the answer to this question is salt.

orange juice can be considered as an aqueous solution in which one of the solutes is vitamin C. either any orange juice in which the concentration of vitamin C is 0.00214 mol/La) you drink 250 ml of this orange juice. how much vitamin C did you consume?b) adults are recommended to consume approximately 80mg of vitamin C per day. How much of this orange juice will you need to drink to consume this mass of vitamin C? note that the chemical formula of vitamin C is C6 H8 O6.



a) First, let's find out how many moles are there into 250 mL of orange juice:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

x mol ---- 250 mL

1000x = 250 * 0.00214

x = 0.535/1000

x = 5.35 x 10^-4 mol

Now let's transform it to grams. For this, we need to use the molar mass of vitamin C and the following formula: m = n*MM

MM of vitamin C = 176 g/mol

m = 5.35 x 10^-4 * 176

m = 0.09416 g

m = 94.16 mg

Answer a): 94.16 mg of vitamin C

b) Let's transform 80 mg of vitamin C into moles using the formula: n = m/MM

m of vitamin cC = 80 mg = 0.08 g

MM = 176 g/mol

n = 0.08/176

n = 4.54 x 10^-4 moles

Now let's calculate the quantity in mL:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

4.54 x 10^-4 moles ---- x mL

0.00214x = 4.54 x 10^-4 * 1000

x = 0.4545/0.00214

x = 212 mL

Answer b): 212 mL

Calculation of the molar mass of C6H8O6:

(6*12)+(8*1)+(6*16) = 176 g/mol



a) First, let's find out how many moles are there into 250 mL of orange juice:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

x mol ---- 250 mL

1000x = 250 * 0.00214

x = 0.535/1000

x = 5.35 x 10^-4 mol

Now let's transform it to grams. For this, we need to use the molar mass of vitamin C and the following formula: m = n*MM

MM of vitamin C = 176 g/mol

m = 5.35 x 10^-4 * 176

m = 0.09416 g

m = 94.16 mg

Answer a): 94.16 mg of vitamin C

b) Let's transform 80 mg of vitamin C into moles using the formula: n = m/MM

m of vitamin cC = 80 mg = 0.08 g

MM = 176 g/mol

n = 0.08/176

n = 4.54 x 10^-4 moles

Now let's calculate the quantity in mL:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

4.54 x 10^-4 moles ---- x mL

0.00214x = 4.54 x 10^-4 * 1000

x = 0.4545/0.00214

x = 212 mL

Answer b): 212 mL

Calculation of the molar mass of C6H8O6:

(6*12)+(8*1)+(6*16) = 176 g/mol


What volume of O2 at 988 mmHg and 31 °C is required to synthesize 18.5 mol of NO? Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.


1) Balance the chemical equation.


2) Moles of oxygen needed to produce 18.5 mol NO.

The molar ratio between NO and O2 is 4 mol NO: 5 mol O2.

[tex]mol\text{ }O_2=18.5\text{ }mol\text{ }NO*\frac{5\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2}{4\text{ }mol\text{ }NO}=23.125\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2[/tex]

3) Volume of oxygen required.

3.1- List the known and the unknown quantities.

Sample: O2.

Temperature: 31 ºC.

Pressure: 988 mmHg.

Moles: 23.125 mol.

ideal gas constant: 0.082057 L * atm * K^(-1) * mol^(-1)

Volume: unknown

3.2- Set the equation.


3.3- Converting units.

Temperature: ºC to K.

[tex]K=ºC+273.15[/tex][tex]K=31\text{ }ºC+273.15=304.15\text{ }K[/tex]


760 mmHg = 1 atm.

[tex]atm=988\text{ }mmHg*\frac{1\text{ }atm}{760\text{ }mmHg}=1.3\text{ }atm[/tex]

3.4- Plug in the known quantities in the ideal gas equation and solve for V (liters).

[tex](1.3\text{ }atm)(V)=(23.125\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2)(0.082057\text{ }L*atm*K^{-1}*mol^{-1})(304.15\text{ }K)[/tex][tex]V=\frac{(23.125molO_2)(0.082057L*atm*K^{-1}*mol^{-1})(304.15K)}{1.3\text{ }atm}[/tex][tex]V=443.958\text{ }L[/tex]

The volume of O2 required is 444 L.

Because Earth’s axis is ____________________, the hemispheres receive different amounts of solar energy at different times.



Pretty sure its Tilted


Answer: Tilted


Engineers are evaluating a halogen bulb as a possible solution to lighting a
reading workspace. What criteria might they consider?



Light Distribution and Brightness.

Conservation of Energy.

The Appearance of the Space and Luminaires.


The Appearance of Color.

Lighting Control and Flexibility.

Lighting of Faces.

Cost of Implementation.


Wavelength of yellow light with frequency of 5.2x10 14



5.77x10^-7 m or 577 nm (nanometers)


The wavelength, λ, and frequency, ν, of light are described by the equation:

c = λν

where c is the speed of light.  

c = 3.0x10^8 m/s

v = 5.2x10^14

λ = c/v

λ = (3.0x10^8 m/s)/(5.2x10^14) = 5.77x10^-7 m

since 1 m = 10^9nm, we can express this as 577 nm (nanometers)

577 nm.  This is in the yellow light span of wavelengths.

What determines how high-pitched or low-pitched sounds are? (Select all that apply.) Pitch is determined by the volume of the sound. Pitch is determined by the wavelength of the sound wave. Pitch is determined by the direction of the sound. Pitch is determined by the distance between points of compression.





Sounds are higher or lower in pitch according to the frequency of vibration of the sound waves producing them. A high frequency (e.g., 880 hertz [Hz; cycles per second]) is perceived as a high pitch and a low frequency (e.g., 55 Hz) as a low pitch.

5.26 kg of nitrogen monoxide and 7.64 mg of oxygen are combined, what mass of nitrogen dioxide is formed?2NO+O2=2NO2



0.0220 g (22 mg) of NO2.


To solve this type of problem, it is best to work with grams. Remember that 1 kg equals 1000 g and 1 g equals 1000 mg. The conversion for 5.26 kg of nitrogen monoxide (NO) would be:

[tex]5.26\text{ kg NO}\cdot\frac{1000\text{ g}}{1\text{ kg }}=5260\text{ g NO.}[/tex]

And for 7.64 mg of oxygen (O2) is:

[tex]7.64\text{ mg O}_2\cdot\frac{1\text{ g}}{1000\text{ mg}}=0.00764\text{ g O}_2.[/tex]

The next step is to find the number of moles of each reactant using its molar mass. The molar mass of NO is 30 g/mol (you can calculate the molar mass of a compound using the periodic table):

[tex]5260\text{ g NO}\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol NO}}{30\text{ g NO}}=175.33\text{ moles NO.}[/tex]

And the moles of oxygen (O2) is 32 g/mol:

[tex]0.00764\text{ g O}_2\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol O}_2}{32\text{ g O}_2}=2.388\cdot10^{-4}mole\text{s O}_2.[/tex]

The next step is to see how many moles of NO" can be produced for each reactant.

You can see in the chemical equation that 2 moles of NO produce 2 moles of NO2, so the molar ratio between them is 1:1. This means that 175.33 moles of NO reacted produce 175.33 moles of NO2.

Now, you can see that 1 mol of O2 reacted produces 2 moles of NO2, so let's see how many moles of NO2 are being produced:

[tex]2.388\cdot10^{-4}mole\text{s O}_2\cdot\frac{2\text{ moles NO}_2}{1\text{ mol O}_2}=4.776\cdot10^{-4}mole\text{s NO}_2.[/tex]

You can note that the limiting reactant, in this case, is oxygen (O2) because this reactant imposes the "limit" to produce the product.

The final step is to convert from 4.776 x 10^(-4) moles of NO2 to grams using its molar mass which is 46 g/mol. The conversion will look like this:

[tex]4.776\cdot10^{-4}mo\text{les NO}_2\cdot\frac{46\text{ g NO}_2}{1\text{ mol NO}_2}=0.0220\text{ g NO}_2.[/tex]

We obtain 0.0220 g (22 mg) of NO2 from 5.26 kg of NO and 7.64 mg of O2.

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