the dramatic increase in global migration among women has helped create what new occupational niche?


Answer 1

The enormous growth in female global mobility has aided in the creation of caregiving. Hence, the correct answer is caregiving.

What is considered caregiving?

A person who provides care to persons who require assistance in taking care of themselves. Children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities are all examples. Caregivers might be medical professionals, family members, friends, social workers, or clergy.

The family hires an independent caregiver directly. There is no middleman between the care receiver and the caregiver. A private duty caregiver may help with anything from medical and nursing care to bill payments and transportation.

To learn more about caregiving, click


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utilitarians believe that the proper goal of the government is to maximize the sum of the utilities of everyone in society. true false



True, I think, I may be wrong.

who or what exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the united states of america?


A United States of America's national security procedures are least affected by public opinion.

The Public: What exactly is it?

A search platform is a graphic representation of search queries with recommended completing searches created by the keywords The Public.

Is the public's response free?

Using the good streaming tool Answer the Public, you can produce content that will drive customers to your website and increase sales. To assist you position somewhere at top of Search engine results, you can select keywords but instead subjects to write about. This will draw more attention to your business and bring in more customers.

To know more about public visit:


the authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to


The authors of both documents write about the same event differently due to the lack of Information.

Who are the authors?

An author is someone whose writing has been made public. People who write are considered writers when they create the concepts and content of their published material, in addition to creating published work.

By definition, an author is someone who writes. But since anyone literate can put words on a page for any strange reason, there must be additional criteria to identify the actual author. Of course, authors write books and articles intending to publish them.

Learn more about the authors here:


two types of process variation commonly occur. these are: proactive and reactive. subjective and objective. silent and loud. random and nonrandom. outward and inward.


Process variation typically comes in two forms. Both random variation and nonrandom variation

Random Variation: Uncontrollable variation that is centered around a mean and has a relatively constant degree of dispersion.

Nonrandom Variation - "Special Cause" - The event could be an unexpected occurrence or a change in the process mean.

All natural processes involve random variance. In a random process, we cannot know the precise value of the next outcome, but we can forecast the likelihood of future outcomes by looking at historical data. A random process can therefore be predicted. On the other hand, non-random variation emerges when something new, occasionally unexpected, starts to affect the process.

learn more about random variation here:


when olivia was a child, she observed how her mother would count calories and restrict her eating. now olivia deals with her stressors by avoiding food and staying slender. olivia's early experiences appear to be channeled into a food-related anxiety disorder. this is an example of a(n) vulnerability.


Olivia's early experiences appear to be channeled into a food-related anxiety disorder. this is an example of Specific vulnerability.

Specific vulnerabilities refer to the ways in which our experiences cause us to focus and channel anxiety. We may focus our concern on bodily feelings if we learnt that physical disease is harmful, maybe by observing our family's reaction anytime somebody became ill.

Psychological vulnerabilities are the effects of our early experiences on how we see the world. We may develop to regard the world as unpredictable and unmanageable, even deadly, if we were exposed to unpredictable pressures or traumatic events when we were younger.

None of these vulnerabilities create anxiety disorders on their own; rather, when all of these vulnerabilities are present, and we experience some triggering life stress, we may develop an anxiety disorder.

learn more about specific vulnerability at


which of these inferences about stein, his mother’s niece’s husband and eliezer’s cousin by marriage, is best supported by the information on page 45?


Stein gave up his will to live after hearing the true news of what happened to his wife and sons, best supported by the information on page 45.

What is the most important lesson from Book Night?

Life on Earth is not "fair". You might think, feel, and act differently than you would under normal circumstances as a result of pain and deprivation. Don't judge yourself too harshly in times of need or adversity. Forgiving yourself and others is essential to healthy survival.

What happens to stein in the book Night?

He is believed to have died after learning of his family's true fate when a prisoner convoy arrived from his hometown. As Stein said, the only thing that kept him alive was the knowledge that his wife and young son were still alive.

What's the most important Elie Wiesel Night quote?

I will never forget the silence of that night that stole the love of my life forever. I will never forget the moment that killed my God and my soul and shattered my dreams. These things I will never forget, even if I am destined to live as long as God Himself.

To learn more about Book Night visit:


Which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


The matching hypothesis is a social psychology concept that suggests that individuals tend to select partners that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability.

In other words, people tend to form relationships with those who they believe to have similar levels of attractiveness and desirability. This idea was first proposed by American psychologist Elaine Hatfield in 1967 and has since been supported by research in the field of social psychology.

The concept of the matching hypothesis has implications for both romantic and platonic relationships. In the case of romantic relationships, research has shown that couples tend to be of similar levels of attractiveness and desirability.

In the case of platonic relationships, the matching hypothesis can also be seen as relevant. Individuals tend to form long-term friendships with those who they perceive as being similar to them in terms of physical attractiveness and social desirability.

Overall, the matching hypothesis is a fascinating concept in the field of social psychology that has been supported by research. This has implications for both romantic and platonic relationships and helps to explain why people may be drawn to certain individuals over others.

Learn more about the matching hypothesis concept:


Why i butter difficult to tore and tranport in hot weather? Find find out more about dairy product being made in Pakitan. Lit the name of ome companie that make dairy product


Butter becomes rancid and smalls unpleasant if stored at high temperatures or in direct contact with atmospheric oxygen. Butter is extremely sensitive to odors from other countries.

How is butter transported?

Butter is typically packaged in 25 kg blocks wrapped in polythene or vegetable parchment and placed in corrugated fiberboard cases sealed with adhesive tape. It is also packaged in foil or parchment wrapped packets in corrugated fiberboard cases. Small amounts of butter are also packaged in various sizes of cans.

What happens to butter as its temperature rises?

When the butter is heated, the molecules begin to move and slide past each other, forming a liquid. When the liquid butter cools, the molecules slow down and reconnect, allowing it to solidify again.

Learn more about tranport butter to visit this link


What was Cugoano's overall view of slavery?


Slavery according to Cugoano was immoral and incompatible with British civilization. Additionally, he implied that it was ethically acceptable for African slaves to rebel against or defy their masters and captors.

One of the first people who had been slaves to write and publish a piece in English was anti-slavery activist Ottobah Cugoano. At Schomberg House on Pall Mall, where he worked as a servant from around 1784 until 1791 while writing and running for office, he is honored with a blue plaque.

He was a committed Christian by this point and his writing reflected his faith. In his writings, he demanded that slavery be abolished and that all slaves be released right now. It contends that escaping from slavery is a slave's duty and that force should be used to stop further enslavement.

To learn more about Slavery


when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of:_______.


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of principal.

In a principal-agent relationship, one entity formally designates another to act on its behalf. When there is a principle-agent connection, the agent represents the principal and shouldn't have any competing interests when performing the act.

The law of agency defines rules for a connection known as "agency," which is the relationship between the principle and the agent.

The principal-agent connection generates a fiduciary relationship between the parties involved, regardless of whether it is expressly stated in a formal contract or is assumed through actions.

This means that the agent must prioritize the interests of the principle when operating on behalf of the principal and complete the responsibilities allocated to them.

To know more about principal:


alisha is preparing an email for an internal audience. who would be most likely to receive that email?


One of her vendors would be most likely to receive that email.

Email is used for a variety of purposes including contacting friends communicating with professors and academic advisors requesting information and applying for jobs internships and scholarships. Depending on your purpose the format of the message you send the target audience and the desired results will vary.

E-mail is the exchange of messages stored on a computer from a user to one or more recipients over the Internet. Email is a fast inexpensive and accessible way to communicate for business or pleasure. Face-to-face communication is often more effective than written or voice-only conversations. This is because seeing each other allows us to perceive non-verbal cues and body language.

Learn more about An email here:-


Based on the internal audience that Alisha is preparing the email for, the person that would probably receive this email is one of her coworkers.

the e-mail by means of Alisha is being organized for an internal audience . An internal target market in a enterprise refers to all the humans in the enterprise inclusive of employees, employers, managers, board of directors, and executives.

The reality that Alisha is sending the email to an inner target market way it might in all likelihood go to a coworker who would be an worker like Alisha rather than clients and carriers. Even those audiences maximum like the writer, possibly classmates, ... information which would be needless when speaking with internal audiences. you have found out approximately target market and communique channels that will help you ... e-mail, commonly referred to as email, is probably familiar to you.

Learn more about internal audience here:


how might the traits of being compassionate, unpretentious, collaborative, trusting, and candid be conceptualized as a fundamental trait?


These traits would be manifestations of the more fundamental trait of agreeableness.

One of the "big five" personality traits, agreeableness is made up of behavioral attributes like kindness, cohesion, warmth, consideration, and empathy.This characteristic relates to a person's capacity for warmth and compassion toward others.To define how people behave, relate to others, and respond to change, many academics use five key features. Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to new experiences are among these qualities.The opposite end of the personality spectrum is compassion. Whereas cruel people may occasionally disregard others' sentiments, compassionate people genuinely care about those around them.

To know more about Traits here


an assessment developer who wishes to establish the concurrent validity of a new measure needs to demonstrate that the measure is highly correlated with:


To make sure that assessments are appropriate for their intended use, assessment content developers are involved in the design and refinement of assessments.

For a certain collection of assessments, an Assessment Content Developer may be expected to complete one of four tasks. Here are some of them:  A content creator or content source for evaluations. Draft IB assessment materials are reviewed and evaluated by an external advisor to make sure they adhere to IB requirements. In order to make sure language tests comply with IB requirements, standardizers study and assess the content of draft IB exams (often through translation). Scrutineer: completes the final evaluation as though the candidate themselves, ensuring that questions can be addressed.

learn more about  assessment developer    here:


if you get angry when someone insults you, it is likely that your ____________ is playing a role in your emotional state.


According to systems theory, social inertia occurs when someone insults you at a gathering and you associate your rage with the insult.

As all systems are interconnected inside a bigger, more complicated system, systems theory is an interdisciplinary study of systems. When used in social work, it helps us better understand how environmental influences affect people's ability to maintain healthy relationships in society or social organizations.

Social inertia, which is the exact opposite of social change, is when we oppose change or maintain stable relationships. By recognizing and resolving societal inertia, we can overcome it.

To know more about social inertia visit:


Which statement best summarizes Wilson's War Message to Congress Wilson?


Includes an outline of implementation

oscar loved to have snowball fights. when the new kid in class (harvey) joined in the fight, he loaded each of his snowballs with a rock. when oscar was hit with one of harvey's snowballs, it really stung. oscar ran at harvey and punched him in the face until his nose bled. harvey never loaded another snowball with a rock. what behavioral procedure explains why harvey doesn`t load snowballs with rocks any more?


Punishment is behavioral procedure explains why Harvey doesn't load snowballs with rocks any more.

Punishment is a behavioral process in which a reaction results in the presentation of an unpleasant consequence or the removal of a pleasurable stimulus, reducing the likelihood that the response will occur again in the future under identical conditions. The punisher (i.e., aversive stimulus) must be presented in conjunction with the response, must be presented right after the response, must be used sparingly, and must be more intense than the stimulus that would otherwise be produced by the response in order for this process to be most effective. Punishment comes in two flavors: positive and negative, much like reinforcement. Positive punishment is the process of adding a stimulus to the environment in exchange for an action, which lowers the likelihood that the action will be taken again in the future.

To learn more about Punishment please click on the given link:


which of the following best describes a major purpose of the proposed amendment? responses to strengthen the united states alliance with france to strengthen the united states alliance with france to give individual states the legal right to secede from the union to give individual states the legal right to secede from the union to give congress additional constitutional powers to give congress additional constitutional powers to give the president more control over negotiating treaties


To give Congress additional constitutional powers (Option C) best describes a major purpose of the proposed amendment.

The First Amendment was proposed for what reason?

The First Congress presented a Bill of Rights as a safeguard for those wary of a powerful national government in order to achieve adoption of the document. The Federalists also made concessions. Following adoption by three-fourths of the state legislatures, the Bill of Rights went into effect in December 1791.

What did the amendment process serve to amend?

The Constitution can be altered or expanded upon through an amendment. The Framers of the Constitution outlined a procedure for amending the document in Article V, giving citizens ways to do so.

To know more about amendment, visit:


The complete question is:

which of the following best describes a major purpose of the proposed amendment?

(A) responses to strengthen the united states alliance with France

(B) to strengthen the united states alliance with France to give individual states the legal right to secede from the union

(C) to give individual states the legal right to secede from the union to give congress additional constitutional powers

(D) to give congress additional constitutional powers to give the president more control over negotiating treaties

Finding a quiet place without distractions are strategies to over come _____ in _____

What are the answers of blanks??


Finding a quiet place without distractions are strategies to overcome procrastination in time management.

according to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in ______________ at pentecost.


According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in Jerusalem at Pentecost.

Was James the pastor of the Jerusalem Church presided over the council?

Between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, Jerusalem is a city in Western Asia that is situated on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains. The three main Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—consider this city to be one of the holiest places on earth. It is also one of the oldest towns in the world.

Pentecost, also known as Whit Sunday, Whitsunday, or Whitsun, is a Christian celebration that falls on the seventh or fifty-first day following Easter. The Feast of Weeks, which was observed in Jerusalem at the time the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon the Apostles and other disciples of Jesus Christ, is commemorated. This event is commemorated in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31).

To know more about Jerusalem, refer:


the practice of a clinical psychologist is most likely to include: a.use of drug therapy to treat mental illness b.use of tests to measure mental health and intelligence c.use of electroconvulsive therapy to treat mental illness d.treatment limited to adults


The practice of a clinical psychologist is most likely to include uses test to measure mental health and intelligence.

Hence, Option A is correct.

Clinical or counseling psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. They handle complicated human issues and encourage change using the psychology branch of research. They also foster resilience and assist in the identification of personal strengths.

General psychologists typically focus on those who are healthier, while clinical psychologists concentrate on persons who have more severe mental health concerns. Other experts have advised combining the terms "clinical" and "generic" to do away with the distinction between the two.

To know more about Psychologist here


what would be a possible consequence of the double standard of aging, if it were found to operate in a study about older adults?


According to the well-known idea of a "double standard of ageing," an older woman is seen more critically than an older man.

Therefore, women suffer more from the loss of "good" (also known as "youthful" looking) linked with aging than do males (Sontag, 1972).

Because of the rise in life expectancy, policymakers are now more interested in themes like attitudes toward aging and ways to extend years of life's quality. One way to increase the participation and contribution of older persons in society is to improve attitudes around aging.

Age is not only one social category that may or may not be a part of one's identity when age-related attitudes are taken into account in the context of the dynamic nature of social identity. The importance of other identities, such as gender, on views toward aging may be greater.

The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of aging among 200 males and 282 females living in the community in Norway. The Attitudes to Ageing Questionnaire (AAQ; Laidlaw, 1996) was used to gauge attitudes toward aging.

Learn more about " "double standard of ageing " to visit here;


______ bias occurs when individuals with certain characteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others.


Nonresponse bias occurs when individuals with certain characteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others.

Because they are less likely to have the time, inclination, or resources to respond. For example, people with lower income or less education may be less likely to respond than those with higher income or education because of the barriers they face. Additionally, people from minority or marginalized groups are less likely to respond due to fear or mistrust of respondents.

Minimizing non-response bias: a look at the responsibility of interviewers

Non-response bias is a common problem in data collection and can have a significant impact on the results of a survey. This is because a part of the target population of the survey does not respond, which can distort the results.

One of the ways that pollsters can minimize non-response bias is by ensuring that the survey objectives are adequately represented among respondents. This means that pollsters must make a conscious effort to ensure that marginalized or minority groups are represented. This may include using proactive sampling methods to recruit members of these groups, as well as creating a safe and inclusive environment for respondents.

Learn more about non-response bias in surveys:


Which of the following are considered Harlem Renaissance writers ?


Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Nella Larsen, and Arna Bontemps are a few of the notable writers from the Harlem Renaissance.

The New Negrob (1925), anthology edited by Alan Locke, and the magazines Crisis, Opportunity, Fire!!, and the Messenger were notable works. Additionally, have a look at Elizabeth Alexander's more recent historical piece "The Black Poet as Canon-Maker" and Hughes' essay "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain" from 1926. Seek out more poets from the Harlem Renaissance.Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Nella Larsen, and Arna Bontemps are a few of the notable writers from the Harlem Renaissance.

learn more about Harlem Renaissance here:



Should judges overrule the legislature, the executive, or the will of the people (activism) OR should they follow the wishes of the legislature, the executive, or the people (restraint)? Why?

As you respond to this question be sure to consider the following: the principle of Judicial Review (including Marbury v. Madison), how the other branches of government restrain judicial power, and the leading judicial philosophies. How does the Court influence the political landscape and is it alright if an unelected branch has the power to overrule the legislature and executive as well as the will of the people? Use a case drawn from the current Supreme Court term to illustrate your answer.



The question of whether judges should overrule the legislature, the executive, or the will of the people, also known as judicial activism, or whether they should follow the wishes of these branches of government, also known as judicial restraint, is a complex and contentious issue in the United States.

One argument in favor of judicial activism is that the principle of judicial review, established in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison, gives the judiciary the power to interpret the constitution and ensure that the other branches of government act within its bounds. This means that judges have the power to overrule laws or actions by the legislature or executive that they believe are unconstitutional. This can be seen as a check on the power of the other branches of government and a way to protect the rights and liberties of the people.

However, there are also arguments against judicial activism. One of the main arguments is that the other branches of government have mechanisms in place to restrain the power of the judiciary. For example, the legislature can impeach judges and the executive can appoint judges with a particular judicial philosophy. Additionally, the will of the people can be expressed through elections, where voters can choose representatives who share their views on the role of the judiciary.

Another argument against judicial activism is that it can be seen as an encroachment on the power of the other branches of government and the will of the people. The judiciary is an unelected branch of government, and some argue that it is not appropriate for unelected judges to have the power to overrule the decisions of the elected branches. Additionally, judicial activism can be seen as a form of judicial overreach, where judges are making decisions that are outside of their purview and should be made by the other branches of government or the people.

There are different judicial philosophies that inform the debate over judicial activism and restraint. For example, judicial conservatives generally favor judicial restraint and believe that judges should follow the wishes of the legislature, the executive, and the people. In contrast, judicial liberals generally favor judicial activism and believe that judges should interpret the constitution and overrule laws or actions that are unconstitutional.

A recent example of this debate can be seen in the current Supreme Court term, where the Court is considering a case involving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This program allows certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children to remain in the country and receive work permits. The Trump administration attempted to end the program, but a lower court ruled that this was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is now considering whether to uphold this ruling and allow the DACA program to continue, or to overturn the ruling and allow the Trump administration to end the program.

In this case, judicial activism would involve the Supreme Court interpreting the constitution and upholding the lower court's ruling that the Trump administration's attempt to end the DACA program was unconstitutional. This would be an example of the judiciary over ruling the executive branch and protecting the rights of the DACA recipients. On the other hand, judicial restraint would involve the Supreme Court deferring to the Trump administration and allowing it to end the program, which would be an example of the judiciary following the wishes of the executive branch.

In conclusion, the question of whether judges should overrule the legislature, the executive, or the will of the people, or whether they should follow the wishes of these branches of government, is a complex and contentious issue. The principle of judicial review gives judges the power to interpret the constitution and overrule laws or actions that are unconstitutional. However, the other branches of government and the will of the people can also exert influence on the judiciary and restrain its power. Different judicial philosophies inform the debate over judicial activism and restraint, and the Court's decisions can have a significant impact on the political


specialists who can be helpful to teachers, students, and families in the transition process by providing assessment of career/vocational attitudes, abilities and needs, and identifying job sites are called


The transition process by providing assessment of career/vocational attitudes, abilities and needs, and identifying job sites are called rehabilitation counselors.

Rehabilitation counselors support individuals with developmental, emotional, or physical limitations in leading independent lives. They assist clients in overcoming or managing the negative impacts of disability on independent life or employment.

Rehabilitation counselors may hold a variety of positions, such as case manager, independent living specialist, job placement specialist, or rehabilitation counselor.

To know more about Rehabilitation counselors here


helen is an experienced information security professional who earned a four-year degree while a full-time student. she would like to continue her studies on a part-time basis. what is the next logical degree for helen to earn


The next logical degree for Helen to earn Master's Degree.

A BA in Logic teaches students to analyze and formulate arguments. There are different types of logic such as mathematical logic, syllogistic logic, computational logic, informal reasoning and dialectics, first-order logic, non-classical logic, to name a few.

Logic is often regarded as the study of the laws of thought, correct thinking, valid reasoning, or logical truth. This is a formal, topic-independent science. H. Examine how conclusions can be drawn from premises, regardless of the specific topic discussed.

Logic & Computation is a Bachelor of Science degree. The major's curriculum is flexible and tailored to the individual interests of the student. He has three prerequisite courses that students take to prepare for Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics.

Learn more about logical degree


which inference is supported by the text? every member of the community is expected to be at the lottery. the lottery is not an important tradition for the villagers. mr. summers was angry at mrs. hutchinson for being late. mrs. hutchinson did not want to go to the lottery, but her husband forced her


Every member of the community is expected to be at the lottery is the correct inference is supported by the text.

A community is a collection of individuals who have something in common. A community can be characterised by the traits that its members share or by the degree to which they are connected. You need a group of people who are somewhat similar to one another, who have a sense of community or interpersonal ties. It's possible to meet new people or run into familiar faces in a community. For instance, a neighbourhood having a play street that encourages interaction and recreation between neighbours Strong communities are essential because they're frequently a significant source of kinship and sense of belonging. A key component of living a fulfilling life is being a part of a community that is united by shared attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.

learn more about community here


the people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after a death are those who __________.


The people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after death are those who show the most intense distress after the death.

The time period “health problems” manner a disorder or scientific sickness or an environmental condition that poses the hazard of disorder or clinical ailment. fitness troubles can be as a result of a person's genetic make-up, lifestyle behaviors (e.g. smoking), publicity to poisonous materials (e.g. asbestos) or different reasons. With multiple fitness issues, one infection or its treatment would possibly result in any other. chronic illnesses consist of asthma, heart sickness, stroke, diabetes and arthritis. these illnesses frequently can be averted or controlled by preserving chance elements, which include excessive blood strain, excessive ldl cholesterol and increased blood sugar degrees, underneath manage.

The No. 1 health condition in the U.S. is heart disease. it is one of the leading causes of dying, comprising greater than a quarter of all deaths annually. it's far anticipated that a person has a coronary heart attack in the U.S. every forty three seconds.

Learn more about health problems here:


which event at the beginning of the war significantly swayed u.s. opinion against germany?


The Zimmermann Telegram's implied threat of a German attack on the United States, swayed U.S. public opinion in support of a declaration of war.

Americans entered the war in 1917 by declaring war on Germany. This was due to the attack on Lusitania, the unrestricted submarine warfare on American ships heading to Britain, and Germany encouraging Mexico to attack the USA.

A German U-boat had sunk the British passenger ship the Lusitania at great loss of life. Unrestricted submarine warfare was suspended following public outcry in the US, but was reinstated in 1917. This eventually led to the American declaration of war on Germany.

a German submarine sank the British ocean liner Lusitania, resulting in the deaths of nearly 1,200 people, including 128 Americans. The incident strained diplomatic relations between Washington and Berlin and helped turn public opinion against Germany.

Learn more about Zimmermann Telegram's here:-


an individual with avoidant personality disorder is unlikely to develop lasting relationships, because of their:


An individual with avoidant personality disorder is unlikely to develop lasting relationships, because of their: Fear of Rejection.

If you have a rigid and unhealthy habit of thinking, acting, and behaving, you may have a personality disorder. A personality disorder makes it difficult for the sufferer to perceive and relate to others.Borderline personality disorder (BPD), histrionic personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).An illustration of this is someone with borderline personality disorder, who exhibits emotional instability, urges to harm oneself, and intense and unstable interactions with other people.

To know more about Borderline Personality here


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