The deposition of King James II resulted in the ___ giving power to Parliament, empowering the Church of England, and establishing individual liberties for British subjects.


Answer 1


English bill of rights


The Catholic king James II was overthrown during the Great Revolution that took place in 1688. King James was replaced by his daughter Mary, who was a protestant and her husband, William of Orange.  

There was pressure from William for a joint Monarchy to take effect with him as the king and his wife, Mary, as the Queen.  Both of them signed the declaration of rights which was later known as the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights contains a lot of details including the free elections and freedom of speech in parliament.

Related Questions

I’ll Mark you Brainiest only if your answer is correct & accurate Not sure if this is Us History or social studies but please give me an answer I’d possible ❤️



not sure


the new world Africa Europe

What famous document inspired Lincoln?
A)Declaration of Independence
B)Bill of Rights
C)Olive Branch Petition



Declaration of Independence


It inspired him to write the Emancipation Proclamation

Item 12
What is Jonas Salk famous for?

coining the phrase “Iron Curtain”

developing an early computer

walking on the moon

creating a polio vaccine



Creating a polio vaccine.


Jonas Salk was a doctor that made the first ever polio vaccine.

Can you help me pls






How might the fact that the debate took place in Alton have affected the speakers and the audience?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

How might the fact that the debate took place in Alton have affected the speakers and the audience?

Not much really. Both candidates to the state Senate had previously debated, and people already were interested in what Stephen Douglass(Democratic Candidate) and Abraham Lincoln(Republican candidate) had to say.

According to newspaper reports, the debate in Alton, Illinois was the seventh debate and was held on October 15, 1858. It was a cloudy day in Alton, and approximately 5,000 people attended the debate

When Abraham Lincoln was competing for the Senate of the state of Illinois in 1858, he had a tough adversary, Democrat Stephen Douglass. These two candidates performed seven debates that are considered by scholars as one of the most interesting and deep for the type of arguments they debated. The most important issues of the debates were the issue of slavery in the country and the states' rights.


How did the pirates realize Dionysus is not a man but a god?


as they Believed he was a prince and hoped to ransom him for a price, the pirates kidnapped Dionysus and sailed off with him. The shackles kept slipping off his wrists, while Dionysus just sat and smiled at them. Acoetes, the helmsman for the pirate ship, realized that this man must be a god.

Read the passage.
If you ever hold a $100 bill in your hand, you will see Benjamin Franklin's picture. His famous face reminds Americans of what it means to be
a good leader.
Strong leaders can set goals and plan activities to accomplish them. Kids are likely to follow their example. Sometimes leaders make poor
choices, but they can learn from their mistakes and become better leaders. Even famous people like Ben Franklin have made decisions they later
When he was a boy, Ben and his friends enjoyed fishing in a millpond. Because they fished often their favorite fishing spot soon turned to
mud. One day, Ben spotted a pile of heavy stones being used to construct a nearby house. He convinced his friends to carry the stones away during
the night and to build a wharf over the mud. The next morning, construction workers discovered the stolen stones and the boys responsible.
Unfortunately, Ben misled his friends into wrongdoing. He also caused the workers added labor and expense. At first, he tried to argue with
his father about the usefulness of the wharf. In the end, Ben realized the value of honesty and the responsibility that comes with being a good
Why does the author include the story about building a wharf?
O 1. The story helps to show how anyone can become a good leader.
02. The story teaches the difference between popularity and honesty.
03. The story provides an example of why honesty is important for a leader.
04. The story reveals that leadership is useful when workers need to finish a job.



I would guess C but i could be wrong


The inclusion of the story about building a wharf is important as 3. The story provides an example of why honesty is important for a leader.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the influence and guidance offered to followers or other members of an entity.

By its nature, leadership inspires trust and confidence and ensures that goals are achieved efficiently.

Thus, the inclusion of the story about building a wharf is important as 3. The story provides an example of why honesty is important for a leader.

Learn more about the leadership roles at


why did many Germans bitterly resent the Treaty of Versailles?



The Germans weren’t allowed in negotiating, and under the treaty, they were forced to disarm, surrender land, and pay reparations. Germans felt as if the treaty was forcing them to take the blame for the war. Of course, as you know, this created a lot of resentment and bitterness which has been credited to Hitler’s rise in power.

What was "Great Zimbabwe?"

B the capital of an east African empire

A- a center of trade and
learning in West Africa

C - the capital of Axum

D - the holiest city of Islam




great Zimbabwe was a period in time where there was a lot of trade going on. it was an anciet kingdom during the 11th century mostly known for its gold trade and home to its shona people and you can still find its ruins today (more south eastern)

Most of the northern states outlawed slavery. Why did the Union allow slavery in these border states


They felt that the states should be able to leave the country if they wanted. The border states were the primary reason that President Lincoln waited so long to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. Abolitionists in the North were demanding that he free the slaves. However, Lincoln knew he needed to win the war.

Explain the role of the United States in the Middle East prior to the Persian Gulf War?


I tried to put it is saying it’s wrong

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help!



D, The Medians


Cyrus built his empire by first conquering the Median Empire, then the Lydian Empire, and eventually the Neo-Babylonian Empire. He also led an expedition into Central Asia, but the options don't show any central Asian empires, so the best option is the last one.

2. What percentage of the country's businesses failed during the Panic of the 1870s?



A startling 89 of the country's 364 railroads crashed into bankruptcy. A total of 18,000 businesses failed in a mere two years. By 1876, unemployment had risen to a frightening 14 percent.


'The Greek philosophers like Aristotle started from completely different assumptions to traditional Christian philosophy.' Explain what Robert Bartlett means by this



Use of different method.


Robert Bartlett means by this that Aristotle who was a Greek philosophers used different method for assumptions instead of using traditional Christian philosophy. He means that there are some philosopher that describe philosophy by using different method instead of old traditional Christian philosophy. He explains that some philosophers used and introduced different method of philosophy for describing their views.

Put these events in order
Hitler and Stalin (USSR) signed the nonaggression pact
Hitler annexed Austria
Hitler militarizes the Rhineland
Axis Powers Forms: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Japan
Hitler takes over Sudetenland


Militarized the rhineland ——> hitler takes over Sudetenland—-> Non aggression pact—-> annexed austria and lastly the axis powers formed

someone plez help me.

rights which protect an individuals freedom and prevent discrimination on any grounds are refered to as:

A. universal rights
B. civil rights
C. human rights
D. natural rights​



human rights is the correct answer

The correct answer is C

Why has the United States been reluctant to take action on climate change?

A. Scientists disagree upon the best way to combat the issue.

B. It has become a political issue in which one party does not believe it either to be pressing or will have an economic impact too great to justify adjustments supported by the scientific community.

C. The global community has failed to produce climate agreement.

D. The United Nations has barred America from reducing emissions.​

Which of these is one way that women have taken on an increasingly important role in the justice system?

A. A woman has been named as the presidential nominee for a major political party.

B. Four women have been appointed justices of the Supreme Court.

C. Many women were appointed to important positions in the federal government.

D. Three women have been named to the position of Secretary of State.

True or False: The War on Terror end roughly ten years after it began in September 2001.




#1 B. It has become a political issue in which one party does not believe it either to be pressing or will have an economic impact too great to justify adjustments supported by the scientific community.

#2A. A woman has been named as the presidential nominee for a major political party.

True or False: The War on Terror end roughly ten years after it began in September 2001.

-its false

In order for the central government to be powerful, what did the states have to do?​



Under the Articles, the states, not Congress, had the power to tax. Congress could raise money only by asking the states for funds, borrowing from foreign governments, or selling western lands. In addition, Congress could not draft soldiers or regulate trade. There was no provision for national courts.


brainliest pls


Must believe in the Communist Party


lieve in the Communist Party

How does the illustration welcome to all misrepresent the experiences of many immigrants to the united states in the late 19th century


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the cartoon. Without the cartoon, we do not know what is its content or description.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

The illustration "Welcome to All" misrepresented the experiences of many immigrants to the United States in the late 19th century because it represented a reality completely different from what immigrants really lived in the United States.

The cartoon titled "Welcome to All" depicts the arrival of immigrants to the United States. Immigrants are about to enter an old arc and Uncle Sam is welcoming them with open arms. At the top of the arc, there is a saying: "US Arc of Refuge."

Right there, in the long line of immigrants waiting to go onboard, there is a sign that says: "No oppressive taxes. No expensive Kings. "No compulsory military service."

The cartoon was created by cartoonist Joseph Keppler and was published in "Puck magazine" on April 28, 1880.


It suggests that immigrants received economic benefits and an unconditional welcome in the United States.



Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? A. To describe how power was distributed among the th of government OB. To explain the process for amending the Constitution C. To give the federal government additional power 0 D. To protect the rights of individuals​



Explanation: D




In Passage 1, review the paragraph on
page 3.
Click or tap the underlined sentence that is


Although there is a cure, it is not instantaneous.


During this paragraph, President Reagan discusses the options open to the United States in terms of economic recovery. He contends that while economic recovery is challenging, it is not impossible. Furthermore, he claims that while there may not be an immediate treatment for it, there is a treatment accessible. The fact that he holds this opinion demonstrates his willingness to put up a battle in the hopes of once again strengthening the economy.

Is there a treatment for every illness?

Over the past 100 years, numerous diseases have been wiped out thanks to clinical research and the committed work of medical professionals. Leprosy, polio, and smallpox are all all curable diseases, and researchers have even created cures for pneumonia, a disease that was once lethal.

To Know more about President Reagan


Which of the following cities was called a "city of the dead" by a U.S. officer? *


Answer:City of the Dead (Cairo), a cemetery in Cairo, Egypt

City of the Dead (slum), a slum in Cairo, Egypt

Dargavs necropolis, an Alanian burial site in North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, referred to as "City of the dead"

Dead Cities, a group of abandoned settlements in Northwest Syria

El Tajín, a pre-Columbian archeological site in Mexico whose original name is claimed to have been Mictlan or "place of the dead"

Hamunaptra, also called "City of the Dead", a fictional city from The Mummy

Myra, a collection of Lycian rock-cut tombs in Antalya Province, Turkey

Southern Necropolis, a cemetery in Glasgow, Scotland



Which statement best summarizes U.S. actions in Central and South America during the Cold War?
O A. The United States won popular support by punishing U.S. corporations that exploited workers
B. The United States let the Soviet Union to control the region in order to end the arms race. C. The United States offered support to violent dictators as long as they were not communists.
D. The United States avoided becoming involved in proxy wars due to their high cost.​



D. is the answer

hope it's clear :)

which of the Chinese Dynasty (Shang,
Zhou, Qin & Han) have the most significant
impact on modern China?



Qin & Han


The Qin Dynasty was followed by the longer-lived Han Dynasty, which expanded territory, centralized governmental authority, and created a bureaucracy that lasted for two millennia.

7. This conflict ended in a compromise between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Which conflict was it and what was the compromise?




The compromise was that they made a "hotline" for both of them to use.


As World War II transformed both the United States and the USSR, turning the nations into formidable world powers, competition between the two increased. Following the defeat of the Axis powers, an ideological and political rivalry between the United States and the USSR gave way to the start of the Cold War.

What group of people came before the Maya and would have an influence on their culture?





In short, the Maya came first, and settled in modern-day Mexico. Next came the Olmecs, who also settled Mexico. They didn't build any major cities, but they were widespread and prosperous. They were followed by the Inca in modern-day Peru, and finally the Aztecs, also in modern-day Mexico.

Anthropologists generally fall into two groups when considering the beginnings of the Mayans, arguing either that the civilization developed independently or that the Mayans were influenced largely by the older Olmec civilization.


Anthropologists generally fall into two groups when considering the beginnings of the Mayans, arguing either that the civilization developed independently or that the Mayans were influenced largely by the older Olmec civilization.

En la Segunda Guerra Mundial de Europa ¿ por qué hitler ordenó una incursión contra los barcos en el océano atlántico



La isla de Iwo Jima, en el Pacífico central, cayó en manos de Estados Unidos en marzo, y Okinawa en junio de 1945. Desde estas dos islas los bombarderos B-29 lanzaron ataques devastadores contra ciudades japonesas. Las fuerzas estadounidenses se prepararon en seguida pare invadir las islas japonesas.


What factors Contributed to the end of reconstruction?​


What factors Contributed to the end of reconstruction?​

Northerners' losing faith in Republicans because of government corruption; Democratic candidates taking back the South; the election of 1876.

The Seneca Falls Declaration was based on the U.S. Constitution.





It was based on the Declaration of independence

Answer: True

this is the correct answer


have a great day - Mal

Please Help. The question is down below and it is about the Silk Road..



c trade reached 3 continents

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