The Cranberry Connection

“What is this book?” Anna mumbled to herself as she helped her mom look through old boxes. They had belonged to her grandparents who died when Anna was a baby.

“I think I found Grandma’s diary,” she told her mother.

Her mother quickly came closer and said, “What a find! I can’t wait to read it. I miss her.” Then seeing Anna’s frown, Mom added, “But you found Grandma’s diary, so you can read it first.”

Nodding happily, Anna read the date on the first entry, August 13, 1953. “How old was Grandma in 1953?” she asked.

Her mom thought for a minute. “She must have been about nine, the same age as you are right now.”

Anna had seen photos of her grandparents, but they looked so old that it was hard to imagine that her grandma was ever nine.

Anna read the first entry:
The county fair is only two weeks away and today I’m going to practice making Mother’s cranberry bread. Last time, the dough was so thick that I couldn’t even knead it! I get mad at myself when my baking turns out wrong, but Mother keeps telling me to have more patience. I’ll use less flour today and hope for the best.

A young girl kneels next to her trunk and a few boxes to write in her diary.

Then Anna realized that her mother made cranberry bread, too, and the recipe for that bread must have been passed down through the generations. Anna suddenly wanted to learn how to make it, and quickly asked, “Mom, could you help me make cranberry bread today?”

She could tell by the long pause that her mom was a little surprised by her request. “I guess we could make some,” she replied, “but you’ll have to do the kneading because my shoulder is sore from all this work.”

“I’ll do it all,” Anna told her. “Just make sure I’m doing it exactly the way you do it.”

Her mom pointed out, “Anna, you don’t have a lot of . . .”

“Patience!” Anna interrupted. “I’m just like Grandma! But I want to learn how to make that bread just like you do it—and like your mother did it, and her mother did it, and . . .”

Laughing, her mom held up her hand. “I get it, but I’m wondering why you’re suddenly so interested in that bread. Maybe I’d better read the diary before we start!”

Anna smiled and handed the dusty diary to her mom. “I don’t want to break the cranberry connection,” she said. “I have to be ready to teach my own kids how to make that bread!”

This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.

Part A

Read the sentence from the passage.

I’ll use less flour today and hope for the best.

What does flour mean in the sentence?

a plant

to open

a baking ingredient

to show your talents

Part B

Which word sounds like flour but has a different meaning and spelling?






Answer 1


c and c


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Which statement best expresses how the underlined sentence develops the central idea that the Roman senators feared Caesar?
“After another four years of warfare in which he pursued his enemies across Europe and Africa, Caesar returned to Rome.”

The Roman senators _____ Caesar after seeing how he defeated many enemies across Europe and Africa.
A. admired
B. respected
C. feared

This led them to...
A. elect Caesar as dictator.
B. worry about the Roman Republic.
C. bring back democracy.


Here is the answer to your question:)




Answer: sorry if this does not answer your question


Because people with AIDS have weakened immune systems, they're more prone to infections, called opportunistic infections. Opportunistic infections are caused by organisms that typically don't cause disease in healthy people but affect people with damaged immune systems. These organisms attack when there's an opportunity to infect.

Deterioration of the immune system is caused by the decline in CD4+ T cells, which are key infection fighters. As soon as HIV enters the body, it begins to destroy these cells


I think its supposed to be B, but the one that says " when most or all the white blood cells are destroyed, other diseases attack the body easily"


HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, which white blood cells are a part of

(they might also have the other symptoms BECAUSE of other diseases/sicknesses they get, but those symptoms are there bc of answer B)

Who loved Juliet more -- Romeo, or Paris? Explain.



Many may believe that Paris's love for Juliet cannot be greater than Romeo's because he wishes for an arranged marriage. Yet, in fact, Paris's love was greater than Romeo's.


Hope this helps


Explanation:Many may believe that Paris's love for Juliet cannot be greater than Romeo's because he wishes for an arranged marriage. Yet, in fact, Paris's love was greater than Romeo's.

Which is one way that swift criticizes Society in “A modest Proposal”


One way that "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift criticizes society is through the use of irony. Through irony and satire, Swift condemns the indifference and exploitation of the upper classes, calling for a more compassionate and just society.

Swift's essay proposes a solution to poverty and overpopulation in Ireland by suggesting that the poor should sell their infants as food to the wealthy. However, this proposal is not meant to be taken seriously; instead, it serves as a scathing critique of the attitudes and policies that contribute to the dehumanization of the poor.

The irony in Swift's proposal lies in the fact that he presents such a horrific idea with a detached and logical tone, as if it were a genuine solution. By doing so, Swift exposes the callousness and indifference of the upper classes towards the plight of the poor. He highlights the absurdity of viewing human beings as mere commodities, and he challenges society's moral values and priorities.

Furthermore, Swift uses satire to expose the greed and exploitation that pervades society. Through his exaggerated proposal, he shines a light on the inequalities and injustices that result from the economic system of his time. He highlights how the wealthy benefit from the suffering of the poor, exploiting their labor and resources for personal gain.

Overall, "A Modest Proposal" serves as a powerful critique of the socioeconomic conditions in Ireland during the 18th century.

for more such questions on A Modest Proposal


How do hero's traits relate to real life?










Moral integrity.


Hope this helps you

The lines "He did not know that he was dead, then" (paragraph1) and "And then he died. He did not know he was dead"
(paragraph 4) serve to do all the following EXCEPT
A. connect paragraphs 1 and 4
B. characterize Anse
C. characterize the speaker
D. illustrate the speaker's desire for death
E. reinforce one of the motifs of the passage



E. reinforce one of the motifs of the passage


The lines "He did not know that he was dead, then" (paragraph1) and "And then he died. He did not know he was dead"

(paragraph 4) serve to do all the following EXCEPT reinforce one of the motifs of the passage.

The lines shows a connection between the two paragraphs, makes useful characterization and shows the speaker's desire for death. However, it does not reinforce one of the motifs of the passage.

When making a narration, a motif repetition can be used to show mood or produce the theme of the narration and this can be done primarily through imagery, or language.

PLS HELP WILL GIVE YOU BRAINLETS! Pls help to qrite an essay about losing someone need at least a thousand words
will give 23 points ​


Please don't think that im a hacker or anything. But brainly didn't allow me to send over 5000 characters. Please trust me on this. I sent the whole essay here:

Please re-read it just to make sure it is all correct.

Which of the following resources would be considered nonrenewable?
A steam
B. natural gas
C. ethanol fuel made from com
D. wind



D. Wind


Read this paragraph from "The American Romantics v. the American Realists."

The female writers of the time, Chopin and Gilman, produced stories that portray what life was like for women during the 19th century. Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, follows Edna Pontellier as she tries to live an extraordinary life free of the stifling societal expectations for women. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper,” a strange, slightly comedic, but ultimately very serious tale, changed the way physicians treat female patients. Both Chopin and Gilman are now seen as precursors to 20th-century feminism.

What is the tone of this paragraph?









I took the test


B) admiring


pls give brainliest

Which phrase best describes the tone of the letter that the College of William & Mary received?

A mildly sarcastic

B slightly puzzled

genuinely appreciative

D somewhat suspicious



A mildly sarcastic


The letter that the College of William and Mary  received had a mildly sarcastic tone because although it says they are "thankful", then they describe everything that their young men who went to the College couldn't do and how "they were totally good for  nothing". And also specially because of how it ends: "We are, however, not the less oblig’d by your kind Offer, tho’ we decline  accepting it; and, to show our grateful Sense of it, if the Gentlemen of Virginia will  send us a Dozen of their Sons, we will take care of their Education; instruct them in  all we know, and make Men of them."


Select the correct text in the passage.

Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn draws from certain biblical themes, such as a storm symbolizing destruction. Which detail best shows this symbolism?

We spread the blankets inside for a carpet, and eat our dinner in there. We put all the other things handy at the back of the cavern. Pretty soon it darkened up, and begun to thunder and lighten; so the birds was right about it. Directly it begun to rain, and it rained like all fury, too, and I never see the wind blow so. It was one of these regular summer storms. It would get so dark that it looked all blue-black outside, and lovely; and the rain would thrash along by so thick that the trees off a little ways looked dim and spider-webby: and here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves V: and then a perfect ripper of a gust would follow along and set the branches to tossing their arms as if they was just wild; and next, when it was just about the bluest and blackest-FST! it was as bright as glory, and you'd have a little glimpse of tree-tops a-plunging about away off yonder in the storm, hundreds of yards further than you could see before, dark as sin again in a second, and now you'd hear the thunder let go with an awful crash, and then go rumbling, grumbling, tumbling, down the sky towards the under side of the world, like rolling empty barrels down stairs—where it's long stairs and they bounce a good deal, you know. ... The river went on raising and raising for ten or twelve days, till at last it was over the banks. The water was three or four foot deep on the island in the low places and on the Illinois bottom.

THE ANSWER: here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves​


The symbolism can be seen in the sentence "[...] here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves."

What is symbolism?It is the literary movement that emphasizes objectivity.It is writing that emphasizes the presence of symbols.

Symbolism stimulates the interpretation of the reader, who must identify symbols and a subjective language to understand the real meaning of a story.

Learn more about the symbolism at the link:


The best detail that shows a storm symbolizing destruction is "... a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up ..."

What is symbolism?

Symbolism is a literal device that involves using symbols or images to represent ideas, qualities, emotions, and states of mind.

Symbolism creates an impact and a visual perception in the mind of the readers, attaching additional meaning to an action, object, or name.

Thus, in Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," a storm that symbolizes destruction is shown in this detail:  "... a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up ..."

Learn more about symbolism at

If you grew up with Abraham Lincoln, you would have seen great changes take place between the time Lincoln was a boy in Kentucky
and the time he was president in Washington, D.C. Important changes took place in transportation and communication. When Lincoln
was a boy, there were no trains. Mail that had to be delivered across long distances was carried by horse or a vehicle pulled by horse. It
took a long time for a message to travel by stagecoach. By the time Lincoln was a grown man, people communicated using the
telegraph, which was like an early version of the phone. It allowed messages to be sent very quickly.
"By the time Lincoln was a grown man, people communicated using the telegraph, which was like an early version of the phone."
What type of context clue is used to help you define the word telegraph?
OA. example
OB. explanation



O.A Explanation


It literally states what the telegraph is

Answer: B. explanation

Explanation: After the word telegraph is used, the sentence says that it is like an early version of the telephone. This explains what a telegraph is like to help you understand the word.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!1 have an amazing day, and if you are not just know i love you and dont ever give up


Hi hope you are having a great day you

Answer: This is really sweet thank you! I hope you have a great day as well <3.


Self-esteem and self-efficacy are inextricably linked.

Giving Brainly est



A. True

Hope this'll help you out!

Which word is an ANTONYM for the word gradually?






I would say suddenly i'm sorry if i'm wrong but  gradually means in a gradual way slowly. And suddenly means fastly

Which does the simile in the last two lines mean?



what is the correct answer

Can someone give me the answer to this question?Williams's poem and Brueghel's painting share the same subject. In your
opinion, which creates a more powerful emotional response in the reader or
viewer? Provide at least two pieces of evidence to support your argument,
establishing reasons for your claims. Explain why you have chosen the poem
or the painting, and why the other is less powerful. Use specific details from
the poem and the painting to support your arguments. (15 points)



The poem creates a much more powerful response.


It describes what happens to Icarus far more than in the painting. While the painting may give a sense of sadness at the fact that nobody is noticing the boy drowning. The poem creates a much stronger feeling, and that feeling is dread, about what is happening to Icarus, rather than what the people around are doing.

anybody want to help me write a free verse poem ?

•at least 10 stanzas
•at least 4 lines per stanzas .

anybody ? ill give 50 points .





glue is sticky

glue helps fix some things

glue can be any color

glue is weird

glue can be solid or liquid

glue is glue


Heartbreak is an amazing emotion truly.
At first your chest starts to hurt.
You start to be at the mercy of your heart as you tremble.
Your ears can hear your heart pounding as thought waves hitting an ocean.

Tears pour constantly like a river that could never run dry.
Your head pounding as thought your in a club.
Deep stabbing pain makes it way through your whole body.
You feel helpless like at any given moment you’ll fall.

Your whole body limp.
As you feel your stomach drop as though on a scary rollercoaster ride that makes you feel treacherous.
Your body feels struck by lighting.
Your whole reality turned upside down.

You feel yourself let go of all reality.
Suddenly your consciousness is sucked out of your body.
You can now look over your lifeless body.
You look so sad a hopeless embodied soul.

Sorrow fills your head.
As you think about your dread.
You regain consciousness in a flash.
As you begin being rash.

The agony of tomorrow.
Makes You feel even more sorrow.
You become paralyzed with numbness.
Shielding ones tears makes the numbness intensify.

Numbness only lasts for so long.
Then comes all the fear that’s prolong.
Bitter coldness hurts Ones chest.
Consumes a person truly.

Soon comes the overthinking.
The pain you seek from doing so.
Broken disheartening pain, even worse that ones self loathing.
You try to cut it off my slumber.

Slumber really helps with the heartbreak.
Or so a person would think that it would.
But no getting Ones brain to shut off is difficult.
Trying not to let the loneliness consume you is a difficult task for sure.

Though once you do everything falls into place.
The last tear is shedding as peace fills your body.
A very uneasy feeling to just shut off all the strong emotions you just felt.
You then doze off into a deep slumber that lets you rest and forget for the time being.

please help me for God please or i will fail my class please help me please i really need help please
There have been several instances of deception (lying) and miscommunication involving Romeo, Juliet, Friar Lawrence, the Nurse and Lady Capulet throughout the play. Describe at least TWO examples and how it ultimately propels the plot of the play in a complete MEAL paragraph.
In other words, how did this add to the conflict in the story?



Main Idea: Your topic sentence stating the concrete claim the paragraph is advancing.

Evidence: Paraphrase or direct quotations from the source material you are using to support your topic sentence's claim.

Analysis: Your explanation and evaluation of the evidence; explaining the evidence you provided and its relevance in your own words.

Lead Out: Concluding; preparing your reader to transition to the next paragraph (and the next claim).


There is no reason for the friar's plan to go wrong. But an outbreak of plague forces Friar John into quarantine and prevents him from delivering Friar Lawrence's letter to Romeo, while Balthasar seeks out Romeo with news of Juliet's death.

While Friar Lawrence does not directly lie to anyone in the play, he does deceive the entire community of Verona by marrying Romeo and Juliet in secret, helping hide Romeo, and giving Juliet a potion that allows her to fake her own death. ... One such action is his decision to secretly wed Romeo and Juliet.

Give your own position on Human trafficking in our country ​



The description of the given topic is summarized in the explanation segment below.


The illicit conduct of transferring or forcing someone, generally in form of Slave labor as well as physical servitude to profit from their employment and perhaps customer experience, is a Human trafficking.This could occur in something like a society as well as in surviving victims of all ages, ethnicities, different religions or countries.

What would you like to do this Memorial Day to remember and honor those who have served in the military?



1.Volunteer to lay flowers or plant flags at your local Veterans cemetery.

2.Sponsor a thank-you bouquet.

3.Watch the National Memorial Day Concert (Sunday, May 26, at 8:00 pm ET on PBS).

4.Fly the American Flag using proper mourning etiquette.

5.Visit a military memorial, museum, or monument.

6.Watch the National Memorial Day Parade (Monday, May 27, at 2:00 pm ET)

7.Attend a Memorial Day parade near you.

8.Observe the National Moment of Remembrance at 3:00 pm local time.

9.Post a tribute to a fallen hero on social media.

10 Provide financial support for families of the fallen.



3. Which source would be most relevant if researching the history of the public education system in the United States?
a Wikipedia article about Brown vs. Board of Education
a news article about proposed changes in U.S. education policy
an interactive timeline of important moments in U.S. public education
the local school board's online newsletter



An interactive timeline of important moments in U.S. public education


i just took the test

The moral of this story is putting another’s happiness above oneself. Which evidence from "The Lady, or the Tiger” best supports the conclusion that the princess’s choice will reflect this moral?

Her right arm lay on the cushioned parapet before her. She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw her.
Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity?
How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph. . . .
How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair, when she saw his start of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady!



See explanation for answer.


I think that the correct answer is, "how her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph.". I'm not sure if this is correct but I hope it helps!

Have a lovely day!


A:Her right arm lay on the cushioned parapet before her. She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw her.  


I did the test

Please help I’m so grateful for anyone taking there time to answer!


I think the answer is verb because verbs describe nouns.


I think is a pronoun


The other person said verb, but a verb it the action being done. I don't think its a noun because nouns are people, objects or places. Adjectives are descriptor words, so I don't think its an adjective. Pronouns are words that take the places of nouns, so I think its a pronoun. Im so sorry if this is wrong, I haven't done this in a while

Try These questions out and I’ll give you brainliest no links posted on My question or I will report you



1) c

2) b

3) b

4) b

5) a

6) b

7) b

8) a

Which conclusion is supported by the following statement?

Bacteria often grow in contaminated and soiled areas.

O Many diseases can be avoided with proper hygiene and cleaning.

O It is the responsibility of farmhands to clean and maintain pens.

O Vaccines are the most important preventative care tool.

O There are no preventative measures to control diseases in baby animals.


Answer: The first choice is the correct answer.

Many diseases can be avoided with proper hygiene and cleaning.

My sister is _______ than me (studious,more studious,most studious )​



My sister is more studious than me..

hope it is helpful to you

Forrest’s Gump father “went on vacation.” What do you think happened to him?

If anyone watched the movie please respond



tbh I watched this movie but never knew what happened to the father


he could've left to get milk and never came back

it is cheaper to repair the old car than to buy a new one. rewrite in positive degree.


It’s already positive since it uses a positive term, cheaper
In negative degree it would be
Buying a new car would cost more than repairing an old one
yes the positive degree is correct for this one

which sentence in the excerpt from mark twains the adventures of tom sAWYER SHOWS THAT TOM AND HUCK ARE BOTH AFRAID OF JOE



The answer is ) Poor Huck was in the same state of wretchedness and terror, for Tom had told the whole story to the lawyer the night before the great day of the trial, and Huck was sore afraid that his share in business might leak out, yet, notwithstanding Injun Joe's flight had saved him the suffering of testifying in court.


I took the test and got it right.

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