The controversy over Kit Carson was over _____________________
whether he was a soldier or a trader.
whether he was a friend or foe to the Navajos.
whether he sided with the North or the South.
whether he agreed with slavery or not


Answer 1

Answer: b.

whether he was a friend or foe to the Navajos.


Related Questions

Imagine In the future, the year 3050, a kid digs up the garden and finds a small metallic object, He presses the button and the screen shows pictures and words. It was my old cellphone, can he find enough information on it to write a short biography of my life, how accurate would it be?



Depending on what exactly was on the phone at the time the pictures would show who you were and what you did throughout your life, things like texts, reminders, and even your daily schedule could give the kid some insight on what type of person you were. I believe the biography would be fairly accurate.    


What elements of Roman
civilization are part of your
daily life?


A typical Roman day would begin with a quick breakfast before moving on to work. When work was over in the early afternoon, many Romans would quickly travel to the baths to take a bath and socialize.

What aspects of Roman culture have survived to the present day?

Despite the fact that the Roman Empire was at its height thousands of years ago, its influence may still be seen in our culture's literature, architecture, technology, art, and legal system. The ancient Romans left their impact on our world in a variety of ways, such as through books, stadiums, bridges, and the language we use today.

How does living today compare to life in ancient Rome?

The Romans staged cultural events, constructed and stocked libraries, and offered healthcare, just like our contemporary society does. While the kids went to school, others gathered in town centers to read the news written on stone tablets. Laws were enacted by the government to safeguard its inhabitants.

To know more about Roman civilization visit :-


What river became Georgia's western border as a result of the Yazoo Land Fraud?


The Yazoo Land Frauds of 1789 and 1795 affected the portions of Georgia that today make up the states of Alabama and Mississippi, extending north from the thirty-first parallel to the Tennessee state line and west from the Chattahoochee River to the Mississippi River.

Yazoo land swindle, a plot by which Georgia legislators were bought off in 1795 to sell four land firms $500,000 worth of Georgia's western claims, the majority of which is now the state of Mississippi, well below its actual market value. Anger at the Yazoo Act and the trading that went on behind it spread throughout the state, which led to a significant change in the composition of the legislature in the 1796 election.

The act was swiftly overturned by the incoming legislature, who also gave the money back. But by this time, much of the land had been resold to outsiders, who turned down the state's money and clung to their ownership of the region.

Learn more about Yazoo land fraud:


Why was the Nile dangerous


Answer: These include crocodiles that can move around 30 miles an hour on land and kill around 200 people a year, hippopotamuses that have been known to attack boats, venomous snakes like the Black Mamba, and the Egyptian Cobra, and mosquitos. The latter cannot be understated.

Explanation: I learned this is 6th grade

Is power based on an election or are people born into power.
this is medival europe​



I'm pretty sure people were born into power because I'm sure they were Monarchs, you can search it up hope this helps. Btw please search it up I don't have to give you the wrong answer.

Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa in 1994. Which of the following is considered the most significant accomplishment of his administration:
A) The number of unemployed South African blacks decreased dramatically during his term.
B) There was a peaceful transition to an all-inclusive democratic government
C) Crime decreased with the establishment of an integrated police force.
D) The gap between the rich and the poor narrowed.


Nelson Mandela's most significant accomplishment was there was a peaceful transition to an all-inclusive democratic government.

On July 18, 1918, Rolihlahla Mandela, a member of the Madiba family, was born in the Eastern Cape settlement of Mvezo. His father, Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela, served as the chief advisor to Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting king of the Thembu people, and his mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni. When Rolihlahla was 12 years old, his father passed away, and he was taken in as Jongintaba's ward at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni1.

He had dreams of contributing to his people's struggle for freedom after hearing the elders' tales of the bravery of his ancestors during the resistance wars.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela here:


What were the two reasons that the Polish government impose martial law in Poland in the early 1980s


The two reasons that the Polish government impose martial law in Poland in the early 1980s are To better manage emigration from the country. and To dismantle the Solidarity movement.

Poland experienced martial law from December 13, 1981, to July 22, 1983. In an effort to crush political opposition, particularly the Solidarity movement, the government of the Polish People's Republic imposed martial law and a military junta, which severely limited daily life.

In the communist Poland in the late 1970s, there had been a severe economic downturn. In an effort to increase economic productivity, Edward Gierek, First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), had a number of sizable loans from foreign lenders, but they instead caused a domestic crisis. Heavy rationing of necessities encouraged the creation of Solidarity, the first anti-communist labour union in the Communist Bloc, in 1980.

To know more about Martial law visit:


The Dawes act was meant to:
a.encourage Native Americans to assimilate into white society negotiate peace between the North and South
c.legalize slavery in the western territories
d. end slavery in the U.S.


The Dawes act was meant to encourage Native Americans to assimilate into white society. Thus, option A is correct.

What is an act?

An act can be defined as a part where an action is been taken. It can be regarding the matters or the prevailing matters that are harming the citizen or are taken for the upliftment of the citizen.

Dawes act was implemented to ensure that the people are the ones who knew to native America would fill off the list and be a part of the community. Make them a part of the community they were given farming and land for that matter.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about act, here:


What is the probability (in any form) that Tommy won’t win?


The probability that Tommy will not win is 0.73.

How is the probability calculated?

Chance is represented by probability. This branch of mathematics deals with the study of the occurrence of random events. The value is expressed as a number from 0 to 1.

Mathematicians have begun to use the concept of probability to predict the likelihood of certain events.

The probability of an event occurring is determined by probability: Odds and probability are related, but odds are related to probability. P(A) = f /N

P(A) is the probability that an event (event A) will take place.

f is the number of ways an event can happen (frequency), and N is the total number of possible outcomes.

We know that the probability of Tommy's win + Tommy will not win = 1

Given, the probability of Tommy will win = 0.27

So, the probability that Tommy will not win

= 1 - 0.27

= 0.73

Learn more about probability here:


The complete question is:

"Tommy is thinking about entering a contest at the local gas station. Some of Tommy’s friends explained to him that the probability of winning the free tank of gas was 0.27. Tommy understands probabilities better when they are given in ratio form. (For example, 1 out of every 6 will win). What is the probability (in any form) that Tommy won’t win?"

Which explorer was the first European to reach India along an ocean route
that connected the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean?


Answer: Vasco de Gama

What was the most likely result of the publication of images such as this 1906 political cartoor
A. The government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.
B. Private companies refused to import foreign foods.
C. The government passed the Pure Food and Drug Act.
D. Labor unions protested unsafe working condition


Answer: C

Explanation: I did the same test

Which of these continents would be difficult to connect to via trade routes?

North America



For centuries, merchants and traders used land and sea routes to travel between Europe Africa and Asia. Before the first European voyages to the Americas, a global trading network linked the major civilizations of three continents.

There are several reasons behind the low development level of African economies and their excessive dependence on commodity production and exports, protectionist trade policies, weak transport infrastructure, poor trade logistics, and high security risks.

Why did “The Greatest Generation” that lived through the Great Depression and fought a war, felt very good about their new lives during the 1950s?



The common characteristic of Greatest Generation members is that they lived through and experienced the hardships of the Great Depression and later either fought in World War II or worked in the industries that contributed to winning the war.


The Himalayas are an example of a mountain range created by two plates colliding at a __________ boundary.
B.The lighthouse in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, appeared to “move” due to which of the following processes?
the movement of the tectonic plates beneath the lighthouse
the weathering of the land surrounding the lighthouse
the erosion of the beach near the lighthouse
changes in the climate of the area where the lighthouse was located



Option (c)


The Himalayas are an example of a mountain range created by two plates colliding at a convergent boundary.

A convergent boundary is considered to be the area on the earth's surface where two plates or more plates called the lithosphere plate to get collided. Out of one or more plates, one plate slides under another plate which results in a major process called subduction.

Genesis 3:15 says, And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. In this verse, to whom was God talking?
A. Adam
B. mankind
C. Eve
D. Serpent


I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between they seed and her ;it shall bruise they head ,and thou shall bruise his heel. In this verse , God was taking to the serpent and placed a curse on him  because he caused the fall of man.

What Was The Cause Of The Curse

God placed His curse on the serpent because the serpent caused the Adam and Eve to disobey God and also placed enmity between the offspring's of both the Adam and Eve and the serpent. In fact, their offspring or "seed" will remain enemies throughout all generations.

Eve's offspring, of course, includes all of humanity, born one generation after another up to the present day.

Who is Satan's offspring?

This refers to actual biological children of the Devil. Satan's offspring may include all of the fallen angels, demons, who will follow him. It definitely includes those humans who will come to believe and practice his lies.

Learn more about Adam and Eve here;




What effect does propaganda have on people? Is it more of a negative or positive effect? Explain within 5-7 sentences and provide at least ONE example.



The effects of propaganda can furnish objectives and organize a personality into a mold. Propaganda has a way of bringing out latent drives and traits within an individual.

How was lucas able to carry out all the work need ti produce indigo dye


She experimented with the manner of developing indigo from seeds and extracting the dye from the mature plants.

The required details about Eliza Lucas is mentioned in below paragraph.

Eliza Lucas (1722–1793), who married Charles Pinckney in 1744, became an vital contributor to the achievement of indigo in South Carolina, however her position on this enterprise has been significantly exaggerated in latest times. As a younger female dwelling on a plantation on Wappoo Creek, west of the Ashley River, she experimented with the manner of developing indigo from seeds and extracting the dye from the mature plants. But she became genuinely now no longer the most effective character task such paintings at that time, and he or she genuinely had assist from a whole lot of sources.The indigo commercial enterprise in colonial South Carolina protected 3 wonderful additives: the cultivation of the plant, the manufacturing of the dye, and the advertising of the produce. Eliza Lucas Pinckney contributed considerably to the neighborhood know-how of the plant’s cultivation, however now no longer to the final additives of the commercial enterprise.

To learn about Eliza Lucas visit here.


why was spain eager to trade the louisiana territory and new orleans to france?


Spain was keen to sell the Louisiana territory and New Orleans territories to France because Spain was having trouble keeping the Americans out of their territories and wanted to shift the problem to someone else.

Louisiana territory France's failure to quell the slave revolution in Haiti, the imminent war with Britain, and the economic difficulties of France, combined with perhaps a British naval blockade of France, prompted Napoleon to sell Louisiana to the United States. It is thought that it is possible that With obligations in Europe and the Caribbean, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending French presence in Louisiana.

To know more about Louisiana visit:


out of the four progressive amendments 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th which two have been the most beneficial in society



The Progressive Movement ushered in political change with the 16th amendment, which established a federal income tax and the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote

Question 1 (1 point)
Which of the following MOST influenced the colonists to write the Olive Branch

O a desire to ask Parliament for forgiveness and show their loyalty to Britain

O a desire to declare war against Britain and form their own country with their own

O a desire to get rid of King George and to work more closely with the Parliament

O a desire to stop future bloodshed between Britain and the American colonies


The colonists' determination to declare war on Britain and form their own nation with their own laws is what most motivated them to draft the Olive Branch Petition. Option B is correct.

What is the Olive Branch Petition?

The Olive Branch Petition was written by John Dickinson and authorized by the Second Continental Congress, was a report presented to King George of Britain on July 5, 1775.

The Olive Branch Petition's principal goal was to persuade Parliament to wait for an agreement to be reached before moving forward with the colonists' defense.

During the American Revolution, the Olive Branch Petition was a vital attempt by the settlers to avoid engaging in war with Britain. The colonists pledged their loyalty to the monarch in this declaration, which also outlined their rights as British subjects.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about refer Olive Branch, refer to:


(Worth 80 points)

Summary of the book The Family: A world History
by Mary Jo Maynes , and Ann Waltner
please include 2 quotes from the book


“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance

What was the final ruling in the Dred Scott case in 1857? Why was it so controversial?


Dred Scott Case in Missouri, 1846–1857. The United States Supreme Court upheld slavery in American territories, rejected the legitimacy of black citizenship in the country, and ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional in its 1857 ruling, which shocked the entire country.

Which of the following was not one of the main reasons colonists chose to remain loyal to the British crown?
A) possible economic ruin
B) fear of consequences and anarchy
C) religious and moral reasons
D) mistreatment in the colonies





A) possible economic ruin

How did the Ottoman Empire respond to non-Muslims?
• It forced them to become Muslim.
It offered them freedom of religion.
It forced them to go to India.

It offered them freedom of speech.


Answer: The answer is A( It forced them to become Muslim.


The Thirty Years War was one of the largest uses of mercenary armies in European history, and in its wake, many European countries began to develop their own standing armies. Which of the following was a consequence of the use of mercenaries during the Thirty Years War?


From 1618 to 1648, the Thirty Years' War was one of the bloodiest and most destructive wars in European history. An estimated 4.5 to 8 million troops and civilians perished during the war, which was fought mostly in Central Europe.

Some areas of modern-day Germany also saw population reductions of over 50%. The Eighty Years' War, the War of the Mantuan Succession, the Franco-Spanish War, and the Portuguese Restoration War are comparable conflicts. Up until the 20th century, historians tended to see it as a continuation of the conflict between religion and state that the Reformation started in the Holy Roman Empire in the 16th century. By partitioning the Empire into Lutheran and Catholic realms, the Peace of Augsburg (1555) attempted to resolve this issue, but during the following 50 years, the spread of Protestantism outside of these limits undermined the settlement.

While the majority of contemporary commentators agree that disagreements over religion and Imperial authority played a significant role in starting the war, they contend that the struggle for European hegemony between the French House of Bourbon and the Habsburg-ruled Spain and Austria was what ultimately determined the war's scope and extent.

Learn more about European History here:


Analyze the relationship between American values, particularly individualism, and the country's approach to social welfare.


The relationship between American values, particularly individualism, and the country's approach to social welfare is analyzed below.

Individualism is described as everyone is their own person and not a representative of a family, community, or any other group. The more importance is given to the individual and not to the society.

The individualism shares an inverse relationship with social welfare. Higher the level of individualism, the lesser is the responsibility of social welfare.

Politically, people who have a mindset to support the right side or lean towards right have lesser interest in social welfare. They are more focused on themselves and support individualism.

To know more about social welfare here


Question 26(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

Casey is unhappy about the quality of education in his town, so he organizes a large rally outside of the school board meeting. Which amendment to the Constitution allows Casey this right to protest?

Ninth Amendment
Second Amendment
Fifth Amendment
First Amendment
Question 27(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

Police arrest a young man late at night. Weeks go by, and still the young man has not been notified of his alleged crime. Which amendment to the Constitution is not being observed?

First Amendment
Second Amendment
Sixth Amendment
Ninth Amendment
Question 28(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 HC)

Chu was arrested six years ago and charged with aiding and abetting terrorists in a plot to harm Americans. While he has been charged, he has not yet faced trial. Why would this be a Sixth Amendment case?

Citizens have the right to gather in independent groups.
Citizens have the right to face their accusers.
Citizens have the right to not incriminate themselves.
Citizens have the right to a speedy trial.
Question 29(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 HC)

What is the most likely reason that the Third Amendment might be seen as not needed in this day and age?

The military has many bases to house the troops.
Troops are responsible for having their own homes.
There are not very many members of the military.
There is not a war going on in America now.
Question 30(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

If the Nineteenth Amendment was not enacted, which of the following reasons would be valid for denying an individual the right to vote?

Question 31(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

Which is an expression of an individual’s use of the Second Amendment?

choosing to change religions
purchasing a firearm for personal use
hiring a lawyer for criminal defense
supporting the armed services
Question 32(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 HC)

Larry has been standing in line for an hour to vote. When he gets up to the front of the line, an elections worker tells Larry he cannot vote. Which option would explain why Larry is turned away and is that legal according to the Constitution?

Larry is not old enough; no.
Larry has not paid his taxes; yes.
Larry is a convicted felon; yes.
Question 33(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

Members of these branches of government have to be elected by a popular vote.

Executive and judicial
Executive and legislative
Judicial and constitutional
Legislative and judicial
Question 34(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

Which branch of government decides if laws are constitutional?

Question 35(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

The House of Representatives is meant to act

in the interest of only the people they represent
slowly to ensure that laws are fair
only every two years when new members are appointed
quickly to propose new laws the people want now
Question 36(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

What was the reason the Founding Fathers created three branches of government?

in order to mirror the British system of government
to employ many people in the act of governing
so none of the branches would become too powerful
so only a few people could be truly powerful
Question 37(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

The Supreme Court decides if laws are

Question 38(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

The head of the executive branch of government is the

vice president
Speaker of the House
House of Representatives
Question 39(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

Which of the following statements is true of the House of Representatives?

Every six years, two members are elected for each state.
Members are elected every two years and are based on population.
There are two branches of the House of Representatives.
House members are limited to two four-year terms.
Question 40(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

Which of the following statements is true of the office of the president?

Presidents can serve unlimited terms, and they must be over the age of 35.
Presidents can only serve two terms, and they must be over the age of 35.
The office of the president includes the Speaker of the House.
The office of the president holds the ultimate power of the government.


26. first amendment

27. sixth amendment

28. have right to a speedy trial

29. a or b

30. gender

31. purchasing a firearm for personal use

32. Larry is not old enough

33. Executive and legislative

34. Judicial

35. in the of only the people they represent slowly to make sure laws are fair

36. so none of the branches would be too powerful

37. constitutional

38. President

39. members are elected every 2 years based on population

40. President can only serve 2 terms and must be over 35

I got the answer wrong please help me find the right answer




frick you this is what you get for messing with my questions

Select the correct answer.
What was the central goal of the author(s) of the Declaration of Independence?

to communicate their grievances to the British king about how he treated them
to define and describe the rights of the citizens living in the new country
to announce to world leaders that the 13 colonies had formed the United States
to establish rules for the creation of new states that wanted to join the new country





Veterans and union members at a post-World War I parade clashed in the Massacre.​


Answer:The Centralia Tragedy, also known as the Centralia Conspiracy and the Armistice Day Riot

Explanation Was a violent and bloody incident that occurred in Centralia, Washington, on November 11, 1919, during a parade celebrating the first anniversary of Armistice Day.

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