The city of Seattle limits each household to one can of free garbage collection per week. There are fees for any extra garbage collected from the curb. This type of quota policy is ___________ efficient way of reducing waste than charging a set price per can because:


Answer 1

This type of quota policy is less efficient way of reducing waste than charging a set price per can because the marginal benefit of having a can of garbage collected varies among households.

The experts' simple waste reduction techniques include utilizing both sides of a sheet of paper, buying in bulk rather than individually, and switching to ceramic mugs from disposable ones.

You may help to reduce pollution and preserve the environment by creating less garbage. Additionally, you reduce the quantity of rubbish thrown in landfills, save natural resources, and save money.

Avoiding the disposal of usable items, trash reduction, recycling, and reuse all help reduce the amount of landfill area needed. Compared to the production or collection of raw materials, the manufacturing of the product uses fewer natural resources and energy.

To know more about Reducing Waste here


Related Questions

in the financial year 2016, for every $100 in revenues, microsoft earned $21.5 in profit, while apple earned $20.6 in profit. this demonstrates that


Microsoft's profit on revenue was greater than that of Apple's profit.

What is the financial year of India and USA?

In the USA, the financial year typically runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following calendar year, or 365 days. A key issue regarding the US financial year is that, before to 1976, it began from July 1 to concluded on June 30 of the following calendar year.The fiscal or financial year in India runs from April 1 to March 31. AY 2023–24 will serve as the evaluation period for FY 2022–23. The revenue generated during the current Financial Year (FY) 2022–2023 is the revenue generated between April 1 and March 31 of that year.Income generated in Financial Year (FY) 2022-23 simply refers to whatever money you made between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2022.

To learn more about financial year refer to:


What is the biggest item of government expenditure?


The largest governmental expense is Social Security. The one obligatory expenditure that is the largest is Social Security.

Public welfare is the largest expense at the state level of government.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch.

An organized community is governed by a system or collection of people known as a government, which is typically a state.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch, and the judiciary, according to its broad associative meaning. Government is both a tool for deciding policy and a way to implement organizational policies. A constitution is a statement of a government's guiding ideas and ideology that is present in many nations.

Although all organizations have a governance structure, the term "government" is frequently used to refer more precisely to the roughly 200 autonomous national governments and subsidiary organizations.

Democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are the main categories of political structures in the contemporary age.

[1] Monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy, and tyranny are examples of historically common types of government.

Learn more about government here


which types of controls are recommended for a global mnc versus a multi-domestic mnc?


Attraction-selection-attrition, new hire onboarding, management, and organizational reward systems all play a role in maintaining culture.

What does a person's global mean?

A person's internal arrangement of global ideas, goals, and sentiments into a cohesive understanding system is referred to as global meaning. The foundation for how people view themselves and themselves place in the world as well as how they perceive events and situations, is this universal meaning.

What is the global game like to play?

Their objective is to pinpoint the country with the fewest guesses possible. Each incorrect guess's color and distance from the Mysterious Country will be shown on a globe. The color gets hotter the closer you go to the answer. A new Mystery Country will be available.

To know more about global visit:


When the price ceiling applies in this market and the supply curve for gasoline shifts from S 1 to S 2:a. a surplus will occur at the new market price of P2.b. the market price will increase to P3.c. a shortage will occur at the new market price of P2.d. the market price will stay at P1.


When the price ceiling is in effect in this market and the gasoline supply curve changes from s1 to s2. The right response is "d," meaning there will be a shortage at the new market price of P2. There will be a shortage since there will be more demand than supply.

A price ceiling prevents a price from increasing above a certain markup, or the "ceiling". When there is a price floor, the price cannot fall below the "floor" level. To comprehend price ceilings, we might employ the demand and supply framework. Demand exceeds supply in many markets for products and services.

To learn more about price ceiling


What is the greatest downside to a market economy?


The greatest downside to a market economy include monopolies, no government and intervention.

The market economy is an economic system where two forces known as supply and demand, direct the production of goods and services. Market economies are not controlled by a central authority and are instead based on voluntary exchange.

The monopoly is a situation where there is a single seller in the market. In conventional economic analysis, the monopoly case is taken as the polar opposite of perfect competition.

The intervention is the act of interfacing with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process.

To know more about market economy here,


is thinking about buying an investment. the most important consideration when making this investment is the location of the investment. what investment is narinder thinking about purchasing?


Bob is thinking about purchasing the Real estate investment.

Owning rental properties could be a great possibility for anyone with DIY renovation skills and the patience to manage tenants. However, in order to cover the gap months as well as the up-front maintenance costs, this strategy requires a sizeable amount of capital. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the sales prices of new homes, a broad indicator of real estate investment values, increased steadily from the 1960s through 2007 before falling during the financial crisis. Then, sales prices started to increase once more, even exceeding pre-crisis levels.

REIGs stands for Real Estate Investment Groups


Bob McDowell is thinking about buying an investment. The most important consideration when making this investment is the location of the investment. What investment is Bob thinking about purchasing?

To learn more about Real Estate Investment click here


if 80 ps are needed, and on-hand inventory consists of 30 ps and 20 each of all other components and subassemblies, how many ks are needed? group of answer choices 880 1440 860 1460 920


Option c. 860 is the correct answer. The total K required is 860 as per the components and subassemblies

Requirement of P = 80, inventory = 30

The net requirement for P is 50

Requirement of A = P*1 = 50, inventory = 20, net requirement for A is 30

1 Ps of A needs 1 ps of K

K required = A*1 = 30

Requirement of B = P*5 = 250, inventory = 20, net requirement for B is 230

1 Ps of B needs 2 Ps of K

K required = B*2 = 460

Requirement of C = P*3 = 150, inventory = 20, net requirement for C is 130

1 Ps of C need 3 Ps of K

K required = C*3 = 390

Total K required = 880 ps, inventory = 20, net requirement = 860 ps

Learn more about inventory:


beth and bob martin have total take-home pay of $5,300 a month. their monthly expenses total $4,950. calculate the minimum amount this couple needs to establish an emergency fund.


The minimum amount Bob and Beth Martin needs to establish an emergency fund is $14850.

Why is having an emergency fund crucial?

If your income is unexpectedly lost, you'll need an emergency fund to pay your bills, cover unexpected medical costs, and pay for necessary home and auto repairs.

Briefing :-

Emergency fund = monthly expense × 3 ( months )

= $4950 × 3 ( months )


To know more about emergency fund visit :-


question content area gross profit is equal to a.sales less cost of goods sold b.sales plus cost of goods sold c.sales plus selling expenses d.sales less selling expenses


Gross earnings is same to Sales sales much less price of products sold.

The required details for gross profit in given paragraph

Gross earnings is the earnings a employer makes after deducting the expenses related to making and promoting its products, or the expenses related to offering its services. Gross earnings will seem on a employer's profits announcement and may be calculated via way of means of subtracting the price of products sold (COGS) from sales (income). These figures may be observed on a employer's profits announcement. Gross earnings can also be called income earnings or gross profits. As usually defined, gross income does now no longer encompass constant expenses (that is, expenses that ought to be paid irrespective of the extent of output). Fixed expenses encompass rent, advertising, insurance, salaries for personnel now no longer without delay worried within side the manufacturing, and workplace supplies.

However, it must be stated that a part of the constant value is assigned to every unit of manufacturing beneath absorption costing, that is required for outside reporting beneath the usually well-known accounting principles (GAAP).

To know about gross profit click here


individuals who favor limited government control over the economy but want the state to intervene forcefully to create a traditional social order are known as


A political system known as limited government places limitations on the executive branch of the government in order to safeguard citizens' rights and liberties.

Every constitutional democracy that guarantees the right to liberty must have the rule of law. Every state with an effective constitution has it in its market economy, civil society, and government. Federalism restricts authority by establishing two sovereign powers—the federal government and state governments—and limiting the influence of both. Constitutionalism is a way of conceptualizing the interaction between the powerful and the powerless in a society. It combines two ideas that are ingrained in the constitution, a nation's legal foundation for governing, namely limited government and the rule of law.

learn more about  rights and liberties here


step 4 of the planning process is plan development. this step involves generating courses of action, identifying required resources, and:


The step 4 of the planning process is plan development. This step involves generating courses of action, identifying required resources, and estimating capabilities and  identifying shortfalls.

What is the Planning Process?

The planning process means setting objectives for a given period and formulating various courses of action to achieve them and selecting the best possible alternatives from the various courses of action available there.

To create an efficient plan, you need to understand the factors involved in the planning process. It is a choice-making activity.

Learn more about the Planning Process here:


What is absolute cost advantage?


Absolute cost advantage is an economic concept that states that a company can gain an advantage over its competitors by producing goods at a lower cost than them.

Absolute cost advantage can be a powerful tool for companies to gain a competitive edge in the market. It can help them increase their market share, gain higher profits, and improve their market standing. Additionally, it can help them stay ahead of their competitors by providing a product that is superior in quality or value at a lower cost.

Absolute cost advantage can be achieved in several ways. Companies can reduce their production costs by using more efficient production processes and taking advantage of economies of scale. They can also reduce their raw material costs by making sure they are getting the best deals on those materials. Additionally, companies can reduce waste by making sure their production processes are as efficient as possible.

Overall, absolute cost advantage is a great tool for companies to gain a competitive advantage in the market. By making sure they are utilizing efficient production processes, taking advantage of economies of scale, and obtaining the best deals on raw materials, companies can stay ahead of their competitors and gain higher profits.

Learn more about absolute advantage:


monopolistic competition is an inefficient market structure because a. marginal revenue equals marginal cost. b. it has a deadweight loss, just as monopoly does. c. long-run profits are zero due to free entry. d. all of the above are correct.


option (D) all of the above are correct for monopolistic competition is an inefficient market structure because a. marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

Between a monopoly and perfect competition, monopolistic competition exists, combines aspects of both, and comprises businesses with comparable but distinct product offerings.

Industries with monopolistic competition include those in restaurants, hair salons, household goods, and clothes. Numerous rival businesses compete to sell, advertise, and price goods like dish soap and hamburgers.

Pricing is frequently a major tactic for these rival businesses because demand is highly elastic for their products and services. In order to increase sales, one business may decide to cut prices while forgoing a bigger profit margin. A different product might charge more and employ packaging or marketing that implies higher quality or complexity.

To know more about monopolistic competition:


for potential customers in decision-making moments, what video ad formats are optimized to drive action and make it easier for them to take meaningful actions that can be measured?


Non-skippable in-stream ads and skippable in-stream ads Skippable in-stream ads and in-feed video ads.

What is video ads?Although it is usually understood that the term "video advertising" refers to advertising that happens prior to, during, or following an online video stream, it also includes online display advertisements that contain video. A quick, educational video promoting a product is produced and aired before, during, or after the main video as part of the marketing approach known as video advertising. In addition to reaching a larger audience, it aids in the telling of a story, increases sales volume, generates buzz, and effectively and captivatingly communicates information. Online video (OLV) advertising is a compelling ad format that is frequently utilized for large-scale brand awareness campaigns, but it is now starting to be regarded as a performance solution thanks to the utilization of new features and full-funnel measurement. Video advertising function equally well as teaching resources since they have auditory and visual components that engage all five senses. Because viewers can actually see how certain things function or learn a new skill, they are particularly useful when utilized as product demos or in How-To guides.

To learn more about video ads refer to:


even though they are political rivals, with what country is taiwan's economy tightly interconnected (especially with regard to manufacturing)?


With China is Taiwan's economy tightly interconnected (especially with regard to manufacturing)

What is economy?An economy is the area of ​​production, distribution, trade and  consumption of goods and services. Generally, it is defined as a social domain emphasizing practices, discourses, and material expressions related to the production, use, and management of scarce resources. An economy is a system of interconnected production and consumption activities that ultimately determine the allocation of resources within a group. The production and consumption of goods and services as a whole meet the needs of the people who live and work there. Economy is the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold and purchased in a country or region. The increase in tourists helps the city's economy. The economy can be classified into four main types: the traditional economy, the command economy, the mixed economy, and the market economy.

to learn more about economy from the given link :


in 2022, kevin earned a salary of $140,000 from an employer. how much in fica taxes will kevin have withheld from the salary?


In 2022, Kevin earned a salary of $140,000 from an employer. In FICA taxes will Kevin have withheld from the salary is $ 10,567.40.

What do you mean by the FICA taxes?

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act is referred to as FICA. According to this law, taxes must be deducted from employees' paychecks in order to pay for the Social Security and Medicare systems. The FICA tax affects companies and employees alike.

In 1935, the legislation that established the FICA tax was passed. The money is utilized to offer working Americans a retirement savings and insurance scheme.

The main source of funding for Social Security benefits, according to Cincinnati-based certified financial planner Ben Dobler of Stewardship Financial Counsel, is FICA taxes. FICA taxes are also used to fund Social Security and the Medicare programme.

Therefore, in 2022,  Kevin earned a salary of $140,000 from an employer. In FICA taxes will Kevin have withheld from the salary is $ 10,567.40.

To know more about the FICA taxes, visit:


if the board of directors authorizes a $115000 restriction of retained earnings for a future plant expansion, the effect of this action is to


Reduces the amount of retained earnings available for dividend declarations.

What are earnings?

The net advantages of a corporation's operations are its earnings. Additionally, earnings are the source of corporation tax obligations. EBIT and EBITDA are two additional terms that are more specifically utilized for a study of certain areas of company operations. Earnings are typically understood to be the company's net income, which is determined after deducting cost of sales, operating costs, interest, and taxes from total sales proceeds for a certain time period. For an individual, it includes their wages, salaries, and other payments. The profits of a firm are its earnings. In other terms, earnings are a company's net income. Earnings may also be referred to as a company's pre-tax income.

To learn more about earnings click on the given link:


what is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities?


Cash flows from investing activities frequently reflect cash flows related to cash the company has loaned to others.

While cash flows from financing activities typically reflect cash flows relating to money the firm borrowed from others, cash flows from investing activities frequently reflect money the company loaned to others.

A financial document called the cash flow statement (CFS) outlines the inflow and outflow of a company's cash and cash equivalents (CCE). The CFS gauges how effectively a business manages its cash position, or how successfully it generates cash to cover its debt payments and finance its operating costs.

The balance sheet and the income statement are two of the three primary financial statements, and the CFS is the third. We'll outline the CFS's structure and application to company analysis in this article.

To know more about cash flow:


What is the largest expense in life?


The purchase of a home typically necessitates years of planning and budgeting because it is one of the largest purchases you will ever make.

A budget is an estimate of the money that will come in and go out of the business over a given period of time, and it is often created and reviewed on a regular basis. Budgets can be created for an individual, a team of individuals, a business, a government, or pretty much anything else that generates and spends money.

Budgeting is essential to controlling monthly costs, preparing for unforeseen events in life, and being able to buy expensive products without getting into debt. It doesn't have to be tedious to keep track of your income and expenses, you don't have to be an expert in math, and it doesn't mean you can't buy the items you want. Simply said, it means you'll be more aware of where your money is going and in charge of your finances.

learn more about budgeting here


wants to invest but is worried about risk. in particular, he is worried that the money he invests today will not buy as much ten years from now. what type of risk concerns


Financial Risk is interested in investing but is hesitant due to risk. He is particularly concerned that the investments he makes today will not purchase as much in ten years.

Financial transactions that include default-prone business loans are an example of those that involve financial risk. It is frequently believed that this phrase only relates to downside risk, which is the potential for incurring a monetary loss of an amount that is both possible and unknown. Managing market and financial risk has become a science under the general heading of contemporary portfolio theory, which was first coined by Dr. Harry Markowitz in 1952 with his article "Portfolio Selection." In modern portfolio theory, risk is described in terms of a portfolio's variance. According to Bender and Panz, there are five categories of financial risks. In their work, they employ an algorithm-based methodology to identify 193 different financial risk classes.

Learn more about Financial Risk from


Which types of controls are recommended for a global mnc versus a multi-domestic mnc?


Worldwide MNCs want to have tight manage over their devices. They cognizance on some product traces because of this they do no longer opt for diversification in their product line to lessen their value. Multi-home MNCs want to have lighter control over their devices.

In exercise, a multidomestic employer is mostly a multinational organization that acquires worldwide manufacturers to cater to those equal local clients.

The discern organization may operate using a transnational or global strategy, and launch smaller, regional manufacturers to meet the desires of the target market.

A multi-home method is a method through which businesses try to acquire maximum nearby responsiveness by way of customizing both their product providing and marketing method to in shape distinct country wide conditions.

Learn more about multi-domestic mnc here:-


entry and exit drive each firm in a monopolistically competitive market to a point of tangency between its a. marginal revenue curve and its average total cost curve. b. demand curve and its average total cost curve. c. marginal revenue curve and its total cost curve. d. demand curve and its total cost curve.


In a monopolistically competitive market, entry and exit push each business to a point of tangency between its demand curve and its total cost curve. Here option D is the correct answer.

The company is still making no economic profit when the demand curve is tangent to the average cost curve.

A monopolistically competitive firm's demand curve slopes downward, demonstrating some degree of market dominance. Since each company provides a unique product, market power results from product differentiation.

Monopolistic competition is a sort of market structure in which several businesses are present in a given sector and make comparable but distinctive goods. None of the companies has a monopoly, and they all manage their own operations without considering what the other companies are doing.

To learn more about monopolistically competitive market


Does each of the following government activities promote competition or limit monopoly power by regulating markets?a. Limiting content on public airwavesb. Directing local cable companies to reduce Internet fees for rural consumersc. Forcing a municipal water company to limit rate increasesd. Preventing the merger of two pharmaceutical companiese. Breaking up Standard Oil into smaller companies


The government activities, based on whether they promote competition or limit monopoly power, are :

Actions that promote competition :

d. Preventing the merger of two pharmaceutical companiese. Breaking up Standard Oil into smaller companies

Actions that regulate markets :

a. Limiting content on public airwavesb. Directing local cable companies to reduce Internet fees for rural consumersc. Forcing a municipal water company to limit rate increases

How does the government control monopolies ?

The government controls monopolies by either promoting competition or regulating the market. Promoting competition examples are breaking up monopolies like Standard Oil into smaller companies.

Regulating the market means passing laws such as limiting content on public airwaves and directing companies to reduce their fees.

Find out more on regulating the market at


a legal document in which one person transfers assets to another who manages them for designated beneficiaries is called a


A legal agreement known as a " trust" wherein one party (the grantor) distributes assets to a second party (the trustee), who in turn manages them on behalf of specified beneficiaries.

How do you refer to the person that looks after your estate?

After someone passes away, an executor is in charge of managing their estate. Before dying, a testator typically names an executor; otherwise, the court may do so. The main responsibility is to follow out the decedent's desires in accordance with directives stated in their will and the trust agreements.

What is the name of the person in charge of the trust?

The simplest definition of a trustee is the person designated to oversee a trust's assets. Making sure one behaves in the trust's best interest is a crucial component of the trustee function.

To know more about manages visit :


during a period of stable interest rates, which type of preferred stock tends to be the most volatile?


Participating preferred is the type of preferred stock tends to be the most volatile.

What does participating mean in preferred stock?Participating preferred stock is a form of preferred stock that entitles the bearer to both an extra payout depending on a predefined condition and dividends equal to the generally specified rate at which preferred dividends are paid to preferred shareholders.Participating preferred is less lucrative for the founders as well as the A investor. Furthermore, it raises a serious potential mismatch. The idea that engaging favoured is always preferable for investors is widespread. Here is a quick rundown of the several liquidation preferences investors could request.The preferred investors have the right to extra dividends if the firm makes additional profits and pays out additional dividends to its common stockholders.

Learn more about Participating preferred refer to :


b) the three companies agree they will not do business with amazon. what is this known as, is it legal and if it is illegal is it a per se violation or rule of reason?


In the given case, various theories are applied like :

A. The major merchants in the market, Walmart, Target, and K Mart, decided to band together and charge $50 for the new item that will be released for Christmas. In this instance, the competitors cooperate to prevail. Because of this, it is referred to as "Competitive Collaboration." It is lawful and not illegal for these major merchants to work together in order to promote and enhance sales of the impending new Product.

Collaboration is more common than ever, and it is usually done to increase sales and profits. The court will undoubtedly permit the businesses to continue if they merge and grow in size in order to generate sales and profits in a fair market.

B.  Anti-Competition Practices are what these three businesses are accused of engaging in when they decided not to do business with Amazon. It is a legal strategy to prevent significant competition in the market since it is a rule for reason, which makes it a rule to minimize competition and make it fair.

To know more about Business here


WalMart, Target, and K Mart decide they will charge $50 for the new toy coming out for Christmas. Explain what this would be called and if it would be legal or illegal and if it is a per se violation or a rule of reason violation.

b) The three companies agree they will not do business with Amazon. What is this known as, is it legal and if it is illegal is it a per se violation or rule of reason?

if the website visitor has had an ample opportunity to read the terms of an agreement, and if those terms are not unreasonable, a(n):


A legitimate contract exists if the website user has had a sufficient chance to understand the terms and if those terms are fair.

Most contracts need to include two things to be considered legally binding: An offer made by one party and accepted by the other requires the agreement of all parties. A valuable exchange must take place between two valuable items. This can be in the form of products to be exchanged for goods, money, services, or other things.

A contract may be deemed valid, void, or potentially void.

1. Valid

Any agreement that complies with the fundamental requirements of contract law is lawful.

For instance, if you sign a contract to buy a blue house and the house is blue, the deal is enforceable.

2. Voidable

A contract that is voidable gives both parties the chance to back out. The contract is legitimate when it is first created, but it might later be void. Because they include contingency clauses, most sales contracts are voidable.

3. Void

A void contract is unenforceable in court. It is not a contract because it is lacking a crucial component.

A contract to kill someone, for instance, would not be valid because it serves an illegal aim.

To know more about  contracts click here,


a nurse-manager oversees approximately 12 employees. what strategy should the manager prioritize when trying to motivate the employees?


One of the best tactics for employee motivation is to use personal strategies that mean something to each individual.

For each business to remain afloat, a healthy profit margin is required. This profit is based on the volume and caliber of a company's output.

Numerous actions can be taken by organizations to maintain employee motivation. Organizations may produce more work of higher quality and volume with the help of motivated staff. As a result, the profit margin can be raised appropriately.

An increase in profit enables management to provide staff with increased pay, incentives, awards, and benefits. Employees continue to be interested and devoted to the company as it grows.

To know more about strategies  click here,


in march, margaret made a loan to pete for $10,000. three months later, she began to hear rumors about pete's failing financial condition. when in july, pete asked her to loan him an additional $2,000 to buy inventory, margaret required a security interest in the inventory and also demanded that pete secure the first loan with his personal automobile. in september, pete filed bankruptcy. will the security interest in the automobile be enforceable?


A. No, the security interest in the automobile would be a voidable preference. An effective legal right or lien on property that has been financed with debt, typically to acquire a loan, is known as a security interest.

What is an example of a security interest?

A mortgage is one of the most typical examples of a security interest: a person obtains a loan from a bank to purchase a home, and they grant a mortgage over the property so that, in the event that they are unable to repay the loan, the bank may sell the home and use the proceeds to pay off the balance due.

What different security interests are there?

Possessory and non-possessory security interests are the two different categories. The secured party is in control of the collateral under a possessory security interest. A non-possessive security interest allows the debtor to keep control of the collateral.

To know more about Security Interest visit:


one solution for addressing conflicts of interest that arise from dual agency scenarios is for a broker to appoint a separate salesperson to represent each client. the appointed agent is considered a:


One solution for addressing conflicts of interest that arise from dual agency scenarios is for a broker to appoint a separate salesperson to represent each client. The appointed agent is considered a designated agent.

In quick, a designated agent is someone who a brokerage appoints to symbolize either a homebuyer or dealer so that you can maintain an actual property transaction in-house.

A twin agent is a man or woman who acts as both the customer's and supplier's agent in a transaction. It is straightforward to confuse dual sellers with detailed agents. however, not unlike a dual agent, particular retailers are two separate people representing the customer or the vendor.

Learn more about designated agents here


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