The best method for determining if a woman may be a carrier of the trait for color blindness is to
give her an eye examination
analyze a sample of her red blood cells
analyze a sample of her urine
check her family pedigree for the trait
1. Give her an eye examination
2. Analyze a sample of her red blood cells
3. Analyze a sample of her urine
4. Check her family pedigree for the trait


Answer 1
check her family pedigree

Related Questions

The motor division of the Peripheral NervousSystem is divided into the....A. right motor division and left motor divisionB. fight division and flight divisionC. upper motor division and lower motor divisionD. somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system


The peripheral nervous system transmits information between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. It is divided into two: the Somatic Nervous system, which receives and relays stimulus to the central nervous system, and the Autonomic Nervous system, which regulates the involuntary activities of the body.

ANSWER: D. somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system

76) In bacteria, the unit of DNA that contains multiple genes under the control of a single promoter is called ____ this unit is referred to as _____ mRNAa. an operator, a polycistronicd. an operon, a monocistronicb. a template, a structurale. a template, a monocistronicc. an operon, a polycistronic


As we know an Operon is a genetic unit formed by a complex set of genes (polycistron c)that can self-regulate, itsis composed of 3 main factors: Promoter, operator, and regulatory gene. Therefore we can asaythat tthe correct answer is option C.

What part of the reproductive system is highlighted in the picture attached? i don’t understand


The labeled part is URETHRA

The male urethra has a length of 18-22cm and it conveys urine from the urinary bladder to the exterior opening of perineum. It also provides an exit for the semen.

32. Which substance plays a central role as an energy source in humans and ascellulose in plants?A. fatsB. proteinsC. carbohydrates



The main energy source in humans is glucose, which is a monosaccharide. Through cellular respiration, ATP is produced from glucose. ATP is the energy currency of biochemical reactions in the human body. On the other hand, a polymer of this monosaccharide (beta glucose) is cellulose, which is found in plants as part of their cell wall.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


C. carbohydrates

What blood types are possible for a child whose parents both have AB bloodtype?I. AII. BIll. ABIV. OA. Only IB. Ill and IVC. I and IlD. I, Il, and Ill


They are asking us the possible blood types for a child of parents with AB blood type.

This means that both parents have one allele for antigen A (Iᵃ) and one allele for antigen B (IᵃIᵇ):

Mother: IᵃIᵇ

Father: IᵃIᵇ

Just from that, the child cannot be type O, because there is no allele for not having any antigen (i).

Let's look at the Punnet's square:

As we can see, the child of this couple could have blood type A, B, or AB.

This means the right answer is D. I, Il, and Ill

what is a co factor ?give examples



Cofactors are inorganic or small organic molecules that bind enzymes to enable or enhance their activity. Common inorganic cofactors are metals, including but not limited to magnesium, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, and copper.


Endotherms are able to maintain a constant internal body temperature. Which is one property of endotherms that allows them to complete this task?A: well-developed lungs that deliver oxygen to the bloodB: a low metabolic rate that releases a small amount of heatC: an insulated body covering, such as fur or feathersD: a thin skin that readily absorbs heat from sunlight


The correct answer is the letter C: an insulated body covering, such as fur or feathers

Endotherms mainly use internally generated heat in order to maintain body temperature. This will cause their body temperature tends to stay steady regardless of the environment. On the other hand, ectotherms depend mainly on external heat sources and their body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment.

Examples of endotherms are birds and mammals

Examples of ectotherms are fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates.

Based on the result, which is the most effective antibiotic in this example?1234


What we see around three of the antibiotic disks is the area in which the antibiotics stopped the bacteria from growing. It's called a zone of inhibition and it creates an area where the bacteria haven't grown enough to be visible. So, in order to understand which is the most effective antibiotic we must look at its zones of inhibition and find the one with the biggest zone. Therefore, the correct answer is 3, as it is the one with the bigger zone of inhibition.

QUESTION 17Which of the following best describes the definition of a gene?A collection of polypeptides that fold to form a complex proteinGenetic information that produces a product, either proteins or RNAThe protein product that genetic material producesA section of DNA that produces a single protein product


As we know a gene is the minimal functional part of DNA and code for different traits, these can be proteins, RNA, or other type of regulators, so we can say that the correct option is the number 2

The digestive process involves two main types of digestion. Identify each one and explain how each works to break down food. Indicate where each type of digestion takes place in the body.

please help need to finish on Friday


The two types of digestion include the following below:

Mechanical digestion - This involves the use of physical methods and force to break down food such as in the mouth.Chemical digestion  - This involves enzymatic action to break food down such as in the stomach.

What is Digestion?

This is referred to as the process in which food is broken down into smaller substances so as to be acted on by enzymes and assimilated into the bloodstream for the optimal functioning of the body.

Mechanical digestion happens in the mouth and it involves processes such as chewing while chemical digestion involves the breakdown of food through enzymatic actions.

Read more about Digestion here


The diagram shows a cross between a plant with white flowers and a plant with red flowers.The offspring is a plant with pink flowers.Which pattern of inheritance is shown?


Answer: Incomplete Dominance


Incomplete dominance is described by a phenotype that is not completely dominant over another. Therefore, it will be a "blending" of colors in the case of this question, therefore the petals are pink.

Would the absence of the nucleolus affect the process of protein synthesis? Explain



The absence of nucleolus will affect the process of protein synthesis because r-RNA is required for protein formation and the synthesis of r-RNA occurs in the nucleolus.

Nucleolus is a small dense structure present inside the nucleus. It is site for r-RNA synthesis. Ribosome assembly also takes place inside the nucleolus. Nucleolus is also known to play part during cell's response to stress.

r-RNA is the ribosomal RNA. It is involved in the formation of ribosome along with some proteins. Ribosome is the most essential machinery for the synthesis of proteins. r-RNA belongs to the category of non-coding RNAs. r-RNA is considered to be a ribozyme.

To know more about r-RNA, here


has warm temperatures and is dominated by grasses



Grasslands (?)


You didn't give much context, but grasslands have warm temperatures and are generally dominated by grass--

Tropical grasslands have dry and wet seasons that remain warm all the time.

Temperate grasslands have cold winters and warm summers with some rain.

The most likely answer is tropical grasslands because they are warm all the time. (grasslands is a more open answer)

Why natural selection is not just a theory?


In science, the meaning of "theory" is different than the one we use commonly.

In the day-to-day, "theory" means a supposition or speculation, while a scientific theory is an explanation of a certain aspect of nature that is supported by evidence collected from several sources, and that has been tested repeatedly following the scientific method. A scientific theory is considered to be a truth, which is the case for natural selection and evolution.

In this process humans would select animals or plants with a trait they desire then breed those organisms to produce more individuals with the desired traits.Natural selectionContaminationInseminationArtificial selection.


The correct answer is Artificial selection.

Humans interfere in the natural process of organisms that they slect the desirable trait for the organisms that they think best will help the organisms to adapt well into their environment.

How do trees give earth all its oxygen?


*Oxygen is an essential element in the atmosphere that helps living organisms stay alive.

*Tress gives Earth oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Plants, such as trees, capture sunlight and use it to split carbon dioxide and water. The product of it is sugar which releases oxygen into the atmosphere as a by-product of the process.

How many times more energy is produced by all three stages of cellular respiration than by glycolysis alone


The all three process of cellular respiration produces 18 times more ATP than glycolysis alone.

As there are 4 ATP produced in glycolysis from one molecule of glucose,2 from Krebs cycle, and rest 34 from electron transport chain.

These three process made total of 38 ATP

Which example best describes a computer model that could be used to better
understand the function of the brain?
A. A simulation predicting the paths of electrical impulses through
the brain
B. A detailed re-creation of the brain in modeling clay that shows the
positions of its structures
C. A description of the brain as a computer processor that interprets
encoded information
D. A formula for calculating the time it takes a message from the
brain to reach a different part of the body


Answer: Which example best describes a computer model that could be used to better understand the function of the brain?

A. A simulation predicting the paths of electrical impulses through the brain is the best example of a computer model that could be used to better understand the function of the brain.


In this simulation, a computer program would be used to create a virtual representation of the brain and simulate the movement of electrical impulses along different pathways. This can help researchers and scientists study how the brain processes information and how different areas of the brain communicate with each other.

By using this computer model, scientists can observe the patterns and pathways of electrical activity in the brain, which can provide valuable insights into how the brain functions. This can help in understanding various neurological disorders and developing treatments for them.

How do you find telophase if
8% of the cells were in prophase and the cell cycle was 10 hours long, then prophase would last 8% of 10 hours, or 0.8 hours (48 minutes). Use percentages to estimate the duration of each phase of the cell cycle.



You can use your data to estimate the duration of each phase of the cell cycle. For example, if 8% of the cells were in prophase and the cell cycle was 10 hours long, then prophase would last 8% of 10 hours or 0.8 hours


May I get help with number two and with a punnets square


The hemophilia gene is an X-linked recessive gene. This means that a person will be hemophiliac if has two copies of the recessive "h" allele (in the case of females) or if has one copy (in the case of males). This also means that if the individual possesses the dominant H allele, he or she will not have hemophilia. Therefore, when performing the punnet table of section 2, we can observe that only one of four descendants would present hemophilia and in this case, it would be a male with genotype X^h Y (25% male), and only one of four would be a carrier that doesn't present hemophilia and in this case, it would be a woman with genotype X^H X^h (25% female)

2. Sickle Cell Anemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. What would be
the chances of a non-carrier female and a man with sickle cell anemia having
afflicted children?
a) Assign Symbols
b) Show the cross
c) Punnett square
d) Genotypic ratio
e) Phenotypic Ratio


The chances of a non-carrier female and a man with sickle cell anemia having afflicted children would be 25%.

What is anemia?
When you have anaemia, your body does not create enough healthy red blood cells to supply your tissues with just enough oxygen. Being anaemic, or having low haemoglobin levels, can make you feel tired and fragile. Anemia can manifest itself in a variety of ways, each with its own set of causes. Anemia can be minor to severe, and it can be short-term or long-term. Anemia is often caused by a combination of factors. Consult a doctor if you suspect you have anaemia. It could be an indication of a serious sickness. Treatments for anaemia can range from taking vitamins to seeking medical help, depending on the underlying cause. A balanced, diverse diet may help you avoid some types of anaemia.

To learn more about anemia

Write the balanced equations for the process of your organism uses to make food / energy ( Photosynthesis , respiration, or both).My organism is great white shark


Photosynthesis is a mechanism of sugar production that is carried out by plant organisms possessing chloroplasts. Most animals cannot perform photosynthesis because they do not have chloroplasts, the great white shark is one of them.

On the other hand, respiration is a mechanism for obtaining energy that is performed by all organisms, which can be aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) or anaerobic (in the absence of oxygen). In cellular respiration, sugars such as glucose are metabolized to obtain energy.

The equation changes depending on the type of breathing that is performed, but in this case, the white shark performs aerobic breathing, so the equation would be:


Photosynthesis is a sugar-production mechanism carried out by plant organisms possessing chloroplasts. Most animals cannot perform photosynthesis because they do not have chloroplasts, the great white shark is one of them.

On the other hand, respiration is a mechanism for obtaining energy performed by all organisms, which can be aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) or anaerobic (in the absence of oxygen). In cellular respiration, sugars such as glucose are metabolized to obtain energy.

The equation changes depending on the breathing that is performed, but in this case, the white shark performs aerobic breathing, so the equation would be:


Signals from the sense organs are interpreted by the cerebrum, autonomic nervous system, medulla, cerebellum?


The correct answer is

Autonomic Nervous system

The nervous system is the command center of the organism's body. It interprets the messages it received from the sense organs. The brain is the control center of the nervous system. The cerebrum, medulla, and cerebellum are all parts of the brain.

The restriction enzyme EcoR1 recognizes the DNA sequence GAATTC. Which DNA strands will be cut by


EcoR1 creates 4 nucleotide sticky ends with 5' end overhangs of AATT.

These are the two options (i) and (iii) and the red marks indicate how the segment would be cut. So, the correct answer is option (iii)

Please give me brainliest

bones will usually heal after they have been severely damaged so long as the cellular components of the endosteum and periosteum survive and there is a(n)



ossification Center


what do new cells do in a chicken egg


connect with the male sperm cell in order to become fertilised and produce offspring

Which of the following describes organisms that need to obtain energy from other organisms?Select all that apply.A. heterotrophsB. autotrophsC. consumersD. producers



Remember that by definition, a heterotroph is an organism that cannot make its own food, but instead obtains its food by consuming other organisms. That is, a heterotroph is an organism that eats other organisms (plants or animals) for energy and nutrients. For this reason, heterotrophs are considered consumers.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


The correct answers are:

A. heterotrophs

C. consumers

Compare the consumption of macromolecules in Inuit diet to the American diet.


American diet consists of excess sodium, saturated fat, refined grains, and calories from solid fats and added sugars while Inuit diet consists mainly marine foods like shell fish , whales or birds animals mainly duck bear and plants  that include roots and berries .

Inuit diet is not healthier then American diet , this kind of diet mostly consists of non vegetarian food , that can be eaten raw to supply essential nutrients like whale skin , seal brain . this diet is generally taken by the people who live in frozen snow covered area .

On the other hand American diet includes Fried foods,  Processed foods, Processed meats, Refined grains  and Red meat.

To learn more about American diet , here


Which dissolved substance do aquatic plants absorb from water during photosynthesis The choices are: carbon dioxide, ATP, oxygen, nitrogen


In the case of aquatic plants those that are totally submerged like seagrass, do photosynthesis as well as terrestrial plants, which need light carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. However, carbon dioxide in water dissolves so aquatic plants obtain it not in a gaseous way but in a dissolved way, so we can say that he correct answer is carbon dioxide.

Is the trait (blue) in the pedigree most likely caused by the presence of a dominant or recessive allele?Group of answer choicesrecessivedominantneitherboth


The blue trait is most likely caused by a dominant allele (e.g. allele A), while the white trait is caused by a recessive allele (allele a). However, for the diagram to be correct, individuals 1I and 2I must have genotypes Aa (blue) and aa (white) respectively, thus making the punnet squares, the genotypes of their offspring would be Aa (blue) and aa (white). In turn, we can verify that this is correct by observing the third generation since if the blue individuals of the second generation had genotype AA, they could not have white offspring (aa). If we make all the crosses, the genotypes would be as follows:

1 I: Aa 2 I: aa

1 II: Aa 2 II: aa 3 II: aa 4 II: aa 5 II: Aa 6 II: aa 7 II: Aa 8 II: Aa

1 III: Aa 2 III: aa 3 III: aa 4 III: aa 5 III: aa 6 III: Aa or AA 7 III: aa 8 III: Aa or AA 9 III: aa

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