The Bay Street Bakery (BSB) has a respected following. When it moved the business to a famous resort area, it took a big risk; however, the owners were confident that its unique European style cookies and pastries would win customer raves. And they were right! Fortunately, one of the members of the family business was convinced that BSB needed to stay in touch with its loyal customers. When customers visited the bakery, the business collected names and addresses in order to send messages about promotions and coupons to valued customers. Marketing professionals refer to this strategy as:


Answer 1

Answer: c. customer relationship management.


Customers are the most important part of the business because they are the ones that patronize it. This is why some businesses try their best to establish a relationship with customers such that the customers keep coming back as well as recommending their business to potential customers as well.

Strategies that are related to ensuring the above fall under Customer Relationship Management. One such strategy is described in the scenario above and that is the maintenance of customer contact details in order to send them messages related to promotions and coupons so that they may keep patronizing the company.

Related Questions

Phyllis, Inc., earns book net income before tax of $600,000. Phyllis puts into service a depreciable asset this year, and its first-year tax depreciation exceeds book depreciation by $120,000. Phyllis has recorded no other temporary or permanent book-tax differences. Assuming that the U.S. tax rate is 21%, what is Phyllis's total income tax expense reported on its GAAP financial statements





Calculation to determine Phyllis's total income tax expense reported on its GAAP financial statements

Using this formula

Total income tax expense=Net income before tax*U.S. tax rate

Let plug in the formula

Total income tax expense=$600,000*21%

Total income tax expense=$126,000

Therefore Phyllis's total income tax expense reported on its GAAP financial statements is $126,000

During May, Salinger Company accumulated 560 hours of direct labor costs on Job 200 and 670 hours on Job 305. The total direct labor was incurred at a rate of $11 per direct labor hour for Job 200 and $15 per direct labor hour for Job 305. Journalize the entry to record the flow of labor costs into production during May. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank.



See below


The preparation of the journal entry to record the flow of labor costs into production during May

Work in process Dr $16,210

-------------- To wages payable Cr $16,210


We do know that labor costs are a function of the total hours and hourly rate.

= (560 hours × $11 per direct labor) + (670 hours × $15 per direct labor hour)

= $6,160 + $10,050

= $16,210

Refer to the HR Report section of the Inquirer. Digby will continue to keep their current hourly levels of training in order to help reduce turnover and improve productivity next year. How much must be spent per employee on an hourly basis to maintain the current training commitment



The amount that must be spent per employee per hour to maintain a high level of training must be consistent with the organizational planning and the estimated budget, since this activity will have as main objectives the retention of employees and the improvement of productivity, therefore this budget it must be calculated based on HR activities and considered as essential by management.

Adequate training helps employees to be more satisfied with their work, develop new skills and be more productive, helping the organization to achieve its objectives and goals.

An employee earns $6,050 per month working for an employer. The FICA tax rate for Social Security is 6.2% of the first $128,400 earned each calendar year and the FICA tax rate for Medicare is 1.45% of all earnings. The current FUTA tax rate is 0.6%, and the SUTA tax rate is 5.4%. Both unemployment taxes are applied to the first $7,000 of an employee's pay. The employee has $204 in federal income taxes withheld. The employee has voluntary deductions for health insurance of $172 and contributes $86 to a retirement plan each month. What is the amount of net pay for the employee for the month of January





The amount of net pay for the employee for the month of January is $5,125.175.

What is net pay?

Net pay is the amount employees earn after all payroll deductions are deducted from their gross pay. This is the amount that each employee receives on payday. The net pay calculation is:

Gross pay minus payroll taxes and other deductions equals net pay.

The amount of net pay for the employee for the month of January is calculated as:-

Deductions = (Gross earning × Social security tax rate) + (Gross earning × Medicare tax rate) + Federal income taxes + Health insurance + Contribution of retirement plan

=  ($6,050× 6.2%) + ($6,050 × 1.45%) + $204 + $172 + $86

= $375.1 + $87.725 + $204 + $172 + $86

= $924.825

Net pay = Gross earning - Deductions

= $6,050 -  $924.825

= $5,125.175

Therefore, $5,125.175 is the net pay calculated using the above formula.

To learn more about net pay, click here:


A factory worker makes $17.50 per hour. Next month, she will receive a 1.5% increase in her hourly rate. What will her new hourly rate be?






1.5% of 17.5 is .26

Add .26 to 17.50.

What are some recommendations for ways that Redbox can maintain its high market



Do online streaming


1: create commercials to spread the business

2: emphasize the good points for example, a movie ticket cost about $15 to $20 while a Redbox movie only cost about $2 and multiple people can watch the movie they bought.

3: place Redbox stations in high populated building for example, a mall, Publix, Walmart, Wawa, and Target.

Oscanda Accessories Corporation manufactured 21,400 travel bags during March. The following fixed overhead data pertain to March: Actual Static Budget Production 21,400 units 22,000 units Machine-hours 3,400 hours 4,400 hours Fixed overhead cost for March $176,300 $184,800 What is the amount of fixed overhead spending variance



$8,500 favorable


The computation of the fixed overhead spending variance  is shown below

= Budgeted fixed overhead - actual fixed overhead

= $184,800 - $176,300

= $8,500 favorable

We simply deduct the actual fixed overhead from the budgeted one so that the fixed overhead spending variance could come

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fax bro?


Identify the principle of internal control to each of the following cases. 1. Cash is locked in a safe overnight. select principle of internal control 2. Employees who receive shipments of goods do not have access to the accounting records for merchandise. select principle of internal control 3. Shipping documents are pre-numbered. select principle of internal control 4. The bookkeeper does not have physical custody of assets. select principle of internal control 5. Only the treasurer of the company can sign checks.



1. Physical control

2. Segregation of duties

3. Pre-numbered documents

4. Segregation of duties

5. Establishment of responsibility


1. As this shows that someone locked cash in safe, so this will be physical control.

2. As this shows the division of duties among employees, so this will be segregation of duties.

3. As this shows documents are pre numbered so it comes under pre-numbered documents.

4. As this shows the division of duties for bookkeeper, so it comes under segregation of duties.

5. This shows the responsibility of any work on a person, so this will be establishment of responsibility.

In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina damaged or destroyed oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, refineries along the Gulf coast, and the pipeline infrastructure that transports oil and gas to customers across the eastern United States. The winter of 2006 was unusually cold in many parts of the country. How did these events affect the market (equilibrium) price and quantity for natural gas



Increased equilibrium market price Decreased equilibrium quantity


As a result of the hurricane, oil platforms and refineries were destroyed. This reduced the amount of natural gas being processed by these facilities. With less natural gas being processed, less gas was being supplied to the country which means that the quantity supplied reduced.

This would shift the supply curve to the left and it would then intersect with the demand curve at a higher equilibrium price. This higher price reflects the relative scarcity of natural gas.

Holtzman Clothiers's stock currently sells for $19.00 a share. It just paid a dividend of $4.00 a share (i.e., D0 = $4.00). The dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 3% a year. What stock price is expected 1 year from now? Round your answer to the nearest cent. $ What is the required rate of return? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places. %


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

a. The stock price expected one year from now is

= Stock sells per share × (1 + growth rate)

= $19 × (1 + 0.03)

= $19.57

= $20

b. The required rate of return is

= Dividend ÷ current price + growth rate

= ($4 × 1.03) ÷ $19 + 0.03

= 24.68%

The above formulas should be applied to determine each part

And, the same would be relevant

What is an example of goods?
O a hotel room
O a good haircut
O a car wash
O a hard cover book



Hotel Room



An example of goods in the case is a hard cover book.

What is a goods?

Most time, this are often tangible product that are felt and seen, unlike the service which are rendered and often intangible product

An example of service includes a hotel room, a good haircut and a car wash.

Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about goods


An organization wants to provide its employees information about what its goals are and what it expects employees to accomplish. It is planning to implement an incentive plan that helps employees understand the organization's goals. Which plan should be used by this organization?



This question is incomplete, the options are missing. The options are the following:

a) A retention bonus

b) A piecework rate system

c) A merit pay system

d) The Scanlon plan

e) A balanced scorecard

And the correct answer is the option E: A balanced scorecard.


To begin with, the term known as "Balanced Scorecard" it is a very famous strategy method used in the fields of management and business in order to achieve higher levels of administration from the managers and owners. It is a technique that involves the company's short and long term goals and the way to plan how to incentive the employees of the company in order for them to grow and understand better the plans of the organization so that they could work better and increase the productivity that will consequently affect in the benefits of the enterprise as a whole.

Mango Company applies overhead based on direct labor costs. For the current year, Mango Company estimated total overhead costs to be $340,000, and direct labor costs to be $170,000. Actual overhead costs for the year totaled $368,000, and actual direct labor costs totaled $192,000. At year-end, Factory Overhead account is: Multiple Choice Neither overapplied nor underapplied. Overapplied by $16,000. Overapplied by $22,000. Underapplied by $16,000. Overapplied by $192,000.



Overapplied overhead= $16,000


First, we need to calculate the predetermined overhead rate:

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= total estimated overhead costs for the period/ total amount of allocation base

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate=  340,000 / 170,000

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= $2 per direct labor dollar

Now, we can allocate overhead:

Allocated MOH= Estimated manufacturing overhead rate* Actual amount of allocation base

Allocated MOH= 2*192,000

Allocated MOH= $384,000

Finally, the over/under allocation:

Under/over applied overhead= real overhead - allocated overhead

Under/over applied overhead= 368,000 - 384,000

Overapplied overhead= $16,000

New Line Cinema is considering producing a new movie. To evaluate the proposal, the company needs to calculate its cost of capital. The firm has collected the following information:

a. The company wants to maintain is current capital structure, which is 20% equity, 20% preferred stock and 60% debt.
b. The firm has marginal tax rate of 34%.
c. The firm's preferred stock pays an annual dividend of $4.3 forever, and each share is currently worth $135.26.
d. The firm has one bond outstanding with a coupon rate of 6%, paid semiannually, 10 years to maturity, a face value of $1,000, and a current price of $1,163.51.
e. The company's beta is 0.8, the yield on Treasury bonds is is 0.6% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 6%.
f. The current stock price is $39.17. The firm has just paid an annual dividend of $1.13, which is expected to grow by 4% per year.
g. The firm uses a risk premium of 3% for the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach.
h. New preferred stock and bonds would be issued by private placement, largely eliminating flotation costs. New equity would come from retained earnings, thus eliminating flotation costs.

a. What is the cost of equity using the bond yield plus risk premium?
b. What is the midpoint of the range for the cost of equity?
c. What is the company's weighted average cost of capital?











First and foremost, we need to determine the yield to maturity on the bond, using a financial calculator as shown thus:

The financial calculator should be set to its default end mode before making the following inputs:

N=20(number of semiannual coupons  in 10 years=10*2=20)

PMT=30(semiannual coupon=face value*coupon rate*/2=$1000*6%/2=$30)

PV=-1163.51(current price=$1,163.51)

FV=1000(face value of the bond=$1000)


I/Y=2.00%(semiannual yield=2%, annnual yield=2.00%*2=4.00%)

bond yield plus risk premium=bond yield(4.00%)+ risk premium(3%)

bond yield plus risk premium=7.00%


In determining the midpoint range is the maximum plus minimum cost of equity divided by 2

Let us determine cost of equity using the Capital Asset Pricing Model and Constant Dividend Growth Model

cost of equity=risk-free rate+beta*(expected return on the market portfolio-risk-free rate)

risk-free rate=yield on Treasury bonds= 0.6%


expected return on the market portfolio= 6%

cost of equity=0.6%+0.8*(6%-0.6%)

cost of equity=4.92%

cost of equity=expected dividend/share price+growth rate

expected dividend=last dividend*(1+growth rate)

expected dividend=$1.13*(1+4%)=$1.1752

share price= $39.17

growth rate=4%

cost of equity=($1.1752/$39.17)+4%

cost of equity=7.00%

midpoint range=(maximum cost of equity+minimum cost of equity)/2

midpoint rate=(7.00%+4.92%)/2

midpoint range=5.96%


WACC=(weight of equity*cost of equity)+(weight of preferred stock*cost of preferred stock)+(weight of debt*after-tax cost of debt)

weight of equity= 20%

cost of equity=5.96%

weight of preferred stock=20%

cost of preferred stock=annual dividend/price

cost of preferred stock=$4.3/$135.26=3.18%

weight of debt=60%

aftertax cost of debt=4.00%*(1-34%)=2.64%



An early frost destroys 20% of the coffee bean crop. If the supply and demand for coffee beans are both relatively inelastic, and the frost does not impact the quality of the coffee beans that make it to market.

What will most likely occur to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee beans?



Option C, Price will increase, quantity will decrease


The options for the given question are

(A) Price and quantity will both increase

(B) Price and quantity will both decrease

(C) Price will increase, quantity will decrease

(D) Price will decrease, quantity will increase

(E) Price will not change, quantity will decrease


Inelastic demand of a product means that the price (high or low) of the product does not affect the demand.

Since the frost destroys the crop, then there are probabilities of variation in the price of coffee (price will rise). Price will be increased to fetch the loss because of frost.

Price will increase and quantity will decrease.

Hence, option C is correct

A company currently sells products in the United States and is considering expanding to China or Vietnam. Expanding won't impact the company's sales, revenue or profit in the United States. If the company expands to China there is a 20% chance profit over the next 5 years will be $2,000,000, a 30% chance profit will be $1,000,000 and a 50% chance the company will lose $2,000,000. If the company expands to Vietnam, there is a 70% chance profit over the next 5 years will be $1,000,000 and a 30% chance the company will lose $2,500,000. Using a decision tree, what decision should the company make


Answer: Company should not expand to either.


Find the expected values of expanding to either country and pick the country with the highest expected value:


= ∑(Probability of outcome * Outcome)

= (20% * 2,000,000) + (30% * 1,000,000) + (50% * -2,000,000)

= -$300,000


= (70% * 1,000,000) + (30% * -2,500,000)

= -$50,000

Both countries result in an expected loss so company should not expand to either of them.

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Ɏ₳₦₭ɆɆ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₦Ø ฿Ɽł₥ back at ya

On January 1, 2021, Ellison Company granted Sam Wine, an employee, an option to buy 1,000 shares of Ellison Co. stock for $30 per share, the option exercisable for 5 years from date of grant. Using a fair value option pricing model, total compensation expense is determined to be $6,000. Wine exercised his option on October 1, 2021 and sold his 1,000 shares on December 1, 2021. Quoted market prices of Ellison Co. stock in 2021 were:

July 1 $30 per share
October 1 $36 per share
December 1 $40 per share

The service period is for three years beginning January 1, 2021. As a result of the option granted to Wine, using the fair value method, Ellison should recognize compensation expense for 2021 on its books in the amount of:________

a. $6,000 21
b. $2,000
c. $1,500
d. $0



b. $2,000


Using a fair value option pricing model, total compensation expense is determined to be $6,000.

The service period is for three years beginning January 1, 2021.

So, Ellison should recognize compensation expense for 2021 on its books in the amount of:

= $6,000 / 3 years

= $2,000.

As a result of the option granted to Wine, using the fair value method, Ellison should recognize $2,000 as compensation expense.

A company reported annual sales revenue of $2,200,000 in 2019. During the year, accounts receivable decreased from a $56,000 beginning balance to a $48,000 ending balance. Accounts payable decreased from a $44,000 beginning balance to a $32,000 ending balance. How much is cash received from customers for the year





Calculation to determine How much is cash received from customers for the year

Using this formula

Cash Received=Annual sales revenue+(Beginning balance-Ending balance)

Let plug in the formula

Cash Received=$2,200,000 + ($56,000 – $48,000)

Cash Received=$2,200,000+$8,000

Cash Received = $2,208,000

Therefore The amount of cash received from customers for the year is $2,208,000

the retained earnings of a corporation is ________. a. internally generated equity that is received from employee stock purchases b. externally generated equity that is acquired from banks and other creditors c. externally generated equity that is contributed by shareholders d. internally generated equity that is earned by profitable operations that is not distributed to stockholders



internally generated equity that is earned by profitable operations that is not distributed to stockholders


Retained Earnings

This is simply known as an account used by a corporation to give a short breakdown or summary of the earned capital component of its shareholders' equity. Mathematically or primarily, it consist of the cumulative amount of net income over the life of the corporation, minus the cumulative amount of dividends that is paid out to shareholders.

It is often classified as stockholders equity account. It is a permanent or real account, as opposed to a temporary-equity or nominal account. Both cash dividends and stock dividends reduces retained earnings.

18) 20 points Steve's Hardware Store uses the perpetual inventory system. The business incurred the following transactions: A. On November 1, 10 snow blowers were purchased on account at $1,000 each. Credit terms were 2/10, net 30. B. On November 10, the business sold three of the snow blowers on account at $1,500 each. The credit terms were 2/10, net 30. C. OnNovember12,thebusinesspaidforthesnowblowerspurchasedonNovember1. D. On November 20 Steve's received payment for the November 10 sale. E. On November 30, the business paid rent of $1,500 and wages of $2,000.


the first one is the right answer

If we consider the effect of taxes, then the degree of operating leverage can be written as:

DOL = 1 + [FC × (1 – TC) – TC × D]/OCF

Consider a project to supply Detroit with 28,000 tons of machine screws annually for automobile production. You will need an initial $4,800,000 investment in threading equipment to get the project started; the project will last for 5 years. The accounting department estimates that annual fixed costs will be $1,150,000 and that variable costs should be $215 per ton; accounting will depreciate the initial fixed asset investment straight-line to zero over the 5-year project life. It also estimates a salvage value of $525,000 after dismantling costs. The marketing department estimates that the automakers will let the contract at a selling price of $320 per ton. The engineering department estimates you will need an initial net working capital investment of $460,000. You require a return of 14 percent and face a tax rate of 25.

a. What is the percentage change in OCF if the units sold changes to 28,000?
b. What is the DOL at the base-case level of output?



a) 0% change

b) 0.393


Degree of operating leverage:  DOL = 1 + [FC × (1 – TC) – TC × D]/OCF

Machine screws to be supplied = 28,000 tons

Initial investment in threading equipment  = $4,800,000

project period = 5 years

annual fixed cost = $1,150,000

variable cost = $215 per ton = 215 * 28,000 = $6,020,000

salvage value of project after dismantling costs = $525,000

selling price of project = $320 per ton = $8,960,000

initial networking capital investment = $460,000

Return = 14%

tax rate = 25% = 0.25

a) Determine the percentage change in OCF if the units sold changes to 28,000

Given  : DOL = 1 + [FC × (1 – TC) – TC × D]/OCF

OCF = [(contribution * number of units sold) - fixed costs] * ( 1-tax) + depreciation*tax    ----------- ( 1 )

contribution = sales price - variable cost = 320 - 215 = $105

number of units sold = 28,000

depreciation = 4,800,000 / 5 = $960,000

back to equation 1

OCF = [[ ( 105 *28,000) - 1,150,000 ] * ( 1 - 0.25 ) + 960,000 * 0.25 ]

        = $1,582,500  

Hence the percentage change = 0%  ( Initial units to be sold as given in the question = 28,000 as well )

b) Determine the DOL at the base-case level of output

DOL = 1 + [FC × (1 – TC) – TC × D] / OCF

        = 1 + [ 1,150,000 * ( 1 - 0.25 ) - 0.25 * 960,000 ] / 1,582,500  

        = 622501 / 1,582,500  = 0.393

Robert Parish Corporation purchased a new assembly process on August 1, 2017. The cost of this machine was $117,900. The company have a salvage value of $12,900 at the end of its service life. Its life is estimated 21,000 hours. Year-end is December 31. estimated that the machine would at 5 years, and its working hours are estimated at Instructions Compute the depreciation expense under the following methods. Each of the following should be considered unrelated.
(a) Straight-line depreciation for 201:7.
(b) Activity method for 2017, assuming that machine usage was 800 hours.
(c) Sum-of-the-years-digits for 2018.
(d) Double-declining-balance for 2018.








Straight line depreciation expense = (Cost of asset - Salvage value) / useful life

(117,900 - 12,900) / 5 = $21,000

the machine was used for 5 months in 2017. the depreciation expense in 2017 = 5/12 x  $21,000 = $8750

b. Activity method based on hours worked = (hours worked that year / total hours of the machine) x  (Cost of asset - Salvage value)

(800 / 21,000) x (117,900 - 12,900)  = $4000

c. Sum-of-the-year digits = (remaining useful life / sum of the years ) x  (Cost of asset - Salvage value)

remaining useful life in 2018 = (4 + 7/12) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10.58

10.58 /  15 x (117,900 - 12,900)  = $74,060

A.The loss on the cash sale of equipment was $22,125 (details in b).
B. Sold equipment costing $97,875, with accumulated depreciation of $47,125, for $28,625 cash.
C. Purchased equipment costing $113,375 by paying $64,000 cash and signing a long-term note payable for the balance.
D. Borrowed $5,700 cash by signing a short-term note payable.
E. Paid $58,625 cash to reduce the long-term notes payable.
F. Issued 4,200 shares of common stock for $20 cash per share.
G. Declared and paid cash dividends of $53,500.
Prepare a complete statement of cash flows; report its operating activities using the indirect method. (Amounts to be deducted should be indicated with a minus sign.)



Statement of cash flows for the year

Cash flow from Operating Activities

Loss on sale of equipment                                $22,125

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities     $22,125

Cash flow from Investing Activities

Proceeds from sale of equipment                   $28,625

Purchase of equipment                                   ($64,000)

Net Cash used by investing activities             ($35,375)

Cash flow from Financing Activities

Note Payable Issued                                           $5,700

Repayment of Note Payable                           ($58,625)

Issue of Common Stock                                    $84,000

Cash Dividends Paid                                        ($53,500)

Net Cash used by Financing activities            ($22,425)


Statement of cash flows for the year shows results of cash resulting from the following activities :

Cash flow from Operating ActivitiesCash flow from Investing ActivitiesCash flow from Financing Activities

Safari limited acquired 2 new 7-ton buses on 1 January 1990 for £129,150. The cash price of

these units was £90,000. The deal was financed by TPS (financing) ltd and the terms of the

hire purchase contract required a deposit of £30,000 on delivery followed by 3 instalments on

31st December 1990, 1991, and 1992 of £33,000, £33,000 and £33,150 respectively. The true

rate of interest was 30% per annum.


Prepare the appropriate accounts in the books of safari ltd to record the above transactions.

Depreciation is to be charged on vehicles at 20% per annum, using straight line method.​



U little baka


Urnmy littttle bakaaaaa

On January 15, 2020, Vern purchased the rights to a mineral interest for $3,500,000. At that time, it was estimated that the recoverable units would be 500,000. During the year, 40,000 units were mined and 25,000 units were sold for $800,000. Vern incurred expenses during 2020 of $500,000. The percentage depletion rate is 22%. Determine Vern's depletion deduction for 202


Answer: $175,000


Vern's depletion deduction for 2020 will be calculated thus:

= (Cost - Salvage value) / (Estimated Number of units × Number of units extracted

= 3500000/500000 × 25000

= 7 × 25000

= $175000

Therefore, Vern's depletion deduction for 2020 is $175000

Bryant Company has a factory machine with a book value of $93,700 and a remaining useful life of 7 years. It can be sold for $34,700. A new machine is available at a cost of $378,500. This machine will have a 7-year useful life with no salvage value. The new machine will lower annual variable manufacturing costs from $605,900 to $457,900. Prepare an analysis showing whether the old machine should be retained or replaced



                                               Retain      Replace     Net income


Variable manufacturing costs    4241300    3205300    1036000

New machine cost                            0           378500     -378500

Sell old machine                                0          -34700         34700

Total                                              4241300   3549100    692,200

Conclusion: The old factory machine should be replaced as its net income is lesser


Variable manufacturing costs

a. Retain Equipment = 605900*7 =  4241300  

b. Replace Equipment =457900*7 = 3205300

Corporation M has $40,000 of current earnings and profits and $10,000 of accumulated earnings and profit. During the year Corporation M distributes $60,000 to is only shareholder – N. Before the distribution, N has basis in their stock of $100,000. What amount of capital gain income will N recognize related to this distribution?





Calculation to determine What amount of capital gain income will N recognize related to this distribution

Using this formula

N Capital gain income=N stock basis- M distribution

Let plug in the formula

N Capital gain income=$100,000-$60,000

N Capital gain income=$40,000

Therefore The amount of capital gain income that N will recognize related to this distribution is $40,000

Pepper Corporation owns 75 percent of Salt Company's voting shares. During 20X8, Pepper produced 50,000 chairs at a cost of $79 each and sold 35,000 chairs to Salt for $90 each. Salt sold 18,000 of the chairs to unaffiliated companies for $117 each prior to December 31, 20X8, and sold the remainder in early 20X9 to unaffiliated companies for $130 each. Both companies use perpetual inventory systems. Based on the information given above, what amount of cost of goods sold must be eliminated from the consolidated income statement for 20X8



Please see below


Given that:

Number of chairs sold = 35,000

Cost per chair $79

The cost of goods sold that must be eliminated from the consolidated

= Number of chairs sold × Cost per chair

= 35,000 × $90

= $2,765,000

Therefore, for computing the cost of goods sold to be eliminated, we simply multiply the number of chairs sold with cost per chair.

Other Questions
Who were the Beothuk and why do they no longer exist?NEED ASAP please. The admission fee at a county fair is $2 for children and $4 dollars for adults. Suppose that on the last day, 1600 people enter the fair and $5000 is collected. Choose the two equations that can be solved as a system of equations to determine how many children and how many adults attended the fair.1.) a-c=16002.) 4a+2c=50003.) 4a-2c=50004.) a+c=1600I WILL GIVE BRANLIEST TO WHOEVERS RIGHT 3^4 + 3 5 =(Input only whole numbers.)Numerical Answers Expected! Which are characteristics of the law of supply? Check all that apply. The more money a producer can earn for an item, the more they will keep making.Consumers are only willing to spend so much on a particular item.If an item is not turning a profit, the producer will not keep much around.The higher the price of an item the higher the quantity supplied. The higher the price of an item the lower the quantity supplied. Use this diagram to find the required measures. 1 = 30, 2 = 30, 3 = There is a population of alien dogs, species Dogus Cute-ee-us, that live on the planet Woof. Their genomes and biology are amazingly identical to the genomes and biology of earth dogs. Consider a di-hybrid cross, where the first locus has alleles A and a, and second locus has alleles B and b. Each additional copy of either an A or B allele in the two-locus genotype increases the friendliness of the dog. Friendliness is measured by the Wilcoxon-Canus Amicus Diagnostic Scale (WCADS). There are five categories:0 = Unfriendly/Loner (although not aggressive);1 = Somewhat friendly/shy;2 = Friendly;3 = Very friendly;4 = Maximally friendly.For example, an alien dog with a two-locus genotype of Aabb would have a Somewhat friendly/shy behavior, since there is one copy of A and zero copies of B, adding to a score of 1 for the WCADS. Similarly, an alien dog with a two-locus genotype of AaBB has a Very friendly behavior (one copy of A + two copies of B = three copies total of A or B).In the following mating: AaBb x AaBb, what is the expected ratio of Maximally friendly:Very friendly:Friendly:Somewhat friendly:Unfriendly alien dogs in the offspring, assuming the parents produce a very large litter?a. 0:1:1:1:0b. 1:2:3:2:1c. 1:4:6:4:1d. 9:3:3:1 Which describes the greatest difference between gases and solids? A. Solids feel softer than gases.B. Gases are darker colors than solids. c. Solids have stronger odors than gases.D. Gases usually weigh less than solids. hey! ill give brainliest pls help. What are 3 reasons for immigration after world war 2? President Ronald ReaganA.provided aid to Afghan rebels.B.called the Soviets a colonial empire.C.reduced the U.S. standing military.D.promoted the Brezhnev Doctrine. Write the quadratic in standard form (x-8)^2 and please explain how you got it if u can cuz im trying to learn . How are tundra and deserts similar? Expand (x-2)^2 in polynomial form Write in 1 paragraph what u have learned in civics what is y=1/4x-6 graphed What scale factor can you use to MULTIPLY 10to get to 20? On a scale drawing a building measures 4.5 cm tall is the scale of the drawing is 25 m per2 cm how tall is the actual building What effect would making photographs illegal have on a population? The Breadwinner chapter 3 The time married men with children spend on child care averages 6.4 hours per week (Time, March 12, 2012). You belong to a professional group on family practices that would like to do its own study to determine if the time married men in your area spend on child care per week differs from the reported mean of 6.4 hours per week. A sample of 40 married couples will be used with the data collected showing the hours per week the husband spends on child care. The sample data is contained in the Excel Online file below. Construct a spreadsheet to answer the following questions. Germany, Japan and Italy formed an alliance known as the Central Powers True?False?