The arrows in the image define the equation as( )
A+B <----> C+D


Answer 1
The answer is decomposition hope I helped

Related Questions

In what ecosystem have many organisms adapted to a changing salt content in the water?
A. intertidal area
B. estuary
C. swamp
D. salt marsh



intertidal area



most likely a salt marsh


Inhibitors of the electron transport chain exert their effects through a variety of mechanisms.

____________ blocks electron transport and proton pumping via inhibition of Complex IV.
____________ blocks electron transport and proton pumping via inhibition of Complex I.
____________ blocks electron transport and ATP synthesis by inhibiting the exchange of ATP and ADP across the inner mitochondrial membrane.



Azide and Carbon monoxide block electron transport and proton pumping via inhibition of Complex IV.

Rotenone blocks electron transport and proton pumping via inhibition of Complex I.

Atractyloside blocks electron transport and ATP synthesis by inhibiting the exchange of ATP and ADP across the inner mitochondrial membrane.


The mitochondrial electron transport chain is composed of different complexes integrated into the inner mitochondrial membrane, which function to generate an electrochemical proton (H+ ions) gradient that is then used to drive the synthesis of ATP, the energy coin of the cell. The mitochondrial complex I catalyzes the electron transfer from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) to ubiquinone and then transports H+ ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Moreover, the mitochondrial complex IV, also known as Cytochrome c oxidase, receives electrons via the cytochrome pathway in order to complete the reduction of oxygen (O2) into two molecules of water (H2O). Azide is a selective inhibitor of the complex IV which acts as an uncompetitive inhibitor with regards to O2, while carbon monoxide (CO) binds to the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, thereby suppressing its activity and thus disturbing ATP synthesis. Rotenone is a potent inhibitor of the mitochondrial complex I that inhibits electron transfer from the iron-sulfur centers in the complex I to ubiquinone, thereby blocking ATP synthesis. Finally, atractyloside is a competitive inhibitor that inhibits the transport of ADP across the mitochondrial inner membrane by blocking the ADP/ATP translocator, thereby preventing ADP from entering mitochondria.

Someone please help!

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There is no image there or anything can’t see

As a rule, the amount of energy that is transferred from one trophic level to the next higher level is about
A. 0%
B. 10
C. 50%
D. 90%


B.10% Hope it’s correct

How does the climate change that scientist are observing now compare with climate change in the past?



In this new generation the scientists are observing the climate change with the help of equipment of the science invention. In earlier time the climate change is observed by the some priests and some guessing mind of old peoples. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU. GIVE ME THANKS.

Why do chondrites have metal?



Most chondrites contain the anhydrous silicate minerals olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, as well as the nickel-iron minerals kamacite and taenite and the iron sulfide troilite.


According to the map, which oceans surround Antarctica? From what central point do international claims originate?



The oceans that surround it are, the atlantic ocean, the indian ocean, the pacific ocean


Can some help me out



movement of sister chromatids to opposites poles

PLZZZ!!! I promise to give brainliest to whoever can help me T^T

3. What do fossils teach us?

4. are transition fossils important for proving evolution?

5. What can scientists assume about individuals with similar anatomy?

6. Compare and contrast homologous and analogous structures?

7. What do vestigial structures teach us?

8. What can scientists assume about species with similar embryos?

9. What is biogeography and why is it important for proving the theory of evolution?

10. Describe one area where microevolution can be observed today


Answers :
3. Fossils give us information about how animals and plants lived in the past. Some animals and plant are only known to us as fossils. By studying the fossil record we can tell how long life has existed on Earth, and how different plants and animals are related to each other.

4. Yes. As the theory states that organisms have gradually changed from one from to another form transitional fossils should be found that show evidence of the transitional forms of the organism. In using the fossil record to support the Darwinian theory of evolution finding these transitional fossils is important.

5. Comparative anatomy is the study of the similarities and differences in the structures of different species. Similar body parts may be homologies or analogies. Both provide evidence for evolution.The structures are similar because they evolved to do the same job, not because they were inherited from a common ancestor.

6. Homologous structures share a similar embryonic origin; analogous organs have a similar function. For example, the bones in the front flipper of a whale are homologous to the bones in the human arm. These structures are not analogous. The wings of a butterfly and the wings of a bird are analogous but not homologous.

7. Structures that have lost their use through evolution are called vestigial structures. They provide evidence for evolution because they suggest that an organism changed from using the structure to not using the structure, or using it for a different purpose.

8. Evidence of an evolutionary common ancestor is seen in the similarity of embryos in markedly different species. Darwin used the science of embryology to support his conclusions. Embryos and the development of embryos of various species within a class are similar even if their adult forms look nothing alike.

9. Biogeography, the study of the geographical distribution of organisms, provides information about how and when species may have evolved. Fossils provide evidence of long-term evolutionary changes, documenting the past existence of species that are now extinct.

10. The process by which new species are produced from earlier species (speciation). It also involves processes leading to the extinction of species. ... Examples of macroevolution include: the origin of eukaryotic life forms; the origin of humans; the origin of eukaryotic cells; and extinction of the dinosaurs.

Hope I helped you! Good luck!

All organisms interact with and depend upon each other and their environment to satisfy their basic needs. Commensalism is a
symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits. Select All of the examples of commensalism.
A bird builds a nest in a tree.
A pride of Lions hunting a dazzle of zebras.
Two species of sea snails look for a home inside rock crevices.
The honeyguide bird leading the honey badger to the bees hive, both eat
the honey
A remora attaching itself to a shark obtaining transportation, shelter and
food scraps from the shark.


Answer: A, E

Explanation: I took the USA Test Prep and the person above me who commented said so.

An animal engaging in commensalism is as basic as a bird building a nest in a tree. Without being considerably injured or influenced by the bird, the tree offers the bird shelter and protection. Thus option A, E is correct.

What defines about Commensalism symbiotic relationship?

A symbiotic relationship known as commensalism occurs when one species benefits while the other is unaffected. Usually, one species exploits the other for something outside food. For instance, mites will cling to larger flying insects to “hitch a ride.” Hermit crabs live in the dead snails' shells.

A relationship between members of two species when one species receives food or other benefits from the other without endangering or helping the latter. Commensalism.

Therefore, A bird builds a nest in a tree and A remora attaching itself to a shark obtaining transportation, shelter, and food scraps from the shark.

Learn more about Commensalism here:


imagine a species of butterfly that comes in in a variety of colors


What is the question here? There’s multiple answers

How does the population of red-tailed hawks affect the population of prairie dogs living in the meadow? How does the population of prairie dogs affect nonliving parts of the meadow, such as soil? Help, please.




Red tailed hawks will often prey on prairie dogs. The hawks will eat the prairies dogs so they will lessen the population. Prairies dogs create more fertile soil, so this allows plants to germinate, or grow. This results in more food for prairie dogs and thus more food for hawks.

Why does jack’s mom say”a little birdie told me”?

A) she want to keep the informer’s name a secret.
B) she has a gift for communicating with animals.
C) she is hiding that she just guessed jack’s secret.
D) She has a spy planted at jack’a school to report to her.





"a little birdie told me" is a explanation of " i herd" or "i know"

Which option distinguishes the type of greenhouse that would be best in the following scenario?

A wealthy homeowner in Siberia, where the growing season is short, wants fresh tomatoes all year round.

Quonset hut greenhouse

hydroponic greenhouse

plastic sheeting greenhouse

polycarbonate greenhouse



hydroponic greenhouse.


Hydroponic greenhouse is a type of greenhouse that would be best in Siberia  where the growing season is short and we wants fresh tomatoes all year round. Tomato plants are able to grow takes less time in hydroponic greenhouse because plants grow 30% to 50% faster in hydroponics than when grown in soil. Under the right conditions, the productivity of tomato is higher three and 10 times as compared to traditional methods of tomato cultivation.

Most of the constellation were discovered by_____

please help me ​



Ptolemy: 48 constellations described in his great work, The Almagest, in the 2nd century AD.


The 88 Constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

Which two types of biotechnology share a common goal of producing future generations of a population that share a particular desired trait?

A.DNA Fingerprinting and gene cloning

B.bioremediation and reproductive cloning

C.Selective breeding and genetic engineering

D.gene therapy and yeast fermentation


Answer: B. Selective breeding and genetic engineering.


The goal of selective breeding is to produce organisms that have a disered trait through only breeding said specis with that traits. (for example, farming breeds animals that are better for food.)

The goal of genetic engineering is to take a trait from one organism and apply it to another. (For example, putting artic fish gentics into a tommat so that it won't freeze.)  

In conclusion, both of these processes serve the common goal of creating more disered organisms artifically.

Where would you collect
data during an



Recall that data can be collected in two main ways: (1) through sample surveys or (2) through designed experiments. While sample surveys lead to observational studies, designed experiments enable researchers to control variables, leading to additional conclusions.

Let us check your knowledge with the previous lesson hazard and risk.
Direction: Read the statement properly and write the correct type of hazard in
the space provided.
1. Burn out, fatigue and verbal abuse from dissatisfied clients are result from being
exposed to ______________ hazard.
2. Caregivers who are sensitive to solutions may cause skin irritation, illness or breathing
problems because of ________________ hazard.
3. _____________________is the common occurrence in the workplace. It may result to
bone dislocation, bruises or fracture.
4. Exposure to blood or bodily fluids when changing diapers, performing first aid is
5. _____________________ occur when a caregiver’s body position and working
conditions put pressure on his/her body



1. Phychological

2. Dermatis

3. Dislocations

4. Biohazard or Biological Hazard

5.  Ergonomic hazard


1. Burn out, fatigue and verbal abuse from dissatisfied clients are result from being exposed to psychosocial hazard.

2. Caregivers who are sensitive to solutions may cause skin irritation, illness or breathing problems because of chemical hazard.

3. Physical hazard is the common occurrence in the workplace. It may result to bone dislocation, bruises or fracture.

4. Exposure to blood or bodily fluids when changing diapers, performing first aid is biological hazard.

5. Ergonomic hazard occur when a caregiver’s body position and working conditions put pressure on his/her body.

What do you mean by hazard?"A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone."The hazards can be categorized into 5 parts: biological, physical, chemical, psychosocial and ergonomic hazard.Biological hazards- caused due to microorganisms, body fluids, poor sanitation, etc.Physical hazard-cause due to working environment, using tools and machines, etc.Chemical hazard- caused due to chemicals.Psychosocial hazard-cause due to poor social context.Ergonomic hazard-cause due to poor working posture, stress, etc.

Hence, the answers are: 1.psychosocial, 2.chemical, 3.physical, 4.biological and 5.ergonomic hazard.

To know more about hazards here


Why do daughter cells have DNA that is identical to the parent cell? Explain your answer.


Mitosis is used to produce daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cells. The cell copies its chromosomes, and then splits the copied chromosomes equally to make sure that each daughter cell has a full set.

Which term describes the position of a gene
on a chromosome?
A centromere
B genotype
C locus
D phenotype


I think it’s B .


chemicals such as carbon and
nitrogen cycle through ecosystems. So energy _____________ through an ecosystem and
matter ________________.



flows, cycles


Which statement best describes how the visible energy from the sun is different from the non visible energy.
answer choices:
A. it travels at a different speed.
B. it travels at a different distance. has different wavelengths.
D. it has different amplitudes.

Plz help ty ;D


Answer: travels at a different speed

bisible energy from the sun is different from the non visible energy.

Please respond with true or false on all statements

Natural resource use is generally lower in developing
countries because people cannot afford many products.

The nations that consume the most oil are the nations that produce the most oil.

Pollution from discarded material degrades the land, air, and

Consumerism leads to greater resource use, but it also leads
to more waste.

All of our electronic wastes are recycled within our country.



Picture A
Picture B
Name the process occurring in Picture A.



Explanation they r the same



the process in picture A is called meiosis , a special type of cell division which is used by gametes

Explain how temperature and amount of precipitation can affect the type of plants and animals found in the desert biome?



A influência da vegetação sobre o clima acontece de diferentes formas, influenciando tanto no albedo quanto na umidade e nas variações de temperatura. Isso significa dizer que alterar a cobertura vegetal de um dado local é também propiciar alterações climáticas no local da intervenção e também em outras partes do planeta. A consequência de uma maior umidade do ar é a menor amplitude térmica (a diferença entre a maior e a menor temperatura), ou seja, a ocorrência de médias de temperaturas mais constantes. Isso ocorre em razão do calor específico da água, responsável por conservar o calor por mais tempo.


Answer: In the desert biome the temperature's are extreme. They could get to over 100 degrees. Plants and animals adapted to their environment over man centuries. The amount of precipitation a plant or animal get can effect how they grow. Plants need lots of water so the can grow and flourish and animals need it so they can live. If the don't get enough then they could die. Th plants there need to endure long-spread drought. So they need deep roots so they can soak up lots of water. animals like the coyote go out in the night. when it's cooler. they hunt lizards.    In the desert biome the temperature's are extreme, they could get to over 100 degrees. Plants and animals adapted to their  environment over many centuries. The amount of precipitation a plant or animal get can effect how they grow, plants need lots of  water so the can grow and flourish. Animals need it so they can live, if the don't get enough water they could easily die. The  plants there need to last long-spread drought, they are able to do this because of  deep roots that can soak up lots of water.  Animals like cayotes go out at night time and hunt for things like reptiles.


why is it important to determine the manner/mechanism of death


no i decide when someone death is coming. and i’m always right like i can say your death is tomorrow and u will pass away tmr !!

How does Botox reduce the appearance of wrinkles?


From what I know it fills the skin in more causing it to stretch taking the wrinkles away.

The F2 generations of dihybrid crosses of Labrador retrievers are expected to produce the recessive epistatic ratio of 9 black: 3 chocolate: 4 yellow dogs. A random sample of 80 dogs was taken from F2 crosses. What is the expected number of yellow labs in the sample and what number of degrees of freedom is needed for a chi-square test of recessive epistasis



The answer is "2 and 15"


sample of the chocolate labs expected number =chocolate labs fraction [tex]\times[/tex] sample size

[tex]= (\frac{3}{16}) \times 80\\\\ = 15\\\\[/tex]  

The dof for recessive epistasis is = n-1, where

n =phenotypes

dof [tex]= 3-1 = 2[/tex]

Which of the following is not a kingdom of


Hey, just a heads up there’s no picture ^*

Question is not complete....

The wetland plant purple loosestrife was imported to North America from Europe. Since its introduction, the loosestrife has spread, which has resulted in a dramatic decline in the biological diversity of native wetland plants. A likely reason for the spread of the purple loosestrife is that it can:_______.



Reproduce prolifically.  


Purple loosestrife, also known as Lythrum salicaria, is a tall Eurasian plant that spreads quickly. It can attack home gardens and grows mainly in wetlands and ditches. Purple loosestrife can rightly produce over 2 million seeds per plant, which can easily spread by wind and water and also remain viable in soil for several years. The insects and diseases that helps reduce the population of these plants are not found in North America

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