The angular momentum of the propellers of a small airplane points directly forward from the plane.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1

The statement "The angular momentum of the propellers of a small airplane point directly forward from the plane" is false.

Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion and is defined as the product of the object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. In the case of an airplane, the propellers spin about an axis that is perpendicular to the plane's direction of motion, so the angular momentum of the propellers points in the direction of this axis.

This direction is not necessarily directly forward from the plane and can vary depending on the orientation of the propellers and the plane's motion. Therefore, it is not true that the angular momentum of the propellers of a small airplane points directly forward from the plane.

Learn more about angular momentum here:


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you wish to reflect sunlight from a mirror onto some paper under a pile of wood in order to start a fire. which would be the best choice for the type of mirror?


A concave mirror concentrates light from a wide area of the mirror onto a tiny region of the paper, resulting in an extremely high power input to the paper.

A mirror with an inward curvature in the middle is referred to as concave. You might find it useful to keep this in mind if you believe that staring into a concave mirror makes you feel as though you are peering into a cave. The mirror equation is the formula that we apply to concave mirrors. This formula is used to calculate how close an object is to the mirror (image distance) and how big or small it is (object size.)

For concave mirrors, the law of reflection still holds true, but because of the curved surface, the incidence angle—also referred to as the angle at which the light strikes the surface—varies depending on where part of the mirror the light hits.

To learn more about Mirror Please click on the given link:


A motorcycle is travelling at a constant velocity of 30ms. the motor is in high gear and emits a hum of 700hz. the speed of sound in air is 340ms , and there is no wind.a. What is the period of the sound waves emitted from the motorcycle?b. What is the distance travelled by the motorcycle during one period of the sound oscillation?c. What is the distance travelled by a sound wave in air during one period of oscillation?


Based on the accurate information provided in the context of Constant Velocity and sound speed, we can calculate certain answers.

a. The frequency of the sound wave emitted by the motorcycle is 700 Hz, so the period is

$T=\frac{1}{700}=0.0014 s.

b. The motorcycle is travelling at a constant velocity of 30 m/s and the period of the sound wave is 0.0014 s, so the distance travelled by the motorcycle during one period of the sound oscillation is

$d=v\cdot t=30\text{ m/s}\cdot 0.0014\text{ s}=0.042 m.

c. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s and the period of the sound wave is 0.0014 s, so the distance travelled by the sound wave in the air during one period of oscillation is

Learn more about Oscillations here:


how much pressure (absolute) in kpa must a submarine withstand at a depth of 120.0 m in the ocean (1029 kg/m3)?


At a distance of 120.0 meters beneath the water surface, a submarine must resist pressure of 1200kPa.


1 g/cm3 equals 1000 kg/m3 for p water.

P atmosphere equals 101.3 kPa

Total P =?

water = density *g*h




P total = 1200 kPa plus 101.3 kPa equals 1301.3 kPa

The pressure on the hull increases by one atmospheric (1 bar, 14.7 psi, 101 kPa) for every 10 meters (33 feet) in depth, therefore at 300 meters (1,000 feet), the hull is able to resist 30 environments (30 bar, 441 psi, 3,000 kPa) with water pressure.

Therefore, gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure add to the overall pressure, also known as absolute pressure:

Pabs=Pg+Patm Pabs is indeed the unconditional pressure, Pg is the gauge pressure, and Patm is the air pressure. P abs = P g + P atm

To know more about  pressure click here


Determine ΔHvap for a compound that has a measured vapor pressure of 24.3 torr at 273 K and 135 torr at 325 K


The enthalpy of vaporization of the system is obtained as 23.6 kJ/mol.

What is  the enthalpy of vaporization?

We know that we can be able to obtain the enthalpy of vaporization from the vapor pressure of the system at two different temperatures that have been given in the question.

Given that;

ln(P2/P1) = -ΔHvap/R(1/T2 - 1/T1)

P2 = final pressure

P1 = initial pressure

ΔHvap = enthalpy of vaporization

T2 = final temperature

T1 = initial temperature


ln(135/24.3) = -ΔHvap/8.314 (1/325 - 1/273)

1.7 =  -ΔHvap/8.314 (0.0031 - 0.0037)

1.7 =  -ΔHvap/8.314 (-0.0006)

1.7 = 0.0006ΔHvap/8.314

ΔHvap = 1.7 * 8.314/0.0006

= 23.6 kJ/mol

Learn more about enthalpy of vaporization:


When the electrostatic force overcomes the
of the nucleus, it is called radioactive decay.
Answer here
force in at least part
(Apex answer)



strong force


check answer

water is moving at a speed of 1.95 m/s through a hose with an internal diameter of 1.6 cm. show answer no attempt 50% part (a) what is the flow rate in units of liters per second?


The flow rate of water moving at a speed of 1.95 m/s through a hose with an internal diameter of 1.6 cm is 0.39 L / s

Q = A v

Q = Flow rate

A = Area

v = Velocity

Since the outlet of water is through a hose,

A = π r²

A = π d² / 4

d = 1.6 cm = 0.016 m

A = ( 3.14 * 0.016² ) / 4

A = 0.0002 m²

The velocity of water is 1.95 m / s

Q = 1.95 * 0.0002

Q = 0.00039 m³ / s

Q = 0.00039 * 1000 L / s

Q = 0.39 L / s

To know more about volume flow rate


Write a hypothesis about how the mass of the cylinder affects the temperature of the water. Use the “if”… then .. because… “format and be sure to answer the lesso: “How is potential energy converted to thermal energy in a system?”


If the mass of the cylinder decreases, the temperature of the water decreases, because  lesser the  mass means the cylinder has less potential energy that can be converted to thermal energy, decreasing the temperature of the water.

What is potential energy?

Potential energy is a form of stored energy that is dependent on the relationship between different system components. When a spring is compressed or stretched, its potential energy increases. If a steel ball is raised above the ground as opposed to falling to the ground, it has more potential energy.

The temperature of the water falls as the cylinder's mass drops because a smaller cylinder has less potential energy that can be converted to thermal energy, which lowers the temperature of the water.

Learn more about potential energy here:


What is the only force acting on a freely falling object?


The force acting on freely falling object is force of gravity and air friction.

Assuming you mean the ground, in a more realistic model there are two forces acting on the object.At rest without acceleration, two forces also act on the body. It has a force produced by its mass being pulled toward the center of the earth, namely its weight, and a force acting in the opposite direction to its weight called the reaction force. This prevents objects on the ground from falling off the surface and acts perpendicular to the plane.There are two possibilities when items drop. Both his weight still exists. In the simpler model this doesn't seem to change, but if you want to be more precise the weight decreases with the square of the distance. The magnitude of the other force depends on the object's velocity. This is air resistance. Initially, the object's acceleration is greater than 0 because drag is less than its weight. As an object accelerates toward the center of the earth, its velocity increases and the force exerted by air resistance on the object's weight increases. Eventually the drag will equal the weight of the object and the acceleration will be zero. This is terminal speed. Maintain this speed until you reach the surface. This condition is very similar to the behavior of an object resting on the ground. An object's resistance and weight are equal and cancel each other out, so there is no net force.

To learn about terminal speed-


if the angular momentum of a system is constant, which of the following statements must be true? a) no torque acts on any part of the system. b) a constant torque acts on each part of the system. c) zero net torque acts on each part of the system. d) a constant external torque acts on the system. e) zero net external torque acts on the system


The Correct option is C. Zero net torque acts on each part of the system.

In Newtonian mechanics, momentum (extra especially linear momentum or translational momentum) is fabricated from the mass and velocity of an object. it's far a vector quantity, possessing a value and a course. If m is an item's mass and v is its pace (additionally a vector amount), then the object's momentum p is :P = mv.

In view that momentum has a route, it is able to be used to are expecting the resulting path and pace of movement of objects after they collide. underneath, the fundamental houses of momentum are defined in a single size. The vector equations are almost the same as the scalar equations. Momentum, a manufactured from the mass of a particle and its velocity. Momentum is a vector amount; i.e., it has both value and course. Isaac Newton's second law of motion states that the time rate of exchange of momentum is identical to the pressure acting on the particle. See Newton's laws of motion.

To learn more about Momentum visit here:


a solenoid that is 95.0 cm long has a radius of 2.00 cm and a winding of 1200 turns; it carries a current of 3.60 a. calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid.


The magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid is 0.00571Tesla.

The radius of the solenoid = 95.00cm

The number of turns = 1200

the current flow = 3.60

The formula of the magnetic field inside the solenoid is


                                    B = μ0.i.n=μ0i(N/L)  

                                     B = 4π × 10^(-7).(3.6).(1200/95)

                                     B = 0.00571 Tesla

Hence, The magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid is 0.00571Tesla.

To know more about solenoid, click the below link


calculate the rotational energy of a segment given mass of the segment 4.59 kg, moment of inertia 0.057 kg*m^2, and angular velocity 1.90 rad/s.


Rotational energy of a segment is 0.102 JT.

What is rotational kinetic energy?

Similar to linear kinetic energy, the moment of inertia and angular velocity can be used to express the kinetic energy of a rotating object. The translational kinetic energy of the center of mass and the rotational kinetic energy about the center of mass add up to the total kinetic energy of an extended object.

Using rotational kinetic energy

We know,

KE = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]Iω²


I = Moment of Inertia

ω = Angular Velocity

Putting values in the equation,

KE = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex](0.057)(1.90)²

KE = 0.102 JT

To know more about Rotational kinetic energy, check out


Physics students use a spring scale to measure the weight of a piece of lead. The experiment was performed two times one in air the other in water. If the volume of lead is 50 cm3, what is the difference between two readings on the scale?.


The difference between the measure of weight of a piece of lead in air and water is due to the buoyancy force of water. Difference between the two readings on the scale is 50.

Volume of lead is ratio of the weight it to the density of the lead. Thus,

= V = W/ρ

The value of the density for the lead material is 11.3 g/cm cubed.

The volume of the lead = 50 cm³

The experiment was performed two times, once in the air and once in water. As the density of the lead is 11.3 gram per cm cubed, the weight of the lead is =

= W = V X ρ

= W = 11.3 X 50

= W = 565 g

Hence, the total weight of the piece of lead is 565 grams.

If the air force is negligible then the weight of the piece of lead is 565 grams when the experiment is done in the air with spring scale.

The density of the water is 1 gram per cubic centimetre of water and the buoyancy force applied by the water on the piece of lead with 50 cm³ volume is 50 g.

Thus, the weight of the piece of lead when the experiment is done in the water with spring scale is=

= W' = 565-50

= W' = 515 g

Thus, the weight of the piece of lead when the experiment is done in the water with spring scale is, 515 grams.

Difference between the two readings on the scale =

= 565 -515

= 50g

Hence, the difference between the two readings on the scale is 50g.

To know more about the Volume of Lead:


Q3. A space probe is traveling in outer space with a momentum that has a magnitude
of . A retrorocket is fired to slow down the probe. It applies a force to
the probe that has a magnitude of and a direction opposite to the probe’s
motion. It fires for a period of 12 s. Determine the momentum of the probe after the
retrorocket ceases to fire


The momentum of the probe after the retrorocket ceases to fire is 9.9 * 10^7 Kg m/s

What is the momentum?

We know that the momentum of an object has to do with the product of the mass and the velocity of an object. The momentum of an object is a vector quantity and the direction of the momentum is the direction of the velocity of the object that is in motion.

According to the Newton second law of motion, we know that the rate of change of the momentum is equal to the impressed force that is acting on the body.

We know that;

[tex]F_{t}[/tex] = [tex]p_{f}[/tex] -[tex]p_{i}[/tex]

F = force

t = time taken

[tex]p_{f}[/tex]= final velocity

[tex]p_{i}[/tex] = initial velocity

[tex]p_{f}[/tex] = [tex]F_{t}[/tex]  + -[tex]p_{i}[/tex]

[tex]p_{f}[/tex] = (2.0 * 10^6 * 12 s) + 7.5 * 10^7

[tex]p_{f}[/tex]  = 2.4 * 10^7 + 7.5 * 10^7

[tex]p_{f}[/tex]  = 9.9 * 10^7 Kg m/s

Hence, the momentum of the retrorocket is 9.9 * 10^7 Kg m/s.

Learn more about momentum:


Missing parts;

A  space probe is traveling in outer space with a momentum that has a magnitude of  7.5 * 10^7 kgm/s. A retrorocket is fired to slow down the probe. It applies a force to the probe that has a magnitude of 2.0  * 10^6 N and a direction opposite to the probe's motion. It fires for a period of 12 s. Determine the momentum of the probe after the retrorocket ceases fire.

an automobile crankshaft transfers energy from the engine to the axel at the rate of 41.8 kw when rotating at a speed of 1250 rev/min. what torque does the crankshaft deliver?


Torque delivered was = 319.4 Nm

The power of an automobile crankshaft transfers energy from engine to axel is = 41.8 kw

angular speed = 1250 rev/min

power consumed is,

P = τω

here τ = torque

τ = P/ω

τ = 41.8 X 10³/ 1250 X 2π/ 60

τ = 319.4 Nm

Therefore, the torque delivered was = 319.4Nm

To know more about torque,


b. cavity detection: a metal ornament (gold) has a mass of 155-g in air and 142-g in water. does it have a cavity inside? if so what is the volume of the cavity? [density of gold


The volume of the cavity is 5cm³

Calculation :

Volume = [tex]\frac{Mass}{Density}[/tex]

              = [tex]\frac{155}{19.3}[/tex]

             =  8.03 cm³

Volume of Cavity = 13cm³ - 8.03cm³

Cavity quantum optics, for example, deals with the interaction of photons and molecules in an optical cavity confined between two closely spaced mirrors. A perfect optical cavity can only support light of a certain frequency and amplify the strength of the associated electromagnetic field

In a co-fired ceramic semiconductor package, the area intended for die attachment. The nominal area is defined by the bond finger limits.

Learn more about cavity here :


To find the volume of the cavity, the major parameter missing is the diameter of the cavity itself. we can obtain this using the following steps:

Weight of the cavity  = Weight of sculpture in air  - Weight of sculpture in water

Weight of cavity  = 11.29N  -  9.190N = 2.1N

Weight  = mass x acceleration due to gravity

       Mass  1 = 1.55kg

       Mass 2 = 1.42 kg


Volume of substance can be determined from the density.

Density  =   mass/volume

  Volume  =   mass/density

Now insert the parameters and solve;

 Volume  =    = 1.1 x 10⁻⁵m³

Therefore, the volume of the cavity inside is 1.1 x 10⁻⁵m³.

To know more about volume, refer:


a hoop of mass 1.2 kg and radius 65 cm has a string wrapped around its circumference and lies flat on a horizontal frictionless table. the string is pulled with a constant force 7 n. how far does the center of the hoop travel in 4 s?


The middle of the hoop travels 46.4m in that time. A hoop with a radius of 65 cm and a mass of 1.2 kg is flatly resting on a frictionless table with a string wrapped around its circumference.

The body moves on the frictionless surface with constant velocity as represented by the term "frictionless surface acceleration." There is no net force that can stop an object from moving when the surface is frictionless. As a result, the body maintains its current speed. We translate "frictionless" as "moving without stopping" for this reason. A physical body's mass is its total amount of matter.

F = ma

F=1.2*a 7=1.2*a a =7/1.2 a = 5.8 m/s

2 s = ut+1/2at^

2\ss = 1/2(5.8)(16) (16)

s = 46.4m

Learn more about frictionless here


Mr. Swanson's science class used a thermometer to measure the outside temperature each day throughout the school year. They used their results to make the graph below. Which month had an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees? A. May B. March C. April D. December


The month which has an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees is May. Hence, option A is the correct.

What is a Thermometer?

A thermometer is a device used to gauge a system's temperature. In a broad variety of activities, including as industry, science and research, and medical treatment, temperature measuring is crucial.

Galileo Galilei, an Italian mathematician, and physicist, is largely credited with developing the thermometer. In his device, constructed in 1592, a glass vessel's inversion caused the air inside to expand or contract, which in turn altered the amount of liquid that was half-filled into the vessel's long, accessible neck.

To know more about Thermometer:


Julia puts two magnetic toy trains very close to each other on a track. What will happen next, and why?
A. The trains will move closer to each other, because the magnetic force will pull the trains together
B. The trains move away from each other, because the magnetic force will push the trains apart.
C. The trains will move away from each other, because the magnets
are not touching.
D. The transfer not move because the magnets are not touching.



i think the option C is correct

how do you determine the number of degrees of freedom of a lumped-mass system?how do you determine the number of degrees of freedom of a lumped-mass system?


The number of degrees of freedom (DOF) of a lumped-mass system is determined by counting the number of independent coordinates that must be specified to describe the motion of the system.

The number of DOF is equal to the number of independent coordinates needed to describe the system. For example, a single point mass has two DOF because two coordinates (x and y) are needed to describe its motion. A point mass connected to a spring has three DOF because three coordinates (x, y, and z) are needed to describe its motion.

The number of degrees of freedom of a lumped-mass system can be determined by counting the number of independent coordinates that represent the system.

Step 1: Identify the number of bodies:

The first step in determining the number of degrees of freedom of a lumped-mass system is to identify the number of bodies in the system. For example, a system with two bodies would have two degrees of freedom.

Step 2: Identify the number of coordinates:

The second step is to identify the number of coordinates that are necessary to describe the motion of each body in the system. Typically, a body requires six coordinates to describe its motion: three coordinates to describe its position and three coordinates to describe its orientation.

Step 3: Calculate the number of degrees of freedom:

The number of degrees of freedom of the system is then calculated by multiplying the number of bodies by the number of coordinates required to describe the motion of each body. For example, a system with two bodies would have twelve degrees of freedom.

To know more about Motion click here


An intergalactic spaceship arrives at a distant planet that rotates on its axis with a period of T. The spaceship enters a geosynchronous orbit at a distance of R.

a) From the given information, write a general expression for the mass of the planet in terms of G and the variables from the problem statement.
b) Calculate the mass of the planet in kilograms if T = 26 hours and R = 2.1 × 108 m.


(a) General expression is R = ∛T²GM/4π²

(b) The mass of the planet in geosynchronous orbital period is  4.9 * 10²⁵ kg.

What is the orbital period?

We know that the solar system is composed of the sun and the planets. The planets are known to move around the sun in concentric circles. Following the heliocentric model of the solar system, the sun is at the center of the solar system at all times and all the other planets tend to move round the sun at a good distance that is appropriate for each.

Now we have that;

T = √4π²r³/GM

T = period of the orbit

r = radius of the orbit

G = gravitational constant

M = mass of the planet

Hence, we have;

R = ∛T²GM/4π²

8.98 * 10⁷ m =∛ (26 * 60 * 60)² * 6.67 * 10⁻¹¹ * M/ 4 * (3.142)²

8.98 * 10⁷ m * 39.49 / ∛2.86 * 10¹⁸ = M

M = 4.9 * 10²⁵

Therefore, the mass of the planet in geosynchronous orbital period is  4.9 * 10²⁵ kg.

Learn more about orbital period:


which consumes more energy, a 1 kw hair dryer used for 10 min or a 10 w night light left on for 18 hr?


10 w night light left on for 18 hr is consumes more energy.

How do you calculate energy consumption per hour?You must multiply an appliance's wattage by the number of hours it is utilized to determine how much power it consumes (operational hours). For instance, running a 1000 watt electric iron for an hour will use up 1 kilowatt hour (kWh) of power (1000 watt x 1 hour).Power is the rate at which energy is produced or used. "Power and energy are not the same thing," repeat after me ten times. Energy as a unit of time is called power. The watt, which is characterized as a current of one amp driven by a voltage of one volt, is the common unit of electrical power.

a 1 kw hair dryer used for 10 min.

energy consumes = 1kw * 10* 60 = 600kJ.

a 10 w night light left on for 18 hr

18Hr = 18 * 60 * 60 = 64800 sec

Energy consumes = 10 * 64800 =648000 J. = 648 kJ.

Since, 10 w night light left on for 18 hr consumes more energy.

To learn more about  Power refer,


a solenoid that is 85.0 cm long has a cross-sectional area of 17.0 cm2. there are 950 turns of wire carrying a current of 6.60 a. (a) calculate the energy density of the magnetic field inside the solenoid. (b) find the total energy stored in the magnetic field there (neglect end effects).


The magnetic field inside the solenoid has an energy density of 34.2 J/m3. A solenoid with a cross-sectional area of 17.0 cm2 and a length of 85.0 cm. A current of 6.60 is carried by 950 rounds of wire.

An electric charge, an electric current, and magnetic materials are all affected magnetically by a magnetic field, which is a vector field. A force perpendicular to the magnetic field and its own velocity acts on a moving charge in a magnetic field. A solenoid is a particular kind of electromagnet that produces a regulated magnetic field and is made of a helical coil of wire whose length is significantly higher than its diameter. When an electric current is sent through the coil, a consistent magnetic field can be created in a specific area of space.

u = B2Mo, u = (0.0092696)2/2*4*3.1416e-7, and u = 34.2J/m3.

Learn more about magnetic field here


Niagara falls is 51 meters high. If you dropped a ball off the ledge, how much time would it take it to hit the water?.


The time taken by the ball to hit the water is 3.22sec if it is dropped from a height of 51 meter .

We have height from which ball is dropped, now we need to find the time. So, we can use newton second equation of motion which states that displacement is equal to summation of the product of initial velocity with time taken plus the half product of acceleration with square of time taken.


where S is the displacement of the body,

u is defined as the initial velocity of the body,

a is the acceleration due to gravity,

and t is the total time

We have S=51m,u=0m/sec, a=9.8m/sec²,t=?

So, putting the values, we get

=>51=(0×t) + (1/2)×(9.8)×(t)²

=>51=0 + 4.9×(t)²





Hence, required time taken by ball is 3.22sec.

To know more about time, visit here:


what is the density (in kg/m3) of a woman who floats in fresh water with 4.00 % of her volume above the surface?


The density of the woman is approximately 993 kg/m3.

Step 1: Calculate the volume of the woman above the surface. Assuming the woman has a height of 1.7 meters, and the average body density of a woman is 890 kg/m3, the volume above the surface is 0.04 x 1.7 m3 = 0.068 m3.

Step 2: Calculate the total mass of the woman. Multiply the volume (0.068 m3) by the density (890 kg/m3) for a total mass of 60.12 kg.

Step 3: Calculate the woman's density in the water. Divide the total mass (60.12 kg) by the volume (1.7 m3) to get a density of 35.33 kg/m3.

Therefore, the density of a woman who floats in fresh water with 4.00% of her volume above the surface is 35.33 kg/m3.

The density of an object is the mass of the object divided by its volume. The density of a substance is a measure of how much matter is packed into a given volume of that substance. The higher the density, the more matter is packed into the same amount of space. For example, a rock has a higher density than a pillow because the rock is made up of more matter than the pillow.

to know more about mass of the object click here:


A 40.0-kilogram child exerts a 100.-newton force on a 50.0-kilogram object. the magnitude of the force that the object exerts on the child is: ________a. 0.0 Nb. 80.0 Nc. 100. Nd. 125 N


The magnitude of the force that the object exerts on the child is 100 N.

What is Newton's 3nd law of motion ?There is an equal and opposite reaction to every action, according to Newton's Third Law of Motion. Reaction and action always affect distinct items, it must be kept in mind.Understanding which forces are external to a system is possible with the aid of Newton's third law. Recall that while creating a problem, identifying external forces is crucial since they must be combined together to determine the net force. Looking at how people move around can help us understand how Newton's third law operates.

F[tex]_a[/tex] = F[tex]_r[/tex]


Fa is the applied force

F[tex]_r[/tex] is the reaction experienced by the object

The reaction of the item, or the upward force imposed on the child by the object, is 100 N in the opposite direction if the child applies 100 N of force to the object.

To learn more about  Newton's Third Law of Motion refer,


The stored energy an object has due to its position is____energy.


The energy stored in the object due to its position is potential energy.

Potential energy can be defined as the energy that the body posses due to the virtue of its position.

For example,

If any object of mass M is taken to a height h above the surface of Earth then the potential energy stored in the object will be given by the formula,

U = Mgh

Where g is the gravitational acceleration.

Here, we can see that if the mass of the body is constant then the potential energy of the object is depending on the vertical position of the object from the surface of Earth.

So, we can conclude here that the energy stored in the body due to its position is potential energy.

To know more about potential energy, visit,


The average kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas doubles if the _______ doubles.


The average kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas doubles if the temperature doubles.

Kinetic theory of gases says that the molecules of gas are in random motion and are continuously colliding with each other and with the walls of the container. All the collisions involved are elastic in nature due to which the total kinetic energy and the total momentum both are conserved. No energy is lost or gained from collisions.In an ideal gas, there are no attractive forces between the gas molecules, and there is no rotation or vibration within the molecules.The kinetic energy of the translational motion of an ideal gas depends on its temperature. The formula for the kinetic energy of a gas defines the average kinetic energy per molecule. The kinetic energy is measured in Joules (J), and the temperature is measured in Kelvin (K). i.e. KE [tex]\alpha[/tex] TSo if temperature doubles , kinetic energy also doubles.

To know more about kinetic energy visit;


the change in the internal energy of a system that absorbs 2,500 j of heat and that does 7,655 j of work on the surroundings is ________ j.


When a system absorbs 2,500 J of heat and exerts 7,655 J of work on its surroundings, its internal energy changes by - 5,155 J.

The fundamental concepts of internal energy, heat, and system work are used in the derivation of the first law of thermodynamics. According to this thermodynamic law,  the change in internal energy of the system is equal to the heat contributed to a system minus the work done by the system.

The formula for this is given as ΔU = Q - W where ΔU is the change in internal energy, W is work done by the system, and Q is the heat added to the system.

Given the heat absorbed is 2,500 J and the work done is 7,655 J. Then, the change in the internal energy is,

ΔU = 2,500 J - 7,655 J = -5,155 J.

The answer is -5,155 J.

To know more about internal energy:


a meter stick balances horizontally on a knife-edge at the 50.0 cm mark. with two 3.78 g coins stacked over the 33.4 cm mark, the stick is found to balance at the 48.8 cm mark. what is the mass of the meter stick?


The meter stick weighs 204.11cm. A meter stick is a measurement tool that measures one meter (hundred centimeters) and is used to measure things in meters and centimeters.

What is the mass trying to say?

In physics, mass is a way to measure inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. It essentially refers to a body of matter's resistance to changing its speed or position in response to the application of a force. The change produced by an applied force is smaller the more mass a body has.

Calculation:The computation of the mass of the meter stick is shown below:

Let us assume the following items

x1 = 50 cm;

m2 = m3 =  3.78 g;

x2 = x3 = 33.4 cm;

xcm = 48.8 cm

Now, using the aforementioned presumption, we must use the center mass equation, which is provided below:

Xcm = m₁x₁ + m₂x₂ + m₃x₃ / m₁ + m₂ + m₃

48.8cm = m₁ ₓ50 + 3.78 ₓ 33.4 + 3.78 ₓ 33.4 / m₁ + 3.78 + 3.78

48.8m₁ + 7.56 = 50m₁ + 126.25 + 126.25

48.8m₁ - 50m₁ = 244.94

₋1.2m₁ = 244.94

m₁ = ₋244.94/₍1.2

m₁ = 204.11cm.

To know more about Mass visit:-


What is the change in the internal energy of the system if 2000 J of heat leaves the system and 2500 J of work is done on the system?


The change in the internal energy of the system will be 500J.

Internal energy is a state function. It depends only on the state of the system and not on the method used to achieve that state.

Let's change the internal energy of the system by doing adiabatic process. There are two ways to do this.

(1) By the mechanical work of turning a series of small paddles.

(2) By electrical work using a dipstick.

It is determined that the temperature rises from T1 to T2 by the same amount. Thus, the same work done, regardless of how it is done, produces the same change in state, measured as a change in temperature.



u=2000-2500=500 J

To understand more about adiabatic process -




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