the amusement park built a new roller coaster.When the train exits the gate, it climbs 170 feet up the first hill before dropping 164 feet down. write an solve an equation to represent the change in elevation


Answer 1

The change in elevation will be 12 feet.

How to illustrate the equation?

An equation is the statement that illustrates the variables given. In this case, two or more components are taken into consideration to describe the scenario. It is vital to note that an equation is a mathematical statement which is made up of two expressions that are connected by an equal sign.

When the train exits the gate, it climbs 170 feet up the first hill before dropping 164 feet down,the change in elevation will be:

= 176 - 164

= 12

Learn more about equations on:


Related Questions

Four students, Daniel, Avani, Sydney, and Samantha, line up one behind the other. How many different ways can they stand in line?




Step-by-step explanation:

there are four of them and four spaces, so you would do 4x4. 4x4= 16

A pentagon has 3 sides of length (2x-1) and 2 sides of length (x+5). If the perimeter is 127 what is the length of one of the longest sides.


The required length of one of the longest sides is 29 in the given pentagon.

The pentagon has 3 sides of length (2x - 1) and 2 sides of length (x + 5) and the perimeter of the pentagon is 127.

We know that the perimeter of the pentagon is the total length of all its sides, so we can set up the following equation:

3(2x - 1) + 2(x + 5) = 127

Apply the distributive property of multiplication,

6x - 3 + 2x + 10 = 127

Combine the likewise terms of the equation,

8x + 7 = 127

Finally, we can solve the equation by subtracting 7 from both sides and dividing both sides by 8:

8x = 120

x = 15

Therefore, the length of one of the longest sides is (2 × 15 - 1) = 29.

Learn more about the Perimeters here:


your driveway which is 30 ft wide by 50 ft long needs to be repaved by pouring 3 inch thick layer of concrete. how much it would cost to buy the concrete if one cubic yard of concrete costs $ 130.00?


It would cost $1804.86 to buy concrete for repavement of the driveway if 1 cubic yard of concrete costs $130 .


Width of driveway = 30 ft = [tex]\frac{30}{3}[/tex] = 10 yard

Length of driveway  = 50ft = [tex]\frac{50}{3}[/tex] = 16.667 yard

As the driveway is repaved by pouring concrete then it's height will increase

Height of driveway = 3 inch = [tex]\frac{3}{36}[/tex] = 0.0833 yard

Volume of driveway = length x breadth x height

Volume of driveway = 10 x 16.667 x 0.0833

Volume of driveway = 13.8836 cubic yard

Cost of 1 cubic yard of concrete = $130.00

then cost of 13.8836 cubic yards of concrete  will be

130.00 x 13.8836 = $1804.86

Thus, the cost of concrete will be $1804.86.

To learn more about measurements refer here


grear tire company has produced a new tire with an estimated mean lifetime mileage of 33,500 miles. management also believes that the standard deviation is 3,500 miles and that tire mileage is normally distributed. to promote the new tire, grear has offered to refund some money if the tire fails to reach 30,000 miles before the tire needs to be replaced. specifically, for tires with a lifetime below 30,000 miles, grear will refund a customer $1 per 100 miles short of 30,000. (a) for each tire sold, what is the average cost of the promotion (in $)? (use at least 1,000 trials. round your answer to two decimal places.) $ (b) what is the probability that grear will refund more than $25 for a tire? (use at least 1,000 trials. round your answer to three decimal places.)


a) The average cost of the promotion is $0.01 per tire.

b) The probability that Greer will refund more than $25 for a tire is 0.9

According to the Question:

Greer Tire Company has:

Lifetime mileage = 33500

Standard Deviation = 3500 miles


Meal lifetime mileage : $33,500

Standard deviation of mileage $3,500

Observed miles 30,000 miles

100 miles failed $1.00

Hence :

The average cost of the promotion:

= (33,500 – 30,000) / 3500

= 3500 /3500

= 1


Cost of production

100 miles = $1.00

= 1 * 1 / 100

= $0.01 per tire


 P (z < 25000 -33500/ 3500

= P (z < -8500/ 3500)

= z < -2.4


= 1 - 0.1

= 0.9

Therefore, the Probability that gear will refund more than $25.00 per tire is: 0.9

Learn more about Average Cost:


How do I solve the area?


Answer: To solve for an area of something, we must first multiply the length by the width, something that is 5 inches long and 2 inches wide has an area of 10 square inches. It's basically multiplying the numbers together in order to find the amount of area it has.

Step-by-step explanation:

a two-sided coin is flipped 3 times. what is the probability that the coin will land heads up on the first flip, tails up on the second flip, and tails up on the third flip?


The probability that the coin will land heads up on the first flip, tails up on the second flip, and tails up on the third flip is (1/8).

What is the probability of getting a head in a single coin toss?

If we toss a coin, we have two possible outcomes: head or tail. Now:

P(E) = Favourable outcomes / Total outcomes

      = 1/2

As per the question, we need heads on the first throw and tails on the next two throws. We know that for independent events:

P(A∩B∩C) = P(A)*P(B)*P(C)

Let A be the event of getting head on the first throw and B and C be events of getting tails on the second and third throws of dice respectively.

P(A) = P(B) = P(C) = 1/2

So, P(A∩B∩C) = (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/2) = 1/8

So, the Required probability is (1/8)

To know more about probability, go to:


solve for a and simplify your answer


The first step let us find the lowest common denominator to get r of the fraction.

⇒In this case the lowest denominator is 3,meaning3 will multiply all the terms in the equation

[tex]-14(3)=-\frac{4}{3} a(3)\\-42=-4a[/tex]

⇒ Divide all the terms of the equation with the coefficient of the unknown variable to leave it independent.

⇒We are going to divide all the terms of the equation on this case by -4 since it tis the coefficient of the unknown variable

[tex]-\frac{42}{-4} =-\frac{4a}{-4} \\a=10.5[/tex]


What is true about an image after a dilation?


The pre-image and image have the same shape after dilatation, but they are not the same size.

In the given question, we have to explain what is true about an image after a dilation.

The pre-image and image have the same shape after dilatation, but they are not the same size.

The figure is the same from every perspective. The midpoints of the figure's sides and the dilated shape's midpoint are both unchanged. Lines that are parallel and perpendicular to one another in the figure are identical to those in the dilated figure. The pictures stay the same.

To learn more about dilation link is here


Write the equation of the graph sketched below


The function that represents the graph will be y = 1 - 2x in interval (∞, 2], y = -3 in interval [2, 3), y = -2 at x = 3, and y = 2(x - 4)² - 2 in interval (3, ∞).

What is a function?

A function is an assertion, concept, or principle that establishes an association between two variables. Functions may be found throughout mathematics and are essential for the development of significant links.

From the graph, the equation of the line that passes through (0, 1) and (2, -3) is given as,

(y - 1) = [(1 + 3) / (0 - 2)](x - 0)

y - 1 = -2x

y = 1 - 2x, (∞, 2]

In intervals [2, 3), the equation is

y = - 3

At x = 3, the value of y is -1.

The vertex of the parabola is at (4, -2). Then the parabolic function is given as,

y = a(x - 4)² - 2

The equation is passing through (0, 5), then we have

0 = a(5 - 4)² - 2

2 = a

The function is y = 1 - 2x in interval (∞, 2], y = -3 in interval [2, 3), y = -2 at x = 3, and y = 2(x - 4)² - 2 in interval (3, ∞).

More about the function link is given below.


Scores on a certain standardized test have a mean of 500, and a standard deviation of 100. How common is a score between 600 and 700? calculate the probability.


the probability is 68‰

For the normal distribution,

The scores on standardized admissions tests are normally distributed with a mean of 500

Mean (μ)=500

standard deviation(σ)=100

The probability that scores lies between 400 and 600  i.e, P(400

For the standard normal distribution curve




For standard normal distribution mean shifted to zero,  P(x)dx=1/(sqrt(2pi))e^(-z^2/2)dz.

so the probability would be 68‰

Know more about probability at:


help what is the answer to it


Answer: the first one

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: should be this V≈549.78

Step-by-step explanation:

Miriam rides her bike around a park. Each lap around the park is 2/3 mi . Maturity rides a total of 3 mi. How many laps around the park does Marion bride write your answer as a whole number of a lab plus a fraction of a lab you can use a model to help . PLEASE HELPPP!!!!


Answer: 4 whole laps plus 1/2 of a lap

Step-by-step explanation:

let x = number of laps



x=4 1/2

4 whole laps plus 1/2 of a lap

the 5 egual members of the terraforming committee of the united martian colonies are randomly chosen from the council of 99 leaders. in how many different ways can this committee be chosen?


The committee can be chosen in different ways.

What is a combination?

A combination in mathematics is a choice made from a group of separate elements where the order of the selection is irrelevant.

Here, we have


The 5 equal members of the terraforming committee of the united martian colonies are randomly chosen from the council of 99 leaders.

We have to find out how many different ways can this committee be chosen.

For this, we concluded that the committee can be chosen in different ways.

Hence,  the committee can be chosen in different ways.

To learn more about combinations from the given link


Could the points (- 4 3 (- 1 1 and 1/3 form the vertices of a right triangle Why or why not?


No, they cannot form the vertices of a right triangle. The points must be three distinct points and all three must be located in different quadrants.

No, they cannot form the vertices of a right triangle. A right triangle is a three-sided polygon with one 90 degree angle. To form a right triangle, the three points must be three distinct points in different quadrants. In this case, the points (-4 3) and (-1 1) are both in the same quadrant. Additionally, 1/3 is not a point, but a fraction.

Learn more about triangle here


How would I make (-3,2); y=-4 into a slope-intercept form equation??



Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: You have the slope so its already y=-4x+b. So you need to find the y intercept.

To find the y intercept, you need to plug the coordinates in. So 2=-4(-3)+b. Then you solve the equation from there.  

So itll be y=-4x-10

Hope this helps!

i need help please .


First solve y by simplifying both sides of the equation,then isolating the variable.

Exact form:

Y= 2500/3

Decimal form:


Mixed number form:

833 1/3

Answer: y=833.333⇒

Step-by-step explanation:

y=[tex]\frac{3250*40} {40}[/tex]=833.333>

you are a customer taking a survey. it lists two brands and asks you to rate how similar they are. what type of survey are you taking?


The correct option is a survey based on multidimensional scaling”.

What is multidimensional scaling?

Using multidimensional scaling (MDS), it is possible to see how similar the individual examples in a dataset are to one another. The pairwise "distances" between a group of items or people are translated using MDS into a configuration of points that are mapped onto an abstract Cartesian space.

Companies utilize multidimensional scaling (MDS) as a technique to visualize the degree of similarity between diverse goods or datasets.

Since the study asks participants to rate how similar two brands are. Consequently, it is regarded as multidimensional scaling (MDS).

Hence the correct option is a survey based on multidimensional scaling”.

Learn more about multidimensional scaling, by the following link.

Complete Question
You are a customer taking a survey. It lists two brands and asks you to rate how similar they are. What type of survey are you taking?

A. a focus group application survey
B. a survey based on multidimensional scaling
C. a survey based on attributes
D. a conjoint analysis survey.

please help, answers only!!


The linear function that represents the graph of that has the points on the table is: A. .f(x) = 32(3x - 1).

What are the Points of a Linear Function Graph?

If a point is on a graph of a linear function, its coordinates will make the equation of the linear function true, if plugged into the equation.

Given the table that represents some of the points that are on a linear function graph, use one point, (1, 64), to check which of the functions represents the table.

Substitute x = 1 and .f(x) = 64 into each of the functions given to see which is true:

.f(x) = 32(3x - 1)

64 = 32(3(1) - 1)

64 = 32(3 - 1)

64 = 32(2)

64 = 64 [true]

.f(x) = -32(x - 3)

64 = -32(1 - 3)

64 = 64 [true], however, if we use another set of values, say (5, 448), this function will not be true.

.f(x) = -2(32x - 3)

6 = -2(32(1) - 3)

6 = -2(29)

64 = -58 [not true]

.f(x) = 16(2x - 1)

64 = 16(2(1) - 1)

64 = 16(1)

64 = 16 [not true]

Therefore, the function that represents the table is: A. .f(x) = 32(3x - 1).

Learn more about linear function on:


In a mid-size company, the distribution of the number of phone calls answered each day by each of the 12 receptionists is bell-shaped and has a mean of 42 and a standard deviation of 5. Using the empirical rule, what is the approximate percentage of daily phone calls numbering between 37 and 47?


The approximate percentage of daily phone calls numbering between 37 and 47 is of:


What is defined by the Empirical Rule?

These approximate percentages are defined by the Empirical Rule, for a normally distributed variable:

68% of the measures within one standard deviation of the mean.95% of the measures within two standard deviation of the mean.99.7% of the measures within three standard deviation of the mean.

The mean and the standard deviation in this problem are given as follows:

Mean: 42 calls answered each day.Standard deviation: 5 calls answered each day.

Hence the percentage is of 68%, as these measures are within one standard deviation of the mean.

More can be learned about the Empirical Rule at


given h(x) = -3x + 2 find h(1)


Answer: -1

Step-by-step explanation: Plug 1 in as x. You get h(1)=-3(1)+2. If you solve this, it is h(1)=-3+2, or h(1)=-1


[tex] \sf \: h(1) = - 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation,

→ h(x) = -3x + 2

Now the value of h(1) will be,

→ h(x) = -3x + 2

→ h(1) = -3(1) + 2

→ h(1) = -3 + 2

→ [ h(1) = -1 ]

Hence, the value of h(1) is -1.

in the u.s., 95% of children have received their dtap vaccine. calculate the probability that fewer than 700 out of a sample of children received their dtap vaccine.


1.46% probability that fewer than 700 children received their vaccine.

What is probability?

The proportion of favorable cases to all possible cases is used to determine how likely an event is to occur.

Here, we have

95% of children have received their DTaP vaccine p = 0.95

Sample of 750, n = 750

For the approximation, the mean and the standard deviation are given by:

u = np = 750×0.95 = 712.5

σ = [tex]\sqrt{np(1-p)}[/tex]

σ = [tex]\sqrt{750(0.95)(0.05)}[/tex]

σ = 5.97

Using continuity correction, the probability that fewer than 700 children received their vaccine is P(X < 700 - 0.5) = P(X < 699.5), which is the p-value of Z when X = 669.5.

Z = X-u/σ

Z = 669.5 - 712.5/5.97

Z = - 2.18

The p-value of Z = - 2.18 is 0.0146.

Hence, 1.46% probability that fewer than 700 children received their vaccine.

To learn more about the probability from the given link


please help, Solve the following system of equations. Show your work.





After solving the system of equation we will get

x = 5y/2 +1  

y = 2/5- 2x/5

First equation is written


Subtract 5y from both sides.

−2x =−2−5y

The equation is in standard form.


Divide both sides by −2.

-2x/-2 = -5y-2/ -2

Dividing by −2 undoes the multiplication by −2.

x= −5y-2/-2

​Divide  −2−5y  by −2.


x= 5y/2 + 1

Now the second equation is


Add 4x to both sides

-10y = 4-4x

The equation is in standard form.

Divide both sides by 10

-10y/10= 4-4x/10

Dividing by 10 undoes the multiplication by 10.

y= 4-4x/10

Divide 4-4x by 10.


y= 2/5- 2x/5

To learn more about system of equations -

Help me with question 5 ( click the image to see the question)



1 and 5

Step-by-step explanation:

first category and fifth one up

Jim ordered a sports drink
and three slices of pizza for
$8.50. His friend ordered two
sports drinks and two slices
of pizza for $8.00


Answer:$ 16.50

Step-by-step explanation:If you are adding, you do





0 plus 0 is nothing.

5 plus 0 is 5.

8 plus 8 is 16.

Your answer is now "16.50" .

the number of bacteria in a certain population is predicted to increase according to a continuous exponential growth model, at a relative rate of per hour. suppose that a sample culture has an initial population of bacteria. find the predicted population after two hours. do not round any intermediate computations, and round your answer to the nearest tenth..


The estimated population is 114.74 microorganisms after three hours.

An exponential function's curve is created by a pattern of data called exponential growth, which exhibits higher increases with time.

a type of growth when the values' logarithms rise linearly with time. This indicates that the value increases faster than it would with linear development. A population that increases by 10% of its value each unit of time would be an example of exponential growth.

let A(f) = number of bacterial 'I' now. in

A(t) = Ao × e^kt

= 71 × e^(0.16XA)

For t = 3 hours

A(t) = 71 × e^(0.16×3)

= 114.74 bacteria

Complete question:

The number of bacteria in a certain population is predicted to increase according to a continuous exponential growth model, at a relative rate of 16% per hour. Suppose that a sample culture has an initial population of 71 bacteria. Find the predicted population after three hours Do not round any intermediate computations, and round your answer to the nearest tenth bacteria

To learn more about the exponential growth model


the mean of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the


The standard deviation of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the. Population Standard Deviation.

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

The mean of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the

Now, According to the question:

Let's know:

Sample Mean:

A sample mean is an average of a set of data . The sample mean can be used to calculate the central tendency, standard deviation and the variance of a data set. The sample mean can be applied to a variety of uses, including calculating population averages.

The mean of the quantitative variable of interest in the sample is called the. Sample Mean. The standard deviation of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the. Population Standard Deviation.

Learn more about Standard deviation at:


Francisco completed 15 math questions in 4 minutes. If he completed each question in the same amount of time, how many seconds did he spend on
each question?




Step-by-step explanation:

4 minutes = 4  x 60 = 240 seconds

240 seconds / 15 q   = 16 s/q

Simplify by combining like terms



? = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

There are no like terms to 5, so it stays the same

What is the meaning of natural numbers are closed under addition?


Its means that the addition of natural numbers obeys the closure property.

In mathematics, the closure property is a property that states that if a set is combined with all its limit points, then the combined set is also a limit point. The closure property applies to sets of real numbers, vectors, and matrices. It states that the closure of a set is itself, i.e., the set is closed under the given operation. The phrase "closed under addition" means that when two natural numbers are added together, the result is also a natural number. In other words, natural numbers are part of a closed system concerning addition; the addition operation always produces another natural number.

To know more about closure property refer to the link


Which equation is the equation of a line that passes through (- 10 3 and is perpendicular to Y 5x 7?


y = -5x – 13 equation is the equation of a line that passes through (- 10 3 and is perpendicular to Y 5x 7 with slope

The equation of a line is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. To find the equation of a line that passes through (-10, 3) and is perpendicular to y = 5x + 7, we need to find m, the slope of the line.

We can find the slope of the line by using the point-slope form of a line, which is y - y1 = m(x - x1). In this equation, m is the slope, (x1, y1) is a given point on the line, and (x, y) are the coordinates of any point on the line.

Plugging in the given point of (-10, 3) and the line y = 5x + 7 into this equation, we get:

3 - 3 = m(-10 - -10)

The left side of this equation is 0, so the right side must also be 0. That means that m = 0.

Now that we have the slope of the line, we can plug it into the equation of a line, y = mx + b, to get the equation of the line:

y = 0x + b

Next, we need to find the y-intercept, b. To do this, we can use the given point (-10, 3). Plugging this in to the equation above, we get:

3 = 0x + b

Simplifying, we get:

b = 3

Now that we have the slope and y-intercept, we can write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form:

y = 0x + 3

Finally, we can simplify this equation to get the final answer:

y = -5x – 13

Learn more about slope here


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