the amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the client’s needs as well as his or her ________.


Answer 1

The amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the client’s needs as well as his or her personal goals.

What is a personal goal?

Basically, a personal goals means a short or long term goals that a person apply to their work, family life or lifestyle. These goals are meant to motivate you to achieve what you want in life.

The importance of setting goals can be found in  openness and awareness of trying new things, planning own success and taking action to improve an aspect of your life. Furthermore, setting of personal goals allows to accept accountability for what you do to ultimately grow and develop in your life, career and relationships.

Read more about personal goal


Related Questions

Which best explains the main idea of the third paragraph?


The claim that explains the main point of the third paragraph in How We Entered World War I is that Americans were proud of themselves for disregarding the problems happening in Europe.

By comparing and contrasting the events that led to World War I, the author uses comparison to explain the decision to go to combat. The author presents her analysis and opinions on the US and its reasons for joining World War I. The "War Message to Congress" from Wilson became Because it cannot allow freedom and peace to be in jeopardy, the United States must decline to participate. Therefore, the claim that most accurately captures the major idea in the third paragraph is that Americans were proud of themselves for ignoring the problems happening in Europe.

Which statement best describes the main idea of the third paragraph of "How We Entered World War I"?

Learn more about How We Entered World War I here:


guys i need help pls this is due tomorrow​


Sunni and Shia schism is compared to Schism within the Christian Church.

One similarity is, both believe in heaven and hell and an eternal life.

One difference is Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet whereas Christians worship Jesus as God.

What is Schism?

Schism is the term used to describe a break or separation between two sectors or parties that are vehemently opposed to one another. The East-West Schism, which split Christendom into Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox) branches, was the most important mediaeval schism.

The differences between the Schism in Islam and Christianity:-

Muslims believe Jesus ascended into heaven, but did not die on the cross. Christians believe in both the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.Muslims believe in the sin of Adam and Eve, but not the idea of inherited sins for all. Christians believe all humanity inherited the original sin of Adam and Eve.

The similarities between Schism in Islam and Christianity:-

Both believe in the same God. (he's portrayed the same in both religions)Both view Jerusalem as a holy city.

Therefore, the similarities and differences between the two schism is explained.

To learn more about schism, click here:


you understand that more clarity leads to more conversions. how can you put this into practice?


Conversion leads to more clarity and helps to increase work efficiency.

Increasing your conversion rate means that more visitors to your website convert into significant actions that expand your business, whether that means completing a purchase or filling out a form to become a lead (such as asking for an estimate for repair services).

The factors of distraction, expectation, readability, visual identity, immediacy, specificity, and hyperbole make up the so-called "clarity equation" for your page.

Conversions come in various forms, as follows: registering for email. completing a contact form visiting a few of your website's pages.

Implement a CRO planner.Streamline your forms.Don't forget social proof.Keep track of how visitors use your website.

To know more about Conversion rate here


How hot is too hot for humans?



People often point to a study published in 2010 that estimated that a wet-bulb temperature of 35 C – equal to 95 F at 100% humidity, or 115 F at 50% humidity – would be the upper limit of safety, beyond which the human body can no longer cool itself by evaporating sweat from the surface of the body


What type of system is best used to observe conservation of mass because all of the mass stays in one place?


In any scientific reality, the law of conservation of mass can be particularly observed in any kind of chemical reaction that is a closed system.

In practice, the law can be observed in various types of systems. We can see how well the ecological system balances itself even when humans observe our own eco system. The total mass of the system doesn't really change because it is constant. However, the best example of the law is when we observe any type of chemical reaction.

Learn more on scientific reality


the process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is:_______.


Onboarding is the procedure new hires go through to acquire the attitudes, information, abilities, and behaviors necessary to operate successfully inside an organization.

What takes place during the onboarding of new employees?

The goal of new hire orientation is to familiarize the new hire with the organization's structure, vision, mission, and values. It also reviews the employee handbook and highlights important policies, helps new hires fill out the required paperwork, goes over relevant administrative procedures, and provides the necessary training.

What is the goal of the onboarding procedure?

The onboarding process aids in the development of new employees' skills, dispositions, and routines that will enable them to make meaningful contributions to a business. Initiatives called "onboarding" are designed to assist workers in settling into new positions after being hired or promoted internally.

Learn more about onboarding process:


What was the main purpose of slavery?


The main perpose was that it was not that much money

which of these inferences about stein, his mother’s niece’s husband and eliezer’s cousin by marriage, is best supported by the information on page 45?


Stein gave up his will to live after hearing the true news of what happened to his wife and sons, best supported by the information on page 45.

What is the most important lesson from Book Night?

Life on Earth is not "fair". You might think, feel, and act differently than you would under normal circumstances as a result of pain and deprivation. Don't judge yourself too harshly in times of need or adversity. Forgiving yourself and others is essential to healthy survival.

What happens to stein in the book Night?

He is believed to have died after learning of his family's true fate when a prisoner convoy arrived from his hometown. As Stein said, the only thing that kept him alive was the knowledge that his wife and young son were still alive.

What's the most important Elie Wiesel Night quote?

I will never forget the silence of that night that stole the love of my life forever. I will never forget the moment that killed my God and my soul and shattered my dreams. These things I will never forget, even if I am destined to live as long as God Himself.

To learn more about Book Night visit:


An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying which type of delusion?


An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying Persecutory delusion.

Persecutory delusions are persistent, disturbing, mistaken thoughts that one will be injured or mistreated in some way by others. These ideas are experienced by some persons suffering from delusional disorder, a rare mental condition, and cause severe misery, including worry, depression, and terror.

Most persons with delusional condition operate properly, but the dread of being hurt can be so strong that they become reclusive . A person suffering from a delusional condition may experience one or more forms of delusions.

If the disease is not addressed, the dread of being injured by someone can lead to disability. Many people can operate normally for a long time, but concentrating about illusions and the dread and anxiety they bring might eventually lead to isolation.

Learn more about Persecutory delusions at


when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of:_______.


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of principal.

In a principal-agent relationship, one entity formally designates another to act on its behalf. When there is a principle-agent connection, the agent represents the principal and shouldn't have any competing interests when performing the act.

The law of agency defines rules for a connection known as "agency," which is the relationship between the principle and the agent.

The principal-agent connection generates a fiduciary relationship between the parties involved, regardless of whether it is expressly stated in a formal contract or is assumed through actions.

This means that the agent must prioritize the interests of the principle when operating on behalf of the principal and complete the responsibilities allocated to them.

To know more about principal:


The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they: _______


The use of projective personality tests, including the Rorschach Test and the Thematic Apperception Test, is justified by the idea that they shed light on participants' personalities by evoking reactions to hazy, ambiguous stimuli.

What type of personality theory is related to the use of projective tests like the Rorschach test?

Ambiguity in the test stimuli or test instructions is a characteristic of projective tests, which include the Rorschach inkblot method, thematic apperception test (TAT), draw-a-person or draw-a-family test, and various sentence completion tests.

Rorschach testing definition. What aims does the test pursue?

The Rorschach test is a projective psychological assessment in which participants' interpretations of inkblots are recorded and subsequently assessed using either psychological interpretation, sophisticated algorithms, or both. This test is utilized by certain psychologists to investigate a subject's personality traits and emotional capabilities.

Learn more about projective tests:


oscar loved to have snowball fights. when the new kid in class (harvey) joined in the fight, he loaded each of his snowballs with a rock. when oscar was hit with one of harvey's snowballs, it really stung. oscar ran at harvey and punched him in the face until his nose bled. harvey never loaded another snowball with a rock. what behavioral procedure explains why harvey doesn`t load snowballs with rocks any more?


Punishment is behavioral procedure explains why Harvey doesn't load snowballs with rocks any more.

Punishment is a behavioral process in which a reaction results in the presentation of an unpleasant consequence or the removal of a pleasurable stimulus, reducing the likelihood that the response will occur again in the future under identical conditions. The punisher (i.e., aversive stimulus) must be presented in conjunction with the response, must be presented right after the response, must be used sparingly, and must be more intense than the stimulus that would otherwise be produced by the response in order for this process to be most effective. Punishment comes in two flavors: positive and negative, much like reinforcement. Positive punishment is the process of adding a stimulus to the environment in exchange for an action, which lowers the likelihood that the action will be taken again in the future.

To learn more about Punishment please click on the given link:


who or what exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the united states of america?


A United States of America's national security procedures are least affected by public opinion.

The Public: What exactly is it?

A search platform is a graphic representation of search queries with recommended completing searches created by the keywords The Public.

Is the public's response free?

Using the good streaming tool Answer the Public, you can produce content that will drive customers to your website and increase sales. To assist you position somewhere at top of Search engine results, you can select keywords but instead subjects to write about. This will draw more attention to your business and bring in more customers.

To know more about public visit:


What was Cugoano's overall view of slavery?


Slavery according to Cugoano was immoral and incompatible with British civilization. Additionally, he implied that it was ethically acceptable for African slaves to rebel against or defy their masters and captors.

One of the first people who had been slaves to write and publish a piece in English was anti-slavery activist Ottobah Cugoano. At Schomberg House on Pall Mall, where he worked as a servant from around 1784 until 1791 while writing and running for office, he is honored with a blue plaque.

He was a committed Christian by this point and his writing reflected his faith. In his writings, he demanded that slavery be abolished and that all slaves be released right now. It contends that escaping from slavery is a slave's duty and that force should be used to stop further enslavement.

To learn more about Slavery


What actions characterize authoritarian governments? select three answers.
A. leaders often seize power by illegitimate means.
B. all citizens prosper under the government.
C. citizens support the government’s official ideology.
D. a single leader or a very powerful group rules.
E. leaders refuse to tolerate dissenting views.


The actions that characterize an authoritarian government are:

Leaders often seize power by illegitimate means.A single leader or a very powerful group rules.Leaders refuse to tolerate dissenting views.

meaning of democracy

A democratic system of government contributes to the development of a more just and equal society. Because sovereignty emanates from the people, who have an active voice that directly or indirectly contributes to national decision-making.

Authoritarianism is therefore a more rigid and closed regime that can lead to internal and external conflicts within the country.

What happens in an authoritarian government?

In such governments, leaders are supreme and act in such a way that they must remain in power by not tolerating dissent.

This is because they often have obtained leadership through illicit means, with a single leader or powerful group at the helm, and fear being overthrown.

You can learn more about democracy at:


in the motivated sequence organizational pattern, what step involves establishing why your topic should be of concern to your listeners?


In the motivated sequence organizational pattern, your topic should be of concern to your listeners as you establish the need .

Patterns of organization display the relationships between helping information in paragraphs, essays, and chapters. The agency of the supporting information allows you apprehend how an writer thinks and helps you bear in mind what you read.

There are numerous forms of plans, referred to as organizational patterns that can be diagnosed in educational writing. They assist the writer to organize his or her thoughts in a way that makes sense, and optimistically, they help you to understand the material being supplied.

There are six key styles for info, easy list, order of importance, chronological order, spatial development, cause and effect, contrast and contrast.

Learn more about organizational pattern here :


What are OSHA's 7 core elements of an effective safety and health program?


Seven fundamental components of a safety and health programme are suggested by OSHA: leadership from management, employee involvement, hazard identification and assessment, and hazard prevention and control.

For host businesses, contractors, and staffing agencies, education and training, programme evaluation and improvement, as well as communication and coordination, are all important. At today's National Safety Council Congress in Anaheim, California, Dr. Michaels announced the publication of a new document. In his remarks, he requested that business associations and professionals in safety and health assist spread the news through a campaign that promotes the development of a safety and health programme using OSHA or other programme guidelines that may be more suitable for their companies. The guidelines are solely advisory and do not change or add to any current legal duties established by OSHA standards or regulations.

learn more about OSHA here:


in the retelling of the minos myth, who does campbell suggest is the most to blame for the minotaur's existence?


In the retelling of the Minos myth Campbell suggested King Minos is the most to blame for the minotaur's existence.

On the Athens stage, Minos is a callous dictator who exacts the tribute from the city's young to feed the Minotaur. King Minos was a terrible ruler with a lust for power after his son Androgeus was killed in a revolt. He despised King Aegeus and gave the command for his fleet to leave with a sinister scheme in his heart. Athens was surrounded when King Aegeus got up the following morning. It was impossible to fight. Aegeus submitted himself and his town to the mercy of the Cretan monarch while on his knees before Minos.

To know more about  King Minos:


which event at the beginning of the war significantly swayed u.s. opinion against germany?


The Zimmermann Telegram's implied threat of a German attack on the United States, swayed U.S. public opinion in support of a declaration of war.

Americans entered the war in 1917 by declaring war on Germany. This was due to the attack on Lusitania, the unrestricted submarine warfare on American ships heading to Britain, and Germany encouraging Mexico to attack the USA.

A German U-boat had sunk the British passenger ship the Lusitania at great loss of life. Unrestricted submarine warfare was suspended following public outcry in the US, but was reinstated in 1917. This eventually led to the American declaration of war on Germany.

a German submarine sank the British ocean liner Lusitania, resulting in the deaths of nearly 1,200 people, including 128 Americans. The incident strained diplomatic relations between Washington and Berlin and helped turn public opinion against Germany.

Learn more about Zimmermann Telegram's here:-


What are wolves known for personality?


Wolves have a fierce work ethic and are never afraid to put in the effort. Due to their strong social skills, they do well in positions demanding vision and character strength as well as management and leadership responsibilities.

Their innate ability to motivate others and intuitive grasp of group dynamics makes them valuable in goal-oriented jobs.

Wolves are complicated, intellectual creatures that value family above all else. They are playful, compassionate, and complex creatures. Only a few other species clearly display these characteristics. In the same way that elephants, gorillas, and dolphins raise their young, tend to the hurt, and live in family groups, wolves do the same. The wolf is the animal that people misunderstand the most. Wolves have benefited from a unique mystique that has fostered fear and reverence throughout their range. They are often depicted as a bloodthirsty villain in folklore and children's stories.

To know more about wolf and his shadow :


which feature do scientists mainly consider when grouping organisms according to evolutionary classification?


Common ancestry is the characteristic that scientists primarily take into consideration when grouping organisms per evolutionary classification.

Understanding the Common Ancestry of Evolution

Despite the fact that Charles Darwin's theory is very often referred to as the theory of natural selection, the majority of scientists concurred that "common ancestry", idea that all organism on Earth today and all fossils from the present day can be traced back to one or a few "original progenitors", is the most critical component of Darwin's theory.

More closely related organisms have more traits in common, and corroborating sources of evidence concerning similar ancestry include anatomy, DNA sequences, fossils, and embryos. Phylogenetic classification is the method of categorizing organisms according to their common ancestry.

Learn more about common ancestor here:


each time you see your car, it projects a different image on the retinas of your eyes, yet you do not perceive it as changing. this is because of:


Each time you see your car, it projects a different image on the retinas of your eyes, yet you do not perceive it as changing. This is because of perceptual constancy.

The propensity to perceive an item as having a constant shape, size, and brightness despite changes in the external stimuli is known as perceptual constancy. If you are not very familiar with the thing or if there are less external cues to help you identify it, your perception of constancy may be compromised. However, the degree to which an object is recognized by the observer and the quantity of clues available to the observer both influence perception of constancy. In other words, perceptual constancy declines as familiarity with an object decreases and as the amount of information needed to identify the object decreases.

Learn more about perceptual constancy here:


what would be a possible consequence of the double standard of aging, if it were found to operate in a study about older adults?


According to the well-known idea of a "double standard of ageing," an older woman is seen more critically than an older man.

Therefore, women suffer more from the loss of "good" (also known as "youthful" looking) linked with aging than do males (Sontag, 1972).

Because of the rise in life expectancy, policymakers are now more interested in themes like attitudes toward aging and ways to extend years of life's quality. One way to increase the participation and contribution of older persons in society is to improve attitudes around aging.

Age is not only one social category that may or may not be a part of one's identity when age-related attitudes are taken into account in the context of the dynamic nature of social identity. The importance of other identities, such as gender, on views toward aging may be greater.

The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of aging among 200 males and 282 females living in the community in Norway. The Attitudes to Ageing Questionnaire (AAQ; Laidlaw, 1996) was used to gauge attitudes toward aging.

Learn more about " "double standard of ageing " to visit here;


Which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


The matching hypothesis is a social psychology concept that suggests that individuals tend to select partners that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability.

In other words, people tend to form relationships with those who they believe to have similar levels of attractiveness and desirability. This idea was first proposed by American psychologist Elaine Hatfield in 1967 and has since been supported by research in the field of social psychology.

The concept of the matching hypothesis has implications for both romantic and platonic relationships. In the case of romantic relationships, research has shown that couples tend to be of similar levels of attractiveness and desirability.

In the case of platonic relationships, the matching hypothesis can also be seen as relevant. Individuals tend to form long-term friendships with those who they perceive as being similar to them in terms of physical attractiveness and social desirability.

Overall, the matching hypothesis is a fascinating concept in the field of social psychology that has been supported by research. This has implications for both romantic and platonic relationships and helps to explain why people may be drawn to certain individuals over others.

Learn more about the matching hypothesis concept:


although each of the theories in this chapter differs, they all have one common feature. what is this?


They all differentiate between the phonetic level and the phonemic level.

This question is related to the chapter of Phonology.

The research of human sounds is known as phonetics, and the categorization of those sounds within the framework of a specific language or languages is known as phonology.

The field of linguistics known as phonology investigates how sounds or, in the case of sign languages, the component elements of signals, are systematically organised in various languages or dialects.

The phrase can also particularly refer to a particular linguistic variety's sound or sign system.

Phonology comes in three varieties:

The science of acoustic phonetics examines the physical characteristics of sound.

The analysis of how listeners interpret sounds is called auditory phonetics.

The analysis of how the vocal tracts make sounds is called articulatory phonetics.

To know more about phonetics, visit:


How did the inventions and accomplishments of this civilization contribute to human progress


The wide variety of technologies and science discoveries produced by humanity has led to the building and development of the civilizations of each age, stimulated economic growth, raised people's standards of living, encouraged cultural development, and had a tremendous impact on religion, thought, and many other human ...

traditional and neo-traditional heterosexual couples share beliefs and practices that distinguish them from other couples. the most central of these would be that


They resist reorganizing the second shift on a basis other than gender. A heterosexual couples is drawn to those who are the other sex. They are heterosexual when boys like females and women like men.

Romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual conduct between individuals of the opposite sex or gender is referred to as heterosexuality. Heterosexuality is a sexual preference defined as "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions" to individuals who are the other sex. It also refers to a person's sense of identity based on these attractions, associated behaviors, and membership in a group of individuals who share these preferences. Straight is a term used to describe a heterosexual person. Heterosexuality is one of the three primary categories of sexual orientation on the heterosexual-homosexual continuum, along with bisexuality and homosexuality.

learn more about heterosexual here:



Should judges overrule the legislature, the executive, or the will of the people (activism) OR should they follow the wishes of the legislature, the executive, or the people (restraint)? Why?

As you respond to this question be sure to consider the following: the principle of Judicial Review (including Marbury v. Madison), how the other branches of government restrain judicial power, and the leading judicial philosophies. How does the Court influence the political landscape and is it alright if an unelected branch has the power to overrule the legislature and executive as well as the will of the people? Use a case drawn from the current Supreme Court term to illustrate your answer.



The question of whether judges should overrule the legislature, the executive, or the will of the people, also known as judicial activism, or whether they should follow the wishes of these branches of government, also known as judicial restraint, is a complex and contentious issue in the United States.

One argument in favor of judicial activism is that the principle of judicial review, established in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison, gives the judiciary the power to interpret the constitution and ensure that the other branches of government act within its bounds. This means that judges have the power to overrule laws or actions by the legislature or executive that they believe are unconstitutional. This can be seen as a check on the power of the other branches of government and a way to protect the rights and liberties of the people.

However, there are also arguments against judicial activism. One of the main arguments is that the other branches of government have mechanisms in place to restrain the power of the judiciary. For example, the legislature can impeach judges and the executive can appoint judges with a particular judicial philosophy. Additionally, the will of the people can be expressed through elections, where voters can choose representatives who share their views on the role of the judiciary.

Another argument against judicial activism is that it can be seen as an encroachment on the power of the other branches of government and the will of the people. The judiciary is an unelected branch of government, and some argue that it is not appropriate for unelected judges to have the power to overrule the decisions of the elected branches. Additionally, judicial activism can be seen as a form of judicial overreach, where judges are making decisions that are outside of their purview and should be made by the other branches of government or the people.

There are different judicial philosophies that inform the debate over judicial activism and restraint. For example, judicial conservatives generally favor judicial restraint and believe that judges should follow the wishes of the legislature, the executive, and the people. In contrast, judicial liberals generally favor judicial activism and believe that judges should interpret the constitution and overrule laws or actions that are unconstitutional.

A recent example of this debate can be seen in the current Supreme Court term, where the Court is considering a case involving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This program allows certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children to remain in the country and receive work permits. The Trump administration attempted to end the program, but a lower court ruled that this was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is now considering whether to uphold this ruling and allow the DACA program to continue, or to overturn the ruling and allow the Trump administration to end the program.

In this case, judicial activism would involve the Supreme Court interpreting the constitution and upholding the lower court's ruling that the Trump administration's attempt to end the DACA program was unconstitutional. This would be an example of the judiciary over ruling the executive branch and protecting the rights of the DACA recipients. On the other hand, judicial restraint would involve the Supreme Court deferring to the Trump administration and allowing it to end the program, which would be an example of the judiciary following the wishes of the executive branch.

In conclusion, the question of whether judges should overrule the legislature, the executive, or the will of the people, or whether they should follow the wishes of these branches of government, is a complex and contentious issue. The principle of judicial review gives judges the power to interpret the constitution and overrule laws or actions that are unconstitutional. However, the other branches of government and the will of the people can also exert influence on the judiciary and restrain its power. Different judicial philosophies inform the debate over judicial activism and restraint, and the Court's decisions can have a significant impact on the political


to study domestic violence from an intersectional perspective, solokoff argues that researchers must focus on a


To study domestic violence from an intersectional perspective, solokoff argues that researchers must focus on a both multicultural (race, class and gender) and structural perspective.

Race, religion, or social position are not factors in domestic violence. The premise that not all victims receive the same treatment is based on intersectionality. The concept of intersectionality is gaining popularity and can be used to examine privilege and injustice in our society. Intersectionality was first discussed in the context of the lives of African American women who battled what is known as a "double bind," which described their positionality as being discriminated against on the basis of both gender and race. The term was coined by the renowned scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw.

To know more about intersectional perspective:


if you get angry when someone insults you, it is likely that your ____________ is playing a role in your emotional state.


According to systems theory, social inertia occurs when someone insults you at a gathering and you associate your rage with the insult.

As all systems are interconnected inside a bigger, more complicated system, systems theory is an interdisciplinary study of systems. When used in social work, it helps us better understand how environmental influences affect people's ability to maintain healthy relationships in society or social organizations.

Social inertia, which is the exact opposite of social change, is when we oppose change or maintain stable relationships. By recognizing and resolving societal inertia, we can overcome it.

To know more about social inertia visit:


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