The academy of nutrition and dietetics and the american academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for: _______


Answer 1

The first six months are the answer. The American Academy of Paediatrics and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggest that infants should be nursed exclusively for the first six months

For the first six months of life, the American Academy of Paediatrics (2012) advises breastfeeding exclusively, followed by another six months of solid food introduction. For the first six months of a child's life, WHO advises mothers worldwide to exclusively breastfeed them to promote the best possible growth, development, and health. After that, babies should receive nourishing supplementary foods and keep breastfeeding for at least the next two years.

So, the first six months are the answer, we may say. Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first six months.



Related Questions

Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to: ________


Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to: 4.2 joules.

What is the calorie count of one nutritional calorie?

In the International System of Units (SI), a joule is a unit of work or energy equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one metre. It is named after the English scientist James Prescott Joule and equals 107 ergs, or about 0.7377 foot-pounds.

According to the US government, the average male requires 2,700 kcal per day, whereas the average woman requires 2,200 kcal per day. Everybody does not require the same quantity of calories each day.

learn more about Nutritionists refer


A patient strikes a nurse as he attempts to give the patient her medication. what type of violence does this scenario depict?


The violence that is depicted in the scenario in question is the type of client-on-worker.

Typically, there are four types of workplace violence in nursing:

Criminal intent. In this type, the perpetrator has no relationship with the employees or the business itself. The committed crime is in conjunction with violence (trespassing, robbery, or assault).Customer/Client or client-on-worker. This type of violence usually occurs in emergency and psychiatric treatment settings. Customer/client relationship is considered.Worker-on-worker. This type is also referred to as lateral violence. Some forms of it is bullying, verbal and/or emotional abuse, humiliation, and plenty of other forms.Personal relationship. In this type, the perpetrator has a relationship to the worker outside of work that spills over to the work environment.

Learn more about workplace violence at


When shopping for health related products online it is important to


It’s important to get them from a reliable website.

How much does an hour of cycling burn?


The typical person will cycling for an hour and burn between 450 and 750 calories. The amount of calories depends on your weight, riding pace, and distance covered. Get an estimate of how many calories you burned on your most recent bike ride with our calculator.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


what condition did dr. kayla boucher discuss in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability?


The condition which Dr. Kayla Boucher discussed in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability is Autism spectrum condition.

What is Autism spectrum disorder?

This is referred to as a medical condition which is characterized by developmental disability caused by the differences in the brain of humans due to different types of factors.

People who have this type of disorder have problems with social communication and interaction, and they have different ways of performing activities such as learning, moving, etc and is often confused with a mental or physical disability.

Read more about Autism here


the academy of nutrition and dietetics and the american academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for:______.


The academy of nutrition and dietetics and the American academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for 6,12 months.

For six months following delivery, breast milk should be the only food given to infants. Infants who are exclusively breastfed do not receive any other foods (aside from vitamin D) or liquids unless specifically prescribed by a doctor.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises mothers to continue breastfeeding while progressively introducing solid foods into the infant's diet after the first six months and up until the child turns one year old.

Breastfeeding can continue after a year if both the woman and her child want it.

The World Health Organization now advocates the following recommendations for global public health:2

For the first six months following birth, infants should only be breastfed in order to attain the best possible growth, development, and health.

Infants should receive to fulfill their changing dietary needs after the first six months.

Infants should be given nutritionally adequate and safe supplemental foods after the first six months in order to fulfill their changing nutritional needs, even if nursing is continued for up to two years or longer.

To know more about pediatrics visit:

Which Pilates exercise is performed first, and relaxes different muscles in a sequence? a. Rolling Like a Ball b. One-Leg Circle c. Imprinting d. Angel Arms


Hundred pilad excercise is performed fast and relaxes different muscles in sequence.

What is pilad excercise?

Pilates is a type of the  mind-body exercise developed in the early 20th century century by German shepherd and the resonant physical trainer Joseph Pilates, after whom it was the  named. Pilates called his method "Contrology". It is practiced worldwide, trends especially in countries such the  as Australia, Canada, South Korea, the United States and the United Kingdom.

The first Pilates exercise is called the Hundred. This is a the  great exercise to warm up today of the day up the body and get your blood pumping station pumping. Begin by lying on the Mat. Bend your knees by into your chest and lift your head and shoulders off the Mat.

To know more about pilad expercise click-



the answer is imprinting


I took the test

What is the healthiest length for a nap?


A 2-hour nap can also additionally make you sense groggy when you awaken and you would possibly have problem falling asleep at night.

In general, the exceptional nap period for adults is set 20 mins and not than 30 mins. Sleeping for 20 mins permits the napper to get a chunk of mild sleep to reinforce alertness with out stepping into deep sleep. Waking up from deep sleep can motive grogginess and in fact get worse sleepiness. A 2-hour nap can also additionally make you sense groggy when you awaken and you would possibly have problem falling asleep at night. Aim for drowsing as much as ninety mins, 120-mins if necessary. Napping each day for two hours will be a signal of sleep deprivation and ought to be mentioned with a doctor.

To learn more about nap check the link below:


according to the latest research on overtraining, if the source of the stressor is psychological, then the recovery strategy should focus on


According to the most recent overtraining research, if the source of the stressor is psychological, the recovery strategy should concentrate on thought management strategies.

What is stressor in psychology?The emotion of being overwhelmed or incapable of cope with emotional pressure is defined as stress.Anger, restlessness, anxiety, depression, and becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody are all signs and symptoms of stress.A stressor is a situation or event that makes us feel anxious. They can be internal or external factors, such as our memories, our surroundings, or the people we interact with. They're also very personal; what causes significant stress for one person may not cause stress for another.Physical stress, psychological stress, psychosocial stress, and psycho spiritual stress are the four types or categories of stress factors.These are the socio-physical environmental factors that put humans' adaptive capabilities and resources to the test.

To learn more about stress refer to :


A committee of nurses have been tasked with reviewing an increase in central line infections on their unit. explain the process that they should follow

Health Science


A committee of nurses has been assigned the responsibility of investigating a rise in central line infections on their Health Science unit.

What should a nurse do if a patient desires to leave the facility against medical advice?

The patient must sign a paper if they choose to leave the hospital against medical advice (AMA). This document absolves the doctor and the medical facility of all legal liability relating to the patient's health. Before submitting the form, the client is warned of any potential risks.

How are infections in central lines prevented?

To access catheters, only use sterilized tools. Replace any dressings that have become moist, dirty, or loose right away. Use sterile or clean gloves and aseptic method to replace routine dressings.

To know more about infections  visit:-


What observations can you make about glucose and insulin levels for the three health scenarios?.


In order to keep glucose and insulin levels in the body one should be eating a wholesome food plan with masses of fruit and vegetables.

By retaining a wholesome weight, and getting ordinary bodily interest can all help. Other suggestions include: Keep tune of your blood sugar ranges to peer what makes them move up or down. Eat at ordinary times, and do not pass meals. Although there may be constantly a low stage of insulin secreted via way of means of the pancreas, the quantity secreted into the blood will increase because the blood glucose rises. Similarly, as blood glucose falls, the quantity of insulin secreted via way of means of the pancreatic islets is going down.

To learn more about glucose check the link below:


Kendrick just celebrated his 20th birthday. According to US laws, what does this MOST
likely mean?
O He can buy alcohol but not tobacco products.
O He can buy tobacco products but not alcohol.
O He is not allowed to buy tobacco products or alcohol.
He is allowed to buy both tobacco products and alcohol



In the United States, the legal age for purchasing and consuming alcohol is 21 years old. This means that Kendrick, who has just turned 20 years old, is not allowed to buy or consume alcohol. The legal age for purchasing tobacco products varies by state, but is typically 18 years old. This means that Kendrick may be allowed to purchase tobacco products, depending on the state he is in.


How do I increase my weights gradually?


An effective way to progress is to hit your target reps and sets for an exercise, then increase the weight by a small amount the next time you perform the exercise. For example, if you do three sets of eight reps at 60 pounds successfully, up the weight to 65 pounds on a subsequent attempt.

Why is cheer dance importance in promoting one's health and fitness?


Cheer dance is a high energy acrobatics dance which includes workout of all the core muscles and thus activates all the body parts and induces more flexibility and endurance.

Cheer dance is important for health and fitness because it is a good way of exercising with fun and also helps in maintaining better vertebral column fitness. It also increases muscle strength. The coordination and self confidence involved in it helps to exhilarate the mental activity also. Cheer dancing involves a balance of cardio, resistance, flexibility and endurance training. It strengthens the cardiovascular system of the body. Practicing cheer dancing as a sport helps the person to improve their body balance, concentration, and stamina.

Learn more about cheer dance at:


Requirements for some micronutrients increase with age. Click to select the vitamins or minerals for which the RDA or Al is higher for older adults than for young adults. 58:24 Vitamin B-6 Folate Zing Iron Vitamin D Calcium


The vitamins or minerals for which the RDA or Al is higher for older adults than for young adults include the following below:

CalciumVitamin DVitamin B-6

What is RDA?

This is a term which is known as recommended dietary allowance and it is referred to as the average daily dietary intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all the healthy individuals.

As humans age, certain elements and minerals are important in his/her growth and development and an example is calcium which helps to build strong bones and teeth during growth.

Others such as Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin D helps in the adequate absorption of nutrients needed by the body for its optimal functioning which is therefore why they are higher for older adults than for young adults.

Read more about Nutrients here


Yvette is experiencing caffeinism. What does this MOST likely mean? A. She hasn’t had her daily cup of coffee yet. B. She is feeling extra tired and lacks energy. C. She has had too many energy drinks lately. D. She is allergic to caffeine.





Caffeinism is when someone is intoxicated due to an excessive amount of energy drinks/caffeine.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects the lungs and can spread to other organs from the lungs. when an infected individual coughs, the bacteria can enter the air and infect nearby individuals.a. Trueb. False


The given statement is True.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB). Although the TB germs typically assault the lungs, they can also affect the kidney, spine, and brain. Not every person who contracts the TB germs gets ill. The TB bacteria can enter the lungs and start to develop there after being inhaled. They can then travel through the blood to the kidney, spine, and brain, among other organs. TB infection in the throat or lungs might be contagious .This implies that the bacteria can spread to additional individuals.

The five main causes of TB are.

TB risk factors include: Poverty. having HIV. Homelessness being imprisoned or detained (where close contact can spread infection) addiction to drugs. using drugs that lower immunological function. Diabetes and kidney disease. transplanting organs.

How long will a person with TB live?

In 37.2% of TB-related deaths and 21.3% of non-TB-related deaths, TB was discovered postmortem. Patients who passed away from TB and unrelated causes had median survival times of 20 (1-423) and 55 (1-604) days, respectively (p 0.001 by log-rank test).

To know more about Tuberculosis visit:


What is meant by selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights?


Selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights is an essential doctrine which guides the federal government to prevent states from enacting laws which in some way violates the basic structure of the constitution.

Today, modern Supreme Court doctrine embraces the doctrine of selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights against the state as it limits the endless power held by the government. Through the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, selective incorporation has effectively become part of the constitution. This policy is mainly aimed to protect citizens from laws and procedures developed at the state level. It was thought by some political experts that unlimited power to the federal government would limit the individual power vested to the people and hence selective incorporation is essential to be a part of the Bill of Rights.

Learn more about selective incorporation at:


an immune deficiency causes a severe reduction in the amount of mhc-ii expressed on the surface of professional antigen-presenting cells. predict which immune processes will be significantly impacted by this deficiency.


The immune processes that will be significantly impacted by this deficiency present processed antigens which are derived primarily from exogenous sources, to CD4 T-lymphocytes.

Major histocompatibility complex class I and class II proteins play an important role in the adaptive field of the immune system. Both protein classes share the role of presenting peptides on the cell surface for recognition by T cells. A rare primary immunodeficiency disorder inherited in an autosomal recessive manner caused by the absence.

Lack of MHC class II expression leads to impaired antigen presentation by her HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DP molecules on APCs such as dendritic cells and macrophages. This leads to defects in CD4 T-cell development and function and a lack of Th-cell-dependent Ab production by B cells.

Learn more about The immune processes here:-


select the factors you should consider to understand the threat in your environment


All are correct. Factors you should consider understanding the threat in your environment

The exercise of human rights, the rule of law, and democracy are all seriously threatened by terrorism. As a result, the Council of Europe's member states must combat it through prevention and repression. However, counterterrorism strategies that are poorly executed or unduly draconian may backfire. While counterterrorism efforts should not go beyond what is required to maintain peace and security or to undermine the rule of law and democracy in the name of trying to save it, law enforcement actions targeted against terrorists are necessary and appropriate.The Council of Europe is also working on ways to make fighting transnational organized crime more effective (see the White Paper on Transnational Organized Crime), as well as ways to share best practices and common strategies that are helpful in the fight against both organized crime and terrorist activity (see Malaga Conference).

The #NoHateNoFear campaign of the Council of Europe targeted online hate speech that encouraged terrorism and violent extremism.

Also available online in a number of official languages is the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Issue Paper on Democratic and Effective Oversight of National Security Services.

To know more about environment visit:

Why is it important that we prepare ourselves before doing and starting physical activities?


It is important that we prepare for our body before any exercise because it helps to reduce the chances of fatigue, injury and cramps.

Physical activities requires high movement of muscles and because of this many a times, a muscle at rest when drastically changes its position gets bad painful cramps. Preparing the body also causes better balance to be maintained. Warm ups and stretching are the best ways to prepare the body well. It also gives mental and physical stability. It tends to improve the flexibility of the body and maintains better circulation of blood within the body system. This also maintains better brain to muscle communication.

Learn more about physical activities at:


About _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.


20% of teenagers and young adults say they have been the victims of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying includes actions taken to oppress, harass, and delegitimize anyone.

These violent behaviors are incredibly hazardous and can harm anyone quickly and severely. They can be found on public message boards, social media platforms, and other websites. A cyberbully maybe someone you know; they are not necessarily anonymous. One form of cyberbullying is sending offensive SMS or IM messages, tricking someone into giving up access to their smartphone, or breaking into their social networking or gaming accounts.

In addition to mental health problems, cyberbullying can cause increased stress and concern, despair, violent outbursts, and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying has the potential to have long-lasting psychological impacts even after the harassing behavior has stopped.



how many cup-equivalents from foods in the dairy group are recommended for adults each day?


3 cup-equivalents from foods in the dairy group are recommended for adults each day  by USDA Food Patterns.

The USDA Food Patterns embrace three cup equivalents of dairy farm product per day in patterns that area unit targeted to preteens, teens, and adults. The amounts enclosed for younger kids area unit a pair of cups for two and three year olds, and a couple of ½ cups for four to eight years olds. For varied reasons, some people don't consume dairy farm product

Adults and youngsters who want a pair of,000 calories daily ought to eat or drink concerning three cups of dairy farm daily. one slice (1 ounce) of low-fat store cheese on a sandwich (counts as ½ cup of dairy). create the switch to low-fat and lite milk. Some youngsters and adults might have to create the amendment from full-fat dairy farm slowly.

To learn more about  USDA Food Patterns here


polyvalent vaccines using vaccinia virus are highly favored by doctors and physicians, but are especially challenging for those who develop them, because:_____.


Polyvalent vaccines using vaccinia virus are especially challenging for those who develop them, because multiple foreign proteins at the same time synthesized usually disrupts every other's activity.

Pneumococcal polyvalent vaccine is an energetic antigen wont to forestall infection by diplococcus microorganism. It works by inflicting your body to provide its own protection (antibodies) against the unwellness

Foreign protein is a supermolecule that differs from any supermolecule ordinarily found within the organism in question. New work shows that the length of this binding is what permits the cells to tell apart between the body's own proteins and people of offensive pathogens.

To learn more about vaccinia virus here


What are some guidelines to consider regarding the joining of a health or fitness club?.


Time and work cause it’s the most important

Daniel has decided to drive to work instead of taking the bus because of a recent publicized bus crash that has caused him to overestimate the incidence of such disasters. his decision is most likely being influenced by the __________.
a. confirmation bias
b. availability heuristic
c. overconfidence effect
d. representativeness heuristic please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Daniel has decided to drive to work instead of taking the bus because of a recent publicized bus crash that has caused him to overestimate the incidence of such disasters. his decision is most likely being influenced by the  availability heuristic . Thus correct option (b)

What is heuristic?

Heuristics, also known as heuristic techniques, are any approach to problem solving or self-discovery that makes use of a practical method that is not certain to be optimum, flawless, or rational, but is yet sufficient for achieving an immediate, short-term objective or approximation. Heuristic methods are another name for heuristics.

The availability heuristic refers to our tendency to base judgments on knowledge that is easily accessible and recalled while making future-related decisions.

Learn more about heuristic, here:


what are the advantages and disadvantages of using viral vectors for gene therapy?


Advantages of viral vectors:

-They're very good at targeting and entering cells.

-Some target specific types of cells.

-They can be modified so that they can't replicate and destroy cells.

Disadvantages of viral vectors:

-They can carry a limited amount of genetic material. Therefore, some genes may be too big to fit into some viruses.

- They can cause immune responses in patients, leading to two potential problems.

What is a prime instance of gene therapy?

Imagine, for instance, that cancer cells are dividing quickly and a brain tumor is developing. Some faulty or mutated gene is the cause of this tumor's development. This instance will be treated using a herpes virus that has had its ferocity reduced, making it harmless.

To know more about gene therapy visit:-


at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


Second stage resistance. His alternate stage, resistance, is entered by the body. The body makes trouble to fix any detriment and achieve stability and homeostasis.

What about the general adaptation syndrome?The general adaptation pattern( GAS) proposition explains how the body reacts to stress by changing physiologically.The alert stage, the resistance stage, and the weariness stage are the three stages of the pattern.The process your body goes through when you're subordinated to any form of stress, whether it's good or negative is known as the general adaptation pattern( GAS).Alarm is the first step, followed by resistance and frazzle.Still, it might affect your physical and emotional health, If the stress that caused your GAS isn't relieved.When under stress, the body goes through a three- stage process called GAS.To minimize the impacts on the body, it's essential to establish operation strategies.Life events and cerebral stress are some of the causes of the process.The' General Adaptation Syndrome,' occasionally pertained to as theG.A.S Theory, provides an explanation for how exercise affects the body.According to this idea, the body gets a sequence of immediate responses and long- term acclimations whenever a fresh external stressor( exercise) is present( GAINZ).

Learn more about general adaptation syndrome here:


Why do we need to observe safety measures in performing cheer dancing?



Safety measures are very important during Cheer because, without the proper precautions, you could be the reason that you or one of your peers injures themself. Some of the most common injuries during Cheerleading would be broken or fractured bones because some students were being reckless, so if you see a friend not being as careful as they'd like, make sure to remind them in a nice and safe way.


Cognitive therapies have achieved especially favorable results in the treatment of:_______


Cognitive therapies have mostly achieved a favorable outcome in the treatment of Depression.

Cognitive therapy aims to help patients recognize and change the dysfunctional ideas that make them more likely to have distorted experiences. The main idea behind cognitive therapy is that emotional reactions are heavily reliant on cognitive assessments of the importance of environmental cues. That's because, unlike anxiety medications, anxiety treatment addresses the root cause of the issue as well. In addition to teaching you relaxation techniques, new, less threatening perspectives on circumstances, and improved coping and problem-solving abilities, therapy can help you identify the root reasons of your anxieties and fears.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been demonstrated to be effective for a number of conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, problems with alcohol and other drugs, marital problems, eating disorders, and serious mental illnesses. You participate in a predetermined number of sessions of structured therapy with a mental health counselor (psychotherapist or therapist). CBT trains you to identify damaging or untrue ideas so you may view challenging situations more objectively and respond to them more productively.

Learn more about Cognitive therapies visit :


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