t - 3 > 2Solve the inequalities and represent the possible values of the variable on a number line.


Answer 1


The solution to the inequality is;


drawing the variable on the number line;


Given the inequality;


To solve, let's add 3 to both sides of the inequality;

[tex]\begin{gathered} t-3+3>2+3 \\ t-0>5 \\ t>5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is;


drawing the variable on the number line;

T - 3 > 2Solve The Inequalities And Represent The Possible Values Of The Variable On A Number Line.
T - 3 > 2Solve The Inequalities And Represent The Possible Values Of The Variable On A Number Line.

Related Questions

I would appreciate some help here, i’m bad at math


The equation of a line in the slope intercept form is expressed as

y = mx + c


m = slope

c = y intercept

Considering the given line,

m = - 3 and c = - 1

By substituting these values into the slope intercept equation, the equation of the line is

y = - 3x - 1

We would substitute values of x into the equation and solve for corresponding values of y. It is shown below

For x = - 2, y = - 3 * - 2 - 1 = 6 - 1 = 5

For x = - 1, y = - 3 * - 1 - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2

For x = 0, y = - 3 * 0 - 1 = 0 - 1 = - 1

For x = 1, y = - 3 * 1 - 1 = - 3 - 1 = - 4

For x = 2, y = - 3 * 2 - 1 = - 6 - 1 = - 7

We would plot the corresponding x and y values on the horizontal and vertical axes of the graph respectively. The graph is shown below

USH financial is a small bank that is examining it’s customers use of its website. The numbers of online transactions made per day during the past 8 days are as follows.



The number of online transaction made per day during tha past 8 days are given as follows

51, 57, 71, 57, 55, 62, 51, 65


we have to find Mean, Median and mode of the given data.



Mean of the given data is

[tex]\begin{gathered} Mean=\frac{51+57+71+57+55+62+51+65}{8} \\ Mean=58.6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, Mean is 58.6

(b) Median

Write the given data values in ascending order as following




57 Now n = 8

57 n/2 = 4

62 Median = Average of 4th and 5th items

65 Median = (57 + 57)/2 = 57


Therefore, Median is 57


We know, the Mode is the value or values that occur most frequently.

Since 51 occurs 2 times and 57 also occurs 2 times.

Therefore, there are two modes, which are 51 and 57

a backyard sandbox shaped like a right rectangular prisms is 0.45 meters high 2 m 2.6 m long if the sand is the box is 0.25 m deep what volume of sand is the box?


In order to determine the volume of the sand inside the box, take into account that the shape of the volume of the sand inside the box is the same that the rectangular prism. Then, you can use the folowing formula for the volume of the sand:

V = w·h·l

where w is the width, h the height and l the length. In this case, the height of the sand is 0.25m and the width and the length are the same of the box.

w = 2 m

l = 2.6 m

h = 0.25 m

replace the previous values of the parameters into the formula for V:

V = (2 m)(2.6 m)(0.25 m)

V = 1.3 m³

Hence, the volume of the sand inside the box is 1.3 m³

16. – 2y+5=-1IIs 3 the solution?


We plug the value given to see tif the equation holds:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2(3)+5=-1 \\ -6+5=-1 \\ -1=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the equation holds then, 3 IS the solution.

due today, i will mark as brainliest!


Step-by-step explanation:

y=2x-20 is the right answer mark brainliest


[tex]\sf Y=2X-20[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given linear equation:

[tex]\sf X=\dfrac{1}{2}(20+Y)[/tex]

To express Y in terms of X, rearrange the equation to isolate Y.

Apply the distributive property of multiplication over addition:

[tex]\implies \sf X=\dfrac{1}{2} \cdot 20+\dfrac{1}{2} \cdot Y[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf X=\dfrac{20}{2}+\dfrac{Y}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf X=10+\dfrac{Y}{2}[/tex]

Subtract 10 from both sides of the equation:

[tex]\implies \sf X-10=10+\dfrac{Y}{2}-10[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf X-10=\dfrac{Y}{2}[/tex]

Multiply both sides of the equation by 2:

[tex]\implies \sf 2(X-10)=2 \cdot \dfrac{Y}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 2(X-10)=Y[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf Y=2(X-10)[/tex]

Apply the distributive property of multiplication over subtraction:

[tex]\implies \sf Y=2\cdot X- 2\cdot 10[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf Y=2X- 20[/tex]

ANSI’s bought 3 1/2 yards of ribbon she had 2 feet 10 inches of ribbon left after trimming some curtains how many inches did she used to trim the curtains


With the help of conversion units, we know that 56 inches of ribbon was used in the curtains.

What is a conversion unit?If you want to change the units of a measured quantity without changing the value, you can do so by using a conversion factor, which is an expression representing the relationship between the units. A conversion ratio (or unit factor), if the numerator and denominator have the same value represented in various units, always equals one (1).

So, inches of ribbon Ansi used in curtains:

1 yard = 36 inches



Now, 2.5 yards in inches:

2.5 × 36 = 90 inches

Now, 1 foot = 12 inches.

Then, 2 feet and 10 inches:2 × 12 + 1024 + 1034 inches

Inches of ribbon used:

90 - 34 = 56 inches

Therefore, with the help of conversion units, we know that 56 inches of ribbon was used in the curtains.

Know more about conversion units here:



slove for y(13x-27)(9y + 19)(10x+6)


To obtain the value of y, we need to obtain the value of x first

Step 1: Finding x

(13x - 27) and (10x + 6) are equal (Alternate exterior angles)

so we can equate both angles

13x - 27 = 10x + 6

13x - 10x = 27 + 6

3x = 33

Divide both sides by 3

x = 33/ 3

x = 11

Step 2: Finding y

(9y + 19) and (10x + 6) are supplementary, hence they add up to 180

9y + 19 + 10x + 6 = 180

9y + 10x + 19 + 6 = 180

9y + 10x + 25 = 180

9y + 10x = 180 - 25

9y + 10x = 155

9y = 155 - 10x

substitute the value of x = 11 from step 1 into the equation

9y = 155 - 10 x 11

9y = 155 - 110

9y = 45

divide both sides by 9

y = 45/9

y = 5

Master Level2. Brandon is wrapping the present shown below. How many square centimeters ofwrapping paper will he need?Height: 7 cmWidth:10 cmLength: 22 cm


Given the following:

Height = 7cm

Width = 10cm

length = 22cm

We were asked to find the number of square centimeters of wrapping paper Brandon will be needing.

To solve for this, we will be using the total surface formula.

Total surface formula (SA) = 2lw + 2lh + 2hw)

factoring out 2

SA = 2(lw + lh + hw)

lw = 22 x 10 = 220cm²

lh = 22 x 7 = 154cm²

hw = 7 x 10 = 70cm²


SA =2(220 + 154 + 70)

SA = 2(644)

SA = 1288cm²

Use the Trapezoidal Rule to approximate ∫43ln(x2+9) dx using n=3. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.


The Trapezoidal rule formula is given to be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \int_a^bf(x)dx\approx\frac{\triangle x}{2}(f(x_o)+2f(x_1)+2f(x_2)+2f(x_3)+...+2f(x_{n-1})+f(x_n) \\ where \\ \triangle x=\frac{b-a}{n} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The question gives:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=\ln(x^2+9) \\ a=3 \\ b=4 \\ n=3 \\ \therefore \\ \triangle x=\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, divide the interval into n = 3 subintervals of length 1/3 with the following endpoints:


Evaluate the function at the endpoints:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x_0)=f(3)=2.89 \\ 2f(x_1)=2f(\frac{10}{3})=6.00 \\ 2f(x_2)=2f(\frac{11}{3})=6.22 \\ f(x_3)=f(4)=3.22 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Sum up the calculated values and multiply by Δx/2:


Therefore, the answer will be:


(-79.2x + 80) +(74.5x -89y) in standard form


Ok, so:

We want to write (-79.2x + 80) +(74.5x -89y) in standard form:

So, -79.2x + 80 + 74.5x - 89y is equal to:

-4.7x - 89y + 80.

Then, -89y = 4.7x - 80

And finally, y = ((-4.7)/(89))x + 80/89

Which is the better deal? Cheerios12 oz. for $ 1.9936 oz. for $2.5948 oz. for $3.9960 oz. $4.59


To calculate which is the best deal we must standardize all prices and compare them.

To do this we will divide the value by the number of ounces they have and thus choose the best one.









The price list by ounces would be as follows.





Best deal is number 2 0.071

Evaluate the expression when y= -4.y²-7y+2


Put y = -4 into the expression below:



[tex]\begin{gathered} y^2-7y+2=(-4)^2-7(-4)+2 \\ =16+28+2 \\ =46 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of the expression when y = -4 is 46

2? + kI - 20limI-5I - 5Solve for k to make it exist?



k = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

The limit will exist if:

One of the roots of the equation in the numerator is 5. This happens because if this happens, we can simplify with the denominator. So

Solving a quadratic equation:

In the following format:

ax² + bx + c = 0

The solution is given by:


In this question:

x² + kx - 20 = 0

The solution is:


Since we want x = 5.


k = -1

my question:solve the equation or inequality.5t - 3 (7t + 1) < 93would the answer be 7 > -6?




To solve the inequality for t, we first expand the left-hand side to get:


adding the like terms gives


adding 3 to both sides gives


At this point, we have to remember that dividing or multiplying an inequality by a negative number reverses its sign. So when we divide our inequality by -16, the inequality reverses sign and we get:

[tex]t>-\frac{96}{16}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\therefore t>-6.}[/tex]

which is our answer!

Your sock drawer has 4 pairs of pink socks, 2 pairs of white socks, and 7 pairs of black socks. What is the probability that if you choose at random withough replacement you will not choose black socks 2 days in a row? a 1/12b 2/13c 3/8d 5/26



Case: Probability


To select socks that are not black without replacement,

Since there are a total of 6 pairs that are not black (NB)

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pr(NB) \\ =\frac{6}{13}\times\frac{5}{12} \\ =\frac{5}{26} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:


Do you go to the movies at least twice a week?Yes No TotalMale 35 45 80Female 67 28 95Total 102 73 175Jasmine wants to find out how manystudents at her school go to themovies at least twice a week. Sheinterviews 175 students and recordstheir gender and a yes if they go atleast twice a week and no if they goless than twice a week. She displaysthe results in the table.What is the probability that a personwho does not go to the movies atleast twice a week is male (round tothe thousandth)?


We have to determine the probability that a person who does not go to the movies at least twice a week is male.

From the table , it is given that there are total 73 students who does not go to school atleast twice a week.

Also, the number of male students whod does not go to school atleast twice a week is, 45.

Therefore, the probability that a person who does not go to the movies at least twice a week is male is determined as.


The box plots represent the length of 100 randomly sampled commercial breaks for two different television stations Length of Commercial Breaks Channel 1 Channel 2 20 40 60 140 160 80 100 120 Time (seconds) Which statement about the difference in the medians of the two data sets is true?


Given data:

The length of the first commercial break is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} C_1=(120-90) \\ =30 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The length of the second commercial break is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} C_2=(90-50) \\ =40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The expression for the diffrence compared to the first channel is,

Fidn the x intercept(s) and the coordinates of the vertex for the parabola y=x^2-8x+12 if there is more then one x intercept esperate them with commas!



To calculate the x-intercepts we replace y=0 and solve for x


where a is 1, b is -8 and c 12

so factor the expression using



[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-(-8)\pm\sqrt[]{(-8)^2-4(1)(12)^{}}}{2(1)} \\ \\ x=\frac{8\pm\sqrt[]{64-48}}{2} \\ \\ x=\frac{8\pm\sqrt[]{16}}{2} \\ \\ x=\frac{8\pm4}{2} \\ \\ x=4\pm2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so x have two solutions because there are two x-intercepts

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_1=4+2=6 \\ x_2=4-2=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

then the x-intercepts are 6 and 2, the corrdinates are

[tex]\begin{gathered} (6,0) \\ (2,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]


the vertex is a point (x,y) to calculate x we use


and replace

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-(-8)}{2(1)} \\ \\ x=\frac{8}{2}=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now replace x=4 on the equation of the parable to find y

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=x^2-8x+12 \\ y=(4)^2-8(4)+12 \\ y=16-32+12 \\ y=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the coordinate of the vertex is


Henry runs up 10 flights of stairs.Then, he runs down 10 flights of stairs.Does this situation represent additiveinverses? Explain.



Henry runs up 10 flights of stairs. Then, he runs down 10 flights of stairs. Does this situation represent additive inverses? Explain.


For this case we know that Henry runs up 10 stairs and thenhe goes down 10 stairs so for this case yes that represent additive inverses because the net operation is:

10 +(-10)=0

And he back againt to 0

I don’t know if it’s maximum value or minimum value and the answer too



The minimum value is 0

Step-by-step explanation:

If there is a negative sign in front of the x^2 it is always a maximum (-x^2 goes downwards)

If the x^2 is positive it always a minimum.

You have the correct ordered pair, the minimum value is equal to the y value.

what is 6 5/6 as a decimal​


the answer for 6 5/6                                                


6.83 mark as brainiest if i helped

What survey contains the best example of a sampling error



The correct option is the second one: "a survey of high school students to determine the favorite type of doll"

This is a sampling error, because it's very unlikely that high school students have a favorite doll, and the results won't be very use

Suppose f(x) = x. Find the graph of f(x + 2).graph 1, 2, 3, or 4


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)\text{ = x} \\ f(x+2)\text{ = x+2} \\ e\mathrm{}g,\text{ when x = 1 then y?} \\ y\text{ = x +2} \\ y\text{ = 1 + 2= 3} \\ \text{Graph 4, gives the best figure.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Students in a science class recorded lengths of a stretched spring as shown in the table. Find the rate of change and explain what it means for this situation.


To find the rate of change;

Rate of change = change in y / change in x

= 10-0/ 2-0




This means that the increase in w

given the function given the function f of x equals 5 (x + 4) ^ 3/2 which of the following represent its y-intercept



For the following pair of variables state the units that might be used to measure each variable. then state whether you believe that the two variables are correlated .if you believe they are correlated, state whether the correlation is positive or negative. explain your reasoningTo measure fertility rate for women the unit _ might be used. to measure life expectancy the unit _ might be used. what correlation if any is there between the variables?



For the following pair of variables state the units that might be used to measure each variable. then state whether you believe that the two variables are correlated .if you believe they are correlated, state whether the correlation is positive or negative. explain your reasoningTo measure fertility rate for women the unit _ might be used. to measure life expectancy the unit _ might be used. what correlation if any is there between the variables?​ ​


To measure fertility rate for women the number of births per 1000 women might be used.

To measure life expectancy the years might be used.

what correlation if any is there between the variables?​ ​

For this case we would expect that the correlation would be positive. With higher number of life expectancy years we would expect a higher number of births

Calculate the area of the region enclosed by the x-axis and the curve y(x)=−x^2−3x+4.(show a figure and detailed answer please)


Given that the region is enclosed by the x-axis and this curve:


You can graph the function using a Graphic Tool:

Noice that the area region you must calculate is:

Notice that it goes from:




Therefore, you can set up that:


In order to solve the Definite Integral, you need to:

- Apply these Integration Rules:

[tex]\int x^ndx=\frac{x^{n+1}}{n+1}+C[/tex][tex]\int kf(x)dx=k\int f(x)dx[/tex]

Then, you get:


- Evaluate:


Hence, the answer is:


the chance of you having the same DNA as another person (other than an identical twin) is approximately 1 in 10 trillion (one trillion is a 1 by 12 zeros). Given the fraction,express this very small number using a negative power of 101/10,000,000,000,000


We are asked to write the quotient : 1/10,000,000,000,000 in a notation with powers of ten. This is called "scientific notation".

when we perform the division of 1 by that enormous number, we get:


This can be represented by a 10 to a negative exponent. Notice that we have 13 zeros in the denominator (which implies that we have to divide 13 times by ten)

so we can write the answer as: 1 * 10^(-13)

which with the appropriate equation editor becomes:


the base 10 with exponent -13 (negative 13)

which statement best describes the changes to the graph when the coefficient of x^2 is multiplied by 1/2?A. the parabola will get narrower.B. the parabola will get wider.C. the parabola will shift to the right by 1/2 unit.D. the parabola will shift to the left by 1/2 unit.



B. The parabola will get wider


The graph for the function x² is shown in the question

The graph x² is multiplied by 1/2. The new function becomes 1/2 x²

Let us plot the graph of 1/2 x² to compare with the graph of x² that has already been given

The graph of 1/2 x² is plotted above

As shown, it is obvious from the graphs of 1/2 x² and x² that the graph of 1/2 x² is wider than the graph of x²

Write in standard form the equation of a line passing through the point (-3, 4) and having the slope m = 2.


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2x+b \\ 4=2(-3)+b \\ 4=-6+b \\ 4+6=-6+b+6 \\ b=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

then the equation in standard form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ y=2x+10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

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