symptoms of gonorrhea are generally more severe in women than in men. truefalse with gynecologic patients, you should leave any foreign bodies in place after stabilizing them with bandages. truefalse pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44. truefalse the most common presenting sign of pid is generalized lower abdominal pain.


Answer 1

The statement that Symptoms of gonorrhea are generally more severe in women than in men is false because it is more severe in men.

The statement that with gynecologic patients, you should leave any foreign bodies in place after stabilizing them with bandages is True. The statement that Pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44 is False because it is bacterial vaginosis which is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44.The statement that most common presenting sign of PID is generalized lower abdominal pain is True. Gynecologist refers to the physician who specializes in caring for the reproductive health of a woman. PID refers to the infectious diseases caused in reproductive organs of the women.

Learn more about gonorrhea at:


Related Questions

a group of nurses on the orthopedic floor of a hospital wish to improve their clinical performance. the nurse manager suggests a program in which the nurses will evaluate each other and provide feedback for improved performance. this program is termed:


The program in which the nurses will evaluate each other and provide feedback for improved performance is called as Peer review.

Peer review is a kind of evaluation process in which the testimony of the work is analyzed by the people with similar competencies. It increases the possibility of rectification as working on new techniques if not proved to be healthy could be duly replaced because of the experiences felt by people of same department and hence making changes would be more swift and easy. It helps the members to understand and achieve the goal and also involves regulations and desired outcomes. The basic events which could be reviewed are assessment phase, diagnosis of patients, planning, implementation of medical technology, and evaluation of task.

Learn more about peer review at:


the nurse is discharging a client to home with a prescription for clarithromycin (biaxin). which statement by the client indicates understanding of the discharge teaching?


The statement that indicates understanding of the discharge teaching by the client "I need to take the medication until it is gone."

A macrolide antibiotic called clarithromycin attacks germs in your body.

Numerous bacterial infections of the skin and respiratory system are treated with clarithromycin.

Clarithromycin might be harmful to an unborn child. Utilize reliable birth control to avoid getting pregnant while using this medication. When you become pregnant, let your doctor know.

Clarithromycin caused birth abnormalities in trials on animals. It is unknown, though, whether these consequences would apply to people. Discuss your risk with your doctor.

Clarithromycin may have negative effects on breastfeeding infants if it enters breast milk. Inform your doctor if you are nursing a baby.

Anyone under the age of six months cannot use this medication.

Learn more about clarithromycin here:


the client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) has developed mycobacterium avium complex. which interventions should be included in the nursing plan of care? select all that apply.


If a patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has developed Mycobacterium avium complex infection then the patient will maintain intact perineal skin in the nursing plan of care.

Loose, watery stools are the main sign of M. avium infection, which raises the possibility of perineal skin disintegration. The other outcomes would be acceptable for various HIV-related illnesses (such as pneumonia, dementia, or influenza, for example). The only way for such people to regain their pre-illness weight in their pre-illness state, depending on the circumstance, is by using oral, enteral, or parenteral supplements. This is a result of the obvious cause.

Having said that, a lung condition resembling tuberculosis is brought on by infection with the mycobacterium avium complex.

As a result, we can now say with confidence from the aforementioned task that the best thing to do for a customer with the aforementioned health condition is to make sure that he or she returns to the previous sickness state.

The complete question is:

A patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has developed Mycobacterium avium complex infection. Which outcome would be appropriate for the nurse to include in the plan of care?

a. The patient will be free from injury.

b. The patient will receive immunizations.

c. The patient will have adequate oxygenation.

d. The patient will maintain intact perineal skin.

To learn more about the treatment of patients with HIV please click on the given link:


2. the carbohydrate recommendation for people who have diabetes is the same as for people without diabetes: 45 to 65 percent of total kcalories should come from carbohydrates. approximately what percent of kcalories in this menu come from carbohydrate?


For diabetics, the proportion of calories in the menu that comes from carbohydrates is 35%.

Foods that contain carbohydrates can affect blood sugar levels. Diabetes patients, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, both have problems in the process of breaking down glucose into energy.

Either the body cannot produce the insulin hormone, or because the body is no longer sensitive to the presence of insulin (insulin resistance) the process of burning glucose into energy is not optimal.

A study shows that carbohydrate intake for diabetics is 20-150 grams per day or only 5-35 percent of carbohydrates from total calorie intake. The American Diabetes Association recommends that carbohydrates for diabetics that are safe to consume are around 45-60 grams per meal, or 135-180 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Learn more about the percent of calories for diabetics at


a hospital client is reporting pain, and the health care provider has prescribed 3 mg hydromorphone sc. the medication is available in single-use vials of 10 mg/1 ml. how many milliliters of hydromorphone should the nurse draw up? record the answer using 1 decimal place.


When a hospital patient complains of discomfort and the health care provider prescribes 3 mg of hydromorphone, the nurse should prepare 0.3 milliliters of the drug.

10 mg/1 ml single-use vials of the medicine are offered. Dihydromorphinone, often known as hydromorphone, is an opioid used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is marketed under the brand name Deluded among others. Usually, only cancer-related discomfort for long-term use is advised. It can be taken orally or administered intravenously (under the skin or into a muscle). By preventing, diagnosing, treating, minimizing, or curing disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans, health care, often known as healthcare, aims to improve people's overall well-being.

Learn more about health care here


at 6 weeks gestation a client is found to have gonorrhea. for which medication would the nurse anticipate preparing a teaching plan


The nurse would anticipate Ceftriaxone (Rocephin).

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that affects both males and females. The urethra, rectum, or throat are the most commonly affected areas by gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can also infect the cervix in females. Gonorrhea is most commonly transmitted through any type of intercourse.

With the right treatment, gonorrhea can be cured. The CDC recommends a single 500 mg intramuscular ceftriaxone dose. When ceftriaxone cannot be used to treat urogenital or rectal gonorrhea, alternative regimens are available.

Due to drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains emerging, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends treating uncomplicated gonorrhoea with the antibiotic ceftriaxone — given as an injection — and oral azithromycin (Zithromax).

To learn more about gonorrhea and Ceftriaxone, here


natalie is in the end stages of lung cancer and is hooked up to a ventilator. she has recently suffered a stroke and slipped into a coma. natalie's physician informs her family that there is nothing more that can be done since natalie is now in brainstem death and should be disconnected from the ventilator. her family wants to be absolutely sure her prognosis is as poor as the doctor stated. which final test can confirm this diagnosis?


The apnea test is typically the last step in determining brain death in ventilator. It is carried out after it has been determined that the coma is irreversible, unresponsive, and that brainstem reflexes are absent.

The apnea test, which offers a crucial indicator of the final loss of brainstem function, is a requirement for determining brain death(BD). Removing the patient's breathing apparatus

High [tex]PaO_{2}[/tex] levels can be maintained for extremely long periods of time with continuous or intermittent oxygen supplementation in ventilator that is preceded by de-nitrogenation of blood gases. Preoxygenation improves oxygen delivery by removing alveolar nitrogen reserves. There are various methods for determining whether there is adequate oxygenation during AT. First, the respirator is removed from the patient, and then a catheter or cannula is inserted into the endotracheal tube, down to the level of the carina, and pure oxygen is administered at a rate of 4–10 l/min. Even without breathing, this would guarantee enough alveolar ventilation and oxygen delivery to the blood.

Learn more about ventilator


a client is taking lithium has slurred speech, an ataxic gait, and nausea. which statemtn about these signs and symptoms is correct


The classic signs and symptoms of lithium toxicity include slurred speech, ataxia, nausea, and vomiting.

Lithium toxicity symptoms are obvious and can be easily identified and managed; however, ignoring them can be fatal. Indeed, lithium toxicity can cause coma, brain damage, and even death in some cases. Furthermore, lithium has the potential to cause serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal and life-threatening condition.

Severe nausea and vomiting, severe hand tremors, confusion, and vision changes are all symptoms of lithium toxicity. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention to have your lithium levels checked.

The mainstay of lithium toxicity treatment is supportive therapy. Because of emesis and the risk of aspiration, airway protection is critical. Controlling seizures with benzodiazepines, phenobarbital, or propofol is possible.

To learn more about lithium toxicity, here


if a person is having a seizure, make sure you place something in their mouth so that they don’t bite or swallow their tongue. t or f


Teeth or the jaw may be harmed by this. When having a seizure, a person cannot swallow their tongue.

Is putting something in someone's mouth during a seizure to prevent them from biting their tongue okay?

If a person is having a seizure, never put anything in their mouth. They may get hurt as a result of this. Roll the sufferer to one side, maintain a safe distance between them and any adjacent items, and allow the seizure to proceed naturally.

Is it crucial to make sure you give someone something to put in their mouth during a seizure?

Your hand might get bit by them if you put it in their mouth. The person still risks choking on their tongue despite the object.

To know more about seizure visit :-


the nurse is caring for a client who has been reporting post-herpetic neuralgia. what drug does the nurse anticipate administering to this client?


Post-herpetic neuralgia is often treated with a tricyclic antidepressant medication.

Depression treatment is not done here with it. In addition to their effects on depression, tricyclic antidepressants also relieve neuralgia, or pain in the nerves.There are various tricyclic antidepressants. Amitriptyline is the drug most frequently used for nerve pain, nevertheless. Up to 8 out of 10 Post-herpetic neuralgia sufferers treated with amitriptyline see a complete or significant reduction in pain. The other tricyclic antidepressant that is occasionally used to treat Post-herpetic neuralgia is nortriptyline.It normally takes a tricyclic antidepressant a few days to reduce the discomfort, but it could take up to two weeks. Before you experience the full benefits, it may take many weeks. Some patients abandon their care too soon.To assess how effectively the antidepressant is working, it is preferable to stick with it for at least 4-6 weeks. After the pain has subsided or diminished, it is customary to continue taking an antidepressant for another month if it is effective. After that, the dose is gradually decreased before being discontinued. If the discomfort comes again, you should start the antidepressant right away.Tricyclic antidepressants might occasionally make you sleepy. In most cases, this gets better with time. A low dose is often taken at first and then progressively increased if necessary to try to prevent drowsiness. Typically, it is also taken at night. Another typical side effect is dry mouth. Drinking water frequently may be helpful in this.

To know more about antidepressants check the below link:


true or false? smoking during pregnancy increases the risks of all of the following: placental problems, miscarrying, delivering a stillborn infant, giving birth prematurely, and delivering a low-birth-weight infant. true false


True smoking during pregnancy increases the risks of placental problems, miscarrying, delivering a stillborn infant, giving birth prematurely, and delivering a low-birth-weight infant.

Smoking increases the risk of labor difficulties for your unborn child. Congenital cardiac abnormalities and issues with the anatomy of the heart are the most frequent sorts of issues. Smoking while pregnant has also been associated with cleft lip and cleft palate abnormalities.

Despite being aware of the risks smoking poses to both themselves and their unborn children, many pregnant women continue to smoke. 10% of pregnant women acknowledge smoking during the last three months of their pregnancies, according to the CDC. Stopping smoking is the only method to prevent pregnancy problems brought on by smoking.

To learn more about smoking during pregnancy please click on the given link:


the nurse provides care for a client diagnosed with hodgkin's disease. the client received cyclophosphamide. which laboratory value does the nurse report to the healthcare provider


The nurse will provide a platelet report to the healthcare provider for the client diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease who received cyclophosphamide.

The primary use of the potent medicine Cyclophosphamide is in cancer treatment. It belongs to the class of cytotoxic drugs called alkylating agents that stop the spread and proliferation of malignant cells.

Some skin disorders, especially those that are autoimmune or connected to an immunological sickness, have been shown to respond well to cyclophosphamide treatment.

A member of the group of medications known as alkylating agents is cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide reduces or stops the growth of cancer cells in your body when used as a cancer treatment. Cyclophosphamide lowers your immune system when used to treat nephrotic syndrome.

Treatment for malignancies of the ovaries, breast, blood, lymphatic, and nervous systems with cyclophosphamide (mainly in children). Additionally, cyclophosphamide is used to treat mycosis fungoides, Hodgkin's disease multiple myeloma, and retinoblastoma, a bone marrow cancer that mostly affects children (tumors on the skin).

To learn more about cyclophosphamide please click on the given link:


Give the reason why the mouthpiece of an aphid contains a high concentration of dissolved sugars after feeding.


An aphid eats grass which creates High levels of glucose from the process of photosynthesis therefore when the aphid eats the grass the glucose is transferred to the aphid and as a result has a higher concentration of dissolved sugars.

Although an aphid consumes grass, which creates vast amounts of glucose through photosynthetic processes, the aphid also acquires hypoglycemia from the grass, which increases the concentration of solutes and sugars.

Insects have trouble regulating the osmoregulation of their hemocytes due to the high concentration of phloem sap.

They accomplish this by converting carbohydrates into polymers in their stomachs, which equalizes the composition of the nectar and hemolymph.

To learn more about photosynthesis please click on the given link:


which skin disorder is characterized by a vesicular eruption after prolonged exposure to perspiration, with subsequent obstruction of the eccrine ducts? a. scabies b. tinea corporis c. miliaria d. pediculosis


The skin disorder Miliaria is characterized by a vesicular eruption after prolonged exposure to perspiration, with subsequent obstruction of the eccrine ducts.

The most common clinical form of milia, a common dermatosis caused by sweat retention and characteristic eruption of vesicles secondary to prolonged exposure to sweat, with subsequent maceration and obstruction of the eccrine ducts. Red miliary lesions are predicted for covered areas of the skin, are characterized by pruritic little papules, vesicles or papulovesicles surrounded by erythema and are always extrafollicular.

To know more about dermatosis please click on the link


mary has been at high altitude for seven hours and is experiencing nausea, rapid breathing, and headaches. what common issue is she likely experiencing?


Mary is experiencing altitude sickness. The symptoms of altitude sickness are nausea, rapid breathing, and headaches.

Altitude sickness may occur if you go to a high height without giving your body time to acclimate. Both headache and nausea are symptoms. Your symptoms should go away on their own if you descend to a lower elevation. Altitude sickness can be fatal in extreme cases.

At higher elevations, there is a sudden change in air pressure and oxygen levels, which causes altitude sickness. If you travel to a high elevation without giving your body time to adjust to less oxygen, you might experience symptoms. Even if you're in good physical shape, altitude sickness can still strike.

Hence, altitude sickness is observed due to lack of oxygen.

To know more about  Lung capacity.


a client reports to the nurse about needing to strain to defecate. the client adds that defecating is very painful. what laxative will the nurse suggest to the prescriber based on the painful defecation?


The nurse will suggest Docusate sodium (Colace) and docusate calcium (Surfak), two types of stools softeners as laxative for easy defecation. The patient has to take water from the intestines to moisten the stool for suppositories and enemas.

After a serious illness linked to constipation has been ruled out, manual disimpaction and transrectal enemas may be employed for easy defecation. In individuals with lower anorectal impactions, the use of a gloved finger with good lubrication may be necessary. The nursing staff typically dislikes warm water enemas, and they are probably not essential in the emergency room (ED). Following these initial steps, an optional evaluation of the etiology of the constipation is conducted.

Instead of using laxatives, enemas, and suppositories, which don't really treat the root cause of the problem, medical care should emphasize food modification and exercise. Enemas with or without soap suds made from tap water can be useful for softening stools and causing bowel movements.

To learn more about defecation click on the given link:


when a patient is being provided with care, who works to ensure they are receiving the best possible care?


Nurses are responsible for establishing and managing a safe care environment to safeguard patients as well as professionals in order to obtain the greatest results.

Clinical care teams are often made up of teams of doctors, nurses, physician assistants, clinical pharmacists, social workers, and other health care providers that work together to create new channels of collaboration, communication, and cooperation to better meet the needs of their patients.

Care planning is a discussion between the patient and the healthcare professional about how their disease affects them personally and how they may be supported to best fulfill their health and wellness needs throughout their whole life. The person owns the care plan, which is only shared with others with their permission.

To know more about Healthcare here


a nurse is caring for a client with hoarding disorder. what is the priority nursing care of this client?


Help the client complete the accumulation scale self-report. Asking the customer to complete the report provides data on the severity of customer hoarding behavior.

Hoarding disorder is a mental health condition in which you have a strong need to keep a large number of things and experience pain when trying to get rid of them. Behavioral therapy is used to treat hoarding disorders. Strong feelings. Financial security can be associated with difficult experiences and painful feelings. It may be difficult for you to express, endure or decide. Some people say that hoarding helps them cope with other mental health problems or distracts them from feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, anger or fear. There are no medications currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat constipation.

To know morw about Hoarding disorder please click on the link


why did the supreme court determine the food and drug administration (fda) exceeded its authority when it asserted jurisdiction to regulate tobacco products?


The supreme court determine the food and drug administration (FDA) exceeded its authority when it asserted jurisdiction to regulate tobacco products because the structure and history of the FDCA did not permit the FDA to regulate tobacco products.

The FDA has previously held that it lacked the authority to regulate cigarette products, but this new stance differs from that. The FDA was unable to control tobacco products, according to the tobacco industry's arguments, because of the FDCA's structure and history.

It was determined that the FDCA gave the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products as they were typically marketed—that is, without manufacturer claims of therapeutic benefit.

The FDA educates the public about tobacco products, especially cigarettes, and the risks they provide in order to safeguard Americans against tobacco-related illness and death.

To learn more about Food and drug administration visit:


jackson and vivica, two teenagers, are not ready to take the risk of an unwanted pregnancy but have unprotected sex. as per vivica's calculations, she is ovulating. what should vivica do to prevent an unintended pregnancy?multiple choiceimmediately consume plan b one-step pillsuse a cervical cap along with an effective spermicideimplant essureimmediately insert the paragard iud herself


This pill is most effective at preventing pregnancy when it’s taken as quickly after unprotected sex as possible. Brand names include Plan B One-Step and ella.

What is the morning-after pill?

It is possible to utilize the morning after pill as an emergency contraceptive (birth control). Contraception used in an emergency is different from conventional birth control methods such as daily usage of birth control pills.

The morning-after pill is sold under numerous different brand names. Levonorgestrel is the only progestin in the morning-after pill (Plan B One-Step). This drug is sold without a prescription.

One pill emergency contraception is referred to as Plan B. Plan B should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex for the greatest outcomes, usually within the first three days. The medication's efficacy declines if used more than five days following unprotected sex.

To learn more about contraceptive pills click the link below:


a client reports taking antihistamines to treat nausea. the nurse correctly suspects that the nausea results from what trigger?


The nurse correctly suspects that the nausea results from motion sickness.

Antihistamines are medications that are used to treat allergic rhinitis, the common cold, influenza, and other allergies. Antihistamines are medications that are commonly used to treat allergy symptoms such as hay fever, hives, conjunctivitis, and reactions to insect bites or stings. They're also sometimes used to treat motion sickness and as a short-term sleep aid.

For most people with minor allergies, Claritin and Zyrtec are effective and safe. However, as with all medications, some side effects may occur. Loratadine, which is found in Claritin, may be harmful to people who have severe liver disease.

Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine medication that relieves allergy symptoms. It is classified as a drowsy (sedating) antihistamine and is more likely to cause sleepiness than other antihistamines.

To learn more about antihistamines, here


an 85-year-old man has come in for a physical examination, and the nurse notices that he uses a cane. when documenting general appearance, the nurse should document this information under the section that covers:


The nurse should include this information in the part that deals with mobility and overall appearance when reporting general appearance.

Level of consciousness, skin tone, nutritional state, posture, mobility, facial expression, mood & affect, speaking, hearing, and personal cleanliness are all considered to be part of general appearance. Vital signs, height, and weight are regarded as measures. Inspection (look at the body) (looking at the body) Palpation (feeling the body with fingertips or hands) (feeling the body with fingers or hands) Auscultation (listening to noises) (listening to sounds) Percussion (creating sounds, generally by tapping on specified regions of the body) (producing sounds, usually by tapping on specific areas of the body). A targeted integumentary examination should focus on the following five factors by nurse: skin color, skin temperature, skin turgor, skin moisture level, and any lesions or skin disintegration. In the first three lessons, classroom assessment design is introduced, with an emphasis on fundamental ideas including the five components of assessment, validity, reliability, goals of assessment, and assessment items.

(An 85-year-old man has come in for a physical examination, and the nurse notices that he uses a cane. When documenting general appearance, the nurse should document this information under the section that covers:

A) posture.

B) mobility & general appearance

C) mood and affect.

D) physical deformity.)

Learn more about nurse


a child is born to a mother whose hepatitis b status is negative. while assessing the newborn, the nurse finds that the birth weight is 1.8 kg. which action is appropriate in this situation?


Administer HepB vaccine to the newborn 1 month after birth.a child is born to a mother whose hepatitis b status is negative. while assessing the newborn, the nurse finds that the birth weight is 1.8 kg.

In neonates weighing less than 2 kg, the immunological response to the HepB immunisation is not optimal. Given that the mother is negative for hepatitis B, the first dose of the HepB vaccination should be given one month after delivery. Since the mother's hepatitis B status is negative, there is no need to deliver 0.5 mL of hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) within 12 hours after birth. Infants with birth weights more than 2 kg get the monovalent HepB vaccination at the time of discharge. Within 12 hours of delivery, the newborn would get the HepB vaccination and 0.5 mL of hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) if the mother had the disease.

Learn more about hepatitis B here:


.at 4:30 a.m. matthew awakens, experiencing pain that is radiating from his chest toward his left arm. at first he thinks that it is just sore muscles; however, the pain progressively gets worse, to a point where it is unbearable and he calls for an ambulance. which of the following best describes matthew's pain? a.arthritis b.oncogenes c.atherosclerosis d.angina pectoris


d.angina pectoris. Angina pectoris, often known as angina, is a temporary uneasiness or chest pain that is caused by a decrease in blood flow to the heart muscle.

Angina pectoris is not a heart attack, while being a sign of an increased risk for having one. Common angina pain descriptors include squeezing, stress, stiffness, heaviness, or tightness in the chest. Your chest may appear to be under a heavy burden. Angina can either produce a recent suffering that has to be evaluated by a physician or a lingering discomfort that gets better with treatment.

It may be an indication of a heart attack if your chest discomfort persists for more than a few minutes and doesn't go away after you relax or take your angina treatments.

Learn more about angina pectoris


compare the water needed for an average global diet versus a completely vegetarian diet. assume 2,700 calories total per day. how many liters of water would be saved daily by a person on a completely vegetarian diet?


1,600 liters  of water would be saved daily by a person on a completely vegetarian diet. he water needed for an average global diet versus a completely vegetarian diet. assume 2,700 calories total per day.

A balanced diet is advised and a reasonable quantity of exercise is suggested in a tailored diet, taking into consideration current daily obligations and obligations. When appropriate, factors including stress, high cholesterol, and diabetes are also considered. For optimal nutrition and health, a nutritious diet is necessary. You are protected from many long-term, noncommunicable illnesses including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. A healthy diet must include a variety of foods and be low in salt, sugar, saturated fats, and trans fats made in factories.

Learn more about diet here:


total saturated fat for this meal is 95 grams. based on the 2020 dietary guidelines, what percent of the daily value for saturated fat does this provide?


The total saturated fat for this meal is 95 grams. based on the 2020 dietary guidelines, 20% of the daily value of saturated fat does this provide.

They are a particular class of fat distinguished by their chemical makeup and molecular connections. These qualities make this fat relatively unsuitable for eating. All diets should limit the consumption of these fats to 10% of the total calorie intake at the most. A diet devoid of these fats is in no way hazardous. Bad cholesterol is produced by this kind of fat, which can result in numerous health problems.

Since the required daily maximum for saturated fats is 20 grams, we can thus establish that based on a 2,000-calorie diet, the daily value for saturated fats provided by the Day 1 meal would be 20%.

To learn more about saturated fats please click on the given link:


the charge nurse in the critical care unit is making rounds after report. which patient should be seen first? the patient: group of answer choices who is complaining that the nurses are being rude and won't answer the call lights. diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction who has an elevated creatinine phosphokinase-cardiac muscle level (cpk-mb). diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis (dka) who has a blood glucose reading of 189 mg/dl. who is being transfered to the medical unit to make room for a patient from the emergency department.


The patient which should be first seen is the client who is complaining that the nurses are being rude and won't answer call lights.

Who is a charge nurse?

A charge nurse is a registered nurse who is in charge of a nursing unit. They are responsible for coordinating patient care and delegating tasks to other nurses, as well as monitoring patient progress and providing direct care when needed. Charge nurses may also be involved in scheduling, budgeting, and other administrative tasks. Charge nurses are typically experienced nurses who have strong clinical and leadership skills.

It is often necessary to see clients with a psychological need before other clients who have conditions that are expected and are not life threatening.

As a result, Option A is the correct answer.

To know more about a charge nurse,


a nurse working in a clinic is planning to assess a client for any sensory deficits. what assessments should the nurse include?


The assessments nurse should include are

Ask the client about any recent changes in vision.Observe the client's conversation with others.Assess two-point discrimination.Perform the Rinne test.

Sensory deficit is a broad medical term that refers to a variety of symptoms that can occur. difficulties with a single sense, such as touch or taste, or difficulties with multiple senses Vision, touch, smell, taste, hearing, vestibular (for balance movement and head positions), and proprioception are examples of sensory skills (position and movement of the muscles and joints).

Sensory issues are considered a symptom of autism because they are experienced by many people on the autism spectrum. However, not everyone with sensory issues is on the autism spectrum. Some suffer from ADHD, OCD, or developmental delays. Alternatively, they may not have a diagnosis at all.

To learn more about sensory deficits, here


when giving cpr to an infant, open the airway by tilting the heat to the:you see a woman collapse in front of you while entering the lobby of your office building. you check her responsiveness, but she does not respond and she is not breathing. what should you do?


a woman collapses in front of you while entering the lobby of an office building. You check for a response, but he is not responding and he is not breathing. All you have to do is lie down, monitor the severity, call for medical assistance, loosen clothing, and perform CPR by means of chest compressions 30 times, followed by 2 artificial respirations. Keep repeating the cycle until help arrives.

What's fainting?

Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness that occurs suddenly for a few seconds or minutes. This condition can begin with dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, or impaired hearing then progresses to loss of consciousness until you fall.

Fainting is called syncope. Fainting occurs when blood flow to the brain suddenly slows down so that the brain doesn't get enough oxygen. People who faint can return to full consciousness afterward.

Learn more about help to a fainting child here :


the nurse is educating a group of parents regarding helminths. which topics should the nurse include in the teaching session? (select all that apply.)


According to question , nurse should include Hookworms ,Tapeworm , Flukes and Pinworms .

The easiest way is by accidentally eating infected eggs or larvae (Ascaris, Echinococcus, Enterobius, Trichuris) (some hookworms). The larvae of other worms actively pierce the skin (hookworms, schistosomes, Strongyloides). They cause a greater global burden of disease than more well-known illnesses like malaria and tuberculosis because they are the most prevalent infectious agents affecting humans in developing nations.

Symptoms of a chronic infection typically appear months or years after the initial illness. Abdominal pain that comes and goes, poor appetite, and diarrhea are all signs of intestinal schistosomiasis. Colonic ulcers and anemia from iron shortage are common in patients with high worm burden.

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