Suppose you want to make an acetic acid/acetate buffer to a pH of 5.00 using 10.0 mL of 1.00 M acetic acid solution. How many milliliters of 1.00 M sodium acetate solution would you need to add? The pKa for acetate buffer is 4.75.


Answer 1



Molarity of NaOAc needed

Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation calculate base molarity needed given [HOAc] = 1.00M and pKa(NaOAc) = 4.75 and [HOAc] = 1.00m.

pH = pKa + log [NaOAc]/[HOAc]

5.00 = 4.75 + log[NaOAc]/[1.00M]

5.00 - 4.75 = log [NaOAc] - log[1.00M]

log [NaOAc] = 0.25 => [NaOAc] = 10⁰·²⁵ M = 1.78

Given 10ml of HOAc, how much (ml) 1.78M NaOAc to obtain a buffer pH of 5.00.

Determine Volume of Base Needed

(M·V)acid = (M·V)base => V(base) = (M·V)acid / (M)base

Vol (NaOAc) needed = (1.00M)(0.010L)/(1.78M) = 0.0056 liter = 5.6 ml.

Checking Results:

5.00 = 4.75 + log [1.78M]/[1.00M] = 4.75 + 0.25 = 5.00    QED.

Answer 2

The volume of 1.00 M sodium acetate solution needed to prepare an acetic/acetate buffer of pH 5.00 using 10.0 mL of 1.00M acetic acid solution is 17.8 mL.

We can find the volume of the acetate solution with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

[tex]pH = pka + log(\frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]})[/tex]   (1)  


[CH₃COOH] = 1.00 M                      

[CH₃COONa] =?

pH = 5.00

pKa = 4.75

From equation (1), we have:

[tex] log(\frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]}) = pH - pKa [/tex]

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]} = 10^{pH - pKa} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]} = 10^{5.00 - 4.75} = 1.78 [/tex]

Now, the volume of the acetate solution is:

[tex]\frac{n_{CH_{3}COONa}/Vt}{n_{CH_{3}COOH}/Vt} = 1.78[/tex]  

Since the total volume is the same, we have:

[tex]\frac{n_{CH_{3}COONa}}{n_{CH_{3}COOH}} = 1.78[/tex]  

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]_{i}*V_{b}}{[CH_{3}COOH]_{i}*Va} = 1.78 [/tex]  

Solving for Vb

[tex] Vb = \frac{1.78*[CH_{3}COOH]_{i}*Va}{[CH_{3}COONa]_{i}} = \frac{1.78*1.00M*10.0mL}{1.00 M} = 17.8 mL [/tex]

Therefore, we need to add 17.8 mL of sodium acetate solution.

Find more here:

I hope it helps you!  

Suppose You Want To Make An Acetic Acid/acetate Buffer To A PH Of 5.00 Using 10.0 ML Of 1.00 M Acetic

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Think about a hot summer afternoon at the beach
or a lake. How do the temperatures of the sand
and water compare?
A. The sand is hot; the water is cool.
B. The sand is hot; the water is hot.
C. The sand is cool; the water is cool.
D. The sand is cool; the water is hot.


A. Would be the correct answer :-)




I say this because of this that I read. There was a study shown

"Our experiment was a success. We obtained data that answered our problem, “Which substance absorbs the most heat on a hot day? Sand, water, or sand with water?” The results showed that from the twenty-five trials: the cup of sand temperature ranged from 63-68°C, cup of water temperature ranged from 71-77°C, and the cup of sand with water temperature ranged from 66-71°C. Based on our data, our hypothesis was incorrect. We hypothesized that the sand would absorb the most heat since it is darker and less reflective than water; but from our data, water absorbed the most heat. In conclusion, sand absorbed the least amount of heat and water absorbed the most. Next time we want to cool down at the beach, we’ll know where to go!"

This was an experiment that was performed and this is the conclusion

Hope that helps

What is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 1.25 mol of HCl in enough
water to make 625 mL of solution?
A) 0.073 M
B) 2.00 M
OC) 28.5 M
D) 500 M





2.00 M is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 1.25 mol of HCl in enough water to make 625 mL of solution.

What are moles?

A mole is defined as 6.02214076 ×  of some chemical unit, be it atoms, molecules, ions, or others. The mole is a convenient unit to use because of the great number of atoms, molecules, or others in any substance.

[tex]Molality = \frac{Moles \;solute}{Volume \;of \;solution \;in \;litre}[/tex]

[tex]Molality = \frac{1.25}{0.625}[/tex]

Molality = 2.00 M

Learn more about moles here:


What is the number of protons in this carbon atom?
ÖA 12
OB. 6
OD. 24
what is the answer





the number of protons never changes even if the atomic mass changes

Indicate which of these statements about catalysts are true. 1) In an equilibrium process, a catalyst increases the rate of the forward reaction, but leaves the rate of the reverse reaction unchanged. 2) A catalyst is not consumed in the course of a reaction. 3) A catalyst must be carefully chosen to shift the equilibrium toward products.



2) A catalyst is not consumed in the course of a reaction.


A catalyst is a substance which increases the rate of  chemical reaction and remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction.  The addition of a catalyst increases the rate of both reversible and irreversible reactions. including reversible reactions involving a final equilibrium state. In reversible reactions, catalysts speed up the time for equilibrium to be attained.

Considering the given statements about catalysts:

1) In an equilibrium process, a catalyst increases the rate of the forward reaction, but leaves the rate of the reverse reaction unchanged.

False: A catalyst increases both the forward and reverse reaction rates equally, thereby allowing the system to reach equilibrium faster.

2) A catalyst is not consumed in the course of a reaction.

True: Catalysts are substances that increase reaction rates without being consumed in the reaction.

3) A catalyst must be carefully chosen to shift the equilibrium toward products.

False: A catalyst does not affect the extent or position equilibrium of a reaction since a catalyst speeds up both the forward and back reactions by  equal amounts , rather it helps a reaction achieve equilibrium faster.

Generally, atmospheric pressure decreases by 1.00 mmHg as
altitude increases 10.0 m. If altitude increases 100. m, how
much would the atmospheric pressure change in atm?



-0.0132 atm


Step 1: Calculate the atmospheric pressure change if altitude increases 100. m

Atmospheric pressure decreases by 1.00 mmHg as altitude increases 10.0 m. The decrease in pressure when the altitude increases 100. m is:

100. m × (-1.00 mmHg/10.0 m) = -10.0 mmHg

Step 2: Convert "-10.0 mmHg" to atm

We will use the conversion factor 1 atm = 760 mmHg.

-10.0 mmHg × 1 atm/760 mmHg = -0.0132 atm

a change of state does not affect an object's what.​





hi, if your looking for extra points (50+) and br ainiest here is ur chance, answer this question correctly plz


C! the others don’t make sense

Part A
Of the atoms below, ____
is the most electronegative.
- As
- Si
- P
- N
- C





Electronegativity increases as you move from left to right across a period, and decreases as you move down the groups.


N .. ........................

hi, if your looking for extra points (50+) and brainiest here is ur chance, answer this question correctly plz


Its the warm air what helps them also of energy of the sun

it is B. storms with more energy cause more destruction

g Hydrogen iodide, HI, decomposes at moderate temperatures according to the equation The amount of I2 in the reaction mixture can be determined from the intensity of the violet color of I2; the more intense the color, the more I2 in the reaction vessel. When 3.80 mol HI was placed in a 5.00-L vessel at a certain temperature, the equilibrium mixture was found to contain 0.443 mol I2. What is the value of Kc for the decomposition of HI at this temperature



Equilibrium constant, Kc = 0.023


Equation for the decomposition of Hydrogen iodide is given below:

2HI ----> H₂ + I₂

Initially, the number of moles of the reactant and the products are given as follows:

n(HI) = 2 * 3.800 moles = 7.600 moles

nH₂) = 0.000 moles

n(I₂) = 0.000 moles

At equilibrium, the equation becomes: 2HI <----> H₂ + I₂

Number of moles of the reactant and the products are given as follows:

n(HI) = 7.600 - (0.886 + 0.886) moles = 5.828 moles

nH₂) = 2 * 0.443 = 0.886 moles

n(I₂) = 2 * 0.443 = 0.886 moles

Equilibrium constant, Kc = [H₂] [I₂] / [HI]²

Equilibrium constant, Kc = (0.886) * (0.886) / (5.828)²

Equilibrium constant, Kc = 0.023

A chemist working as a safety inspector finds an unmarked bottle in a lab cabinet. A note on the door of the cabinet says the cabinet is used to store bottles of carbon tetrachloride, diethylamine, methyl acetate, ethanolamine, and dimethyl sulfoxide.

The chemist plans to try to identify the unknown liquid by measuring the density and comparing to known densities. First, from his collection of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), the chemist finds the following information:

Liquid Density
Tetrahydrofuran 0.89·gcm^−3
Carbon tetrachloride 1.6·gcm^−3
Pentane 0.63·gcm^−3
Dimethyl sulfoxide 1.1·gcm^−3
Acetone 0.79·gcm^−3.

Next, the chemist measures the volume of the unknown liquid as 0.852L and the mass of the unknown liquid as 938.g . Calculate the density of the liquid.


Answer: The density of the liquid is [tex]1.10g/cm^3[/tex]


Density is defined as the mass contained per unit volume.


Given : Mass of the unknown liquid  = 938 grams

Volume of the unknown liquid = [tex]0.852L=852cm^3[/tex]  [tex](1L=1000cm^3[/tex]

Putting in the values we get:



Thus the density of the liquid is [tex]1.10g/cm^3[/tex] and the liquid is dimethyl sulfoxide.

help please i need this


Frequency is the correct answer

how to convert n butylbenzene to benzoic acid​



When an alkyl benzene is heated with strong oxidizing asgents like acidic or alkline KMnO4

or acidified K2Cr2O7

, etc. gives aromatic carboxyllic acid. The alkyl side chain gets oxidised to −COOH

group irrespective of the size of the chain.


Photosynthesis needs water and carbon dioxide to happen. These 2 ingredients are called _______.


The answer is C. Reactants

A burning match will burn more vigorously in pure oxygen than in air because _________ . Select one: a. oxygen is a catalyst for combustion b. nitrogen is a reactant in combustion and its low concentration in pure oxygen catalyzes the combustion c. oxygen is a product of combustion d. nitrogen is a product of combustion and the system reaches equilibrium at a lower temperature e. oxygen is a reactant in combustion and pure oxygen increases the reactant concentration



e. oxygen is a reactant in combustion and pure oxygen increases the reactant concentration


The reaction of a burning match is combustion. In this combustion, the organic components of the match (such as cellulose, C₆H₁₀O₅) react with oxygen, producing water and carbon dioxide:

C₆H₁₀O₅(s) + 6O₂(g) → 5H₂O(g) + 6CO₂(g)

Seeing as oxygen is a reactant and not a catalyst nor product, and that nitrogen plays no part in the reaction, the only correct answer is option e.

who are called anthropologist? ​


Answer: A person engaged in the practice of anthropology. Anthropology is the study of aspects of humans within past and present societies. Social anthropology, cultural anthropology and philosophical anthropology study the norms and values of societies.

Explanation: I HOPE THIS HELPS U AND ANSWERS UR QUESTION!!! Stay safe and healthy!

How many moles are in 2.5L of 1.75 M Na2CO3



4.375 moles Na2CO3


Formula for molarity is;

M = n/V


M is molarity

n is number of moles

V is volume

Making n the subject we have;

n = VM

We are given;

M = 1.75 M

V = 2.5 L


n = 2.5 × 1.75

n = 4.375 moles Na2CO3


4.375 moles Na2CO3


Have a great day

Who tryna do these 3 assignments on wizer for me


Can you be more specific please

Please help I’ll mark brainliest :)



Biotechnology is the use of living organisms through modification to  make products of technological or industrial significance.

positively, biotechnology can be used in manufacture of medicine and also synthetic forms of various hormones for use in the health and medical field.

negatively biotechnology may be manipulated for use in wars as biological warfare that can lead to loss of lives and environmental degradation


Answer: Biotechnology is the use of living organisms through modification to make products of technological or industrial significance.

positively, biotechnology can be used in manufacture of medicine and also synthetic forms of various hormones for use in the health and medical field.

negatively biotechnology may be manipulated for use in wars as biological warfare that can lead to loss of lives and environmental degradation

A compound contains 0.5 mol Na, 0.5 mol N, and 10 mol H. The empirical formula of the
compound is -





0.5 mol Na, 0.5 mol N, and 10 mol H

To obtain the empirical formulae, we find the mole ratio between the elements and this is done by dividing all through by the smallest mol (0.5)

Na = 0.5 / 0.5 = 1

N = 0.5 / 0.5 = 1

H = 10 / 0.5 = 20

The mole ratio is used to write the empirical formulae. It is given as;


The iodide (I2) content of a commercial mineral water was measured by two methods that produced wildly different results.6 Method A found 0.23 milligrams of I2 per liter (mg/L) and method B found 0.009 mg/L. When Mn21 was added to the water, the I2 content found by method A increased each time that more Mn21 was added, but results from method B were unchanged. Which of the Terms to Understand describes what is occurring in these measure- ments? Which result is more reliable?



Results from method B is more reliable than method A.


The two method that are used for the analysis produced different results. The first method that is method A  gives higher value of the iodine content than the method B.

When [tex]$Mn^{2+}$[/tex] was added to water, method A showed an increased in the iodine content and it increases with the increase in the amount of [tex]$Mn^{2+}$[/tex] .

Where as in the method B, there is no change in the results. Therefore the measurements provided by the method A shows an inference of [tex]$Mn^{2+}$[/tex] ion.

The measurement of the iodine content is affected by the presence of the ion [tex]$Mn^{2+}$[/tex] in water.

Since in method B there is no change in measurement, it is independent of the presence [tex]$Mn^{2+}$[/tex] ion in water.

As higher iodine content is given by method A, so [tex]$Mn^{2+}$[/tex]  ion must be present in original water that must be interfering the measurement. Hence, method B is more reliable.

Method B is more reliable as its value is not altered by external factors such as contamination.

What is water analysis?

Water analysis is done to test the quality of water.

The method employed in water analysis is titrimetric analysis.

In the test iodide (I⁻) content of a commercial mineral water using the two methods, the results of the test showed different values for the iodide content.

However, since addition of Mn²⁺ to the mineral water increases the iodide content value from Method A while that of Method B remains unchanged, Method B is more reliable as its value is not altered by external factors such as contamination.

Learn more about titrimetric analysis at:

Determine if the following two structures are
identical, isomers, or unrelated?



its C


The skeletal structure shows the outline of the compound with lines and bonds. Both the structures are unrelated. Thus, option C is correct.

What are isomers?

Isomers are structures with identical molecular structures but differ in the skeletal or molecular representation. They also have varied properties as compared to the parent structure.

Identical compounds are structures that have the same atoms and are arranged with the same spatial design and orientation. The number of atoms and the spatial arrangement of the two compounds is different.

Therefore, the two compounds are unrelated.

Learn more about isomers here:


chemical properties of elements



Atomic number. The atomic number indicates the number of protons within the core of an atom. ...

Atomic mass. The name indicates the mass of an atom, expressed in atomic mass units (amu). ...

Electronegativity according to Pauling. let me know if you need more ;)

Using Graham's Law of Effusion, calculate
the approximate time it would take for
1.0 L of argon gas to effuse, if 1.0 L of
oxygen gas took 12.7 minutes to effuse
through the same opening.



I think the answer is X


X is a variable and variables stand for the unknown

Titanium(IV) chloride decomposes to form titanium and chlorine, like this:_____.
TiCl4(1)-→Ti(s) + 2 Cl 2(g)
At a certain temperature, a chemist finds that a reaction vessel containing a mixture of titanium(IV) chloride, titanium, and chlorine at equilibrium has the following composition:_____.
compound amount
TiCl4 4.18g
Ti 1.32g
Cl2 1.08g
Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant for this reaction. Round your answer to significant digits. Clears your work. Undoes your last action. Provides information about entering answers.



K = 8.6x10⁻⁶


a chemist finds that a 5.2L reaction vessel...

To solve this question we need first to find the equation of the equilibrium constant using the chemical eqiation:

TiCl₄(l) ⇄ Ti(s) + 2Cl₂(g)

The equilibrium constant expression is:

K = [Cl₂]²

Because equilibrium constant is defined as the ratio berween concentrationa of products over reactant powered to its reaction coefficient. But pure liquids as TiCl₄(l) and pure solids as Ti(s) are not taken into account

Now, we need to find the molar concentration of Cl₂, [Cl₂]:

Moles Cl₂ -Molar mass: 70.9g/mol-:

1.08g * (1mol / 70.9g) = 0.0152 moles / 5.2L =

2.93x10⁻³M = [Cl₂]

K = (2.93x10⁻³)²

K = 8.6x10⁻⁶

what is the percentage composition of carbon and hydrogen in ethane(c2h6,molecular mass 30.0)



% of C in C2H6= (2×12)/30×100=80%

% of H in C2H6= (3×2)/30×100=20%



nC=12, nH=1, nC2H6=30

2moles of C-1mole of C2H6

3moles of H-1 mole of C2H6

% of C in C2H6= (2×12)/30×100=80%

% of H in C2H6= (3×2)/30×100=20%

After mixing for three hours, the product is extracted into dichloromethane and the solvent is removed to give 245 mg of an oil. Using the moles of our protected aldehyde calculated earlier (2.96) and the molecular weight of the product (102 g/mol) predict the theoretical 100% yield of the product in milligrams. Round to the tenths place.



the theoretical 100% yield of the product in milligrams is 302920 mg


Given the data in the question;  

245 mg of an oil

Using the moles of our protected aldehyde calculated earlier (2.96)

the molecular weight of the product (102 g/mol) = 102000 mg/mol

so, the mass of aldehyde produced (100% yield) will be;

⇒ number of moles × molar mass

⇒ 2.96 mol × 102000 mg/mol

⇒ 302920 / mol

302920 mg

Therefore, the theoretical 100% yield of the product in milligrams is 302920 mg

What is the molar mass of H2CO3?

(Molar mass of H = 1.0079 g/mol; C = 12.010 g/mol; O = 15.999 g/mol)
29.02 g/mol
46.04 g/mol
62.02 g/mol
72.08 g/mol



62.02 g/mol

62.03 g/mol


62.03 g/mol

The molar mass of H2CO3 is 62.02 g/mol

What is molar mass?

The molar mass of the compound is the sum of molar mass of indivitual atom multiple by number of that atom.

Calculation of molar mass of H2CO3 ,

Molar mass of H2CO3 =  Molar mass of H*2 +  Molar mass of C + Molar mass of O*3

Molar mass of H2CO3 = 1.0079*2 + 12.010 + 15.999*3

Molar mass of H2CO3 = 2.0158 + 12.010 + 47.997

Molar mass of H2CO3 = 62.02 g/mol

To learn more about  Molar mass here.


Which of these statements best supports the idea that a cell is the basic unit of a living organism?

The number of cells in an organism affects the size of that organism.
A tissue is composed of cells with similar structure and function.
Some organisms have only one cell.
All organisms are made up of one or more cells.



The answer is D.


I searched it up :)

help please will give brainly if right



B and D


Because its adaptions they need to survive in the cold.

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