suppose you stand in front of a spherical mirror (concave or convex). is it possible for your image to be (a) real and upright (b) virtual and inverted?


Answer 1

Behind the mirror are always real images. Real images may be inverted or upright. hence

(a) can be possible.

(b) cannot be possible.

What is Mirror?

Any item that reflects images is referred to as a mirror or looking glass. When focussed through the eye's or a camera's lens, light that reflects off a mirror will reveal a picture of whatever is in front of it. Mirrors reflect light from a similar but opposite angle, which changes the image's direction.

What are Real images?

In the field of optics, a true picture is one that is situated in the plane of convergence for the light rays coming from a certain object. Real images will typically appear on screens when they are positioned in their plane.

Hence, (a) can be possible and (b) cannot be possible.

To know more about Mirror, check out:


Related Questions

Compare the magnitude and range of gravity with the magnitude and range of electromagnetic force.


The magnitude and range of gravity depends on he mass of the objects and their distance. The electromagnetic force of an electromagnetic component depends on the number turnings of the electromagnetic field and the current flowing through it.

What is gravity?

Gravity or gravitational force is the force exerted by an object by which it attracts other objects into its centre of mass. Earth gravitationally pull every objects into its centre and we exeriance as our weight.

The  gravitational force between two objects is always dependant on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Gravity is directly proportional to the mass and inversely proportional to the distance.

The electromagnetic force is associated with both electric field and magnetic field and is proportional to the field strengths. It is dependent n the current carried  and the turnings of coil by which magnetic field induction is created.

To find more on electromagnetic force, refer here:


Degeneracy pressure is the source of the pressure that stops the crush of gravity in all the following except
A) a brown dwarf.
B) a white dwarf.
C) a neutron star.
D) a very massive main-sequence star.
E) the central core of the Sun after hydrogen fusion ceases but before helium fusion begins.


In all of the following, with the exception of, degeneracy pressure is the source of the pressure that prevents the crush of gravity. The correct option is D) a very massive main-sequence star.

With the exception of stellar evolution, degeneracy pressure is the cause of the pressure that prevents gravity's crush in all of the instances below. Tiny, relatively chilly, minimal-mass red dwarfs fuse hydrogen over the course of trillions of years or more while remaining on the main sequence.Red dwarfs smaller than 0.35 M are entirely convective, according to stellar simulations. The helium produced by the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen is thus continuously remixed throughout the star, preventing the buildup of helium at the core and lengthening the fusion period.

It's possible that small main-sequence stars will continue to fuse hydrogen for hundreds of billions of years. Red dwarfs are what we call these stars.

To know more about  degeneracy


When a sample of aluminum absorbed 9. 85 j of heat, its temperature increased from 23. 2oc to 30. 5oc. The mass of the sample was ___ g. (specific heat of al is 0. 90 j/g. Oc).


The mass of the sample = 1.50 g

From the question, we have

q= 9.86 J

C = 0.90 J/g-K

temperature ΔT = ( 30.5 ºC - 23.2 ºC ) = 7.3 ºC = 7.3 K

The heat (q) absorbed is,

q = m x C x ΔT    

m= q/ (C x ΔT)

m = 9.86 J / ( 0.90 J/g-K ) x 7.3 K ) = 1.50 g

The mass of the sample = 1.50 g

Heat :

Heat is energy that is transmitted from one body to another when temperatures are different. Heat travels from the hotter body to the colder body when two bodies at differing temperatures come in contact. Heat is the result of the movement of kinetic energy within a material or an item, or from an energy source to a material or an object. Radiation, conduction, and convection are the three mechanisms through which such energy can be transferred.

To learn more about Heat visit:


what must be the magnitude of the rate of change of the current in order for the self-induced emf to equal 6.70 mvmv ?


The magnitude of the rate of change of the current must be equal to 6.70 mV/mV.

What must the current change rate be in order for the self-induced emf to be equal to 6.70 mvmv?For the self-induced emf to equal 6.70 mV, the magnitude of the rate of current change must match the self-induced emf's magnitude. This implies that the current's rate of change must be 6.70 mV in magnitude.solutionThe equation = -L(di/dt) yields the magnitude of the rate of change of the current, I required for the self-induced emf to equal 6.70 mv. To solve for di/dt, rewrite the equation as di/dt = -/L.Therefore, the self-induced emf's negative value, 6.70 mv, divided by the inductance's value, L, gives the magnitude of the current's rate of change, di/dt. For instance, the magnitude of the current change rate must be -6.70 mv/0.15 Henrys = -44.67 mv/s if the inductance is 0.15 Henrys.How swiftly the current is changing is determined by the magnitude of its rate of change.

To learn more about the magnitude of the rate refer to:


while the astronaut is near the black hole for what it seems to her like an hour, how much time passes on the spaceship?


For a black hole observer, one hour is equivalent to 100,000,000 years on Earth.

In contrast to time distant from a black hole, time moves more slowly as you approach closer to one. (According to Einstein's theory, this effect is produced by any big body, including the Earth. Because of how weak Earth's gravity is, the impact of time slowing has been seen and verified by sensitive devices. For instance, if you lived on the summit of Mount Everest, you would age one billionth of a second faster than you do at sea level.) The tremendous slowing of time is seen close to a black hole. Time is stopped from the perspective of an observer outside the black hole. The border of the hole, for instance, would seem to be frozen in time while an item fell into it.

To learn more about black hole click on the below link:


A 725 kg car that is moving with 14 m/s hit a truck of mass 2750 kg moving at 17 m/s in the opposite direction.
What is the velocity of the car after impact if the car and truck lock together?




16.4 m/s




56900=(725+2750)*v  ==> v, velocity, is what we're solving for



v=16.374 m/s

v=16.4 m/s

what is the wavelength (in m) of an electron accelerated through a 21.4 kv potential, as in a tv tube? for the purpose of this exercise assume the electron is non-relativistic.


An electron accelerated over a 21.4 kV potential, such as in a TV tube, has a wavelength of about 5.3 103.

What is an electron's wavelength (measured in metres) when it is propelled through a 21.4 kV potential, such as in a television tube?

When an electron is driven through a potential, V, its wavelength,, may be calculated using the formula = h/2mV, where h is Planck's constant. The wavelength of an electron accelerated via a 21.4 kV potential can be computed using the formula: = 6.626 x 10-34 Js / 2. (9.11 x 10-31 kg) (21.4 x 103 V)

λ = 1.19 x 10-10 m

The above expression can be used to determine the electron's wavelength because it is assumed that the electron behaves non-relativistically. The end result is a wavelength of 119 pm, or 1.19 x 10-10 m. (picometers). This wavelength is extremely tiny, measuring roughly 1/500th the size of a hydrogen atom.

The size of the image on the screen depends on the wavelength of an electron in a TV tube.

The resolution of the image increases with decreasing wavelength. The wavelength gets smaller and the image gets clearer as the voltage increases.

To learn more about the de Broglie wavelength refer to:


Two people push a 2,000-kg car to get it started. An acceleration of at least 5. 0 m/s^2 is required to start the car. Assuming both people apply the same magnitude force, how much force will each need to apply if friction between the car and the road is 300 n?.


Both people will have to apply a force equal to 5150N.

This problem can be solved using Newton's Second Law of Motion which states that the force applied on any particle is equal to the product of mass and acceleration of the particle. The expression can be written as

F = ma ; where 'm' is the mass of particle and 'a' is the acceleration of particle.

Now, m = 2000 kg and a = 5 m/s²

F = 2000 kg × 5 m/s²

F = 10000 N

Now, the friction force will be added to this required force. Because to get the car starting to move, the friction force first needs to be overcome.

Total force = F + Frictional force

Total force = 10000 N + 300 N

Total force = 10300 N

Now individual force applied by each person = 10300 N/2 = 5150 N.

Learn more about Newton's second law at:


when the lobes of two p orbitals are in the same phase and overlap side-by-side, the orbital that is formed has a _____ dissociation energy compared to the σ∗ molecular orbital formed from the out-of-phase direct overlap of the two p orbitals.


In contrast to the  σ∗ molecular orbital created by the direct out-of-phase overlap of two p orbitals, the orbital formed when the lobes of two p orbitals overlap side by side has a lower bond dissociation energy.

The atoms come together by collisions. The process in which two atoms get so close to one another that they can pierce each other's orbitals and create a new hybridized orbital where the bonding pair of electrons resides is essentially what this condition refers to. This hybridized orbital is stable because it typically has less energy than the atomic orbital. It is in the state of least energy. Orbital overlap is the term for this little orbital penetration.The directionality of the bond was used to explain the molecular bond angles. The overlap of 1s orbitals during a head-on collision results in the formation of the hydrogen molecule. or we could claim that the head-on overlap is mostly responsible for the formation of the sigma bonds.

To know more about  molecular


just to be sure you understand how to use and interpret the interactive figure, start with the time slider set to zero. what is the distance from dot b to dot d?


The answer is 2 cm.

when light is incident on an interface between two materials, the angle of the refracted ray depends on the wavelength, but the angle of the reflected ray does not. why should this be true


Because different visible light colors have distinct wavelengths and barely varying refractive indices, the wavelength of the light influences the angle of refraction.

For instance, you cannot tell the difference when white light passes through a flat piece of glass because it is so slight.

The reflected beam will always be refracted at the same angle that it impacted the surface since light will then continue to go through the same medium and at the same speed.

A periodic wave's wavelength is its spatial period, or the length over which its shape repeats. It is a property of both travelling waves and standing waves as well as other spatial wave patterns. It is the distance between two successive corresponding locations of the same phase on the wave, such as two nearby crests, troughs, or zero crossings.

To know more about refraction, click the below link


which one of the following statements best explains why gases are not commercially sold by volume?


Gas volume depends on temperature and pressure.

The particles are very loosely packed and the intermolecular attractive forces are very weak. This allows gas molecules to easily leave the boundary and fill the space. Mass depends on volume, and volume depends on mass.

Fill gas pressure depends on the number of gas particles the volume of the container and the temperature of the gas. As the number of gas particles in the container increases, the pressure increases. Increasing the volume of the vessel increases the pressure. If we maintain the pressure and temperature of this gas and fill it with a body whose volume can change.

Learn more about Gases here:-


the greatest ocean depths on earth are found in the marianas trench near the philippines. calculate the gauge pressure (in atm) due to the ocean at the bottom of this trench, given its depth is 11.0 km and assuming the density of seawater (1029 kg/m3) is constant all the way down.


Given that the trench is 11.0 km deep and that saltwater has a constant density of 1029 kg/m3 throughout, the gauge pressure (in atm) due to the ocean at the bottom of the trench is 992.38 atm.

It is positive for pressures above atmospheric pressure and negative for pressures below atmospheric pressure; gauge pressure is the pressure as compared to atmospheric pressure. Any fluid that is not contained has its pressure increased by the atmospheric pressure. Density is defined as the ratio of mass to volume, or mass per unit volume. It is a way to quantify how much "stuff" an object has in relation to its volume (cubic metre or cubic centimeter). In essence, density is a measurement of how closely stuff is packed together.

P = 100552500/101325

P = 992.38atm

Lean more about density here


Bert has a mass of 120kg. He slides down a slide, which goes 12 m down. Calculate the maximum speed he could reach at the bottom of the slide.
a) Work out the GPE
b) How much KE? (GPE lost = KE gained)
c) Rearrange the KE formula to work out velocity


(a) The gravitational potential energy  (GPE) of Bert is 14,112 J.

(b) The kinetic energy  of Bert is equal to the change in his potential energy.

(c) The velocity of Bert could reach at the bottom of the slide is 15.33 m/s.

What is the gravitational potential energy of Bert?

The gravitational potential energy of Bert is calculated as follows;

GPE = mgh


m is mass of Bertg is acceleration due to gravityh is the height of fall

GPE = 120 x 9.8 x 12

GPE = 14,112 J

The velocity  Bert could reach at the bottom of the slide is calculated as follows;

K.E = P.E

¹/₂mv² = mgh

v² = 2gh

v = √ (2gh)

v = √ (2 x 9.8 x 12)

v = 15.33 m/s

Based on the law of law of conservation of energy, the kinetic energy gained = potential energy lost.

Learn more about kinetic energy here:


students perform an experiment by connecting a capacitor and a light bulb to a variable power supply in the circuit shown. the switch is closed to position a, the capacitor becomes fully charged, and then the switch is moved to position b and allowed to fully discharge. what happens to the amount of energy stored in the capacitor as the voltage of the power supply is increased, and what evidence supports this claim?


The amount of energy stored in the capacitor is  c)increases as the bulb stays lit the same amount of time. So, correct option is c.

Work must be finished to move charges onto a guide, against the power of shock from the generally existing charges on it. This work done to charges from one plate to the next is put away as expected energy of the electric field of the conveyor.

The bulb will illuminate for a moment when the capacitor begins charging. At first when key is shut, the capacitor goes about as short out, so bulb will illuminate. In any case, at last the capacitor turns out to be completely energized, so it will go about as open circuit, so bulb won't gleam.

Hence, correct option is c.

To know more about capacitor, visit here:


(Complete question) is:

A Power С Supply Students perform an experiment by connecting a capacitor and a light bulb to a variable power supply in the circuit shown. The switch is closed to position A, the capacitor becomes fully charged, and then the switch is moved to position B and allowed to fully discharge. What happens to the amount of energy stored in the capacitor as the voltage of the power supply is increased, and what evidence supports this claim?

a)The energy increases as the bulb stays lit a shorter amount of time.

b) The energy increases as the bulb stays lit a longer amount of time.

c) The energy increases as the bulb stays lit the same amount of time. d)The energy decreases as the bulb stays lit a shorter amount of time.

e )The energy decreases as the bulb stays lit a longer amount of time.

when an earthquake occurs, two types or sound waves are generated and travel through the earth. i he primary, or p wave nas a speed of about 8.0 km/s and the secondary, or 5, wave has a speed of about 4.5 km/s. a seismograph, located some distance away, records the arrival of the p wave and then, 90.6 s later, records the arrival of the s wave. assuming that the waves travel in a straight line, how far (in terms of m) is the seismograph from the earthquake?


Body waves and surface waves are the two types of waves that an earthquake can produce.

What does an earthquake's sound wave look like?

Seismic waves, which are audible but undetectable to human eyes and hearing, pulse through the strata of the Earth beneath the surface of the planet as it trembles. Sound waves that can be monitored or even recorded to provide advance notice of an impending seismic catastrophe.

How far do seismic waves travel during an earthquake?

Through seismic waves, earthquakes unleash buried energy in the rocks. The seismic waves that result from an earthquake radiate from the epicenter outward.

To know more about Earthquake visit;


A tone i thrown traight up. After three econd it reache the dropping point again. Find out how high it wa yeterday


H=132.3m and U=29.4ms−1 are height and velocity respectively.

What is motion?

Motion is a change in position of an object over time. It occurs when an object moves from one point to another. Motion can be described in terms of displacement, distance, speed, velocity, and acceleration. Motion can also be described using Newton's laws of motion which state that an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Motion also describes the motion of particles in a fluid or gas, as well as the motion of waves in a medium. Motion is an essential part of the physical world and is essential for understanding the fundamental laws of nature.

Motion in a straight line


u = Initial velocity of stone

H = Maximum height attained by the stone

v = final velocity at maximum height = 0

t = time taken to attain maximum height = 3s

a=−g= acceleration due to gravity

a. We know that,





b. From the equations of motion, we know that,

S=ut+ ½ a t2

H=29.4×3+½ * 9.8 *32



To learn more about motion,


in a certain process, the energy of the system decreases by 250 kj . the process involves 480 kj of work done on the system. find the amount of heat q transferred in this process.


Therefore, in this process, 230 kJ of heat was transferred.

Find the amount of heat q transferred in this process? This process follows the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy can be converted from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.The amount of heat transferred in this process can be calculated by using the equation: Q = W + Ewhere Q is the amount of heat transferred, W is the work done on the system, and E is the change in energy of the system.In this process, W is 480 kJ and E is -250 kJ. Using the equation above, we get:Q = 480 kJ + (-250 kJ)Q = 230 kJTherefore, in this process, 230 kJ of heat was transferred.This equation applies to any type of process involving a change in energy, and can be used to calculate the amount of heat transferred when given the amount of work done on the system and the change in energy of the system.

To learn more about the first law of thermodynamics refer to:


A 3-kg mass attached to a string which goes vertically to a pulley rests on the floor. A weight is attached to the other end and released. If the 3-kg mass rises 50 cm in 1. 0 s, what is the mass of the weight?.


A weight is attached to the other end of the pulley and released, resulting in 3-kg mass to rise 50 cm in 1.0 s.  The mass of the weight is 3.68 kg

The problem can be solved using the equation of motion:

s = u . t + 1/2 a . t²


s = distance

u = initial velocity

t = time period

a = acceleration

Substitute the given parameters:

s = 50 cm = 0.5 m

u = 0

t = 1


0.5 = 0 + 1/2 a . 1²

1/2 a = 0.5

a = 1 m/s²

After obtaining the acceleration, a, use the Newton's 2nd law of motion.

Forces acting on mass 3 kg : tension (T), weight (mg).


T - mg = ma

T = m (g + a)

Let M = mass of the weight.

Forces acting on M : tension (T), weight (Mg). Hence,

Mg - T = Ma  

T = M (g - a)    (substitute T = m (g + a) )

m (g + a) = M (g - a)

M = m x (g + a) / (g - a)

  = 3 x  (9.8 + 1) / (9.8 - 1)

  = 3.68

Hence, the mass of the weight is 3.68 kg

Learn more about Newton's law here:


what is the total displacement of a student who walks 100 meters north and then turns around and walks 30 meters south?


The total displacement of a student is -30 m/s.

100 meters north, 30 meters south

Δd1 = -100 (- ve indicates direction)

Δd2 = 70

Total displacement = d1 + d2 = -100 + 70 = -30 m/s

The final distance from the beginning location, or total displacement, is represented by a vector sum. A person moving toward the back of an airplane or a professor moving to the right in relation to a whiteboard are two examples of how an object can move relative to a reference frame and change position. Displacement is a term used to describe this shift in location. Displacement refers to a movement or displacement of an object. Displacement refers to a movement or displacement of an object. Displacement refers to the shift in position along a straight line, whereas position is the numerical value of x along a space where an item might be. Because displacement specifies direction, it is a vector and can be either positive or negative.

Learn more about Total displacement here:


four resistors are in parallel. if they are all the same (10 ohms each), what is the total equivalent resistance of the circuit?


the total equivalent resistance of the circuit if four resistors in parallel is 2.5ohm

Total resistance in a parallel circuit is less than any of the individual resistances: Rtotal = 1 / (1/R1 + 1/R2 + . . . 1/Rn)

Resistors are said to be connected together in parallel when both of their terminals are respectively connected to each terminal of the other resistor or resistors.

From 1/R=1/r1 +1/r2+ 1/rn for resistors in parallel you will find that 4ohm resistors in parallel are equivalent to 2 a Parallel circuit with the following formula: 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + .The total resistance of a parallel circuit is NOT equal to the sum of the resistors (like in a series circuit).

To learn more about resistors in parallel click here


What group(s) of elements on the periodic table really want to give away an electron? why?.


The groups in the periodic table that really want to give away electrons are groups IA, IIA, and some groups IIIA. The members of these groups are mostly metals.

Metals elements

Metals elements have relatively small ionization energies and electron affinities, so they easily give away electrons and are difficult to accept. Whereas non-metallic atoms have large ionization energies and electron affinities, non-metallic atoms easily accept electrons but find it difficult to release electrons.

Ionization energy is the energy required to remove the outer electrons of an atom in the gaseous state. A small ionization energy value indicates that the atom easily releases electrons and if the ionization energy is large, it is difficult for the atom to release electrons.

So, metal atoms tend to give away electrons because they have a small ionization energy, while non-metal atoms tend to gain electrons because they have a high electron affinity.

Learn more about metals elements here:


If 104 w/m2 corresponds to 160 db, what is the sound intensity level, in decibels, of ultrasound with intensity 105 w/m2, used to pulverize tissue during surgery?.


The ultrasound with intensity  10⁵ W/m², used to pulverize tissue during surgery, has the sound intensity level of 170 decibels.

The relation between sound intensity and sound intensity level is given by:

β (dB) = 10 x log(I/Io)


β = sound intensity level in decibels (dB)

I = sound intensity

Io = reference intensity

In the given problem:

β = 160 dB if I = 10⁴ W/m²

Find the reference intensity:

β = 10 x log(I/Io)

160 = 10 x log (10⁴ /Io)

log (10⁴ /Io) = 16

Io = 10⁻¹²

Use Io = 10⁻¹² to calculate the sound intensity level of  10⁵ W/m² sound intensity.

β = 10 x log(10⁵/10⁻¹²)

β = 10 x log(10¹⁷)

  = 170 dB

Hence, the sound intensity level is 170 dB

Learn more about sound intensity here:


How do you do a dilation with a center different from the origin?


The Dilation with a center different from the origin is by stretching process.

Stretching is a type of transformation that changes the size of an image. A scale factor, also known as a scalar factor, measures how big or small an image is.

Some of the shape features that are not changed during the dilation transformation are:

All angles of the shape are equal.The center of the sides of the shape remains the same as the center of the stretched shape.The parallel and vertical lines in the shape remain the same as the parallel and vertical lines of the stretched shape.The image remains the same.The only change in the stretching process is the distance between the points.

This means that the original image and the enhanced image may have different side lengths. There are two types of expansion processes.

Horizontal Stretch

The stretch transformation of the function y=f(x) is stretched horizontally by a factor C.

Y = f(Cx)

This type of transformation is called horizontal stretching.

Vertical Stretch

The Stretch transform in the function y=f(x) is stretched vertically by a factor C.

Y = C * f(x)

This type of transformation is called vertical stretching.

To learn more about Horizontal Stretch -


if distance of travel increases and time remains same what happens to the speed​


Answer: By increasing speed over a fixed period of time, you increase

the distance you travel in that period of time. If you drive 20 mph

for an hour, you go 20 miles. If you drive 30 mph for that same

hour, you go 30 miles. Just like you knew you would.


a 16m long string is stretched to a tension of 60n. the string is plucked, and the resulting wave travels at 40m/s. what is the mass of the string?


The string is plucked, and the resulting wave travels at 40m/s. mass of the string 0.6 kg.



length of string(l)=16m.

Tension in string(T)=60N

formula to calculate velocity in a string:


putting the value of given data and calculating we get,

mass of string as 0.6kg


In physics, stress is described as tension transmitted axially by a cord, rope, chain, or similar object, or through the ends of a rod, truss member, or similar three-dimensional object. Stresses can also be described as pairs of acting and reaction forces acting at each end of the element.

Learn more about String Tention here:


a spacecraft orbits an unknown planet at a distance of 5:2 107mfrom its center. the period of its orbit is 52 hours. what is the mass of the planet?


The mass of the planet is 2.37E²⁷kg.

What were the Kepler laws known as?

The sun is at one focus in each of the planets' elliptical orbits, according to Kepler's First Law, also known as The Law of Ellipses. According to Kepler's Second Law, or The Law of Equal Areas in Equal Time, a planet's line of sight sweeps out equal areas in its orbital plane over equal periods of time.

According to Kepler's law,

m V² / R = G M m / R²

M = R V²/G    (balancing forces)

V = 2πR/T      (speed of craft)

M = 4 π²R³ / (G ×T²)    (substituting for V)

M = 4 π²×52E²¹ / (6.67E¹¹×1.30E⁷)

M = 39.5 × 52 / (6.67×1.3) × 10²⁵ kg

M = 2.37E²⁷kg.

To know more about Kepler laws visit:


how would coulomb's law be written if the charge of an electron was instead defined as positive and the proton as negative?


If the charge of an electron were regarded as positive and the charge of a proton as negative, then coulomb's law appears to be

[tex]F = k\frac{q_{1}q_{2} }{r^{2} }[/tex]  ⇒ [tex]F = k\frac{-q_{1}(-q_{2}) }{r^{2} }[/tex] ⇒ [tex]F[/tex].


Electrons are positive, the charge can be written as q, and

Protons are negative, their charge can be seen as being -Q.

It would be akin to inverting the signs of all charges if protons had a negative charge and electrons had a positive charge. This makes it very easy to verify that Coulomb's Law adheres to charge symmetry by using the substitutions q1→−q1 and q2→−q2.

[tex]F = k\frac{q_{1}q_{2} }{r^{2} }[/tex] ⇒ [tex]k\frac{-q_{1}(-q_{2}) }{r^{2} }[/tex] ⇒ [tex](-1)^{2} k\frac{q_{1}q_{2} }{r^{2} }[/tex] [tex]= F[/tex]

Therefore, there would be no difference if we switched the sign convention of the charges.

Find out more about coulomb's law


a particle is located at northern latitude and traveling due north with with velocity . what is the direction of the coriolis force?


The Coriolis force is perpendicular to the velocity vector, so the direction of the Coriolis force would be east.

The Coriolis force is an inertial force that arises due to the rotation of the Earth. It is directed perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the rotation of the Earth. In this case, since the particle is located at the northern latitude and traveling due north, the Coriolis force will be directed east.

To explain this in more detail, we can look at the equation for the Coriolis force:

Fc = -2*m*ω*v

Where Fc is the Coriolis force, m is the mass of the particle, ω is the angular velocity of Earth, and v is the velocity of the particle.

At northern latitudes, the angular velocity of Earth is counter-clockwise (in the northern hemisphere). Since the particle is traveling due north, its velocity vector is also pointed in a counter-clockwise direction. Therefore, the Coriolis force is directed east, perpendicular to the velocity vector.

to know more about  Coriolis force click here:


the circuit is protected by a ground fault interrupter in the plug. the water in the tank is grounded. the two bare wires correspond to the two pins on the ground fault interrupter plug. if the __________ wire is touched to the water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.


If the hot wire is touched to the water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.

GFI or GFCI This device protected from collecting the electric shocks arise from the faults in the electric devices that are used at home. It would be work by comparing the current on the input side that shows the hot side to the current on the outside side that shows the neutral side of the circuit.

In the case when hot wire give 120 VAC current source while on the other hand the neutral wire gives the return path that are given by the hot wire

Therefore, if the hot wire is touched to the water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.

To know more about circuit, refer:


[NOTE: THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE QUESTION. THE COMPLETE QUESTION IS: The circuit is protected by a ground fault interrupter in the plug. The water in the tank is grounded. The two bare wires correspond to the two pins on the ground fault interrupter plug. If the __________ wire is touched to the water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit. Select the best answer from the choices provided. Neutral, Hot, Ground]

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