suppose the 2022 adidas financial statements contain the following selected data (in millions). current assets total assets current liabilities total liabilities cash $4,485 8,875 2,836 5,099 775 interest expense $169 income taxes net income 113 245 compute the following values. $ (a) working capital. (b) current ratio. (round to 2 decimal places, e.g. 6.25:1.) (c) debt to assets ratio. (round to o decimal places, e.g. 62%.) (d) times interest earned. (round to 2 decimal places, e.g. 6.25.)


Answer 1

The computation of the following financial ratios is as follows:

a) Working capital = $1,640

b) Current ratio = 1.58:1

c) Debt to assets ratio = 57%

d) Times interest earned = 2.12 times.

What are financial ratios?

Financial ratios are accounting methods for comparing the magnitude of one financial statement element to another.

Financial ratios help in evaluating financial performance and comparing numerical relationships between components of an entity's financial statements and across companies and industries.

Addidas Financial Statements' selected data (in millions):

Current assets = $4,485

Total assets = $8,875

Current liabilities = $2,836

Total liabilities = $5,099

Cash = $775

Interest expense = $169

Income taxes = $113

Net income = $245

a) Working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities

= $1,640 ($4,485 - $2,836)

b) Current ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities

= 1.58:1 ($4,485/$2,836)

c) Debt to assets ratio = Total Debts/Total Assets

= 57% ($5,099/$8,875 x 100)

d) Times interest earned = Income before tax/Interest Expense

= 2.12 times ($358/$169)

Income before tax = Net income + Income tax

= $358 ($245 + $113)

Learn more about financial ratios at


Related Questions

martinez corporation reported net sales of $771,000, net income of $136,000, and total assets of $7,694,298. the profit margin is:


The profit margin is 17.69% for martinez corporation.

What is a profit margin?

Profit margins are what decide how much income you have producing and how financially sound your company is as a whole. Profit margins must be closely monitored by businesses to maintain sound financial standing. Profit margins reveal a performance of the company.

Simply said, profit is gross revenues less total expenses. It reveals your company's earnings after expenses.

Profitability is gauged by profit margin. Measuring the revenue as a proportion of revenue is used to calculate it.

= (net income/net sales) * 100

= $136,000 / 771,000

= 17.69%

Learn more about Profit margins, here:


which characteristic is typical of a c corporation? multiple choice shareholders must be u.s. citizens limited liability, but taxed like a partnership or sole proprietorship flexibility to be taxed in several different ways with a limited life taxed separately from its owners who also enjoy limited liability


Taxed separately from its owners who also enjoy limited liability corporations are taxed separately from their owners; and owners enjoy limited liability.

One of the main benefits of investing in publicly traded corporations is the limitation of liability. Even if a firm later goes bankrupt and still has financial commitments, a shareholder's culpability is limited to the amount of their investment in the company. This is true even if they are fully involved in the company's growth.

A person with limited liability has a legal status where their financial obligation is capped at a certain amount, typically the amount they invested in a corporation, business, or partnership. When a business that offers limited liability to its investors is sued, the claimants often only have access to the company's assets and not the assets of its shareholders or other investors.

To learn more about limited liability refer here:


if ozark chooses to redeem the shares on june 18, 2025, what amount will the investor be paid for their 400 shares?


The amount the investor will be paid for their 400 shares on June 18, 2025 will be $4,000, based on the assumption that the redemption price is $10 per share.

What does Redemption price?

The redemption price is the cost of buying or selling a security back to the issuer. It is typically set at par (100 cents on the dollar) with the security's face value. Investors value the redemption price because it guarantees a return on investment regardless of market conditions.

What does Investor mean?

An investor is someone who invests money in a company, project, or other venture in order to profit from it. Individuals, institutions, and even governments can be investors. Most investors seek a return on their investment, which could take the form of interest payments, dividends, or capital appreciation.

To know more about Market condition,


Which of the elements of a legal contract does an insurance premium payment represent?


Legitimate Thought

This addresses the dollar worth of the expenses that the guaranteed consents to pay and the dollar furthest reaches of the inclusion that the back up plan will give consequently. Assuming the insurance agency gets a case that is shrouded in the strategy, then the back up plan will pay this case.

What are the components of an insurance policy?

There are four vital components to contain a legitimately official agreement:

(1) Deal and acknowledgment,

(2) thought,

(3) lawful reason, and

(4) skilled gatherings.

The successful date of a strategy is the date the guarantor acknowledges a proposal by the candidate "as composed."

Which contract component is insurable?

One more component of a legitimate insurance policy is insurable interest. Insurable interest is a part of lawful reason. This implies that the individual gaining the agreement (the candidate) should be dependent upon misfortune upon the demise, disease, or inability of the individual being safeguarded.

What is the meaning of a superior in the agreement of protection?

An insurance expense likens to the cash that is paid by any individual or organization/business for profiting of a protection contract. The insurance installment sum is affected by various factors and fluctuates starting with one payee then onto the next.

Learn more about Legitimate Thought here:


What are the role of political parties?


Role of political parties: Nominate candidates, organise their supporters, get involved in politics, serve as a "bonding agent" for their own elected officials, and keep an eye on the other party.

A political party's nomination procedure often determines the candidates for president. The general guidelines for the nomination process are established by the national committee of each party, therefore the procedures for choosing candidates can change between political parties.

Primaries and caucuses are the two primary state-level election formats that make up the nomination process. The rules that will apply to each state's specific election fight are decided by the party committee.

To learn more about candidate visit here:


a 100-ruble tax on each bottle purchased may reduce the consumption of vodka under which circumstance(s)?


A hundred rouble tax on every bottle bought might also additionally lessen the intake of vodka below which circumstance(s) Option e. both (b.) and (c.)

The required details about Vodka is mentioned in below paragraph.

Vodka is a clean distilled alcoholic beverage. Different sorts originated in Poland, Russia, and Sweden. Vodka consists specially of water and ethanol however on occasion with strains of impurities and flavourings Vodka is a clean distilled alcoholic beverage. Different sorts originated in Poland, Russia, and Sweden. Vodka consists specially of water and ethanol however on occasion with strains of impurities and flavourings.Traditionally, it's far made via way of means of distilling liquid from fermentedcereal grains, and potatoes due to the fact that added in Europe withinside the 1700's. Some contemporary-day manufacturers use fruits, honey, or maple sap because the base.


The Russian government wants to reduce the consumption of vodka. A one hundred rouble tax on each bottle purchased may reduce the consumption of vodka under which circumstance(s)?

a. vodka is an inferior good

b. vodka is a normal good

c. vodka is an inferior good and the taxes collected from this tax are rebated to consumers

d. vodka is a normal good and the taxes collected from this tax are rebated to consumers

e. both (b.) and (c.)

To learn about Vodka visit here.


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces ______________ the allocatively efficient amount.A less thanB more thanC the same amount asD One cannot tell.


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces the same amount as the allocative efficient amount. Therefore, the option C holds true.

An oligopoly can be referred to or considered as a form of market structure, wherein only a few sellers are available to produce a good or service, and the buyers are relatively higher in numbers. When firms establish a cartel in such a market structure, then the prices of the goods are set by them to produce goods and allocate them as per the most efficient demand which prevails in the market.

Learn more about an oligopoly here:


throughout the process of originating and selling mortgages, mortgage companies face a number of risks. therefore, it is important for a lending institution to evaluate the risks of mortgage loan default through a process commonly referred to as:


The process of evaluating the risks of mortgage loan default through a process commonly referred as loan underwriting.

Mortgage loan

In accounting, a secured loan that allows you to avail funds by providing an immovable asset, such as a house or commercial property, as collateral to the lender is known as mortgage loan


Here we need to identify the the process of originating and selling mortgages, mortgage companies face a number of risks. therefore, it is important for a lending institution to evaluate the risks of mortgage loan default through a process.

As per the definition of mortgage loan, here we have the process of originating and selling mortgages, mortgage companies face a number of risks.

So, here we know that in this one we have to use the loan underwriting in order to evaluate the risk.

To know more about Mortgage loan here.


the responsibility for keeping the records for an asset should be separate from the physical custody of that asset true falsw


The answer is false. The separation of custody and accounting of assets is known as segregation of duties, not shielding assets and records. This is one of the interior controls that should be carried out to forestall extortion and blunders.

Segregation of duties is indispensable in an arrangement of inside control.

The reasoning for segregation of duties is that crafted by one representative ought to, without a duplication of exertion, give a solid basis to assessing crafted by another worker.

There are two normal utilizations of this guideline:

1. The obligation regarding related exercises ought to be doled out to various people.

2. The obligation regarding record keeping for a resource ought to be independent from the physical custody of a resource.

Related Exercises - When one individual is liable for the connected exercises as a whole, the potential for blunders and inconsistencies is expanded.

           ·     Related buying exercises ought to be allocated to various people. Related buying exercises incorporate requesting merchandise, getting products, and paying (or approving installment) for merchandise.

           ·     Related deals exercises likewise ought to be doled out to various people. Related deals exercises incorporate making a deal, transporting (or conveying) the products to the client, and charging the client.

Record Keeping Separate from Physical Custody - The overseer of the resource is not prone to change the assets over completely to individual use assuming one worker keeps up with the record of the resource that ought to be on hand and an alternate representative has physical custody of the resource.

to know more about physical custody click here:


effective sales promotion efforts focus exclusively on external audiences such as dealers and consumers, since they ultimately decide the fate of a product. effective sales promotion efforts focus exclusively on external audiences such as dealers and consumers, since they ultimately decide the fate of a product. false true


Effective sales promotion efforts focus exclusively on external audiences such as dealers and consumers, since they ultimately decide the fate of a product: false.

What is an ad?

In Business management, an ad is an abbreviation for advertisement and it can be defined as a group of consumer and sales promotion campaign which is designed and developed with the sole intention of making the various quality goods or services that are being produced or offered by a business organization (company or firm) to become known, popular, and familiar to all of its customers and potential customers.

Generally speaking, effective sales promotion and advertisement efforts should be focused exclusively on internal employees such as salespersons or salespeople, since they are an integral part of the total sales promotion efforts.

Read more on advertisements here:


critics of advertising argue that advertising a. increases competition by providing information about prices. b. lowers barriers to entry into an industry because new firms can more easily establish themselves as competitors. c. encourages monopolization of markets by raising entry barriers. d. creates demand for products that people otherwise do not want or need.


Advertising is criticized for creating demand for goods that consumers would not otherwise want or need. The right response in this case is option D.

Many people criticize advertising for making exaggerated promises about items and for frequently pressuring customers to buy things they don't need. Critics of advertising contend that it causes less elastic consumer demand for goods and a greater price markup above marginal cost.

According to the proverb, effective advertising involves communicating with the appropriate audience at the appropriate moment. The right audience targeting for advertising is becoming more and more challenging.

Advertising would have us believe that we can buy whatever we require. Another significant drawback of advertising is that it misleads us into believing that everything we require can be bought, leading us to believe that our top priority in life should be accumulating wealth.

To learn more about advertising


an apple juice company set its company objective and strategy to grow its market dominance by 5% in 2016. the marketing department set their strategy to create and additional product to offer the market, but were so excited about and focused on getting the new product formulated and onto the market that they conducted no market research to get an indication if the market wanted such a drink. what did the marketing department forget in collecting inputs for their strategy?


The marketing department forgot the target customer in collecting inputs for their strategy.

How does target group strategy work?

A target market strategy is a business plan that aims to increase sales and brand recognition within a certain demographic of customers. To do this, firms develop their strategies depending on the demography of the market, which is the area or group targeted for the selling of products. Geographical, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segments make up the four target markets. For instance, if you run a daycare center, children and their parents are your target demographic. They will be the ones to use your services. However, your target market may also consist of neighborhood companies, grandparents, local schools and churches, as well as members of your community.

To know more about target market strategy, visit:


If a company's operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable. True or False?


If a company's operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable is False .

The term "average payment period" refers to the average number of days it takes a business to pay its supplier the amount due. In contrast, the average collection period measure shows how long it typically takes a business to collect and turn its accounts receivable into cash.

The typical collection period is the length of time it takes a business to collect its accounts receivable (AR). In other terms, it refers to the length of time it typically takes for a business to collect money from clients or consumers.

To know more about inventories visit :


the texas farm bureau represents which segment of the texas agricultural industry?


The texas farm bureau represents which segment of the texas agricultural industry retail trade groups.

The agriculture industry is made of businesses and agencies which might be concerned in the manufacturing of meals or plants for consumption functions. This consists of each corporations focusing on elevating animals and enterprises in growing crops.

Cotton, wool, and leather-based are all agricultural products. Agriculture additionally offers wood for construction and paper products. those merchandise, in addition to the rural methods used, might also range from one part of the world to another. Over centuries, the growth of agriculture contributed to the upward push of civilizations.

Agriculture is the primary source of national earnings for most growing countries. however, for the advanced nations, agriculture contributes a smaller in step with cent age to their country wide income. Agricultural area affords fodder for domestic animals. Cow affords human beings with milk that is a form of defensive food.

Learn more about agriculture industry here:


depreciation expense is net income in a statement of cash flows prepared using the indirect method because it .multiple choice question.added back to; is a cash outflow subtracted from; is a cash inflowadded back to; is a noncash expenseadded back to; is a financing activitysubtracted from; is a cash outflow subtracted from; is a noncash expenseadded back to; is a cash inflow


Depreciation expense is net income in a statement of cash flows prepared using the indirect method because it is a noncash expense added back. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a depreciation expense?

A fixed asset's share that is deemed used inside the reporting quarter is subject to depreciation expense. The cost is subsequently added to the expense list. With this payment, the remaining balance of marketable securities will be steadily decreased as whose value is depleted over time.

Net income fails to take into account cash generated from operations even though depreciation is subtracted by the accountant when calculating net income. Depreciation expense should be put revenue is recognized under the indirect method because net income serves as the preliminary step for calculating cash flows generated by operational activities. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about depreciation expense, here:


For most corporations, physical-distribution activities are usually the responsibility of the marketing department.


It is a true statement that in most corporations, the physical-distribution activities are usually the responsibility of the marketing department.

What is physical distribution?

In a typical firm, the physical distribution refers to movement of finished goods from a company’s distribution and network to the end user. In e commerce, the term "physical distribution" does involves several e commerce supply chain activities including warehousing, inventory control, order processing, retail fulfillment, and shipping.

In many cases, the physical distribution of goods consists of numerous fulfillment centers within a single distribution network to reduce shipping costs and speed up transit times for customer orders.

Read more about physical distribution


under a u.s. treaty, what must a non-resident corporation create in the united states before it is subject to u.s. taxation on its business profits?


Under a U.S. treaty, a non-resident corporation create in the united states before it is subject to U.S. taxation on its business profits must have permanent establishment.

What do you mean by the non-resident corporation?

The term "non-resident firm" refers to a business that, according to the Income Tax Act, is not a resident business. A corporation that is a resident of India is one that is either registered there or whose headquarters and management are there.

Non-effectively connected U.S.-source revenue, which a foreign corporation receives but is not directly related to a U.S. trade or business, is taxable on a gross basis. Therefore, no deductions are permitted. The tax rate on this income is a flat 30%.

If certain conditions are met, a corporation that was formed outside of Canada is considered to be a non-resident for the entirety of the tax year.

Therefore, under a U.S. treaty, a non-resident corporation create in the united states before it is subject to U.S. taxation on its business profits must have permanent establishment.

To know more about the non-resident corporation, visit:


all of these are costs of nonconformance except: a. training. b. rework and repair. c. scrap. d. liability judgments.


All of these are costs of nonconformance rework and repair, scrap,  liability judgments except  training.

What does liability mean?

A person's or organization's financial responsibility for any losses or damages caused to another person or organization is referred to as "liability" in law. It generally refers to the responsibility to pay for any damage caused by one's own actions or negligence.

What does Organization mean?

Organization is the process of structuring and coordinating the activities of people and resources in order to achieve a goal or set of goals. It entails establishing or creating distinct lines of authority, responsibilities, communication, and decision-making. Setting goals, planning, controlling resources, and assessing progress are all part of the process.

Therefore the option A. training is the correct option.

To know more about Liability,


What type of communication channels do not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization?


Informal channel is the type communication channel that does not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization

Informal Channel of communication doesn't follow the laid rule or hierarchy of command. is also an official way of communicating, with somewhat relaxed norms. It is a casual exchange of information among coworkers. Informal communication channel is an unofficial and unstructured channel which is not prescribed by the organization but exists due to personal and social needs of people working in an organization.

Lunchtime is an example of informal communication channel because, the atmosphere during that time is relaxed and communication and discussion among workers are encouraged.

Single strand, gossip chain, probability chain and clusters are types of informal communication.

Learn more about communication channel here


mccabe corporation is expected to pay the following dividends over the next four years: $6.20, $17.20, $22.20, and $4.00. afterward, the company pledges to maintain a constant 5.5 percent growth rate in dividends forever. if the required return on the stock is 9 percent, what is the current share price?


With the present value of the shares the Current price of shares will be $125.56

The present value (PV) of a share's expected future dividend, discounted at the needed rate of return, is what determines a share's worth, according to the dividend valuation model. We will sum the PV of its future dividends as follows: PV in year 1 = 6.20 ×   1.09^(-1)= 5.69, PV in year 2 = 17.20 × 1.09^(-2)= 14.48, PV in year 3 = 22.20 ×  1,09^(-3)=17.14, PV in year 4 = 4 × 1.09^(-4)= 2.83, PV in year 5 and beyond =  (4 × 1.055)/(0.09-0.055) ×1.09^(-4)    = 85.42, Current price = 5.69  + 14.48 + 17.14  +  2.83  + 85.42 = 125.56 ad Current price =$125.56

To learn more about present value here:


your store sells five varieties of 16 oz. bags of potato chip costing $1.25, $1.49, $1.50, $1.39, and $1.35 respectively. what is the mean price of the 16 oz. bags of potato chips?


$1.40  is the mean price of the 16 oz. bags of potato chips.

Why do you use the word costing?

Any method for allocating expenses to a company component is known as budgeting. Price is frequently used to establish expenses for customers, channels of distribution, personnel, regions, goods, product offerings, processes, subsidiaries, and whole businesses.

What does business cost?

 Costing is the process a businessman uses to figure out the cost of producing and selling any individual product (item or services).


The mean is the average:

(1.25 + 1.49 + 1.50 + 1.39 + 1.35)/5 = 1.396

The closes option is $1.40

To know more about costing visit:



2. What are at least two other distinctions between the three nations that affect the standard of living besides the ones listed on the table? Explain why these factors are important. (2 points)

3. Explain the connection between at least some of the statistics in the "standard of living" section of the table and in the "economy" section. How can improving one category through an investment in human capital improve the other? Support your answer with information from the table. (2 points)


Apart from the factors indicated in the table, the differences between the three countries that affect their standard of life are housing availability and birth rates.

How might investments in human capital strengthen a country's economy?

Economic growth is made possible by human capital. Human capital growth in fields like science, education, and management promotes innovation, social equity, better productivity, and improved participation rates, all of which support economic expansion. These talents are increased by human capital building, which also raises the standard of living for the majority of people.

More economic growth results from a population with higher quality. Thus the amount of the skilled labor required depends on the rate of economic growth spurred by consumer spending and company investment. It is evident from the given chart that the life expectancy and other factors of life increases when the government expenditure on these social factors increases. This is in the case of Australia and  America, which are higher than the standard of living in Iran.

To learn more about economic growth, visit:


discount computers' accounts receivable increases during the year by $3.3 million. what is the amount of cash received from customers during the reporting period if its sales are $48.0 million? (enter your answer in millions of dollars rounded to 1 decimal place.)


The amount of cash received from customers during the reporting period would be $44.7 million

Amount of cash received = Total sales - Total discount

= $48.0 million - $3.3 million

= $44.7 million

The balance of money owed to a business for goods or services delivered or utilised but not yet paid for by clients is known as accounts receivable (AR).

On the balance sheet, accounts receivable are shown as a current asset. Any sum of money that clients owe for purchases they made using credit is known as AR.

Discount means deduction from the face amount of an invoice, made in advance of its payment.

To know about accounting here


What type of correlation is found between price and demand Mcq?


An economic principle known as the law of demand explains why there is an inverse relationship between the demand for a commodity or service and its price. When a good or service's price rises, less people will buy it, and vice versa, if all other variables stay the same.

The rule of demand, a cornerstone of economics, states that the quantity demanded is always inversely related to the price of the goods. In other words, demand will decrease as price increases and vice versa. The rule of demand, a cornerstone of economics, states that the quantity demanded is always inversely related to the price of the goods. In other words, demand will decrease as price increases and vice versa. Demand is the term used to describe a consumer's desire to buy a product or service. The availability of an item or service on the market is referred to as its supply.

Learn more about price from


if he uses the first come, first served priority rule to schedule these jobs, what will be the average completion time?


First Come, First Served (FCFS) is the simplest scheduling algorithm.

What is First Come, First Served:

There is only one rule:

Let the initial process start when it is scheduled to and let it finish on its own. This scheduling technique is non-preemptive, which implies that only one process may be active at a time, regardless of how well it utilizes the system's resources, whether there is a waiting list for other processes, and regardless of the relative significance of those processes.

The algorithm is not commonly used because of these drawbacks, but it is included here as a benchmark against which to evaluate more straightforward techniques.

"Jobs are handled in the order in which they arrive at a machine or work center," according to the FCFS sequencing regulation.

Learn more about First Come, First Served:


a bank receives a demand deposit of $1,000. the bank loans out $600 of this deposit and increases its excess reserves by $300. what is the legal reserve requirement?


10% is the legal reserve requirement.

law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable with the aid of social or governmental institutions to alter behavior,[2] with its unique definition a matter of longstanding debate.[3][4][5] it's been variously described as a science[6][7] and because the art of justice.[8][9][10] country-enforced legal guidelines can be made by way of a group legislature or through a unmarried legislator, ensuing in statutes; by using the govt through decrees and regulations; or mounted by judges via precedent, usually in common law jurisdictions. private people can also create legally binding contracts, which include arbitration agreements that adopt opportunity ways of resolving disputes to conventional courtroom litigation.

Learn more about legal


3m wants to manage processes such as accounting more efficiently. if you were the chief financial officer, what type of group would you form to address this ongoing need?


The type of group that can be formed to address the ongoing need is through the formation of a cross-functional team.

What is a cross-functional team?

A cross-functional team is a team made up of people from different departments or functional areas of an organization. These teams are designed to bring together expertise and knowledge from different areas of the organization, allowing them to collaborate and create innovative solutions to business problems. Cross-functional teams are also often used to increase communication and cooperation between departments and to foster collaboration and communication among team members.

A Process Improvement Group can be formed which will be composed of a cross-functional team of individuals from the accounting, finance, IT, and operations departments. This team would have the responsibility of identifying areas of improvement and developing strategies to streamline existing processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. The team would also be tasked with researching and evaluating new technologies and software solutions that could benefit the organization. The Process Improvement Group would be responsible for implementing best practices and ensuring that the accounting processes are compliant with all applicable regulations.

It can be concluded that the type of group that can be formed to address the ongoing need is through the formation of a cross-functional team.

To know more about cross-functional teams, check this link:


a zero-based budget is a budget that is continuously updated so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted.A. TrueB. False


It is false that a zero-based budget is a continuously updated budget so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted.

What is zero-based budget and its significance?

Zero-Based Budgeting is a way to allocate all your money to spending on needs and wants, not just short- and long-term savings and debt payments. The goal is to have your income minus your expenses equal to zero by the end of the month.

Who is the father of zero-based budgeting?

Pyhrr developed zero-based budgeting from 1969 until 1971, when he was an accountant for Texas Instruments.

Who uses zero-based budgeting?

These companies include Kraft Heinz Co., Mondelez International Inc., and Unilever PLC. In traditional budgeting, companies start with the previous period's budget as a template and build on that.

To learn more about Zero-Based Budget visit:


each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is :


The portion of the following payment that is related to notes payable rises each time an installment note payment is made. This assertion is accurate.

A payable installment note is what?

The repayment of long-term debts owed is typically done in installments, also referred to as monthly payments of equal amounts. Each installment include both the interest payment and a portion of the principle. Over the duration of the loan, the principle is repaid annually rather than in full all at once.

How are payable notes with a down payment supposed to be recorded?

If a cash down payment is made, it must be deducted from the face value before the notes are recorded as payables. As a result, you only record the outstanding principal balance. The down payment is placed in the cash account.

Learn more about notes payable:


Which best describes how an investor makes money off debt?


An investor makes money by issuing bonds. They are debt securities. That is, an investor lends money (principal) to a company or the government for a period of time in exchange for a series of interest payments (yield).

When the bond reaches maturity, the principal is returned to the investor. In the exchange for buying a bond, an investor or bondholder receives the periodic interest payments called coupons. Quarterly, semi-annual or yearly coupon payments are intended to provide investors with regular and predictable income. There are many types of funds, but the main ones are equity funds and debt funds.

To learn more about debt, click here.


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